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Mr BfKNRY Dkivbr (on behalf of the IJ.Z.L. and M.A. Co., Limited) leportfl for the week ending 9th July as follows :—: —

Fat Ctlt c.-170 1 cod yarded, the greater portion of which were good to prime quality. Tho trado being prelty woll sup, lied,[ailcß we r e more difficult to effect, aad a reduction on last week's ra'e-hadto bo submitted to. Wo dlsrcsed of 49 head c n acw unt <f Mr 8. Ga-for h and otheis, the Seadoan cattla 'et hing fiom £9 Ha Cd to £13 pr hea>s— (qual t-> 25s to -27s 6\i fcr prime, a' d 22. Cd per 100 Jb for rr edium qualify. Fat Cal'.e .—Only three yarded, and we c told at about Uto quota ions.

Fat Sheep.— The large supply of 2950 was renncd ; nearly all or. st-b'reds in gord condition. All wore d'spoiod of . t from 8< 6d to lls Od i er hoid— equal to 2d to 2Jd per lb, according to quality.

Wool. — No salos worth reportli'g- are beii g mado bore. 'Jho catalogues to hand by San Francisco wail fhow tho prt>jjrojs of tho London salon up to ihe 21st Mny, am! confirm p-ouous a' vices by eable^iam The advance in pr.c s is poihipa net as much as was expected up to 'hit da o, but the news since by c<ihle{jr*ra has been flt 11 morefav' urabJc, very Jittlo being hod over, and great activity shown towards the cad of the sales.

bheoi Mtina.— We catalogued 1600 for our Mondiy'H Bi'e 'lhera was a full attendance of buj er.-i, and full ra'.cs wore ob'ained. Cross-breds fetched from Is 9d to 2s 7d ; fuil-wool'ed do, 3s 9d ; relfc', 6id : merinos, Is 6d to 2^ 2d ; l^ml>s, Is lOd e&ch.

Wido. — Wo disp'ssd of 400 during ihe week at 3d per lb for good salted, and 16a 6d for butelurn'. We aniifitalc a ieduotio» on these rates, iu> tho demand is Jinv'ted.

Giaii'.— Wheat : Thete is fair demmd at last week's quota' ium, at which we have disposed of several iota, and which are unaltorod. Oa:a have been in good demand for shipmont, and aeveial l»rga paiceU havo changed hands. We quote milling- 2s 2d to 2a 3d • feed, 2b to 2a Id. B.irley ; Nothing doing ; no chaugo In quotations, j

Ales rs Wright, Stsphbnbon, and Co. report for the week ending SHh July *a follows :— Fat Cattle— The maiketwas fully Bupplio'J to-day, 170 head beirg yardrd, of which tho greater part wero

of irom fair to go d quality. JPriceß, however, vrerf, if anything, a shade un i*r last weok'^ quotations. We Bold on accouut »>f Jamps tfmith, Tsq (Greenfield), and others, 4L head. Bullocks brought from £8 to £10 0j; cowß/rom£7to£B 6s — prices equivalentto2Bi to 30b per llOiblc-r really prime beef, and from tsa to 27s for ti\r quality ; medium do, s\y, 22= 61. Fat CrtlvtiS.— Only a few penned, which sold at from 10s to 20s each.

FAt Sheep. -The number penned to-day (2980) w»* considerably in excess of tho actual rrquirrE.e.its Of the trade Notw.thi'andi-ig thif, all found bu>ersat about (qua! to hst week.'* ra ov Wo to:d 1051 crots-

breds as follows :— On account of Ales.-ro Be/g Brju (Hille (l). 456 (fur quility), a* ir >™ fs9i to U<; on account of Jiimci fuiuh htq., 503 (good quality), »t from9> 6d to Us 3d; en account of Henjy Orbcll, Esq , 126 (Mr quality), at 9s ; on account of Mr Joseph Culling, 186 (fair qualuj), at f-otn 9ito 9< Od; on account cf Messrs Craig aud Wylte, 230. M 10s ; on .- ceom t of Air Joseph Parker (tho Grange), 115, at lls. We quote prima mutton 2Jd per lb. Storo Oittlj and Mora SLeep —We havo no tran actions to report.

