» . ■ At a meeting of members of tho Episcopalian Church held at Itoslya on the 20th, it was decided to borrow L7OO and commence operations for building a church for tbat district. It was also agreed that the committee should undertake a personal canvass of the paiishioners, so as to endeavour to bring up the funds to the amount required— viz. LIOOO. The annual report of the First Church, presented at a meeting held on Thursday last, contained the following particulars: — " The Session bad to report a steady increase of the memberthip of the congregation. This year 73 new members had been added to the roll — 37 by certificate and 36 as young communicanta; while 12 had been transferred to other congregations or removed by death. Tbe mission station in South Dunediu, started and fostered by this ongregatioo, had now been raised to the position of one of the regular charges of the Church, and there was tbe prospect tbat at an earl? date the Rev. Air Boyd would be settled as ministar over it. The gallery tbat had been erocted, besides providing additional silting accommodation, was futir.d to be in every respect an improvement to the church. The Sess-ion desired to rucord its gradtudsfor the large amount of excellent work done in coDnec Jm with the Sabbat h-Hchools. Tho superintendents aud their staff* of teachers had been unwearied in their diligent atteationsto their duty, and deserved the warmest thank of the cong/ elation. Tbe Ladies' Association continued to do Ilrar mistion and.benevolent work with all earnesi.'iees. The Sust'-nlatiun Fund last year Rhowed ft considerable decrease for the 12 months The Young Men's Literary Asao ciation m-uiifested considerable vitality during the patt 12 months."
The opening fervices in connection with the Tabernacle, Graat Kinsr street, wore held on Sunday. A poireo in celebration of tho opening of this new place of worship will ba held on Tuesday evening.
Bishop Nevill will hod a confirmation service at St Matthew's Church next Sunday. Ou S. nday night, in his sermon, the Ray. 0. J. Byng specially addressed the candidates, and said that although that duty lay within the proviuce of his superior, he thought ifc necessary, a* their cure, to give » few woids of advic* and encouragement. The rev. gentleman then gave an impr.es4vo acid explanatory address to that portion of hia parishioners who had bocaxne candidates for confirmation, particularly desiring th^ni to thoroughly understand their position, to submit to no co.-.rcion, or bo guided by n« mistaken principles, but siraplv to be sure of their own conviction?. We believe there are some CO candidates in St. Matthew'a parish .
It is with depp regret (saya the New Z'jaland Churchman) that we note the recession of tha Rev. Lurenz i Mooro from the Church of England iv thin diocese. Wo should ba glad if we could call it by a»y other nan c. Mr Mooro regards himself as rathor returning to the woy< snd methods, the ritual and doctrine of the ChiMeS: ab the iirwo -when ho received ordination. We do not doubt that fee has reBolved on bo serious a step after i<rayen'ul cnusideration. All who know Mm respect him. This in no degree l^Rs-ens our regret tbat he should havo thought; it;rirht,"i?i th.3 interest, as he believei?, of the purity ol the Church here to destroy her unity. Let us hope that he may yet be persuaded to return to the Church,
A tea-meeting to celebrate the opening of tha Tabernacle in Grea.4 King street wai givan on Tuesday evening, a large numbar of persona sitting down to tea. After d u'ner j'istioa to the good things provided, tha tables were cleared, aud interesting addresses were given by tho R<w, L. Moore, Mr Moston (of Wellington), Mr Bates (of Ohristchurch), Mr M. W. Green, and other gentlemen. During the course of tha addresses aboun 200 more parsons joined the already lar/e. assemblage, and the buiWing wa< then comfortably filled. On the platform were the Revs. L. Moore, J. Ward, and J. M. lanes, and Messrs D. Maclean, A. B. Maston, T. H. Bates, J. Torranoe, aod M. W. Green (chairm*rj). The choir sang several p ; ecea with giv-at taste, and altogether a very enjoyable eveuing w as spent.
Otago Witness, Issue 1476, 28 February 1880, Page 10
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