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Mr Hbkhy Dkivbr (on behalf of the N.Z.L. and M.A. Co , Limited) reports for the week ending 30th April, ag follows :— Fat CatMe —Only 100 yarded, chiefly of medium quality ond li'.'ht weigh l . 1 here was little or n 0 improvement in prices— be9t beef futching 27< 6d pHr 1001b ; medium do, 23s to 255. We solo a small draft at qu )ta r io- s. Fat Calves.— Sine yarded, and were sold at about la'e q-uitatioiiß. Fat Sheep.— Altogethrr there wcra 33C2 penned, con"lsting of about 2000 merinos, half of which were stores, aud 1362 cross-breds, from medium to good quality. Fcst cross-breds sld at List week's rate* ; be>t merinos fetched oi ly 6s Gd eich, or equal to about liperlb. F*t 1 amb».— Two hundred and twenty-soven were panned, and t>o'd at about lOh each. Store Cattlo and Storo Sheep.— No transactions to report. O.iuntry Sales.— On Thursday last, tho 24th instant, we hold a cl aring sile at Messrs Blues and Duthie's Newhouso Fnrm, neir Tokomairiro. Tho stock, implements, &c, were of flrht-claßs quality, and the/c was a large attendance of buyers from all parts of the province. Everything ww cleared off at s itibf actory iricr-8 Dnuaht mares and geldinua fetched from £36 to £70 10s : dairy cows, up to £15 per head; light horses. Implement*. &c, at fair value Wool. — On the 24th instant we received the following cablegram frnn London, dated 220 d Aoril: — '• Wool.— The next i-al^s will comm«nco on the (irti nrox. Up to date 315 000 hales have arrived. There has beftn a little privato inquiry. The Homo markets are lightly stocked." Shetpskins. — our usual gale on Monday we catalogued about 1303 skins. Th^rew>s fair competition f»r tho vauou* lota offered, «nd prices obtained were fully equal to last week's qunUtions. •ide-.— We quo c hemy gno l-'-onditioncd hides at 3£d per lb ; medium do, 31 to 3}<J. During the week w« have phced 150 at quotations. Tallow. —We ilispiipfcd of several smnll lots at our f ale on Monrlny at from 21s to 255 ; rout h fat at 19s, Grain —There is fairinquuyfor prime millirg, at from 3s Si to 3s 7d ; medium, Ss 3d to 3a 4d. Oats : There is no improvement in price : t^pd feed, 2s 3d to 2* 4d ; ( o milling, 2a 5d to 2s Gd, with limi'.od demand. Barley : The mvtct is at precant rather over-supplied, and sales difficult t'» effect, at late quotations. We quota fine malting at 53 6d to 6s 9d ; aiding do, 4s 6J to 4* S)d. Messrs Wrioht, Stkpubnson, and Co. report for Ibe week ending 30th April, as follows : — Fat CattK— To-day's market was fairly supplied, 142 head Leing yauleil ; these coiißi.ited for the most pait of mediom qna'ity and light weight. Vrcts rulerl about ihe s.unc as last w ek. We no)d 36 hrad on account of Mensrs A exiuv'er Fieming and brop'sr an-J John-tin'! Bullocks brnugb. from £8 to £10 ; cows.frrm £5 7s G? to £8 17a 61. Wo quote j rime b^ef at 27u Gd per lOOib, and mtdium qu lity at u<2t, Gd to 255. Fa f . Calvos,— Nine yardo ', mi sold by is at from 21s to ' d f ach Fat Sheep —332s punned, coufisiinor of about 2000 merinos, one-half of which were 9t res, and rother over 7300 fat croa-.-breds of from fair to {food qualiiy, Wo sold on account of Robert O'uy, Esq. (Rnchl mdi), 139 cross-bred ewes (fair qua ity;, at from 8^ 9 1 to 9s 3<J; 152 do wether.', at <rom 9s 0 1 to 10s; 814 merino wethers, at 58 Gd; and 702 stoic do at a satisfactory figure. Ou account cf Mr Kobert Joht stone, 55 cross-brod ewes, at from 9s 9d to 10s B. On account of Mr F. Bremntr, 68 crosi-breds, at from 98 9d to lls 6d : «nd on account o{ Mr Smith, 83 meriqo ewes, at 3s 9d,

