FORTY-NINTH SUMMER SHOW. AN OUTSTANDING EXHIBITION. JUDGING OF SHEEP AND CATTLE. (From Our Special Reporter.) „ . GORE, December 2. -the Gore A. and P. Association’s lorty-ninth summer show was commenced to-day an very favourable circumstances, i r? p ’i Pa r t>«darly unhoused and unclothed sorts, carry unmistakable evidence ot the season m their fleeces, and dairy cattle, although they appear to be keeping production well up to last year’s level, look as if they are using what feed there )s tor milk production to the detriment ot general conditions. This is one of the most noticeable features of the dairy sections, in which there are many cattle that are far from being in show condition, -the entries show a 10 per cent, reduction compared with last year, but this is not a great drop at a, time when the outlook tor the marketing of produce is such as to add a further burden of anxiety to the concern which is exercising the minds ot pastorahsts generally, and the support accorded the show reflects great credit “P-°° exhibitors of the Eastern District of Southland. • num^er of entries this year Tki 0 ! 9, comp t a - red pith 1115 last year. ibe sheep sections have more than held if Quality generally does cfn n 6ac j e of previous years the season and the fact that less time could n!wf£f red fo L preparation may be regarded as sufficient explanation. Other i5 C i25J?°J' e « P *. have t°. be considered in t le , beavy decline of entries dcnl • cattl ? sectlons - Here the decided Sf™?,, 1 " “¥J»bers may be largely attributed Inn;! V e w expressed by certain wellm’ominfJ J o Cedera tbeir continual f nze lists has been the refi-nim-nn- ? y ess experienced breeders letiainmg from engaging m what they to be a foregone conclusion, these sentiments have this year found in the. withdrawal of one or and ft 0 ? name ? from the catalogue, and the effect may be seen in the Avrf|“ r 9 b l cctl ? n ln Particular, which has atin 1990 ° P rV y ° ne ent f y ’ compared with 35 snirif li.'.inn’ 33 n ,° doubt a very generous f P r o m P te d ope or two Ayrshire nthero t. 4? it*?® thla year ’s Spoils to broniht- b Ln magnanimity has not nccte g d Th° Ut ft® r 9 sult that was cxmost u Pr °V lem , ls one that troubles anrl pastoral societies, and whatever the solution of it may/be staSd b nf admit , te . d the lowering oY thl <l ua hty consequent on the M-ithdrawa] of experienced and successful breeders is an expedient to be avofded a t ? ny cost. A show ceases to be representativc of the resources of a district i—A SVr r e U™“' d fir a .•at Mr T 6!? tota l for several years, is „,r -i-B- Cades, of Edendale, whose stud was dispersed last winter. Jerseys, too, are numerous and crossbred dairy entries have slumped considerably. Pat cattle are poor in number but an increased showed of milking Shorthorns breed** 58 8 nsin S Popularity for the intWi C *n try of horses, which will be d to-morrow, is smaller than for y j ar f> heavy and light being catalogued to-day, compared with 328 last year. Largely increased entries in the home industries department of the show have saved the association from Jiavmg to report a very serious shrinkage in exhibits.
The show is one of the most representative exhibitions of the season, however, W a V l l? h is to rank among the best of the South Island fixtures. No section is given undue prominence. There are no fewer than nine breeds of sheen m the catalogue and half a dozen breeds T fallc tbe entries come from studs that have proved their quality in competition with the best stock in - the ii? U vr and “any of the pick of the North Island studs also. There are very few sections that lack competition, so that winners of prizes can feel that uimr awards are no empty honours secured through lack of a rival. AROUND THE SHEEP PENS. The best of the sheep displays were to be found in the Romney Marsh and Herder Leicester pens, the entries being particularly, good and the quality very xair. It is doubtful whether there is a better stretch of sheep country in New Zealand than the expanse between Gore and. Moa Flat, and significant proof of this fact, is to be found in to-day’s prize list, which contains the names of many breeders in that region. Some of the best sheep in the show came from Moa nlat, and a lot of prize money will go % e . r !