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FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! RECREATION GROUND. i REOREATION GROUND. Championship Final, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th. Who wins the Premiership ? OTAUTAU v. RIVER IN *N A V 3 p.m. OTATJTAU v. HIVE,. TON AT 3 p.m. Supporters : Rally round the Red aud White. Admission 6d. Grandstand Free. Children Free. I

fi B. DODDS, hemi_t and 'Drrggtet, O'I'AUTAU. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hi'ti lo unnou* oe (o the residents of ....l*.u ar-d MiiT<*.u>ilin_ districts-, th t. I v-. Kctiiv m ken ov»>r the bueinflss fo**m- :!• o•ii -d by iir s'. li. Kiue. Jiieht jenro* *.*.'■ -ii'v.fe m differei.t busiuessu:* m Nnw - ;\vv:\ i_ su!li<-ii*'*t r; cjinmendutiun as to v.. I;iiity t',*"coni;*)i und jour prescriptions A \\hi ulsvuys carry m stock a complete .-.*. ol l'.iacrip'.ion Pharmaceuticals, Bunri- !. -, Toil- 1 Alleles, Rubber Goo iB,-J\leclicinni "■> 1.-.i":, inul »ll other ur'-ichs usually lound ■ -i (ir-it-cluss PharniMcy. I v.i',l iip')rc- ial-e )iur }'atrumige, and as- :■*"•!* v> ii ni-ili-f 1 * Orug!* at prt-rai.iu^ ! !--i«s. with <-flii ien- -itucp and couitto s .i iiniMii. tli ii*: to merit your patro* age. i ;.m , _> ours truij', HAROLD B DODT/S. j Alfrc-d E. Smith AND John P. Butie^ gur'eon Dentists, ItIAIN STREET, OTAUTAU M\Y BE CONSULTED EVERY FRIDAY. : wamammmmmm^tsmsammßmmmtam^mm__-m-m_-_m-mwmm I 9 8 FACTS TO PONDER. QUALITY „ STYLE COMBINED ONLY TO Bi_ OBTAINED AT J Tho Little Tailor's I Shop. Imun street, otautau. | JAS. ALLAN. I ] ~ Birchwood Hunt. ■"■*£•*• HE fullowing Meet 3 have been ;v utTdnged : — Ali llun-? start at 2 o'clock. Wednesday 15 f ._ July - Wairio. Saturday, 18' th July- Ocaut.-u. j W. Walicer, Muste***, i W. Lsdincham, Huvitsnian, | E. Matheson, Jm*, Secretary Southland Education Board. To Members f tbo 'riuhool Committees nf the West Ward. GENT; EM EN, — L am a Candidate tor ve-election* as your Representative on the Southland Education Board, and I respvotfullj solicit » continn.ncu of the s -pporfc you have *:Ci.*.orded me during rhe past eight ye-i/s — Yours truly, JOHN FISHER, ' Otautau. Southland Education Board. To Members of School Committees of West Ward. GENTLEMEN,— I desire to offer my services as representative for West Ward. F«.*r several years I have served on Country j school Committees and many important public bodies. .If you do me the honor of electing me, I c;*n assure you my constant aim will ir_ tv promote the interi ests of educ »tiun m Southland and give] my fullest attentioi to the requirements of West Ward. --Yours faithfully P. dela PERRELLE, Winton. Otautau Dairy Factory Co., Ltd. , MEETING OE SUPPLIERS. A MEETING of Supplies anu and intending Suppliers for incoming season will be held m the Secretary's Office on Tutadaj, 28fch July, at 7.30 p.m, to consider the following matters : — (a) Enlarging the Factory. (b) Increasing Vat Accommodation. (?) Installing a Whey Butter Plant. A full attendance is requested. JOHN LiiNTDsAY, Chairman. •■ ANTiiD a Una ted Quantity of W-L A grade Garton Oats for ex port. Highest Cash Price will be paid.— John Firheb, Otautau.

