The Ohinemuri Gazette. AND UPPER THAMES WARDEN. "I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver." -Othelic Act 1, Scene 3. SATUDAY, JANUARY 9, 1892.
That poition of the-Earth's m taco known as the County of *Oh?n<-muri, containing by admeasurement 200.009 ac»es be the same more *or "less, ia T'pidly being'fenced in and taken up, under all sorts of titles, s^h^mes, licenses, and ether modes of lan I lifting. A few years ago the; »borigioalrat3e were able lords of fhe manor, but by dint 6i alcohol and c«»l urt-d Manchester goofo »n i that occult system of exchange nd barter «t which the pioneer 'Britisher is such an adept, said Britisher may now put up barbed -wire '-fences and' «ne the I Hte .proprietor for trespass sh<m!& he find him 'hanging around. :Perhap« it. is.poeticil jus'ice. The erst while conquerors by force of HTias are now conquered by fore ot cunning. That, dear friends, is the keystwia of the arch oi civilisation. H " wa are . nt going to give a dissertation on the riyht of private vprop-ry in land, having *l«nt ™»* *Henry .'Gr orgp,-anfl dropped our Herbert Spencer down'tbe veil. *We want to.know if, when the wish of our heatt is "carried out anft that when there is a'lirge influx df miners into this district, Wh«re these m«n and iheir familiei* a^e goinK t« looafe themselves. Afl »ating popu^ I'ltinn does no good to a.plicn To'fir a community it is absolutely Jiecwiry t-i give the people homesteads, t« plar* thenvin stich aposition that they niHy be bl»to hold their own plnt.uf lan'q, k*>ep their own ««>«*, vrow" their own. potatoes, cultivate their lit'le «»renarft Had in short, 'bav<» fhat .gfat de«B'doraiim of the "working clause*, a home of their own. 'The min^r on the fi«rd rto-d »y, .in majority 61 •ca»o»,;iß.ii yoiing unmarried man 'Who makes his cheque like ahorse an 3 spends at like —, well never mind. If he is a married m«» 'hi** TTifa per* h«p» lives on the Thames, at Te A"obA f Wavk-ito or Auckland, and he has to kepp np •* two homes V- Wny is this thus? It is because he is not aJ>le, with any degree of'e ie. to lube up a,, ■plot of had, with a *?ood title, lipoa «vhi vh cm create a hompß»eijJ. . The 'Gi'cu pation -Lrcerrse Scheme, is ft signal f .ilurn aud iv tnanv cases ha« beeti gro .sly abused hy persons t«ki<ie up. in their own «n<l" h d- 2=»n oth«r people's n^mes, whole tracts of lin'd; Moreover there is no kbcutb title an 3 the scheme certainly. offers .no "for Jtttu*n m sta'^t HH'leu!ti'vttte, withaiyia.^ tq-pVi'nj'in^t^ occuoatiori- Nowis thf*re any reas^tr. •in the world why any shcfulcl n»t bo allowed to take up 25. 50 of 100 H«re«.a«»ywhere within th^'C. »w<f gtildti^lda with an a*b«ol»ite 'freeholil ritr»>t to the pnrTaoe. the Orown retain* •ing the mining rights' and for that •purnnri to'be aM«» to take UupJfVoi^" gratit. «nd for nothing, for the man who <ak*iti iir» virgin laird *ith the inteotioilof living upon itdose>ve«to get it oft' theße terma. There ah^uJd 1 "jb**.. ho improvement clause, and itioejil -board,coiisistiugof—say—the Warden:. and twom <am.b't rs of the CountyO(iuribi|»> f ■to *cc that th« improvements at* «2^1.,.' ried out. 'ihere are plemy of gooft patches ©yen on the* hUla, plawj.