\ Messrß R - Yardley and Sons (Moa r lat) were among the most prominent of the Romney Marsh exhibitors, and altogether had a most successful day. iheir sheep were in remarkably good condition, and although the wool showed signs of the weather of the past three months, they were well covered with very fair quality fleeces. If it impossible, however, to close one’s eyes to the deterioration of the wool in all the natural-condition classes. Fine wools, of course, have turned the rain better than the stronger types, but most of it has suffered severely. Some sheep of the coarser-woolled variety carry fleeces, the backs of which bear testimony to the steady rains. Not only the tips, but_ the roots have suffered, and it may be conjectured that the classing of the clip this year will indicate a greater loss than is apparent at present. Messrs R. Yardley and Son secured both ram championships with two nicely-woolled, well-condi-tioned sires, and were particularly prominent in the hogget classes. The youngsters appear to have come through the season much better than the maturer sheep The Moa Flat ewe hoggets were exceptionally good, but the female championships were annexed by Southland breeders the supreme award going to Mr J. A. Edwards (Otikerama) with a very good housed ewe, and the reserve championship to a clothed aged ewe exhibited by Mr W. Kennedy, of Otautau. Messrs Yardley and Son’s reserve champion ram was a natural-conditioned ram hogget of great quality. Messrs W, and J. Johnston (Ashley Downs), J. A. Edwards, W. Kennedy, and W. G. Ladbrook (Gore), and W. M'Donald (Balfour) were the most successful exhibitors in a very good section. Messrs Yardley and Son included in their laurels both the Mackinnon Trust trophies for Romneys. Messrs J. A. Edward and W. Kennedy (Otautau) were responsible for a very creditable display of Border Leicesters. In both housed and natural-condition classes they were keen rivals, and the general standard of quality was such as to occasion the judge no little work in selecting the prize-winners. Mr J. A, Edwards took both of the ewe championships, and he also showed the champion ram, all these animals being selected from the unhoused and unclothed classes. Mr W. Kennedy’s aged housed ram took the reserve championship. The fact that only two studs were represented in this section did not detract from the keenness of the opposition, whereas it contributed towards a uniformity of type and quality that was very noticeable.-
English Leicesters made a good showing. Messrs Evans Bros., the well-known Longbush breeders were represented by a very likely-looking team, but Mr W. Kennedy, of Otautau, proved just too keen a rival, although he had to concede the ram championship to the Longbush stud. Most of the class awards went to Mr Kennedy as well as the cwo championship. Messrs Evans Bros, provided the whole of the Ryeland exhibit, and Mr H. P. M'lntyrc (Waikaka) filled the Corriedalc pens. Mr W. B. Andrew (Timaru) judged both sections, and remarked on the very good quality and rigid adherence to type in both breeds.
Messrs Evans Bros. (Longbush) and Mr A. W. Pannett (Clinton) were the most prominent exhibitors of Southdowns, both showing very good sheep and taking the bulk of the awards. Messrs Evans Bros.’ aged ram was just too good for Mr Pannett’s entry, and won the championship, the Clinton sheep securing the reserve award. Both the ewe champions were found among Mr Pannett’s entries in the class for ewes, 30 months or under. They were an attractive pair, well grown, and nicely covered. Mr W. G. Ladbrook (Gore) took one third prize", the remainder of the class honours goin'*' to Messrs Evans Bros, or to Mr Pannett’. There was an excellent section of cross-
bred sheep, and competition -was unusually keen, but the fat sheep classes lacked the support that could reasonably be expected. CATTLE. Messrs W. Y. Dickie and Sons, the Ferndale Friesian breeders, had things very much their own way in the black and white breed. They have already had a strenuous show season, but do not appear to have suffered from hard travelling, The old bull, Bloomfield Alcontra Clothilda, secured a well-deserved championship, the reserve award going to Messrs Christie Bros. (Tuturau),, who showed a very stylish little two-year-old, Lauderdale Duke. The males showed better condition than the majority of the cows and heifers, but there were more outstanding types among the females, although there were extremes of good and bad. _ The