Wallace County Council.
.» ~- The' __oeal monthly meeting of the Wallace County Couwoil was held m the Council Chambers on- Friday morning, when, all the members were present, and Cr, Newton presided. . 7 *_ TtJA FABMEBS' UNION. It was" resolved; oh* the motion of Cr Hirst that, in' reply to their request, the . Farmers' Union at "_.eTu» bjp.hiformed that the member for the district has been requested to, issue a further vote' for the work stillrequired to be done on .-.the read Te - Toa an* . Waihnlia. yy.l * " y y - y X . % 77 . ' % kNTJs*kNA*fbK'Ati BxanßirfdN.-f --> '. The question of supporting the application" from tMCbmrnissiohiar of the International Exhlbitabn T to" be H'el^ ra . ChrJßtphurch next ;year, was* deferred Until* a committee, is appointed a<t the host monthly meeting.. 7 . ;! Or Cupples-Tspok© . Btrongly m favour of supporting the idea, stating that it wbiH-**be a splfcndid advertisement for the district if well oarried out. THB BOUND dOA-BOAD AQAIN. . ,&■ communication was, read from 1 . Wm. Beynolds, general manager of the Bound Hill Gold Mining Company, a body paying largest share of rates m that district, enf olb"3inga copy of a lengthy letter he had for", watded to'the Chief Surveyor, and also one* ttfthe Minister of Mines-, m which he urged 1 that no deviation be m&de from the past custom in' dealing with Government grants, and* particularly m a grant for the Bound Hill rbad'. Another letter was' read from tbe Bound S Hill Progress Committee, referring to the- . same subject, and both letters were ••reoe'tved." Trfttitflatter letter reference waitf made to it toeing necessary to register a letter to the : *y?aliaoe County Counoil, as the writer had' i already, written' several, and* had" not received a reply. Cr Hirst immediately sprang' to his feet, and defended the olerfr against the insinuation, and added , that ne\ was stare that no councillors would believe that' there was any truth m such an assertion.? . OUTLET WANTED. ,'.'.' ' 8. Stevens, of Gummie's Bush;, applied to have two box culverts, adjoining his farm, lowered so that he .could drain his paddooks. Or Fra'sir mbvfed' llhat the request be granted, which was carried. f ENCOURAGEMENT TO V6LtiNTEEBB. Colonel Bobin's {request that the council make a grant towards providing a suitable prize to encourage ehooting among volunteers, again came up for consideration, nnd, on Cr. Affleck's motion, the sum of .three guineas was granted towards." a purpose, which, the mover isaid, was a very worthy one. and should have their best support. Tbe remainder of the business was of a routine character. • ON THE TRACK. OF THE SCHOOL ' COMMISSION.EKB. ; ; Cr Hirst drew the attention of; the oouncil to the fact that the Sonthland Council received grants from the School Commiss ioners towards the cost of making and maintaining'roads'leadingi; to their reserves m that county," whife, so f_r as hlpr^wa'* aware, The did not know of any grant being made' to tbis county , whioh contained a large atea of edu cational reserves. ;The chairman promised to I09II" into the matter, and report at next meeting. ". . BY-LAWS. ' The Chairman reported thatt hV had seen the council's solicitors since last' meeting, re.gafrding the by-laWs, and they had told him that the appeal would 'be settled . on 19th inst, and that every thirig' would be before the 1 council at .their riext meeting.. . -ALIIbCATIONS. Cr Hirst moved, Cr Frasar seconded, and it was carried:— /' That the following allocations he made : £25 for cutting on . Waiau road, £30 for gravelling Camp Creek to punt, and £10 for forming road to Slangh tar's. CHAIRMAN'S HONORARIUM. Cr Fbrdffmoved and Cr Cupples seconded : •'That th*? Chaittn/in'B houorjirium and travelling eipenfles' sb)all fitrt" excteed £50 -for •' his term of office-." In .doing so. the mover said that during a format term, when ha was a member of the council, that .had b?eri the amount of remuneration, and tliough it bad . been raised to £80 some six years a«o, he ; thought the former amount a very fair allowance. Ii waa no argument that because the financial. pb3ition:.of the council had 1 improved, tha^thjay neeji to" it*^p^ aW&y ijtheir •moiney*.'', ' - "yy -7' ' ?