H' r^B — '1 hei c are a few inquiries for draughts, but ligtu -harness hi rsas are quite negleottd. At our yards 011 Saturday lait a Uige number of ail liiruis came forward, but fow of whii.h, however, were boIJ.. We quoto first-class drau^hti at from £10 to £'0. medium, £30 to £35; JigW, £2a ; g)Od hicks und light harness horses, £io to £25; niooium, £L oto £15 ; lixht and lif« nor, £3 10 £7.

Lindod Prop ities — .Vodosire specially to call lh> a'.tenUon of fa.rxt.e p, investors, nd othvis to our s.x!e at Waimat-', on Friday, ISth inttmt, whan we sha I effer 'he le sea, for five yeiua t) ran, with right of purchase, of 6 j farms 01 tho celebrated Wa haorungi JEhtite, Pudding Hill, mar Wuiuiite. PihUS and sdiodules of paces may bo obtained from Ford &r,d Co., ; Lees and Moore, Oamaru ; and ourselves For particular j see ad vsrtisemsnt.

Shut'pskim. — We did not hold a sale this week, but, shall ho d our usual sa'o on M nlay next.

Hides and 'I allow.- No businers doing in either of thesj lines. Quota' i n3 nomiual

tt'ain.- Wiieat : lv tbi* cereal a f air tinoint of business his been done, tilthoujb. at pr Cj3 if anything easier. Wo quote «x r ra choice samples at 4i 3d ty 43 id ; kodO, 4s to 4s 2d ; inKx-ior, 3s 6i to 3s lOd ; and fowls' feed, ia 111 1 3 . 6 1 Oa s are in good request at from 2i to 2s Id for good feed, and 2o 2d to 2d 3d for prime milling and sotd samples Barley : Vary dull cf sale.

Maclean Brothers report for the woek ending 9th July as follows :—

Fat Cattle.— The lurfre supply of 170 head cimo forward for to-day's market, and, thd irade having a pretty full supply on hand, compctitio-i was dull, prices being slightly lower thau late qucta'ions. Notwithstanding, all the lots were cle^rod out at prices ranging up to £13 for bullocks, and £12 fcr cotvs - equal to about 27s 6d for prime, a^d 20a to 22* 6d for medium per ICOlb. A.t above rates we sold, on account of the New Zealand a-ad Australian Land Co, Messrs P and J *yson, K'rby, aad others, 73 head. Fat Sheep. — 2950 were penned, chiefly cross-breds, the quality fcr the most part being ordinary. A drift which we sold from the New Zea'and and Australian Land Company's esUtes were, however, ef unexceptional quality, and commanded top prices Tto above being a large supply following upou gevtml full market?, rendered Bales difficult to effect at priced satis-tact-iry to vendors. Novtrtbeleß*, all we-o cleared at lates ranging from 8a 6i to lls 61. We told on account of the H Z and A.L. Co., 670 at Us 6d ; on account of Messrs A Peat and bone, 224 at 8a to 8 < 3d ; on account of James bhaud teg , 342 wethers at ]0j 9d, and 206 ewes at 83 6d ; on account of Mr James Lamond, 105 ewes and wother jat Us ; on account ot Mr Donald Mttchdl, U4 ewes and wethers at 9* 3d to 9s 6d We quote prime mutton at 2d 10 2J I per Id. Store Cattla aud teheep. — There U a good demand for well- for was d st>re fheep f^r turnip f;o ling, und several Is rjfe iot-i have been purchased m .he weekly markf t foi th it ru-'coso At auction and privately wo have lately Bold 3> 0 m lot 3, at from 7s 6d u> 81 ea for wethers, atid (? , to 7s for ewes. In cattle wo have r.o transactions t:> report. Woo). — In this n.ivckot no business has tia spirod. Catalogues to hfiid !>y San Fr-ncis o mail Kre in ths rcain satisfactory, and show a maternl swvance m prices of the belter qua'iiies cf merino, bah grea<-y and scoured. Inferior heavy cross-breds sh .w no improvement, whila sccurod paresis if tho tame deicription have barely m%iut*.iHed Fre^ ious sale quota ions. Sheepskins —For our weekly silo ou Monday last we catal giud 1000 »klne. Bidding w. s brisk, and 1 rices were ful y mci ltaiuc ', cross hreris, from 2s to 3-i lUd ; i.e'ts and sUtion ukiun, from la Id to la lOd Hides. -Wo improvement ia the demand. Prices without a'ter.t.ou — vu., 5Jd to 31 per lb tor sound w.t-gilted.