champion cow was Messrs Dickie and Sons’ Willowbrook Posch, an aged cow of great quality with real dairy character. The same breeders secured the reserve championship with Plantation Cremona Princess Sylvia, recently acquired from the stud of Mr T. R. Eades, of Edendale. Most of the heifer awards wentto the Ferndale stud, Mr Robert H* Dickie, of Tuturau. being runner-up in most classes. Jerseys were a good class, and tbs Tapanui breeder, Mr N. Moore, was represented by a large team. He did not do. as well as he has done in the past at this show, finding the opposition of Mr W, Johnston (Gore) and Mr M. Cramer (Gore) just too strong. The bull championship went to Mr W. Johnston’s Sunstar, with Mr N. Moore’s Oaklands Clarion a good second and reserve champion. .Mr Johnston also took the female championship with a nice type of herd matron. The reserve champion was Mr Moore's Picotee Nancy. Mr M. Cramer showed some excellent types of young stock, and was particularly prominent in the yearling heifer classes. Red Polls were forward in fair turn; hers, but there was no competition, and Mr C. G. Bennett (Waipounamu) showed the only Ayrshire. Mr J. A. Edwards (Otikerama) was responsible for the small but select entry of Herefords, and Messrs C. R. Keir (Ferndale), J. L, Keir (Ferndale), H. B. Bacon (Gore), and Keir Bros. (Ferndale) made the milking Shorthorn rings interesting. PRIZE LIST. The following is the prize list;— CATTLE. MILKING SHORTHORNS. Judge: Mr W. J. Grant (Outrain). Bull, two years. Two entries—Keir Bros. (Ferndale) 1, H. E. Bacon (Gore) 2. i - Bull, one year. Two entries—J. L. Keir 1. Cow, over three years, in milk. Three entries—J, L. Keir (Ferndale) 1 and 3, C. R. Keir (Ferndale) 2. Pair of dairy cowe, in milk or in calf. One entry—J. L. Keir 1. Heifer, three years, in calf or in milk. One entry—J. L. Keir 1. Heifer, two years, in milk. One entry —J. L. Keir 1. Heifer, one year. Three entries —C. R. Keir 1 and 2, J. L. Keir 3. Pair of yearling heifers. One entry— G. R. Keir 1. Breeders’ group. One entry —J, L. Keir 1. Champion bull —Keir Bros. Champion cow—J. L. Keir. . RED POLLS. Judge: Mr W. J. Grant (Outram). Bull, three years or over. One entry—J, F. M'Grouther (Wyndham) 1. Bull, two years old. Two entries— George Irwin (Mataura) 1, J. F. M'Grouther (Wyndham) 2. Cow, over three years, in milk. Two envies —J. F. M'Grouther 1 and 2. Cow and two of her progeny. One entry—J. F. M’Grouther 1. Pair of dairy cows, in milk or in calf. One entry—J. F. M'Grouther 1. Heifer, three years, in calf or in milk. One entry—J. F. M'Grouther 1. Heifer, two years, in 'milk. One entry —J F, M'Grouther 1. Heifer, one year—J. F. M'Grouther 1. Breeders’ group. One entry—J. F. M'Grouther 1. Champion bull—J. F. M'Grouther. Champion cow—J. F. M'Grouther. HEREFORDS. Judge: Mr W. J. Grant. Bull, two years. One entry—J. A. Edwards (Otikerama) 1. Bull, one year. One entry—J. A. Edwards I. Cow, any age. in calf or in milk. One entry;—J. A. Edwards 1, _ Heifer, one year old. Three' entries— J. A. Edwards 1. Champion hull— -J. A. Edwards. Champion cow—J, A. Edwards. AYRSHIRES. Judge: Mr John Barr (Outram). Heifer, one year old. One entry—C. J. Bennetts (Waipourama) Sylvia of Rosedale 1. , FRIESIANS. Judge: Mr W. ’Brash (Waikiwi). Bull, three years or over. One entry ~W. Y. Dickie and Son’s (Gore) Bloomfield Alcartra Clothilde 1. Bull, two years. Three entries— Christie Bros. (Tuturau) 1, W. Y. Dickie and Sons 2 and 3. Bull, one year. Four entries—Dodda Bros. (Charlton) 1, Robert H. Dickie (Tuturau) 2. W. Y. Dickie and Sons 3. Bull, calved since November 1, 1929. Two entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1 and 2. Cow, over three years, in milk. Three entries—W. Y, Dickie and Sons 1,2, and Cow, over three years, in calf. Four entries—Robert H. Dickie 1, W. Y. Dickie and Sons 2 and 3. Cow and two of her progeny. Two entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1, Robert H. Dickie 2. Pair of dairy cows, in milk or in calf. Three entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1 and 2, Robert H. Dickie 3. Heifer, three years old, in calf or in milk. Three entries —W. Y. Dickie and Song 1,2, and 3. Heifer, two years old, dry. Three entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sous 1,2, and Heifer, two years, in milk. Seven entries—W. Y. Dickie ’and Sons 1 and 2, Robert H. Dickie 3. Heifer, one year. Eight entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1 and 2, Robert H. Dickie 3. Heifer, calved since November 1, 1929. Three entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1. 