HOUSES AND PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO , LET. 'fAMBLYN, li/f‘KENZIE, & RHODES 'Phone 3608. A 'Phone 2442. AUCTIONEERS. HEAL ESTATE, FINANCE, AND INSURANCE AGENIS, BRAITHWAITE’S BUILDINGS, 42 PRINCE STREET, DUNEDIN. (Members of the Real Estate Institute of Otago) 4ft ACRES (HANDY DUNEDIN, NORTH LINE): Warm situation, carry 10 oAAr cows regularly, in addition to growing all winter feed;' 4-roomed Dwelling, byre, shed, fowlhouses, piggeries, orchard. Price, including 100 poultry, 3 cows, horses, carts, implements, separator, etc., £750. ~ STUDHOLME JUNCTION: 12* ACRES HIGHEST QUALITY LAND, suitable market gardening, poultry farming, dairying, etc.; the house is slightly on the rise; 5-roomed modern Dwelling, extensive fowlhouses and runs and sheds, motor garage. Price, including 3 pure-bred Jersey cows, at profit, one ditto heifer, horses, implements, sundries, £ls 00. The owner has also 6| acres close to Waimate, ideal building site, £450. Will sell either separately, o would consider a town house, Dunedin, part payment. „ PRICE ONE MONTH AGO. £24 PER ACRE—PRICE TO-DAY. £lB ss! One of the best little farms in South Canterbury, 216 acres, well fenced and paddocked; permanent water, good springs and creeks; the land is clean and in good heart; 15 acres wheat, 40 acres three-year grass, balance young grass; grows 55 bushels wheat and heavy yields of oats, also linseed and roots, to perfection. SPLENDID WELL-SHELTERED HOMESTEAD, including 7-roomed Dwelling, dairy, barn, stables, implement shed, garage, shearing, shed, byre, hut, yards, good orchard, and garden; handy all conveniences. State Advances mortgage, £3500. Terms: £SOO ingoing. This farm is suitable for sheep fattening, cropping, dairying, etc. ■ROXBURGH ORCHARD: 8 ACRES. HANDY TO TOWNSHIP; 350 apple trees -I* l in full bearing, 6 peach trees, 4 cherry trees; the property is subdivided into 4 blocks, all irrigated; 1-roomed Dwelling, washhouse, water laid on, furniture, bathroom, el. light, and el. ove. ; the house is fully furnished. The plant comprises single plough, pumps, harrows, spring-cart, sundries, tool, empty cases, sundries, £1250, goi„g concern. VVAIWERA SOUTH—44O ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASE; all well watered; •Y sharp land; carry 650 sheep regularly, 500 of them ewes; 30 acres wheat, 40 acres oats, 50 acres ploughed for turnips; good part has been limed and top-dressed. Practically new Dwelling, 5 rooms, dairy,washhouse, men’s hut, barn, byre, etc.; grows 70 bushels oats and 50 bushels wheat; had 12 tons potatoes per acre. The owner is retiring, and will accept the low figure of £5 per acre. Terms; or will take town house in part payment. LEVEL DAIRY FARM, AT BALCLUTHA; river deposit; Government Lease; 100 ACRES; small rental; close fac< ry, school, and Post Office; the property is well fenced and subdivided; shelter trees, etc.; carry 45 cows regularly; had 30 acres splendid crop turnips this year; suitable fattening bullocks,_ etc.; modern 6-roomed Dwelling, bath, h. and c., e. light, hut, 8-stalled byre (with machines), loft, implement shed, piggeries, etc. On account of exceptional circumstances the property is being sold at half its value, with 31 cows. 5 heifers (spring calvers), brood sows, boar, calves, 5 horses, plough, harrows, discs, crusher, drays, trap, ridver, milk cans, harness, chains, feed on hand, etc., £2200. Terms. (4136) O-J KA INGOING—2SO ACRES, OWAKA DISTRICT; warm, sunny situation; cL-itrvJ good grass land; 80 acres grass, balance bush; 4-roomed Dwelling, byre, stable, orchard, etc.; carry 15 milk cows regularly. Price, £BOO. Terms, £l5O ingoing, (4287) P7K INGOING—I7O ACRES, PARTLY FLAT, BALANCE EASY SLOPING O LAND: BALCLUTHA DISTRICT; carry 200 ewes, or suitable dairying; small patch bush: 6-roomed Dwelling, 10-stalled byre, stables, etc.; close school, etc.; all early land. Total price, £1175. Terms, £75 ingoing. piTY MILK RUN; 70 ACRES LEASEHOLD, rent 30s; school alongside; milk AJ run returns £l2O per month. Price; including dairy herd, all farming implements, motor delivery van, with all plant, £9OO. (4129) Day Phone 3640. Evening ’Phone 2515. JJENDERSGN & COWIE. AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, AND MEMBERS OF THE REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE 181 PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN (opposite Barton and Trengrove’s). 