ALLEGED ASSAULT BY SERVICEMEN Overseas servicemen are beginning to 1 themselves a nuisance to the town and district, and at about 5.30 last night, four paraded the town and with their belts deliberately smashed four large Windows. One was at the Family Hotel, the second at Alessts Ilarpw. Atmore and Thomson’s, the third at Air. Donkin's butchery business and the fourth at a shop occupied privately in Adtaki Street. It is stated that a native woman ivtithen subjected to insulting remarks, and in consequence a number of native men armed with home-made battens attacked the servicemen, witli the result that two of the offenders wen; “laid oat” in the gutter, a third was almost as badly injured, while the fourth took iu his liecis crying for mercy. The ! dice arrived on the scene and the men v ere sent back to their quarters. DAMAGE IN LEVIN Levin shopkeepers would be well advised to have their plate glass windows insured as last evening two overseas servicemen wilfully smashed vo panes of glass in the shop of Messrs \V. At. Clark, Ltd., in Oxford T treet, by it i- alleged, kicking them in. Panes of glass were broken in one of the doorways and the other in the window facing Oxford Street, a total of 99 feet of glass in all, which will i J.-t approximately £OS to be replaced. An attempt was also made to smash (he window in ATr. Webb's tobacconist ; hop. The culprits were apprehended bv the local police and have been handi 1 over to the military authorities.
Otaki Mail, 11 October 1943, Page 2