PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. L. MAC ASSET Private ’Phone 112. & 0 0./ ■Phone 1397. E. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND PROPERTY SALESMEN, ' 148 RATTRAY STREET. ITK—CITY; 4 Rooms; scullery and 4 bath; good order; no cars required. i?£*KA—CITY (Central): 2 .good 4- . roomed Houses, with conveniences ; let. one and live rent free. (r—CITY (on Rise); Good 5 Booms, cw . . with conveniences; very handy position; vacant possession. —CITY (North End); 6 Rooms, h. and c., bath and basin; all in good order. f OKfiA —N.E.Y. (handy Gardens): 4 Rooms; bathroom, hot water; apple-pie order. jprtKA-SOUTH END (on Rise): 5 »/'U' Rooms; scullery, pantry, bath and basin, electric light; good workshop; £l5O deposit. jpQC'A —ROSLYN; 10 Rooms, with c&OsJvS large section;' good proposition to anyone who will board mill workers. OPOHO (sun all day): .4 Rooms; hot and cold, electric and gas; good order, and sound. jP>-|-1 ST. CLAIR; Superior 5cWX J.ex " Bungalow, replete ■vyith all latest conveniences, and everything under main roof. OQf>A - BRIGHTON (right in the bay): 3 Rooms (furnished); i-acre section ; be prepared for next hgUdays. oonA-BEST PART SOUTH DUNS<Ovu EDIN; Very Attractive 4 Rooms, with all labour-saving conveniences. poQA—CITY: 6-roomed sound House, <"S»Oo'U' with bathroom, hot and cold, electric light and gas;.good proposition. /»A ACRES, SMALL DAIRY and POULTRY FARM; handy Dunedin; good Oil lease; rent 17s 4d per week; good House, byre, and large loft; 12 dairy cows, 3 heifers, 1 bull, horse, 80 White Leghorn fowls, cart and harness, separator, cans, and sundries; 16 tons of hay and' oaten Lay. The owner is anxious to sell, and has reduced his price for a quick sale. Price going concern, £475. 5 ACRES FREEHOLD, Willowbridge; new 5-roomed House, bathroom, hot and .1. cold water, washhouse, coalhouse, and fowlhouse; good garden and orchard; alongside rail, post office, and school. An ideal place for retired farmer. Good land and good climate. Price 'reduced to £llsO for quick sale. Fol. 791 Qty ACRES FREEHOLD, North of Dunedin ;• good 5-rooraed House, washhouse, O • 16-stalkd byre and hayshed, and pigstye; 1 mile to school . _ , . _ and rail; a wellgrassed farm; 24 cows, 2 horses, implements, etc. Owner would consider Exchanging for a GROCERY BUSINESS. Equity £ISOO. Price, £2850 going concern. Fol. 792 ACRES FREEHOLD (Gatlins branch); 150 acres felled and grassed in Eng- &• " lish grass, balance bush; 6 - acres turnips; new 6-roomed House, .verandah. bathroom, h. and c. water, washhouse, byre, stable, pigstye, trapshed, and chaffhouse; 6 acres, turnips; i-milo to rail, li miles to school; carrying 42 head cattle and 50 ewes. Price, £2200. Terms, £650 cash., Stock at valuation. ■ FoL 780 IAA ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM; 19 cows, horses, pigs, and plant. Also 4 Houses, well let. The lot, £2500, Going Concern. Owner will consider Exchange for small place. Equity £I7OO. Fol. 787 A ACRES FREEHOLD; all buildings; 22, cows, 1 bull, 3 calves, 4 pigs, horse, iGXJyJ cart, and harness. Price, £ll per acre. Equity £1470. Owner will Exchange for Bakery or General Store. Fol. 783 R? 1 certain that if you are in. search of a FARM PROPERTY or have one * ’ nOR' SALE, ■by availing yourself of our services you can rely upon receiving the BEST RESULTS. * . . GEO. MXATCHIB. 'Phene 1354.. F.i CAR TBR & LAND AGENTS. c •Phone 1354 COLONIAL MUTUAL BUILDINGS. 134 PRINCES STREET. —SUBSTANTIAL 7-roomed RESIDENCE, situated hi Mornington, close to car; every possible.modern convenience; electric light (points for electric heaters),_ gas, caliphont, etc.; fine high ceilings; and in first-class order throughout; lovely section; about i-acre. —ST.'CLAIR.: Gentleman’s RESIDENCE, eight 'lovely rooms; in firstcWX IVU . class order throughout; plastered walls, electric light, >gas, hot and cold water, porcelain bath and basin;; good section, extra widefrontage; magnificent entrance: panoramic views. —HIGHGATE: Six-roomed: VILLA; electric light, gas; hot and cold, c< **etc.; lovely section; room for garage. £1 /J.AA —ROSLYN: Substantial 8-rodmed RESIDENCE, situated handy to tram; cwJl*3Ca/v all hriffhf airv rAnms? f*onKArVfl.tnfv- crr>n<l wsH-iati all bright, airy rooms; conservatory; good section. . (CHOICE BUILDING SECTION.