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DUNEDIN WINTER MEETING. SALISBURY STABLE'S SUCCESS. The Dunedin Jockey Club’s winter meeting was continued in fine weather. The forenoon was cold and raw, but the sun asserted supremacy during tho afternoon, which was quite pleasant throughout tho majority of events on the card. Tho attendance seemed somewhat meagre even for an off day, and there was a decided shrinkage in the investments. In fact, it seemed as if the attendance was in rather a nonspeculative mood. The going had dried up since the previous day, and tho track was a bit holding. The card provided some good racing, and the Provincial 'Handicap proved to bo a race really well worth witnessing. Tho first five raced past the post with nothing much between them, and only the narrowest of margins existed between the first three. It is pleasing to bo able to record a returning to winning form of ! Loughrea, who lias been struggling against big burdens all through the season. Bonomel won the Otago Hurdles in good stylo. His rider caught the tapes at the start, and thus nearly became responsible for him missing tho first flight of hurdles. He may not Rave won so well if Captain Sarto hail not tipped out when in charge of the field and going well. P. Keene, the rider of Cap- , tain Sarto, appeared to be struck by Tenterfield, and it was discovered that he had sustained a fracture of tho skull After the Wingntui Steeplechase an investigation took place as to whether Auroro hod been administered some form of dope, and part of the contents of a bottle alleged to have contained a stimulant has been handed over for analysis. An interesting item of the day consisted in throe wellgrown youngsters by Tractor being treated to a run down the straight. Each of the trio moved nicely in their slow paces, and look like prospective winners. Cornflower caused a lot of trouble at the start of tho Silverstrcam Handicap, and held up tho field for some considerable time. After a long delay they were finally sent away with her some lengths back, but moving in. Olympia was first to show, and then Relic, Ophir, Coch-y-bondhu, Salerno, and Mountain Rose were forming the van. Coch-y-bondhu and Ophir led the way to the turn, where Bon Skirl joined tho leaders. Inside tho distance Boughleon Dhoun came with a good run and won nicely by half a length from Coch-y-bondhu, who beat Cornflower by a nock. Kilris, who was badly placed in the early stages, finished close up, with Salerno nexf. Bon Skirl faded out after threatening danger at the distance. If Cornflower had behaved herself at tho barrier she would in all probability have repeated her success of the previous day. Tho delay over the first race probably cost, tho club a good deal of money, as it curtailed tho time leading to the Provincial Handicap, on which only 1980sovs were invested. The coupled pair, Loughrea and Ravenna, were made a strong order in what little business took place. They got away from an excellent line, which Ravenna and Bonena were first to break, whilst Prosperity and Jubilant ware slow to move. Ravenna and Dancing Davs showed the way along the back, with Bonena next, but the last-named failed to hold his place as they ran round the far turn. Ravenna wa» still in charge as thev approached tho home turn, where Jlonnie Winkie had reached second place. When heads were fairly in line for homo Ravenna and Bonnne Winkio were joined by Loughrea, and this trio were fighting out a eroat finish when Bonena and Jubilant flashed on tho scene with Prosperity, Loughrea just beat his stable-mate, and Bonnio Winkie, running his best race for some time, was a head away. Bonena was right up with them, and both ho and Jubilant did remarkably well to make up so much ground from the home turn. Prosperity also put in a good run at tho business end. A well-deserved win has been long overdue for the top-weight. Ravenna ran an excellent race, as she practically made all the running, and was