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The exceptionally fine season this year has developed the best crops of turnips that have been seen in the Waikaia v alley (Southland) for many years past. The suggestion that Auckland water was harmful to motor car radiators was discounted by the city engineer, Mr vv. E. Bush, in a report presented to the council of the Auckland Automobile Association the other evening (says the Herald). Mr Bush stated the water was free from nitrates and alum. An analysis proved there was nothing corrosive in the supply. St. Margaret week at the Mosgiel Warehouse. See the special window displays. — A. F. Cheyne and C 0... About 3000 (luinnat salmon, with an average weight of approximately 121 b, are said to have been taken from the Waiinakariri River since the season opened by the three men holding netting licenses and by anglers (reports the Press). The former are credited with having secured two-thirds of the total. The season, which is now ending, has been the best experienced. Dry weather this autumn has given farmers an opportunity of burning off gorse, which continues to be a pest in the Wanganui district (remarks the Herald). Unfortunately, burning, though it retards much of the plant’s growth, does not completely check it, and effective cutting and grubbing is an expensive business. Lately there has been a lot of burning going on on gorse-covered hills. There are many blackened patches where the inflammable scrub has been cut. _ Hostess: “ How do you like your tea'. Visitor; “ Not too strong —a little milk and sugar. I always use ‘ Gold Leaf. 1 get such beautiful presents.”.. Although it is considered to be a necessary adjunct to a modern city, the crematorium at Waikumetc cemetery is very little used (states the Auckland correspondent of the Taranaki Herald). In the four and a-!*rlf years since it was opened there have been only 181 cremations. Apostles of this method of disposing of tho dead, however, need not despair at the smallness of the figured, for the returns for the year which ended on March 31 show that, with 43 cremations, tne total was 10 more than in the previous year. Duality, Quality, Quality, Quality. Quality. Quality—all the time.—Barton imt Trengrove, Manse street... Reference to the small bird nuisance was again made at the meeting of the Southland County Council last week, when a letter was received from the secretary of the Southland branch of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union, who stated that the executive asked the council to reconsider the matter with a view to taking some action to abate the nuisance (says the News). It was decided that inquiries be made as to getting a supply of poisoned grain. A cup of good coffee stimulates and vitalises the system. The “ Bourbon ” brand of Coffee and Chicory gives this result. Manufactured by A. Durie and Co., coffee specialists. 32 Octagon. Dunedin...

“ I tell you frankly that while our other representatives chosen for the Olympic Games have excellent chances of success at Amsterdam, we have been convinced that our brightest hopes of securing world championship honours rest on the merits of New Zealand oarsmen,” stated Mr H. Amos, Dominion president of the Olympic Council, in conversation with a Poverty Bay Herald representative last week.

Considerable interest was 'displayed by the publio of Christchurch last week in the model of the proposed new layout of Cathedral square, built by Mr W. E. Uateman for the Christchurch City Council, which was on display in one of the windows of the premises of the New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association of Canterbury. The model, which has been built to the scale of half an inch to one foot, has been strikingly executed, and illustrates well the colonnade scheme designed by Mr S. Hurst Scager. Barton and i’rengrove want Pigs to supply the enormous demand for their famous sugar-cured Bacon. Highest price for cash.—Manse street. Dunedin.. .

An attack on the golden scale parasite, whoso attentions have caused many fine oak trees in Christchurch to deteriorate, is to be made in earnest this year, the curator of the Botanic Gardena (Mr James Young) having received from the Cawthron Institute, Nelson, a tube containing ISO tiny insects named Haberlepsis dahnanii, which is a deadly enemy of the scale (states the Press). Those he has since liberated, and groat hopes are entertained for their success in ridding the trees of tho parasite.

Conn’s Nasal Catarrh Powder, a combination for allaying the distressing symptoms of Nasal Catarrh. Price, 3s jar.. .

The corrosive effect of the oxide of iron in tho Invercargill town water supply is evidenced by the condition of pipes that have had to be renewed after four years’ service (reports the Southland Daily News). One of these taken up at a house In North Invercargill was oaten right through from the inside which was thickly coated with rust. This is going on in various parts of the town and the cost to householders in tho aggregate must bo very heavy. Until Invercargill possesses a supply of pure water from the Dunsdale or elsewhere, tins gross waste will continue unless a bettor system of filtration is provided.

Stay at the Prince ol Wales Hotel Good accommodation; best brands of liquors. ’Phone 10-72 E—C Hiuchcliff pronrictor .

