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■'•'"' tyK^'-^ca'deniy 'states 'that' the Philological ''Society's gi-eat EnglisH dictionary, 'which has i Ib'mariyyeaTs"iH preparation, is at last f'nitf .its iiiiven 6'f J thb Clareridon 1 'Press. LUf MiSxnrifli Muttfa y y,"hopes to hand over 'cW'W'Mfct' ; I, two-thu J ds of "A." at thf olfct'mbHth'.'lihotigh he hardly; hoposto "•'VrPflefte of;j&iO,OdA stetfWwill 'be spent "ix\i<& 'iiie'inonument to Gbneral'Garficld wucl '«ffi>'ci(ity'of thjtf "Army i)f the Cu'mbeiW ''blWfitftiys "to erect! Tli'e lnonunlent will prob[ "'iblyoe'lila'cedinWashihgton.^ „,',[ r i!Ke h libhai>>n' City Press states, on the best aUtKorityT'tKat the Cabinet has decided td , bring hf* bill for the purpose, of creating oiie large' cdrbprati6n for the whole of London. 1 " WWfo. "Mason,' M.P., wiU take advantage 'offtVe''dArfiest' opportunity to move a resbluj • 'ticin'in'iHe"^^ of r Commons in favour of tte ; 'eitensibii'oftHe Parliamentary franchise l^ " women., ' - . , , J - The German Government intend to attach ' ai'chitecJtis and'engineors'to its legations abroad with » view of being kept informed of the imj ' bro'vetaents aiid inventions Avhifah may be made ' Vfo'r'eign countries. '' ' ' ' . ; '' It is reported in Japan that the Government 'is'sibout to' re-establish Shiritoism as the rehjSon of the State, and 'to combat,' by all possibly "meiins, Buddhisin'aud the progress 'made by ChnManity. ''■' ' ' '; ' ' • ' I ''THe''V ! c«uVius railway 'having- been success}fuliy'acdomplished, it is now proposed' to make 'the^alc&ny to the rafoter of Mbunt 1 Etna 1^ 'Sicil'iFeWil^lly'easy'bya similar plan. A com''3anywbeen formed at Palermo for carrying •Sut-'in^'p'roject.' ' The, railway; will reach 11 almpii'Fo the sumntit of' the monntain, \vhence -tf'&W'inayUe' Md' of, Sicily, Malta, and T B 'i?o^i6^of' the southern 'fend of the Italmi , -"^lfiievtrs 'in ls the early': extinction, of 'the ' ''%Wm& ! ydce'irL;A™™&ttttl 'notfi^d much "'i9u^port : "f6'r' their theory 'in the'yital "statistic^ of V?W&isto>n, which has"a Wrge negro p'bWlatidff.'^Ll'thduih the 1 cleath-^te iimbhg 1 the •'m'acWe # r »o&" i twd : tb tHree thhes^as ltogj ■ isWoti^tKß^wmte^, thW loss is fully compensated •by 1 their advantage in tho birth-'rato, ! tl &<i pastVe'ar'was 21T ftrflOOOihiS 'We VW'toVtik '>' ■ThV :^Wpa' l P6iitisch f e l) Correspondenz 'hears tH^'the 'Bagdad B^lwajr^'\amkttik^BQMe'm6ro/on'tlie tapis c 'T-he ( Sultap t <ll fSWfi4 i n^4ts ; 'iinp i ort'ar(ce asa comm'erciiiL w in 3, klttifty I rln'dia. "The WrcjWt' if \ ' tHo'upti'iqa'te'rially contribute ''MlSiffith-'of theTTuVMsh EWpiije.' Th> '"wto« Whw»it '^Vt^tak'e 1 is'iiof allowed 'tb-be-"l mfflbsSr& "fb L compriyes'- an ' ektiftttMe 'oMt>v- , ''aMmWSiekl^^o'sFtions; /Thei-a-are a'l4 'SUTO™fa i^^he'oofacession, biit j "it ih^mwZ'w&V M ©e'rihans' 'wUl' 1 obtaik !o 'i'iitokl'Cb'uncu 'of l' War "of the" Saiy'ation ( 'lalftlp l !! • the' f Freeta6-hair at ' Maf - H SS'fc. 3tt. - (federal' Bbbth' jmade 1 a 1 &al;emn^Vi6''tn'eiifpr r esen 11 t l 't)'6iitiori 1 . ' He j re-[ J Mm WIM 'yeaf'tHef 'had' 28 ' sUtioijs, v - c^'piwfwftn' 265°^ the 1 'pWSent'liimeV 1 "Theiy . ' :> tifo Wwss ti^id bffißeWr, ! . and 1 ' an' income 1 df ,, '■.wWW^aSnuni'.''! > ;; J Darmg the last'^edr :} ' i tPm™%&eß"6t ' Arriiy'.Kteii-; i "'iuW'We"™^^;' "The 1 sum of £20^000 :': ' «rad WanvSlflffl -il'Hmi l'Hm' 'c6ngress : h'air at Clap-i : Hii?Ker;lfoihale^eaucatioti. " The Ladies' XTrii Vet"m ii'M a6^9Bos't'udents; with- 42%h'efs wM&riJ J kno%n ; a'8 r'd'B^ijrtatats.r 'd'B^ijrtatats. - I r n'tHe physical. labo'Etbry'We^lW atuaeiits.^in^therchemifeaii, < ! '6d; // .