still there at tho finish. If Bonena could have held his place he must have got some of the money, and Jubilant again proved that she is not a boy’s horse. Frenchman was elected favourite for the Otago Hurdles' with Bonomel next in favour. Bonomel tried to shirk the first flight of hurdles, which he ran down andinterfered with Thistlecrown. Bonomcl’s speed, however, soon made up (ho lost ground. Captain Sarto was in charge at the hurdle inside the homo turn, but he struck heavily an.d fell. Frenchman was then in charge, and ho made most of the running with Adjutor. Grim Joko was jumping badly and losing ground. The field was in close order bar Grim Joke and Thistlecrown as they rounded the top, where Tenterfield joined Frenchman in the lead, with tho others close up. Bonomel hud taken charge before reaching the last hurdle, and, ridden out, beat Adjutor a short length. Penury Rose and Frenchman came again towards the finish, and finished right up with the first two. Tenterliold did not . seem to put much heart, into his work after locking to holt! a good winning chance at the second last hurdle, at which he struck. * Bonomel’s speed saved the situation for him, as few horses could have successfully retrieved the ground he lost at the first flight of hurdles. The Harp was the only withdrawal from the Wai-rongoa Handicap, in which Moorland. who drew No. 11, was again made favourite. They got from a good line, and Clontarf and Sun Up at once took charge, whilst Moorland soon reached a position in behind them. Going up the rise, the leaders were followed by Comic Song, Eaton Bells, and Finora. Eaton Bells and Comic Song headed Sun Up and Clontarf at tho distance, and in a great finish Comic Song just pipped Eaton Bells Guncase came with a fate run, and! finishing strongly, got within half a length of the first two. Warhaven. Sun Up, and Clontarf finished in a bunch behind the placed lot. All on tho card went out for the Wingatui Steeples, and* Auroro, in the face of his form at Timaru, started favourite. He, however, made a bad show, and put in some faulty fencing, ami ran off at the post-and-rnil?. Cassells was first to delete himself from the field by missing the second leg of the first double. Golden Prince made most of the running, but he struck the post-and-rails the second time it came along, and was then joined by Kipling and Lady Winston, whilst Whipcord lay fairlv handy. This quartet wore in close order going along the back, but Kipling came on from the water jump and finally won by loss than a length from Lad-’ Winston, who finished on well. Whipcord was a bad third, and Golden Prince pulled up very lame in the near bind leg. Cassells completed the course. Irish soon took charge in tho Janefield Handicap, ■ and, after piloting the way throughout, finally won well from Coch-y----bondhu. who lasted long enough to stall off a. late run from All Style, who had covered a good deal of ground in making the home turn. Voute and Sweet Melody were prominent in the earlv stages, and Blue Dragoon, who was considered to have a show, failc+d to get prominent, but tho winner scored so well that ho would have required a lot of beating, as he was always going well right through the piece. The Forbury Staples became a duel between Maghera and - Windermere. Thev -cere disputing matters over the last seven furlongs, and hud drawn away from Tokomairiro, whilst Luckv Chance had almost faded from view. Windermere beat Magliera at the writer jump, and led over the last jump, but in a lighting finish Maghera stayed on best, and won by about a couple of lengths. Francaiso again created trouble when at the post for tho Invermav Welter, and it really seems futile to lay stress on tho unjustifiable consideration given to frac tious horses whilst tho well-behaved ones arc standing flat foot at the harrier. Fulmar ami Kilbarrv made the early running, but from the home turn nothing but Gay Juliet looked a winner, and she finally scored from