I VALUES L| m £j KAIAPOI BLANKETS j and I EIDER DOWN [; 1 QUILTS - a t Thomson and Beattie's, LIMITFD, ! THE HOUSE FOR VALUE, | ftIAIN STRII?, ©TA,OTA«. | PHONE 66. iT? i"i f ; WkWmAW_-W-W-Wm_W_WLW-W-W_W_W_^^ • ________________--HHBHH^ J. J. BOYD IS STOCKTAKING, AND SHOWING TJ -. i A Whirlwind of :] Bargainis j 'i IIN EVERY DEPARTMENT. j You won't bny elsewhere when you find what Magni- .: ficent Bargains we have made for our " \ GREAT WHIRLWIND SALE, I COMMENCING i IEDHESDAY, Ist JOLY- j iU. BOYD'S """js ;wi " E j MAIN STREET, OTAUTAU. | -

iwwememaMfMMHMuanMrMHt amMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKf """" i ' The Best and Cheapest For OoM Wintry Nights 4n_ _ ___fey Mornings is NIGHTCAPS COAL, NUTB and DUO So (when avail able) supplied on tho railways of Southland, Ottt^o and Canterbury In Truok Lots on Hail way as Nightcaps. Tra*e Orders aint to Nightoaps Goal Company, Ltd., INVEftOArIGILL, will be promptly te'sphmed tc - Nigh-caps, and railed to any sidinp 1 H_,TA:L_.P) by Goal \ierobants

