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[Bt E&BOTBia Telegraph.— Copyright.]

(Reoteb's Telegrams.)

. • ' ' London, April 18th. Daniel Curley, tbe second of the prisoners charged, with the Phoenix Park murders, has been found guilty and sentenced to death. A box containing explosives has been found outside Salisbury Cathedral, and the intended outrage on that edifice has thus been averted. The discovery has caused some alarm in the Arrived, at Plymouth : Steamship Siam, from Melbourne (March Ist). Consols have declined J, and are now quoted at 102 J. New Zealand securities remain at the following quotations :— 5 per cent. 10-40 loan, 108*;.5per cent. 1889 loan, 106; 4£ per cent. 1879-1904 loan, 102$ ; 4 per cent, inscribed etook, 102$. Adelaide wheat (ex store) remains at 50s ; New Zealand 'do at 44s to 48s; Adelaide flour (ex .warehouse), 34b. Australian tallow continues firm at 44s for beef, and 46s for mutton. > IV. • April 19th. -;The trial of Timothy Kelly, for the murder ''"'of Lord-Cavendish and Mr Burke, was commenced in Dublin to-day. "Whitebe&d proprietor of the dynamite factory at Birmingham which was seized the other day, and the other dynamite conspirators who Were arrested at London, were again brought np at the Bow street Police Court today.' Norman, a former accomplice of the prisoners, who has turned informer, gave evidence to the^ffect that the Fenian fraternity in New York had hatched a plot to destroy the public buildings in London ; that O'Donovan Kossa had been one of tho abettors; and that Gallagher, one of the prisoners now before the Court, had directed the movements of the gang. The case is still proceeding. The Hon. Evelyn Ashley, Under-secretary for the Colonies, in the course of a speech which he made last evening at Northampton, Btated that he expected that the annexation of New Guinea would have been undertaken by England in self-defence, to prevent its acquisition by other Powers. Inthe House of Commons to-day the Hon. E, Ashley, in reply to a question, Btated that

no step would be taken by the Imperial Government in regard to the annexation of New Guinea pending the receipt of Governor Kennedy's dispatch on the subject. The total reserve in the Bank of England in notes and bullion is £11,300,000— a decrease of £200,000 during the week. The proportion ot reserves to liabilities remains at 37 per cent. The Bank rate of discount is unchanged nt 3 per cent. The market rate is 2J. Consols, 102£. New Zealand securities remain at yesterday's quotations. The market for Colonial breadstufis and tallow is without quotable change. For Australian hides prices are firmly maintained. (Per Merchant Shipping and Underwriters'

Association.) New York, April 19th.~ Arrived : Odin, Bhip, from Auckland (December 16th). April 20th.

A pension of £2000 a year was voted by the House of Commons last night to Sir Garnet Wolseley. A box containing gunpowder has been discovered at tho back ot the Times office. It is believed that it was intended to blow up the buildiug, but no clue to projected outrage has yet been discovered.

In the House of Commons to-day Mr Gladstone made a statement regarding New Guinea. He expressed the opinion that any steps in connection with the annexation of that island would bo premature pending i'eceipt of a dispatch from Sir Arthur Kennedy giving the reasona of the Queensland Government for the action which has been taken. The Premier added that the annexation of New Guinea by Queensland would be invalid unless it received Imperial sanction.

April 21st.

In the House of Lords last evening, Lord Carnarvon, formerly Secretary of State for the Colonies, reviewed the question of the annexation of New Guinea, and in the course of his speech vindicated the motives which prompted the recent action of the Queensland Government. Lord Derby, in reply, stated that the matter had been brought under the notice of the Colonial Office months ago by the Queensland Agent-general, who advanced scrong reasons for annexing the island, and asked whether the Imperial Government would sanction it, stating that Queensland was prepared to provide for the necessary expenditure in governing the island. Sir A. Kennedy had been requested to report upon the question, and hi 3 dispatches were still awaited. Lord Derby stated that the news that the agent of the Queensland Government had taken possession of the island had therefore caused great surprise, no pledge having been given that such action would be sanctioned.

The jury in the case of Timothy Kelly, the third of the Phoenix Park prisoners, have been unable to agree upon a verdict, and have retired until Monday.