Tallow is quite unsaleable. Wo havo no transactions to report for the week.

Grain. — Whe-t: There i* a fair demand for choice milln g samples., with few lots, offering. We have disposed of s ventl liius of ordinary quality at from 3% 16^-1 to 4s ; i aally prime mil iiig we quote at 4i 4 1 to 43 lid ; fowls' foed, 3i to 3) 3d. Cits : Thsre fcas been a tr'k demand during the wetk for shipment. We have placed sovcra l lines of foed quality a^ 2s ; millng samplus, 2s Id to 2s 3d. Bsrley is dud of sale, with tin exception of prune mailing samples, which may be quoted at 5j 3d ; rniLing, from 4s ti 4.-, 64.

Messrs Donald Rsid and Co. report for the week en iing 9th July as follows : —

Fit Catlc— This wetk'a market wa^ f..irly supplied with 170 ho^d (£ caUla, nearly all of whioli wtie prime q tality a-id beavywei^htn. 11 found bu crs at a sl'ght reduction (>n !&ti la'ts. Best bullocks brought trora ii'O to £13 ; othirs. £1 10s to 48 2s 6d ; best cows £3 7s Cl to a.9 si ; medium, £7 10s to £3 ; other.), £6 10s— or equal to 27.-> Od per 1001b for prime, V/ii 6U niediuai q uxlity. At tho y. rds we sold 35 builock-S makiai< aa aveiuje of £tO.

F t Udlvis — Only three jarded, aud sold at from 12i 6 l to 25-.

Fat Sheep — '2936 wtro penned, all cross-breds, raiig mgio quality fr. 'in iiferior t"> prime, one draft from the fcouth being extr; prime and heavy-weights. Bidding throughout was sUck, and prices showed j.o ad-va-ico on last week's quototious £oit cross-tredi broueht l's 3d to Ils9d ; good do, 93 to 16c ; inferior to medium, Si to 8s 9J. We quote prime mutcon 2d per lb.

Storo Sheep era at present neglected, and quotations roauin unchanged Wo havo 5000 mixed crossbreds for sue.

ftore Cattle. - No transactors to report.

Sheßpekma. — At our sa!o on Monday full-woolled and bred skins fetched 4s 3d; morinos, ii Id ; butch; r a ' Bliins, 2a 3d, to 23 lOd ; ikim in balea, 3d to 6d per lb. Wo iUbo Bold two small pircels ol wool at a good fierura

Hides —We quote good-conditioned wet-salted at 2£d to 2Jd per !b T.llow remains at present quite unsaloalle. We quoto best mutton, 25i ; unxed, 'A2a ; rotigh fat, 16j per cwt.

