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Multum in Parvo.

' An attempt is about to be made to introduce into the Cape and Natal a supply of trout ova, ami the Union Company's steamers have con^ sontod to convey it to East Lo'ondon free of charge. It is feared, however, that the waters of tho South African rivers will prove too warm for the fish.

Ft has been decided that the dome of, the, colossal Palais de Justice, in,' Brussels,,, now, approaching completion,, which , was to have boon of copper, 'sha.ll no\^,,bo constructed of papier-mache. It, will weigh' about 10 lons. A Now ."Xiork w*n ,capti\}n, who, has been, afl«\ikt more tlian ,40.yenv», (( 6ayp .he.uover.yct heard a' sailor use 'such expressions as ,' shiver, my timbers Vor,', bless .my^pp-hglits.,', „,., The lOO'th anniversary, of 'ballooning is about to bo celebrated by a ' French aeronautical, society. . The propertied of hydrogen gas, which iv the lifting power employed ,' in ' conijection with the aerostats of to-day, were .discovered in 1766 by Henry Cavendish, a noted English philosopher and physicist.' , • Tho marble foundations of tho Pantheon, at Kome, were, until the last year, covered up uudor 30 feet of ground, level with the street. Thoyhave now been laid bare, and present a wonderfully beautiful appearanqe, owing to, the artwtic fineness with which they aresculptured. Tbp wine shops, that desecrated tho building's wall« hayOj been removesd a 150.,. _„ „ The Mountain. of , tip Lord is, a solid; pock, 100 foot in height',' ri3|ng'abQ^6,thu, Street lev'ef, 5t JVlanti, l/ta, Tliq J\;Xprinoiis'areT3iiildiug.on this ominonce.a temple' of, ftno , inarbjle;, ,95 (feet by 170 in are'i', aa^^anusoyjiifly^dorlfed., , , ,'. Agreat reUgiQu's gathering ,,)k.npwn 'as'Magli, Iklola is now being held, at the j|inctipn,of, tne Givn^Oß and the Jumna at Allahabad,' in India. Jt in particularly crowded this ;year, owing to its b'ling what i^ called Kljfumb, or twelfth year. , This number ,df visitors, is estimated at ( from 1,000,000 tpi 3,00.0,000. „Somo fear is, ,entoi' r , taiuod of aii'outbVealc of spme pestilence, among thl< vast'inultitudo.", " ', , , " ! , , • ', TJie rage,o£ a Minnesota farmer at his, balky , bo i-wq did^not |s'ubsido the day's ,wpijk was, 1 d<vi)oi'bu^ Vos^'liigher^ 8 ! 1 ? W m y'ed, flunking of tho.a'nnoyanc^he.jh'ad engjirod. Hp qfes^ed, loaded his gj.}n^)vei}t tp.the^table,.,a^d deliberately killed the ;f ,' M . jl!, „. !,„ '-, '' i; ' 'J.'jho S|iln says^here were 86-1' divorces, or nje^rly one [ each ,day, , grjiiitod duriug", lßßl,',, against" 315 for' the .year,, 18801 Thoro r yv'oro 293 women who' obtained .divorces froyi^li^rjjiu^bancls, and ,7,1 mpn.whp. obtained ; divnrc'es.from, their', wives. , ", , „,,*",',,. „' -„ ' T,h'e pulpit, i '\^a i s' l set ( .o l utsidq 1 Hicohurph,,}]! WiiUlow^ ..jTexas,' 1 in,' .order, to gip, i;ppm^p,r a, Btft^e on .yirhich* to .perform '^inafpfe,',.and;,whcn.Va'gain, needed, ' ( fpVu,se, ? ', was! fD^issmg, Be- v?ral, jyeek's^ p.f *jae,arc^ , ejapspdV jb^pre ,'it,^ jvtxy found % a'lgamj^lißgjhouse, haa'pee^. , Rl ¥e<mto a Wtablo. i( ,„:;„,' ",„- V ,' • Privatalfaizellv the Qma patriot,; .wajo.ts to, yoiing Orant sm M 91 WOO , and youngs Hayes, m IJOo, v .so,. as to, get, j me,, fa. Aw..- *- I fr.fwi( f v 1 .>,-< ]^ar .qaltajusejjta, Sicily, iv a series^pf ica^pms, h.v/p, bpen,,^isc^y,p^di,>(.wh;Qhj,pre I ,e / Yi4^ntly , burial., places idatjng, ,frpra, t^^, . period ,,^'hen tho '(ijicJiftn^'h^ -alreacly. ( been ousted by llifc ItftKah, tribes, '.but l^efore^^hii |^r,eek cpJonißati«»n hatl' bVeguii.'', Thejr arrftngeiii^t is sjjinuar,, to l.lio' tom^s at^Pantoliciv, In fclro neiglib,qu^Vp^ t 9f-Jth>e^a,v,erhs.are'numo''-., rou« refhains , of,' ancj^nt, t pni^dippq , and ' ( other , proofs , of .the.'ojqstenjse of an' an.cient^ppp ( ul6us , colouy. If M* ' v '>,!'. „„, >„',, .' 