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Commerc ial.


Tho Southland Farmers' Co-operative Association's report for the week ending Friday, 23rd June, is as follows :—

The business in the grain trade for the week has been very limited, in consequence of farmers showing no deßire to sell at tbe present market quotations. The stocks of threshed grain in the hands of the producers are very light. Advices to hand Ifrom Melbourne, Sydney ,and Adelaide up to late dates are of a favourable character, and the markets indicate a very firm tone ; and higher rates both in wheat, oats, and {lour are looked for. The stocks of oats in Melbourne and Adelaide are very light, and in this line of produce it is anticipated that very high rates will shortly rule. In Melbourne maize has been selling at 6s Od to ,6a lOd per bushol, and , even at these high quotations little or no margin is left to tho importers. R. Gnldsbrough and Co. (Limited), of Melbourne, advise by cablegram of the 17th inst. that thore is a strong demand for oats, and that an advance of 2d per bushel had taken place. The demand for all kinds of produce is very much in excess gf the supplies coming forward In Adelaide prices are well maintained, and oats are in great request at 4s to 4s Cd per bushel, according to quality; .md wheat is very firm &t & Blight advance on last week's quotations. Holders are firm in their demands, and look for advanced values. In Sydney the market is equally firm, except in potatoes. The heavy shipments by the s.s. Wak'atipu and W&itaugi have glutted she market, but as the supplies from Warrnambool, fort Fairy, and Tasmania aro almost exhausted,- the potato market in Sydney will no doubt, as stocks become reducod, improve. In tho early part of the month, the price 0/ potatoes had receded to as low as £3 15s per ton, but as flour is high the demand for potatoes will bo much in oxcobb of former seasons, and very high values may reasonably be calculated upon before tho ond of October next. New Zealand buttor in Sydney is in good demand at le 3d to 1b 6d per lb Oats are a little easier, but thu lull is only looked upon as temporary. Private sales were last week at made at from 3s lOd to ts 3d per bushel. In Adelaido tho produce market has a strong upward tendency. The stocks of oats aro very light, a»d values generally remain firm at last week's quotations, except that thero It an improvement in the wheat market. From South Australia favourable reports are to hand with respect to the season for growing crops. The weather has been all that couid be expeo'.ei, and thi?, combined with the general rainfall throughoi t that Colony, has given the young wheat plant agood start. The demand in the No rth Island is very great for both wheat, oats, and flour, and shipments aro now being raade from the Bluff. Tho Arabella cleared at the Customs 111 Mie early part of the week for Falmouth with 7578 bugs wheat, Bhipped by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. At present there is no vessel on Ihe berth f or either tho Continent or the United Kingdom. Mark Lane prices for New Zealand wheat, ex ship and Htore, per 4061b, by last mail, were firm at 51s to 53s for fair to good quality of round-berried ; 54s to 55s for long berried. Australian wheat was scarce on spot, :uid saleable at 65s per quarter, while Reuter's telegrams denote at the namo ,date New Zealand whoat itood at 53s andAdeiaido at 55s per 4061b. The stocks o( both wheat andjoata at the Bluff are accumulating, •nid the want of proper storage accommodation is severely felt. It is confidently reported that the Bluff Harbour authorities ara taking energetic steps to romedy this serious defect before next shipping season. The produce market remains firm at last week's quotations ; fie want of convenience for stoiing grain at tho Bluff retards business. In all probability the bulk of tho wheat and oats will shortly iind its way to the neighbouring Colonies ; and once the pressure for storage at the Bluff is relieved, high ;ates are expected to rule. Wheat. Prime milling is much inquired for, and principally of the Tuscan kinds. An advance on present quotations of 2d to 3d per bushel would be paid for immediate delivery. Wheat of medium to inferior quality is not much in demand. There, are very few parcels of wheat of any kind offering for sale. The advising rates are— for best Tuscan sorts, 58 per bushel at the Bluff for export ; good milling, 4s Od ; medium to soft, 4s to 4s 7d per bushel. The demand for seed wheat is not s-o brisk. The whoat markot has a very firm tone, with an upward tendency. Oats. — There are buyers for export of good fucd and milling oats at 2s lOd to Hs per bushel at the wayside railway-stations ; medium at Id to 2d por biwhel less. Ihe quotations are, tor delivery at the Bluff— for best feed and milling, 3s 2d to 3s 4d ; ordinary feed, 2s lid to 3s Id per bushel. liutter is in demand at from Is Id to la 3d per Ib., according to shipping condition. The local demand is very strong, and the supply is voiy limited. Malting Barley.— None offering.


