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By Outsigoes.

..: . J FIXTURES ' March 17.—Oaniaru rowing, carnival. March .Sl.r-Interprovincial Eights (Wel- _, lington); Queenstown" regatta.

b JpTAGO CLUB Now that local regatta training has 'finished more time wul be available for club events, and the Otago Club proposes hold a race for the various cups on Saturday afternoons. Thitf will give the non-regatta men some experience in racing, which ' should • compensate; them for the rather lean time they have had recently owing to so many regattas being held. The first event to be decided will be the Ladies' Challenge Bace, and it is, i to be; hoped ;thafc a large:;number of re-: gatta and non-regatta members will enter I and make an interesting race of it. \\ , Aa-yet; It is not certain what crews I will travel to Queenstown, although the .Junior erew has signified its "intention of ..being' prejent ,to participate ih ''"all junior events. is also a possibility of the Maiden crew entering, and this ireW should do well, especially in. view of the fact that it secured second place at St. Leonards, although the men had not previously been out together. Petrie has proved himself a good stroke, and it is .0 pity .ttath»„wa>. not considered earlier in the aeaaon. Unfortunately the Senior: Four ". wiU not/ bo .available,- and it is doubtful whether a sufficiently good scratch crew can be brought together to make'the

PORT CHALMERS CLUB .'• Crew* from the |»ort tihalmers Club were very sueoessful at the St. Leonards regatta last Saturday, winning -lour''races and getting second in'.two....> Rao..and Anderson,had i a WirlyT. comfortable, win in the Maiden Sculls, though at one stage of the raee Oamaru looked like winning. The'Maiden Fours had a; very easy •in their, event, the next erew being about five lengths .away; '.Tie Youth Fours ' rowed 'A- very'gbod race, indeed, coßsidering was the first, time, they: had been together for-mora; then a week. EVeti if had had > wurse the erew wouldVnot-have beaten-port Chalmers by more than a few feet* The ■Port crew was unfortunate in not having Wheeler as"bpw.'-man'■■•at'.' we start of the :season. S 8 this' was undoubtedly their best performance this season. ;'^ ■'.■■: ' On Monday evening the Presidents Fours were rowed. The "crews were as Thorn (st). N; Smith, B. Alleock, H. Carey: C, A Nelson (st). R. Hiir, L. Fullertdn.-B. Andersbnj, N. Rae fst); A. «' AndersOn, W. Emdge, ,J. Wheeler. ,;,', •;, :■-■-■■: , The first crews to race off were Neilson's and Thorn's, From a-bad start Thorn's crew 'went into -the which it held until- about* I<K) yard* from; the finish.: Mere Neileon's> crew nut in a finish, and won by a canvas.- °lhe next

race was rowed between Neilson's >nd Bee's crews. Again'this was a very bid start, Neilson'is: crew..being,-left'' on the > mark. Rae, who was ..doing about 40 strokes to the minute (this was necessary, as Neilson's crew was bent on winning the race) kept the lead, and went on -to win by one length and a-:half, altogether, a*, good performance on the part of. both' crews.. '■. '. / ' -, -,.•;,"- GTAGO EIGHT-OAR CREW The.eight oarsmen.selected to present Otago in the. interproyincial chapjpipnship ! at Wellington on Easter/ Saturday should develop .into a very ;Btrbn'g". combination, and it can be said that the,crew is up,to the standard of previous-Otago-. crews. The selectors were; careful to., choose only men who were in the of condition. The choice of J. P. Vallia as stroke of the crew should give every satisfaction, • as he is a determined man"when' it comes to a hard finish. •■■ j

