PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. 'Phone 2141. ’Phono 21*1. JJA'TTEESBT & 0 0., LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, A.M.P. BUILDINGS. 25 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. ACRES FREEHOLD; live miles from Invercargill; splendid dairying, land; carry up to 40 dairy cows; all in grass; situated alongside school and pcsf office; 5-i'aonied House, stable, up-to-date cowbyre, etc. PRICh, £IBSO. Deposit £2OO. Bulk of money can remain at 5 per cent, for seven yearn. First to inspect this farm will buy. Owner giving up farming, and is prepared to assist a good man to stock up. 43 ACRES LEASEHOLD, Mos-iel; 10 years’ lease:_ rent 25s per acre; all rich dairying land; situated closo to (ho township; 6-roomed House, hot and cold water, electric light, town water supply, ’phone, 12-stalled cowhyrc, stable, sheds; stock: It good dairy cows, horses, harness, and all necessary implements; plenty winter feed. PRICE, £IBO9 as a gomg concern, with a 20-gallon milk run given in. Owner would EXCHANGE, for 100 ACRES GOOD CROPPING LAND, north. wJL ACRES FREEHOLD, Lawrence; all in good grass; close to high school, rail, * - and nost office; 4-roon:ed House, pantry, scullorv, washhouse, cowbyre, etc. PRICE,' £609. S' ACRES FREEHOLD; situated miles from the city: nil plonghable except one acre bush; 6-roomed House, plastered, outhouses. PRICE, £IOOO. A very small deposit will secure this. 10 ACRES L.1.P., Oamaru; rent £9 per annum; all good flat land; 4 acres sown in lucerne and turnips; good 5-roomed House and outhouses, 4-stallod cowhyrc, pigstys, and fowl runs. PRICE, including four good dairy cows, 1 horse, fowls, sundries, £7CO. OQA ACRES FREEHOLD, Out.ram; fiat, rich Ta.ieri land; perfectly free from floods: all in grass; good Homestead of all necessary buildings; situated close to school, 4 miles from rail. This farm is known as one of the best on the Taiori Plain, and has beer, occupied by the present, owners lor many years. PRICE, £22 per acre. Good terms can be arranged. 175 ACRES CROWN LEASE, Rivers dale; IS years to run, with right of renewal ; rent £56 per annum The land is all rich river flat, and is great dairying or cropping land ; 5-roomed House and all necessary farm buildings, including milking plant. PRICE, £l2 per acre. £B9O cash required. ACRES RENEWABLE LEASE, Canterbury; 22 years to run; moderate 4DVU rental; good tussock country, and lies well to the sun; carrying 30C0 merino and halfbred sheep, besides cattle and horses: 12 miles from rail by good motor road; good Homestead, connected with telephone. PRICE £13,000. The bulk of" the wool from this run brought over 30d per . pound past wool season. JJCTEL and SHEEP RUN; House consists of 20 rooms, with a turnover of £2OOO per annum; fully furnished; rent £2O per annum; telephone and post office worth £3O per year; situated in South Canterbury; 4000 acres grazing run; carries up to 1200 ewes; rent £BO per annum. PRICE, with 1100 ewes, cattle, horses, etc., as a going concern, £SOOO. This property will ne.t £IOOO per year.
JgTEY WRIGHT, JJAGGTTT, & C°- ( LTD -)» Box 2fl REGISTERED LAND AGENTS. 'Phone 780 EMPIRE BUILDINGS, DUNEDIN 1/1 fiA AGRES LEASEHOLD with option of renewal or purchase; rent £lO4 a JLtev/v year; 7 paddocks; 30 autumn oats, 40 acres turnips, 720 acres surface sown, balance tussock; 600 acres plough&ble; capacity fOO owes and 200 dry sheep; at present 200 owes, 30 hoggets, 12 cows, 21 other cattle, 7 draught horses, nil implements, etc.; new 5-roomod .House, hot. and cold, barn, woolshed, yard, byre, stable, etc. £3,400 going concern. Terms, -jnn ACRES FREEHOLD; All good wheat land; <-arry 1 owe to aero; all good XJO open country; Zi miles from school; 5-roomed House and outbuildings. Price £5 las an acre; £l5O cash. OKA ACRES FREEHOLD, 70 ACRES LEASEHOLD (Central Otago): 600 fruit trees in full bearing, 2 acres of strawberries; will carry 150 ewes; small cottage. £BSO. Also Fruit and Confectionery Business connected with farm; freehold shop and living rooms, £350. Stock at valuation. Will sell separately or together. a i ACRES FREEHOLD, Roslyn (10 minutes’ walk from tram). £6OO. All good 4ic 3 ploughable land, and very suitable for subdivision for building sites. 