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• / v , By-Neptune. •. ,eiiib hoursi. Mondays, St. Glair and St. Kilda tife-saving Clubs; Tuesdays, and Thursdays,. Kiwi Amateur Swimming Club; Wednesdays! and Fridays;- Dunedin Amateur Swimming. C}ub;.-, Saturdays, Otagd Centre water' Polq* practice. Club hours from/8,45 to at the Municipal rßaths. Zenith Amateur Swimming Club, at Y.M.C.A. Baths: Mondays and Thursdays, 7 to 8.30 p.m.; Tuesdays,' 7.45 to 9.15 p.m. rWednesdaySi 0.30 to 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 to 8.30 pSn.i

COMING EyENTS Monday, March 12.—Batt Cup Harbour ' Race (5 p.m.). ' ;•'■ Thursday, March 15.—Combined carnival. Saturday.. March 17. mval at Milt°n» . . .' , • ;: ' BATT CUP RACE ; Intending competitors that entries for the Batt Cup;Harbour Race, Which is to be swpm off op Monday evening, will close on Saturday. The centre's mam purpose in fixing.the race for the evening instead.of holding it in the afternoon was so that the' swimmers might have a reasonable chance of competing in smooth water. Hitherto, it has/been the; experience that the strong breeze, which is generally in evidence during the earlier part of the afternoon, dies away towards evening,, and that the harbour from^s o'clock onwards is reasonably calm. . Thus, the, centre's decision to try an evening instead of an afternoon race would appear to be a wise! one.,/ ~'. ',....„;•..• -^

EMPIRE GAMES REPRESENTATION The cost of sending a representative to the British Empire Games will not be so much as was suggested, at the annual conference of swimming centres in Christchurch recently (states the New Zealand Herald). There, Mr-JYG. Dunn, treasurer to the New Zealand Council, said in the course of a statement op the council's financial position that the cost"would be at least £SOO. However, Mr P. Coira, of Wellington, who is the council's representative on the New Zealand Olympic and British Empire Games Association, was in Auckland during the week-end. and he explained how much money_would be needed for each representative. Really, it would be little more than £SO. England has offered £IOOO. with. the stipulation that this be used for fares alone. If the Dominion is represented by .10' athletes, which is the number each member of the team will veceive. £IOO. Free billeting will also ranged by England,, so that all New Zealapd. is left tp find is to cover the cost of daily allowances andoutfitting. .;.'.':. • •'', .

A FUTILE OUTBURST It is doubtful, if Mr L. Kenny's peevish outburst regarding the facilities provided at the Dominion championship meeting: will be calculated to /mhance the reputation, among the swimming fraternity, of the Aiicklanders as good sportsmen. Without ffoing into the question of whether Mr Kenny's complaints were justified.; it seems rather pitiable that the, manager of a sporting team should so far overstep the bounds of good taste as to pillory a sister centre, and hold what he considers »ta shortcomings up to the ridicule of the public. Such a matter might well, have been ventilated through the Auckland Centre; but to make it the subject of -i statement to the press seems inexcusable, and, to say the least of it, distinctly, unsportsmanlike. Swimmers who attended the meeting, and to whom the writer has spoken, had no fault to find with the arrangements ■ niude • by the Canterbury Centre,, and, indeed, were theirpraises of-the treatment-accorded them by that body. The centre was, perhaps, unfortunate';-" in that it coiild not" legislate for the c °ld snap which was in evidence during the meeting, but the majority of the competitors seemed to realise this and made allowances. Moreover, whilst the St. Albans Baths may not have been the most suitable venue for the carnival, the Canterbury Centre no doubt considered it was actint: for the best, in ■ -holding the championships there, and to, make a sweeping condemnation of .occurrences that a little consideration would have, shown; to.

be unavoidable is an, action that -will not. one is certain, imeet with the approval m swimmers ag, a body; . Such of the.. Ancle* land swimmers as the writer ba» met are thorough! t' gpod »p6rtsmeiu: and it i« Aim cult' to believe: "that .they have associated -themselves '■Miih ::Mt VKenpyV remark*. ■Whether Mr Kehtiy ;brinM' himself so prominently into the for' the good of theKlpoßV orVeimply, because ; : he suffers ifrom chronic ingrowing : joy, one cannot, but'vneither- hia latest: effort, nor his pronouncement ..last year;that an. Auckland '.team; would: never ..compete « another championship meetingi- can pos* eibly be inth'e best interests of, tho sport. From the 1 fact : that, despite Mr ; Kenny a fiery declaration after; last year's meeting, an Auckland team did compete this year, it would; 'appear., that his opinions - 0,0 not carry so much weight as he imagines, -