Since the. jnterprovincial eight oar contestwas instituted in. 1928 only IS Oarsmen have been selected to represent Otago, Two members-of the original crew who have rowed in every race have again been selected. They are Brough and Solonioh. Eggers and Mathe*on have each .represented the province on three previous occasions, whilst Cramend and Stiles.have' each gone away with the Otago crew once before. Vallis and Couchman are actually the only new representatives, the latter, who hails from Hamilton, being a newcomer to Otago rowing this season. , Vallis is .the third strobe selected, the others having been Brough (five, times) and ;G. Clark (Queen?* Drive,, once). . J. P. Vallia started his rowing with the Norths End Club* where he won Maiden and Junior races. -After, joining the, Otago Cbib he won further and also sculling 'races .With W. Zaffer. Vallis won the'Senior Pairs with H.-G. Stilee .at Queeniitown in 1*32, and has won three Senior Four* .races this year, and: was second in the Senior: Pair* with •C; Cbuchman..-- ■' "■-■'/;■ JSH ;'lL,' ■^ , ; l - '"•■"■'.■' H. G. Stile* came from Canterbury (Avon Club) three year*: ago.' and won Senior Pairs at Queenstown that year! He Has' won the New Zealand Championship Pairs with hk brother t& Stiles) twice,* and was a member of, the. Otago eight-oar crew at Wellington last l ye*r. ~ ■.. Fi Brough ha* won races from Maiden to Senior class, and also stroked the Otago ■ Rowing Club crew which won the Cham-, pionship Fours at Dimedin in 1926, and at Pioton the follower yeary-_He: has won Senior Pair* and Rouble Sculls .on, several occ*«ions, and h*s always the Otago eight, having -filled No. 6 eeaton two occasions*. ... -; •ii J;-Solomon hasbeeh in the OUgo eightbar crew every year. OBte w4s in N°-^ 7 seat on five occasions; and; last year J will-be thi* year)- in-No.,^He- has won every Olaaa of rowina i ronv Youth to Seniors, and was a of .the last New Zealand -i Olyrnpic i eight, filling" the Bow seat.- - , , ■'.. i C. Cramond., was a. member of the crew which won at f Canterbury and at Auckland.' He;has' a . good - as his club winnings cover eyery class from Youths' to Seniors'. >/';, ■; ■■ ;'H ■ • -. C. Couchman: hails from Hamilton,, and was in the running for representative honours last year. He has a splendid record with the Otago club this year.. I ■ F. N.-Eggers has performed well for the North find Club, winning Maiden and 1 Junior Fours.- Pairs and- Sculls, and one Senior Pairs-last year at Portobello. vile \ hag stroked the North« End Club. Senior Four for some time, and,- although; never? winning, rowed some .fine races. _'.. ,'- . D. M. Matheson has; represented rae; province .on three previous occasions -He has had great success with the Port Chalmers and Queen'* 1 Dfiviß Clubs in every class of rowing, and has been a; member ofs the' Queen? Drive (fine Senior > -crew• during the past few year*.

PROVINCIAL EIGHT CREWS The Southland Eight to compete at Wellington. held- practice spins *oh two evenings last week. The rapid. shortening of thehoursiof daylight isnot f*yOurable to training actiyrtie*,, p,ow&itr, and" ho little difficulty baa'.'.been; experienced in assembling the crew in time, to put in surHcient work. "'.''- -'. Ci^iL, ThVerew to fepresent/Wanganui W the Interprovincial. Race "at > Weuington jmli be:—T. Ditchfieid, C. A. Healey, 8. Healey, A. K. Jackson, and R,,Gduld (all Union), R. Coxon, D. ; H6lmes,- Heath, and C. Weller (*ll ArarttohoK",' % ~ . . An experienced Auckland Oarsman has submitted the following as his selection as a crew worthy to represent ati the annual InUrprbTincial Bight-oar Race>~J* R- H, BissL T. At Johnson,, F. Solomon, F. G.JBowhng, ; R.B; t Staitb, R. Pofter, W4IJ. Dean, j'M'Comish. With a View- to selecting the Auckland) eight the selector* (Messr* A.'C.. Norden, T.'Buchanan, and R.•■ Porter) have picked the following ,6a*s|menioOrul: T --W. J. Deahi F. Solomon, J4R.- EL Bi«. G. M. Brown, P. Williams, C (St. George's). F. G. Bowling;;J. H. Donovan, A. D. Dalton; N. W, Jerome (West End), R. B. Smith, G. Barker* E. G; War*. T. A. Johnson 1 Chamberlain* R. Rprter, J v M'Comish (Auckland), .L. M'CaUum, A- Coate* (North Shore). r ' i ■",-.,,- ■; ■' - ; ■■■•.-,,:. The 1 provisional Wellington representative eight has been, getting in a r good deal of work in the boat since the Wellington regatta, and appears 1 be iraproving in combination'-With evety.row; .watte is keeping hi* men up to-the 'job, -and the crew should not be beaten for want of fitness (say* a'Wellington writer). Tlie coach (Mr W. Garrett) :i* pleased with the p'rogrei*' ,'*nd he,'has been giving. the crew long ro'w*''.6f about six or seven mile* two or three times a week.-