1 ACRES FREEHOLD; 16 paddocks; 50 acres turnips and grass. 80 acres jL/4 t si young grass, 30 acres tussock, balance grass; carries 900 owes and 150 hoggets surplus stock goes off fat); good 5-roomod House and all outbuildings. £7 an acre. £2500 cash. 1 rtrvrv ACRES FREEHOLD; one mile and a-half from rail, handy to school; Xvlll/ about 400 acres cultivated, including 100 acres turnips; netted boundaries; well subdivided; splendid Bungalow of 5 rooms (h. and c.), all outbuildings; carry 1000 owes. £7 10s an acre. One-third cash. 1 aaa ACRES FREEHOLD; all good silver tussock; carries 10CC owes all year JLvPUv/ without turnips, 4-roomed House, hut. and yards. This is ono of the finest tussock blocks we know of Will Ire sold cheap. See us. (249) f) ACRES FREEHOLD, 8 miles from Oamnru; railway station at gate, i-milo 01./C school; 14- paddocks, well watered; carries 600 sheen besides cows; splendid P-rnomed House (bathroom, h. and c, water, washhouse with copper and tubs, Wizard light), barn, woolshed, stable, looseboxes. etc.; orchard of 4 acres, plantation of gums, pines.'anil macrocarpa; buildings insured for £2OOO. Price £3O an acre. Terms. (521)
HOUSES AMO PROPERTIES COR ROHRO AWD sale. Bakery and confectionery business; large centre; shop, plateglass windows, mirror, shelves, latent fittings, Dayton scales, cash legister, office equipments. largo modern bakehouse, two ovens, sponge machine, mixer, motor, numerous others; turnover £3500 yearly; £IOOO going concern; £350 down. TAMBLYN, M’KENZIE, <fe RHODES. B' AKERY, Lease or Sale; 900 loaves: fiveroomed .Dwelling, Shop, etc.; plant; rent £2 ss—M’Kenzic, Rhodes, __ BACON CURING BUSINESS; brick building; all plant; accessories; handle 10 pigs per week; live paying con-cf-rn: £275. walk in.—Tamblyn, M’Kenzie, Rhodes. BUSINESS, hill suburb; good lease; £45 week_ turnover; £550; going concern. —M'Kenzie, Rhode, 1 :, Drapery.' mercery, boots, house FURNISHINGS; live situation; freehold property; turnover £3OOO to £4000; price for freehold” £I6OO —M'Kenzic and Rhodes. Fruit, confectionery business, Oamaru; showing substantial profits per annum; easy rental; fitted with soda fountain, register’ Dayton scales, good stock. £7-50. —M’Kenzic. Rhodes. Bakery, grocery combined; freehold; brick Dwelling, Shop, bakehouse attached; easily handled; turnover 700-890 loaves per week, and £2OOO to £3OOO in grocery; price for the freehold £looo. M’Kenzic, Rhodes Fruit and confectionery business, city; turnover £25 to £3O week; bring rooms attached; £2OO no a going concern, — Tamblyn, M’Kenzio, and Rhodes. C (COUNTRY STORE; prosperous district; / G living Rooms, largo Shop, bulk store, motor sheds, etc.; turnover £BOOO, price £1000; keep post, telegraph.—M’Kenzie and Rhodes. IGH CLASS BOARDING HOUSE, city; well built; tv/oetorey, 20 rooms, plastered' throughout; permanent boarders, gcod tariff: some 3215 years; including freehold.—M'Kcnzie, Rhodes. 14,1'! SUBURBAN BAKERY, 1200 to 2000 loaves week; 6-roomed Dwelling, outbuildings; owner sell freehold. —M’Kenzic, Rhodes. . C _ OUNTRY MOTOR GARAGE—WiII Sell or Exchange with Dunedin Property, for two men; standard agencies; price £IOOO. including good Dwelling. M KENZIE, RHODES 14ju WAIKOUAITI— Three ACRES, 5-roomed DWELLING; sunny situation: rich land; permanent Rhodes. water; £500.MTvcnz 14 ju CONFECTIONERY. FRUIT. SODA FOUNTAIN BUS!NESSES. _ Tunaru; turnovers from £25 to £45 per week, double in summer; prices, with all plant, stock, £450 and £9oo.—Tamblyn, M'Kenzic, Rhodes CJ'AWYERS’ BAY.—Four large ROOMS; KD beautiful position, Rosenealh; exceptionally large corner s-.tion; fruit trees, bath: outbuildings, byre, etc.; £650. Tamblyn, M'Kenzio, Rhodes. CITY GROCERY, Etc.—Grocery Shop, with living Rooms, doing turnover; no goodwill a.skcd; stock at valuation books can be inspected; £3OO approximately will buy this bargain. TAMBLYN, M'KENZIE, RHODES. HOUSE; on iSi'Ot)!/ rise, city; all conveniences.— Dooley’s, Octagon. (1727) jTftyiy pr —FIVE ROOMS; on rise; all tC t) conveniences; stable, workshop; orchard and garden; 1-acre section.— Dooley’s, Octagon. (172 G) £»r| SIX-ROOMED RESIDENCE; idUXi-v i O on rise; all conveniences; fine garden; sunny spot.—Dooley's, Octagon. jr.TI nPA-SK-KQQMED RESIDENCE, ot>X-4Oli city; all conveniences; good sound house.