Solway, who just ’ beat Marrnoni. Hapny Days failed to get an opening, or he might have bee i close up. The others found the journey 100 far. During the day speculation was rather timid, ami the returns showed a substantial dron on the corresponding dav of last year. The shrinkage amounted to over £7OOO. The totalisator turnover for the day was £21.533 10s, as against £28,762 for (ho second dav la*t year. The turnover for tho two days -this year is £56,106 ICs, as compared with £65.313 for the first two days last year. Results; — SILVERSTREAM HANDICAP, Uf 225-sovs, second 45sovs, and third 22jsovs. Hack conditions. Minimum weight 7,7. '■Seven furlongs. 7 —Mr W. T. Hazlett’s l> g Boughleon . Dhoun. by Kilbroney—Sprig of Erin, Syrs," 7.8 (F. J. MTCay) ... 1 4Mr R, M. Allen’s Coch-y-Bondhu, car. 8.9 (D. Cullum) 2 5Mr W, Gardiner’s Cornflower, 8.12 {i’, Voight) 3

10 — Mr F. S. Rutherford’s Kiikuine. 9.1 (F. E. Jones) 0 3—Mr W. Baxter’s Kilris, 8.12 (11. Morris) 0 1— Mr J. H. Marshall’s Mountain Rose, 8.11 (C. Emerson) 0 11— Mr A. W. Anderson’s Obligio. 8.5 (a. M’Chesnc.y) 0 2Mr H. Dampier-Crossloy’s Ophir, 8.2 (C. E. Eastwood) 0 B—Mr F. W. M’Gill’s Salerno, 8.1 (J. A. Beale) 0 12— Mr F. Shaw’s Relic, 7.13 (J. J. Cotton) 0 6—Mr A. Murdoch’s Bon Skirl, 7.7 (T. Metcalf! 0 10—Mr A. G. Hill’s Olympia, car. 7.4 (A. E. Didham) 0 A considerable delay took place at the start. Cornflower causing trouble, and her jockey having to dismount four times. VS hen the field was sent off, Cornflower wa.s standing at the back. Olympia was tho first to show out. hut C’och-y-Bondhu was in charge at tho six-furlong post, with Salerno, Relic. Uphir, and Mountain Rose handy. Goch-y-Bandhu and Relic wore turning together along tho bottom stretch, then Ophir, and Mountain Rose, on the outside. Coch-y-Bondhu and Relic were firs* into the straight, whore Bon Skirl had run into third place. At tho distance Cooh-y-Bondhu, on the rails, was leading, but 15-oughleen Dhoun came cm with a line rim in tho middle of the field, and won nicely by half u length. Cornflower was a nock away third, and Kilris another length away fourth. Then came Ophir and Salerno. Time, Imin 31 2-Sscc. PROVINCIAL HANDICAP, Of 400sovs; second SOsovs end third 40sovs. One mile and a-quartor. I—Mr1 —Mr L. C. Hazlett’s b g Loughrea, by Kilbroney—Sister Radius, 6vrs, 9.10 (A. E. Ellis) 1 1— Mr L. C. Hazlett’s ch m Ravenna, by Solferino—Droski, 6yrs, 8.0 (J. Beale) 2 6Mr 11. 11. Fisher’s Bonnio Winkie, car. (D. O’Connor) 3 2Mr A. Murdoch’s Bonena. 7.4 (T. Metcalf) 0 3Mr J. M. Samson’s Mountain Lion, 8.8 (F. 35. Jones) 0 4Mr A. S. Cambridge’s Kilfane, 8.6 (F. Voight) 0 5Mr P. Stephens's Prosperity, car. S-lj (C. Emerson) 0 S —Mr Thco. Russell’s Dancing Days, 7.0 (A. K. Didham) 0 7Mr G. Gould's Jubilant, 7.0 (A. Mcsservcy) 0 Ravenna was the first out from a fine start, then coming Bonena ami Jubilant and Prosperity were a bit slow to move. Ravenna, Bonena, Dancing Days, Loughrea, and Kilfane was tho order turning out of the straight, Jubilant and Prosperity still last. Dancing Days had headed Raveiina Ixffore entering the bock stretch, and the pair bowled along two lengths in * front of Bcntena, Loughrea, and Kilfane. Mountain Lion was moving up going to tho six-fur-loug post, where Ravenna had again hit the front. Ravenna led a bunched field round tho bir turn. Prosperity last. Ravenna was first into tho straight, where Bonnie Winkio had taken second place, i then coming Mountain Lion and Dancing Days, and Prosperity was improving his position. Ravenna, on tho rails, was battling out the fnu’sh with Bonnio Winkie, but at tho distance Loughrea came away with a fine run to win by a nose. Bonnio Winkie was a head away third, and Bonena a length and a-half oft fourth. Jubilant was fifth, and Mountain Lion sixth. Time, 2min I’O 2-Saeo. OTAGO HURDLE HANDICAP, Of SOOsovs; second lOOsovs and third SOsovs. Two miles. 