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1910 MAY. 6.—Death of King Edward. 9.—King George V proclaimed. 20.—Funeral of King Edward. OCTOBER. 3.—Fall of monarchy after revolution in Lisbon; proclamation of a republic. DECEMBER. 21. —Colliery disaster at Pretoria pit, Bolton; 344 lives lost. 1911 JUNE. 22.—Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary. AUGUST. 13. —Strike riots at. Liverpool. 25.—Liverpool strike ended. SEPTEMBER. 6.—T. W. Burgess swam the channel. OCTOBER. 6.—ltaly declared war against Turkey. 1912 FEBRUARY. 12.—Republic established in China. 29. —Great strike of coal miners; about 1,000,000 men out. MARCH. / B.—Captain Amundsen reaches the South Pole. APRIL. 6.—End of the coal strike. 14.—Titanic disaster off Cape Race; 1635 lives lost. MAY. 14.—Death of the King of Denmark in Hamburg. JUNE. 26.—First Alexandra Day in London; £12,000 raised for charities. JULY. 5. —Dedication of Rhodes Memorial, Rhodesia, by Lord Grey. 30.—Death of the Emperor of Japan. OCTOBER. B.—War declared against Turkey by Montenegro. *> DECEMBER. 10. —Peace Conference opened at St. James's Palace. 23.—Lord Hardinge wounded by bomb at Delhi. , 1913 JANUARY. 17.—Home Rule Bill passed in House of Commons, by majority of 110. * > FEBRUARY. 3.—War resumed in the Balkans.' 10.—First news received of death, in Antarctic of Scott, Oates, Evans, Wilson and Bowers in March, 1912. MARCH. 18.—King George of Greece assassinated. MAY. 30.—Treaty of London sighed. Robert Bridges becomes poet laureate. 1914 JANUARY. 9.—Great strike in South Africa; martial law proclaimed. 26.—Lock-out by London master builders; 30,000 men affected. MARCH. 30.—Mr Asquith assumes post of Minister of War. / APRIL. I.—Fishery disaster off the coast of Newfoundland: 224 lives lost. MAY. 25. —Third reading of Home Rule Bill passed in House of Commons by majority of 77. - JUNE. 28.—Archduke Francis Ferdinand, nephew and heir to the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, and hi 3 consort assassinated at Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. ~ JULY. 2. —Empress of Ireland sunk in the St. Lawrence after collision with the Storstadt, and 1014 lives lost. Death of Joseph Chamberlain. / 28.—Austria declares war against Serbia. AUGUST. 1. —Germany declares war against Russia. 4. —Great Britain declares war against Germany. s.—Force of 80,000 Germans attacks Liege. 7.—H.M.S. Amphion eunk by mine. 9. —German submarine Uls sunk by British cruiser Birmingham. 12.—Great Britain declares war on Austria. August 16.—First British Expeditionary Force lands in France. 21.—Germans enter Brussels. 23. —Japan declares war on Germany. 24.—Germans capture Namur. 25.—Germans destroy Louvain.- Allies fall back towards Cambrai. 27.—Ostend occupied by British marines. SEPTEMBER. 1. —Germans take Amiens. ■ 2. —Great defeat of Austrians at Lemberg. 3.—Dinant sacked. French Government leaves Paris for Bordeaux. S.—H.M.S. Pathfinder blown up ,by German submarine, 259 lives lost Germans take Rheims. 7.—Allies begin to drive the Germans back from the north-east of Paris. 9. —British Army crosses the Marne. 10.—Cardinal della Chiesa elected Pope as Benedict XV. 11.—Louvain retaken by the Belgia s. 15. —Verdun relieved. Home Rule Bill ordered to pass to the Statute Book. 22.—British cruisers Aboukir, Hogue, and Crcssy sunk. German cruiser Emden shells Madras. " OCTOBER, 7.—Germans cross the Scheldt. Seat of Belgian Government removed from Antwerp to Ostend. 10.—Germans impose a war levy of £20,000,000 on Antwerp. 11.—Russian cruiser Pallada blown up by German submarine with loss of 568 lives. 13. —Germans march on Ostend. Belgian Ministry removes to Havre. 14.—Franco-British forces occupy Ypres. H.M.S. Yarmouth sinks two of, the JSmden's supply skips off Sumatra, j


15.—Germans enter Ostend. 17.—Undaunted and four destroyers engage and sink ffour German destroyers. 23.—German cruiser Karlsruhe appears in the Atlantic, destroys 13 British merchant ships, and evades capture; 26.—French steamer Admiral Ganteaume with 2500 Belrfan. and French refugees blown up by torpedo off Calais, the presence of steamer British Queen enabfng all but 30 of 40 passengers to be saved. 29.—Prince Louis of Battenberg resigns his position as First; Sea Lord of the Admiralty, and is succeeded by Lord Fisher. 30.—Lille taken by the Allies. The Emden, flying the Japanese flag, enters the roadstead at Penang and sinks a Russian cruiser and a French destroyer. 31.—London Scottish tropps make suecessful charge at Ypres. ... NOVEMBER. I.—Naval action off the coast of Chile between British and German ships, the Good Hope and the Monmouth catching fire and sinking. . r 2. —Karlsruhe sinks three more British merchant ships. , ' s.—Great Britain declares war pa Turkey. 10.—The Admiralty makes an official announcement oL the destruction of the Emden at Keeling (Cocos) Islands byi H.M.A.S. Sydney. Sl4.—Death of Lord Roberts. 15.—German forces thrown back over i, the Yser. Turkish forts et the southern end of the Red Sea captured by Indian troops. 18. —British warshps bombard the / entrance of the Zebrugge ship canal. 26.t—Battleship Bulwark blown up in Sheerness harbour, nearly 800 lives being, lost. 29.—Russian Army of Galicia achieves an important victory; 25,000 Austrians taken prisoner within a fortnight. , DECEMBER. I.—De Wet captured by the South African forces. B.—Four German raiders, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Nurnberg and■Leipzig;-"sunk off .Falkland Islands by a British squadron commanded by Sir F. Sturdee. The Dresden escapes. ...» 11.—Unsuccessful German efforts to smash through the Allies' lines at Ypres. 14.—Serbians, recapture Belgrade. 17.—British protectorate over Egypt proclaimed. - -'•'» 18.—A German cruiser squadron-makes a raid on the north-east coast of Eng-. land, shelling Scarborough, Whitby and Hartlepool between 8 and 9 a.m. and escapes after an effort by- a British patrolling squadron to cukthem -qff...,-.; 26. —Seven British seaplanes, escorted'<? by naval vessels, attack- German warships lying in Schillig Roads. After a counter attack by German and ; - submarines six British planes are picked up, after having bombed "points of military significance." 1915 JANUARY. s.—Turkish army completely defeated > in the Caucasus. •14.—Many thousands" killed • by. am earthquake in Lake. Fuecino district,Italy. The Kaiser'a spectator of German successes at Soissons. 24.—Blucher sunk in a running-naval engagement between British and German vessels. FEBRUARY. 2.—Turks fly in disorder after, an ua- . successful attempt to cross the Suei /./, canal at Toussoum. Admiralty issues: an order that neutral ships shall not be interfered with if they are not suspected of carrying contraband, but that every British ship whether war or merchant, > vessel, will be sent to the bottom of the - sea. ' . s ■ 15.—East Prussia evacuated by the Russians. ' 16. —Raid by 40 British aeroplanes on the German positions on the Belgian coast. ' ■- 18.—German blockade of British Isle* commences. 19—Fleet of 32 British and French warships attacks the forts at the mouth of the Dardanelles. ... -' >. . ■ . MARCH. 1. —Great Britain declares a blockad* : of Germany. 14.—Dresden caught near Juan Fernandez, blowing up and sinking after hoisting the white flag. 18.—Three vessels Bunk by mines in . a combined British and French attack on the Dardanelles fortresses. APRIL. , 15. —Brilliant success of the Allies between Arras and La Bassee. 19.—British troops gain important success near Ypres, capturing Hill 60. 25.—Landing of Australians and New Zealandera at Gallipoli. MAY. 7. —Cunard liner Lusitania torpedoed by German submarine off Kinsale, with the loss of 1500 lives. • . ■* 22.—Railway accident near Gretna Green, 157 being killed and over 200 injured. Italy declares war on Austria. 23.—British Coalition Government formed. V '.JULY.. . : , ...... _-.. 9.—Conquest of German South-West Africa. =- - , 15—Strike of 200,000 South Wales coal miners. 20.—Strike ended. AUGUST. 4.—Fall of Warsaw. 20.—Italy declares war on Turkey. SEPTEMBER. 28. —Turks defeated at Kut-El-Amara. OCTOBER. : , 11. —Bulgarians enter Serbia. 14.—Great Britain declares war on Bulgaria. 16. —France declares war on Bu> g'.ria. • ._ ] . 18.—Italy declares war on Bulgaria. 16.—Five German transports sunk br a British submarine in the Baltic. 22.—Death of Dr W. G. Grace, the famous crickete'r. -

