PROPERTIF.S FOB SALE ANO TO LET. Telephone fis9. IiiORGE VY. KID D, 'lelephone 959. LAND SALJitiMAN, ItKAL ESTA Tli, AND FINANCIAL AGISNT. 40 DUWLINU *iTliliKi' (adjuui-mj fauces eueetj, DUNKDIN. OA ACRES FREEHOLD (Waitali District); good grazing country; 5 acres bush pi way iirtnvood and pobis; quantity iiay, patch poutoes; 4-roomed Louae (good order), largo iron shed lor cowshou, implement iiiuci, IJ.IO lovvltiouijo and pigsty •_ 2 goou dau-y oows, oulvtb, 1 iriijj and harness, wagon, li.s piougn, swiri;; plough, set of 3-leaf harrows, Planet Jun. soiutler, and a largo quantity ol tools and sundries. Price, J>DoO as .ijoiug concern, iim pkwe la on. uie tiiarliet for immediato sale, and is -u bargain at the price aslied. Folio 3'J3 1 AS ACRJiS FjCKEIiOLU, iiieludnig 'i 0 acres river flat (sout'i line); i-milo to rail, AvO 2 miles to school; 6-rooined House, o suited and (owaned; 10 warn# oats, 'j acres oats .-iiid. grass, 6 acres rape and grass, 10 acres turnips; carrying at prceent 123 ewe}) and hoggets, B0 lambs, 6 cows, 4 horses, 5 cattle. Prico £l 5 per aero lor tho land, and btoen may bo had at valuation if required. Terms £iOJ cash. Folio 481 Q1 A ACRES FREEHOLD (south line); 6-roomed llouso and outbuildings; garden a»»d orchard; iO acres outt, 20 a urea turnips, ualunco groat; 1 nuiu from school, 2 nulc& to rail and P.O. Price £1.2 per acre for tho land, or £16 5s per aero 11a going concern; with 5 good horses, 14 head cattio, ISJO ewes (with Iwubs at foot), 134 dry ineep; lull stock of implements and sundries including iuruituro and Jinoloumt-. , , , * Folio 472 OA ACIiES (north lino); 6 paddocks; freehold; li miles to rail, 2 miles to school; O" 5-roomed House, washhouse, 16 stalied cowbyro (with loft), 2-stailed stable, barn, engine shod, and implement shed; 6 acres oats, 1 acre turiups, Iwlaneo grass, and about 20 acres mixed bush; 10 dairy cows, engine, chaft'cutter, saw honoli, eoed thrashex and cleaner, binder, 3 ploughs, set discs, 2 sets 3-leat harrows, dray, spring-curt, roller, turnip sower, trolley, harness complete Ijr dray, spring-cart, and implements, 2 sledges Prico as going concern, £i 650. Good terms. Fol. 474 "I OA AORES LEASEHOLD (handy Dunedin); annual rental £103; 8 paddocks; 2 JLaj\Jl iuir3s oats, 2 acres hay, 10 acres bush, balance grass; b-roomed House, 19-r-talkd cowbyre, 4-stalled stable, barn, and cartshed, 20 dairy cows, 7 two-year-old heiters, 2 bulls, 1 horse; reaper, hay rake, 3 ploughs, discs, tine harrows, roller, 2 sledges, spring-cart, spring-dray, tip-dray, harness, and sundries. Price and full" particulars at my office. Fol. 475 1 A ACRES FREEHOLD (i-milo from vram); all ploughable; 3 acrcs turnips, 3 of Jlv/ oats and hay, balanco good grass; 5 good dairy <:ows, 1 good horse, springcart, 10 tons of hay (111 stack), i-acre potatoes, s.I. li. and G. whoel plough, swing plough, hillside plough, sot of disco, 2-horso cultivator, miik cart, tet 3-loaf L-irrows, scufflcr, loller, barrels and water troughs, 2 milk cans, 3 small cans, carrier, 2 sledges, harress, and sundries, hut, cowshcd, Stable, and pig.ityos; milk rem attached producing £9 per weok. This littio property would mako an ideal place for a retired farmer to build on. Prico £1350, s;>iin<r concern. _ Fol. 476 ACRES (including 700 acres freehold); subdivided into 8 paddocks; SO acres OtJ\/ ploughable; j-mile to factory, lj miles to school and P. 0.; 5-roomed llouso and outbuildings; 9 acres oats, 11 acres turnips, 14 acres English grass (1 year old), 12 acres 2-year-old grass, balanco tussock and native state; slock comprises 300 ewes (with lambs at foot), 2 cows, 1 yearling, 1 oalf, 4 farm horses (and harness complete for same); d.f. plough, seed sower, discs, cultivator, 600 yards sheep netting, tools, and sundries. Price £3000, going conccrn. This property is situated adjacent to tho Taieti Plain, and is well worth inspection. _ Fol. 462 ACRES (Waiwera South); Education Reserve; 21 years' lease, right renewal; O/V rental £6 10s half-yearly; Dwelling-house, dairy, stablo, chaffhouso, cowshed, trapshed; £-aere orchard, 14 acres oats, 4 acres turnips, 7 acrcs grass (sown this season), balance young grass; 4 cows, 4 heifers (coming to calf),'2 bulls, calves, 3 mares, 1 foal, 2 pigs, full set implements. The lot, aa Going