2Mr H. Dampier-Crossley’s b g Bonoinei, by Boniform—Philomel, Syrs, car. (VV. Scobie) 1 5Mr C. Ilazlett's Adjutor, 19. S (A. H. Ruthvcn) 2 6- A. 11. King’s Penury Rose, 9.10 ‘(A. E. Ellis) 5, 4Mr D. Kilkelly’s Captain Sarto, 11.3 (P. Keene) 0 I—Mr W. T. Hazlett’s Frenchman, 11.1 (A. M’Mullan) 0 6Mr N. Rutherford’s Tenterfield, car. (C. Dawson) 0 7Mr G. Fulton’s Grim Joke. 9.0 (I. C. Tilson) 0 8— Mr A, Savage’s Thistlecrown, 9.0 (L. E. Smith) 0 Tho field started at the 1 six-furlong post. Frenchman carrying away the tapes. Bonomel took .up the running to the first hurdle, which he rau down, losing ground. This left Captain Sarto in charge from Frenchman and Grim Joke. Tho field crossed tho hurdle at tho bottom stretch safely, but Captain Sarto fell heavily at the obstacle just after entering the straight. Frenchman was first over the hurdle opposite tho stand, then coming Adjutor, Grim Joke, . and Bonomel. . Frenchman was holding his place going round the (op stretch, then coming Adjutor, Bonomel, Tenterfield. and Penury Rose. Thistlecrown had tailed off. Grim Joke lost ground at tho hurdle at the back stretch, and Frenchman, Adjutor, Tenterfield, and Bonomel all had a chance rounding the far turn. Tenterfield then took charge, and Benomel also moved up, and was first into the straight from Adjutor, then Tenterfield. Onco over the last hurdle Benomel and Adjutor drew out, and, in a. punish'mg finish, Bonomel won by three-quarters of a length. Penury Rose, half a length away, third, and Frenchman, another half length away, fourth-. Tenterfield was fifth. Time. 3min 53 l-osoc. WAIRONGOA HANDICAP, Of 250sovs; second SOsovs and third 2Ssovs. Six furlongs. 3Mr IT. 11. Fisher's hr g Comic Song, by Winkie —Scotch Melody, 3yrs, car. 7.4 (A. E. Didham) 1 5Mr D. Ruthven’s Eaton Bells. 7.8 (T. Metcalf) 2 10 — Mr H. C. Mcuntney’s Guncaso. car. (D. O'Connor) 5 1— Mr G. L. Rutherford’s Moorland, 9.2 (C. Emraerson) 0 9 Mr R. Ellis’s Finora, car. 8.2 , (A. Messervey) 0 2 Mr Theo. Russell's Sun Up, 8.4 (I I '. Voight) 0 B—Mr D. Kilkelly’s Warhaven, 8.1 (J. M’Chesney) 0 6Mr D. O. Rutherford’s Ayrburn, car. 7.11 ;c. E. Eastwood) 0 7 -Mr F. Nelligan’s Clontarf, 8.0 (J. A. Belle) 0 4 Mr J. L. Hannon’s Bugle Note, car. 7.5 (L. J. Ellis) 0 12—Mr T. Crozier’s Hurdy Gurdy, car. 7.5 J (W. Cooper) .* 0 11— Mr H. Brosnahan’s Bella Lake, car. 7.6 i (J. J. Wilkins) 9 From' a good start Skin Up was the first to break the lino, with Clontarf and Comic Song <next, and Hurdy Gurdy and Bugle Note last. Sun Up and Clontarf led round the far turn, Comic Song. Eaton Bells, and Ayrburn next. Moorland took third place running along tho bottom stretch, then coming Comic Song, Flaton Bells, and Finora. Clontarf and Sun Up were still* in charge entering tho straight, where Eaten Bells was showing up. At tho distance Eaton Bells and Comic Song had the leaders beaten, and Moorland had dropped out. In a fine race homo Comic Song won by a nose from Baton Bells, who beat the fastfinishing Gunease by a neck. Then cure Warhaven, Sun Up, and Clontarf in line, half a length away. Time, Imin 15 4-ssoc. WINGATUI STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of 4Co?ovs, second SOsovs, th-Td 40sovs. About two miles and a-half. 5Mr J. M. Samson’s oh g Kipling, by Demosthenes —Gossip, aged, 10.11 , (C. Dawson) 1 6 Mr G. Fraser’s Lady Winston, 10.10 (Mr J. Langford) 2 4—Sir Chas. Campbell’* Whipcord, 10.13 (W. Scobie) 3 2Mr L. C. Hazlott’s Cassells, 10.9 (A. E. Ellis) 0 3Mr G. T: Smith’s Golden Prince, 10.5 (E. Shaw) 0 I—Mr1 —Mr J. Malone’s Aurore, 9.10 (A. Gordon) 0 The field started at the mile post, and all crossed the brush fence going to tho back stretch safely. Cassells took up the running, then corning Lady Winston. Cassells ran off at the second of tho double brush near tho six-furlong peg (but Ellis look him back and cleared the fence). Golden Prince took the lead from Uadv Winston and Kipling, and cleared the water jump in tho bottom stretch half a dozen lengths in front of Lady Winston, who wa.s a similar distance in front if Kipling. Aurore