" . DECEMBER. 3.—General Townshend reaches Kitt-El-Amara. 15.—Sir John French resigns the British command in France and Flanders, and is succeeded by Sir (Douglas Haig. 19. —-British forces withdrawn from Anzac and Suvla. '*:.':■ 1916 JANUARY. 6.—Mr Asquith introduces the Military Service Bill. ! B.t—Evacuation of Galjipoli pleted.MARCH. > 11. —Germany declares war on Portugal. APRIL. 9.—British defeated on the Tigris. 17. —Capture of Trebizond. 27. —Germans first use gas on the * Western front. 30. —Fall of Kut and surrender of General Townshend. • MAY. B.^—First Daylight Saving Bill passed. '3l.—Battle or Jutland. JUNE. , , "• s.—Lord Kitchener drowned. Death of Yuan Shi-Kai, President of China. '■•l6.—New German attacks on Verdun. • '."V : '•■ ' JULY. ; - I.—Great British offensive begun in 1 the west. \ i s.—Heavy battles on the' Thiepval Plateau. "j '■■,'.' \6. —Mr Lloyd becomes Secretary of, State for War and Lord Derby Under-secretary. v 7. —Second stage.of the great British advance on the Somme commences. ■ ■ ■ • ■ ' ' ' 15. —Deauville Wood /.taken by the ,British. , : '. . ,'»" - _ 1 - 25.—British capture Pozieres... i '-•"' AUGUST. • J 19.—German High Seas Fleet put, but | driven back after a slight encounter in which two British cFuisers are lost and two enemy. I submarines are disposed* of and a battleship damaged. • i 25.—Defeat of the Prussian Guards at [ Guillemont. •" .1 27.—Rumania declares war on Austria : and Germany. " SEPTEMBER. 6.—French success at Verdun. 10.—-British operating on the Salonika front defeat the Bulgarians. '■'•■• • 15.—Tanks first used by the British. 24.—Allied air raid on Krupp's works - atfEsseni ' \ • ..'' > 26.—Allies take Thiepval and Comblea. OCTOBER. ,- ', '*■ i.—British attack the German lines on the Somme. * '■*.**' 13.—Forty. Allied aeroplanes raid the Mauser works at Oberadorf.., - 23—French triumph at Verdun. ' ■'■• ».'".;, r NOVEMBER. 13.-r©reat-battle opens ' on 'both sides "of-the Anew.;., - 21.—Death of. the'< Emperor.. Joseph of Austria; British hQspital ship* sunk in the iEgean Sea; 50 lives lost. 29.—Admiral Sir John JelHcoe appointed First Sea Lord and Vice-admiral | Sir David Beatty assumes; command of pie Grand Fleet. , - 'J i ■ ' "':■'] DECEMBER. '\'\V' ;'':■"■' s.—Mr Asquith and Mr Lloyd George resign and the King sends for Mr Bonar' Lawl * . ' \ ' 1; 6.—Mr Lloyd George becomes. Prime Minister; 11.—War Cabinet 'instituted. .'"'. -*■'* 14.—Allied ultimatum to Greece, f 21.—-President Wilson sends a Note to all belligerents suggesting an avowal of views. . _. i — : '1917 / t . FEBRUARY. 3. —Diplomatic relations between the United 'States and Germany broken off. 7.—British capture R/andcourt. I ,14. —Death of Duchess of Connaught. , , 24. —Fall of Kut-el-Amara. • MARCH. * 9.—Death of Count Zeppelin. 11.—British troops occupy Baghdad. 12.—President Wilson decides to arm American merchant ships. Revolution in Russia. 17.—British take Baupaume. 21.—British take 40 more villages. ' 27.—General Murray gains a complete victory over 20,000 Turks at ©aza. APRIL. [;■';'. resolution adopted by the United. States. ' 7. —Cuba declares war on Germany* , 10.—Vimy Ridge taken by the j Canadians? ..'_.'' \B. —General Maud annihilates the 18th Turkish Army Corps. ■./ . MAY. ,' » 15. —General Foch appointed chief of staff of the French Army. ■ JUNE.' _ . ' on naval establish incuts in the Medway, with 38 casualties, fotir machines being brought down. 7.—British victory in the Ypres salient, Messines Ridge being taken. • 11.—King Constantino of Greece abdicates, and is succeeded by his son Alexander. 26. —First American contingent arrives in France. 29.—General Allenby assumes the Palestine 'command. JULY. B.—Austrian front broken west of Stanislau. . ' . '•■ 16.—Russian retreat begins. AUGUST. 15.—British capture Hill 70. * SEPTEMBER. - 16. —Russia proclaimed a 'Republic. OCTOBER. 4. —British"-victory on Passchendaele Ridged 23. —Vote of censure on the Government on the Irish policy defeated by 211 votes to 78. French victdry on the Aisne. NOVEMBER. 6. —Passchendaele won. 20.—Hindeuburg line smashed on a IJ-mile front.' DECEMBER. 7.—United States declares war on Austria-Hungary. 9.—Fall of Jerusalem.