—The best Building'Section in Dunottar; sunny _ situation, arid commanding panoramic view; rich soil;' wide frontage of approximately 100 feet, and being situated in this choice residential ; locality it is an ideal site for a gentleman’s residence. Or: ho section could easily be subdivided for building two bungalows. Price only £650. THIS IS A BARGAIN 1 FOR SOMEONE. , F. CARTER & CO., 134 PRINCES STREET. - ■ 134 PRINCES STREET. W 1 AMBOT ' M‘™ E , & K=ODESr_ w . REAL ESTATE, FINANCE. INSUR ANCE, AND GENERAL COMMIS- . SION AGENTS, BRAITHWAITE’S BUILDINGS. 42 PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN. ILLOWBRIDGE.—CHOICE PROPERTY, alongside rail,' school, post office, etc.; 5 acres; carries 4 or 5 cows all the year, with piece of railway lease; ideal property for market gardening, - bees, or poultry; modem S-roomed Dwelling, bath, hot and cold, verandah, coalhouse,. washhouse fowlhousos, piggeries, etc. Price, £llsO. On account .of moving, owner must sell immediately. CjHEEP RUNS.—9OOO' ACRES, MIDDLEMARCH; 2500 sheep; £B7OO . going , con-, com. 4800 ACRES, MIDDLEMARCH; 1500 sheep; £7OOO going concern. 9000 ACRES, LAKES: 3500 sheep, etc.; £14,000. Other SOUND PROPOSITIONS. SUBURBAN SERVICE.—3OO ACRES-GOOD FARMING LAND; capacity, 400 ! • ewes in addition to 10 cows or good herd of. dairjr,cows; suitable milk run; 6-roomed Dwelling, byre, barn, stables, piggeries,''orchard, plantation, etc. Price ae going concern, with 240 sheep, 8 horses, 40 head cattle, including, cows, farm implements, etc., £l7iper acre. This property has never changed hands'previously. (No. 3254}. TMTILLER’S FLAT.—22 ACRES; S-roomed Dwelling, all outbuildings, sheds for storing fruit, etc; 7 acres in fruit trees in bearing, 100 apricot trees; port'of the property is bringing in a rental of £52 nor annum. Going concern. £IOOO. BICH DAIRY FARM AT SMALL. PRICE.—I6O ACRES, 999 YEARS’ LEASE; rental, 4s 6d; rich land; capacity; 60-milk oOws; present owners been in possession 20.0dd years; have milked 58 cows; 6 Rooms, electric light, stables, looseJsoxes, byre, etc.' £l6 'per-acre.' Terms. WAIMATE.— SO ACRES 999 YEARS’ LEASE, FIRST-CLASS LAND.;, modern Dwelling, h. and-c.-bath, motor garage, 12-stalled'byre,’’ all other ‘buildings; telephone on; 7 acres peas, 6 acres in slack, 4-acrcs swedes, ! here orchard, 2 acres' soft turnips, balance' grass; 10 good, cows,.4 sows, horses, harness, carts, implements, cans, feed, etc. £2OOO, going concern. , : OA.MARU.-r6 ACRES SUBURBAN, PROPERTY, ALONGSIDE RAIL, AND ALL CONVENIENCES; good 4-rcomcd all outbuildings; well,grassed and watered. Price, £6OO. SOUTH CANTERBURY.— IO6 ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASE; HEAVY LAND; grows great wheat and rootss-roomed Dwelling, washhouse, dairy, storeroom, stables, byre, etc.; -alongside school, etc,lß acres autumn wheat, 25 acres' oats, 35 acres grass, rape, and turnips. Price, including 6 horses, 12 cows,- 8 other cattle, 5 second to none in New Zealand; ..,, . . carries 50 big cowls regularly ;■ 5-roomed Dwelling,'fierge byre, all other buildings. Price, £4O per acre. Very easy W ermS AIKOUAITI DAIRY FARM-83 ACRES, BEST OF GRASS; good Dwelling. all other outbuildings, milking plant, etc. For sale as going concern with 27 cows, 20 other cattle, brood sows, horses, plant, etc (No 3254) TyriLTON.-SSO. ACRES SWEET, EASILY WORKED 1 mile school p. 0.,. ItJ. etc.; subdivided into 12 paddocks. This property has not been much cropped.’ 