Grain — There is no alteration in tho wheat market since our last weik'a repoit There is hut little inquiry, and prices are steady at last weok'a quoiations Cais : 'Iheic is a slight demand for locjl cousump.iun ; thore iii alao some inquiry fur shipnent. We have no alteration in pneos to roport. Duricg the week wo have placid 2500 s-acka f«ed oata of fair quality, at 2s per bushel for fhipmenfc. Barley is difficult to move ; prica* in favour t.f buyers. Wo quote wheat, best milliog, fa to 4s 3d ; inferior an 1 fonih' feed, 3.5 3d 10 3 7d. o-mb : Best milling, 2s 2dto2a3i ; feed, 2s to 2a Id. Barley: Malting, 5s to 5s (id ; millm^, 3a CJ t ) 4s 6d.


From tho Kational MToi-tgago and Afrency Conipany'a Circular of the 22nd of May, of tholhlof prices of New Zealand wool sold l>y public .-motion in London from the Clh to tho 2lst may, we cxtiaco the xollowing prices rcvltsed on v.ool from Ot'go :—: — Xx Matuura, fiom Turt Chalmcis: Ornrglade— Combine', 01 bales, not so!d ; do hoffgots, 38 Is 3id • part bl&ck, 1, Is ljl; piece?, 15, Is ?Ji ; lccka, S, fijd.

Ex Waimea, from Pert Cha'wri: Doub'o heart grnase, 101 bales, lOd ; 57, lid ; 40, 9Jd ; 2, 9d •I,Bd • 1, lOjd ; scoured, 4, Is UJd ; 5. Is Od ; fi, Is 8d ;0, Is 6d. Cm a circle, greaso, 21, 9Jd. OtalaiKe, 33 81 d ; 7, 7i'l ; 7, 8d Mount Roy,.), ut comb ng, J bred 38 Is Id; 36, Is Id; 2nd do, 24, la ; dotlurg, j-ired 8, Is 2il ; crosa-hri d pieces, 9, 10i 1 ; do locks, 1 6d. ' J'-x Mataura, from Port Chalmers: .^ia'iun r'eak— Cornbii g, 4 bRleB, Is 74 ; 47, Ik 6Jd ; 54, Is 6d ; Ist clothing, 11, 24, Is BJd ; 2nd dothiujr, H, 38 1b fid • Ist do, 50, |ls'6d; 2nd .do, 33, Is 6d; 31, not told; Ist pieces hogget?, 10, Is Cd ; do, 14, Is 4d ; bel'y piiccs, 24 1-. 3d ; pieces, 5, Is 2J ; locks, 17, 131 3 id • gD'ftho, 11, CJd ; jfrcasy pieceH, 3, 4d. Double heart, scoured, 8, 2s ; 4 Is 9Jd : 13, Is 9d : 3, Is 7Jd ; 1 Js 6d ; 16, »}d ; 20, 9d ; 2, BJd. Ex Wiiltum Davie, ftom Bluff: Nokomai, scoured, 4 bajeg, Js 7^d ; 5, le 8d ;8, JSJ S 3d ; 2, la 2^d ; 2,

Is 2£i ; 1, 1» 2Jd ; greasy, 4, 9d j 1, 9d ; 24, B|d ; 1, Bid Sia a clicie, mixed, 1, 93. Ex Waimea, from Port Chalmers ; EldergHe, greasy, 21 1 a'es, 8 1 ; 16, 8d ; 46, 81 ; 83, 7Jd ; 3. 7d ; 13, 8U ; 27, 8i I ; W. 8d ; 18, ed ; Ecoured, 6, 10id. Ex Nei- on, from Invercargill and Pore Chalmers : C ovtr two I'Oneshoes, greasy combing hoigec, 80 bales, lid ; 59, 10} d ; U, lOd ; 19, lOJd ; It; lOd ; 21, lOd. Grease, 14 ba'.eß, lOd ; 10, flid ; 7, 9d ; 4, lOi'l; 2i, 9i. O M R and Co-Sooured pigcts. 4, Isßd.