15.—Russo-German armistice signed. 31.—German attacks at Cambrai aided by liquid fire. 1918 JANUARY. 14.—New Man Power Bill introduced in the House of Commons by Sir Auckland Geddes. 20.—Naval engagement at Imbros. 10. —Russia out of the war. FEBRUARY. 15.—Dover shelled by a German submarine. 26.—British hospital ship Glcnart Castle sunk in the Bristol Channel, 38 out of §OO being saved. MARCH. 4.—Rumania agrees to enemy peace terms. 21.—Germans launch their first attack on a 50-mile front. 23.—British withdraw to the Somme. 25.—Nesle and Courcelette evacuated by the French and British. , APRIL. 4.—Great enemy assault with 20 divisions along the roads leading to Amiens. 11.—Second German attack on Messines Ridge. ~'/'■'. x 14.—General Foch appointed generalissimo of the Allied armies in France. 16—British withdrawal in the Passchendaele area. 22i —British naval raid on Zebrugge and Ostcnd. • . 25.—British regain Villers-Brctonneux. 29.—Heavy German defeat on a 10mile front. MAY. ~ 7.—Peace signed between Rumania and the Central Powers. . 9.—H.M.S. Vindictive, laden with concrete, 'sunk in Ostcnd -Harbour, 28.—Great battle between the Aisne and Vesle. •'" 30. —Germans bomb Paris. ' «' ■;„_;. ■ " JUNE. / . ' : 15. —Great Austrian offensive. |. 23.v-Defeat of the Austrians. 27.-r-Hospital ship Llandovery Castle torpedoed and sunk on way home from Canada; 234 missing. > ■ '•,■•* t I JULY. ! . I.—The Americans carry , the village of Vaux. , 4.—Australians and Americans capture Hamcil. 15. —Great new German attack opens on* a 50-mile front east, and west of Rheims. \ ; 16.—Ei-Czar Nicholas shot. 18.—Great French counter-attack on a 27-mile front ' \ ' ■■' > 22.—Allies cross the Marne at Chasslhs arid Passy. > .. AUGUST. 3.—Soissons and Crise line won. 9.—British take Mortancourt. * 16.—British troops cross the. Ancre. 21.—General Byng launches successful offensive north of Ancre. "A;, 22.—British troops recapture Albert, taking 5000 29.—British capture Bapaume. 80.—Bailleul occupied by the British. *' "/ SEPTEMBER. I.—Australians capture Peronne. 4.—German retreat .from the Vesle begins. \ 16.—Great strike of cotton spinners. 28.—Bulgaria pleads for an armistice. OCTOBER. . , B.—French take St. Quentin. German Secretaries of State resign. . 4.—German retreat on Lille. 7.—Ferdinand of Bulgaria abdicates. \d. —Cambrai taken by British and Canadjan troops. 17.—British occupy Ostend. 1*2,5. —Anglo-Italian forces cross the I Piavc. I 29.—Great Italian advance. NOVEMBER. x 3.—Austria accepts imposed terms and makes a full surrender. 6.—American troops enter Sedan. 8. —Revolutionary movements spread over Germany.. 9.—The Kaiser abdicates and escapes to Holland. 11.—Armistice signed by German plenipotentiaries. Firing stopped on all fronts. Great jubilation throughout Empire and Allied, countries. 29. —King Nicholas of Montenegro deposed. Montenegro unites with Serbia under King Peter. ■..;. 1919 FEBRUARY. 3.—Peace Conference in Paris. MAY. 18.—Hawker and Grieve start from Newfoundland on their flight across the Atlantic, but are forced down when halfway across and are rescued by a passing ship. JUNE. 15.—First direct flight across the Atlantic by Captain Alcoek and Lieutenant W. Brown. * 19.—Interned German fleet scuttled at "Scapa Flow. 28. —Treaty of peace with Germany signed at Versailles. JULY. 2.—British naval airship R 34 leaves on.her voyage across the Atlantic. C.-T-R 34 lands at Long Island. „ 10.—Peace celebrations throughout the Empire. NOVEMBER. 11. —Two minutes' silence in memory of the wnr dead observed for the first time at the request of the King. 28.—Lady Astor returned as M.P. for Plymouth. , ■ DECEMBER. - 10.—Captain Ross Smith completed the first flight from England to Australia. 10.—Attempt on the life of Lord French near Phoenix Park, Dublin. 1920 JANUARY. 13.—Peace Treaty ratified in Paris. 16.—First meeting of the League of Nations in Paris under the presidency of M. Leon Bourgeois. - 17.—Prohibition comes into force in the United States. , FEBRUARY. 2.—Esthonian independence recognised. 11. —First meeting in London of the LeagueaCouncil, Mr Balfour presiding. 12.—Opening meeting of the Supreme Allied Council at Downing street. |

16.—Massacre of 7000 Armenians in Cilicia by the Turks. 17.—Announcement of the Allies decision not to deprive Turkey of Constantinople. MARCH. 4.—Denmark joins the League of Nations. 14—Militarist revolution in Germany. 16.—the Prince of Wales leaves England oh his tour of Australia and New Zealand. Constantinople occupied by Allied troops. APRIL. 6.—Further massacres in Armenia. JUNE. s.—Title of Duke of York conferred on Prince Albert. 16. —Fighting between British and Turks as Ismid. JULY.' B.—Annexation, under the name of Kenya Colony, of the East Africa Protectorate. 9.—Protocol containing the Allies disarmament terms signed by Germany at Spa.

10.—Death of Lord Fisher. 22.—Rioting at Belfast. AUGUST. 10.—Peace Treaty with Turkey signed at Sevres. , OCTOBER. 14.—Women graduates admitted for first time to degrees in Oxford University. 16.—Coal strike declared. 25.—Death of King Alexander of Greece. NOVEMBER. 4.—Coal strike ended. 11. —Cenotaph unveiled by the King in Whitehall. Unknown .warrior buried in Westminster Abbey. 15.—First meeting of League of Nations in Geneva. 21.—Outrage in Dublin. Fourteen British officers murdered. DECEMBER. 1. D'Annunzio declares war against Italy. 15.—Austria admitted to the League of Nations.

19.—King Constantine returns to Athens. 27.—Italians attack Fiume. 29.—Surrender of D'Annunzio. 1921 JANUARY. 24.—Submarine K 5 sunk with all hands. FEBRUARY. 7.—Allies at Paris Conference fix German reparations bill; total of £11,300,000,000, to be payable in 42 years. 28.—Arrival in London of the German representatives to the Supreme Council. MARCH. 3.—Allied ultimatum to Germany stating that unless the Paris agreement is sign by the following Monday measures will be taken to enforce it. 7.—Sinn Fein outrages in Dublin. B.—Allied troops occupy Dusseldorf, Duisburg, and Ruhrort. 31, —Coal strike declared. State of emergency declared in Great Britain.