At tho Grown Lands Othce yesterday, Mr Harlow submitted to auction a number of deferred-payment aud ordinary rural lands in the Kabnslaw Distrioi'.— Block II was put up at an upset price of 2Us per acre, and sales effected as follows : Section J, consisting of 59a 3r 24p, sold at £2 7s per acre, Mr D. Stronacli, agent ; section 2, 48a 2r «Bp, £5 lls por acre, Mr Stronach, agent ; section 5, 157& Or 21p, £?. 19-), Mr Sfcronaeh, agent; section 0, Jon 2r :;*p, £5 le, is'r htrunach, airent. G JKRKVAiiK.— Deiorrcd-paymcnt rural land. Section '.), book XIII, consisting oi 28(3a Or Sp, wcw Hold ut the I'.pset price (30s) to Wary M'Duff. Tcfapkka West. Deferred-payment ruml land. Section 2, block 111, 74a Or Bp, sold at upset price (30a) to 'Xhomas Dalziel.

East Gorh.— Deforred-paymont'suburbanland. Section 8, block XX, 4a lr 24p, sold at upset prlce(OOs) to B. G. M'Gill.


The salo of the deferred payment sections in the Taringatura district was held by Mr Pearson in the Land Office to-day (says Friday's Southland News). The bidding wan animated and the competition koun. Tho upset price on sections 351 to 363 was £1 10 a per aero, and that on tho other lota £1 sa, but it will bo suon that tho prices obtained were far in oxcphs of thoao sunia, in moat ca-es more than double. The fol1 /win? »ro the details : — Section. a. r. p. 342 178 2 14 313 183 3 24 3-17 145 2 0 348 102 2 20

Price. £2 7 3 0 3 0 3 12

Purchaser. M. M'Carthy John Crow P Lane T. J. Bennett

310 100 3 1 3 3 „ 350 81 2 22 2 16 D. Goblo 351 79 3 24 2 11 P. Mulano 352 06 0 0 3 3 W. Wilson 853 76 2 31 2 12 J. Clark The balloting for section 5, Lintloy village, 50 acros at £2 10s, resulted in favour of Georgo Robertson.


The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) have received the following telegram from thoir London office, dated 20th June:-

Market unchanged. Coarso greasy crossbred, market easier. The Home and German demand is frood, but from other quarters the demand is poor. Up to date 245,000 bales have been sold. The sale programme has been curtailed by four days.

Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. yesterday received the following cablegram, dated London, 20th inst. : ~

Greasy and washed lambs' wool selling well ; coarse crossbred weaker ; general tone of the market firm. The British and New Zealand Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) baave received the following talejtram from Meisrs Ilelinuth Schwartzo and Co., London, dated 13th inst. : — Prices for all good wools are well maintained. For coarso crossbreds in favour of buyers.