£na4nnhe py's-iQloglcal- lOOi specikl , ' ' ' ma'tilßm'atibal iPacul^ Was'fecentlyinttoduced.j Siiti 'all the l 'coutsetf lf are 1 8aid" | tobe''quite!as, -' -'thotough a's ! that In f the maleUniv eraity. The. , H institution is'inaihtaitfed by private 'corttribi-;, " tidhs' 'dhd by eritrance' f ees- of s £5 . per year, the , •^Goveihm'entalldwingitonly^SOO. •.;•_■ . '.'"'ThS'Clare'ndoh'Presii'^ill' shortly lbsue the.' '•'tlnwand fourth 1 Volume's' of 'the 'History hi •'I'AtfriouWiire 'and Prices in England, by Mr,, - ''-flSioAfld 1 ledgers;' Mv P. The first two, pub-,, <lishecV'J6 1 with the peridd, 1 1'259i1|0d < 'ihclu'sive: The-next' two- will con- , • ' ! 't'f£ih ! tlr6 SfeH6'd ( 1401-1582. Tho,principal topics :u fleait wirattrethepripes of/iirdvisions'and lab6u| ; ' bul tHtwls'liaTOry any( article in mediaeval use' the 1 .of 'which is not recorded. 1 • ' ''• '| , '"•' Tfie HUncffl linderstatids' "that'- ithe Mittistef., i>i[ oiW^%hvior"of France has msthuSte'd/ iL ' J ''Pumai, tttcV'p v ernianetit secretary of the French " ' A'ciMle m Sciences; ' t'6 w draw ' up' it ' listf If scientific men who haye died or received itijtfrifss" . ' 'Vnfle'makin'grex^eriinents 01! researches* for the ■'''^adVatf^mßHt' of 1 science. : : Pensions' will' be/ ' "riveA w ffiS'widows'aiid f&,milies''of those who,., " M^lailen" victims 7 td' 'their scientific .ardour^ ''''^niltfHiiWlS^h'clseittiiuriEfshavb n«t'!been' faM- ■"•'■ wSrteoejVe, substantial 'aid; j • ' -/I.: "' ' ' THeWew' York Tribune ■ states tl at the 'tylK '" forffi'e'Buiipr'.eWonofbolVgamy agreed <tp| by i "" ' th# wfito ' Judiciary ' Committee -provides • for < '•' " ieferaflff'ifE juVi^B'all'who 'practise or believe in-, ' '"'pi^WJ'i for'aebamng pbly^amtßis- I froni I ''then • 'pHvneMiß"6f : 'Voting,'or holding -office s , and' tor,] ■'■ 'SMlnS' ( tne l 'fact of, bigainousi relation's fluffi- " lt 'fcf«fit o^^W^ttcß i ' alone l of 'tt I 'violatidn f of ( 'raie/ f "' Brasw ( f3feffli^ ■pdlygainy." ; "([n' it othfep Mrdrdsn " '• '(Vhe'TMlSttfwi'd^'fii fake's '•tMalyt the-. ri^htb of. PJ iaitte^Bfitffrdni'th'e'Mormb'nElJ'and'p'rdvideS a- 1 < ff ''S^W3 / Wed^ioiis J m'etbod J '6f sending them, ■ ':'. ' KwidißCOveife&i that perfumes exert a healtpy * '•' iitffaence i; on- 'the 'atmosphere] Converting its -' *( oJdVgeiii'into ozpne.' -Cherry, laurel, Clbyei'livI . ' 'etaeWmintJ'jilriiper, fennel; and bergam'ot de '' '.'^•eKib'the ! largest (juafitit'y df- ozone. 1 'Flowprs ' I'wlßrotit perfume do 'not' develop' I . it^'but 1 the '■' wMaift 'of J Narcissus, ''mignonette', heliotrope, •'''and'ltty of the valley' d,e'yeldp it in close vessels. Odorous flowers, cultivated a 'iii marshy places,- • 1 ■-' Wdßld be valuable in purifying the air. ' <■ The dream of the great. Boulevard to extend 'itself in a circuit of twenty-five miles in the- >''■ shape of a circle of four miles radius, the cen- -'"■" Jfcr«'b«ing taken from St.; Paul's, is actually now ' «jgagin? the attention of the London Metro- < pdlitan Board of Works, It is a part of the jpregraihine to run a tramway round the Boule- ■ ward^bit.'fßfd the sum of £3,000,000 is all that - as rd^tfirsd-inithe way of capital to float this • 'fjmajmHieWfc'iKidertaking. - " I Twenty y^ar*i«.go nearly 35,000 men in the ' • "!sritMr'AifrnjM v ? ere returnedrwho, couidnejitjhier 1 'Wlte'ftW ( rebdf/' The number has now bcen're"■'vdue'dd l i3*'aJJ^eVver7OoO.': n\ ■ „ ' , -n. h. ') >jfA. ( s)£atf v loV;ip > d%ei!a''r'the.boys and. girls) of.. • s -"! ! Wiftfeefi(»er to read the Ji.istructive books in ;the r> to^blidlfibrary instead of. the 1 trash has been sueindubing.tHe' teajher^ in ' ■' ttne i&oi&i to tnake a practice t)f - referring mi a; "-' lxiebuW\nkb*&tit6i<th.e odn'tents 6ivintoresting.i iftn'd sdlid wotks. Thus the youngsters have been led to choose a kind of reaping matter which formerly lay unheeded w the pelves,