APRIL. 7_Coiifcrence between the Government and the miners ends in a deadlock. 13.—Decision of transport workers and railway men to declare a strike in support of the miners. 15—Triple alliance strike threat withdrawn. 28.—Government offer of a grant ot £10,000,000 rejected by the miners. MAY. 23.—Riots in Egypt. » 24.—First election for the Northern Ireland Parliament. 25.—Battle in Dublin; Customs House burnt down. JUNE. 7.—First sitting of the Ulster Parliament in Belfast; Sir James Craig elected Prime Minister. 17.—Miners' ballot results in the rejection of the Government terms. Sinn Fein raids in London suburbs; telegraph and signal wires cut. 22.—The King opens the first Parliament of Northern Ireland in Belfast.

JULY. I.—End of the coal strike. 12.—H. .G. Hawker, the noted airman, killed while flying. 20.—Government proposals made to Ireland, offering dominion status with complete autonomy 'in taxation and finance and power to maintain a military home defence force. AUGUST. 16.—Meeting of Dail Eireann to discuss the Government's offer. Death of King Peter of Serbia. 23. —The Emir Feisal crowned King of Iraq. 24.—Airship R3B wrecked by explosion over the Humber. 31.—Official, end of the Great War. SEPTEMBER. I I.—Fighting in Turkey. 21.—Explosion at Opp.u (Germany), 2500 being killed or injured. . NOVEMBER. ' v 12.— Washington Conference opened by President Harding. * 13, —Four-Power agreement for the preservation of peace in the Pacific for 10 years signed by the United States, Great Britain, France and Japan. - DECEMBER. 15._Washington Conference agrees to proposed naval limitations. 1922 JANUARY. 4.—Great fire at Hartlepool; hundreds homeless.

28. Lord Mountstephen leavei £750.000 to the King Edward Hospital Fund. FEBRUARY. 1, —pive-Power naval passed at Washington, up Wei Hal Wei to China. 6.—Cardinal Ratti, Archbishop of Milan, elected Pope Pius XI. 28.—Princess Mary marries Viscount Lascelles. Termination of British protectorate over Egypt. MARCH. 23.—Submarine H 42 sunk with aB hands off Gibraltar. ; 24.—Four-Power Pacific Treaty ratified by the United States Senate. MAY. 3L—Steamer Wiltshire wrecked om Great Barrier Island. \- JUNE. 22.—Field-marshal Sir Iljnry Wilson assassinated. JULY 2.—Heavy fighting in Dublin. The Four Courts blown up. AUGUST. 12.—Arthur Griffiths, President of the Dail Eireann, dies in Dublin. 22.—General Michael Collins shot" dead in ambush. 4—Geneva assembly of tne League of Nations opened. 9.—Air race for King's Cup won by Barnard. Irish Free State Parliament meets; Mr Cosgrave elected president 14. —Smyrna in flames.

17.—Mustapha Kemal, the Turkish National leader, sends arrogant, demands to the Allies. British fleet ordered to oppose the Turkish army crossing to Europe. ■ 28.—King Constantiiie of Greece abdicates in favour of his son George. ■ OCTOBER. 19.—Mr Lloyd George resigns- from position of Prime Minister. Mr Bonar Law asked ;to form a Cabinet. 26.—The Irish .Republicans repudiate the Free State and appoint Mr de Valera President of the Republic. 27.—Fascist coup in Italy. 29;p-Signor Mussolini forms a Cabinet. NOVEMBER. , s.—Kemalist coup in Turkey. The Sultan dethroned.

17.-r-Sultan leaves Turkey in a British battleship. Execution! of rebels in Ireland; 20.—Lausanne Conference opened. 29.—Great find of treasures in the tomb of King Tutankhamen, near Luxor, in Egypt, by Lord Carnarvon. DECEMBER. —Mr T. M. Healy appointed Gover-nor-General of the Irish Free State and the Duke, of Abercorn for Ulster. ' 1923 JANUARY. B.—Reparation Conference fails. Frenph troops dispatched to the Ruhr. 11.—Ex-King Constantine dies in exile.

FEBRUARY. 2.—United States terms for funding of debt accepted. 4.—Turks refuse to sign peace treaty at Lausanne. APRIL. s.—Death of Lord Carnarvon in Cairo. 26.—The Duke of York marries Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. MAY. 19. —Mr Bonar Law ill and resigns office of Prime Minister. 22.—Mr Stanley Baldwin forms a Government. , JULY. 5. —Forty thousand dock workers on strike. 7.—France ratifies the Washington naval treaty. 9.—Turkish peace agreement at Lausanne. -.

AUGUST. 2.—Death of President Harding. 3. —Mr Calvin Coolidge, Vice-president, succeeds. 81. —Italo-Greek conflict. SEPTEMBER. 1. —Great earthquake in Japan: Tokio and Yokohama in ruins. 10.—'-Irish Free State admitted to the League of Nations. 24.-—Gordon-Bennett balloon race ends disastrously, five lives and three balloons being lost. 25. —Pit disaster at Falkirk, 41 miners being trapped by water.

Their Majesties the King and Queen photographed in the Robing Room of the House of Lords with the pages on the occasion of the State opening of Parliament.

OCTOBER. 20.—Rhine Republic proclaimed: Bavaria defies the Reich. 29.—Turkish Republic proclaimed, Kemal Pasha being the first President. 30. —Death of Mr Bonar Law. NOVEMBER. 2. —Mr Baldwin, at Manchester, advocates protection for British industries. r 1924 JANUARY. 21.—Mr' Baldwin's Government defeated. Railway strike begins. 22.t—Death of Lenin. Mr Baldwin resigns. Mr Ramsay MacDonald invited to form a Government. FEBRUARY. 3.—Death of Woodrow Wilson. 18.—Great dock strike. MARCH. 25.-r King George of Greece deposed and a Republic declared; APRIL, i 14.—Anglo-Soviet Conference in London. 23.—Wembley Exhibition opened by the King. 29.—First Labour Budget presented by Mr Snowden. AUGUST. B.—Treaties with the Soviet signed. 16.—Dawes scheme adopted by London Conference. Evacuation of the Ruhr agreed to. ■ SEPTEMBER. 3.—Chinese Civil War starts. OCTOBER. 9.—Labour Government defeated, and resigns. ~ 13.—End of Chinese Civil War. NOVEMBER. 4. —Mr Baldwin forms a new Cabinet. 21. : —Soviet treaties dropped. 1925 JANUARY. . 17.—Trotsky .dismissed from Russia. 26.—Mr Asquith accepts a peerage as Earl of Oxford and Asquith. MARCH. 12. protocol rejected by Great Britain. 20.—Death of Lord Curzon. 28.—Prince of Wales starts on African tour. l . 30—Mine disaster at Newcastle, 38 miners being trapped by water! APRIL. 14.—Attempt to murder King Boris of Bulgaria. 16.—Bomb outrage at Sofia Cathedral, 140 being killed. 26.—Field-marshal von Hindenburg elected President of Germany. MAY.' B.—Amundsen starts to fly to the North Pole. 10.-r-Death of Mr W. F. Massey, Prime Minister of New Zealand. , * JUNE. 4. —4Uied' Note on disarmament handed to Germany. 25.—Amundsen returns to Spitzbergen after four weeks at the Pole. Continued attacks on British in China. JULY. 17.—British Summer Time Bill passed. AUGUST. 20.—Serious seamen's strike in Australia. SEPTEMBER. 3.—United States airship Shenandoah destroyed, 13 being killed. «, 18. —Parliament Buildings in Tokio destroyed by fire. OCTOBER. s.—Locarno Conference on Security Pact. 13.—Vertical ascent by special aeroplane at Farnborough. 31.—Shah of Persia deposed. » N NOVEMBER. 2.—Reservoir bursts near Conway, 17 lives being lost. 20. —Death 'of Queen Alexandra. 26.—Death of the King of Siam.