struck at this jump and lost ground. Gulden Prince led over the brush, at the bottom of tho straight, and over the stand double from Lady Winston and Kipling, then Whipcord, and Aurore and Cassells' a long way back. Golden Prince peeked on landing over the pcst-and-rails after tho field had crossed (he sod wall, -and Aurore ran off. Kipling and Lady Winston joined Golden Prince going into tho back stretch, (hen coming Whipcord. The quartet were the only ones left with a chance. Kipling led Lady Winston and Golden Prince roun,] the far turn, where Whipcord was with the field. The quartet crossed tho water jump safely, and Kipling was first over the brush at tho bottom of the straight, the others close up. Kipling came on to win by half a length from Lady W inston. Whipcord, five lengths away third and Golden PVince next. Time, smin 34siv;.

J A NEFIKLD HA NDIC’AP, Of SOOsovs, second horse 40sov.s, third 20sovs. Six furlongs. 7 Mr W. T. HazletlV, b g Irish, by Solferino—Sprig of Erin, Syrs, 8.0 (F. J. MTvay) 1 2 Mr R. M. Allen’s Coch-y-Bondhu, car. 9.1 (0. S. Cullum) 2 4 Mr J. A. White’s All Stylo, car. 8.5 (I. Rask) 3 6—Mr T. Dorgan’s Bright Mark, 9.4 (H. A. Amlerton) 0 8— Mr J. A. Neilson’s Sweet Melody. 9.2 (D. "Hall) 0 3 Mr H. A. Rhind’s Voute, 8.10 (R. Morris) 0 10— Air L. Keleher’s Taboo, car. 8.4 (A. K. Eustace) 0 12— Mr J. Graham’s Queen Balboa, (J. M’Chesney) 0 I—-Mr1 —-Mr 1.. D. APKav’s Blue Dragoon, car. 8.0 (11. Busbridge) 0 13— Air A. B. Armour’s Buoyant, car. 7.11 (C. M. Powell) ... ... ’ 0 9 Airs J. Ellis’s Bonnie Olive, 8.1 (W. Patterson) 0 11— Air B. S. Irwin’s Gay Raiment, 8.0 (D. Cotton) 0 5 Air C. White’s Master Lowburn, car. 8.11 (J. A. Beale) 0 Voute. was the first to break the line, and Master Lowburn was slow to move. Irish then went to tho front and led from Voute and Sweet Melody, with Bonnie Olive moving up. Irish led round tho far turn ami along tho bottom stretch, then corning Voute. Bonnio Olive, Sweet Melody, and Taboo. Irish was first into (tie straight, and. holding to it nicely, he won by a length ami a-lialf from C’och-y-Bondhu. All Style came veil in tho straight and was half a length farther back. Bright Mark was fourth, and thou came Sweet Melody, Blue Dragoon, and Gay Raiment. Time, Imin 18 1-Ssec. FORBURY STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of 225sovs, second horse 45sovs. third horse 22;jSovs. About two miles (ami a-quartcr. 1— Air 1.. C. Hazlott’s b g Maghera, by Kilbroncv —Sister Radius, aged, 11.6 (A. K. Ellis) 1 3 Air C. Hazlett’s Windermere. 9.7 (A. H. Ruthvcn) 2 2 Air AI. J. Morris’s Tokomairiro, 10.7 (W. Scobie) 3 4 Mr H Alorlon’s Lucky Chance, 9.4 (L. E. Smith) 0 Tokomairiro led out, and the quartet were in close order going’ to the water jump, which all crossed safely. The brush at .tho bottom of the straight and the stand double were also safely negotiated, ami Windermere wont on from Lucky Chance and Maghera., Tokomairiro fourth, ’the sod wall was cleared, ami Maghera jumped to the front at tho post-and-riijls at the top of tho course, then coming Windermere. Maghera and Windermere went on together along tho buck, and thereafter they had the race to themselves. Windermere elcared the last obstacle first, but Maghera. wore him clown in tho straight and won by two lengths. Tokomairiro E 0 yards away third and Lucky Chance fourth. Time, 4mm 63 4-ssec. INVERM.AY WELTER HANDICAP, Of 250sovs, second SOsovs, third 25sovs. One mile. 1— Hon. Mrs Talm Rhodes’s h m Gay Juliet by Gay Lad—Gargaron, 4yrs (F. E. Jones) 1 6 Air A. G. Hill’s Solway, car. 7.4 (A. K. Didham) 2 5 Mr F. IL Hay’s Mnrmonl. 7.9 (T. Metcalf) 3 2 Air A. Cambridge’s Happy Days, 9.7 (F. Voight) 0 7 Air IT Jones’s Beauty Light. 8.4 (J. M ‘f hosnoy) 0 8— Air W. S. Lloyd’s Kilbarrv. 