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News of the Week.

{ ",Mr Thomns Taylen Port Chalmers, has be<-h appointed by ifas Excellency' the tfo-f ' ' yernbra Justiceof 'ihV Peace for the colony. ' '' t '{Seyera^ slight shook* of earthquake are re-; W'.porited to nave been' fel^ in the' Wakabip'dis-, 'tricVdurih^the last" few days. ,'",', ' , ttl , ' .jl^j^pffioiallynotified^hat the £le7.'*pWid f ' Johnstone has been registered an officiating '"'minister, within the meaning of the Mar J 1 riage'Aot, 'lSs4. ' |" '' ' "''',',;' >■'' The William Davie. left "the Clyde on 2nd June, under, the command of Captain Daniel Rossi. 'with' 145 passengers, equal to 133 1 adults: " ""' >>' *'-•.■', (> -"i ■ lli ,';,The Robert' Henderson, sailed "from' tjbe "•'•Bluff, the same day the 0 i ' Ciif^ left-he^,!' and 'arrived' home on the 2nd b: JUhe, hay* 1 ing made a fine 'passage of '83 days." '"■ | , ' ' J A-.tele^am^receiWd. by the ageni«,' Messrs! ' G i'G!'RU'3Belran(i' Co 5 ,, Marseilles,' an v 11 ounces that thVTirimra. which sailed * from Port Chalmers on the 15th March, 1 arrived in v tne»oh'annel'6iltheil9bh'ffttne.i '?■ ' ' J ' J« ' -V^eHindetßtiitid that'' Mr Gi' Kl^Tartibn; • 1 , has been appointed a"Gommissiorier •■ of .'the Supreme Court> of ' Queensland, •• to take bail and affidavits,- -and. alao to examine ... iwituesses ■ in- actions and proceedings in „, the said Court." .' - „ „ '" '- The total sum collected in the.Tuapeka ' and 'neighbouring districts, in behalf of the widow ami family of Harry Neh'-fF, who was drowned at.Tuapeka Mouth some time ago, was L 135. The net 'amount available after payment of all expenses, is LI 12 15s. It is officially notified that on and after September Ist, the following tariff will be in force for ordinary telegrams : —From any station to any station — for the first ten ,words, 2s 6d ; for .every additional five " words or fraction of five wdrds, 6d. The Robert Henderson left tho Bluff on the siame day that the City lefc Port Chalmers, and was docked in London on the Bame day, thus sustaining her character for speed. She is now loading in London for this port. Capt. Hendry isstill in' command. The' Count de la Ronciere and nuite, accompanied by his Honour the Deputy-Superin- ' tendeut, visited the gaol on Monday. They were received by the Governor, Mr Caldwell, who conducted them through the establishment. The Count expressed himself in terms of high commendation with regard to the state of the gaol. The rumour regarding Mr C. E. Haughton's intention of settling down at the Thames appears to have been well- founded. The Wakatip mail states that Mr Haughton has entered into partnership with Messrs Broad and Keddell, lately wardens on the Thames goldfield, under the style of Broad, Haughton, and Keddell, legal and mining agents.