4 .. „ A Qermari manufacturer', has, succeeded,, in pro'diicing s^mceablo' facp-i^asjcs of mica,, for,, thq iffbteptiofl .qC.raotai; ,and glass (I |nelters, Btono'-masons,) and.ipjiher, ( worlancn e'xpfised to. hmt', dust, and noxious vapours. .These masks allny.'the'oycs 'tp'i^e. turned ip/auy, dirpction, aricj'tliere is space oiiough for. spectacles in case the oyesigbi; is dofecjiiy.o. ,( ' , , ,' Tho 4yerage suui spent,by ü ßhg]apd in, iron-; dads during the past 'ten ( yeai;s> amount's to £900,000*, - y?ar,i; and, the a'Yepage', ( for unantioured P^ips,^ '£67'0,000'.",.,The'tofcal,cost'gf shM)buiiajng''tl^efo^ My /aMftge^per ,'ypar a ht.oo mpre than I 4 mjlhpns., .The n^vy vote 'Jasi"yejii\,iS' not quite a tenth o^the^otal^havj* 'estimate is,spent,in the 'construction of, ship's" for the- navy. No less a 'sum; howler, thaii, So63,!d^ votjud^ to .'pension^, and '.othpr /; iion^ffeotiye ' purposed ,'V;' ''*''"'•' 11 . >.■ In ! Walton's Complete Anglejj' is the.story that a-piko was taken iv 1497, ma fish-pond nc-'ir Heuwonn, (I m' Arabia, 'with, V rjng fixed, in ,it« gillsi' on whjch .was, engraved the ' words, •T am,, the fish, which ■li I w|oHqk' the .Second, Governor of the put into this po ( n(l sth, of .October, 1233." By .which, it wpuldj appear tluvfc ■ this ,fish had' then lived,2Co years. .This fish was said to Have been 19, feet in length, and to have weighed ,350 pojunds. <, „,,,., The, Ifrench Compagnie r (^^n^ral Transatlan-' 1 tiqufl is , about tp, construct at Penhbuet'.nc'ar St. Nazaire, an . extensive 'system of, poinbiuetl Bhipbuilding yards aiicj. docks for the construction'and repair, , of vessels, of the largest' size. Tho department of Public Workrt , has granted to the, company au (r 'area of twenty-five, acres in ft most advantageous position on the, right bank of .'the .Loire, and an extensive area of laijd adjoining will be bought "or leased b,y thp company. „, There' will be accommodation for the , construction ,of ' seven,' vessels * at, one , time." ,■> , . ,'< 111 1 1 •'•* ' ' ,»...' ;■' The Indians of -Mendocinp County, California, poison large quantities o^ fish. • ( Thc?^.use a weed tljat grows, like clover,,in bu'nchps, is abundant, in^th'at ipounty,.; bruise, the ' weed, and,' thejj. fasten, a quantijty ii^, the, euh ; oniC;at-.,th',e head v pf.^ nole.'.m deep > water," TKoi.flsh become, crazy ,|rpm its .effects,, and di? f '. It.^illXev.ery I tbi','jbhe,lioJe it placed, fr,6jih, the largest $sh down ,to the small:' est minnow. , Th^e.; Indians, in this.way.gather fishbyth'eWket^ul.,;, ''>,/;,,. \ ,i'v_,;, ( , „. The/Kipy. , Henry, fjßlagden,f jßlagden, .vicar, 0^ den, recently reported ,t|iat alarge p.orjiion of, tKo t>roposed memorial' to ..Lord' Beaj^pnsfield a*, Hughenden had.been completed., .^magnificent' west window, by, ; Messrs Claytpn,and Bell, has been erected, and, .the, chancel wall has also been richly decorated by Messrs Heaton, Butler, and, Bayne,. with paintings, of evangelists, prophets, and angels, so as to harmonise with the east window, which, is the' gift of tho' late carl's executory , • . \ Tlio Governtnont of Canada have, according to the Fconcli,, papers, appointed IVEr Hoclor Pabre, a gentleman, of ifrench descent,, and 1 member of the Canadian Somite, to the pust of Agent-General of Canada. Tina is J;he, first appointment of the kind, ,in France.' , Tho functions' of the, office over which he will preside will presumptively be similar to those of tho High Commissioner's office in London, and will have reference chiefly to tho commercial interests of the colony. At the last mectiiig of tho London _ Metropolitan Railway Company, the chairman culled attention to the iaot Ihe working of tho last half-year bad boen marked by an almost, entire immunity from accidents. There h:ul been a few pinched fingers and tilings ot sort, which would always happen, considcrhiCf that they now carried (J5,000,000 passengers a year.' .No accident, however, had occurred which had been attonded by fatal consequences.