After the drought of the summer months when Nelson suffered as much as most other places, the following paragraph in tho Mail provides an interesting contrast: During the past few days there have been numerous visits by citizens to the reservoir where they have been able to witness a striking sight not very common even in winter. The water in the main reservoir has been overflowing in a miniature Niagara for nearly tho whole width of the dam, and The Brook, dry for so long, seems to bo revelling in its new lease of life as the turbulent discoloured waters dash noisily over its stony bed. ■ Our reputation for supplying high-grade horse and cow covers is second to none. No. 1 green proof canvas horse covers from 32s to 41s Gd; best Ontario duck, 32s 6d to 38s; cow covers from 15s 9d.— Otago Farmers... A warning to those intending to go to Norfolk Island to take up land, i s issued by Mr T. G. Grubb, of Stratford, in the course of an interview with tho Post. Land, said Mr Grubb, “is almost unprocurable excepting at very high prices, the natives are not at all anxious for the * mninlander ’ to settle there permanently, putting prices ns high as £1203 to £ISOO on the goodwill of their land. What land the Government might sell was tendered for, and, of course, went to tho highest bidder, nnff as there were usually several who would tender an equally high price, it is disposed of by ballot.” Meloto Records are now reduced in price from 3s 6d to 2s 9d each. These fine Records are all electrically recorded, and there is a fine selection' of Bands’ Vocal, Orchestral, and Dance Music There arc still a few parcels of Imperial Records left; six lOin records for 11s 6<l —Laidlaw and Gray. Ltd., Rattray street.. .

Every two years a town clerk gets a “ set of now bosses.” who start on their jobs with a spurt of enthusiasm and very often with no previous municipal knowledge,” said Mr J. Barr, in making a plea for a superannuation scheme for municipal employees at a meeting at Sumner the other evening (says the Christchurch Sun), New brooms swept clean, but sometimes thev swept so hard that there was no floor left. The work of a town clerk, especially in the smaller boroughs, was very arduous and often he had to throw cold water of reason on some ambitious schemes of new councillors. Yet the, average citizen seemed to forget that if it pleased any body of councillors they could sack the whole of a staff and leave them with nothing. As forecasters of the weather, bees never make mistakes. They know what the weather for the day will be without consulting the direction of the wind or markings of tl c barometer. If there is going to ho rain they will not go to work, nt matter how much the sun may shine in the morning, and if the weather is going to bo fair the thickest clouds do not keep them at home. If on a summer morning hoes are going out and coming in as usual, one can conclude the day will bo fine. If they are loitering about nt their hives as If they intended taking n day's holiday, they know 7 the 3 is going to be rain. Sometimes they will be seen rushing homeward ns if in a hurry, but none will he noticed flying away to the fields. When this happens a storm is threatening.

—Ever since the old age pension became payable it has been drawn by a Derbyshire woman, Mrs Walker, now aged 90. One of her daughters has also benefited for some years. Two other daughters and a son now qualify under the uew scheme of pensions.

