Ohinemuri County Council.
The usual monthly meeting of the Ohinemuri Council was held ia the Council Chambers on Saturday, 6th inst., at 2 p.m. Present—Crs Edwin Edwards (in the chair), Phillips, McGruer, Nash, Chalton, Eobson, Bowler, and Cassrella. Minuntes of last meeting read and confirmed Tenders. Erecting Bridges and Eoad formation on Silverton Boad between mine and battery. £ s d W. Barrett 54 0 0 E. Morrison 68 0 0 W. Collett .. ... .. 69 10 0 R. Clements ...... 59 18 6 0. H. Tmnthe 69 10 0 Edward Bain * 80 0 0 Patrick Sheely... ... ... 83 0 0 Gregory Goiss (accepted)".. 47 5 0 Koad formation from Bridge site at Karangabake to Hill Eoad. £:s d. John Morton (accepted) .. 60 IS-"*O Thos. Oorbett 79 0 0 Printing Touchers and Schedules. R. Heniy, for Ohinemuri Newspaper Co. (Limited), £1 10s and 10a reapectively. ' On the motion of Cr Phillips, so : conded by Cr McQruer, the tenders of Gregory Goiss and John Morton, beiug the lowest, were accepted for their respective contracts. Proposed by Cr Nash, That the tender off. R. Henry, (the only one rpceived) for printing, be accepted. Seconded by Cr Hotlis, and carried. Outward correspondence was then read an approved. Inward CoRKhspoNDENCE.
From Treasury, enclosing voucher for £44 l'2*for Waitekauri, ■."■■..
From same, enclosing proportion of Property Tax amounting to £71 16al From Mr Sullivan, Secretary of the PubLc Library, asking the Council for their usual subsidy to thftt institution. On the proposition of (pr Nash, it was resolved .to vote £5 to the Library. ' -
From H. J. H. Elliott, Undersecretary of the Mines .Department, granting 15s, per week each to tviro, men engaged in ptospecting, and declining to grant £100 to the Owharoa tunnel. ■■
From same, approving of the transfer iii a grant of £350 for constructing a track up the Waitawheta Gorge to building a traffic bridge over the Ohinemuri' rivw. i .
From A. Moore, asking if the Council could do anything in the way of opening a road througb Mr Wick's bind to his property. Considerable discussion ensued, in the course of which it was asserted that Mr Lavory, the original owner of the land below junction, had given, instructions for a, road to be surveyed along the river | bank, and that the Bank of New! Zealand, the present owners, demand] compensation to the amount of £50, before allowing the load to be cartied through their property. ] Or Phillips - m»ved, Th it on con-! dition of Mr Moore'paying the £50 compensation t<-> the Bank of New Zealand the road be made, —the'Opuncil paying the balance for fencing. Seconded by Cr Hollis. '--7-:■•'- * - Proposed by Cr Robson, as an atijendmtnr, That Mr Lavery be first c >mwii»-iua'ted with, asking him if he had given . permission to have the • oad surveyed. Seconded by Or McThe amendment was carried, From Mr T. K. Russell— Waitekaori, ! Feb. 3rd, 1802.' The 'Cha'rman County Council, Sir,- Having ecently ma *c arrangements with the owners of the < rJ c ao Marama , Licensed Holding, I contcmpK!e teatiug the I sfone at rbe mill here in surae bulk. The quantity to be treated will depend in great measure on the cost of transportation, aud I think that you will be prnpared to grant couaiderab c assistance to further i matter of this kind. I understand y<>u have-already granted a sum to form a pack track, and if a further sum could b« found and » dedga'
road made, the cost of transport wonld be materially lessened. I feel sure that tb«m?h tho accruing gold revenue you would receive a much larger earn this autumn than/the road would coat. I wouH propote to «sk you if you wnuld (I) augment ;he present sum granted, and [2) authorise me to spend a still further sum, if neeessvy, out °*»my private pocket, to be refunded to me out « revenue accruing:— I aji, etc., T. H. EU39Btt.
: Or HotHs moved, That an additional sum of £20 be granted to making ail extension to Worth's contract oo the Waitekauri-Komata track. The matter to be left in the hands of the Waitokauri representatives, the Chairman and the Engineer, .with the understanding . that every facility should be given in making the traok, provided the additional expenditure did not exceed £20. Seconded by Cr Nish. . ■■■'■■■"\"";■'■?;.... Cr Robson movedr'as an" amendment, That Mr T. H. Russell be informed by wire that when he can meet the Couucil a committee of the Council will be prepared to meet him. Seconded by Cr Cassrells. The amendment was lost, and the original motion carried: ;• . * From Andrew L. Gribb, asking the Council to construct a flood-gate nir the drain to the Hikutaia creek, before the winter, otherwise his land would be flooded. Referred to the Engineer to report upon. ■'"" " From Waste Lands Board, informing the Council that they had decided to offer the kauri timber ki led by fire at Marototo at the upset price of 9d per 100 ft, Cr Nash considered the Land Board was charging too high a price for the timber. When green trees could be obtained for 25s each, he did not think anyone, would jba prepared to offer 9d per. 100 ft for dead ones.
