The All Black Family.
The marvellous Black Family of musicians, musicians and singers, intend paying a return visit to Opunake on Thursday 28th. The members of this talented family left a most favorable impression on the occasion of their last visit some fifteen months ago. Since then they have toured the whole of New Zealand and Fiji, everywhere meeting with crowded houses and flattering press reports. Miss Nellie is a general favourite, her beautiful vocalisation being the wonder of all listeners, while her skilful manipulation of the violin delights all lovers of really good music. Miss Elsie has made rapid strides as a flautist, and in her singing of seriocomic songs is more piquant than ever. Her acting and dancing with her brother in a new Japanese dance is one of the features of the entertainment. Mr Bert Black also lends valuable assistance to the family with i cornet and ’cello, and in an American cowboy dance scores a great success. Miss Doris, although only 13 years of age, is a musician of considerable skill and is thoroughly capable of taking a leading part in the orchestral selections and mandoline quartettes. Mr J. Black is one of the very best exponents of Scotch comic songs we have ever heard and is always in evidence as basso clarionet, violinist, and mandolinist. With Miss Nellie he is provocative of much merriment in the comic sketches. Mrs J. Black still fills the position of pianiste to the concert piecesin her usual efficient manner. The class of entertainment they offer is musical and artistic, but it is also popular, appealing as it does to all tastes. Eising daily in popular favour this talented family have established a solid reputation, and built up an extensive repertoire. They put on a bright enjoyable programme of good quality, and they no doubt will be welcomed by a large audience. Eahotu, Wednesday 27th. This is the last tour of the family in N.Z., as thev are leaving for Australia on July 24.
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Opunake Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 873, 26 June 1906, Page 2
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The All Black Family.
Opunake Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 873, 26 June 1906, Page 2
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