—Dooley’s, Octagon. (1722) DEPOSIT, Balance as Kent—Fouryiitjv roomed HOUSE; on rice; good section.--DOOLEY’S, Octagon. 14ju R. HENDERSON, Land ■ Princes street, Dunedin, evening 2515. Agent, 214 Day ’phone £375 concern; 1 tondcraon. NORTH END CITY: GROCERY" BUSINESS, going 3 living Rooms; long Isaac.— I*OOA“ CITY: GROCERY BUSINESS, / p;oing concern; 4 living Rooms; takings £4O-£SO weekly.—Henderson. p OA A FRUIT CONFECTIONERY, dU/Vl/v going concern; 4 living Rooms; turnover £2O-£25 weekly.—Henderson. »DrA GROCERY, FRUIT, CONFECTIONEUY; turnover £75 weekly; ock valued £759 given in.—Henderson. iO /AA-O'ITY (Rise): GROCERY, CON FECTXONERY, living Rooms; rental 30s ENDBRSON. oncern : weekly.— 9iu ,/TO SGI EL—For SALE, new 5-roomed ML superior RESIDENCE; every con :nience; concrete paths.—Apply A. Morion, ry street, Mosgicl. 6ju CHOCOLATES and SWEETS.—You can buy cheaper at tho GAIETY, opposite Plaza Theatre. Best lines stocked. 13ju HOTEL. Near Railway Station. The most up-to-date and largest Private Hotel -n Now Zealand Situ* *d only 3 minutes from Railway ‘Ration Large airy bedrooms, electric light in all rooms Private Sitting and Smoking Rooms. Modern Dining Hall EXCELLENT SERVICE CHARGES MODERATE DAY AND NIGHT PORTERS Telegraphic Address: Jas. Connor. Leviathan, Dunedin, P.O Box 112. Telenhone No 2934 Telephone OfTieo No. 57 fACK SON’S PRIVATE HOTEL ! * AND PUBLIC DINING ROOMS 36 PRINCES STREET (Late Dowling street) The Most Centrally Situated PRIVATE HOTEL IN DUNEDIN F-lloetric Light and Hot Water Throughout Fit-* Minutea’ Walk from Builwav Station GOOD : ABLE AND TER VICE TERMS MODERATE Phone 2450 P.O Box *7O HOT TEAS ■fACKSON’S are making a Specialty of their THREE-COURSE TEA for Is 6d, Comprising Soup, Fish, Entrees, Sweets, eto pLUB HOUSE. OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY MORAY PI.ACE Extra Accommodation, sufficient for 30 people, ha? been -added to this Commodious and Uepirallv-situated Boarding-house All Up-to-date Conveniences. Moderate Tariff Mrs H CANNING, 13d Prrmrfetress 1 jgOARD AND ' RESIDENCE. THE COTTAGE (newly renovated) is now AVAILABLE FOR GUESTS; specially suitable for family party. For full particulars apply ONSLOW HOUSE. ’Phono 650. 16ju TE H,aH IR I HOUSE. UPPER STUART STREET. Two Minutes from Octagon, Five Minutes’ Walk from Railway Station. Brick and Hone buildings; electric light; special hot water service. Sunny rooms. Moderate Tariff. Permanent ond Casuals Telephone 2277 Telegrams: Te Rahiri House. ROOM Wanted by single gentleman resn-ctab'e loeel’ty; Address 53G, Times Office. partial board.— ICju QO ALBERT STREET (Citv), R mint.*,.* station; electric light, telephone; ex cellent table; from 27e 6d week, including washing. 2Cja under entirely new management; now open to provide ACCOMMODATION for the travelling public, permanent boarders by arrangement.—J. Horan, proprietoi \ LBYN HOUSE, Private Board and Reel xa. donee corner King and St. David streets, Dunedin. 'Phone 2889. Ilf VTTISITOKS to Dunedin will find good v ACCOMMODATION at Cameron’s Occidental Hotel, Manso street; good table end service. XOap BOA PiD-RESIDENCE ; ' ’phono 7163; private, quiet, superior house; garden ; suit business gentleman.—l 29, Queen street. 14ju CLARE MOUNT,” Moray place (next Public Library).—To LET, single furnished BEDROOMS; uso conveniences; moderate terms. 12ju TO LET (Rnslyn), SITI’INcT kOOM mid BEDROOM, furnished; use conveniences; ’phone; close tram.—Address 455, Times. 13j u T° LET, couple two ROOMS, furnished; suit or adults.—lo Tennyson street. A LADY" (quiet, refined homo, nursing experience) desires BOARDER; elderly gentleman preferred; near town.—4Bs, Times Office, llju BOARD and LODGINGS Wanted by two business men, private family; north end; no other boarders preferred.—s 32, Times IGju Otago daily times and witness JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT. —Job Printing of every description done with Despa'eb.. and at the Lowest Current ilatca.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19199, 16 June 1924, Page 12
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1,871Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 19199, 16 June 1924, Page 12
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