OTAKI HACKS. (Pun U-MTKD I'iikss Associatiok.) ,p, IITAKI, September 27. ■ was dull ' or the Otaki-Muori Kaci»y Ulnii s liicctiiig. A big crowd was liroseut, iiuu t.he course was heavy. }tcsulis: M.AIDEX PLATE (Uirce-year-olds 8.0, foui}>earn anil upwuriis 8.i0;. live Itirlony;;.—Uirkio 1, Merry _ Qu.*-. n «, ;i. Alw sUirtoil: ♦ leiul, i/rmews iluriou, liesU.-r, Nog;unt>o, (.Jallwi, Cionriva, Vindictht', hupursix, Opiati, ilurlowroi, J*usy, J.hxir, fc'-., fe .;, c ity, ;>iborian. llolcjmod and hnpersou mudu thu running, but in Uie fitroight Jiirkie came away and won by two lengths, tho next t,hri;c horses being well together. Time, lmin feee. DAY IJACIv HANDICAP. One mile.—.Miss Maid. S.lO, 1: Fisher, B.G, a; Sea Foam 8-2, 3. Also storied: liouen il.o, Persian Prince i.l-', Misslund 7.11, Orateur 7.8, The Digger 7.G. lisher and Orateur Jed most of the distance, while at the entrance to tho straight Missmuid, Kea Foam, and Digger elosod up, ihe first-men-tioned winning by two lengths; a neck between -seoonil ;ind tJilrxl. Time, lmin 45scc. 1-Allill HACK !'j 1' 1 About two miles alld a-quarter.—iiartolino, 9.0, 1; Nicomar, 0.7, 2; Sail Home, 10.3, 3. Also started: Pauwerewere J, 1 ' o ',. ' I ' fi 10 - u . 9.!), Three BoUs 9.7, Firelight 9.7, Uatangi 9.7, Yucatan 9.7, Stream ol Hold 9.7, Combustion 9.7. Tetoa led for nearly two miles and then ran off, while Stream of Gold and Matangi ran off. Sartoline, lull of running, won by a length. Time, -lmin 25 4-ssee. MEMORIAL STAKEs'i, of GOOsovs. One mile and a-quarter.—ilolyneaux, 7.7, 1; Kilgour, C.13, 2; Dainty t'ltcp, 7.12, 3. Also stariod: Hose link 8.1, Classification 7.12, Royal Exchange 7.10, Penury ltose 7.0, Esperanee ii.lo, Orateur G. 7. ATolyneaux and Kilgour made most of the running, the former winning by n length, a similar distance separating second and third. Hoyal Exchange was fourth, well behind. lime, 2min 9 2-ssec. STEWARDS' HACK HANDICAP. Six furlongs. —Martian Mies, 7.0. 1; Yankee Dan, 7.12, 2; Stutter, 7.12, 3. Also started: Bonnie Briar 9.0, Galore P. 3, Flight Commander 8.0, La Paloma 1-7, Beloved 7.2, Urey Sapphire 7.0, Russet 7.0, ALins blva 7.0. Yankee Dun made the running ■and led to within a short distance of the judge's box. Bonnie Briar and Martian Miss challenged and fought out a good race, the last-mentioned winning by a head, a similar distance separating stoond and third. Time, lmin lGsec. FLYING HANDICAP. Six furlongs.—Astinome, 7.13, 1; Gold Problem, G. 13, 2; Actifid, 7.7, 3. Also started: Salfanello S.B, Nursing Sister 8.4, Matatua 7.10. ' Astinome won by a neck, a head between second and third. Time, lmiu losec. WELT EH HACK HANDICAP. Seven fnrlongs. —Explorer, 8.12, 1; Bitters, 8.7, 2; Kipling, 10.9, 3. Also started: Sir Fanciful 11.0, Kyoto 8.7, Admiration 8.7, Regard 8.7, White Hope 8.7, 8.7, Dumper 8.7, Passenger 8.7. Regard and Kipling led the field, but in the straight Explorer ran well, and won by a neck, a length between second and third. Admiration was fourth. Time, lmin 31 4-ssec. KEREIHI ItOERA WELTER HANDICAP. Peven furlongs.—Printemps, 9.5, 1; Matty, 5.7, 2; Tirana, 8.10, 3. A good race. Won by a neck. Time, lmin 30 2-ssec. Fallowing are the acceptances for the second day of the meeting:— Trial. Handicap, Fire furlongs.—Birkie 9.0, Pakaraka S.B, Superix 8.7, Princess Marion 8.7, Negambo 8.5, Gold Scrcen 8.5, Auteomoana 8.5, Spare Moment 8.0, Siberian 8.0, Busy S.O, Bestir 8.0, Hiillowiw. 8.0.