Ex Invercargill, from Port Chalroois: FatoarTa — Greasy, iO baits, ltd ; 107, 9id; 61, 9 d; 1, B'J ; 1, B,d. ExWsuara, from flluff : 3in a. eirila CH — Griasy, 6 balos, Is ; 7 ll£d ; 4, lid ; lor 2, 9J ; 4 lOd ;■ 1, BJd. v a — Geas.v, 23 biles, Is o*a ; ],6,-lii ; 16, Hid: 22.111; 14. Is 0i I ; 8, It Id ; 23 or, 25, Is 0J,l ; j3 1r ; 7<r 8, 9id ;6,9 r; t, lOd.

tx lnverc*rgill, frtm P. rt Cnalmers: V Ewth Garthmjl, ftitany, 40 baits 11 J- 1 ; 30..'11 d; 12, lOd ;8. Bid; 2, lid; 16, 8d; 6, sid. C *„ gnasy, 13 butea, lUd. T, gren-y, 39 ba'es, 9id ;4, 30J : 10, 9J. Co, g easy, 7 biles. Pi 1 ; 10, ty i ; ai, 8 1 ; 3, la Id M (To, cross b-ed, 14 biles, Is 4Jd ; 18, 18 4d; 20, Is 8d; IJT, Is rj i ; 6, 10d ; 1,1b; 1. 9 d; greasy, 1, 7id.; ,3,,^, co i bingr, 4, li 2J ;2, Is 41;4 1 ; 1, i s 2ia. Ex William Davie, from Bluff: TB, groasy orossbred, Sb.les, BJ.