ENTRY FEES . •'■'lt..was timels' t'bat : thVptagcf. at its meeting last.week, should have considered the question of. disciplining swimmers Who. make default ln.pajrment of their entry fees.-: Dutffig. the present season all' the local clubs have bed..the experience of iwimWers ehtenng for ra,ces and then calmly ignoring their responsibilities with regard to entry, fees. ,it may be argued, of 'course,; that some swimmers are entered TsV their club 'captain or secretary without their .knowledge or consent, and that they arrive at the baths to find themselves down to .swim in a race in which they had novintention of competing. Such cases, at must be admitted, have been known, but even then this .does, riot,-lift the onus from, the swimmer, whet should know.cwben a carnival progr'amme is annoxlnced. what .events he or she proposes to in and notify the responsible official accordingly. There is no excuse for any swimmer making default .in payment .of entrance money, and the impression that a last-minute decision not. to: SWim-re-lieves an entrant from/this responsibility is logical and unfair. Stul-worse is the swimmer who competes, and then does not pay up.. The fees levied, by clubs are small enough conscience, and the competitor who.forgets, or deliberately refuses', to pay them is wnlty of a transgression of .all. the laws of ,good sportsmanship, and .is m effect .endeavouring to win a prize which he or she is, quite prepared for the others to; pro-, vide. It seems a pity that such defaulters, cannot be dealt with in the same manner as those who do nob-pay- their club subscriptions, but in the meantime, a mutual arrangement, among the clubs and an insistance that fees must accompany ento.esmay bring the few, transgressors to : tlieir of the oid:pystein Of; etriering for. handicap racesJs to be tried out for the combined carnival on March IS. Forms are provided for this;. purpose' by the centre,, arid" cash,must- accompany entries.. The present times fOr the competitors' distances, must be. recorded, liie events set'down for decision at this carnival are the-100 Yards freestyle,-33 I-a Yards Freestyle, and 66 2-3 Yards Dual Relay Handicaps.- ; . ''■■'"., '".■

JARVIS'S BAD LUCK. ;; Commenting on \Y. J. Jarvis's per, formandes at; Chmtchureh, a writer-in the New Zealand Herald has the- following ' to' ; say:— Three swimmers ■ whose ability impressed the. Auckland fi epteschtatives were' W. , J. Jarvis -.of Dunedin. Miss Nancy Bafistian; of Inyer.. cargill, and' W. Whareaitu, of Itotbrun. Jarvis, who was', already well known in Auckland as a very speedy sprinter, enhanced his .reputation by being third in the 100 Yards Men's Championship. Like Crump, he. is oply 17. years of age, arid forfeited intermediate status to compete in the senior qhampionships.- He iB-of larger physique than the Auckland champion, standing about 6ft Sin and weighing nearly 14 sibne.. . The. final Was the real test, iand, although Jarvis cannot be- called, the ".fastest • sprinter' in the Dominion, there jp U.odoubt that if he swam it the. Auckland'Tepid Baths'he would be close to equaliirigCrump's national record. 55 X-ssec. Jarvis's'chief, fault iioW'is; his. inability 1 to make a'quick.'start! He was last awav in the 100 Yards final, arid, in the .5.0. Yards Scratch Rae* at the ;fitiaT session, -which he "won,in 24;,.; was left so badly that, had he started'.Kitftf the rest of the field, .he cpijld not have. I failed to break Whar^aitu'g'.rec^rdM! 24 2-ssec - Jarvis - is -a brothe?. of. .tlMf