TOWN HALL, OTAUTAU. SUNDAY, 15th JULY. MR. R. JTw. BLICH, Lecturer, White Ciow Lsague. -to 2 AS p.m— BOYS' MEETING. What a Boy oughi to know. 3to 5 p.m -WOMEN'S MEB LIN_ AND CONFERENCE. Subject* dealt with being four of the moat important m life. The object to promote purity. This meeting is open to everyone. Mr Blifth ia prepared to Tisit homes of those who wish it, _ n d extend his stay to suit looai requirements. Many reoeiTe muoh benafio from his public and prirate work. After Church Meeting. MES ONLY. This includes Boys over 14 veurii of aae. SUBJECf: WHAT IS NAIUKAL A lecture by one who spends bis life io t> c promotion of Social Purir.y. E?ery Wt should reoeive this special Health Adrtoe. It assists him m phvsicnl culture. Fathers w-suld do well to near the addross so that bky might follow up the teaching. All Men sWuld be present to hear for themselves. 1 Collection taken at Meetings for Expenses. Give liberally. ' Southland Education Board Election. To the Oh* m- & ■■■::,. 0 w miUfctS v> eSceru •> ira -:utiuitei&. GENTLEMEN,— As «am standing for the Education Board m the interests o{ the country schools, I would respectfully urge ycu to sup | port one whose interests are identical with your own. Youi 8 sinoerely r JOHN FINDLAY, Farmer, ora*i_. Waimatuku River District , ELECTION OF FIHST BO.iRD ! OF NINE MEMBERS. IN accordance with , the proriiions of Seotion 9 of " ihe Looai Eiaotious auu Pulis Aot, 1909,'' 1 hereby give notice that ike fouowiug ' persons n*ve been duly iioniiuaieu as the first, uiemours of tna W Aiid A iUKU-rUVEtt, HOARD: — Lower Subdivision, i Brown, John S., jur. Dawson, Henry Oswald. ' Range, John. Middle Subdivision. Hendeeßon, Charles Allan. -IciVKNZiB, Alexander. Mo_£ill, Robert. Upper Sub division. Buckingham, Thomas A. Lindsay, John. MoLeish, i*Wr 0. 0. There being omy utx_ reqeu-u.. number nominated lot e.iou ou_d.v, a ' ion I hereby declare tne said J jua S Brown, jnr, Henry -JoWa, d _»* v y. 1} John Kauoe, Charles viltm ilanaersuu Alexander McKenzie, ci mbcc Jdi Neili, i'.'iouiad a, Bac_i.igU.iui, Jom Lindsay, and Peter 0. 0. Mcueiin duly e^ote/itnenibars WAiMiTUKU JEUVi_tt BOA_.D, aad "saoim ,v ta firsG meeting of tne >.jari u.j ,>o ..i<i. . at tne house oi Ac ■_ .-v-a.j^j, U. &e_zie, Maius O _....■, . „umv. ...i Monday, 270n Ju.y, 1314, „« » _> ai. JuH_l FI .^HFiJtt, Keturuing Offiojr, Wuimatuau iiiver Board | Utautaa, 14th July, 19i4. To Owners of Sections. yfLT ANTED by first-uu^ .nn.-ort-Jtlt ing firm, prem.s s f>.r Dc*^ iy and Furiiisuitiy Busi_o a o.\, u_ oi Main ctreet willing to buiid tv ieas-.. Apply-* " GO-AHEAD," _»ox 46, Otautau. Otautau Market Prices. ■♦ 1. WLoiesaie. Best Faotory tiuttei*, U l|d. Best Farm Butter lOd. ; Best Separator Butter ls Fresh Eggs 1 s Bd. Flour £11 to£)2 Bran £5 per ton. Chaff £3 5_ per ton. P-.diard £7 per ton. Ja.tmeal £13 10, co £12. Bewail Best Factory Butter U 4d. Best ITaim Butter ls Best|!_eparator Butter ls 2d Cheese 9d. Bacon, sliced, ls 2d,jpie3e If Id. Ham ls 2d. Potatoes 16 b Is. Flour 200' d 2_s 6d ; 100's 18i Od ; 50's 6s 9d ; 25's Ss 9i. Eggs ls 6i oO's 8e 6d ; 25'a ta 6J. I Pollard 8j 6d 1001 b j Bran 6s 6d lOOib j We were the. firat to low-tr prioes m OtauI tau and were tlie originators of the cueb [ system and striutly u.ont. ly account*, th only and proper method to con ii.ue at !>/»> prioes. week we will issue- Price Li-i to the publio, aud wo request y.;u wljeu com paring prices with Invt?rt-**i**gi<l prices, to remembar there will be no rui.aged udiied io our Dricea, which are m store, Otuutuu. vv c muke a special offer during the mouth oi July. Anything aud everything *m Boots, Drapery, Oroekery, Linoleums, Hardwurc, Etc, at almost cost to > lear them out. We mean we say, s > do noc fail to come '' along. — Uo-op. ' A clearirg sale of dairy cows (factory cairers), store and fut cattle, horses, imp^ ( ments, etc, will be conducted at Oratvi* u u Thursday by Mebsrs Henderson aud 0 o iv . \ structed by Messrs Mehrtens Bros. ' (

