PROPERTIES FOR SALiM-AKp/TCO fc»'TV P CAE TEE & CO., ’Phone 1354. - - LAND AGENTS, Thon ® t 3s *' COLONIAL MUTUAL BUILDINGS, . 134 PRINCES STREET.., v i ', r«l <>crn—MUSSELBURGH: An attractive SIX-ROOMED thoroughly up-to-date"; e.L.' gas, hot-water service; splendid corner _ e *®* tion, tastefully' laid-put- in lawns and gardens. This property is situated- close tramline, and beach, and is a rare' - bargain. 1 Easy terms. ST. CLAIR (on the RESIDENCE of T^large conveniences;, about i-acre section. Owner will' consider "an fcxcnange ior • Sheep Property. . . . . ; . ■' . ’• X*ll AA-SOUTH END: SEMI-BUNGALOW, 5 rooms; in gwd order;. *11"U h. and c. bath; motor garage, fowlruns; corner section,, having tnree * OfiS-CAVERSHAM (close to car): Superior 6-ROOMED VILLA; all modem wOO v ~ conveniences; nice garden, fruit trees, choice roses, etc-everytning u» .splendid order; lovely views; good family home. . hi AKA-CASTLE' STREET: 7-ROOMED HOUSE; all conveniences; .extra larp rooms; nice section; great bargain. . ' , ■PQ-Ort —NORTH END (handy to car): Good solid HOUSE, 6 rooms; gas, h. ana wt/VU c.. Hot water over tubs; good section. Easy term a , 1 irtVTf K—CENTRE OF CITY: 4 large ROOMS; gas, good section; soldier’s loan. * »-S This is a real gopd. proposition. _ _■ ~• , ", O Q rrs— R AVENSBOURNE (sunny side): 6-roomed RESIDENCE; e. light, h. and SrOOv c.; large section: orchard, garden etc. Suitable for smiul poultry farm. MORNTNGTQN (close to car shed)s-roomed, Brick DWELLING; con\r veniehcps; lovely view. . Snip. V. . . £490 END: 6 ROOMS; nice section; handy position. A bargain. P.O. Box 351. JY. M - HARR I S & C 0., ’Phone 36W. LAND, ESTATE. AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, 214 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. "OOULTRY FARM; 1 .acre-suburban property; 6-roomed Dwelling; JL fowlhouses for 300 fowls; situated 1 mile from tramsunny po ££SO, including 300 fowls, mostly White, Leghorn .pullets. 8 ACRES FREEHOLD.—4-roOmed DWELLING and sculleir, and all necessary outbuildings; would-make an ideal poultry -faro. Price £350 for a quick sale. . Folio 960 £»ra-ACRE LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM: Going Concern; rent £45 per annum; O” tong lease; situated Peninsula; splendid 6-momed Dwelling, 17-etalled byre, ana all necessary, outbuildings; stock and plant consist of 10 dairy cow* and_ some young stock, horse, spring-cart and harness, milk cans, etc. Price, as ■ a Going Concern, £SOO. This is a handy, cheap little place, and is only 5 minutes from school. P-O-* and township.’ ; Folio 884 A prl ACRES CORPORATION LEASEHOLD (Mosgiel); 21 yeare; reasonable rent;’ O- new 4-roomed Bungalow, with bathroom; situated 1 mile from rati, ett. Tpja is a dandy, little plaice, and - well-worth-inspection.- Price for - quick sale, £7TO. ' / Folio 945 SUBURBAN PROPERTY-Five ACRES FREEHOLD; situated 11 miles from , rail,- school,, and post office; nice 5-roomed Dwelling (semirbungtuow);. 1 cow, horse, and harness. Price, £650. r Fol. . 600 PARK. R E,Y NOL D 8 L, IM I T ED, PROPERTY SALESMEN, ESTATE AGENTS. FARM SALESMEN. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. AUCTIONEERS, AND VALUERS, v . . P.O. Box 355. Telephones, 100 and 222. Telegrams: “Park.Reynolda. - WOOL / ’ .WOOL ’ WOOL RISING IN PRICES. RISINtI IN PRICES. ' RISING IN PRICES NOW IS THE , TIME TO BUY A SHEEP RUN, READ THE FOLLOWING PROPOSITIONS, AND CONSULT TJS ABOUT ANY! OF THEM, OR NUMEROUS OTHERS WE CAN SUBMIT TO YOU IN ALL PARTS OF THE DOMINION. Mi WPOO ACRES,- OAMARU 'DISTRICT; ALL FIRST-CLASS GRAZING 4 byif COUNTRY; SWEET, SAFE, AND EASY TO MUSTER-. Rental, £575 per annum, with 14 years to run. Divided into 9 blocks? and watered by . nucaetoua permanent streams.,- Carries 4000 sheep. PRESENT STOCK, 38C0 SHEEP, as. follows:—About 5000 ewes, 600 ewe lambs, 200 wethers and. rams—ALL BREDi ON THE PLACE; 20 head of cattle and 2 horses. Three-roomed cottage, woolshed, 4* stand shearing machines, wool - preiss, dip and yards. Situated - within 6 miles ,df township. To the man with the necessary capital this is AN OUTSTANDING BARGAIN. PRICE, £6OOO AS A GOING CONCERN—PRACTICALLY PER SHEEP AND MOSTLY EWES. A Good Home with 8 acres of Freehold and necessary outbuildings can be purchased, in conjunction with the above splendid Run for £IOOO if required. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. : „ (590) qaaa ACRES (1800 Acres of Freehold, 1200 Acres of Renewable'Leasehold at OUUU 2s 7d per acre); divided into 11 paddocks, watered by running creeks; 200 acres of English grass and balance silver tussock; all good safe country; 60 acres turnips, 30 acres oats and 19 acres wheat (recently thrashed)"; capacity 2000 sheep, mostly ewes. PRESENT STOCK: 2000 SHEEP,.SO HEAD OF CATTLE, AND 10 'HORSES.- Six-roomed modern House, with hot J and cold-water service. The outbuildings are'good, and consist of stable, loosebds, men’s hut, chaffhouse,' 4-rbomed, cottaae. woolshed, dip. and yards. Rail 1 mile-/school 2 miles. Owner retiring. £15,000 AS A GOING CONCERN. AND EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD TERMS, \ ACRES, NORTH OTAGO; splendid sheen country; 8 paddocks, with PERMANENT WATER-RACE to irrigate all but one; few acres turnips; WILL CARRY 500 SHEEP; PRESENT STOCK, .400. New 5-roomed Dwelling; shearing shed., dip, byre, cartehed, men’s hut, orchard, Vegetable Garden; shelter Sit of trees around homestead. OWING TO FAILING HEALTH, owner has been medically advised-TO QUIT IMMEDIATELY; Consequently offering at the BARGAIN PRICE OF £4 PEE ACRE, and good terms to an approved man. Owing to the circumstances, owner will CONSIDER EXCHANGE of any smaller place in,the South. ' N (533) p ' OWAKA DISTRICT. WAORES,'OWA,KA DISTRICT;/ suitable for sheep, dairying, or mixed farming; netted and subdivided, with netting into 15 paddocks; Shod Dwelling, and outbuildings, 20 acres ■ - 280 ACRES BAYS’ BEEN HEAVILY. LIMED/ This is a real ,good farm, and . will .carry 500 eWoa. PRESENT STOCK: 25 milking' cows, .32 young cattle, 4 horses, and 2SO. sheep. This property , S' selling at what ,is practically GOVERNMENT VALUATTON-£8 1(S per acref SOMEONE’S OPPORTUNITY, AND EASY INGOING. Neighbour- • k sellimr at £l4 per. acre. ABSOLUTELY BONA FIDE REASON FOR (510) 600 444 Am/ *aoi inuviiw. nnKßOOur* ing /arms are selling at £l4 per, acre.-’ ABSOLUTELY/BONA FUJE REASON. FOR SELLING. REMEMBER THE PRICE-rONLY £8 10s ACRE. PARK, REYNOLDS (LIMITED). MANSE STREET. DUNEDIN; ’Phone 3608 ■’ V’ "V’Phone 3608 TAMBLYN. MCKENZIE, & RHODES, REAL ESTATE. FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. ’ 1: ‘ BRAITHWAITE’S BUILDINGS, 42 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. OWAKA.— 176 ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASE, RENT £6; nicely situated, lying: well to tho sun; 40 acres grass, balahce containing ahy quantity, valuabte timber, suitable' for milling, posts, props, ®tc.j school, factpiy; new' 4-roomed DWELLING and other buildings. Price £7OO. , Tenns £150; ingoing. rvWAKA-240 ACRES FREEHOLD AND GOVERNMENT LEASE, practically U’ alongside school, etc.; excellent graxing land, part stall bum;• 4-reoanedDWELL. ING; byre, with machinee installed; motor .shed, trap shied, and.all other buildings; Price as going concern, with fcl cows, 11 other cattle, horses, mjlldng plant, implements, separator, etc., £2OOO. Would take .house as part payment or small farm. Oamaru . wp.2561) /YAMARU.—B4 ACRES, 999 YEARS’ LEASE; rlfch river flat: grows, exedv U lent crops'of wheat, barley, clover,, and lucerne; good 4-roomed DWELLING, stables byre,; piggeries, etc. Price, including, crops, 12 cows, 7 heifer*;. 5 other .cattle, 2 brooll sows) 13 growing pigs, 100 poultry, horsw, ploughs, separator; and eff. other, implements, sheaf stacks. Straw stacks, etc-, £2600; or will exchange for 100 "to. ri ACRES CHOICE DAIRY FARM,’ LOVELY SPCUAJtl TION. overlooking the Bay; alongside rail school, _and other convemences;: grows excellent crops and grass; 6-roomed DWELLING, bath; 14-stelled byre. stables, piggeries, etc. Price, including 17 cows, 1 bull, 3 horses, 80. poultry, comrfeto, turnout implements, carts, - haijiess, crops, etc., £2500. Soldier s mortgage, ,£2OOO. ■ ■■■■... (N0.2509)-. BUSINESSES. w BUSINESSES. . 4.KERY BUSINESS (CO.UNTRY).-r-Freehold," with 6-roomed DWELLING and ‘ a ii other buildings; turnover £SOOO per annum; very easily handled, no. deliverv Worth £IOOO net per annum., Frice £2OOO. Terma . ~ irY.