;■■ g '', It .. ».M _i■ \ ; iv "'," '»■■;■.; nF^rS Dominion .S. Jar-i ,vis, who has bwlliant awum minff this season. Both l»ys art' trained 1 by their father, • *>. [ *<^ ! NOTES "' " ' ..Clalif''Konv< 'jK-«tih griming ;«low3n«jr members, the latest to-jito-•Foster* J. R; Brillie; W* GillanplEseiftt Joyc* Jaxdine, N. Edwards,iand Dt'Banf: ; riatyne; - ' "'* i " > .«■ , The races- for the Aggregate Gup w»«" be completed "on March 21, the J«*t nmk being the 33 1-3 Yards J Freestyle./ The, results to date are: D. Leckie? popw. Miss A. J. Glayton M points, r*nd;.Ki; ;Leckie 5 pointsj\ The' SenioK, Clhariipiojl-* ship for the Jj 3, Clark Cup %iJcw«M«lo|« 'to-morrow night with the. 100 ■&£&# fegs 'i stylift and the Diving,to be'*»»«*s.'■£', :the;so Yard* Freestyle arid -tt:%Sw#H|; Backstroke on March ,14,: the JW Y«rds, Freestyle oh March 16, and tho£OO Yard* Breaswtroke on, March 21. ■■ -• -> k, ,»." The junior and aandJcai** races for lite W.;F. ; James Cup wjlLeetns inence to-morrow night .with/th* Yards Backstroke arid the Diving,) to be A followed by the SO, Yards March 14, and the 50 Yards Breasfctrj&keatoJ March 16. All entries fox*the above, r»c«», must- be handed in to.the:lecrttSry,-.** :f otherwise they will beileft oufeJse;S«uor ? Championship; Clip is' at, present-;held* mi J. O. Byrnes and the Junior arid-ipter-, mediate trophy?by• J. <■ >-: ■■&■' - . Last• Friday N Miss. A. J,. Ojiyton;»a*i Miss; 0.: Fergusons tiied ior. first i p.i«** > : in the'diving tor the Aggregate F. O'Driscoll ,and Is Bills second and 3k Williams fourth.' , n * *-\ • . =tast Saturday.lit the gatta, several- members of-\the tended to give a demonstration of w»-i ming arid diving..-Ag-tile-WeatherioplndK* tionS were riot "»ithe Wv|*S; .fifflS turned up, but a- successful •.exhibitio*;i«j%-j theVvariouß styles-was; given.-; - '^v;-^ ' ..KAIKORAI/ \ ■', .;/'-;,/ Last Saturday, final «vents. :i o't' the handicapvrace* decided, urider ideal:* weather conditions. The social function at the Wakaj;v,ScAotfl\ Hall on. Saturday- was ;.av --deelaW; success both Socially, and financially, and. the sponsors'.desire to thanf• ■thoseiiefi-, dents who gave their support;. '.. < Club members will be pleased to,learnthat they have been granted the priviMg*, of having club: hours: at the Tepid, bathfe; and the committee desires to thank the Kiwi. Club" .fori sharing untit. suitable arrangements could b« made. -., - ; . Miss H. Nes 9 seems t,o ,be impervjcjttij to the "cold, and can be seen all weather. Miss H» Huddart,. l by. ; wii». ! ,. uing the-Ladies' Dive-On Saturday,, carried off, the;.club title.' ; Misa-J. Huddart ia a -regular, attender -who would-be well, advised to do more competitive ewiminwg."J. Sti'orijt is a well-built" lad-arid' haa,. shown'*, great improvement; since the'Jber.,. ginning of the season. "D. Lfeing," the.' youngest member of the club, is, very" keen, and will come on we 11..; - •. Ivan Laing, the? club secretary, finished third in cup points.- This, is ; rio|«y worthy performance when consideration that, though starting , on, scratch in every event, he was generally in at the finish. i G. Davie is a consistent performer* Iwith a good balance, and. he fully idte*. serves "the Honour of being the first t^, have his name Oh the' Men's ChaHeuSfi Cup. E. Moore, the limit ttiari in ; the: Breaststroke Handicap, swama goodrac«yarid,,just managing to head off Gv Dayns*: won by a bare touch. ;.'f Among the regular attenders at • th»r« Tepid'Baths for training during th# ■ evenings are G. Laing, G. Davie, J; Well»,vi and R. TOrrancei In view Of the lorth- X coming club championships, it is probabi*;that the above-mentioned -will .annex .*r? title or two. D. Wejhaniis getting more" Height with his diving, and if ho coritinues to improve he,shotddJbe among, placings at future carnivals.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22206, 8 March 1934, Page 5

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SWIMMING Otago Daily Times, Issue 22206, 8 March 1934, Page 5

SWIMMING Otago Daily Times, Issue 22206, 8 March 1934, Page 5


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