PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. ’Phone 1397. E. L. MACASSET & CO., ’Phono 1597. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND PROPERTY SALESMEN, 148 RATTRAY STREET. DUNEDIN. PROPERTY BARGAINS. PROPERTY BARGAINS. <1 -« a —ST. CLAIR: Very attractive 6-roomecl BUNGALOW, with large recopiSiJltrOU tion hall, bathroom (with porcelain kith and basin), scullery, pantr>, linen press, and wardrobes, slab grates, fibrous ceilings. Everything ng t m Those in search of a superior home in this popular should inspect at o^ce. —ANDERSON’S BAY : Natty 4-roomed aLMI-BL M^ALO\\‘, bathroom, IO scullery, pantry, and outbuildings (under main roof}, steel ceilings, water, electric light and plug; motor garage, loosebox, fowlrun; g-acr© sec ion. THIS IS THE BEST VALUE OFFERING IN ANDERSON S BAY. Finance arranged on £2OO deposit. Key at our office. . . onnMS A>OKB —NORTH END (on rise, overlooking Exhibition): Charming 4 KUURio, otOOU with bathroom, basin, hot and cold, electric light and gas griller, scullery, and all outbuildings. Perfect order throughout. FOR VALUE 1NORTH END. INSPECT ’THIS PROPERTY. X>o ft A—SOUTH END: 5 ROOMS and kitchenette; bath, hasm. hot water, eiecsLoDv trie light, gas ring; good order, and a sound property. Corner section. SOLDIER’S LOAN can be taken over. GOOD BUYING. EXCHANGES. EXCHANGES. EXCHANGES. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, a splendid 7-roomed HOUSE in Dunedin tor a o, 6, or 7-roomed HOUSE in Christchurch. , , n WANTED to EXCHANGE, an up-to-date 8-roomed HOUSE in Auckland for a /- roomed HOUSE in Dunedin. , _ . , ... „ WANTED to EXCHANGE), a good 6-roomed Brick HOUSE, with 7 acres land, at Ravensbourno for a 4 or 5-roomed HOUSE in Dunedin. WANTED to EXCHANGE, a good 6-roomed HOUSE, large glasshouses, U acres freehold land, at Wingatni. for a 5 or 6-roorned HOUSE in D i ed. n WANTED TO EXCHANGE, a plead id 500-ACRE, EARM, carry 1000 sheep or ICO com, for EIOUSE or SHOP PROPEIRTT up to £ISOO. mttVTi WANTED TO EXCHANGE, good country BUTCHERY BUSINESS for a MIXED ' or DAIRY FARM. „ _ BUSINESSES FOR SALE. BUSINESSES FOR SALE. Hairdressing and tobacconist’s business; stunted m a splendid position; takings £SO weekly. Price. £650. JJILLIARD SALOON, in centre of Ley; first-class tables. Buyer requires £BOU. fOASTRYCOOK’S AND BAKERY BUSINESS: long Lease; splendid stand; profits JU £IOOO per annum. Owner retiring. r fOASTRYCOOK’S BUSINESS; good snop and fine trade. Price, £450. as a Going JL Concern. . SAWYER’S BAY. SAWYERS BAY. GOOD One-roomed COTTAGE, with electric light laid on and 10 or IS acrcs splendid land; would make a splendid market garden. or rn^AGF. divided. Foundations are laid down for a good-size house. PRICE EUR tunauii AND 10 ACRES ONLY £9OO. ' FARM BARGAIN. FARM BARGAIN. 1 /»AA ACRES FREEHOLD; situated h andy to Dunedin; 2 miles from rail. •> JLOUU roomed House, stables, barn, shearing shed, cowbyre, sheepyards, and dip. subdivided into 10 paddocks and a run (about 1100 acres!; 500 acres wdl carry 800 ewes, besides 50 head cattle; could be considerably increased. p £2 15s PER ACRE. GOOD TERMS AR RANGED.' Or owner will take Town 1 roperty in part payment. , ’Phone 2141. ‘Phone 2141. JJATTEKSBY & CO., LAND v SALESMEN. REAL ESTATE AND AGEXTC. A.M.P. BUILDINGS. 25 DOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN. HERE’S A LITTLE GOLD MINE. AA ACRES FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM; right next to school; Dv close to city ; milk run doing £BO per month; build'? gs: 6-roomed Dw »- ;«r*. rtfkar Knil/1 i n tro • ntenf.v of Winter 1000; 8 toe Ik • 107 close to city; milk run doing x#ou per monwi; ing; good up-to-date byre, other buildings; plenty of winter feed; stocc--18 dairy cows, other stock, 2 horses; full range of implements; all mine delivered by motor. Price »s a going concern £2OOO. Terms: *B9O required. *' ALL MILK SOLD AT GALLON RATES. ACRES FREEHOLD, North Line; situated 1 mile from school, 14 from rail, post office next door; subdivided into 9 paddocks; good fences; wewatered; buildings; Sroomed dwelling; hot and