Fat Lamb?.— 369 were penieJ We sold 85 on account of Meysrs R. Johnstone and Smith, at from 6b 3d to 7s 3d. Stcro G+U'e.— Wo hive no transact'ons to report. Store St eep — Young merinos »»e still in demand. Durinst the week We have vliwd 2500 cro3B-brudw, mixed sexes, at 'ate quotations. We be? to call attention to our s\\e at the Bumside Yarda on WcdnfSrtiy, 7th Ma3 r , when we shall offer, on account of Messrs Handjs'de, P.oburts, and Co (Patearoa &tano»i), 1200 first-cla»s full-mouthod merino «wes. Landed Properties. -In cot. j auction with Messrs Murray, DalgleiEh, and Co cf lnveroarg'll. we have to report having sod privately, on account of, James Elliott, E-q , the Bushy Park E»tito, Mat aura, c^ ntHininK over 11,000 acres fieehold, to Rotert Gray, Fsq., of Rockiands statioc, at a satisfact ry figure —the stock 10 be taken at valuation. Country Sales — We heM a clearing sale by auction on Monday, 27th instant, by order' I Messr i Aitclieson and Mii , a f . their daily farm, Upper Junction, Norlht'ajt Val.ey Thero was a good attendance of bu\er^, and the enws (20) were so.d ft prices tanging from £4 15a to & 0 15i per head. Farming imp e.aenis a.d dairy utensils sod at full rat' a. Hor-ioa — There id a modeiate demand for h^avy draught and strontr upstHiidlng light ba ness hiTsea. At ourynrds on Salurcay laat we disposed of five heavy draught g-eldlueH on account of Mr Divil Kirbv, at. iro<n £32 10s to £50 ; aleo a miraber of ♦he MVn J?!at CO ts and fillies, at f i om £26 t^ £.2. Wo quot'ifint-cIHAS diaughtsatfr)ui£so io£6o; mcd urn, £10 to £45 ; light £i sto £35; wo \ Uayks. and light harness hors h, £,•<!> to £30 ; mcdi jni £15 to £ 0 ; aad inferior, £3 to £10. Country S»les.— We desire to call attention to our monthly sale which tike 3 pace ht Polmerston t>morrow (Thurnday) when we Bh 01 1 if or over 3000 fit and Bti»e shee ) and lambd, 50 to 60 head fat and st>re cattto, hor»e , &c. Shiepskiiii.— Wo he'd our weekly Bale on Monday, at wlroh the trade wai well represfiiited.. PriceH mled much thi'B«n» as last week, butcherb' pelta bringing up to la 8 I, and larulisk us up to li 5 t Hl.les.— We have n t disposed of hny this week. '(al»'W.— Our siioi consist of several casks prime mut-fcoa at, £28 per ton, medium at £25, and a-so number of small lots rou^h fa; a* £19 per ton, which prices may be taken as present values. i*rain — I'hero i< a uemiua for prime wheat, but gio.veis Hieui indisposed ti sell at p eaent low ia es. We quote re'lly prime Simpleiat f-oui 3jßd to 3) Oil ; ordinary f-> good, 3s 31 to 3s 6d ; fowl-.' te v, 2a 61 to 3^. ua\s are ,n much ea^ier demand, and quotations are Merely n mi. al. We quote prime milling famoles at up to 2s lid per bushd), gouU le^d at »p to 2s 3d. B.roy \\itti tv« c\c ption ot really tir.t-clasa s.iuiplcs, in u't in such good lequeßt We qu)te real y pnujo inditing at 5s 9a to 6s ; ordinaiy, bs to bi 3J ; I miiiintf, 4s 6i to sa. Maclban Brothers report for the week ending 80th April, a3 follows :— F*t Cattle.