Tho telegram we published from a correspondent tho other day wont to bhow that the telegraphic quotations for grain from Sydney aro scarcely to be depended upon. Tho following letter, written to the Curistchurch Press by Mr E. S. Harley, produce manager of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, gives an explanation of the exact state of the Sydney wheat market:— ''Sir,— The quotations from Sydney for New Zealand wheat in that market, given in your issnes of June 3rd and 10th, under the hoading ' Reuter's Telegrams,' are of ao feriously misleading a nature as to demand correction, and I crave a *mall spaco in your columns for this purpose. On June 3rd New Zealand whoat is quoted at (is 9d per bushel, aud ou June 10th the price is stated to be 6a 8d per bushel. J«y the arrival of the Wakatipu yesterday we have Sydney files to June 7th, Up to that dato no such prices as thosementioned have ruled for New Zealand wheat. Our advices are to the effect that this wheat is worth 6a to 6s Gd. By the courtesy of the managing director of tho Grain Agency (Limited), I am permitted to quote tho following from their correspondent's letter ot May 25th, in reference to a parcel of wheat in his hands: 'As intimated in mi -oof May 13th, I could not get 5s 9d, and I cannot to-day get an offer of 5s 6d.' Messrs Roberts, Paxton, and Co. permit me to give their correspondent's quotations of June 7th— viz.: ' New Zealand wheat and oaw are without much alteration— the former 6s to 5s 3d, tho latter 3s 6d to 4s.* Again, another correspondent quotes—' New Zealand wheat, 5s 6d ; oats, easier, 3s 6d to 3s 10d.' And from Messrs Tate Bros.' produce roport of June Ist, I extract the following : " Wheat, best New South Wales, Os lOd to 6« 6d j South Australian, 6s to 6s 6d ; Tasrnanian, 5s 6d to 5s lOd ; New Zealand, 5s to Ds 3d.' These several advices to business houses, from their correspondents in the trade, are, of course, actual facts. It 'does not require me to point out that the fictitious prices quoted in your columns - so far at variance with the true market rates -are calculated to lead to heavy^ losbcs to those who are dependent on Press intelligence for their information, and aot thereon."

Messrs Mobt ahd Co,, of Sydney, report for the week ending June 9th as follows :— Grain.— At our sale. this week we disposed of New South Wales parcels of wheat at up to 6s BJd per bushel. Oats aro worth from 3b 9d to 4s per bushel. Our recent salts of New Zealand malting barley have boen at from 3< lid to 4s 4d per bushel. Wo quote bran and pollard at 20d per bußhol. Flour : The irarket continues extremely dull, with tendency to decline Buyers holding off, and some holders inclined to make concessions to induce business. Nominal quotations are : — New South Wales brands, £14 5s to £15'5s ; Adelaide do, £14 6s to £15 ss.

Auckland, Juno 20th,

A special telegram from San Francisco states that the mail steamer Australia has on board 4100 cental-* of wheat and 12,000 of flour for Sydney. Two sailing vessels have cleared with 87,200 centals for Sydney, and one vessel for Adelaide, with 41,900 centals. Tho price of wheat at San JTrancis«o is Idol 07c.

Mr Donald Sthonach (on behalf of the Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited) roports for the week ending 2lßt June as follows :—

Fat Cattle were in small supply, 122 being yarded, of which 15 wore stores and dairy cows, remainder chiefly medium, with a few prime pentf. Last week's prices were well maintained. Bullocks fetched from £'i 12s 6d to £13, and cows £2 16s to £0. We sold drafts on account of the Seadown Estate, 24 bullocks at £9 7s Gd to £10 7a Cd ; and on account of Mr Alex. Thomson, 17 bullocks at £6 17s Cd to £13 per head We quote prime beef 25s per 1001b. Fat Calves.— Seven were gold at from la Cd to 32s each.

Fat Sheep.— The supply was excessively large, consisting of 4555 head, of which 713 were stores and 500 merinos. Prices in many instances were lower than last market rates, but competition being irregular, the reduction was not perceptible all over. Crossbreds fetched from lls to 17s, aud merinos (is Cd to 8s 6d. Our sales were on account of the following constituent* :— Messrs G. Oliver, 191 half6reds at 15s to 15s 6d ; A. M'Laren, 315 crossbreds at 13s to 13a 3d ;M. Henderson (Moeraki), 100 at 13s to 12s 3d ; Hall, 24 at 103 Cd ; a'so, on account of the Estbrook Estate, 90 at 14s Gd to 14s 9d ; and 226, on account of other vendors, at 14s to 14s 3d , also, 470 merinos at G3 6d to 7s 3d. We quote mutton 2Jd por lb. Fat Lambs.— llo were sold at from Cs to 9s 3d. Our sales were, on account of Mr Hall, 37 at 6s to 88 3d.