DECEMBER. I.—Treaty of Locarno signed in London. B.—lrish boundary i question settled. 13.—Riza Shah Pahlevi elected Shah of Persia. 19.—The League of Nations Council grants the claims of Iraq. King Ali of Hedjaz resigns, and Abdul Azziz Ibn Saud becomes ruler. 1926 JANUARY. 6.—British Widows and Orphans' Pensions Act comes into operation. 11.—Ibn Saud proclaimed King of Hedjaz. 31. —Evacuation of Cologne by British troops. FEBRUARY. B.—Germany requests membership of the League of Nations. ' MARCH. 6.—Shakespeare Memorial Theatre burned. APRIL. 15.—Deadlock in coal dispute; 13 Labour members suspended.

MAY. 3.—Great general strike in Britain lasting until May 12. 9.—Lieutenant Hyrd flies over the North Pole. 14.—Marshal Pilsudski captures Warsaw and forms a new Government for Poland. . ) 16.—Airship Norge makes a flight over the Polar region. JUNE. 25. —Mclba's farewell. JULY. I.—Mining Hours Bill carried. SEPTEMBER. 10.—Trades Union Congress snubs Russian dictation. Germany admitted to League of Nations; withdrawal of Spain. OCTOBER. 7.—Government's coal proposals rejected ; decision to call out safety men. 19.—Imperial Conference opened. 25.—Belgian franc stabilised.

NOVEMBER. 13. —Italy wins the" Schneider Cup with an average speed of 246 miles an hour. 23. —Imperial Conference closes. DECEMBER. 2.—Miners return to work. 1927 JANUARY. 9,—Seventy-three lives lost in klnema fire in Montreal. FEBRUARY. 22. ; —Duke and Duchess of York,arrive at Auckland. MARCH. 1, —Herr Stresemann elected president of the League of Nations Council. 10. —Great loss of life in earthquake In Japan. < APRIL. 1. —Major Segrave drives a car at a speed of over 200 miles an hour. B.—Beam wireless service to Australia starts. , 23.—New Zealand offers £1,000,000 towards the cost of the Singapore base.

MAY. I.—Extensive floods on the Mississippi, camps being provided for thousands of refugees. ' 9.—The Duke of York inaugurates Canberra, the new capital of the Commonwealth of Australia. v 12. —A'rcoa offices" (Russian headquarters in London) raided by the police. -21. —Colonel Lindbergh makes a lone flight across the Atlantic. 24.—Relations with Russia severed and trade treaty abrogated. 1 v , . /" ■" ' K ' JUNE.' ' '*' ■■ 15.—Red terror revived in**. Russia? many executions. . @ 27. —Duke of York returns home after visit to Australia and New Zealand;' JULY. 10.—Kevin O'Higgins, Irish Minister of Justice, murdered. " ■ : ';-■". 15.—Serious riots in Vienna, 23.—Death of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria. The Prince of Wales, accompanied by Mr Baldwin, leaves for Canada. -

: .. V SEPTEMBER. s.—Trade's.. Union Council breaks with ' tie "Red" Union. ' 26. —Great Britain wins the Schneider Cup at Venice with a speed of uver 281 > miles an hour. -, • '..-. .'■ , >■'; £ 'NOVEMBER.. ' : - » " 6.—Summer Time Act cpmea into operation in New Zealand. , •'■; ■ ' t .1928/.'.' . \ -February;,,. ■ " 22.—Hinkler flies from London to Australia in 16 days. ; : '. .s;'■'■■ "V;:? : , . '• "■.." ■ ' ' /■' MARCH. . . 7 2.—Egypt' rejects proposed/treaty. \ 21.-HBritaln* presents Note l\ on naval disarmament at Geneva. ■;,:.. ; APRIL. >'• . 13.—Atlantic flown westward by • German aeroplane. v.. 16.—Captain Wilkins flies across tha . Arctic regions. . "V , : ;.•'.'' 23 Earthquake in Greece; Corinth destroyed. ■ ..'."'. :.'_.. \

Owing to the illness of his Majesty .the King in 1928 the Prince of Wales and the Duke of abandoned their African and rushed home. The Prince of Wales (centre) with two of his brothers, the Duke of York (right) and the Duke of Gloucester.

25.—Airship Italia lost in. the Arctic. " JUNE., •;. ' ; . ■ 9. —Captain Kingsford Smith flies the Pacific. \ ■•'■'[ 14.—Parliament, for the second time, rejects the new Prayer Book. 24,.—GencraJ Nobile' rescued from the Arctic one month after the Italia disaster. -.•;"■■■. . ,';f ' '' . JULY.- / 18.—Kellogg Peace» >T> act accepted by Great Britain and the colonies. 2r.T-Death of Ellen Terry.

AUGUST. 4. —Oscar Slater, convkted of murder in 1909, awarded £6OOO for wrongful conviction. 27.—Kellogg Peace Pact signed in Paris. SEPTEMBER. 11.—Southern Cross, the first aeroplane to cross the Tasman, arrives in Christchurch. p 13. —Great hurricane in the Wesl Indies; many lives lost. OCTOBER.. 12.—Mr Bernhard gives £500,000 in trust for hospitals. 15. —German airship with 60 persons on board crosses the Atlantic. , NOVEMBER.' 22. —The King seriously ill.

DECEMBER. £ 2.—Prince of Wales leaves. South Africa on his return home. 4.—Councillors of State appointed in connection with the King's illness. 17. —Afghan revolt against King Amanullah's reforms. 1929 JANUARY. I.—The King making slow progress towards recovery. 14.—King Amanullah abdicates. 17.—Peace pact signed in Washingion, y '..,■'■ ' ;

Back row—Prince Albert, Princess Mary, and the Prince of Wales. Front row—Prince John (deceased),, Prince Henry, and Prince George.