Ex James i-iool Fleming, { om Port Chalmers K-iikorai Vall&y, J L, scoured,! bale. Is OJd: 4, la SJi ; 2, Is 4Jd ; 33, Is 5Jd ; 7, Is 2*d ; 1, 4d. ' Am diamond, BrooUlauds, creasy, 10, Jo lid. jSohp»n?il, J O and Co, greasy, 9, la id. II itj pi«ce», 4, Is 24d. Bine Cliffs, grtTasy, 13, lOd „' , S ' Per J W Fleming and Jnyercirgil, from Port Chalmtrs: MR, Green iHlai.d, scoureii, 10' bafeß la -li Jd • 4, Is BJd ; 4, Is BJd ; 3, Is Stjd ; 18, Is 6J ; 27, Is bll : 'Zi, li> 3id ; 20, Is id ; 4, 1a ; 1, not sold • 1 Is did; 9, la 3d; 5, Is ]ii; 4 In ojd ; 8, Bid. X in diamond, scound, 1, It '2Jd ; 3, la Id ; 2, lid Ex Mttaura, from Port ChaUaers: MB, criSi-conib-\iu, jOba'on is Id; piece's. 3, 10 J. JB, oro-s comb n<, 43, is Id; pieces, 6, 9d ; grease, 1, 7Ji.. Jc.con.bin? 9, is ; piec s, 1, 9 d. Xx J^mes r- ici-l Flemirp, from P. rl fbalmca NZ & A. L Co, T. .tarn, grcae.v , 4 b >les, DJd ; 4. 9J 1 ; f.S 0i i ; -27, 9d; 25, 9d; 37, Bid ; 25, BJi} U,.tii; 4, Bjd NZ &A l. Co, Jtfakater-tm a, troasy. 30, loa • 8 IOd ; 1, 8*1 ; 5, BJdj; 2, 6d ; 2, 6d. %N Z & aL Co' c,ra..ra, Rrea y, s.O bi>lei, 9^d; 7, lOJi: C 6 Bid; 1-. 8J1 ; 39, 9d ;8, 9 J ;3, BJd ; 1, B}c!. Jm Z .is a. ju Co ClyJ«.\a l o, icre-sy, 5, lOJd ; 6 9Jd; 4. 9£d ; .'4. 9i ;p. 919 1 ;5,9d ;5, 9 1 ; 7, 9i ; 13, 9 ;99d ;57 SJ- Otsmatata, streft-.y, 33 Hid ; 20, Ud; 27, 10^4 ;1, B£rJ ;2, B£i ; 2, 9JI ; 13, 7J-'. B in a he»rt, groasj,, 4j-noc eeld- Gaen, Blue Cliffy gro.%sy,"ll ,'llja •, '& lid; 3, 10J; 2, 9d. R, gretsy, It, la 3id: 6 la Ud : 2, 10J 1 ; 1, 7d ; 1, Is 5d ; 2. 13 2d. \ , < Ex Kelsi n, from Port Chalmers : Blue Cl ffa, Rr3»»y 9 b-iles, Ud ; '62, 9id ; 5!0, jOd ; 5, 91 ; 25, 9Ju2tf, 9J'l; 5, 81; 9, 7*d; 2. hjd; 18, OJ-I ; 9, t 6Jdi,26, y.Vd; 7,91; s,Bjd; 6,Bid; *, 6d ; -H, BHi l^SJd ; 5, 7 id; 4, 5 d. „ ,- Ex tnvbicargil and Nelson, from Port Ch%lme-«: CG and a cross, greasy, 14 bales, la ; 2i,"lsoid: 18 lid ; 2?, lid ; 26, llja ; 20,, lO^d. LX, o thrt" O'&age, greasy, 7 9J ; 15, KJd ; 2, Sid It, scoured, 7, 9d;.16, i-Jd ;2, SJd ; 4,1s 3JI ;1, is 2Jd ;.5. 1« 2d;.5, as Id : 4, l!> Oil; 1, 7jd ; 8, lid. Rin a d amond.-scoured, 3, 1* SJd ; 1, Is Id ; 4, is 2} 1 ; 4, la OJd.j \2 r 1id,..--. hx fuvereargill, fftim'Porc • ha'uiera : QR, fcoured, 7 bUea, 13 3d ;" 2. Is tja Xt ia a diamond, scoared! 1, Is 6jd ; 2, 1b 6d ; 3, Is 3Jd ; 4, ls>2d ; 2. Is Sd 1 ; 3k Is; 1, l»6d. . ». f Xx Kelson, from Port Chalmers: Maerewhenua. grease, 20 bales, not sold ; 1. 7 d; 3,, 7*l : 19, not sold ; 61, not sM ; 1, 7d ; 19, 7JI. ff ' ' Eic VVfti^arii, from Bluff: .(Vaikaki, gre»s» guner 6 bales, Is Oil; 12. Is; 2. lid; 6, lljd ; 12, lOJd ; 3, 9Jd ? 1, 9d ;1, lljd ;8, lOJi ;8, 9J; 1, 7jri! 2, 6d. Oiama, greabe sup< r 7, 1 id ; 6, lid.; 6, lOid : 1. fld : 3, 9d ;3, 9Jd ;4, Bid ;2, 6i. B. ' ' Ex Invero rgill: Gr^enfi'ld, gnsny, 61 b*l*fl 91dJ 21, IOd ; 14, 8d ; 5, Bjd ; 9, 8i ; 21, not sold ; 7, 9i. Scoured. 2, li 6d ; 2, l« Id ; 6, li Oid ; 1. li 2d . J'x Mataura, from P. rt Oh»lra(r.i : Scutco ThlstJe. half b>ed. 8 bales, Is lid ; 1», In 3d ; I. Bd. • Greasy. 6, 9 id; 3. 9 d. , ' ax Waimen,from Port Chalmers : J 80, s.i .el coiub' l-gr, 1 bale, Is OJd. Secured, 2, Is 7d ; , 6. Is 3id ; 1. IS !jd. . ' r x Nelson, from Po t Chalmers ; L&C MN scoured I lulc, ÜBi 1 : 2, is 7d ; 2le 6d ; 6, ii B;j3d; 8 ;j3d ; Blsld • 1, Is Oid; l. Is Oid; 7, Is Id; 2. 9J. - ' KxJ. Jd FlomiTDf, from Po;t Chalmers: Mlf, undumped treufce, 15 bake, 9Jd; 14, 9d ; 13 lOd • i 9 iyfiShh*® 13> 8d; 12> * d;1 -' 8d ; 1/Bdl Ex Waitara, from Bluff : C Ludeman, scoured, 13 bales, la 7d ; 1 not sold ; 3. Is 4d ; 4,- Is 4id ;2 Is 3id • 5, la 3d ; 3, Is. Tin a circle, utaria, irease, 20, not sold ;1, 7d. Tin a diamond, grease, 10, OJd. Ex Waitara. from Bluff : 'I apanui, craaso 7 balea lljd ; 27, Is ; 11, lOJd ; 12, IOd ; \, nit sold ; l, 9i'l ) 'li, Wd ; 11, fid ; 4. 9d ; 16. 9id. CO, Benmore, groasa 6, 9Jd;2O, Bii;6 81 „ Ex Mitaura and Waimea, from Port Chalm«rs ; C Moa Fl t, grtase, 42 b.tles, lid • 6, lid ; 09 inj •' t,2 lid ; SO, lii-1 • 36, 9JI ; 36. 9Jd ; 3, 9d ; 1, 9d' 81* lOJd ; 25, 10 d ; 14, 9Jd ; 8, IOd; 9, 8d ; 2, 9d. , /' Xx J. N. F cmii g, frota fort Chalmers : GJadbrook combing, 19 ba'es, Is 7d ; 11, Is 6id ; 5, Is 6d • 3 Is 6d ; 26. is 4Jd ; 9, Is 6d ; 33, Is 6d ; 6 Js 6d ; 10. Lot gold; 7, Is id; 23, Is 2d; U, Is J^d; ,2, Is bid; l»Bliisaud piec #,"5. ls2Jd; Ist half-bred pieces 149 part fleece, 5 balos, Is Oid ; half-ored bellies 7 bales 13 Id; iock4, 5 bt'es, Is ' Ex Waimia: WAikukuhi, undumped superior 16 bales, Is CJ I ; cios-bred 14, Is 7ld ; 27, Is 6id ;16 Is 4Jd ; cross hoggois. 12, Is 61. . »•*«,«