cold; up-to-date 15-stalieu byre, macnino, other buildings; nice plantation; plenty winter feed; tu nips, and hay; stock: 20 milkers (dry), 2 horses; full range of implements. Price as a going concern £2500. Tei ms: £I4OO. Can remain at 64 pc cent. Owner would exchange for good TOWN HOUSE. TO ACRES FREEHOLD. North Line; handy school, rail, and post office; subdi/■W vided into 10 paddocks, well watered; prows good root and grain crops, present crops: 1 stack of hay, 1 stack of sheaves, 2 acres good turnips: buildings; 4-roomed Dwelling, 9-stalled cowbyie, other buddings; stock: o cows, 4 drv stock, 2 horses; full range of implements. Price as a point, concern £9OO. Terms: £SOO cash required CHEAP WORKERS’ HOME. 1 r>A ACRES FREEHOLD, North Line; alongside school and rail and post office: »u carry well 6 cows, other stock; buildings; 5-roomed Dwelling, other bufiaings. Price, v/ith some implements and sundries, £625 or near title. Owher would exchange for TOWN COTTAGE or ..EASE WTHI RIGHT TO PURCHASE. ’ 2B °' 3 ACRES FREEHOLD GOOD FLAT LAND, with 5-ropmed brick House; 5 minutes from rail, j-chool, etc. Price £BOO. £2OO cash required. • nw. O/l A ACRES FREEHOLD, Balclutha Dis trict; handy saleyards, town, school, and DtU post office; 200 acres are good flats, partly limed, balance good pasture country; boundaries netted; crops; 9 acres turnips, 4 acres autumn oats, 12 acres young grass, balance one to three-year-old pastuie : buildings : oroomed Dwelling, bath, electric light, men’s hut, 16-stalled byre (machines), sawbench, stable, motor garage. Price £7 lOs per acre. lerms; £6OO cash, balance 54 per cent. 000 TO LET FOR TERM. BOARDING-HOUSE of* 10 good up-to-date rooms; 25 looseboxes, 2J acres good (and; handy rail and course; rent £2 5s per week. ■gIEVWRIGHT, H AGGITT ’ & C°* (LTD ->’ EMPIRE BUILDINGS, Telephone 780. 181 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. Telephone 780. A FIRST-CLASS MIXED FARM. I AAA ACRES FREEHOLD (Waikaka Valley district): One of the best grazing LUUU and fattening farms in the South Island; grows splendid crops of all kinds, arries 1400 ewes; subdivided into 11 pallocks by good fences; plenty of water; 30 icres -turnips, 260 acres young grass, 150 acres two years’ grass, balance good grass; ill ploughabl’e; new 5-roomed House, bathroom, hot and cold water; stable barn, heep yards, etc. AWNER HAS MADE A CLEAR PROFIT OF £3500 THE LAST [’WO YEARS OFF THE PROPERTY. Price £8 10s an acre. Terms arranged. (379) 7 ACRES,FREEHOLD (3 miles from Dunedin, handy to rail): Rough-cast brick House of 6 rooms, plastered, bathroom, porcelain bath, h. and c. water, electric light, plug for iron;' wash-house with copper and tubs, workshop, fowlhouse for 200 liens’; garage; garden; fruit trees. £1250; £3OO cash. (319) -j Qf* ACRES FREEHOLD (Milton District): ,9 paddocks, well watered; 20 acres iOu tifrnips, 1 acre Chou Moellier and mangolds, remainder grass; carries 150 sheep, 8 cows, 2 young cattle, and 5 horses; 4-roomed House and outbuildings. £1300; £7OO cash. A near offer may be considered. (368) ACRES LEASEHOLD; Pick of Taieri Plain: 10 years to run; rent £2 an acre; OA 30 cows, 5 horses, pigs; 2 acres mangolds, 5 acres turnips; plenty of hay; good 5-roomed House, h. and c. water, electric light; byre with machines, stable, loosebox, hut, etc.: harness and all implements, milk cans; fowls, tools, etc. As a going concern, £ISOO. £7OO cash. (245) e)A A ACRES FREEHOLD (Milton District): Carries 2 ewes to acre; mostly in young grass; necessary buildings. £2l an acre. £ISOO cash. (353) 1 a ACRES FREEHOLD (in large Country Town in Otago): Carry 5 cows and Xvi’ poultry; 6-roomed House, h. and c. water, porcelain bath and basin; outbuildings. Plenty work to be got in the district. £750. £2OO cash. 3 248 ACRES ;LEASEHOLD ' 8*373 ACRES FREEHOLDn/jgi ACRES; situated 7 miles from township and railway by good gravel 10/wJ. road, 2 miles from Post Office and School. 