Recent telegrams are to hand from St. Petersburg stating that the coronation of the Czar will take place on May 27th, the date previously fixed, and not June 10th, as announced on the 16th. The Times, however, in its issue this morning considers the report a hoax.

Consols are quoted at 102$, being an advance of &. New Zealand securities remain at last quotations, viz. : — Five per cent. 10-40 loan, 108J ; 5 per cent. 1889 loan, 106 ; 4$ per cent. 1879 1904 loan, 102£; 4 per cent, inscribed stock, 102£. Colonial breadstuffs continue quiet at 50s for Adelaide wheat (ex store), 44s to 4Ss for New Zealand wheat (ex store), and 34s for Adelaide flour (ex store). The total quantity of wheat afloat for Great Britain is 2,070,000 quarters. Australian tallow is firm at 44s for best beef, and 463 for best mutton. Best Sydney sundried copra remains at £20 15s. Best Aus-. tralian leather is quoted at lOJd— a decline of Jd.

April 23rd. A box supposed to have contained dynamite was exploded yesterday close to the imperial Small-arms Factory at Enfield. The explosion did not, however, cause any damage to the factory or buildings in the neighbourhood. Two blocks of warehouses have been totally destroyed by fire at Liverpool. The loss zs estimated at £250,000.

In the House of Commons to-day the Attorney-general moved the second reading of he Affirmations in Lieu of Oaths Bill. The debate is now proceeding. In the appeal case of Bradlaugh v. Newdegate judgment has been given for the appellant. Mr Newdegate was condemned to pay the whole of the expenses.

Consols remain at 102g, and New Zealand securities at following quotations :— Five per cent. 10-40 loan, 108£ ; 5 per cent. 1889 loan, 106 ; 4& per cent. 1879-1904 loan, 102& ; 4 per cent, inscribed stock, 102&. Adelaide wheat is unchanged at 50s. New Zealand do has advanced Is per quarter, and is now worth 45s to 495. Adelaide flour has risen to 34s 6d. Australian tallow is firm at 44s for best beef, and 46s for best mutton.

Cape Town, April 21st. Mr S. J. P. Krugeroa, one of the triumvirate appointed in December, 1880, pending the selection of a President of the Transvaal, has been elected to the Presidential office.

Quebec, April 20th. A fire broke out to-day at the Provincial Parliament House in this city, and spread with such rapidity that the whole building was gutted before the flames could be got under. The origin of the fire iB so far unknown. It has been proved that the fire which led to the destruction of the Legislative Buildings was caused by Fenians, but the perpetrators of the outrage have not yet been arrested. Bombay, April 20th. A most disastrous fire has occurred at Delhi. The conflagration extended most rapidly, and covered an immense area. Fully 2000 houses have been destroyed.

St. Peterbburg, April 19th.

The trial of the Nihilists who were recently arrested concluded to-day, and resulted in the conviction of 18 prisoners. Sentence of death was passed upon six, and of penal servitude for life upon the remaining 12.

Madras, April 18th. Intelligence of a remarkable catastrophe is to hand from Secunderabad, a town in Hyderabad. A large number of Natives were worshipping on rafts in extensive tanks in the city, when one of the structures was suddenly upset. All the Natives who were on it were precipitated into the water, and 62 of them were drowned before assistance could reach them.

New York, April 18th. . At a meeting of Irish delegates, which has been held at Philadelphia, it has been decided to adhere to the intention of holding a convention in that city on the 25th inst. Mr Parnell, who was present, advised that the Convention should be postponed until the autumn. Tho leading delegates expressed themselves as opposed to the use of dynamite for obtaining redress of Irish grievances. New Yoek, April 23rd. News has been received here that a cyclone passed over the Mississippi States, destroying several villages and doing immense damage to property. According to tho latest news, 36 persons lost their lives, and 150 suffered injury of a more or less serious nature.

(Special to JPukss Association.)

London, April lSlh.

Tbe flight Rev. C. W. Stanford, Bishop of Tasmania, has been presented by his late congregation at Gibraltar with a silver and a cheque for £'1200.

Tho cargo of frozen moat by the ship JJunodin is belling at fid pur lb. Tho shipment per Cuzco is inferior to previous cargoes, and has realised 3d per lb. The market ia glutted. The City and Suburban Stakes was run for at the Epsom Spring meeting yesterday, and was won by Roysterer, Lowland Chief being second, and Sweetbread third.