Xx lLverc»rgiU, from Port Chilmers: H and R lander, grease, tb bales, lid ; 46, lOi'l ; 10,-, 104 • 6. Hid ; 18, iOd ;S, SJ'l ; 2, lOd ; 9 9Jd ;J, Bd. Xx MaUuia, from I'ort Chuluiets: I across O comi>ing heggefcs 9 tales, Is 6d ; 2!), Is 4Jd ; pieces, 6* Is tjd; rimes a»d lo.ks, i>, UJd. 'ihi<=tle. ffr.jr.S9 ciovH-iueJ and Leice-.tor 11 b.' t\. ft, 30 71 d • dam. age:), 2, 7Jd ; pio.-e8,5 5d ;1, 3Jd. ' Ex W imea, fr m Pa'uChalmeis : Ppectaclos, grease half-bed, 5 ba'es, Fd; i-i:ce9 andlucka, 1, sd. litar, grease' Komney iiarth, 3, 9d.

Jix Wditarn, from liiuif : WH4,H S5, scoured, 9 bMes, S'l. Wtl, scoured damage 1, l, Bd. MI, 6cour«rt 0, Bd. WflM, scourwt, 6, Bid. Jl', soured, 1 7Ad R «reasy cro^.-brcd, 29, 9 1 ; grcaßy, 2, 6id ; damaired, l! 51. SH, gteay crots b:ed, 17 or 18, 8d ; pieots 21, pert flet.C', S, CJ. >iushy Pbrk, cross-bred. 2 oi 3, 7JJ; pieces, mixec 1 , 4, 61 R in diamo- d, scoured, 2, Is 7d ; 5. la 3d ; 1, 61d ; Glenham Bja ; 9, 81 ; 4. od.