Fat Pigs.— The market was very fully supplied with 238 head, which sold at Is to 645. We sold 31, on account of Mr Thomas Orr, at 15s to 41s ; and on account of Mr 0. H. Jesßop, 55 at 1b to 6s 6d por head

Wool.— Wo refer to telegram just received from our London office, and published in another column. Sheepskins. — Our auction on Monday was well attended, and under gottd competition we cleared a largo catalogue, consisting chiefly of butchers' akins, which realised an advanco on last rates. Dry and station skins sold at from Is 4d to 3s Id ; butchers' cro'sbreds, from 2s 9d to 4s 4d ; merinos, from 2s Cd to 3s 9d ; pelts, Is 3d ; greasy skins in bales, 4Jd to 5Jd per lb. Hides.— We have no change to report, and quote <Jd per lb for well-trimmed, sound, hoavy hides. Tallow. — We cleared all consignments to hand on Monday at about last week'a prices, condition being considered, and quote up to 30s for well-reuderod t illow in packages for shipment, and upto 19a for rou^h fat.

Grain.— Wheat : Transactions are almost at a standstill, millers being well blocked and not disposed to purchase, as they doubt whethor present prices in the Australian market will be maintained. Holders in the mono time show no inclination to give way, con- j sequently, while extra prime milling and fowl feed j can find buyers without difficulty, medium and in- | ferior descriptions arc quite neglected. We quote j prime milling 4s lOd to 4s lLd ; medium (nominal), 4a to 4s 8d ; fowls' feed and inferior, 2s Cd to Bs 9d per bushol. Oats: Thero have been consideiablc arrivals in this market of inferior and discoloured oats, which are difficult to quit ; but bright feed and good milling are freely taken up, principally for shipping. We quote prime milling 3s 2d ; good bright feed, 3s to 3a Id; inferior and discoloured, 2s 6d to 33. Barley: Inquiry continues good for prime samples of malting, which would command up to 4s 9d to sa, but few

tamples 01 this dunrrptioa are ollering.

Mcasrt; WjtiGin 1 , Hi'kpiiknkon, and Co. roport for week 1 tailing 2LaL June as> followo ;— I

Fat Cattle.— A phorfc aupnly canio to haml to-day, only 107 hea>l being jardud. Thote iur the mo-,1, pavfc I were of nvdium quality. Owing to the swvli nu>nuer ; forward the demand was good, and. last wok's prices 1

fully maintained. We sold 80 head, as follows j-On account of John Shand, Esq. (Centre Bush), 16 bullocks at from £8 15s to £9 17b 6d ; on account of James Shand, E«q. (Edendale), 15 bullocks at from £7 to £9 ; on account of John Roid, Esq (Corner Bush), 17 heifers at from £4 5s to £5 15s; on account of James Gow, Esq. (Invermay), 6 bullocks at from ,C 8 153 to £9, and 4 heifers at from £6 16s to £8 10s ; on account of Mr Wm. Bissett (Oamaru), 4 bullocks at from £7 78 6d to £8 2b 6d, and 8 heifers at from £6 10s to £7 2s 6d ; on account of Messrs W. Irvine, W. lteany, J. Holmes, and otheis, 11 head cows, at from £2 7s 6d t-> £6 2a 6d. We quote prime beef at fully 253 per 1001b. Privately during the week wo have placed 20 head bullocks. Fat Calves.— Seven ponned. We sold four from In-vi-rmay at from 23s to 325. Fat Sheep.- The markot was again glutted to-day, no lci-s than 3512 sheep being penned. Of these about, 500 were merinos, the rest crossbreds of fair to good quality. Tho demand was dull, and price 3 suffered a decline of at least Is per head on last week's quotations. We sold 1088 as follows :— On account of Mr John Nichol, 38G crossbred ewes and wethers at from 12s 6 1 to 143 3d ; on account of Messrs lloss Bros., 240 crossbred wethers at lls 3d, 82 crossbred ewes at 10s 9d, and 118 halfbred owes at 10s ; on account of David Grant, E«q. (Granton), 116 erosabred ewes at 10s 9d ; and on account of Mr T. Finnic (Saddle Hill), 67 crossbred ewes at 14s. We quote prime mutton at 2id per lb. Fat Lambs.— llo penned. We sold 80 on account of Mr L). Leach (Temuka) at 9d 3d. Pig d< _233 penned. We sold 113 at from 2s to 60s each, according to description. Prime bacon piga are in good demand. Store Cattle.— No transactions to report.