The diggings oh the Waikaka River are reported to "c tuming'out vcry'well. The number of miners exceeds 100, and a second Btore has been erected on the ground. It is also stated by a Tokomairiro paper that two "young iadifs"were observed a few days ago on their way to these diggings, " swagging it with heavy loads on their backs in true colonial style." The total quantity of kerosene imported into New Zealand during the year 1868, wao 295,648 gallons, representing a monej value of £3S 682. Of th>s amonnt £21,083 war frotn Vjctoria, £9740 from the United States, £5109 fom New South Wales, and £2750 from the United Kingdom. The total value of the oandlos import«d during the Bame period was £88,958, By the telegraphio news received by tbe mail we learu that two of our wool ships have arrived borne, the City of Duuedin on the 30th of May, and the Chile on the 2nd of June. The City of Dunedin left Port Chalmers on the 11th of March, and has consequently made a splendid passage ot 80 days, 'eclipsing all tho rest of the Boaaon. Tho Chile sailed on the 9th of February, and mado a long passage of 11 3 da}*. Mr Warden Robinson left Oatnarn on Monday last on an official visit to the Marowhonua diggings. With regard to these diggings the Onmaru Times says : — We have reasonable grounds for believing that iv a short time we Bhall be abl« to announce thj) oponing of an important goldfield. , Certain it ; is, that a quartz reef loxniles in length has been discovered, and thw »■ portion of it is known to bo, Auriforous. , ' Mr Eastwood, tho -agent of Baoheldery Diorama, narrowly eicaped being. killed on' the West Coast. lately. Ie appe^ty that ho was travelling iv tho cojtoh Wwoejv^TettK port and Charleston, when it* was oapsised over a preoipico. Al( the horses, which woro four in number, wore killed, atm sov'oi'al of tho paaaonger» were terioui'y hurt; ' Mr Eauttvopd, howovtir, was fortunate enough to osoapo without injury. . . . ' Tho attention of- householder* is directed to tho following, hyotlavr, lately pas«ed by tho Cf'ity ' Council : — "Any owner <>r tenant of any land or promitua, in front of whick the ffotputh has boon asphalted' or othorwiie ; jp^ycil, wuo omits daily to otean boforo eight ' o clock »,in., and toieop clean somuoh of Iho footb^tb as is oppostto to, or iniront of apy, t »fiou prcin sea, 1 ' w lia'-10. on conviction, in a penalty not exceeding L 5. Tbe City Council have d«oided to forward instt uotions to Mr A. IC. Smith to prepare plans and cpeoiiloatioßS for a Corporation Gas Work*, in accordance with hi* report, and that, upon the same being prepared, tendon

ib'otirae^Syd'Xiey^Btd^.ew Zealana.v jl I ,A letjter, was rend fronfyAljr} Stephen.jH^hisonii , intimated, that he was preparing ''a report lon the g<<B 'question, f and that hV would lay it before the Council at their next 'meeting. (

A Sydney paper of the 31st nit. gives 'iine. following/item of theatrical news :— By the Aucklandsteamer. whioh, will ,proba;bly sail today,. Madame Duret ,and.Mr ;Le Roy take their dep^fture^or^e^Zealaiid, after>loiig' and" successful' sojourn' in' this 1 nnd -the adjoining oolonies^of Victoria :and Queensland. Madame Duret and- her husband, will be wjel . : come to the loverssoTthe drama in New.Zealand, as being actors of tried merit, and' of great reputation in their profession.' ; Mr J. 1 f Chifiholm delivered a, lecture in' the Ports' Chalmers Mechanics Institute on'Tues*day\ evening,' to a ' large and: attentive* audience, the fubjeot, being *' A R-omp .w^th the Witches a Grave Talk- with the t-'ositives." The' lecturer' was several iiiries applauded; 1 and at the conclusion ' a hearjty vote- of .thanks ; was accorded i to him, < and, .d\\iiy» acknowledged;^ v ,Th,Q:;»?reaJidi?nt, Mr I)alrymple,'i announced that Mrjßeuben Toms would deliver -a lecture -on "Water", onTuedaay.eve m iii^ i thfl'24tliinati. M ' "■" t ' ' Some little time ago ihe Acclimatisation Society sent to the , care of Mr M'Kellar; ; of Tapanui, a herd of twelve deer, > whioh they recently) imported from Tasmania. Three !of the number, says the ( Tuapeka Times, .tjied Bhorily after reaching Tapanui,* but the' remaining nine, which , are secured in a hundred acre paddock, jv jwell wooded, and in every way, adapted for them, are thriving well, and when we jgaw them last, were as frisky as if oh thßir'native hilla. An soon as sumnoer comß round, they' are to be set at liberty on the Blue ' Mountains.