FEBRUARY. . 14.—Lateran Treaty signed; Pope's sovereignty recognised. MARCH. 11.—Segrave drives the Golden Arrow at 231 miles an hour. 29.—Announcement that the King is making good progress. APRIL. B.—Bomb outrage in the Delhi Assembly. 12.—Crew of the Southern Cross found 11 days after crash in Northern Australia. JUNE. 10.—Air disaster in channel, seven lives being lost. 17. —Disastrous earthquake on the West Coast of the South Island.

JULY. 7.—Thanksgiving for the King's recovery. 22—Bremen crosses the Atlantic in 4 days 17 hours. 24.—Peace Pact ratified by 15 countries at Washington. ** AUGUST. 25. —Mauretania crosses the Atlantic in 4 days 17 hours after being in service for 22 years. Rioting between Jews and Mohammedans in Palestine. 28. —Graf Zeppelin crosses the Pacific from Japan to Los Angeles in 08 hours. 29 —Graf Zeppelin reaches New York after flying round the world in 21 days 7 hours; actual flying time, 12 days. SEPTEMBER. 7.—Waghorn wins the Schneider Trophy for Britain at an average speed of 328 miles an hour. 14.—British troops start withdrawal from Germany. 20.—Crash of the Hatry group, with huge losses by banks and investors. OCTOBER. 14.—Invitations sent for a Five-Power Conference in London in respect of naval reductions. NOVEMBER. 9. —Prince of Wales gives a dinner to 321 V.C.'s at the House of Lords. 18.—Death of T. P. O'Connor, M.P. 24.—Death of M. Clemenceau, the French statesman. 30.—Commander Byrd flies over the South Pole. DECEMBER. 29. —All India Congress opened at Lahore, Mr Gandhi proposing civil disobedience and non-payment of taxes. 31.—Sixty children killed in a kinema fire at Paisley. v * 1930 JANUARY. 20.—The King opens the Naval Conference. FEBRUARY. 18. —United Empire Party launched by Lord Beaverbrook. (-.••? 22.—Arab kings make a peace pact on a British ship. MARCH. 3.—Civil disobedience in India j the Viceroy warns Gandhi. 10. —Deadlock at naval conference. 24.—Tariff truce conference at Geneva. ' APRIL. 14.—United States, Japan and Great Britain agree to Three-Power naval pact; France and Italy unable to participate. MAY. s.—Gandhi arrested. s 9.—John Masefield appointed Poet Laureate. JUNE. 10. —Report of the Simon Commission on India issued. 11.—Government rejects the scheme for a channel tunnel. 13.—Sir Henry Segrave killed on Lake Windemere while travelling at 100 miles an hour. 30. —Rhineland completely evacuated. AUGUST. " 16.—Airship RIOO flieaV home from Montreal in 57 hours. ';"' ,'',lß.—Tahiti sinks in the Pacific, the passengers and crew being saved. OCTOBER. 1. —Imperial Conference opened. s.—rßlOl destroyed in France on first flight to India, 48 lives beings lost. 19.—Kingsford Smith flies from England to Australia in 4.0 days. 27. —Britain joins the United States and Japan in ratifying the Naval Reductions Agreement. ' NOVEMBER. 12.—The King opens the India Round Table Conference in London. 1931 FEBRUARY. 3.—Great earthquake in the North Island, Napier and Hastings being destroyed, and 260 lives lost. 6. —Captain Campbell establishes a land'speed record of miles an hour. , ~ . 14.—Pope Pius XI addresses tihe world from the new Vatican broadcast station. Crisis in Spain. 28.—Naval agreement between Italy and France. ' MARCH. s.—The Prince of Wales and Prince George open the British Empire Exhibition in Buenos Aires. * 19.—Naval agreement between the United States, Japan, France and Italy generally concurred in. 25. —Rioting in Cawnpore, 200 being killed. ! 26.—Inauguration ceremony of the new capital of India at New Delhi. 27.—Agreement reached between Lord Beaverbrook and Mr Baldwin. 29.—Delhi pact ratified by Congress. APRIL. 2.—Earthquake at Managua, Nicaragua, 2000 being "killed and 5000 injured. Lieutenant-commander Glen Kidston flics from England to Capetown in 6 days 10 hours 31 minutes. Motor boat speed record of 103.49 miles an hour established by Kaye Don. 4.—First official Australian air mail leaves Croydon. 10.—Flight, from L>mpne to Port Darwin by C. W. A. Scott in 9 days 4 hours 11 minutes. 14. —King Alfonso informally abdicates the Spanish throne, a provisional republic being proclaimed. MAY. s.—Mr Courtauld rescued by Mr Watkins after being in a hut by himself on the Greenland Icecap since December 5. 19.—Launching at Kiel of the first German battleship bnilt since the war. 27.—-Professor Piccard, in a specially constructed balloon, establishes an altitude record of 53,000 feet. JUNE. 14.—Sir Hubert Wilkins's submarine Nautilus disabled in mid-Atlantic. 21. —General acceptance of a nroposal by President Hoover for a moratorium of all payments in intergovernmental reparations and relief debts. 29. —Mr F. Smythe and party reach the summit of Mount Karnet (25,447 ft), the highest summit attained by man. JULY. I.—Railway across Africa opened. 2.—Post and Gatty, American airmen, complete a flight round the world in nine days. 6.—Stalin introduces a system of payment by result in Russia. 9.—New motor boat record of 110 miles an hour by Kaye Don. 23.—London conference on German financial crisis ended after a decision to renew the maintenance of credits. »