Dr L. B. Tuckerman, of Cleveland, Ohio, m a letter to the Medical News, points out that among 186 girls out'of three-fourths forced to leave school by 'ill-health, nine-tenths had studied four to six hours a 'day at home, and to this specific cause Dr Tuckerman attributed their breakdown. On the average, the girls did one-half more home study than the boys, and twice as many of the girls broke down. A society of vegetarians in Saxony propose to found a vegetarian colony in some salubrious part of South America. Two of its mombers arc' to start soon 1 on a prospoctihg expedition.^ There "are in England and' Wales 10,000 women who are classed as habitual drunkards! , The number of men in" the same category is '27 878 '' '' 'i' •■ ' ■ n ' • ' ' 'j , Two' hundred' ! t6ns of rabbits are imported weekly into London. They 'are tame rabbits; . reared by Belgium small farmersand exported by way .of Qstond. , / ' '„.-! There 1 has'b'f late yours been a 1 great emigra r tion ffroin Germany, to England, and it, is "estimated that there are,loo,ooo adiilt Germans in London alone. Tho mon of power in Exirope were born, asr a rule, near the northern boundary of the empires over which they preside. Gambetta is an exception. 1 The Pall Mall Gazette says last year out of some 30,000 persons apprehended for drunkenness in London, nearly 14,000 were women The Russian Emperor's eldest son is fourteen, and far advanced in his studies. The Imperial family speak Russian "when together, but 'when with 'their teachers, the "boys employ French and English on alternate days: J ' In olden times saints' days were regarded as lucky days, and were marked on the calendar with red ink. From this sprang the term red.letterdayi' , ,' , _ ' [ Among the members of' the Lower House of the Tennessee Legislature are a white man and a negro who held the relation of master and slave before the war. , ' . ' It is said that in Boston (U.S.) the practice of choir singing, as opposed to congregational singing, has reached such a height that one church pays its musicians salaries that would suffice for the stipend of half a dozen country clergymen. , ' ' , ' It is proposed to light up the greater part of 'the Suez Canal by electricity, with the twofold 'obiectl first of enabling dredging operations tp 'be c'arriod'on at night instead .of during the .day,' and next, in order that' vessels may pass 'through afj all hours instead of .blocking up .the "passage' and anchoring, as hitherto. j Among the lower classes in great towns in England the German is the best-hated man of <thd l times/ The exceeding .thrift in which they '•have been bred enables Germans to live in comfort, according to their ideas of it, where the "English workmen would be in misery. Glasgow is the second city, in point of population, ofr Great" Britain, having 750,000. -|b has upwards of 144, mil<ss ,of public streets, the largest ship yards and the largest chemical works in the world,' and 'two' chimneys— one •450 ft and the other* 460ft— which are unequalled, 'iti ( heightbyanyever"built.." r ,/ • '" r . a The:French Government, jtotejid, to .propose, . .on, account, of the ravages of , the phylloxera and theconsequent'rincreasing foreign competition,, ' the repeal "of the prohibition ' against 1 putting alcdhbldnto inferior tones in order to ■ pre 1 yent 1 "their' fermenting. ■' • The duty;- on al- , cohol thus- employed is to be /considerably reduced.' '..•' ;(i ' J '". ; '!," '" ' i ■ ' " Algeria, ,which' is 'giving the French-so much trbuble jußt'nowi an'd r , ifadeed,has given' theih a' tood'deal' of 'trouble ever since they'coldnized 'it, tomtaift^a 1 'population' of- ab0ut; 2,500,000 1 Mcihanimeday^ 500,000 'Jews, 'and'3l2,ooo'Eurbp'ea'n' colonist^ of whom 1 one-half ar,e French and' ! the 'rest ' chiefly ' Italians' and 'Spaniards. "' J -' , " J1:J 1 : '"' ' ' "I. ' "Tftie niarble foundations of the Pantheon;" it ["RtirnVwero'^until the last year,- covered' up tinder' thirty feet'df 'ground, ' level with the street. r Thkjk haye 1 ' now -bfeen laid«bare, and present' 'a wonderfully beautiful appearance, ! Swing ib the' 'artistic fineness ' with • which 1 they , Lard 1 'sculptured.' "The wine ■shops ''that dese-j f brated'the building's' Avails have'' been' removed 'also. " - '","'" ,"' ' ''' '"' ' !' ' . „ ' ' . It is " estimated ",that there are stored in ■perihsylvahia about' 3o,ooo,ooo barrelsttf crude '^et'r6leum— enough to last the world five years '—and still thb/'over-p'roductibn is being con- \ stantly increased >ajid new storage-tpnks built.: I ' The strange announcement is macle that the 'Sultan has requested; Herren, Gesche'r, Wetten-' dorf, and Bertram, to repdrt ,to' him, ,on the , means 6£ introducing into Turkey the political '.institutions of Prussia, and more particularly ;he competency, of the Ministers .and their situatiptj t'oward's'the prown., „' ,i, „ Sand from the desert is, seriously encroachjhig upon the inhabited territory of ,the Chinese .proyince of She'nsi*! and has already half -buried some cities. High walls haye.thus far protectediYulin,;,butthe sand is now, piled ,outside neanly to the top of the_ walls and must soo& cover them. ,,. / , , ■ • , ' , Moody and Sankey are rep,orted,as ab,out to tvisit«Pd,ris fora series of meetings j Just, how Mr.<' Moody will get, j.oyer thej barriers of j a foreign.language does not appear. ,An Ameri : can contemporary, says, that .his ,Fr,ench woujid Ipnobably be e^en,, lefts ,seganj;, tha,n Marisf Twain's .at the Montreal banquet, but Sankey 'ft , singing would be. . ',al]l the, same |, in any, lan^ jguaffe.' i> , rfj ! i[j»* [> • > i i• 1 vThe, late E. C-tlSrenville (Murray, , in the . OontinentalcTJmgs, quotes the, Prince of Wales •,as saying, in to the perpetuation ;of ithe monarchy in^Engjand : 'If the country wants us, I we must stay. The moment it has no further. need .of us,' there, will be ia friendly good-jby-ron pur part, at ajVev.e'nts— ; <anend Of th.e matter,' ,', t ■'), „ „„• I •i J 1 iThere j was ; great guessing , as. Denver . on the mumberuof -,ljeaps in,. a .jar,, .the., prize being a. ' twentyrfiye .dollar oyercoat. The .exact count -proved-, to -be 36,477; The ([ winner guessed 36,491..,! The,, next to him came a ( guessjof 36,420. The' guesses ranged , all the way from .1500t0,6,000,000. „ , , • _ 1 .. The' public .schools in the Southern btates are'<constantly,imprqying, and the attendance both.of white and coloured children is growing' larger/) jln nearly all. the cities, and large •towns, as goodj3chools are provided for coloured pupils, as for the whites. The maintenance, df the separate system naturally increases the expense. ■■ , < „,'.,, ■ .0 An iron chess-board, provided with magnificent chess-men, , is, a Berlin npyelty, The small magnets concealed in the figures, cause them to adhere to the,, iron board and retain .their, place, in spite of considerable shocks, such, for instance, as are received on shipboard or on railway trains. The Natal Witness states :— W e have good reason to' believe that the Hon. J. H. Hofmeyr, M.L.A., who recently retired from the Capetown; Ministry! ,will be. invited to. ,asßume the Presidency of the; Transvaal, Republip. Should, this offer, be made, , its acceptance ,w,ou'ldj be' gratefully»rec.eiyed,by the Dutch.' r( x 1 . . < One hundred , and seventy years agp pie Emperor Joseph I. of Germany died, of < small •poxt. in spite, or rather because, , of. his physibians' treatment. , T>ese intelligent gentiemra „wrappedhh) 20 yayds, ,9^ scarlet broadcloth, -and 'kept all the>air; possible ,qut,of his room, Such folly would be impossible nowadays," but the soience of 2051 may be as contemptuous of some of that of 1882 as 1882 is of 1711.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1588, 29 April 1882, Page 6

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1588, 29 April 1882, Page 6

Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1588, 29 April 1882, Page 6


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