8.2 (D. Cotton) 0 4 —Mr W. T. Hazlctt’s Francniso, 8.1 (F. J. APKav) 0 B—Air P. J. Lynch’s Arispndo, 7.13 (W. Cooper) 0 3 H. IT. Fisher’s Fulmar, car. 7.7 (D. O’Connor) 0 10— Mr R. APDonald’s King Sol, car. 7.6 i (A. A. Eustace) 0 Some delay took place at tho start’. Fulmar was the first to break the lino from a close-running field, and Solway, Avispado, Kilbarrv, ami Gay Juliet were also prominent. Running past the five-furlong post Kilbarrv and Fulmar were in charge, (hen coming Solway ami Gay Juliet. At (ho far turn Kilbarry and Fulmar were a couple of lengths in front of Gay Jnliei. Solway and Beauty Light next, and King Sol last. Racing to the homo turn Gav Juliet had got to the front, and, withstanding a challenge by Solway in the .straight, she won nicely by ncarlv two lengths. Alarmont was a neck away third and Beauty Light fourth. Happy Days was fiftn. Time, Imin 44sec. WEIGHTS FOR THIRD DAY. The following weights have been declared for the third’s day’s races on Saturday; TAIERI HANDICAP, Of 275sovs. One mile and a-quartor. st. Jb. ®t- 1bTho Client ... 9 5 Captain Sarto 7 12 'Cornflower ... 9 0 Sbamlre 7 12. jin are 8 13 Relic 7 10 Kukuriie 8 13 Rapier 7 9 Goowo.step ... 8 12 Barr icon ... i o Mountain Rose 8 o Bon Skirl ... 7 7 Incursio ... 8 7 Otaiiru ... ... 7 7 Boughleon AI aster Dhoun 8 5 T-ow!>jirii 1 Obligio ... 8 3 Olympia 7 7 Ophir 8 3 Camel Amble 7 7 Solway ... 7 13 Brilliant Hope 7 7 JFairy King ... 7 13 Novnr 7 7 Salerno ... 7 13 KING GEORGE HANDICAP, Of 350sovs. One mile. Gav Juliet ... 9 1 Will Oakland... 7 4 Mountain Lion 9 1 Degago 7 4 Baldovva ... 8 13 G uncase 7 4 Happy Days ■... 8 12 C rown Star . 7 2 Kiltalic 8 11 Beauty Light 7 0 Ravenna ... 8 10 7 0 Sunny' Loch ... 8 10 Dutch Courage 7 0 Goranial ... 8 8 FTancaise ... 7 0 .Prosperity ... 8 0 Retrospect ... 7 0 Warhaven ... 7 13 Kuhio 7 0 Royal Mac ... 7 12 Quality 7 0 Cupidon ... 7 12 Ophir 7 0 The Harp ... 7 8 Kiikiiino ... 7 0 Bonena ... 7 8 Fulmar ... 7 0 Bonnie Winkio 7 6 Goo.sestcp ... 7 0 GREEN FIELD HURDLE HANDICAP, Of 350sovs. Ono mile and three-quarters. General Nautical ... 9 8 Advance 12 5 Cave rock ... 9 6 Frisco Mail ... 11 10 Kilkee 9 6 Le Fort H 9 Lord Ashlea... 9 6 ' Captain Surto 11 2 Grim Joke ... 9 0 Frenchman ... 11 0 Calibration ... 9 0 Fin Route ... 11 0 Sun- Salvador 9 0 Adjutor H 0 Paddy’s Hope 9 0 Bonomel ... 10 10 Otauni 9 0 Penury Rose 10 2 Tlvstlocrown ... 9 0 Tenterfield ... 10 0 Chinatown ... 9 0 Red Admiral... 9 15 Killolr 9 0 EMPIRE HANDICAP, I Of 275sovs. Six furlongs. I Moorland ... 9 0 Set Sail ... 7 8 ' Gay Juliet ... 8 13 floldtovtn ... 7 7 Baldowa ... 8 9 Guncaso ... 7 6 F'inora ■■■ ... 8 6 Bugle Note ... 7 6 Comic Song ... 8 2 Kuhio 7 4 Sun Up ... 8 2 Lava 7 3 | Clontarf ... 8 0 Kilbarrv ... 7 1 1 Eaton Bells ... 7 13 Bella Lake ... 7 0 Ayrburn ... 7 12 Bright. Mark 7 0 Valdamo ... 7 12 Avispado ... 7 0 Dancing Days 7 8 ‘Ecuador ... 7 0 ; The Harp ... 7 8 Sol too 7 0 D UNEDIN STEEPLKCIIASE HANDICAP, Of 450sovs. About two .miles and a-half. Palencia 11 12 Tokomairiro ... 9 7 Kipling 11 10 Mettle Drift... 9 6 Lady Winston 11 2 Windermere ... 8 4 i Whipcord ... 11 0 Aurore 9 4 Maghera ... 10 12 Greenstone ... 9 0 Cassells 10 9 Gazna 9 0 Paul Pry ... 10 6 Rhoboro ... 9 0 Golden Prince 10 5 Ready 9 0 1 DOMAIN HANDICAP, Of 200bovs. Six furlongs. | Coch-y-Bondhu 9 9 Blue Dragoon 8 4 I Bright Mark... 9 4 Queen Balboa 8 5 .Retrospect ... 9 4 Fairy Herald 8 2 Miss Alinerva 9 3 ohandre ... 8 1 Kilris 9 2 Gay Raiment 8 0 Mountain Rose 9 1 Olympia ... B'o 1 Sweet Melody 3 13 Master I Irish 8 12 Lowburn 8 0 Tempo 8 12 Solfollo ... 8 0 ' Rob 8 12 Grey Eyes ... 8 0 Obligio ... 8 12 Bonnie Olive... 8 0 Salerno 8 8 Tholonion ... 3 0 Taboo 3 8 Similitude ... 8 0 Voute • 8 8 Vogue 8 0 Soitoe 8 5 Buoyant ... 8 0 Ail Style ... 8 4 Geraldine ... 8 0 TAIIUNA STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of 225sovs. About two miles and a furlong. Frenchman ... 12 6 Undo Bob ... 9 8 Maghera ... 11 13 Windermere ... 9 5 J Paul Prv ... 11 7 Ota.uru 9 0 Tokomairiro ... 10 3 Greenstone ... 9 0 Kilkee ... 10 5 Lucky Chance 9 0 Cazna 10 1 Rhoboro ... 9 0 Rongahero ... 9 10 Golden Sarto 9 0

KAT’KAVKLL HANDICAP, Of 25Csovs. Seven furlongs.