Store Sheep.— At the Burnside yards to-day 713 were penned. We sold 199 crossbred ewes at from 10a to 10s 9d, and ISO merino ewes at 3s 6d. Horses -The demand for first-class young draughts continues good. Last Saturday we sold eight medium draughts onaccountof MrE. M'Grath(Timaru), at from £20 to £32 ; we also sold, on account of other vendors, it, largo number of draught and light.-harneas horses. We quote first-class draughts at from £35 to £40 ; medium, £20 to £30 ; good hacks and light-havnc»s horses, £20 to £25 ; medium, £10 to £15 ; light and iaferi'jr, £3 to £6 Sheepskins. -Wo held our weekly sale last Monday, and tho same was well attended by the trade, who competed well for every lot on the catalogue. Dutchers' green skins, urossbreds, fetched from 3s Gd f 1 ** : merino, 2s 3d to 33 7d ; station skins up to 6a 4d. Hales and Tallow.— We did not offer any this week.

Grain.— Wheat: The market is very rpiiob at present, there bejing/ little demand either for local consumption or for export. We givß tho following quo tations (which, however, in th't ateonce of any oxten- ■ ire Hales, can only be looked upon as nominal) :— Prune milting (Tuscan and pearl velvet), 4s 9d to ss ; rod straw, 4s 8d to 4s M ; ordinary, 4s 2d to 4s (id ; inferior and fowls' wheat, 3s 3d to 3a 9d. Oats : There is afair inquiry for good bright feed and milling oats, but discoloured parcels aro most ditlicult to quit. We quote best milling at from 3s 2d to 3* 3d ; good bright short feed, 3s Id to 3s 2d ; ordinary, 2s lOd to 3s. Barley : We have no change, either in demand or values, to note.

Messrs MActiKAN akd Co. report for the week onding 21st June as follows :—

Fat Cattle.— A very moderate supply of 122 head came forward today, about half of which were prime quality, the remainder being little better thau stores, and notwithstanding tho small numbers jardedfor the last fortnight, prices showid rather a decline on late quotations. Prime bullocks brought from £8 10s to £13 ; medium and light weights, £3 10a to £6 ; cowb and heifers, from £3 to £8 10*. We sold a draft of cows and bullocks on account of James Rutherford, Heq. (Summerhill), at from £5 17b Cd to £3 15s ; and 10 head on accouut of variouß vendors at quotations. We quote prime beef 22s 6d per 1001b. Fat Calves.— Seven were yarded, and sold at up to 30s each. Fat Sheep.— A very largo supply came forward again for to-day's raarkot, 3842 being penned, 600 of which were merinos, the lot being cleared at a reduction of fully 1b per hoad on last week's rates, and were it not that several lines were bought for turnip feeding, prices would have suffered a heavier decline. Wo sold 900 as follows :— On account of J. F. Herbert, Esq. (Ardmorc), 134 prime urossbreds at from 14s to ]5s 3d ; on account of Mr John Davidson (Herbert), 143 light-weight crosßbreds at lls to lls 6d ; on account of Messrs Little Bros, and Samson (from the Bushy Park Estate), 814 crossbred ewes and wethers, light weights, at from lls 6d to 12s 3d, and 46 morinos at 8s ; on account of D. Corsan, Esq. (Meadow Bank), 198 prime crossbred* at 14s 6d to 15s ; and on account of Henry Driver, Esq. (Horseshoe Bush Estate), 00 prime crossbreds at 15s. We quote prime mutton 2Jd per lb. Fat Lambs. — 110 were ponned, and realised from 6s to da 3d.