At a sale of Crown Lands held on Monday week sections 86 and 88, block 3, Waitahuna West, being land of special value,, and of an area of 34 acres 6 roods 2l poles. Were sold at the rate of 21el;per acre. Block '9, Waithhuna ]4ast; consisting ■of 4499 acres' nut of special value, .was not sold. 19 sections of town land at Outram, out of JOS offered, were sold for LI 1 1 10a. Wo are informed that land is at a discount at present, as private land is being sold at a lower price than was paid for it to the Government some time ago.

The ship City of Dunedin, Captain George Stuart, one of Messrs Patrick Henderson and Co.'s line, has made the fastest voyage to and from Otago on record. She left Glasgow on 21st October, 186S, and arrived at Otago Heads on 11th January, 82 days out. Anchored at Port Chalmers next day ; discharged her inward oargo, and took outward a full oargo of 4367 bales wool, and sailed for London lltb March, having been 58 days iv port. The run home was made in 81 days to the Isle of Wight, and on the 83rd day she was docked in London, the whole voyage thus ocoupying 224 days.

A meeting of the Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society of Otago was held at the office of the Secretary (Mr T. Allan) the other evening. It was resolved to hold a Spring Show, in November next, in addition to tho two shows usually held, the object being to obtain a fair representation of the flowers crown in Dunedin and the neighbourhood during that season, A Sub-Com-mittee was alao appointed to draw up a schedule and settle the dates of the unual Summer aud Autumn Shows of the Society, after whioh the meeting terminated.

A bicycle velocipede, .mado on Michaud's principle hy Messrs Easton and M'Gregor, of Port Ohalmen, may be eceu at the wn.rohouse of Messrs Blackadder aad Co., iroi>mongers, in the Octagon. It is bnilc ontirtly of iron, the tirea of the wheels bemu hollow. It weighß only about 501 b«, and contains an improved break, which is worked by turning round the handle of the steering gear. At the conch factory of Mr Robin, at the corner of the Octagon and Stuart street, is also a velocipede of the tricycle kind, > uilt by Mr Robin, and weighing only 6511 m. It is lightly but strongly put together, and runs With a very email amount of presaure.

We regret to have to announce the death, from tho effects of an accident, of ono of our oldest and, most respected runholdors— -Mr W. T. Oumine, of the, Horseshoe Bush Station, Waihola Gorge. It appears' that oh Friday week Mr Cumins, while on horseback, Approached another hpne, which kicked him, fracturing his leg. Dr Forgunon, of Toftomairiro, wait summoned, and undor his cut) the' putioht ajppeared to be ' prfogr«'s^^h|r' favoura>Ty, until, on Tuesday, ho was f cfiXcil wikh'a oonvuliivo'flt) denth ensuing in a few ninutei; Mr. Curaine had been' about ninn ,y#ars im the provinoe, and wan universally respeoted by thoso who know him. . ,

A okoe whs beard last w/wsk at tho/ Resident Magiitrale'n Coort, which 1 will Mt> of'i/ome' iotemt to' pebdn* purobmsftig horocs.' '' It ahAwa.'ttiat any verbal itaarant«o of soundness givvn by tbo s«lltn is worthies*, • when a* written, rpooipt is taken, udlcm tho speoific guarantee appear^ iv tho document. Thb ruling o< tho Mfigiatr&tA is baaed on tUe law as laid down in Oliphaut's "Law Kolating to Horsts," whioh is c*ftr and explicit on tho snbjoot. Tho decision ought to serve as a warning to purchaser* of homes, either to obtain written guarantoes ofsoundn'Mß from tho vendors, or to take tk© advict of a properly qualified retorinary sorgaoM before oomplfiting taelr pnrohaie*. The oomnetitivo designs for tho now Athon»um building are now on view »t tho otfioo in Templo Ch*mtors, whero they may ,be inspeotod. Thoxo arc ibc doslgna in all,