\ .''7*,' * • '~ ' V Gr Cupples said he was glad* to second such a motion, as he. 'f^ it > was bis duty to thp ratepayers io do rib.'.' JEtftha-'hioyed m this direction three years ago, and" the present chairman bnd then supported his motion. He .noticed by the expenditure . that the council was again beginning to drift, and caution and economy must be pratitisediZ [,7 ,*'■'- '' "7* : ; ■Gr Affleo^'cduld.riot, fjapp^rt.the'^btion'W •ttft ; £rasenttt'l;iio:Jtit;Wa;3 nbVtodj much, and it
the ofjairmat|f)ijthfu4lt^ Wants* of the county^ttfaaib'bhi"^ expenßos.The^fi^aucial'iJb-ltion of the dShncil had improved somewntys; since the Zmbjrer last sat as »> member, despite the inpfeaisedi honoratfiura» |to? their' pass"- . chairman,, 7and< jjcould* 1 still z i*jes afford to "their 7 ofaairrfran f*tjt|issmouey otit 6t poebet He was •required' to' spend while- travelling on'theooancil'sJwork^ s Cr Fraser endowed the previous speaker's* remarks, and staled that the chairman of the' Southland County Counoil) received £100 a. -year,' j,ndf hat^no^such an expensive- district f to feaveToverrTHls experience' as chairman ( for two* sessions _pbwed hinfc that W, was} iik* possible to ke*& fe pensesi^pfehin ijhfe' %&o'.). y Cr Dyer reilefttted these statements,' ahdf l Mi^ViHMMki&i^MM^^: called** toy a -remote part^ of-the«otmtxy,ip*rhaps a* fourth of ' his honorarium: of £50- -would, be-swajiowedf upj. iC-'iMjii.e.itjip. ifry&xxy^fyfif^ Cr Clark said! it waa not _aiv* &"' draußs'this' question just after ; the election of a new chairman. From- his experience as chairman* .last ycfar,/ he oourd r honestly say that the /amount' proposed 'was not suffiiientf, and tf ■■■ trip to Mossburn. the Lakes, ot WesPWaiau,. •would at pnpe make a, big hofe ib the £50.. r' ' .■ Cr E_rs*u ; . "'. the?., motion* as ri" _ d^uloils, an'^jinstanoed Gr Oyer's position should He take the chairmanship; He would* be receiving jess thoa-hsoiow reaeived as am ordinary councillor; The Chairman said' he' locked' _pMV tfiitj" qpuestipn as one that properly should be discussed annually.. Be realised that? "those* councillors m f a\so_j* of it w*i;e aotifigjaocord■ing tp Jl^frb'eliefe,' and he'- woiitM^ifesure- thecouncil that which ever way the motion went, he WOtild tlry to do what he considered' to be»' his duty to the ratepayers^ without regard* to' expenses. . Cr Clark interjected' that he' thought there* 1 was a motion definitely fixing the honor&rium* at £80, and' that jt must be rescinded before* giving effect td the motion before them. Cr Hirst explained that the chairman of the' •Southland County Council received £100 andi his expenses m addition. ..j, Cr Forde, m. reply, said that ..one' council--lor had o"}iarg|d him witK" 7dnfaisess m; .bringing thia; fatter up affer^e Appoint • "ment of l the, chairman, but as'^ia "h|i£d given -notice of motloi* prior to the- appointment,. that oharge was groundless. His contention' waebhat the chairman's expenses were very* little more than those of an ordinary mem- ' ber, and that m moving the motion, which,. from k the remarks of hife fellow councillors,, he could see was not popular, he" felt that _it . was his duty to do so Cr'Ghpples asked leave to reply; but was refused, and he then* asked permission tomake' an explanation, but tb.6 chairman 'a ruling was aga.inst him', and the motion was. put. For : Crs Forde and Cupples ; against :! Orß Affleck, Clark, Dyer, ZPi-aser, Hirst and-' King. ' . Cr Cupples moved;>Cr,Hirst seconded, aridit was oarried :— •« That Ci* Afiieok receive £1' expenses for eacfy monthly meeting." ' Cr Fraser. explained that there was a motion standing,, to the... effect -.that Stw oMi^ber caiji receive less .than one.ptmnjjl .jpkt fmleting. as expenses.