2, and 3. Pair of heifers, one year old. Three entries—W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1 and 2, Robert H. Dickie 3. Breeders* group. Two entries —W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1 and 2. SPECIAL CLASSES. Cow, two years or over, bred by exhibitor. Two entries —W.Y. Dickie and Sons 1, Robert H. Dickie 2, Heifer, one year old, bred by exhibitor. Four entries —W. Y. Dickie and Sons 1, Robert H. Dickie 2 and 3. Champion bull —W. Y. Dickie and Sons’ Bloomfield Alcartra Clothilde. Reserve champion bull—Christie Bros.' Avonmore Proud Colantha. Champion cow—W. Y. Dickie and Sons Willowbrook Posch. Reserve champion-, cow—W. Y. Dickie and Son’s Plantation Cremona Princess Sylvia. JERSEYS. Judge: Mr M. R. Russell (Waikiwi). Bull, three years and over. Two entries—W. Johnston (Gore) X, N. Moore (Tapanui) 2. Bull, one year. Four entries—N. Moore 1, A. R. Johnston (Waikaka) 2, W. Cramer (Gove) 3. _ Bull, calved since November 1, 1929, One entry—N. Moore 1. Cow, over three years, in milk—W. Johnston 1. N. Moore 2 and 3, Cow, over three years, in calf. Two entries —N. Moore 1. W. Cramer 2. Cow and progeny. One entry'—N. Moore 1. Pair of cows, in milk or in calf, One entry—N. Moore 1. Heifer, three years, in calf or in milk. One entry—N. Moore 1. Heifer, two years, dry. One entry— N. Moore 1. Heifer, two years, in milk. Two entries— M. Cramer 1, N. Moore 2. Heifer, one year. Seven entries —M. Cramer 1 and 2, N. Moore 3. Heifer, calfed since November 1, 1929. Two entries—N. Moore 1, W. J. Johnston 2. Pair of heifers, one year. Three entries—M. Cramer 7, N., Moore 2, W. Johnston 3. Breeders’ group. One entry—N. Moore 1 . Registered two-year-old heifer. One entry—M. Cramer 1. Registered yearling bull. Three entries —N. Moore 1, A. E. Johnston (Waikaka Valley) 2. Best yearling bull, showing most points
for butter-fat production. Four entries —M. Cramer 1, N. Moore 2. Champion bull—W. Johnston’s Sunstar. Reserve champion bull—N. Moore’s Oakland Clarion. Champion cow-—W. Johnston’s Fancy. Reserve champion cow —N. Moore’s Picotee Nancy. CROSSBRED CATTLE. Judge: Mr T. M'Donald (Mataura).Cow, over three years, in milk. One entry—Robert H. Dickie (Tuturau) 1. Cow, in calf. One entry—Robert H. Dickie 1. Pair of crossbred cows. Two entries— Robert H. Dickie 1 and 2. Heifer, three wears, in calf or in milk. Two entries —Robert H. Dickie I, T. N. Green ((Gore) 2. Heifer, two years, in milk. Two entries—Mrs A. J. Briggs (Gore) X, Robert H. Dickie 2. t Heifer one year. Two entries—Robert H. Dickie X and ,2. Best Cottar’s cow. Three entries— Stanley E. Herbert (East Gore) I, Mrs A. J. Briggs (Gore) 2, J. Brennan (Gore) Grade heifer calf, large breeds. Eight ?? tr AI?T" AIe x an der Burgess (Tuturau) 1, 9 Bourke (Tuturau) 2, H. Glendining (Tuturau) 3, William Dickie (Tuturau) 4. Grade heifer calf, small breeds.—Alma Humphries (Tuturau) I, Dulcie Steven (Knapdale) 2, Mavis Wards (Tuturau) 3, Betty Steven (Knapdale) 4. PAT CATTLE. Judge: Mr James Watson, Steer, three years or under. One entry —W. L. Scott (Mataura) X. Steer, t i VO years or under. Two entries —W. L. Scott 1 and 2. Fat yearling steer. Three entries—i nomas Logan (Otama) 1 and 2, W. L. Scott 3. Heifer, one year old. One entry—W. Xj, Scott I. SHEEP. ROMNEY MARSH. Judges: Mr Allan Grant (Waimate) and Mr C. Gardiner (Clifden). Ram, 30 months or over. Two entries —W. and J. Johnston (Ashley Downs) X. W. Kennedy (Otautau) 2. Ram, X 8 months and under 30 months. /?T lr . entries—R. Yardley and Son (Herlot) 1 and 3, W. and J. Johnston 2. Ram, under 18 months. Six entries— V* Yardley a , nd Sen® (Heriot) I and 3, “.A. Edwards (Otikerama) 2. Two rams, under 18 months. Two entries —R. Yardley and Son 1. i ,e, over 30 months, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries—W. Kennedy 1 and 2. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot. Three entries —J. A. Ed« wards X. R. Yardley and Son 2, W. Kennedy 3. Ewe, under 18 months. Three entries —R. Yardley and Son X, W. Kennedy 2, W. G. Ladbrook (Gore) 3. Two ewes, under 18 months. Two entries—E, Yardley and Sob I, W. Kennedy UNCLOTHED AND UNHOUSED CLASSES. Ram, three months or over. One entry— R. Yardley and Son X. Ram, 18 months and under 30 months. Three entries—M. G. Ladbrook 1, W. and J. Johnston 2, H. Stirling (Otara) 3. Ram, under 18 months. Nine entries— B- Yardley and Son I and 2, William MDonald (Balfour) 3. Ram, under 18 months, shorn. Four, entries—J. A. Edwards 1, W. and J. Johnston 2. Two rams, under 18 months. Eight entries—R. Yardley and Sons 1, William M'Donald 2 and 3, Ewe, over 30 months, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries—W. Kennedy I, J. A. Edwards 2. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot. Four entries—J. A. Edwards 1 and 2, W. Kennedy 3. Ewe, under 18 months. Twelve entries —W, G. Ladbrook 1, W. and J. Johnston 2, Henry Shirley 3. Ewe, 1 under 18 months, shorn. Sis entries—W. 6. Ladbrook 1 and 2, J. A. Edwards 3. Two ewes, under 18 months. Ten entries—W. and J. Johnston 1, W. G. Ladbrook 2, R. Yardley and Son (Heriot) 3. Romney group (Reginald Mackinnon prize). Three entries—R. Yardley and Son 1, W. G. Ladbrook 2.Mackinnon medal for best ram —R. Yardley and Son. ' Three shearling rams. Three entries — W. G. Ladbrook 1, J. A, Edwards 2 and 3. Champion ram—R. Yardley and Son. Reserve champion ram —R. Yardley and Son. Champion ewe—J. A. Edwards. Reserve champion ewe—W. Kennedy. ENGLISH LEICESTERS. Judge: Mr W. ,B. Andrew (Timaru). Ram, 30 months or over. Three entries —Evans Bros. (Longbusb) 1, W. Kennedy (Otautau) 2 and 3. Ram, 18 months and under 30 months. One entry—Evans Bros. 1. Ram, under 18 months. Three entries — W. Kennedy 1 and 2, Evans Bros. 3, Ram, under 18 months, shorn. One entry—Evans Bros. 1. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot. Three entries —W. Kennedy 1, Evans Bros. 2. Ewe, over 30 months, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries —W. Kennedy 1, Evans Bros. 2. Ewe, under 18 months, shorn. One entry—Evans Bros. 1. ■ Ewe, under 18 mouths. Two entries — W. Kennedy 1, Evans Bros, 2. Two ewes, under 18 months. Two entries —W. Kennedy 1, Evans ‘Bros. 2, . Champion ram-—Evans Bros. Champion ewe—W, Kennedy. SOUTHDOWNS. Judge: Mr W. B. Andrew. Ram, 30 months or over. Four entries •—Evans Bros, 1, A. W. Pannett (Clinton) 2 and 3. Ram, under 18 months. Four entries — Evans Bros. 1, A. W. Pannett 2 and 3. Pair of rams, under 18 months. Two •entries —A. W. Pannett 1. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot. Five entries —A. W. Pannett 1 and 2. Ewe, over 30 months, in milk, with lamb at foot. Six entries —Evans Bros. 1, A. W: Pannett 2. Ewe, under 18 months. Six entries —■ A. W. Pannett 1 and 2, W. G. Ladbrook (Gore) 3. Two ewes, under 18 months. Three entries —A. W. Pannett 1 and 2, Champion ram—Evans Bros. Reserve champion ram—A. W. Pannett. Champion ewe—A. W. Pannett. Reserve champion ewe—A. W. Pannett. SHROPSHIRES. Judge: Mr W. B. Andrew. Ram, 30 months or over. Two entries —W. Kennedy (Otautau) 1, Evans Bros. (Longbush) 2. Ram, under 30 months. One entry—W. Kennedy 1. Two rams, under 18 months. Two entries—Evans Bros. 1, W. Kennedy 2. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot. One entry—Evans Bros. 1. Ewe, over SO months, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries—Evans Bros. 1. W. Kermedy 2. Ewe, under 18 months. Two entries— Evans Bros. 1, W. Kennedy 2. Two ewes, under 18 months. Two entries —Evans Bros. 1, W. Kennedy 2. Champion ram—W. Kennedy. ■ Reserve champion ram—W. Kennedy. Champion ewe—Evans Bros. Reserve champion ewe—Evans Bros, BORDER LEICESTERS. Judge: Mr G. P. Johnston ("Alma,’’ North Otago). Ram, 30 months or over. Two entries —W. Kennedy (Otautau) 1 and 2. Ram, 18 months and under 30 months. Two entries —J. A. Edwards (Otikerama) 1. W. Kennedy 2. Ram. under IS months. Three entries. —W. Kennedy 1, J. A. Edwards 2, W. Kennedy 3. Two rams, under IS months. Two entries—J. A. Edwards 1. W. Kennedy 2. Kwc, over 30 mouths, in milk, with lamb at foot. Three entries—W. Kennedy 1 and 2, J. A. Edwards 3. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot—W. Kennedy 1 and 2. Ewe, under 18 months. Two entries W. Kennedy 1 and 2. Two ewes, under 18 months. One entry —W. Kennedy 1. Unclothed and Unhoused Classes, Ram, 30 months or over. Two entries —J. A. Edwards 1, W. Kennedy 2. Ram, 18 months and under 30 months. Two entries—J. A. Edwards 1, W. Kennedy 2. Ram, under 18 months. Three entries —J A. Edwards 1 and 3, W. Kennedy 2. Ram, under 18 months (shorn). Three entries—W.Kennedy 1 and 3, J. A. 3Edwards 2.