Pigs were again in full supply, 238 of all sorts being yarded. Tho demand tor prime bacon and porkers was good, and lines of this description were cleared at satisfactory prices. We sold on account of Mr Wm. Grant (Washdyke), 23 at jfrom 36s to 435 ; on account of Mr Grant, St. Andrews, 20 at from £2 6s to £3 4s.

Store Cattle.— Well-brod four and five year old bullocks, quiet, and in forward condition, are in good demand for turnip feeding, and any lots coming forward are readily placed. Store Sheep. -No transactions for the week to report. Horses.— We held our usual sale on Saturday last, when we disposed of a grood number of draughts and light-harness horses. We quote first class diaughts at from £30 to £40 ; hacks and light-harness horses, £15 to £25. Sheepskins —At our wockly stylo on Monday last we catalogued tv large number of skins, sill being cleared with good competition, at prices showing an advance on last week, the following prices being realised :— Station skins brought up to 4s Cd ; butchers' ern«<il>reds, from 3s 3d to 4s 4d ; merinos, 2s 3d to BalOd.

Hives aro without noticeable alteration, tho price being up to 4d per lb for sound salted. Tallow.— For well wet-rendered tallow up to 30s is procurable, and 10s for rough fat. Grain.— Wheat: The market during tho past week has been comparatively dull, millers having ample stocks on hand to meet immediate local requirements, and speculative purchasers being apparently disinclined to operate at present rates. In view, however, of the fact that with thofaciliuesof rail carnage grain has been pushed into the market with despatch unknown in former years, and marketed, it in unlikely, unless Home advecs are of a seriously adverse nature, that prices will tecedo appreciably below their present level. We quote piime milling at 4s lid ; medium, Is 3d to 4s Sd ; inferior and fowl feed, 2s 9d to 38 Od. Oats have come forward freely, but a chuck in the demand ha-i been experienced, owing to advices of a glut and decline in value ou the other side, Sydney having been our principal export market tor come time past. Holders, however, are firm, and stocks in second hands are light. Wo quote prime milling, 3s 2d ; good bright feed, 3s to 3s Id; inferior, 'Jo Cd to 2t Od Barley : Only prime malting samploß are saleable ; value, 4s 9d to ss.

Messrs Donald Reid and Co. uport for week ending 21st Juno as follows :—

Fat Cattle.— Only 122 head were yarded ; about 20 of these were stores, with, say, half tho rest prime. These were well competed lor, prices showing some improvement on last week's rates. Bullocks sold at ,C 3 10s to £13 ; cows, £3 to £7 ss— or equal to fully 253 per 1001b for prime beef. We yarded 20 head, which we sold for Messrs Green Bros., A. Dalziel, and 11. Mitchell, at quotations. Fat Calves.— Seven came in ; these sold up to 24s each.

Fat Sheep.— To-day's supply was the largest over penned at Burnsido— viz., 4555. About 1015 of those were little better than stores, and snld as such at 3s 3d to Cs ; tho balance were nearly all good and prime crossbreds, with a few pens medium merinos. Graziers iind others buying largely, a clearance was effected at. a redaction of Is a head on last week's prices, ileitvy prime crosbbnds sold at 13s 9dtol6s; Rood do, lls 9d to IHb 3d ; best merinos, 7s (id to 9s. We mid for General Fulton (Outram), 100 crossbred ewes at 12s Gd to 12s 9d ; on account of Matthew Henderson, Esq. (Kartigi), 140 crossbreds at 12s to 12s 3d; on account of A. Paterson, Eiq (Otepopo), 76 crossbreds at 128 ; on account of D. Heron, E*q. (Herbert), 70 croasbreds at 13s to 14s : aud for G. Ledingham, Esq. (Kakauui), 70 merinos to 8s 6d. We quote mutton barely 2Jd per lb. Fat Lambs.— llo came forward. These were very medium quality, and bold at Ss dd to 9s 9d. Fat Pi'j c . -2.8 viero penned. Most of theso were in store condition. A few porkers sold at advanced rates. We «old for J. Q. Black, Esq. (Crichton Park, Pukorau), 51 at 22s ; and for others, 15 at 30j. We quote prime pork 3Jd to 4d per lb. Wool. — At our auction .tale on Monday we oflered several odd lota, which met with fair competition, ami sold as) follows :— KM, 8 bales greasy merino, B|d ;