\ LIGHT-WEIGHT CREWS A disousiion. «t* to - the possible 'merits of including Jight.wfigWi senior - foUr events in futur* regatta* took place ttitbe, last meetingv- of the icommittee -,of -Vtho. WeHihgtoh,Rowing' Association; (lay* the Evetting :Fo»t). ■'' •The:' di*cUf«on ,aro*§ throiu«h ! the; recent; juggestion ; ,by; the "Club- that, the AswwWtiottlshouia reeonimettd to the New Ze*,l(ind- Council,.th»t such events • should be included, ■ was, stated by Mr. .f. M. Hinkley that light-weight races in the reg*tt*srwere' hjsvipg a' seHou* effect on the. entries in th£ 'Single and Double 'Champi<>nsHi|i| evehts.; First of all digbi- : we%ht' m*iae^'r*ce» ! appe*red) apd then lightrweigbt'junior r*ceß4:The*eV he"■ con^epded.'. re*UUed !, ip -a '•diminution championships.*':': '-• ■';'"•*■ - -.•.":'.. ;V ' ;. ' ■''■ . :;:MrT Ai:;E.'White -.said '.that-;*p.'far-:** in* Wellington l : w*s cojßce^ried , we lighter men, been';ehteving. for the double and single sculling events, and that was why they had been'eliminated; J. M* JHinkley eaid sculling had gone # off in. the Dominion because .it not being catered for-at-/the're'gatta*.•■ ' '-.*'.'llr;'^'.V.^-"Bunc»n''. v said'^hat,.-fn v .'his' opinion there was;a|ot'in what Mr Hinksaid; ; seemed -that, particuldr forms of racing beoam* popular in differi ent yearsr 'Nevertheless, he light-weight senior raciriir should be introduced. M H<s;had;-iseeri -.the' light-weight seniors in-. Sydney, and they «■'were 'extremely enthusiastic roWers, -,, 'Personally be would like to see a light-weight'cham-pionshb event ■ included in the New "Zealand championships., : 1 - 'V, JtiWai-Pointed dut'by Mr Hinkley;th*t the. dimerepce in- the I "Weights ;of 'rowers was'not:such an important matter inrowr irig a* 1 it was. in- boxing, wrestling,: and other similar sports.; - "; , ,; On the motion Binklpy it .was decided to requeßt the New Zealand, cil, to ;■ urge npon. regatta clubs and other bodies -controlling regatta ..programmes throughout the country to prepare men to compete iri the four championship races,The! council,was also requested to U r< s e that, provinces neglecting pair-oar rowing and the double Sculls should do their best to foster .it. -'-.-•. The question as to whether.... the..aspociation should reco.mnieiid the council to include light-weight senior foure in future regattas was left in abeyance until the delegates'had received instructions from their,'clubs.;'-' • '/:.''■■' GENERAL NOTES \ ,'., For the first time in the history of the North End Club its Senior Fours rowed in a best-and-best. boat at the! Otago Association's regatta. The'boat was: recently purchased from the Port Chalmers ciub. -.-•,.;•.-.• The Wellington Ihterclub Eights rowed on Saturday. Five crews will compete—two from Petorie, one each from the Wellington and-Star Clubs, and. a combined Star-Wellington eight. • The Otago;Senior Four, secured, another Splendid win at the Burkee-St. Leonards regatta last Saturday, - this; being > the" second success within a very short period. By winning the Senior Fours at the Otago Association's regatta, the Otajro crew ba& secured; the Henley and' John Mill Memo", rial Cups. The iest-pamed trophy was wpn by, the Po r t Chalmers, senior four last season. The Henley C"p, however,, was notipresented,; as'tlie race was not contested in carvel-built boats. Port Chalmers will take thp White; Memoi'ini; Cup for winning the Maiden Fours, which was woa by North -Bud lapt eeneoa. .'.■:. .'

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22206, 8 March 1934, Page 5

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ROWING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 22206, 8 March 1934, Page 5

ROWING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 22206, 8 March 1934, Page 5


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