India's foreign commerce, amounts to £115,400,000 a year, computqd in gold.,^Shei has seven railroads, with an aggregate length' o£ 4039 miles, and other lines are being built. She has also 14,000 miles of telegraph line. There are 221 British districts, and 153 Eeudatory States. The English army in India numbers 58,000. The mumber of. languages spoken is 23. India has more population than all the States of Europe. - In Wales a remarkable movement has been i iniLiated to reduce "the debts, on theCongre-' gational churches of the. principality, , which aro said 'to amount t6* £170^000:' Of 'this, £30,000 rests; upon' %M Welsh chfurchesin the Rhondda Valley — a district - unhappily so wtill!kntywfl"6H i ac'c6unif ot the terrible coDiery ' dusttsturs of' 'recent yba'rs. 'Tfi6ugh % 'tho l ili&'- ! ,trict is chiefly inhabited by colliers, yet 'at a repre's'entatiVe I 'inGetin'g 'recently held "at; the .Ton'-yHlrad; tlio bhurbhes pledged I ' 'themselves to raise the whole 'of this' ''amoun't } during tho next eight years", with £10,000 interest theredhi ''*, ■ -;i '• ,' ' " '""<' I Rawhide chair-seats are coming into extensive use. The material is cut in strips, and, after much preparation, rosembles cane. It is extremely durable, elastic, cleanly, strong, and light. For car seats it answers an admirable purpose-, accumulating no dirt, and making a springy and ventilated bottom and back. v _ ; . , According to the Saint Pubijc, recent opera- . ,tions at tho Bourse in' Lyons have been of , so exciting a /character that many speculators ' have gone mad. ' AVithin a few days,' it. says, 'so many, .lunatics wore brought from,' ..tlje^Bourae to 'one private madhouse that the ' .director did not know how to dispose of ' , JJiein.'" ' '-His • -perplexity 'was"' 'all Xthß * greater '■ ' because they, farieibdj they wieVe! still ,at s ithe [ iß'ourse/taiid. insisted on doing business, with other patients, and with the servants and .officials? ,'-.'" »■ ■• "":■' *« . !Hunger put an end to 'the recent strike"df the Venetian, gondolier's, which '.had. its beginning in 'discouragement producedby the 'steam- , boats on the canals'and "their 'popularity. The ■ psople' of Venice, it. appears, do.not feel one,; half, as badly oy^er, the desecration, of' their 1 romantic .waterways r as' dp. the; tourists,^ to Whbm ( ,,tim.e is no object and a new sensation the prihcip'al thing to live for., ''" ,''."' ■A discovery has been made in, Sprain of a gang of tbioveswho haye 1 ' been' stealing 'from s tie post-office letters' addressod-to-'the-prin- ' cipal banks, native and foreign. The information I 'contained in the letters' enabled^ them to ftirge acceptances so that the couldnqbtain the money;- and- to •» avert- discovery, '.they entered- intp;cori;esp,ondence with the persons, w,h.ose letters they had stolen. Five- thousand 'ldttors^are^said ,to -have.bben^tolen^iSixteep persons were arrested, including several connected' with 1 the" p'ost-ofiide', and several-£im-dted valuable letters .directed to.Mad^BHna .hWfe' 1 been^fdund' a;t ' the 1 -houses' vdf* '.'accdm-' pliers/ >lvl ' r " r -' -- tir^ .i- )r - r ii'!'»! 7' ».i6 • 1 I Britfeh'lndia, according to itheirecont cenaus, hasja.-population 0f^ 252,541)210. f thV I (first' complete- census' ever,, taken, . and the >§sult sliows 15/000;0Q9 1^ipre"i)eoplo 'than tHe I .iiiiual estimate allowea.'.'Tliere Ire 10,427 males 'to every lOjOQQjfemal^r TKa ( ar y ea pi v the pro,,vinces direobljr^under fßritisn-r'aaministfation ' ahd of the najave, Feudatory, 4 7 2 >? 5 . 4 ,square miles.. The i 'population, therefore, is 171' to tho square mile.'; -• J « *- Vi ' ' ;& *• ' ', inwhicba ypung lady's dros/j -shall catch fire and the fire shall' be .extinguisjied is Quida's latest extra vagahdei' - ' (l ' W. % 'v ' X " , ! Itecent return* show that,- Australia; is^ r; n,ext^ tp China, tlio greatest tea .drinking country, in the world,' the consumption per' head being- 71b, as against .4.81b in the United Kingdom; ' l ■■ '"• 1 ) There ?are''two;'w6merf bachelofsm'-'England, 'atNewnham College, have attained' ithe\ highest- scientific Horioiirs' at'-the'-TJinversltyof. 