April 19th. Kingston, another of the " Invincibles," has been arrested for complicity in the Park and > other murders.

The story told by a telegraph clerk of his having been kidnapped by Fenians is distrusted, and the clerk has been suspended. The Arabs are reported to be fighting amongst themselves in the vicinity of Aden. Troops have been despatched to restoie order. H.M.S. Dragon has been detained at Aden. The Prince of Bulgaria is on a visit to tho Sultan, and is treated as an Imperial guost. The Government has announced in the House of Commons its intention to appoint a l'ernianent Committee of Agriculture, under the presidency of the Right Hon. Mr Dodson. Government House at Ottawa has been threatened by the Fenians.

Kingston, one of th* tnvinciblos, was arrested at Bootless, a village contiguous to Liverpool,

The Victorian and New South Wales Courts at the Amsterdam Exhibition are almost ready for the receipt of exhibits. The other courts are behindhand, and it will be some time before they are completed. It is announced that the Prince of Wales will not attend the opening ceremony. Two vast squatting companies, for tho purchase of land in the Northern territory of Australia, will shortly be launched. Sir Julius Vogel is the promoter of one.

A general rebellion lias broken out in Ashantee.

Sir Stafford Northcote has unveiled the statue erected to the memory of Lord Boaconsfield. A large number of members of the Liberal party were present. Gallagher, one of the men in custody for being in unlawful possession of explosives, has hinted that it was intended to destroy Westminster Bridge and Scotland Yard with dynamite.

April 20th. Lord Derby has stated' in Parliament that Mr Archer, C. M. G. , Agent-general for Queensland, recently informed him that the Colony desired to annex New Guinea. He (Lord Derby) had written to the Colony on the subject, and was much surprised to hear that the annexation had actually taken place. The Cabinet had neither prompted nor approved of the Colony's action. The Brighton, steamer, intended for Sydney, has run a trial trip, and obtained a speed of 1.5 knots.

The recent telegrams published by the London Press from Australia on the subject of the annexation of New Guinea have caused the public to regard the action of the Queensland Government more favourably.

April 21st. The Spectator, Saturday Review, tooandard, and Telegraph all approve of the view that it will be difficult to decline sanctioning the annexation of New Guinea if the Australian Colonies really wish it to be annexed. The Spectator insists that New Guinea nhall, however, be treated as a Crown Colony. Lord Carnarvon urges that the Colonies should share the burden of its maintenance. Lord Derby has stated that the Government is not aware that any Foreign Power contemplates annexing New Guinea.

April 22nd. Twenty additional arrests have been made in Clare on charges of murder and conspiracy. The New York journals urge the American Government to punish the inciters of the dynamite outraged. Sulieman Pasha is dead.

It is announced that the Queensland Government will in a few weeks place a loan probably of £3,000,000, on the market.

M. Moran, Commissary of the Navy, has been appointed Governor of the Ifronch Oceanic Isles. The revolt in Aden has been quelled. Colenel Fred. Burnaby is recovering. A charter has been granted to tho Royal College of Music. Twenty thousand Chinese coolies have proceeded to Brazil.

Mr T. Spencer Wells, surgeon to the Queen's household, has been created a baronet. •

April 23rd. News has been received from the Cape that Asibegu has repulsed Cetewayo with great slaughter. The squatters in the Transvaal are evacuating Zimbuland, in consequence of the threatened outbreak of hostilities with the Boers.

The police authorities assert that lf>o,ooo Fenians have been enrolled in the United Kingdom.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will consecrate the Rev. C. W. Sandford as Bishop of Tasmania on Wednesday next. Count Boyes, Austrian ambassador, is on a visit to France.

President Arthur has been seriously ill, but is now recovering.

London, April 24th. The distress from which the peasantry of Ireland have been suffering is being alleviated.

A Fenian attack on Curragh Camp is meditated. The Vienna bakers have struck work. The reported dynamite explosion at Enfield has proved to be a hoax.

Mr Creighton, as representing the New Zealand Poßt-office in New York, is protesting against the high charges for carriage of the San Francisco mail across America.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 11

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BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 11

BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 11


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