The All Black Family.
The above talented family drew a big house in the Town Hall last evening, and must have fully satisfied their appreciative audience. The family consist" of the parents, three daughters, and one son, all of whom take a part. The entertainment was musical, bright, and merry, and of a good class, appealing to all tastes. Miss _ Nellie, the eldest talented daughter, sang " A Corner in your Heart," "Sing me to Sleep," " Parted," for which she was encored. She also excelled on the violin, her imitations being very good. Mr Bert appeared as a cornet soloist, also in his jockpy dance and " fragments." Miss Elsie sang a serio-comic song, " The sale's now on," played a flute solo, and gave a gaiety danoe. The double dance " Tommy Atkins," by Miss Elsie and Mr Bert was very fine. The selection from the opera "Patience " by the Family, in which ten instruments were played, was, in itself, worth the money. The Family also gave a mandolin quartette. Mr Black, as an exponent of Scotch songs, created some merriment, singing "He followed his directions," "Ma Conscience,'' and others. The comic sketches in which Mr and Miss Black took part, were both musical and funny. Altogether the entertainment was above the average that cornea this way, and when the Family again returns they may rely on another good house.
The All Black Family.
Opunake Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 874, 29 June 1906, Page 2
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