■ftM^foffl'threxTOllefitje^fisw^^rtf^B^lffir the: committee must hare, had, ai *pmew]h»t difficUlt^a'sli!. in'cjbooMng the tobst' suitable.The one seleotedi^tKiii-'by'' Wr ' David "Ross, , architect,.* Princes:; street, 'has already been fully described-in! ouivcolUmns* and the committee decided air its last . meeting that the 'second premium of filS'ehbuld' be awar-ded to MrE.J.Saundere, who had sent in the 'design marked " Eureka.'? It was also, decided- to reduce the subscription ; for life membership to ten guineas. :, ( , » , ' ,>, " With regard tb the Otago Hundreds •Regulation Bill, the Wellington Independent {remarks ,as, follows :-^lt .is i jtp I?,befh(C>ped. 1 ?,befh(C>ped. the Otago public will clearly understand that it is not -the 'Assembly' which is 'to blame for ' passing th' 6 'measure; Tt would'never have .passed had it,not t been -for the^ support <of Mr i/L acandrewuand, Mr, Reynolds, the jm^ebce of the ptas^o runholding members, and the at 'least implied'^assertion that sueh 1 a 1 me'aWe would be 1 ap'prtffre'd of by f the ' Provincial Council. 1 Had- the if act that .thetExecutive , of , th§ pro t ince, ihad* , protested f against > ihe Bill been 'known, we are- perfectly sure, ihe House o^ l£eprs3entativeß would'ne'verhave .passed thp3ill.r, . , > ,-< \ ! . Captain Xoarin'a . hew composite eloper ship, James NiAj Fleming, was, to follow ihe William Dayie. Qf her , launch, , the North British Mail of the 15th June says :— • Messrs Dunoan and Co launched 1 yesteiday. 7 from their building- yard at Port Glasgow, a composite ship of 1000, tons register, classed 17 yeara A1 at Lloyds ; built for the Albion Shipping Co.; of ' Glasgow, and' 'intended jto fdrmone oE Messrs P. Henderson and Co.'s line of Clyde and. New Zealand packets. On leaving^ the, ways th^ shm was ,uamed; James I^ficol Fleming, Miss Davie, ■ of Claremdnt Terrace, Glasgow, performing t,he usu^l ceremony. The launch was witnessed by H.K.H. Prince Arthur, who had thejsame forenoon arrived h\ ( tho Clyde on t .boaru, .the Admiralty yacht Vivid. v Mr Cuthbert „C owan,, who, wag elected member for Wallace immediately.before the meeting' of the Assembly, hut who has never thought it 'worth' his while" to come *upf to t*ke his seat, has, says < the Wellington Independent,, jesigned his apparently littlo prized hpuOur., The t Wallace district includes part of the provinces of Ocago and Southland, and Mr J. 0. Brown; one of the Otago goldßclds representatives in the Provincial Council, is a candidate. As the Wallace electors most likely to take an interest in the elcotion reside at Switzers and Tapanui, Mr Brown, who is exceedingly' popular with the Otago miners, is 1 vety likely 'to be returned. If he is, he will probably prove an accession of strength to tho Opposition.