5-roomed Dwelling, .stables, byre,'woolshed, yards, etc.; carrying capacity, 500 ewei Price, £4 10s per acre. Good terms. VERY CHOICE SELECTION OF BUSINESSES COUNTRY STORE FOR EXCHANGE WITH FARM ’ DOING £6OOO PER vJ ANNUM TURNOVER; 4 acres of land; 7-roOr.ied Dwelling, conveniences, shop, - stable, looseboxes, harness room, etc. Price, freehold, £I7OO. Steel: at valuation Cl MART BOARDING' HOUSE; LEASE, 20 YEARS; C 8 MART BUAKiJUNU JtiUUSJi; HJiAtjili, M Y Ji.AKS ; CLOSE RAILWAY STA-' TION: 31 bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms 4 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, scullery, etc,; tariff, Ss 6d per day; always full. Price, going concern, £I2OO. ' Others available. \ MATIGNAL MORTGAGE ANT) AGENCY COMPANY OF NES ZEALAND (LIMITED). STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, P.O. Box 215. WATER STREET, DUNEDIN. P.O. Box 2 ACRES FREEHOLD; 3i miles from town, handy to creamery and railway _ well watered: 160 acres young-grass, balance aD pasture; good 7-roometf , House, stable, cow-shed, bam, implement shed and hut. Must be sold. Price onlv £8 5s per acre ; ' good terms. ■- J 448being breeding ewes, a tip-top run. Price £IO,OOO, as particulars on application. going concern. Further ACRES FREEHOLD (Palmerston District, handy to town); good 5-room i/ \/ House; cow-byre, stable, implement shed and barn; would make an id« dairying and poultry farm. Price only £1150; easy terms. Owner selling , account of old age. 90 £TALL AND SEE US or write to us for further particulars of these properties. £ DOWLING S (Cutting.) Established. STREET & $ & 1681. 4^ . ACCOUNTANTS trustees. estate agents. Telephone 580. ' - ■V7ERY ATTRACTIVE modern 7-roomed BUNGALOW RESIv » DENCE; electric light; large bathroom, h.p. boiler; billiard room, large dining room, fine wide hall, pantry and scullery. gas cooker and heaters; washhouse, coal and tool sheds, i fowlhouse and runs; residence exceptionally well built, and plastered throughout, with every modern convenience; all in first-class order; sunny site, and magnificent view; large freehold section; nice garden. £1750. A BBOTSFORD.—SpIendid FREEHOLD PROPERTY; fine il Residence of 8 rooms (bathroom, h.p. boiler, electric light, and all modern conveniences); large rooms and hall; well built and in first-class order; with outbuildings, very attractive garden, orchard, etc.; large freehold; handy to station. Immediate possession. £I3OO. S PLENDID NINE-ROOMED ONE-STOREY RESIDENCE; fine appearance; large rooms; in first-class locality; slate roof, bathroom, h.p. boiler, electric light, plastered, -pantry, cupboards, wardrobes, etc.: concrete foundation; a well-built Residence, in excellent order; large freehold section; fine garden ; lawns, rose beds, vegetables, eto.; sunny and sheltered; immediate possession. £2300. ‘ (74) FREEHOLD FARM, _ 1170 ACRES, close to Dunedin; well fenced and subdivided into paddocks: fences all in firstclass order; well watered; whole property in splendid condition; 5-roomed Dwelling, washhouse, dairy, stable, barn, and good sheepyards; 70 acres in young grass and rape, 24 acres oats, 36 acres ridge rape, 43 'acres turnips, 80 acres one-year-old grass, balance old pasture; cultivation equal to SOO-ncre farm; carrying 600 ewes and 450 lambs. Great bargain: £5 Ss per acre. ANDERSON’S BAY.—Fine 8-roomed RESIDENCE, large rooms, exceptionally well-built; all modern conveniences; bathroom, h.p. boiler, etc.,, etc., magnificent view, sunny site; in excellent order; large Freehold section, nearly half-acre, close to tram stop; vacant. £3OO cash; balance on terms. Price £2IOO. INVESTING AGENTS. fTRRST-CLASS INVESTMENTS; found for Capital in Bonds, Debentures. Mortgages, Property and Investment Stocks. Fullest possible itiformation and reports supplier! Satisfactory valuations, made Our long and varied experience in the Invcaa .ueirt ol Capital enables us, to advise clients to the best advantage. B-U RT O N & PATTE RSO N. 41: Dowling street, Dunedin.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18850, 1 May 1923, Page 10
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1,723Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 18850, 1 May 1923, Page 10
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