Concern, £900. Genuine bargain. Inquire early for this, or you will bo too late. Folio 470 Box 351. M.' HARRIS & CO., 3640. LAND AND ESTATE* AGENTS, 214 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. JI7AA ACitES FREEHOLD; carrying A cj, A ACRES FREEHOLD and 150 TC i IrU* 2000 sheep (ewes); situated 1 AORES LEASEHOLD; 41 acrcs milo trom rail, school, ctc., by good road; oats, 65 acres turnips, 7 acrcs rape, 1 aero 7-roomed Dwelling, bathroom (hot and cold potatoes, balance grass; tubdivided into 11 water), petrol light, telephone, woolshed, paddocks; 5-roomed Dwelling and scullery; 8-stall stablo, oattlo and shcipyards, concrete petrol iight; scone stablo, cowbyre (12 bails), clip; subdivided into 21 pad<ioek3; 17 miles etc.; situated on sea coast, about J,-milo wiro-netted; fences good. PRICE, £2 15s from school and creamery; splendid cropper acre; stock at valuation. Fol. 446 ping and fattening land, and will carry 2 -| Q(r ACRES LEASEHOLD (with right owes to tho acre. Price, £14 per acre. XuJ of purchase at £10 per acre); lease Thi3 is an excellent farm, and will be 2 years and 9 months to go, from Decern- worth inspection. A. 8011, farm salesman, ber, 1919 (rent 8s per acre); 5-roomed Fol. 450 Dwelling, 5-stall stable, cowshed, barn, WAA ACRES FREEHOLD (situated sheepyards, workshop and waslihouso com- I W Wyndham); 7-roomed Dwelling, billed; 9 paddocks, with plenty water; land verandah 3 sides, telephone, hot and cold practically ievel: fences good; situated li water, bathroom, 3-roomed Cottage, full miles Waiwera township; good orchard and equipment outbuildings, including 2 stables garden, and plantation round house. For (4 stalls each), large chaffhouse, woolshed, sale as a going concern, with 18 acres good and piggeries; carrying 700 sheep, 50 head oats, 27 acres turnips, 13 acrcs turnips a-d cattle, besides cropping; all in grass exgrass, 3 draught geldings, 1 draught mare, cept 150 acres. This is an exceptionally 1 hack and harness horse, 2 cart saddles and good property, and the owner wishes to breechings, 2 sots leading chains, collars, retire. Thero is no bettor proposition on harness, plough chains, etc., blocks and the market at the price. £10 per aore. chains, swinglotrees, dray and frame, M.H. Call or writo for fuller particulars. drill, Cambridge roller, disc harrows, tine Folio 444 harrows, furrow plough, clodcrushcr. -t -t wa ACRES FREEHOLD (situated li pic? £550. Property must bo sold, owner ±± <Aj> milos from rail) . 10 . roomed TkA ACRES FREEHOLD (situated li 8" s tall stable, loft, looso-box. wool--46:01/ miles from rail, school, and post implement shed; subdivided into «l 0 office); 7-roomed Dwelling, shearing shed, paddocks; 600 acres in grass, balance tus-3-atalled stable, hut, etc.; half been culti- roclc. present stock and plant consists c. vated, balanco tussock; carrying about 400 900 owes and lambs (all counted), 20 haad sheep' besides lambs, 20 head youns cattle, cattio, 7 working horses, full set implePRICE, £6 per acre, stock and plant at ments, etc. Price, £5 5s per acre, roing raluation. Folio 438 concern. Fol. ■' 5 gIEVWRIGHT, HAGGm, & C°- (LTD.), REGISTERED LAND AGENTS. EMPIRE BUILDINGS, DUNEDIN. D/»AA ACRES FREEHOLD and 1590 ACRES S.G.R. (rent £43 a year), SouthODUv land; about 1200 acres been cultivated, in which are 68 acres turnips and grass, 65 acres oats, 50 acres now grass, remainder in grass, balance of the property in silver tussock, partly surface sown: subdivided into 28 paddocks by good fences; with sufficient turnips will carry 10,000 sheep; 2 good Homesteads, dip, yards, stables, etc.; liandy to rail. £4 7s Gd an acre for freehold, £5000 cash. Leasehold given in. (12) -f QA ACRES FREEHOLD and 215 ACRES RENEWABLE LEASE (20 years to jLOI/ run; rent £30 a year); situated within 12 miles of Dunedin; good 6-toomi3d Houso and all outbuildings; 3 draught horses, wagon, spring-van, 2 drays, binder, ploughs. Cambridge roller, discs, grass-seed stripper, harrows, blocks and chains, double buggy, 2 gigs, harness, separator, etc. Prico for the lot cs above, with 22 acres oats, £2900. Easy terms. (77) A ACRES FREEHOLD (handy to Dunedin); all in natural 6tate, and partly 4fc 4 W surface sown; carries 2000 ewes and 80 head cattle; grood 7-roomed Houso (h. and o. water), woolshed, yards, stable, etc.; 