Tin circle, 1 do do halibred, 9gd : V undar stroke, 1 do do merino, Bjd ; 2do pieces, 6jd ; 2 baes half bred, 7d ; Ma, 8 bales greasy merino, B|d ; 8 bag* piecea, GSd ;1 do washed locks, 7d ; 1 do pieces, BJd ; MO, 2 do greasy half bred, 8jrl ; RS, 1 do do merino, 7fd; KBLSO, 1 do scoured second combing crossbred and merino, 15id ; 1 do first pieces, Old ;Ido do do do, 13Jd ; L, 1 do gre^y crossbred, 7id ; Mo, 1 do do piece, 7Ad ; MSS, ) do crossbred, 7ji. .Sheepskios.— Our weekly tale was well attended, and with brisk bidding we speedily cleared a catalogue of about 1000 green skins. Owing to tUo dampweather prices wore a shade ea-ier. Cros-sbreda (green) srld at, 3s 4J to 4s Id; merinos, U C<i to 3* » 1 ; lambskins, 2s fid to 3s. Hides'.— This maiket is without quotable centre, late quotations being, however, birel.y obtainable. We quote heavy salted hides, 551b and over, at 4d ; under Miis weight, 3jd per lb. Green hides sell at 15s to 19s each. milow.— Shippers continue to clear the market. We have sold well-rendered lots for delivery at £30 10s, f.o.b. ; mixed, at £26 to £28 10s ; butchers' rough (at, £18 to £20 per ton. Grain.— Wbeat : We have little alteration either in price or demand to report. Millers holding fair supplies do not readily buy at prices asked by vendors ; extra choice quality being most inquired for. medium ■.orts if an} thing a shade easier. Our week's sales have been 1549 sacks: Oafcs : Duriug tbe earlier p-irfc of the week, ghiopoH buying- freely, cleared all short bright lots at full rates. To-day, however, prices are slightly ea-ier. Smutty and d imaged lota ivru difficult to quit. During the week we sold 2011 sacks at quotations. Barley : A considerable quantity has come forward ; verv'littlo of it is suitable for malting, and sells -for luiiling and feed at 33 to 4s Id; bright, f ull-graiiied samples tit for malting command 4s 3d to La lid. Wo quote ".—Wheat : Prime milling, 43 8d tfl f>» ; medium quality, 3s 10.1 to 4s 7d ; interior and chick feed, 2s lid to 3s 9d. Oats : Superior mil'iftg, 2s ljd to 2* 2Jd ; short, bright feed, 3s to 3* Id ; discoloured, 2.i 8J to 2s lid. Barley : Malting, 4a 3d to In lid ; milling and feed, 25 lid to 3h lOd. Potat »es.— There is quite a glut, mostly in inferior condition : dry, clean lots sell at £2 15 ato £3; otherfl, £2 7a 6d to £2 15s, sacks extra.