AUGUST. s._Great floods in China, 23,000,000 people being affected. 6. —J. A. Mollison flies 'from, Australia to England in 8 days 20 hours 19 minutes. 24.—Resignation of Mr MacDonald's Cabinet; National Government formed with Mr MacDonald as leader. SEPTEMBER. 7.—The King participates in national economy, a reduction of £50,000 per annum being made in his civil list. The Prince of Wales contributes £IO,OOO. 10. —Seven hundred dead in a hurricane in British Honduras. 12.—Gandhi arrives in England. 20. —Temporary suspension of the gold standard by Britain. 29.—Air speed record by Flight-lieu-tenant Stainforth at an average of 407.5 miles an hour. OCTOBER. s.—British Cabinet decides to make an appeal to the country. 9, —League of Nations summoned to meet at Geneva to consider the Chinese and Japanese difficulty. Dr Bruening completes negotiations for the formation of a new German Cabinet, with President Hindenburg head. 13, —Church separated from the State in Spain. 27.—National Government Party achieves sweeping victory in the general election, securing a majority of 499. NOVEMBER. * 2.—Heavy Labour losses in British borough elections. • 4.—Decision to admit Iraq to the League of Nations. 9.—Miss Peggy Salaman and Mr Store fly from England to Capetown in 5 days 8 hours 37 minutes. C. A. Butler flies from England to Australia in one hour less than C. W. A. Scott. 18.—Mr Philip Snowden takes the title of Viscount Snowden. Chinese army of 26,000 in Manchuria routed by Japanese force of 3000. 19.—Assyrian people ask the League of Nations to emigrate them from Iraq. 20.—Submarine Nautilus sunk outside Bergen. i 25.—Hinkler flies the South Atlantic in 22 hours. 27. —Burma Round Table Conference opened in London by the Prince of Wales. DECEMBER. 11.—Work on the Cunard liner Queen Mary suspended. 16.—First direct air mail liner arrives in England from Australia in 27 days. 19.—Federal Labour Party defeated 1 in Australian general elections. 1932 JANUARY. 1. —Announcement that Princess Mary is to bear the title of Princess Royal. B.—Mr Gandhi arrested in Bombay. Attempted assassination of the Emperor of Japan. FEBRUARY. 2. —Disarmament Conference opened in Geneva, with Mr Arthur Henderson as president. New Sout» Wales defaults in its obligations to bondholders overseas. 18.—-League of Nations issues a warning to Japanese commander delivers an ultimatum to the Chinese commander to cease hostilities and withdraw to a distance of 124 miles from the boundary of the International Settlement at Shanghai. 19. —China rejects the Japanese ultimatum. 20.—General advance on Woosung and Chapei begun by the Japanese. , 24.—Sir Malcolm Campbell achieves a new land speed record of 253.908 miles an hour. MARCH. I.—The Japanese Foreign MiniSter accepts the proposal by the League of Nations for an international conference t consider the situation in Shanghai. / 3, —Japan orders the immediate cessation of military operations. Terms for an armistice rejected by China. 7. —Death of Aristide Briand. 9. —Mr de Valera elected President of the Irish' Free State Executive Council. 11. —League of Nations adopts a resolution for settling the dispute between China and Japan. 19.—Sydney harbour bridge opened. 26.—Gar Wood sets up a speed boat record of 111.72 miles an hour. 29.—J. A. Mollison flies to the Cape in record time of 4 days 17 hours 19 1 minutes. APRIL. B.—Failure of the Four-Power Conference in connection with the Danubian States. 23.—Shakespeare Memorial Theatre opened at Stratford-on-Avon by the Prince of Wales. 28.—C. W. A. Scott sets up a new record by flying from England to Australia in 8 days 20 hours 47 minutes. MAY. 5. —Sino-Japanese armistice signed. 6. —Assassination of M. Doumer, President of France. 13. —Mr Lang, Premier of New South Wales, and his Cabinet dismissed from office. 15.—Mr Inukai, the Japanese Prime Minister, assassinated in Tokio. i 16.—Serious rioting in Bombay, 157 being killed and 1600 injured. Outbreak of fire on the French liner Georges Philippar, at the entrance to the Gulf of Aden, 52 lives being lost. 21. —Miss Amelia Earhart (Mrs Putnam) flies alone from Newfoundland to Ireland, establishing fastest time of hours for an Atlantic flight. 23. —Death of Lord Inchcape. JUNE. 3. —Earthquake in Mexico, 400 people being killed or injured. o.—Constitutional government overthrown in Chile. 12. —Lang Party defeated in New South Wales genera] election. 22. —Eucharistic Congress opened in Dublin. President Hoover proposes a reduction of nearly one-third in world armaments; Italy and Germany express agreement. 24.—Revolution in Siam, a people's Government being formed with the King's consent. 30.—Conversion of British war loan (£2,000,000,000) from 5 per cent, to 34 per cent, decided upon. JULY. 9. —Agreement signed at Lausanne cancelling reparations. 12.—1 n retaliation for non-payment of annuities the British Government imposes a duty of 20 per cent, on agricultural imports from the Irish Free State. 18.—Kaye Don regains the motor boat I record with 119.81 miles an hour.

21.—Opening of the Ottawa Conference. 25.—The Irish Free State imposes retaliatory tariffs*. AUGUST. 18. —Professor Piccard ascends 54,450 feet into the , stratosphere. SEPTEMBER. 20.—Formal deed of union of the three Methodist churches signed by each of their presidents. OCTOBER. 15. —Breakdown of negotiations between the British and Irish Free State Governments on the land annuities question. NOVEMBER. 3.—Ottawa Agreements I Bill read a third time by the House of Commons.

B.—Mr Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the United States. 15.—Third Indian Round Table Conference begun. 18.—Mrs Mollison flies to the Cape in 4 days 16 hours 54 minutes, creating a new record. \ DECEMBER. 10.—Britain decides, after an exchange of Notes with the United States, to pay the war debt instalment, but asks for a conference.

11. —Belgian Government decides against payment of war debt instalment. 14. —France's attitude decided by the defeat of the Herriot Government, which had proposed to continue payments. 1933 JANUARY. .28. —Irish Free State elections result in the return of Mr de Valera with a majority over all parties., 3.1. —Hitler accepts German Chancellorship, i FEBRUARY. R.—Record long-distance flight of 5430 miles by Royal Air Force planes. 9. —Mr Mollison flies from Lympne to Brazil in 3 days 10 hours 8 minutes.

15.—Fighting between Peruvians and Colombians breaks out. . \ ■ 24.—Sir Malcolm Campbell sets a new land speed record of 272.108 miles an hour. 26. —Fierce fighting in Jehol Province between Chinese and Japanese forces. 27. —German Reichstag set on fire by incendiaries. Britain places an embargo on all exports of munitions to China and Japan.

MARCH. 2.—Great earthquake in Japan, 3000 being killed or injured. p 4.—Japanese troops enter Jehol City without opposition. Banking crisis in the United States, all banks being closed for some days. 18. —Disarmament Conference at Geneva, 19. —The Soviet charges employees of a British Arm with sabotage. 28. —Japan notifies withdrawal from the League of Nations. 29. —British Government announces proposals for constitutional reform in India. 30. —Sir Macpher&on Robertson offers £IO,OOO 'as prizes for an air race between England and Australia in 1934»

Their Majesties will use the State coach for the State drives in connection with the celebration,. It is here being tried but at the Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace.

APRIL. . \ I.—Protests against the Nazi antiJewish campaign in Germany. 4.—Flight over Mount Everest-suc-cessfully accomplished by a British expedition. ', ■ :''■■ ' s.—United States dirigible Akron forced into the sea, 77 being drowned. 8. —Liquor prohibition, after being in force for 13 years, lifted in 19 States United States. . •

12.—Warrant-officer Agello, of the Italian Air Force, claims an air speed record of 426.5 miles an hour. 19.—Moscow trial ends, Thornton and Macdonald being imprisoned' and others deported. 21.—The United States leaves the gold standard. . 23.—Britain imposes a trade embargo against Russia. . 29.—80dy of the aviator, Mr Hinkler, found in the alps. 1 MAY; : '". .' "'§ s._The Dail Eireann passes a BilJ to abolish the Oath of Allegiance. 12.—Paraguay and Bolivia at war. 18.—President Roosevelt mtikes an appeal to 54 nations to preserve peace.