Messrs Mark and Tuthill wrdt» felinquisihing the slaughtering licensr held by them. Mr John Vuglar and Mr M. Kinsella each applied for a slaughtering 1 license. Resolved, That slaughtering licenses be granted to each applicant, upon payment of the usual fees. From Mr John Reid, informing the Council that steps would at once b* taken to raise 'the cutter Otahuhu.
From Bank of New Zealand asking that the Council fix the the permanent levels, as the Bank contemplated ereoting a new building. lieeolred, That the levels be fixod as early as possible on Normandy Road, from the Catholic Chapel to the junction of Belmont Road.
FromThos. E Shaw, forwarding his resignation a 9 Forest Ringer. Prom W. F.i gin, applying for the appointment of Forest Ranger. Or Nash moved, That Mr Fagin be appointed Forest; Ranger for six months on the same terms as the) former occupier of • the - position. Seconded by Or Phillips, and carried. Eesolved, on the motion of the Chaiim*n f ..That. the_ ':of Mines be requeued, to appoint the Forest Ranger under.warrantfrqm the Warden's Court, so that he would have the same, status in respect to timber as the. Mining Inspector had.
SIAUGHTKR HOUSES. Constable A. J. Mitchell, Inspector * of Slaughter-houses, reported that he had visited all the slaughter-houses in the district, ana found them all ia good condition. Engineer's lleport. . The Chairman Ohineinuri Connty Coonei!, Sir,—l have the honour to submit the following .report on your Roads, Bridges, 'etc :— During the past month the roads generally have been maintained in ye»y good condition* - Paeroa-Hikutaia Road.— I his road is ia good condition, and nothing'has been done on it daring the month, bat it will be necessary to fill and widen one place near Hikutaia where the road, is very narrow and becoming dangerous. - Other, places reonire cutting and Billing and Some metalling done before the winter seta in. Awm of abort £70 ia required to do this) for that portion near Hikutaia about £6*:{wo*l4 MejtlM ! necessary.work. , .. >■.:•, Paeroa- Cc Aroha Road.—Tills m« is la very good condition. ~A number of .the culverts and bridges have been repaired. Paeroa-Tairanga Road. —- Repair* ■»»• been effected on this road.to,cnUrert«, takiaf out boulders, and leveling the road niar Waitete Creek. A portion of this road near Karangahake is very uneven, the holes requiring fillitg vp <<c Tfli» eao be done by
carting on the metal that is on hind. About 14 chains ia length beyond Owharoa is also very lumpy, and would inquire some metal put on it,-otherwise it is in good condition. A sum of £20 would do the work named.
yVdrk has been done on the road at Waihi between the two townships, for which the sum of £10 was authorised to be suent. I got thebridge repaired and some formation done by wages men, but the work done is not satisfactory. I was unable at the time to be present and supervise the work, but I did expect it would be done according *o my instructions!'as-, it was clearly pointed out what was to be done. There is a balance of 50s unexpended, and with this an improvement can be made. ■
Wiit'ekauri lower Koad.—The contract Wthisrond for forming and covering the corduroy has beenl completed, and is now io a very good jatate of repair. A number of, culverts also were repaired by the contractor being extras amounting to £2 2s. Ne|.herton' Boad. - A sum of £6 was. »nthprised to be spent on.this road in c>ve'rlnß fftßcinevbut I ha«e not yet pot ?t donesbeiijgiengai/e I .■■ laying off road arid bridge site at Karangahake. . * A sum of £5 miiht be spent to advantage on the new line of road to Te Aroha, beyond Mr Tetley'a farm. H the clay that was thrown out of the drain was spread a little, and small portions fascined, ifc would enable horses to.get along, which would be a great convenience to men working at the railway, and settler's.' . '
Kaimariawa Rb.'.d.-—The contract on this road has been and well done. It wil',be a great benefit to settlers. Waitoa .Lowe- Road. —One of the contractors _f<ir draining and road formation in this 1 district have made a start, and next,, Week I expect to see the different contacts' in full swing. The road drain on the Paeroa.Waitoa Road is in need of cleaning out nnd widening in places, .the wa+er in some places flowing over the road in time of rain. The outlet dr.in near Edwards' also needs -denning out, the cost would be about $15 10a.—Ihave, etc., V 7. ■■LITTLV-JOHK, County Engineer. Council Chambers, Februarj 6 th, 1892. On the motion of Cr Bowler, seconded by Or Chnlton, it was resolved to call for tenders for works as recommended by the Chai • man a nd Engineer on .the Paeroa-Wrfii.oa Road, re i
•turnable at next meeting. Cr Robson. moved, That the narrow part of the road near HlkutaLi be ■widened and repaired. Seconded by . the Chairman and carried, . Or Nash moved, the Chairman seconded, and it was carried, That £5 be expended in removing bouMers from the Paeroa-Tauranga T?oyd, between Doheriy's Creek and Kelly's Hotel.