Otaki H;ick Handicap. Seven furlongs.—Miss | Maid 9.10, Rouen 8.12, Sea Foam 8.4, Orateur 8.4, Admiration 8.4, Sagacity 8.4, Rogard 7.G. Tc Itinga Hack and Hunters' Steeplechase, about two miles.—Te Toa 10.13, Panwerewere 10.13, Sartoline 10.13, Sail Home, 10.13, Nicomar 10.10, Three Bells 10.10, Forelight 10.10, Yucatan 10.10, Stream of Gold 10.10. President's Handicap, of 250sovs. One mile and .>••) yards.—Molyneux B.G, Dainty Step 7.13, Rose link i-13, Royal Exchange 7.13, Old Gold 7.13, Penury Rose 7.13, Esperanee 7.13. Electric Hack Handicap. Six furlongs.—Martian Miss B.G, Yankee Dan 8.3, Galore 8.3, Flight Commandcr 8.3, Stutter 8.3, La Paloma 7.11, Beloved >.U, Kyoto 7.11, Mead 7.11, Goolwa 7.11, Miss Flya 7.11, Pcrrier 7.11. Railway Handicap, of 200sovs. Six furlongs— Astinome 8.10, Solfanella 8.2, Nursing Sister 8.2. vale <-"i Gold Problem 7.4, BirkenRahui Welter. One mile.—Sir Fanciful 10.7, Kipling 10.2, Fisher 9.12, Explorer 9.9, Persian Pnnce. 8.10, ACssland 8.9, Bitters 8.9, The Digger Hion ,ld 8 SA ' tt7hite H °P° 8A < Transmis-. •? r - U f Cr Ha ? dica P- One mile.—Noblenwi ni?;7' B ?" I ?. tCrepS o"- 10 ' JrontM 9.9, Idle sl ' Ma " y 8 ' 5 ' HaUand 8A > GERALDINE ACCEPTANCES. (Per United Press Associatiok.) •p i, ~ TIMARU, September 27. ro lowmg are the acceptances for the first day of the Geraldine Racing Club's spring meeting— r l 7 rsfc . V, Urd l° Han <licap, of 140so-i-s. One mile an.l a-haU.—Gamecock 11.9, Good Hope 10.2, All boreaie 9.12, Trentham Rose 9.7, Warform 9 0 War lax 9.0, l'olcomairiro 9.0. ' ' Squatters' Handicap, of 12osovs. Six furlong — Clean Sweep 8.10, Killala 7.10, Fabrinade 710 rner <! 9 . &I tisfaetion 7.5, Listening Post n 1^® tlus ®- J > Involution 6.7, Starlike 6.7. Geraldine Cup, of 235sovs. One mile and n, quarter.—Melee 3.12, Warlike 8.6, Linden 711 Marianne _7.9 Sunny Corner 7.8, FabriSe 7J 6.12 Camouflage 7.2, Jack Symons Geraldine Handicap Trot, of t„„ miles.—Bndgewood scratch, King Cole junior 2 scconds, Rex Ooronado 6, Erin's B tain Wood 9, Orari 8, Mistress 10, War Bond 1°" Ohapi Hack Handicap, of 110=ovs Firo f>,r longs.—Boyal Mae 8.12, Volkovo 90. Bothina Chinatown -, Theda 8.8, Silverlea ™8 WalarVa —, Cleveland 8.8, AU Form 8.5. Deep Well is Ha'miUor's! 'H C r Uta^ 5 ' 8." I^n iiamiitOQ 8.0, Hallnciniifcion 8.5, Castellan z r.flo d lttle Tl Wi "io 3.5, Bell top 17 & " 0 ' , Belfield \\e.ter Handicap, of 135sovs n,™ airlongs.—Bondage 9.12, Bellroek 9 9 Tn..'l--8.5 Vice-regal 8°.4, The BosTg.o ' S?mOUS Orari Handicap Trot, of HOsovq n™ ar-quarter.—Wasteweod scratch i an C.immie 1, Mammon 1 Erin's „ „ scconil > EllejTsrood 4, Dolly BoVle 4 *k f' frentleman 6, Pessimist 6, Bine Drift 6 ' Bp? \r C S 6, lobermory 6, Wild ThVmo k n '» „ Mao 6, Salome G ' Medallion C °'l , f h 6, Sir Henrv 6, EnniswcKxl &low Apprentices' Plate Handieau of G c '.. i furlongs.—Killala 9.0, BelW-k a s Slx 8.0, Dutch Courage V.gT 7 6 Bonny Step 7.3, Kolvmk 7° , Gr^ kson 7A < 6.11, Little Willie ' WUllde 7J2 ' KHROW MEEITNG. anecs for The 'iCurow acoept_ held on October 7, CRICKET.