Otautau Town Board. NICHTSOIL REMOVAL CHARGES. PUnTjlO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the charges for tiie removal oi" Nightsoil for the year ouuiineucing on Ist April, I_l4, and euai..g om 31st March, 1915, are due nnd payable on the Ist September, 1914, will be at th>3 following rates : — I—Quarterly1 — Quarterly service 6s per annum per pan. 2 -Monthly service 15s per annum per pan. 3 — Three- weekly service 20 s per annum per pan. 4 — Bi-monthly service 25s per annum per pan. s— Weekly service 45s per annum per pan. If paid (vilhin 30 days of the due date an allowance of Is per pan on No 1, and 2s 6d per pan on Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be made, Any alteration of service required must be notified m writing to the undersigned, and any difference m the charge prepaid. JOHN FISHER, Town Cieik. Town Clerk's Office Otautau, 14th y, 1914. - .**.., Otautau Town Board. NOTICE OF INtFnTiOH TO STRIKE A RATE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN m accordance with Section 50 of the Bating Act, 1908, that the Otautau Town Board intends on Monday, 10th August, 1914, pursuant to Seotion 35 of) 1 The Town Board Act, 1908." and section 48 of " The Rating Act, 1908," to strike A GENERAL RATE OF THREEPENCE m the £ on the Un improved Rate ible Value with m the Otautau Town D istrict, for the year commencing on Ist April, 1914, and ending on 3 1st March, 1915. And under Section 37 of " The Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885," A CH\RITABI_E AID RATE OF THtiEE-T_.NrHS OF A Pi?NNY m the £ on the Unimproved Rateable Value within the JOtautu-u Town District fof the year commencing on the Ist day of April, 1914, and en ling on 31st March, 1915. * FUR CHER NOTICE is o lV en that a Recurring Special Rate of NINE-TENTHS OF A PENNY* m the £ on the Unimproved Value will be struck m piace of the Recurring Rate of three-Bighths of a_Penny on the Capital Value hitherto collected. The whole payable m one sum on the Ist September, 1914. JOHN FISHER, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, 14th Juiy, 1914. Otautau River Board. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO STRIKE A RATE. PUBLIC NOTICE is herebj given that the Otautau River Board ntends on Tuesday, the 2nd day of ' September, 1914, to make, p'.-suant to Section 17 of «• The Riv«r Boards Act, 1908," and of amendments thereof,' and of Sections 4iß and 50 of "The Rating Act, 1908," and of amendments thereof:— A GENERAL BATE of one halfpenny m the Pound on the rateable value within the Otautan River Distriot of all land as classed m Grade One ; of three eighths of a penny m the pound on all lands iv Grade Two ; and of one fourth of a penny m the pound on all lands m Grade * Three for the year commencing on Ist April, 1914, and ending on 31st March, 1915, a_d payable m one sura on Ist September, 1914. JOHN FISHER, Clerk Otautau River Board. Town Clerk's Office, Otautau, 14th July, 1914. Poison laid for- Dogs. NOTTCE is hereby given that Poison is laid for Dogs on each of my " Opio Downa " Properties at Aparima. A. ROBSON. 14th July. 1914. Department of Lands & Survey, InvercargiU, 2nd July, 1914. NOTICE is hereby given that lections 12, 13, 17 and 18, Blook VU, Aparima Hundred, will be open under the optional system up to 4 p.m on Wednesday, 26th August, 1914. , Situated about five miles from Otautau Railway Station. I*- ale ; plans may be seen at Post Offices, and full particulars obtained at this oflice. . G. H. M. MoCLURE, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

OTAUTAU HORSE SAL„. | FRIDAY 17th JULY 1 p.m *-}p HE New Zealand Loan &.[ _,-»«:■. canti'e Aonyy Co., Ltd.,* bold tbeii Monthly Horae Sa.; I , Bazaar. ! To Let. IT d. sir m Main c'tieet, Otautai., l;i ; ly occupied by Mr Courtis. i. i -re m Main Street, next N i ;.al B»uik. Apply — 1 JOHNJFISHER, Standard Build iii ,

M. Gonley, a Up-to-date Halrdresftep Tobacconist, Newsagent, etc,, aln Street, Otautau, STILL LEADS THE WAY IN CATERING FOE YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Best Brands Tobacco. Cigarettes Pipes and All Smokers' Kequisites. Agent for the Leading Colo and foreign Newspapers, Magazines, etc. JAZOR SETTING A SPECIALTY T Etary deicription ol FANCY -GOO. B IWILLERI PBESENTATION 'GOODS

.Y. CopelandT , pee Street, Invercargill, for Odd Ctoats. at; 12b ;6d. OddJ Vests, £_£u__'

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Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume X, Issue 477, 14 July 1914, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume X, Issue 477, 14 July 1914, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume X, Issue 477, 14 July 1914, Page 4


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