— A modorata supp'y of 142 head was yordjd for this day's market, co ti tiog waitily of co»vs ai.d undeigrown bullucko, all of oruin»ry to into ior quality, in ihe absence of better, however, fair p iovS \\eie obtained for these — ay equ*i to 278 6d for Debt, and 22s GJ to 27< tot inferior, per 1001b. At the y»rds we s-oid vi uccouat of il«.-s--ra Ayson, Lindsiy, and Patrick, 61 head at from £tf 7s Od to £11 16s i ach. Kat Calvos. — A tow wore peuneJ, wliich sold at from 25s to 4'iS each. U'at, aiiecp -Au unusually largo number came forward, viz , 3335, of whiou ab;uc 2000 were merino-, i and 1000 of which wore tikeu for boiling down, while 300 w^tj turned out, t.» ba heMf'-r next wejk. 'ibe croßs-bredfi were only medium qualitr, and although I com eaiun was fairly a«t ye, liivh figures were not oUMucd. We sold, o j a.eonut <.f Jame^ Shand, Esq , I the Now Zealand and Amtru,l<aa Lurpd Oompaay, and I Messrs Joun and Davia Andrew, 572 cro e s-bifcd» »t ! twin 7s 6d to lls 3d each— jt equal to about 2d \er )b for )/est quality. Fat Luiubß — Only "<O2 lambs were pennod. Best quaUy si Id at 7d tj 83; inferior and ordinary at from 3s od to 5u Sto.e GUUe.— Wo i oto a better inquiry f r good store ca;t ef )X winter t-.tte icgr. but thus far ftw sales of any imui'itinoo hav<> trtkin ikee. We sh'lt offer od Tu''»d»y ntxt, at West Taieu, about 80 head. Stir.3i r.3 mcc .— We have no transactions to leport. Uountiy oule* At Uutiatu, on Friday, we dis, osud of atou J 60 ii <il b ore cutie at ta.isfacoory p l ci Un aamod*y, ..i ii'iloiutha, on account nf Wm To h, K*>q ,we Jit-iu >eu ring sals. • lie a'.ioudanuo was Ur b i , finrt the c mpetitio i was spirited. Draught hordes fctjhed U|) to 70 guineas; eittie, im^lsueuie, &c , very hatisiactorv piiceß. At Totar ., yesienUy and today, we, iv conjunetiou with Mebsrs Wright, jjtephennw>, aid Co , Una Loniiei. at d Clones, held a sale of boras'-, c.iUle, sheep, lmpliine'jts. &2., which ret.ult-d most uc jeasfuliy. Fuu pirti:ulri wil ba j:iven in ou next report. Wo would diieut uttention t> our sales at, Oornh'U F<»nn U. ilf-way Bush. O" Thursday, of di-iiy^cattle, &c , ibotudiug a number if highly -bred Ayrshtres, on account of Messrs A. and J. M.tcfar» lane. Wool.— We hi-vo mo »dvices of any special importance from the Home market. Next svles rommence on 6th May, and the result wM bo anxiously awaited. Un Monday last we disposed of a number of odd lots at from 5d to 6j'l per lb for greasy crosa-bred. Sheepskins Oar sale on Monday was well attended. Tho ca a cgue sv.\3 a smalt i ne, aud the si i s of inferior qoality, but fair ] rices wore realised. Station skins, iv bales, eo'd ai up to 5d per lb. Hi(ie».— None offered. The demand is weak, Prices unchanged. Tallow.— None offered at auction, No transactions. Grain.— Wheat meets with but little inquiry, and only best descriptions are saka »le to millers. Oons durable qnatititie< are beina shipped on growers' nccount. (Jaotatiins are without chance. Barley has been in easier request, but as stocks are not heavy we look for pi csent rates being inaii.tained. We quoto prhn« malting at up to 6* 9d. Oats are inquired for for shipment, but the local demand has been slack. We quote good feed at 2s 3 1 to 2s 4i. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report for tho week ending 30th April, aa follows :— Fat CUtto. - The supply this week was enty a moderate cue, 142 coming to linud, consisting principally of meuium quali y, vtrr few l.emg prime. Tha trado having bought laigeiy last week, prices showed no advance en late quotations Best bullocks brought from £11 10a t> £12 ss; medium, £9 to £11 5.i ; others, £7 10s to £9 ; cows (best), up t > £10 ss ; ' good, £8 10s to £9 Ib 3; others, £ti 5s to £8 7s 6d— or about 27s 6J per 1001b fo- prime, and 22s 6d to 25s for ru(dium quality. At the yards we si Mon account of Henley Co., 31 cows ; on account of J. UlacKio, Esq.. 10 bullocks, at. aVove quotntions. Fat Calves —Only niuu oame to hm d, and sold at top r ites Fat She p.— An excessive supply c»me forward this week, 3325 being pcined, about 1300 of which were rucriuoa, the bal.uice being croS3-bredf, of which numbir only about 400 were prime, the others being ii Ale better' than stor«H ; consequently a con&ider.b c number wore turned out iins>ol''. Pncos were about the same as laßt week Best cross-breds brought lls to 123 ; medium, 9a t> 9s 91 ; infeiior, 8s to 8* 61 ; merino wethers, 6s ; ewe- 1 , 33 to 3s 9d Wo quote prime muttnn, 2J t per lb ; inferior to medium, l}d to 2d. At the yards wo Bold, on account ot W. FenwicK, Esq., and other vtiiiors, 730, at prices equal to ab A vc. F»t Lambs.— A fair simply ponnod— viz , 3C9-of inferior t > medium quality. Lambs were not iv much demand, arri prices showed a Blight dccl ne. f We Bold, on account of Henley Co., 82 at from 5b Gd to 6*. Store Cittlo. — We have no transactions to report. Store t-heep — We have inquiry lor two and four tooth cross-breds, of which there are fe v offering. During the week we have placed fonral lots for private sale, but have ivt transactions to report. Shetpkins— We held our usual s Ue on Honda}', wlipu wo catilcgu'-d abuit 1000 Beat crossbred 3 brought up to 4d 0 1 ; merinos, 3s Mto3s 9d ; ppltn, lid t) is lOd; lambskins, Is 01 to 2*; station skins, iv bales, 5d per lb. < ra ; n —These is little demand for wheat, and price? are nominal at 3s 3d fco 3s Cd (or prioie samples ; inferior, 2s 9d to 3s. Oats are very dull if sale. The ni'irket i> now fuliy sup,j)i d, a-id pricoa are in favour of buyois. We quoto beai. (end Us 3d to '2-t 5d ; mi linj? 2s 41 to 2s BJ. B rlev : lie t v, 5i Gd to 0j; o'her sjr.s, 4j .d to 5s Sd. The Now Zealand Lonn ai d Mercantile Aieucv Coinimny liav^ received irom their Lmdon office the following calilegoim, dated 22nd Ainil ; - Wool —Tho mxt, (ales will commence on Gth prox. Up to date 315,0003 1 5,000 b les hivu arcivfd 'JheiO has been a iiltle private inquiiy. Ihe MoJGe markets are lightly htotkod. Wluat— Market flit. Adela'de is woith 47a p<r 496 lb ; New Z'-aland, 44<s. Tallow is dull of talo. Mutton is quoted at 365; beef, 33s per cwt. Leather.— Mai ket quiet. Best tides are woith 9}d per lb. Ibe Bank of England rate U two per cen',

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Otago Witness, Issue 1432, 3 May 1879, Page 13

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STOCK, STATION, ETC, Otago Witness, Issue 1432, 3 May 1879, Page 13

STOCK, STATION, ETC, Otago Witness, Issue 1432, 3 May 1879, Page 13


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