30.—At the Disarmament Conference > Britain makes a proposal for the abolition of aerial bombing. '■'< '■.:'.';' june. . '"'/'•''' /'•''•;:: I.—Text of the Four-Power Pact announced. \ . 2.—Peace treaty between China and Japan. 12.—The World Economic Conference opened in London:.; ■;• s •:','.

. JULY. 2.—The Soviet authorities release the British prisoners and lift the trade ban. 13. World Conference planned, to boycott Germany. 14.—New industrial code in the United .States. 24- —Wiley Post completes a record of 15,400 miles in 7 days 18 hours BO minutes. ✓ 25.—Mr and Mrs Mollison fly the Atlantic. 27.—World • Economic Conference closes. AUGUST. o.—Rossi and Codos fly from New York to Syria, establishing a non-stop record. i 4 "- 10.—Demonstrations by the " Blue•hirts" in the Irish Free State. SEPTEMBER. B.—Death of Viscount Grey. j-, 9.—Death of King Feisal of Iraq. 29. —Trade agreement between Britain and the Argentine, ji OCTOBER, 2.—Soviet balloon ascends llf miles. s.—Attempted assassination of Dr Dollfuss, Chancellor of Austria. 6.—Strikes spread "in the United Statea. . • . 12.—Sir Charles Kingsford Smith completes a flight from England to Australia in record time. •".' '.\s\ ; 16^—Germany withdraws from the League of Nations and tlje Disarmament Conference. 20.—C. T. P. Ulm breaks the record for the fastest flight from England to Australia. I NOVEMBER. 4.—Political crisis in Malta. 6.—Byrd's expedition starts from the Panama .canal for the Antarctic. 10.—King Nadir Shah of Afghanistan assassinated. 14.—Nazi victory at the German elections. 18.—The United States recognises the Soviet by the appointment of an Ambassador. 21.—American balloonists Settle and fording reached a height of 58,000 feet. 29.—Newfoundland returns to Crown Colony status. DECEMBER. 6. —President : Ropsevelt's official proclamation ends prohibition in the United States. * i 10.—" Blueshirts" banned in the Irish Free State. Revolt in Spain. '■""/.'■'■' 1934 JANUARY. s.—Huge American loan to finance the recovery programme. I^.—Riots in Paris following the discovery of frauds by Stavisky, a Russian financier. * 20. —Byrd expedition reaches Little America. § 31.—Soviet balloon reaches a record height of 12.8 miles. ♦ FEBRUARY. * 9.—M. Doumergue proclaimed as new President of France. 19.—King of the Belgians killed in a mountaineering MARCH. I.—Pu Yi enthroned as Emperor of Manchukuo. 7.—Prince George welcomed in 'Durban. 23.—Hakodate (Japan) swept by fire, 1000 being killed. 27.—New Austrian Constitution announced. 30.—Sir Charles Kingsford Smith makes a record crossing of the Tasman. APRIL.. 12.—Prince George's visit to South Africa ends. 30.—Prince George replaced by the Duke of Gloucester as royal visitor to Australia and New Zealand. MAY. 9.—Britain imposes quotas on all foreign cotton and rayon goods. 16.—A cloudburst destroys the ancient city of Tiberias. JUNE. 7. —Great Britain explains her'reasons for not paying the war debt instalment. 12. —English Fascist meetings, attacked by crowds. 15.—Germany declares a foreign debt moratorium. JULY.^. 2.-7-German revolutionary plot ruthlessly crushed, with 77 executions.

5. —Death of Madame Curie, discoverer of radium. 6.—Anglo-German debt agreement signed. 14.—Britain decides to increase the size of the Air Force. 24. —Socialist plot discovered in Austria. • , 26. —Assassination of the Austrian Chancellor, AUGUST. 3.—Death of President von Hindenburg. 20. —Plebiscite in Germany to confirm the occupancy by Herr Hitler of the dual office of president and chancellor. 30. —Engagement of Prince George and Princess Marina of Greece announced. ■ SEPTEMBER. 5. —Evangeline Booth elected General of the Salvation Army. 8. —170 passengers perish in a fire on the liner Morro Castle. 11.—Russia admitted to the League of Nations. 22. —Typhoon sweeps Japan, causing .1500 deaths. 23. —Colliery disaster in North Wales, with the loss of 260 lives. 26. —New Cunarder, Queen Mary, launched by the Queen. OCTOBER. 10.—The King of Jugoslavia and the French Foreign Minister (M. Barthou) assassinated in Marseilles. 15.—Death of'French statesman, M. Poincare. 18.—The Duke of Gloucester arrives in Melbourne and opens the Victorian centenery celebrations. 23.—C. W. A. Scott and T. Campbell Black win the Centenary Air Race from London to Melbourne (11,323 miles) in 71 hours 48 seconds. 26.-—Film of Scott's arrival transmitted to London by wireless and screened there. ,J NOVEMBER. 4.—Sir Charles Kingsford Smith arrives at San Francisco, completing a west to east flight across the Pacific. 29. —Wedding of the Duke of Kent and Princess Marina. i , DECEMBER. B.—Wiley Post sets a new aeroplane altitude record of 55,000 feet. 11. —Indian Reform scheme defeated in the House of Commons. 15/ —Duke of Gloucester arrives in New Zealand. 29. —Washington Treaty denounced by Japan. 1935 ✓ JANUARY. / I.—Death of Cardinal Bourne. 3.—Death,of Archbishop Redwood. 7. —Agreement between France ,and Italy- signed. 415. — : Saar prebiecite results in over-' whelming majority in favour of return to Germany. 16.—British Ministry of Agriculture completes arrangements for the regulation of imports of meat. 24.—Government of India Bill issued. 29. —Departure from New Zealand of the Duke, of Gloucester. FEBRUARY.*, 2. —Conversations between British and French Ministers concluded in London. 11.—Programme for jubilee celebrations approved by the King. 1 , 18.—Return of the Byrd Expedition from the Antarctic. 29.—The Saar handed over to Germany. MARCH. I.—Prince of Wales reveals a plan to form a King George's Jubilee Trust to assist the local extension of existing voluntary youth movements. ,2.—-Revolt in Greece, promptly subdued. 4.—British Government announces increased expenditure on defence. Lord Nuffield makes a gift of £50,000 for the crippled children of New Zealand. 7.—Sir Malcolm Campbell establishes a new land speed record of 276.816 miles an hour. 16. —Germany introduces conscription in defiance of the Versailles Treaty. 26.—British Ministers begin conversations in the capitals of Europe. APRIL. 11.—Stresa Conference opened. Seventy-four killed in kinema disaster in .Canton. 17. —League Council condemns German rearmament. .. 21. —Over 3000 killod in earthquake in Formosa. 29.—Miss Jean Batten arrives in England, the first woman to complete solo flight each way between England and Australia. •

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22563, 6 May 1935, Page 6

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