00/I Q ACRES Bluff Harbour Board Endowment Lease, expiring 28th February, 0/44:0 1931: annual rental £125 10s. 5577 ACBES FREKHOLDngnC ACRES warm, undulating, sweet silver tussock country; a large proportion 00/43 of which has been surface-sown ; subdivided by good wire fences into t» blocks and paddocks. This is perfectly safe country, easily worked, and has a heavy carrying capacity (estimated at 2000 ewes and 1000 hoggets). nw(Vr» ACRES FREEHOLD; Homestead Block (adjoining above); approximately A i «7U 500 acres of this block are in natural state, which has been surface-sown, the balance has all been cultivated, and is subdivided into 25 paddocks by good post, wire, and standard fences; at present tnereare 13 acres 'lucerne. 80 acres turnips 650 acres fescue, balance sown down in good E ngiish grasses. This block is splendidly sheltered by plantations, and is well watered by running streams and windmill. Buildings consist of splendid 11-roomed D welling, with all conveniences and outbuildings, 2 stables, shearing shed, implement sheds, huts, and cook shop, smith, garage, etc.; 2 sets sheepvards and dip, and all in tip-ton order. Also a modern 5roomed Dwelling, with all conveniences. Telephone installed on the property. Stock consists of 4319 sheep, included in which are approximately 3000 ewes and 1100 hoggets. Horses: 22 hacks and draughts. Cattle: 100 head cattle. Plant, etc., consists of full range of implements in splendid order, including Fordson tractor, and sundries. Price, etc., on application to WRIGHT, STEPHENSON - , k CO.. LTD.. INVERCARGILL. JOHN J. NOONAN, Land Agent, has Properties of every description for Sale. Finance satisfactorily arrartged.— Telephone 448. HIGH STREET -roomed HOUSE (Brick); every modern convenience and appointment; splendid garden; price £2500. C4ITY —4-roomed HOUSE; modern conveni- / ences; large section for garden; price only £350; finance arranged; inspect. TTMtUIT ANO C O NFE CTIO NEIIY— Shop jC and G Living Rooms (City); moderate rent; price, as Going Concern, £230. CITY (on rise) —7-roomed HOUSE, with ail modern conveniences; good order; splendid section; price £11)50. DOTH DUNEDIN—6 ROOMS; every modern convenience.; newly papered; splendid order; price only £885; finance arranged. _____ BT. HILDA—4-roomed SEMI-BUNGA-LOW ; modern conveniences; large section; splendid garden; workshop; £300; finance arranged. JOHN J. NOONAN, 15a Princes street, invites particulars and instructions from intending sellers; quick sales.—Telephone 448. 3jU 'VCENCY and Retail BUSINESS (SouthYV land); established 30 years; profits one agency up to £3O month; rent 16s week; nn experience required; owner leaving New Zealand ; quick sale, £s6s—Gso, Times Office. UST WHAT YOU WANT.—A Reliable Firm to SHIFT your FURNITURE.— Gain Farw'*—4inc Co., 22 Bond street. HOTEL (South Canterbury); good lease; takings £150; substantial building; well furnished. —F. Carter. 134 Princes street. HOTEL (Otago Centrall; leasehold; takings over £IOO weekly; a moneymaker.—Carter and Co., 13! Princes street. HOTEL (Southland); long lease; takings over £6O weekly; good proposition,— Carter and Co., 134 Princes street. BOARDING-HOUSE and RESTAURANT; central position; doing splendid trade; inquire sharp.—F. Carter. 134 Princes street. BILLIARD SALOON; good position; splendidly equipped; long lease; low rent. —F. Carter, 134 Princes street. ONFECTIONERY and FRUIT BUSINESS; modern Shop and Dwelling; long lease; £250. —F. CARTER, 134 Princes street. 25my MOSGIEL —Five-roomed modem BUNGALOW; tile roof; model of convenience; nearly acte good land; £l27s.—Souter, Mosgiel. MOSGIEL— BUNGALOW, 5 rooms; double brick, tile roof; highly superior, artistic; perfect situation; £lo7s.—Souter. Mosgicl. MOSGIEL —Charming HOME, 5 large rooms; return verandah; all conveniences; only £BOO. —JOHN SOUTER, agent. Moagiel. 26iny PRIVATE SALE, attractive five ROOMS, south; minute from tram; corner section; extensive view; £1000.—506, Times.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19496, 3 June 1925, Page 13
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1,844Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 19496, 3 June 1925, Page 13
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