1 liondorn'M-Oneis-marriedtheAtUep is,singlp, 1 ,* ? In Sweden the .smallest town possesses .its, ,open-air band >1 ' I v?hicb w ,plftys I .pn.a [ „platf9itm. | or - ' kiosquo. In , Stockholm, , there, are , fiye .i>v> $vx, , public garden's whe're;'oicellent music may; bo heard' in' the evening." '. '', : X ;,'*•' 'i;'- 1 ' ; The Princess Louise is going to contribute to' .G|;ood Words a series of Drawings illustratii&j Quebec andits surroundings, and her husband, v^iir.publish a poem- on^'.. Quebec' ins -the same. periodical. . ,:.,,,' -„! « ti ; viM 'j -„* ' {Protestantism seems,, to. be making good "progress in Syria. According^ to a recent lette^r, '.there are over . 11,000 cHildreri m'e'vatfgeEM Schools. . • , l-oni-ti •■• ' ] There are now at work in.China, 31" Protes-' 'tant Missionary, Societies" from Europe arid •>4niericai' 17 British, "12 American, and'|2 '(ierman. , There are 305 missionaries, 280 American ' and' 40 ' German ; "makiii'g '• a total of 625. In .Japan tHp'Ve" are 21 missionaries ■-societies,' 13 American,' aud'SßHtishV 1 "' ' 1 T "» In a recent discussion in (London in a. Pres- , bytorian' f meebing on .church accommodat^i^, , one of the spealcei's stated h ( e had just returned from America, where ho' had worshipp'Sd'in'a" 1 ,Kresbyterian Church which cart $750,000. While in" England they believed 'in' good buiiairigs, they had not reached that perilous, eminence yet: (-, '.< „ .. „,, # „ „- , 1 , A novel use of carrier pigeons is reported' from America. In the States of -New' York and Pennsylvania the r doctors send their" pre- ( scriptibtis to 'the chemists -in 'grave' case's by means of these birds. _ Carrier-pigeons are also>used to, convey periodical message's as to { the progress of patients in critical cases. ;"By ithis means ,a, has sa,ved,lifp on, .more than one occasion. ''The classified directory to the London Metro-., politan Charities shows their' income'W&m'ount to over £5,200, 0p0.,, 'Four Bible ; societies have a total income of £BO,OOOV fifty' : six home ■missions, £470,000, ; twenty-three .foreign missions, £800,000 -"twenty -three charities for 'the 1 blind, £53,000; 163 pensions and institutions -fpr the aged, £40,0'6o;'e'tb l . ''' , A.large torpedo factory, fqr.the^ianufacture of all kinds' of torpedoes, is' being" built at 'Vladivostok,,, and; is, .nearjy, complete, and a purchase' of £6000 worth 'of- machinery aboard has been sanctioned. The dockyard authorities lat Cronstadt have been making duplicates of 'the machinery for the "new establishment, and these will be sent out next spring. 1 Tho pictures which arouse' the greatest interest in Paris are the war studies of Vereschagin and De Neuville. .But the Russian and the' French artists view tho realities' 6f war witli very different eyes. 1 De Neuville, seeing the horror of it, sees, also and chiefly its heroism. Vereschagin, not ignoring the ( fatal heroism of it, sees almost only its horror. The works in question wore painted at Plevna. ' It is stated that authentic documents havo been recently brought tq light at Mentz which indubitably establish tho fact that Joan of Arc was not burnt either by the English, "or her own countrymen, but that she lived up to be a respected matron, having in 1436 been married to a Sieur do Ilermoine, or Armoise of Lorraine, and apparently 'lived happily over-af-terwards.' ■ '.'., Berlin has a bookseller who can neither read nor write. Ho is woH n«:ppcLecl, anrl sells good books, many ol them scientific, and the befit literature of the day. lie has an excellent memory and a largo trade. Some of the characters which he has devised for memoranda are said to be curious enough. It is the shape and size of books that are his chiof guides, and he has seldom been known to make a serious mistake,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1585, 8 April 1882, Page 6

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Multum in Parvo. Otago Witness, Issue 1585, 8 April 1882, Page 6

Multum in Parvo. Otago Witness, Issue 1585, 8 April 1882, Page 6


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