Rams, under 18 mouths. ■ Throe entries —J. A, Edwards 1 and 3, W. Kennedy 3. Ewe, over 30 months, in milk, with
lamb at foot. Four entries—J. A. Edwards 1 and 2, W. Kennedy 3. Ewe, 30 months or under, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries—J. A. Edwards 1, W. Kennedy 2. Ewe, under 18 months. Six entries— W. Kennedy (Otautau) 1, Alexander Noble (Gore) 2 and 3. Ewe, under 18 months (shorn). Four entries—J. Edwards 1 and 2, W. Kennedy. Two ewes, under. 18 .months. Four en-cntries—-W., Kennedy 1 and 3. J. A. Edand 3. Three shearling rams. Three entries— W. Kennedy 1, Alexander Noble 2. Champion ram —J. A. Edwards. Reserve champion ram—W. Kennedy. Champion ewe—J. A. Edwards. Reserve champion ewe—J. A. Edwards. RYELANDS. Judge: Mr W. B. Andrew (Timaru). Ram, 30 months or over. One entry— Evans Bros. (Longbush) 1. Ewe, 18: months or over, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries —Evans Bros. I and 2. Ewe, 18 months or under. Two entries—Evans Bros. 1 and 2. Champion ram—Evans Bros. Champion ewe—Evans Bros. CORRIEDALES. Judge: Mr W. B. Andrew (Timaru). Ram, 30 months or over. Two entries —H. P. MTntyre (Waikaka) 1 and 2. Ram, under 18 mouths. Three entries —H. P. MTntyre (Waikaka) 1,2, and 3. Pair of ram hoggets. One entry—H. P. MTntyre 1. Ewe, over 30 months, in milk, with lamb at foot. Two entries —H. P. MTntyre 1 and 2. Ewe, under 18 months. Two entries — H. P. MTntyre l and 2. Champion ram—H. P. MTntyre. Champion ewe—H. P. MTntyre. CROSSBRED SHEEP. Judge: Mr D. Marshall (Waianiwa). Pen of two ewes, strong-woolled, any age, in milk, with lamb at foot. Four entries—Thomas Logan (Otama) 1, Fleming Bros, (Crookston) 2 and 3. Pen of two ewe hoggets, strong-woolled. Eight entries —James Robertson and Sons (Waikoikoi) 1, Mrs A. Simmers (Waikoikoi) 2, Thomas Logan 3. Pen of two wether hoggets, strongwoolled. Six entries—o. L. Chittock (Waikoikoi) 1, David Dickie (WaipOunanra) 2, William B. Whyte (Otama) 3. Pen of two ewes, fine-woolled, any age, in milk, with lambs at foot. Two entries —Mrs S. Morrison (Waikaka) 1 and 2. Pen of two ewe‘hoggets, fine-woolled. Six entries—-Mrs S, Morrison 1, Fleming Bros. (Crookston) 2, Adam Nichol (Waikaka) 3. One ewe hogget, fine-woolled. Nine entries—James Robertson and Sons 1, Adam Nichol 2, Mrs S. Morrison 3, Fleming Bros. 4. One ewe hogget, strong-woolled. Nine entries—Fleming Bros. 1, Mrs A.. Simmers 2 and 3, James. Robertson and Sons 4.. Pen of two wether hoggets, fine-woolled. Seven entries—Fleming Bros.' 1 and' 2, James Robertson and Sons 3. : = One ewe hogget, the progeny of.a finer woolled ram. Two entries—Adam Nichol I and 2. . . , . ; Pair of ewe hoggets, by, a fine-woolled ram. “ One, entry—Adam Nichol 1. ■ Ewe, with, lamb at foot, progeney of fine-woolled ram. Two entries—James Robertson and Sons'. 1, Fleming Bros. 2. ‘ FAT SHEEP. Judgd: Mr James Watson (Invercargill). Pen of ‘ three fat' wethers, shorn, any age. Two entries —Fleming Bros. (Crookston) 1 and 2. Pen of three fat wethers, Down cross, shorn, any,age. Two entries —W. L. Sbott (Mataura) l and 2. Pen of three fat wethers, 30 months old. or under, shorn. Three entries—W. B, Whyte . (Otama) 1, .Fleming Bros. 2 and 3. ■ ; ' v Pen of three fat wethers, months or under, 1 Down cross, shorn.