Xx luvcrcargill, Nelson, a-d J. N. Fleming, from Port Cbalmeis: Kvk xai Valley, JL— Scoured Ist combing, 3 b xles, Is 6Jd ; do clothing, 1 1b 31d ; do Ist Lalf-brud, 21. is 3J ; do 2ad do, -i. Is Oid ; do 3(d do, 8, 1b °.d ; do cSothn g half-brud, 4,' 8d ; do Ist L.mbs, 2, Is -AA ; do brands, 1, fid. Circle trisected— Long combii g, 21, U 4Jd. Cottesbrook — Ist combing hoggets, 6. Is did ; do uo, 20, not told ; 2nd combing hogg(,ti, S9, no t Bold ; do do, 33, not sold ; do do, 29, not sold ; ord do, 89, Is 4£ 1 ; do do, 38, not said ;do do. 32, Lot sold; lit clothine, 13, not-sold; 2nd do, 330, 3. d. 17, not sold; picc-s hoggeis, 18, l«2Jd; do do, 89, Ul% I ; iocVB, 20, Is OJd ; greasy, 2, 7£d; do halt brad, 15, i.05 s Id ; do .Lester, 4, 8d; ao halfbred pLces aud lucks, 2, 4^l. .t-G-Greaßjr, 65, lOd ; do hoggets, 1?, 9d.

DUNBDIN LABOUR REPORT. July 9th, 1879. - Mr Pkksb reports : Things have at 'a-t taken a turn. The demand is now on for ploughmen, and sialion and farm couples are more in favour ; snll &RO..d many men are un'avoldabie out of work at this winter season: The employment offerad on tho railway formation has not pro7td n. success ; shepherds, miuous, bricklayers, &c, «re ft 1 1 quet; fem»l« acrva-ti tre suill warca for hotilo, utivate families, aud farms; cooks, waiters, hooi3, station smiths, and carpenterp, are frequently needed. Wages:— Day labour, 7» to 8j; ploughmen, £52 to i's3 ; milkers, 16a to 25s ; boys, 8* to 12s ; g;r s, 10a lo 15< ; do, 16a to 25.; ccupli'H, i; 65 to £120; luehmcn, 8<; station tmiths and carpenter*, 35s to oQn and found.


Mr J. B. Fkadbhaw repoils (he foJ'owioir ns the nir.rk et value uf shares for week ondiug Saturday, the sth, viz :—: —

Bunk of New Zealand Fhar«>, £18 to £18 ss; Ndvousl Bank, 65); Color ial Bank, 393 lo 3fis 01; National Insurance Coaspimy, 17s fid to 18s; New Zealand lumraijce Ucmp«iny, 603; S'.nndajri Insurance Compauy, 33s t> H<; South ISiitsh liS'.T.iica Coiupar.y. 50s to 51s; Union InMirauce Compmy, ISs 6d to 13s; Col. ) ial Intumnce Company, 4s ; Otago a; d touthlind Investment Company, 27s Pd ; liaitan>fsta Ruiiway and Coal Conspany, ;S5 ; Walton J?aik Coal coinpnuy, 12s C-l ; Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company CJs; 'Fo.'bury Purlc Compan). £25; Union Steam Ship Company, &1 lOi ; Cromwell Quajtz-m>niug Ccmi any, 46s to 60s; National Mortg ge and Agency Company, 20s; Scotti^h and Now Zealand liivtftineut Company, 16j ; Otago Daily Times and Witness Company, £6 10s.

Monoy secured on freehold property, X 0 per sent, per annum, . < , ,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1442, 12 July 1879, Page 13

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STOCK. STATIONS, ETC Otago Witness, Issue 1442, 12 July 1879, Page 13

STOCK. STATIONS, ETC Otago Witness, Issue 1442, 12 July 1879, Page 13


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