grow almost as well tw t>n 'the , allarirtl flits. We belieTA if this scheme, or something-akin to it, wore put into operation it would have 'the effect of nettling: « large proportion of whftt is now a fl^tint: (population •on the local lands, and making, of the mfning olam, that snacias of yeomanry which is fh« 'backbone of a mtion. The Hon. Mi'lister of Lands will be fa^re next month, ani not only the looal body for the district, but the men interested thena«elT63, should interriew him on this matter. If it is Carried into r>fft*ct it would cause an innre<ise in the rateable v^luo of the -County, it would give the miner employmont in his spare time or in slick "times, it would keep the money and the men in the place, oiu*e more prospecting to be done, and to business m*>n, .s»me owners, and more thin cli the mining clam itself, it wouH be a •' consummation devoutly to be wished:"
Tender* eta* for the New Zenland Crown ItinesOo (tini ed) on Monday next. Con* tra tors take note.
A yon h namedGeo. C. Neal was charged! With th«« larceny of 11a 61 from th Pa roi») Post Office «>n th«* 3U r- D-c-mher last, and' Chn K. Olewa w/»»ofaarfed with receirin^ » t < f the same, knowing it to be s f»len.' They we're bro gh: up before J. Phillips, Esq., J> P , -and were formally remanded till Che KKhinst, *t 11 a ro.
Attention fa drawn to.the ftdvert'senient In another piomn annou cm; a sale under distress wafrnnt of a quaniry of h usehoid. furni^aro «nd eff^.ts on the premises of Mr P. ii<-K"nti9, 'Viotoria Stree', Paeroa, on -Tuead»y, I2t*» inst., at 11 a.m.
The~fuoet%'.of *ho late M s Susan Bunting took< plica«;P»»er:» cemetery on Sunday fj«at, and h*»s attended by « large ooneonrse -of •yapathiseiis.
Tangi Ryan has struck M«ngtmse in Jtossell, and is ab ,ut a S*ton parcel to Auckland for trial.
Elsewhere U advertised the advent of Messrs H yes ami Brilltanso's Great All«d 'Circus, «hoexhibit at Pasroaon Wednesday •fceitfor one night onK. They bare in»);« -ftificent tetit near y twice as targe«s Wirth's, -and all these p i forme s are a-ars-in their j>» fifiular Ime. rhe'Bronco^h^rses tire mar--velfoss/b thin their military-and other act*, flod the huffliroiH riepar>me<it is is second to fit* circus rh»t ever visited these colonies. It -ft tot often such • on* does t >me.
tPe h*v» much pl"»sott in"C»Uing attention to the advertisement of MrJGto. W-eston, .felfccteftftb, of Hikutata, The OhiDPrnuri Connty C*ninon'a oMiruiry .fltonthly faeetitis* will/beheld n^thcCoaacil Oha6»l»r», Paeroa, today at 2 pa.
The** ate some apleadid eropa .of «>*ts at Iffether tan thin year, notably tnoerof-Mea-rB 3 Chilton. Moore,, and Moßee The land & this dwtriet '• of magnificent quality. , M~Mr» Everett and Devet.tbe well*knnwn * boat'builder* 'ajft cdartfaetinf a hundy 18fr. kanri :bfi»t fot Mf John Cobnao. She is . ooppei fasMneJ, 'light %rHL atrong. Messra Sverettaad Oerey ateak of organhing a 1 fowins -«lob hstft; thii ahould prove a •plenidid •u«oes». With reftranco- 4© the J-ftflwsT- wo> k«, »n adv<>rt;«tea>ent aumed by Mr.. Vlekerm n, Rettdent rincinoer. wfl) be fonnd m another •olutnn, in which he invite* men riestaitn to work on the •^•operative ayatttn to mteb him on Wedn'ftdajr next. A numb»r of "fiaraea'huve been Wt at the Conntj oflJoo, and there i» likely to be » laree number ready to nadprtek- the work. We under, itand tnftt Mr T. B. Sh«w T of this place, has *iMen-aT>pmnt«d overseer /> rMr Shaw has had"" large experience, and possesses great tact'we are sure th*t this will prove a pofmlar appointment.