- Two entries —W. B. Whyte .1, W. L, Scott 2, Pen. of three fat wethers, strong woolled (in wool), 30 months* or under, , Two .entries —Fleming Bros. 1, W. L. Scott 2. Pen of three shorn fat hoggets. Three entries—Fleming Bros. 1 and 2, W, B. Whyte 3. Pen of three fat sheep,. 18 months or under,- shorn, Down cross. Three entries -r-W. 8.. Whyte 1, W. L. Scott 2, Evans Bros. r (Longbush) 3. ' ■ Pen of three, fat wethers or maiden ewes, shorn, 30' months or -under, most suitable'for frozen meat trade. Three.entries—W, L. Scott 1, Evana Bros; 2,.W. B. Whyte 3.' Pen of three fat sheep, 18 months dr under, in wool. Three entries—W. B. Whyte l and 2, Fleming Bros. 3. FAT LAMBS. Judge: Mr James Watson (Invercargill). Pen of three strong-woolled fat lambs. Two. entries—David Dickie' (Waippunamu) 1, W. Y. Dickie and Sons (Gore) 2, .'. . V. Pen of three fat lambs, fine woolled, progeny of fine-woolled rams'. Two . entries—J. and. A. Waddell , (Waikaka Valley) 1 and 2. Pen of three fat lambs! Down cross. Four entries—W. Lb Scott (Mataura) 1, James M'Donald (Waikaka) 2,' W. Y. Dickie and Sons (Gore) 3, Pen of 10 fat lambs, suitable for freezing. Four entries—James'. M'Donald 1,. David Dickie 2, John Stewart (Waipounamu)' 3. Pen of three fat lambs, bred and fed by exhibitor. Five entries—James M'Donald 1, David Dickie 2, W. Y. Dickie and Sons 3. Pet lamb. Two entries —Miss Isabel Noble (Gore) 1,. Miss C. Cruickshank (Knapdale) 2. , • HOME INDUSTRIES. Judges: Butter and cheese, dairy produce ■ grader, Bluff; baking, Mrs J. Sim (Crookston). Home-made cheese—Miss Annie Logan (Otama) 1. Factory-made cheese. Five entries— Scott (Titiroa Dairy Factory) 1 and 3, J. H. Henderson (Menzies Ferry Factory) 2. Fresh butter, sample to consist of lib in Jib rolls, plain. Twelve entries—Mrs R. M'Donald 1, Mrs J.‘ Blight (Toa) 2, Mrs M. Scott (Koi) 3, Mrs J. Robertson (Koi) 4, Mrs R. Gerken (Knapdale) h.c. Powdered butter, sample to consist of lib in Jib rolls, plain. Ten entries—Mrs M. Scott 1, Miss Annie Logan 2, Mrs J. Robertson-3, Mrs W. Gerken 4, Mrs W. Chittock (Waikaka Valley) h.c. ■ Fresh butter, sample to consist of 11b rolls, plain, not separator. Eight entries —Mrs M. Scott 1. Mrs J. Blight 2, Miss F, Macnee (Crookston) 3, Mrs R. M'Donald 4, Mrs J. Robertson b.o. Powdered butter, sample to consist 11b in Jib rolls, plain, not separator. Eight entries—Mrs M. Scott 1, Miss F. Macnee 2, Mrs R. M'Donald 3, Mrs F. Foulston (Wendon) 4, Mrs J. Blight h.c. Salt butter, 51b crocks. Seven entries —Mrs J. Blight 1, Mrs R. M'Donald 2, Miss M. A. Mason 3, Mrs J. Clement 4. Powdered butter. 51b crocks. Eight entries—Mrs J, Blight 1, Miss M. A. Mason 2, Mrs R. M'Donald 3, Mrs M. Scott 4, Mrs J. Robertson h.c. Fresh butter, lib in Jib rolls, plain, open to persons who have never taken a first prize at any show. Eight entries— Mies I, S. Mason 1, Miss Annie Logan 2, Miss M. E. Knapp 3, Mrs E. Knox 4, Mrs W. Chittock h.c. Salt butter, 51b crocks, open to persons who have not taken a first prize at any show. Five_ entries—Mrs D. M'Gill I, Miss M,E. Knapp 2, Miss Annie Logan 3. Powdered butter, 11b in Jib rolls, plain open to persons who have never taken a’ hret I*ri*e at any show. Nine entries— Mrs D. M'Gill 1, Miss M. E. Knapp 2, Mies I. S. Mason 3, Mrs E. Knox 4, alias Annie Logan h.c. Fancy butter. Three entries—Mrs J. Robertson 1 and 3, Mrs F. Foulston 2. Home-made loaf. Eight entries—Miss M. E.