Though unemployment is reported to be acute in the West Coast district, there ia also a reticence on the part of the men out of work to notify the fact (states the Grey Star). A register of men desiring employment has been open at the Lyceum Hall for a week, but only seven have enrolled so far. Grandism (378) —There is nothing more requisite in rwsiness than despatch. We send out all orders promptly. No order too small and no order too large.—Grand Hotel... A short discussion took place at 'he monthly meeting of the Invercargill Fire Board recently on fire fighting (says -he News). His Worship the Mayor (Mr John Miller) suggested that canvas buckets could be used and that a sump similir to those constructed in the Home Countrj could be used in Invercargill. The question of protection for the Rosedale woollen millg w » s mentioned in this connection when the Mayor said (to the Superintendent, Mr F. Simpson): "I see you propose to obtain water to put out a possible fire at Rosedale, from six-inch pipes. I must remeber that." " With six-inch uncorroded pipes, your Worship," remarked Mr R. N. Todd, gently. At this point the matter was allowed to drop., Pat Waters' " Vi-vatta" en, and your skin won't age; 2s Cd posted.—Waters' Pharmacy.. . A correspondent writes to the Dominion and says: " I wonder if we could sufficiently interest Cabinet to charter a steamer to convey Heeney's supporters to the seat 01 actioii, at a reduction of fares to suit all pockets. Now, sir, the Government spends a good deal of money annually advertising this wonderful country of ours; here, then, is a glorious opportunity to get something big in the way of advertising, practically free of cost to them. Everyone will agree with me that better sports th .n the New Zealanders do not exist, so it will be seen what a splendid boost we would receive from a boat load of them." The new Tailored Suits can now be secured from £5 15s to £8 8s at A«cot, corner of Princes and Rattray streets, where an tailoring department has now been established. Inspection cordially invited... Froak vegetables twisted or deformed are a common enough occurrence, but two whito radiohes sent to die Southland Daily News offic9 would be difficult to surpass as far as size is concerned. They seemed to be greviously arhlicted with a species oi vegetaole elephantiasis and were about the same length, though not so broad, as an ordinary parsnip. The longer and thinner of tile specimens which were grown by Mrs Lomond, l\ew River berry, measured 16m white the second one was oniy an inch shorter, the circumference of each being in the region of 4in. The two vegetables were grown from lciclo radish seed, a large varioty, the two weights being lib /oa and lib loz. This is surely a record. Let the postman work for you. Mail your inquiries to us. —A. ¥. Cheyne and Co., Mosgiel... Many tnotoruts who are charged with minor offences, such as speeding, cutting corners, etc., plead ignorance ot the Bylaws as an excuse (says the Evening Poatj. Such a case was heard in the Wellington Magistrate's Court when a motorist, who did not appear, sent a letter in which he pleaded guilty to speeding, but said that he did not tnow tne speed limit on that road, Thorndon quay, and had been unable to get any information at all about the by-laws. "A man's common sense ought to warn him against travelling at 30 miles per nour along Thorndon quay on a busy morning," said Mr J. Locke (City Council). "He will learn by experience," commented Mr J. W. Ellison, J.P., in imposing a fine of £l. Superfluous Hair thoroughly and quickly removed by "Anticrin, 2s 4d posted.—Waters' Pharmacy... The Christchurcn City Council's m otor inspectors will be busier than usual for the nest few months trying out motor car owners for the licenses to drive (states the Sun). Under the recently-gazettea motor regulations the practice of issuing " flat" licenses has been wiped out, and as hundreds of Christchurch motorists holi only these licenses, they are required to undergo further examination to qualify for their hill tests. Recently there have been regular processions of cars from the City Council offices to the Cashmere HiUs. Those who are known by the inspector* to be experienced drivers, are to save time, tried out on the xanrom the council's yard, where they are put through the various manoeuvres. . _ .. _ The new season's latest m Parisian ties, Borsalino hats, Lynx suits, at Grays Store, Milton... '. . Speakinc at the civic farewell to the All Black.-,, the Mavor of Wellington (Mr G A. Troup) bad a word of praise for the ladies in South Africa (reports the iTen- ™ Post). Amidst laughter he told the members of the team that they would find the ladies there most attractive. He *«> sure, though, that the Mayor ot Wellington had no need to remind them that they must not forget the girls left behind them. " The Mayor lias »*«?•**» the nice girls ii. South Africa said the manager of the team (Mr W F.Hpnug) in tne courso of h.s reply later. but ladies, I want to toll you this: They are a team of All Blacks, but 1 shall tako very fino care that they do not get a Soiith African better ' half. , A Rood tailor .-We recommend MacLeod MacGillivray, Rattray street. Suits at l s al 'there Ce a P proaching the day when every man and woman will be equipped with an appratus which will enable them to "listen-in" to the thoughts_ of their neighbours? It has been established that when we think we radiate thought-waves through the atmophere. A Parisianprofessor placed a man in a metal cabinet and over his head he arranged a sort ot "broadcasting station." _ He received everything which was going on in the subject's mind. The subject of the experiment was a complete stranger taken from the street for the purpoe bavanta are seeking to perfect the discovery. Should thev succeed, civilisation would be completely revolutionised It be impossible lor anybody *> tell a He without being detected. It would mean, too. that anybody securing complete control of the machinery now in existence would be virtually rulers of the world. Rsceptional value: Flannel Undera. the well-known Doctor Brand, in Shetland and navy, 6s 6d each; All-wool New Zealand Flannels-Shetland 6s lid, natural shade (unshrinkable) 8s lid, navy Js 6d, posted anywhere for cash.—Kill oy and Sutherland, Ltd.. 192 Princes street. Dmiorlin.. . , . - . . \ further requisition, signed by chemists in Wellington city and suburban districts, was forwarded to the Labour Department the other day asking that chemists shops be closed all day on Sundays the Post). A similar requisition was Hiaae some weeks ago, but a hitch occurred ovrin" to the fact that compulsory closing of all shops was sought within a radius of onlv two mile and a-half of Kent terrace (where the one exempted dispensary is situated), whereas lega ly the Labour Department could only deal with the \V cl•linaton combined areas as a whole. If the new requisition is found to be m orde-. the chemists* wishes will be given effect to bv Gazette notice, and compulsory closing will operate automatically from the specified date. Further signatures have been obtained, in addition to those secured previously, in the Petone, Hutt. and other districts within the " combined" area. . , The finest and most luxurious Ladys Singlet to-day is the Vedoms \ est, the fine downy fabric clinging cosily about you Trimmed silk lace, or silk braid. Full size and out-size, from 4s 6d each.— T Ross, 130 Princes street... A Wnnganui Herald reporter, while in the Ratana Museum the other morning, was approached by a middle-aged Maori. The reporter was interesting himself in the exhibit of crutches and walking sticks and other articles left by patients. Ihe Maori identified a crutch as Ins property, and said that he had been cured rv J*atana some years ago, and was now almost active enough to indulge in a .game or football. He had been kicked by'a horse and his leg was doubled up for 28 years, and he could not walk without a crutch. Ratana told him to move his leg and then throw away his crutch. I felt a warmness in niv leu, said the Moon, and to mv delight f could put it to the ground and walk. I have had no trouble since he added gleefully. The only defect the reporter could notice was that the Maori's leg was slightly shorter than th» other leg. Better than steak and onion. Better than peas and lamb, Better than any kind of meat Is Hitchon's tasty ham...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20385, 17 April 1928, Page 16

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20385, 17 April 1928, Page 16

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20385, 17 April 1928, Page 16


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