Acceptances for above races close at noon today. QTAKI-MAORI RACES S . (Pee United Pbess Association.' OTAKI, Juno 4. The following arc the results of the second dav of the OUud-Maori Racing Club’s meeting - : PUKEK.OHE HACK HURDLES HANDICAP. One mile and a-half.—All Wind, 9.5, 1; Eonmark, 9.5, 2; Lady Gay, 10.4, 3. iacratched: Moon Moth. Prom tile start Eonmark led, and continued for a mile and a-quarter, but in (ho run home All Wind challenged and won by a length; five lengths between second and third. Time, 3min 1 4-saoc. TAINUI RACK HANDICAP. Six furlongs.—Tompean, 8.1, 1; Miss Odille, 7.4. 2 • Gardenia, 8.11, 3. All started. Miss Odille led throe parts of the distance, but was beaten by a length, the same separating second and third. Time, Imm 19 l-ssen. HI.TIA HANDICAP. One mile and a furlong.— I Tamdcos, 8.6, 1; Alaric, 8.11. 2; Pronto 6.7, 3. All startl'd. Para headed the Held, Alaric and Pronto being handy. Racing for home, Tunadees came through and won easily by three lengths; two lengths between second and third. Time, 2min 0 l-sseo. RANGIURU HACK HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Rehufai. 8.10, 1; Star Shell, 6; Debate, 8-4, 3. Scratched : Cardant. From the barrier Star Shell was lirst out, and led nearly tho whole distance, but was beaten near Iho post by' Rebutai, who won by three-quarters of a length. Debate being three lengths away. Time, Imiu 32 l-ssec. TAIPUA HANDICAP. Six furlongs Lady Fingers, 8.12, 1; Dticins, 8.12, 2; Kuhio, 8.5, 3. Scratched; Clondhu and Miss Hnpana. From the start Prineo Hal' and Lucius made the pace. Once in tho straight a good race ensued, and Lady lingers came with a rush, winning by a nock, three lengths separating second and third. Time, Imiu 17 2-ssoc. OHAU WELTER, HANDICAP,.. . Seven furlongs.—Merry Queen, 8.4. 1- Kilia, 8.0, 2; Beaumont, 3. All stalled. Beaumont made tho pace, and was followed by Royal Song. In a fine finish Merry Queen beat Kilia by nearly a length; the same Iretwcon second and third. Time. Imiu 33 2-Ssec. WAIKANAE HANDICAP SCURRY. Five furlongs.—Pailonna, 8.11. 1 ; Solo Mio, 8.11, 2; Takaroa, 9,0, 3. Scratched: Coquette and Palette. Solo Mio led and continued till nearly home, when Padomin came away and won by three parts of a length; two lengths between second and third. A UCTC LAND A( X' KPT A N CKS. fFxs United Press Association.! AUCKLAND, Juno 4. The following are the acceptances for tho second day of (ho Auckland Racing Club’s meeting: Raufiirly Handicap, of 4CCdOvs. One mile.—-Royal Form 9.4, Transformer 9.0, Drolatiquo, Sleepy Sol 8.10, IN, Chaplin, Miss Vera 8.6, Constellation 8.2, J’;ton, Arch Opal, Rahepolo, Killute, Mangnriko, Sir Hourv, Snow Smock, Wedding Murdi 8.0. " _ Remuora Hurdles, of 750sovs. Two miles. —Comical 11.6, Maunga 10.9, Vagabond 10.5, Boomerilay 10.3, Prince Rufus 9.11. ’Frisco Mud 9.3. Karamn, King Abbey 9.2. Savory, Starlaiut 9.0. King George Handicap, of 800snvs. Seven furlongs.—lncome 10.4, Broadwood 10.2, Pompoy 9.5. Gala Day 9-4, York Abbey, Yonia 9.0, Joy Ride 8.11. Arohcen, Master O’Rourke 8.8, Barometer 8.6, Strategy, Matinee. 8.5, Doleful liitly 8.4, Whonmui 8.3. Gold Jacket 5.2, Uralla 8.1, Arch Amie. General Pryde. Jolty Princess, Bute Sound, Day Guard. Black Cruiser, Bright Sol, Aichibald, King Smock, Smoke Concert. White Comet 8J). Hunt Club Cup, of 400sovs. One mile and a-half.—Llewellyn 11.10, Bourn 11.4. Lady Comet 10.8, Hypothesis 9.12. (..ambler's Gold, Curve, Scintillation 9.0. Panmnro Hurdle Race, of 4CCsovs. One mile and three-quarters.—-Citreaforin 10.5, Lucullent 10.2, Pinna. 