*" * -■ '" : '"■ '.'"''"'" '"* •* Ji -- *•''''•" '■ ~* THE COUNCIL'S QUABB& Cr. Hirst stated that the councillors were aware that th*>y had purchased a' piece of* land from McKillop, for a quarry, but with np stone m it". . Nuttall, whose property they, had-to go throdigh to get to the quarry, 7>was | willing to accept this- piece of land m ex- , change for- that tak6n- for a roadway,. . and t he (Cr Hirst) would move that the oouhoil 'make* that arrangement with'Nutfcalh— Seconded by ,Cr King; and carried. " - - r r .;, •.•;»^,u : ' ; • .. ' FINANCE. i The Flnatioe Committee reported .<ih«.|j. they: had examined accounts amounting to '£781 ' .9s i.fidj which; they recommended should be* passed for paymtot*. -There *#(ia ;^an fte^cudf £225 2s 2d for Charitable Aid, but beforepaying thisthey^ desired to findrOfttg'usliv'-hqw' . they Btood with the gaz v etted>disti*ict.. T '' '" ' '•■■•' Cr Fraser stated that he considered that they would be liabletfo thZe ;old distriofeTuiitiL . the end of the fitianoiai year, 31st Ktarch •next. ; .':, , \:, .'> y. ..,. . ,■„ < • The committee Vrecbmmehdat'ibh' wa'i ad-' i opted, and. full enquiries to be made into tlie: , other claims before next meeting;.,,'; '/, : ■',«.' - THB STONB OHO6HEB WANTKIJi ' Cr Fraser asked the-chairman what arrangements had been* niHdfe ; ' ; Witli- : the-^Bailway Department now4ising the countys stone crusher.. The • f^dgineer Zreppijted" .tljft^--, tlie Distriot Engineer \fa& paying £l a> week for the use'bf ' it, and waff- to put it ih perfect repair when the council' required it.. » Cr King said he had work for it m his 'ridini?. attd afl the setabh yheh 66ttilei»vflQuLd -. be gbtto cart metal free' 'of 'charge,' dr'-aTa^-' che,ap"tAto, wire close upoa them, die, crueher Bfnbilld'be ret'urusot at' onbe. " " ' ■' '•'-■ • - Cr Cupples asked wnat"' prioe the Railway Department- would reg uire*f"9r. a f eV . trucks, of .iiG broken metal m Xi ver ton, as he thoughii , that it would b,e the best and cheapest metal to Bend tb Wairio. •{';'• "7 ■:.'"- .•';.; WHE"BjC ARK THE rl^X ROYALTIES TO GO? Cr Cupples asked how the royalties on flax*, and timber were to b«* adjuated between the varictua -ridings. ,. , . . . . Cr : Xirig said there, should be h ho • dififio*u{tyin this matter, aa the- division should be prorata on +iis number of mills m each riding. <: ' OHB a*_b ; obmenT wAarrKn.. Cr Dyer said tfdat as other bodies and persons were'oflfa'teing: 'sdiipliaiß'.: bf cemen". cheaper than the counoil were, he would suggest that tenders be called for a six month's. supply". In reply to Cr King, the Engineer stated that the leading wholesale firms had an agreement that they could not undersell each other; ,7 .y- , ... , l A itfr^l^ecsa^ha hiejjS^d aZ-goods deial otex^ perienue m tnißkiha"*3fbustrto6s, : 'andf.hiß 'ex-' berienoe was that when a shipment landed at-' Bluff, it could be bought from Is 9d to 2a per cask cheaper, thap from stores afterwards. The firm 1 taking the order would always store the lot they purchased, and deliver it as required. Cr Cupples moved "ihat a committee* consisting of the chairman, Cr Dyer and Engineer be appointed to make inquiries, and report at next meeting." Cr Forde seconded. The Engineer explained that he had been Eurohasijag m twenty cask lota, and always,' ad it sent dfireob "fa the*" work for- whioh it waß wanted. "-This BftVipg of handling saves money. ' , " T* :«•••• . Cr Affleck pointed out thafr the purchasing,, of a six months' supply would meaii a oon- r siderable. outlay of money, s and the interest* on r^ame "might "swallow tlie-profits. •■ • GrFxaser stated that- he.dld npt th'iak the motion necessary, as it wa& casting a slight re- ' ficction on. their , Engineer's wprk. "All intentions of doing so was 1 indignantly denied by the rhovar. The-riiotion waa lost; and the . council adjourned at 12.40 p.m.
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Bibliographic details
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume I, Issue 34, 19 December 1905, Page 2
Word Count
1,840Wallace County Council. Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume I, Issue 34, 19 December 1905, Page 2
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