1 1 *7Ci ACRES FREEHOLD (within 20 miles of Dunedin), about 300 acres xXI v cultivation balance grazing: warm, sheltered country, well fenced and subdivided and plenty water; 5-roomed House, washhouse, dairy, cowbyre, stable, barn, implement shed, etc. Price £3 10s an acre; Government mortgage of £2OOO and further finance arranged if required; stock at valuation, 600 ewes and 240 hoggets. Q 4 ACRES FREEHOLD (Dunedin District), about 15 acres bush, balance grass; O'* 4-roomed House, electric light, dairy, cowbyre, stable, fowlhouse, pigstve, etc. Price £525, including 1 cow, 2 heifers, horse, gig, harness, farm implements, separator, rabbit traos, and sundries; first mortgage of £3OO can be taken over. ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM (Dunedin District), alongside mam OO road and school; rent £53 per annum; splendid grazing land, \ery little cultivation required; 5-roomed House, washhouse, pigstyes, stable, large cowbyre, etc. Price £SOO, including 15 dairy cows, 2 heifers, 1 bull, 2 horses, 3 pigs, poultry, farm implements, and sundries. ACRES FREEHOLD, flat and rolling downs, splendid sheep land and grows JllO good crops of wheat, oats, and turnips; carrying at present 300 ewes, besides cropping, but will carry considerably more; school alongside the farm; rail 4 niles bv good road; 5-roomed House, washhouse, dairy, storeroom, barn, cowbyre, stable, loosebox, fowlhouse, implement shed. Price £l2 10s per acre; £2IOO can, remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. Owner would consider exchange for smaller property. nAA ACRES (Otago Central), 100 acres freehold, balance L.1.P.; situated along*UU B ide school and townshin; mixed farming land; 7-roomed House and all outbuildings. Price £0 10s per acre. OAQ ACRES FREEHOLD, conveniently situated to rail, school, and factory; DUO originally heavy bush land; over 100 acres have been felled and. surface sown; portion cleared and cultivated, balance bush; ;ood trade to be done in broadleaf posts and firewood trade: 7-roomed House, washhouse, hut, storeroom, stable, cowbyre, implement shed, loosebox, etc.; large orchard returning £SO a year. Price £7 10s an acre. Terms, £SOO cash, or owner would consider exchange for smaller farm. QTRAIGHT-OUT LEASE, good mixed FARM of 260 acres, flat and downs; good 0 portion been limed; all well fenced and subdivided; 6-roomed House and all outbuildings; rent 12s 6d per acre; good lease given. Also ’ 317 ACRES BUSH LAND for straight-out Lease, abo' 60 acres cleared, balance bush; 4-roomed House, stable an i cowbvre; conveniently situated to school; rent £52 per annum. 1 rrk ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM, good mixed farming land; well fenced and watered; 5-roomed House and full langeof outbuildings. Price, £9OO, including 30 head of cattle, bull, 4 horses, full range of farm implements, shares in dairy factory, etc.; also milk run to township: returns from milk run and factory over £BOO a year. Owner would consider exchange house property or smaller farm. pARK, ( . REYNOLDS, T D., PROPERTY SALESMEN, MANSE STREET, DUNEDIN. CHOICE CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES. CHARMING BUNGALOW. CLOSE TO 2d TEAM. £1595. £1595. LOVELY SUNNY SITUATION. CJUPERIOR TILE-ROOF BUNGALOW of 6 rooms, plastered; • A VERY ATio TRACTIVE PROPERTY, beautifully finished; lovely panelled Entrance Hall; pretty slab grates, choice Empire papers, and built-in cupboards; nicely fitted-up bathroom, sun porch; large section, nearly i-acre. WELL LAID OUT. GARAGE. (5067) <>-| 9KA-SX, CLAIR (ONE MINUTE TO THE TRAM; ideal situation, ONE S/XOtlV OF THE BEST STREETS): Lovely Bungalow of 5 rooms, with up-to-date appointments throughout; fibrous ceilings, panelled hall, pretty slab grates, built-in wardrobes and cupboards. A very compact house. Nice large Section. VERY RARELY WE HAVE A BUNGALOW OF THIS DESCRIPTION OFFERING IN ST. CLAIR AT THE MONEY, but as the OWNER IS LEAVING THE DISTRICT our instructions ARE TO SELL. A REAL BARGAIN. (4828) <»QprA—CITY (VERY HANDY POSITION)—PRICE VERY REASONABLE: 6 good Rooms, with fireplace in every room; Empire papers, hot and cold water, electric light, bathroom with porcelain bath and basin, washhouse, copper and tubs (under main roof). Fine large Section; ROOM FOR GARAGE. * (4985) £1550~ POULTIIY FARMERS, GARDENERS, AND RETIRED RAILWAYMEN. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. 1 ACRE OF GROUND and MODERN BUNGALOW, with tram passing the door. Owner up in years, and now desires a smaller place. A REAL NICE HOME of 5 ROOMS WITH ALL CONVENIENCES; large workshop, 2 tomatohouses, and numerous poultry-houses. Splendid assortment of small fruits, choice flowers, and lawns. OVER £IOO TAKEN OFF THE PLACE LAST YEAR IN FRUIT ALONE. A VERY HANDY PROPERTY, AND ABSOLUTELY THROWN AWAY AT THE MONEY. (3642) PARK, REYNOLDS (LIMITED). MAT lON AL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). STOCK AND STATION AGENTS. STOCK AND STATION AGENTS PO. Box 215. WATER STREET DUNEDIN P.O. Box 215 T ARGE CATTLE RUN, situated at the Haast River, South Westland; accessible Aj by Jackson’s Bay Lake Wanaka, or South Westland, consisting of 3407 acres leasehold and freehold, half- .re in 2700 acres grazing run, 857 acres in grassed and fenced, the balance in native state; stock consists of 150 breeding cows (well-bred Herefords), some ihem costing OOgns per head, 5 grade bulls, total number of cattle 700, being one. two, and three-year-old; last year 75 three-year-old steers were sold at £ll per head and 47 heifers -t £8 10s. This is the annual draft. 14 horses; 7-roomed House, P.O. and telephone attached. Price £7OOO. F rther particulars on ACRES S.G.R., rent £6O half-yearly, situated in Central Otago; subdivided i)UUV into 7 paddocks; 1500 acres down sand flats, good turnip and oat laud, 600 acres in English grasses: 2300 sheep, 550 being ewes, balance m.s. hoggets, wethers, rams, 6 horses, 4 cows, implements, harness, etc.; average lambing 80 per cen t. 600 of surplus usually goes off; 3-roomed cottage, men’s hut, woolshed, stable, yards, men’s out, share in sheep dip, 30 miles from rail, 2 miles from school. Price, £9000! Further particulars on application. ’Phone 890. r> w. C D R T I J, Private 7067. PROPERTY SALESMAN AND COMM IS3 lON AGENT. 176 PRINCES STREET (Corner Manse street). DUNEDIN fTITY (on rise, vicinity High street): Superior RESIDENCE, 9 lovely rooms; plastered throughout: in perfect order; oveiy latest ppointment; nice section; room for garage; .nyone in search of a superior home in a choice locality must see this. Make an appointment to inspect right now. Price right. piTY few minutes Princes street) : 4 ROOMS all conveniences; immediate pos'A session; £550: terms. ANDERSON’S BAY; Brick RESIDENCE, 8 large rooms (single storey), every < -A. convenience; splendid or<‘ r; large corner section; room two -ore houses; £1850; terms. OptPifi—BAY VIEW ROAD; 5 ROOMS, all conveniences; absolute bargain; inspect this. . CITY (George street) : Handsome Brick RESIDENCE, 6 spacious rooms; in perfect order: fittet with latest appointments; suit professional gentleman; advise inspect this without delay. rpilE First Utility of frequent and A regular Advertising consists in this: There is at all times a large class of persons both in country and town, who have no fixed places for the purchase of certain necessary articles, and are ready to be swayed and drawn toward any particular place which is earnestly brought under their notice. Indifferent to all. they yield without hesitation to the first who asks. OTAGO WlTNESS.—Largest Country Circulation of any weekly in the Dominion Found in every farmhouse in Otago and Southland, and circulating largely in Canterbury and northern rural districts, it oilers unrivalled facilities for Advertising anything of interest to •nuntrv readers, TAG O WlTNE’SST— N~cw~sTorics. A large amount of reading matter. Price 9d.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19906, 28 September 1926, Page 12
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1,865Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 19906, 28 September 1926, Page 12
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