9.12, Glen Canny 9.5, Irish Jig, flood Mark, Te Tahi 9.7. All T'alk 9.4, P.right Light, Passionate Kameliatnnha Guinn term, King Amans 9.0. Carbine PlaU‘, of 4Oosnvs. One mile. - Arsone Lupin, Chaplin, Clockwork, Curcaform, Knwa. Kiurito, Opnloid, Rippling, Homai all 11.0 Serene 10.10. GREAT NORTHERN STEEPLECHASE. (Pea United P.bess Association.) AUCKLAND. Juno 4. ’Frisco Mail and Young Thurnham were scratched for the Great Northern Steeplechase at 11.25 to-day. LEVIN RE-HANDICAPS. (Pk» United Press AeaociAfioiO WELLINGTON. .Time 4. The following re-handicaps have been declared for the Levin Racing Club’s meeting ; Welter Mack Handicap.—Star Shell 843, Gardant 8.0. Mako Mako Hack Handicap.—Miss Jlupana 3.7. Levin Handicap. —Tanadivs 8.12, Megan 7.7. Kuhio 7.0. , . M‘Donald Memorial Woller Handicap.— Lady Fingers 9.2. Kuhio 8.7. Heathcrlea Hack Du; dicap.—Tompean 9.3. WAVER],EY 11 AND If 'A PS. (Peis United Inkers Association.) WELLINGTON, June 4. Tho following weights have been declared for tho VV a\ erley Racing Club’s winter ; meeting;— Trial Stakes Handicap. Six fur- ! longs.—Goiil Peak 10.0, To Monnnui 9.13, Roosc.vate 9.7, Grand Lupin \ 9.3. \aiminia 9.2, Cooinda, llineora. Demure LUah, i ungikai, Mueatoa, Puawhato, Lupinoel, Ganni, Benr.oia, Lady I Wanforto, Lady Estelle, Sea View, Resin, ! Equalise, Crown Lady, Papakura gelding 9.0. . i Wairon Handicap. Six furlongs.—Hipo 1 1.1.5, Guillnrd 1U.7, Attractive 9.12, Mountain Bell 9.7, Missgovevu 9.6, Rehutai 9.3, Some Rod 9.2, Siiut Eye, Maunu, Lively | Fire 9.0. j Hack Steeplechase Handicap. About two miles. —Eerie 11.10, Siansalino 10.4, While Ranger 9.12, Uncle Dave 9.7, Roaming 9.3, Prince Paul. Pouri, Hoiho, NVee Sandy, Sun Gaurd 9.0. | Paten, County Cup, of 275sovs. One mile and a-quancr. Alaric 10.15, 'l ame Fox 10.9, Cold Steel 10.5, Valencia 9.11, Sunshot 9.9, Intpuka 9.6, Lochson 9.5, Santiago 9.5, , Km,-lire 9.2, Ora’s Delight, Troilus, Altera- ; lion, Some Rod 9.0. | Otari Hack Handicap. Six furlongs.— i Anticipate 10.11, Lucrative 10.10, Sunny * Vale 9.12, Gold Rangi 9.6, Empire Camp 9.6, Master Lucerne 9.6, Lisogno 9.2, Hindi, Mountain Ore 9.0. j Kchi Hack Handicap. Seven furlongs.— | Anticipate 10.11, Lucrative 10.8. Troilus 10.6, ' Te Monnnui, Blue Peter, Gold Peak 9.9, I Gold Rangi 9.6, Taitaiata 9.4, Koosevato 9.2, Lisogno, Demure, Meeatoa, Kaitangi," Lady Sanforte, Lady Dolwill, Tres Bon, Precedence 9.0. President's Hack Handicap. Five furlongs.—Lucrative 11.0, Rehutai 11.0. Willow Wai 10.12, Shut Eye 10.9, Lively Fire 10.7, Sunny Vale 10.0, Lisogno 9.3, Master Lucerne, Empire Camp 9.7, Wee Sandy 9.5, Ore 9.2, Mawhato, Paula, Ganui, Utah, Kllah, Taugikai, Lady Estelle, Pouri, Hoiho, Grand Lupin, Equalise, Cooinda 8.0. SAPLING STAKES. (Pee United Press Association.) ASHBURTON, June 4. After the declaration of the final forfeits the following remain in the Ashburton Trotting Club's New Zealand Sapling Stakes: —R•-sethorii. Wakntu, colt by Harold Dillon—Sal Tasker, colt by Great Bingen— Rothschild mare. Bertha Bingen, Manchester, tillv h- Harold Dillon—Sadie Brass, colt by El Carbine -Koromiko. Nant-wich, Ling Held, Eileen Audubon. To Rnmoa, Avenger, colt bv Logan Pointer—Dollar Princess.

Gay Juliet 9 10 Bonena 8 5 Happy Days ... 9 7 pet Sail .8 1 Sunny Lodi ... 9 5 Cornflower 8 0 ■Ravenna, 9 4 Frisco Mail a 0 Happy Guncasc 8 0 Warrior 9 3 Kilba.rry 7 13 Barn Owl 9 0 7 11 Will Oakland 9 0 Kuhio 7 11 Radial 8 13 Dutch Courage 7 11 Geranial 8 12 Uloabarg 7 9 ;Sun Up 8 11 Marrnont 7 8 Comic Song ... 8 9 Ilurdy Curdy 7 7 Prosperity 8 8 Golden King... 7 7 Warhnven 8 8 Kilns 7 7 The Cheat 8 8 Avispado 7 7 Clontarf 8 7 Fulmar 7 7 Royal Mao ... 8 6 Miss Minerva 7 7 Dcgago 8 6 King Sol 7 7 Valdamo 8 5

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19498, 5 June 1925, Page 5

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19498, 5 June 1925, Page 5

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19498, 5 June 1925, Page 5