— FANCY GOODS BUSINESS, doing large turnover, £2100; going conB c COUNTRY.—FREEHOLD BAKERY BUSINESS, doing 1250 loaves per week. CJ Price going concern, including plant, £1250. CANTERBURY. —BAKERY, COUNTRY TOWN, leasehold premises; ghop, with, VJ 6-roomed DWELLING, etc.; turnover, 950 loaves; and small goods pet .week;/ can be worked up. G concern, _ including all piarit, etc,, £480.. ... 1 iILLI 4RD SALOON (CITY).—Six largo tables, complete equipment; all accessories; 0 in first-lass order; chairs; pictures, and. sundry other utensils. Pri<Ss £I(XX)-: /^E^ERAL^'iIC®ES P (C)ofjNTRY).— Freehold consisting of. block with shop,' 5IjT roonied DWELLING, motor house, store rooms, etc.. Price for the freehold,. fIOOO Terms. Stock at valuation, approximately £I6OO. Turnover £6OOO per annum.' COUNTRY GENERAL STORE.—Leasehold, with £4OOO turnover; shop with 6r. roomed DWELLING attached. .Very small rental. Price, as a gomg concern, £BOO. T^UNEDIN.-FRUIf S °AND CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS;. splehdid UtU®: pay; 1 9 j n „ concern; shop', with living rooms attached; rent £1 per week. Price, as; going concern* £3OO. Good part. Good shop, doing £7O per. week turnover; rent £2 Ids 6d per week. Employs ! girl only. Price, as going concern, £775. CSOUTH END. —Shop, with 4 living< rooms, bath, wash-house, etc.; rent £2 pef © week; takings £2o:and over £3O per week. Going concern, £3BO. ... STATIONERY BUSINESS.—Splendid easily handled lucrative business, good lease, ghop ; with 5 living rooms and all conveniences; turnover £4O per week;, all cash over counter. Going concern,- £450. Price £550. 41 DOWLING STREET (Cutting.) o $ Established 7* 1061. IE AGENTS. B VALUATORa,: ACCOUNTANTS. Telephone 380. CENTRAL (CITY). Six-roomed one-storey RESIDENCE; bathroom, h.p. boiler, washhouse (copper, tubs), modern drainage j freehold; magnificent view; no trams required ; vacant; immediate possession. £685. -EAUTIFUL BRICK RESIDENCE (one. storey), contein- - J ing 7- rooms (large, rooms), wide, hall, fine bathroom, h.p. boiler, pedestal bath, numerous wardrobes and cupboards, • . fibrous plaster ceilings, electric light; -washhouse, sheas, etc., all under one roof. An attractively-designed Residence, firstclass locality, splendid view; clbse-to the tram;-large freehold ■section. Vacant; possession. £2OOO. NORTH END (City)—First-class 6-r y>med RESIDENCE, in splendid order, with all modern conveniences, bathroom, hip- boiler, eleeijio light, etc.;. freehold section, handy site; immediate, poseeanon. £9OO. WARRINGTON.— One of the most attractive properties in this popular seaside resort.- DWELLING of 5 rooms, verandah round three sides, bathroom, washhouse, tubs, Copper, eto.; fine view, sunny, handy to station and beach; freehold section. £750. , Exceedingly . attractive 9-roomed brick RESIDENCE, situated on the brow of the hill in High street;, first-class^ locality, glorious view; easy walking distance from town, and just at tram stop, with every modem convenience; bathroom. h,p;.boiler, electric light. etc.; substantially , built and attractively designed, on. : fine level freehold section. r.-' A rare chance of obtaining a perfect home in this favoured locality; immediate vacant possession, together with 5-Roomed ■ * cottage, well let to a good' tenant. ,£2OOO can remain on mortgage for a term at 6 per cent. Price for whole property, £3500. SPLENDID BUSINESS FREEHOLD, (close to Princes street), _ 36ft frontage by a depth oLTOft, with-a substantial brick , building; fine central position, great future value: 'Very cheap -■■■ property, £ISOO. ■ ■ ... * • < prop /INVESTING AGENTS. TTHRST-CLASS. INVESTMENTS found foij Capital in Bonds, Debeotures. MoAgagea. 1; Property and Investment Stocks. Fuhest possible informatiah and repprtsaupplied Satisfactory valuations made. Ouif hmg hhd, varied experience in tha-lnvctt.' ment of Capital enables ud to advise clients td the' best‘advantage. BURTON ft PATTERSOU ujtowlim .Stoats Dumwai
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18549, 9 May 1922, Page 10
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1,788Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 18549, 9 May 1922, Page 10
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