The heat in India of late appears to have been fearful. In a private letter received in j Dune.iin from a gentleman in Calcutta, the writer says :-— " We have had a most trying hot eeawon this year. Men who have! been' here thirty years say they have never known anything like it for intensity and long contiuued uninterruptedneas. I saw a gentleman two days ago who had juat come down from up-country, who sayß that hardly a tr»in comes in but some one is found dead with heat • apoplexy. The only way he could stand it, during the journey, was by putting his head under the water tap at every stat on, and having a wet towel round his head between stations. The Eaßt ludia Ilailway Company have for somo little time back kept ready made coffins, of assorted sizes, at all the principal stations in case of emergenoy." An exceedingly noisy meeting took place on Monday last at tho Polytechnic Hall, the oitixena having bten called together by Councillor Simpson to consider the action of the Counc.l in proposing to pay JL2OO to Mr A. K. Smith for plans of gas works before hearing Mr 8 Hutchison's analysis of Mr Smith's report. MrC. Moore wa* thrust bodily on the stage as Ch.-vinnan, but failing toobtain order retired from tho chair, whioh was afterwards taken by Mr Jago. He suouoedod, with much trouble aiid Borne taot. id gaining n hearing for most of the speakers. Councillors Sirapion, Fish, and Doda, and. Me«srs Reeves, Murray, Hutchison, and Hughes addressed the mooting ; sevoral other gentlemen attempted to' do so, but wore uaahle to make themselves hoard. Tho Hail wiia crowded, andtho intorruptiwns to tho proceedings wore loud and frequent. Tho following information Mgardftig 1 the wr«ck of the Taranoki v published (by tho Wellington Independent on the authority of Mr 1). Anderson : — The diver examined tile damngo done when* tho vessel ntruok, and (ound two breaks, ©no of which was * hblo , largo enough, to admit of a- man's arm.' Tlje hole was still filled up with apiece of rook, firmly wedged jdT; the, plate wu cracked all round like, atid dinted in qfcit* twelve inehot. Another break 'was' found' throe foot* farther affc in,, tbo. form;. or a split. hard.y an-inoh in width, but a»out four f««;t m length, and situated just below tho bw£<f. nindor the onoino'room. Tho main bodm" has e»n got, atidwbon towod' *»h<vr* wa* found quite frvii from worms. Thero »re fifty meh employed in raising tho vr*noL all tho i whalers in tho Sound baring voluntoorod their tervicua.

A deputation from the Volunteers, oon"Utinn of Major Bathgato, Captain and A<N jittan* Atkinson 1 , Captain Pateraon (Naval rtrigade). and Captain M'FaTlahd ( Artillery), waited au a deputation upon Hi* Honour tho Doputy Huparintrtudont on Tuosday, It «M stated by Major Batligafa that for some tiino put th« BatUlfoa Band had boon permitted; by Mr Begg, mu*to>s«U*r, to occupy a room

Ifi^<B^ltfiß]ilh-W^irttf^pl i^iße"iir;' l Kut ai Mr Begg could|n,o, {onK6!" place the room at -their— disposal 1 ~.4he- Volunteers- -wished to aßoeriaia whether the Provincial Government would allow them to, occupy room occasionally iri the 1 ' new '-Posboffice Hall. The room, it waa stated, .would .only ! be required from seven to nine o'clock in, the even* ing. His Honour granted the application, and the deputation "withdrew.'., . -m. ,wi -(..-.< , , ' * : , »A /*/ -. „An inquest jon, the, body of tbe 'late Mr Cumine of jthe-jHoree Shoe Bueh, Waihola Gorge' < y^hbse r death Rerecorded in a recent ipiuef st was he!d by Mr Dewe, ooroii#, on Thursday week. From the evidence of'-varioua wtnesHes it appeared, says ,the Bruce Standard, that the deceased, who had sustained a compound fracWe .of the right Keg, waa progressing favourably until the' evening of Tuesday last, when he was sfrddenlip' sifezed with famtnesS.jahd in the course of a few minutes expired. Dr Fergusson, who had made a -post; 'mortem examination, stated that, in his opinion, death was caused by the presence ofa'nhrinous'clot orcoagnlumin the "right auricle of the heart, as also in the inferior vena bivaj dbstruotihg^he^f^ulation of the blood through ; that organ. Death did not appear to be immediately connected with the aocident, as there wis nothing. unfayourable t6 Ueßjenat the seat of fracture.' ' TMjury returned a verdict of " Death' from natural bAuaes.'^ • ' '"■• ' *'•'<; "" (/""" The advisability of He'ouring the 'services of a gentleman, as City Surveyor who would be prepared to give his undivided attention in that capacity, was discussed by the members of the City CouncilJlast w;eek, It,was stated by Mr Fish that the gentleman who now filled the office was only paid~L2o0 I per annum, > but that he was allowed - private practice.- Now, . however, it was considered essential that the services, of the surveyor should be wholly devoted to the interests of the 'citizens, and taking .into consideration that the" Council' "would shortly be in the receipt of -L2OO per~anuum from fees, under the Balding Ordinauce, it was thought that it would be expedient to vote the surveyor a salary of LSOO a-year, in order to qeoure his undivided attention.. - A motion' to the effect that the Finance' Committee ha requested to consider the propriety of'socuring the services of a surveyor ■ whose whole time should be at the disposal of the ,Council was carried. ' ' ■ Tho following particulars regarding the late Beizure of arms and ammunition in the possession ■of Maoris at • Ngaruawahia, are furnished by the Hamilton correspondent of the Southern Cross :— The natives arrested belong to the King party, and consist; of three men and a woman. In their possession were found four double-barrel guns, ten boxes percussion caps, and twenty-four pounds of gunpowder ; or sufficient for seven thousand six hundred and eighty charges. They state they purchased sb" powder at or near Otahuhu for L 2 10s ; andone gun for LI 1 at Onehunga; also, two double- barrel guns for L 5 each, and ten boxes of caps for 5e each, and 101b powder ; at Kemuera, a double barrel gun for LlO and 91b powder. They have given the description of the parties from whom they purchased, hut their statement is not relied on. Grrfat hopes are entertained that the wretches who supplied them will be found out, and meet the fate in reality that was intended for tho natives at Ngaruawahia.