It was resolved, on th a motion of Cr Phillips, ■■■■■seconded 'by Cr H"IHh, to erect a hand-rail on Harvey's bridge
CrChalton moved, Th^t the Engineer be authorised to expenl £6 in covering fascines nn 'the N^therton Boad. Seconded by the Chiiiman -and carried.
Cr Phillips moved, That tenders be ■called for work on the Paeroi-Waitoa 'Road, at an estimated cost of £20 (half the amount to be subscribed by parties interested). Tenders to be returnable in seven days.
In speaking to th« motion Cr said : The proonsed work was to enable, provisions . being conveyed to the men employed on the 1 railway works. .Effort 8 had been made to supply them by steamer, bub they had failed jcpaek-horees; were also unsuccessful; because they got bogged in the swamp. ThWe were at least 150 men engaged on the railway, at this place, and it was utterly impossible to supply them food unless this] work were done,. ;
Cr Eobson, in seconding the motion, corroborated Cr Phillip's remarks, and said the. storekeeper's had promised £5, 'and no doubt the railway department would give another £5.
The motion was carried on the v understandiug that no tender would be accepted until half the amount had been placed in the hands of the Clerk.
The question of water supply for Paeroa was then brought up by Gjc Phillips. The "Warden had been written to on the subject on two occasions, but no reply had been received., ; jThis he believed was not an intentional act of discourtesy on the part of Mr Northctbft; but simply that Borne difficulty existed in granting a monopoly 'of riparian rights. Jfle moved? That the Finance Committee, and as many of the members of the Council as could make it convenient to
do so, sh<suld interview the "Warden, when he is in Patroa<m the loth inst., on the .'subject of wiPer supply for domestic purposes in Pderoa'^from the Tarariki orKoraata creeks. Seconded by the Chaiiman and eafriSfl. Or McGruer said he objected to ! Tarariki creek being entirely reserved, as he owned some property there. Cr Nash gavo notice that he would move at next meeting Th it tenders be called for deviation of ■ th*» main road, from the foot of E<trl's HilU to the. Waitelrauri Bridge, as soon as plans and specifications can be got reridy. And thaVan agreement be made" wirh the contractor that payments be made monthly for half the amount of the work done, oh the certificate of the Engineer, and the balance paid after the ordinary meeting in October. ' Cr McGruer moved. That the; water tables be cleared out on the Rahu Road at a -cost not exceeding £a. Seconded by Or Nash, and -.carried...... Finance Committee's Keport. Your Committee beg to report; — 1. That the overdraft; at the Bank of New Zealand amounts to £536 3s, wlvcb with un-j Dreseuted cheques £12 12s 4d, and c<ish,in hind nil; ' makes the total indebtedness £548 Jss 4d. - • ■ 2. There are no passed,unpaid accounts. 3. The revenue for the past month amounts to £169.123.1 id.. .. '. .. . : .^,4. Ihe prospee'ive liabilities of the"Councillor contracts entered into amount to £3£2(jfej o* which £76 \9s (3d are now due. s\3l^jte Chairmarj authorised the payuifnt of'£^*§^j-, half year's salary to C erk of Licen&j,-n£; Bench, which account wa« accideotaity^'omitted fiom last month's finance sVeet.' i~.,T'lie Committee now recommends that The c- penditure be validateo . 6. The Committee recommends acoou'ts for payment amounting to £236 4a 3d. "Resolved, That the report as read be received nod adopted. Cr Phillips gave notice that he would move at next meeting. That th" day of monthly meeing be altered to Thursday, instead of Saturday, as at present. Cr Bowler moved, That in the event of Ohinemuri taking st,Of)s t>> establish a Haihour Boaid that Waitna be excluded. -- , Resolved, on the motion of the Chairman, That the resolution calling for tenders for the position of puntman atNetherton be rppcinoVd. On the motion of Cr Nash, it was resolved, That, the present arraDgp-, ment regarding the Pound be discontinued, and the Pound be sold by auction-by Flemihtr and Co., on Saturday. QOth ir.st. The successful purchaser to receive nil the fees. Resolved, That, the person who purchases the Pound shall also be appointed Ranger, and that the boundaries remain the same as at present. This concluded the business, and the I Council adjourned.
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Bibliographic details
Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume 1, Issue 9, 13 February 1892, Page 2
Word Count
2,434Ohinemuri County Council. Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume 1, Issue 9, 13 February 1892, Page 2
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