- Knapp (Mokoreta) 1, Mrs R. M'Donald (Koi) 2. Mrs W. M'Kenzio (East Cliatton) 3. Mrs G. Gerken (Knapoale) 4, Mrs S. H. Webb (Ashburton) 5. Plate of oatcakes. Five entries—Mrs R. M'Donald 1, Miss Annie Logan (Otama) 2 and 3, Mrs D. M'Gill (Te Tipun) 4. Home-made girdle scones. Eleven entries—Miss M. A. Knapp (Gore) 1 and 2. Mrs A. G. Henderson (Gore) 3, Mrs S. H. Webb 4 and 6. Oven scones. Ten entries—Miss M. E. Kuapp 1 and 2, Mrs R. M'Donald 3. Mrs S. H. Webb 4 and 5. Tray of cakes, six varieties only. Seven entries—Mrs J. A. Johnston (Ashley Downs) 1, Mrs L. Robb (Lumsden) 2, Mrs W. Knowles (East Gore) 3, Mrs D. M'Gill 4 and 5. Home-made girdle scones, open to girls V, Ilder A 7 rJ®.®!™, ° f . age—Miss Elsie M'Donald (Koi) 1, Miss M. C. Butler 2. Home-made oven scones, open to girls under 17 years of age. Four entries— Miss Elsie M'Donald 1, Miss Eva Dodds (Otama) 2, Miss F. Wright (Waipouna- I mu) 3, Miss M. E. Butler 4. Tray of cakes, open to girls under 17 years of age —Miss Minta C. Butler (Waipounainu) 1. Tray of pikelets. Thirteen entries—'
Miss M. E. Knapp 1, Mrs R. M'Donald 2, Mrs S. H. Webb 3. Mrs L. W. Robb 4, Mrs R. P. Neale h.c. Tray of pikelets, open to girls tinder 17 years of age. Five entries—Miss Elsie M'Donald 1, Miss M. C. Butler 2, Mies Eva Dodds 3, Miss E. Beckbam 4, Miss R. Chittock h.c.
Shortbread, in squares, open. Twelve entries—Mrs W. Knowles 1 and 2, Mrs R. M'Donald 3, Mrs J. Robertson 4, Miss M. E. Knapp h.c. Shortbread, in squares, open to girls under 17 years of age—Miss Elsie M'Donald 1, Miss M. E. Butler 2. Gingerbread. Eleven entries —Mrs W. Gerken 1 and 2, Mrs W. Knowles 3 and h.c., Mrs A. G. Henderson 4. Madiera cake. Twelve entries—Mrs W. Knowles 1 and 2, Miss M. E. Knapp 3. Mrs A. G. Henderson 4, Mrs R. M'Donald h.c.
Tricolour cake. Nine entries—Mrs J. Blight 1, Mrs D. M'Gill 2, Mrs W. Knowles 3 and .4, Mrs A. Q. Henderson h.c.
Decorated cake, to be judged on decoration. Seven entries—Mrs W. Knowleo 1 and 2, Mrs S. H. Webb 3, Miss M. E. Knapp 4. Tray of biscuits, varieties. Four entries —Mrs D. M'Gill 1 and 2, Mrs S. W. Robb 3, Miss M, E. Knapp 4. Sponge sandwich, open. Seventeen entries—Mrs Drysdale (Brydone) 1, Mrs W. Gerken 2, Miss M. E. Knapp 3, Mrs D. M'Gill 4 and h.c.
Sponge sandwich, open to girls under 17 years of age. Seven entries —Miss M«, Drysdale 1 and 3, Miss Elsie M'Donald 2, Miss F. Wright 4, Mias Eva Dodds h.c.
Dark fruit cake, plain, open. Seventeen entries—Miss M. E. Knapp 1, Mrs W. Knowles 2 and b.c„ Mrs J. A. Johnston 3, Mrs W. Gerken 4. Light fruit- cake, plain, open. Fifteen entries—Mrs W. Knowles 1 and 3, Mrs R. M'Donald 2, Mrs M. Scott 4, Miss K. Wright h.c. Pastry, varieties, open. Four entries— Mrs R, P. Neale 1, Mrs J. Robertson 2, Mrs M, Scott 3, Miss M. E. Knapp 4.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Daily Times, Issue 21199, 3 December 1930, Page 12
Word Count
5,562GORE A. AND P, ASSOCIATION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21199, 3 December 1930, Page 12
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