„. , CLUB. ine annual moetinc of thj* vir r\ » Clab was held in the dub room last night Mr Churchill occupying ilie annual renotrfc « •v.®, Ule chair. at the termination of last season State been near the top in -n,i b « havl ?S statement showed a slight dpfimflnanoial ;» h " "<** " ofti" »« captain, Mr Churchill; secretary ° lub C. C. Harris. euLry and treasurer, It was decided to en tor one t-u* p-ade compeution. and to approach the atv° Cbr poration tor a ground on the Oval. } C ° r " thimks a of A GISBORNE PROPOSAL. rPBR United press association.} At a public l ? P^ mbe '; 27. Cricket Association to discuss i y a guarantee of £300 towards a f Ve of the English amateur team the tour turned down, the general onin'io,. t - !0 Wil s game in the district could I e' applying money to an improvSt IjAWX TENins. Ihe Cosy Dell JLawn Tennie pi«K»r. opened for tho season-on Satnrdnv i 9° mts were attendance of members and their lriend°/ e I large visitors Jrom kindred Owing to the af •T. Clark (vice-president) officiate) ' , J " brief speech, embracing it^ s 'f w ma I le a club members. He then cillfJ ", (,rc ' st to to declare the courts open. Mrs Clai m ? ark happy speech, and concluded hJ „ . • !lde 1 ciub the best of luck ' lor The ~ -' Sbl " s the after which a trial ball*"s courts were then constantly ? d Il!° remainder of the afternoon i , or th ' 2 favoured by a visit S Ke® Was Couston, presidents of the Lawn and tion an:l Junior Lawn Tennis Ass °cwlives. Both these gentlemen rcSllec " of congratulation. During the f ™ r,is orchestra discoursed many bright Phnts ' afternoon tea, provided bv the il,i ' •' l - r,d the club, was much enjoyed by 01 CYCLING CHAMPIONSHIP Press Association By Telegraph - M (Received * G - r\&Vr SWIMMING. Y.M.C.A. CLUB. The Y.M.C.A. Swimming Club held , meeting in the rooms, Morav place lit- P"* 1 Major Fleming occupied the "chair ' Tho 1U - report showed that' the had° a ~ successful season. The financial statement a credit of over on the past sS. Sholi ' W l.T>e following oflicere were elected for the en suing season—President, Major FloroL- vwl Ives.dents-Mossrs Longford, Hanna, KeHett M Gill; secretary and treasurer, \[ r R JommiUcc-Sfessrs . Pinfold, Macau, M-o'll], i\t Intnsh; cliib captain, J. B. Doake; deputv captain, li. C. James. u<-puy After a discussion of an informal natnro fv,„ mooting closed wiHi a lieajty vote of tlianl-s to the retiring officers and to Uie chairman
Among tlio many bishops of the Anglican Church who have attended the Lambeth Conference, 0110 of the most interesting is Bishop Lucas, of the Mackenzie River diocese. rjie bishop's dioceso extends over about 600,000 square miles of prairies, forests, lakes, and frozen wastes, and has ono inhabitant for every 100 square miles. Of its 6000 people, 5000 are Red Indians or J'.slainos. Nearly all are trappers. The bishop has charge of seven mission stations, and in visiting them he has to travel thousands of miles a year, most of the journey Doing- made the mosquito-infested nvers.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18052, 28 September 1920, Page 6
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1,560SPORTS AND PASTIMES Otago Daily Times, Issue 18052, 28 September 1920, Page 6
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