Ntgbtfftfcfans between Mr Ras&e'l «n<l the O»n«^R]pf tk«.Kum»ts x:l»ima har* {Allen
©M.f*wpr»cmfrilaf tJimljrVfluH dropped ■fcrrlyjnta every gallon of drinking water is the D°et Iknown oxidiser of organic matter. $,ni*ke jhy own Condy fsaya a writer in .» BeiilA.^amftl)tb«aTe«tpcnae It <s merely fir* grains of peramnvaqate of potaxh to each tflaid ounce of <fi« Hied water, I»n n^ver Without it on my *nvels> 1 sojourned at Port L«niß, AfsoriMns, for a month, when lypbtlß fever were from two to thw hundred da^ly. I never wan on c ill. Not a drop of Bqnfd paaaed my lips wMiou* th addition of Condy. Strange to say a leading French eßiem^t of the iala»d wa9 ignoraut «f ita qoalitret.and when I pure'aspd my < erman* ganate a ac I d j»r wat b>-ought out of • itoi* rnim. and h*d never been enqu-red for. You may drink dUch water which «n la half an boar after this treatment will ba fireet and wholesome If yon wish to k ow thtconitiaent ratter of the brown deposit 4rh!«b -rapidly ,8 ib^idaa, a little chemical lUMwUilgs Will tell joa its nature no* the ••roeotag- of «r«in« to ta paUon \fnar or «»• i« onnoMerad a large return). The fl^ymr «>f the water thus treated titidly: beonimw natural after expeit» to Itt'tir. m 4 )«itt crjstil M4.f«rsv
The Tanranga correspondent of the Ancle, land "Herald 1' wires "A gre*t deal of inconvenience has been caused lite thrqush the want of proper c^mmunisatfon /by Steamer with Auckland, It is eleven since a steamer left for Auck ••«d, and a number of visiitora and peope d wn li«re I(tt the lidlidsys hay* been nnaWe "to cet away in time. The Waibtshi w«s to have cvlled on Sundxy last, but got bar-Tv>und at Opotiki, and itlooked as if people wish'nV to get to Auckland weuld have to wai> MU the end «T the week before a chance off red to get away. Wbwever, owing ».<> the rotigh weather the Chelmsford, bound for Whsikatane, h<>3 to ran in here tor shelter.this morning She was de^Datclied back to Anck'an.l this a'fJ-ernoon fall of passen/ers, and her passengers and cafe are to be taken down the coart hv th<*K»tikati, 'he running of the Northern %oaf-s litely. has canspd great dissatisfaction owinz to their irrueillarity, and the present »amp'i<v of inovivenienoe is nn'y one of many that has happened during the Inst^-few w»ek->."
M-*-srs Pl«m;njr and Co. report re "VTedn«»d*y's ssle-Fnll market yarded. Steers, 1 !•<; heifer*, 13s 61; cow*, 12<i. 8e p pretty brisk. ..Wejhers, 14*-;,» we«, Tla ; fanib*, 9«. A ftWjelas sheep :«•> is anticipated. See our advertising col'nnns.
There sre numberless enqtiirtesfor s local centlemsn-who went. aw«y during <he h">lid:iys, and Toreot to letve Hs .addr^wi, tnuoh regretted by his frien Js Som • rit them ate signifying the snme in the usual manner. ■■
Tenders for County work dose to.d»y at noon.
A crtlonretl philosopher is reported to h-^ve •aid: ''Life, my breddek'en, am mos'<y mide np of prayin* for rain an* then wiahin it would craroff."
On dit that Kaiser'Wilhelm is mid. Close followers evon of the scanty cable news we receive have read this between the lines for some time. He recently wrote ni municipal book at Munich opposite his nam*, "-'nprema rex volnntas reds" (the Mill of t^p K>h^ is ths Supreme-law). Mad Iwe shou'ldthiak so.
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Bibliographic details
Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume I, Issue 4, 9 January 1892, Page 4
Word Count
1,697The Ohinemuri Gazette. AND UPPER THAMES WARDEN. "I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver." -Othelic Act 1, Scene 3. SATUDAY, JANUARY 9, 1892. Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume I, Issue 4, 9 January 1892, Page 4
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