The Town Council of Alexandra appears to be anything but a J' happy family," judging from the description given by "a correspondent of the Tnapeka Times, of a scene which took plaoe during a recent meeting of that body, ft appears that at the late oleotion the Town Clerk recorded his vote for M.iyor, claiming his right of doing the Hrime an occupying municipal property, viz., the ante- room attached to the Council Chambers. This I'ornsod one of rhe grounds of complaint in a petition presented to the Council, and discussed on the occasion under notice In the course of this discussion, Council or JAok snid that "the aute-roona was built, no doubt, for the Town Clerk's convenience, and it was never the intention of the' Council to take rent or. levy rates on the, same, and ho considered that the Town Clerk had made a false statement in answering , the question (before 1 receiving his voting paper) contained iv section 21 of the Gtaqo-Muwci-D*l Or.liuano« ; whoreupon tho Town Clerk jumped from his 8«at ; and struok Councillor jiok in tho face with his list. Tho Mayor waa tbo tint to interfere He oaujthtitho Town Clerk, and with aonie dUfioulty kept him off Councillor Jack. The blood flowed freoly from Councillor Jkck's nose for some time, ahd tho floor of tho Council Ch»mbor, I beltavn, had its ttrsb ooat of paint in tho ahape of blood"

j Anecdote op Sheridan. The Drury Lane Property was still wallowing lit anlouprh of debt,' Chtnicery CoUrt 1 crows yt*k> hovering over it ceaselessly, when one February night in 18<>9 it took tiro and was destroyed. Sheridan was In tho Houio of Conunonf , at the tlmo, prepdrinpr to speak in ft debate on the Spanish war, when an ominous crimson Klnrc lit St. Stunhcn's windows, Tho House, full of sympathy, promtted at once' to ndjourn t but Sheridan, always chivalrous, roso and calmly itald' that, whatever might be tho extent of privato calamity, he hoped It, would not interfere 'with tho public business of thu country. Ho arrived too lute to sitvo even a harpltchord of his wife's, which ho apeciftlly valued. Ho U reported to hnvo coolly nroceeded to the Piazza, nnd dl»cuMo<l a Mothinff bottle of wine " Suwly," ho wild, " tnero cm be no harm in n niun'* Uklng* gUst of wins by his own flrotide."

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Otago Witness, Issue 925, 21 August 1869, Page 14

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 925, 21 August 1869, Page 14

Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 925, 21 August 1869, Page 14


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