Messrs Stbpiibnson and Co report for the week ending 21st June as follows :—

Fat Cattle —Small supply of 122 yarded, comprising 15 stores and dairy cows. Moat of them were medium, and a fow prime lots. Last week's quotations were fully maintained. Bullocks brought ironi £3 12s (3d to £13; cow*, £2 15s to £9. We sold drafts on account of Messrß Christie, Withers, and Mitchell at quotations. Wo quote prime beef at 22s 6d per 1001b. Fat Calvcß.— Seven penned, and sold at from Is 6d to 32?. Fat Sheep,— 4sss penned, comprising- 713 storos and 500 merinos. Supply beiiiiy so large, after last week'a heavy market, a considerable reduction in prices was anticipated, which result did not eventuate, la-it week's prices being maintained. Crossbreds brought) lis to 17s ; merinofl, 6s 6d to Ss 6d. We quote prmiu mutton I'^d per lb. Fat Lambs.— llo penned, and sold at from 6s to 9s 3d. i'at; Pigs —Large supply of 238 to hand, which Bold at from Is to 645. Sheepskins.— Dry and station skins, la 4d to 3a 2d ; butchers' crbsabreds, 2a 9d tv> 4s 6d ; merino skins, 2a 6d to 3s lOd. Hides.— Last woek's prices were maintained, 4d being obtainable for well-trimmed and heavy hides. Grain.— There is very little doing, and milters are well stocked, and not disposed to buy at present prices. We quote prime milling, 45. 9 dto 4a lid; medium, 3s lid to 4s 8d ; fowls' feed and inferior, 2d Od to 3s lOd per bushel. Oatg : Good prime milling, 3s 2d ; bright feed, 3s to 3s Id ; inferior aud dis* coloured, 2s 6d to 2a lOd. Barley : Inquiry good for prime samples ; wo quote same at 4s 9d to ss. Few samples of this description offering. Potatoes.— Large supplies comintr forward, in consequence of which prices have suffered slightly. We quote for good dry samples from £2 12s (id to £2 16 a per ton. Country Sales.— We beg to draw attention to our peri6dical salo at Stilling yards on Tuesday, 27th inst. See future advertisement.


Mr J. F. Watson reports for the weok ending 21st June :—

Beofton.— The Welcome Company's return for tho week was 5620z of amalgam from 00 tons of stone, aud 54802 of retorted gold for the fortnight. The sinking of tho main shaft will bo commenced shortly.— Tho Keep-it-Dark Company's return was 354J0Z of amalgam from 108 tons of quartz. A splendid body ot stone is in the lode.— The Golden Treasuro Comp*ny :' The lode is being tested to a further depth, and the reef varies from two to five feet in thickness.— The Golden Fleece Extended Company : The diamond-drill and borera are on the ground. -Tho Justin-Time Company have decided to sink the main shaft.— The Imperial Company have made good headway with the winding gear, and aro opening up a valuable block of quartz.— The South Hopeful Company: A vein of atone continues in face of tunnel.— The Specimon Hill Company are driving the low-level tunnel to tho Hue of reef.— The Result Company aro progressing * ith tho Binking of winze from third level. ■ The Euergetic Company arc driving east and woat of tho winding gear.— The Phoenix Company are still developing the reef lately cut in the rise, the atone showing gold freely.— Tho Wealth of Nations Company have a lar^e body of payable stone. The Western Company are driving on the lino of reef — The Fiery Cross Company are driving 1 to the north winzo.— The Inkcrman Company are driving No, 3 level.— TUo Rojal Company discovered a reef lubt; week. ... . . Lyull.-Tho United Alpine Company's claim is in excellent repair.— The United Italy Company aro opening out upon the reef.— The Croesus Company have decided to extend No. 2 tunnel a further distance of 200 feet.

Quotations: -Welcome, £4 10s; Wealth of Nations, 12s ; Golden Fleece, lls 6<l ; lloyal, 3a Oil ; Un.tud Alpine, 24s Cd ; Golden Arch, 3s; Keep it-daik, 48s; Golden Trcaauru, oa (id ; Golden Point, 15s ; Nil Dudperaudum, 6s 9d ; United Victory, 235.

Messrs Grant and Co,, Universal Labour Exchange, report: —

The weather for tho past day or two has been very wet, and has put a stop to tho demand for both male and female Bervants. The following are the rates of wages for farm and station hands, &c. :— Couples, £65 to £S0 ; ploughmen, £52 to £65 ; shepherds, £60 ; gardenors, £65 per annum and found ; men for genelal work on farms, 5s to 20s; nnlkcis, 203 to 22s Od ; youths, lUB, 12s 6d, 15s ; boy*, 5s to \os ; dairymaids, £ioto £40; governesses and housekeepers, &bi perannum.


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Otago Witness, Issue 1596, 24 June 1882, Page 15

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Commercial. Otago Witness, Issue 1596, 24 June 1882, Page 15

Commercial. Otago Witness, Issue 1596, 24 June 1882, Page 15


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