1 milo from, rail and school. £2 15s an acre. Terms arranged. (24) -jOAA ACRES RENEWABLE LEASE (South Canterbury); rent £96 15s halfyearly, leas 10 per cent.; subdivided into 9 paddocks; £0 acrcs turnips, 70 acrcs ready for autumn sowing, balance surface-sown tussock; splendid 6-roomed House and bathroom fix. and c. water, Doulton bath), linen press, storeroom, pantry, acetylena gas; stable and loft, woolshed, ' yards, dip, workshop, etc.; larse orohard and good garden; 800 ewes, 3 good horses, cow, 15 rams, 2 sheep-dogs, stack of sheaves, etc.; 1 milo from school. Prioo on application. (76) rt/ro ACRES .FREEHOLD; alongside railway, sohool, and P. 0.? good 4roomed House Ov> stablo, lxun, and cowshed; £0 fowls, incubator and brooder, 3 horses, and all farm implements; splendid grass country; will carry 14 cows. As a going concern, £600. A snip. (71) 'Phone 842. SHLEY W. COOPER, 'Phone 842. LAND SALESMAN, 10 DOWLING STREET (NEXT DOOR G.P.0.). on a acres Freehold, Gore Dis- -acq acres dairy farm,- well /Vvv trict; rich heavy soil, all plough- -!!-«>«' grassed; handy to Dunedin able, and only 10 minutes to scliooj, post (north lino); 2 acres turnips, 3 acres oats, office, and telephone; mail daily; 15 acres 13 acres grass for hay; good 4-roomed in oats, 23 acrcs tuniips; will carry 2 2 Houss, largo born and cowbyro of 14 sheep to tho acre; 5-roamod Dwelling, 6- stalls; stock: 29 selected oows in milk, 1 stalled stablo and looscbox, byre, Sheep- 'heifer, 1 Jersey bull, 29 head mixed cattle, yards, piggery, largo barn; orohard; shelter lo calves, 2 draught horses and 1 hack, 2 bolt of trees. Tho Property is well sub- ploughs, disc harrows, cultivator, three-leaf divided and watered by permanent springs, harrows, potato grubber, spring dray, spring and; offers an exceptional chance for anyone cart, harness, chains, -etc.; 80-gallon sepato get into a good mixed farm, as_ the rator (with tank), crcam cans, large and owner is determined to sell owing to failing valuable assortment of sundries. £17 10a health. £700 would be accepted a.s deposit, per acre bare, £750 for stock, implements. Stock and full range, of farm implements at A cheap property, with easy ingoing, valuation. Prico, only £12 10s per acre. lAf'RT'ci T • \ rmcm 1 A ACRES and 5-roomed HOUSE; handy 1000 HOLD (rent 3s); 'l 4 paddock JL"Dunedin; built-in copper, bath, and boundary netted;' present oondition• IPO tubs, stable, byre, barn, : coaclihmise. and acrcs turnips, 80 acrcs oats, 15 acres wheat ioft, pigstyes and run. 1 nea, £600. J.hree 350 acres good tussock, balanco pasturo • and a-half aoros turnips and oate at valua- roomed House, woobhod, barn huts and tioat Or Houso and 20 Acres, £785. yards; 7000-gallon tank; EOO 'ewes, "lfO ACRES FREEHOLD, 134 ACRES r t '' ers ', "?•*■ , laml f> 65 cattle, 25 242 EDUCATION RESERVE (south %%£^^4^7^ linM- 1 mile to good town and rail; well /wm-cmur, mt , T „, ~ subdivide! and watered; 6-roomed House (J° R)LD> S^SadSfa and good tango of buildings; land nearly M-atercd 1 by crocks and springs- 1400 slieop' all limed and in grass. A very fine dairy 80-100 head cattle; good buildings, shom-iiU farm, and cheap at £20 per acre for 1* roe- shed, hut, and barn; 8 acrcs oats 45 acres hold and £400 for goodwill of Leasehold turnips. 170 acr-s good grass paddocks and Improvements. An inquiry costs no- 1100-1200 n/rrcs good tussock. Price only thing, and may prove greatly to your ad- £6 per turo. Hurry for ft is; it's tho vjiTitacrp. greatest snip showintr.
. OI xi A JP WEDICAL. ] WORK OF DIGESTION ' should bo performed with ease and completeness if the body is to bo maintained I in perfect health. But oven in tho caso of those who possess naturally strong digestions this is far from always being- the ea4o ' for tho conditions of modern Jifo impose a i strain which frequently gives riso to un- ! avoidablo irregularities. Honce almost everybody suffers at times from dyspeptio ■ troubles, more or less pronounced. It ; 3 3 then that medicine becomes a necessity. An 1 ideal remedy for most of the derangements 1 to which the stomach, liver, kidneys, and i bowels aro liable is that well-known pre- 1 paration—Bcecham's Pills. Exercising as < they do a tonic, corrective, and cleansing i influence upon tho disturbed organs ] BecchWs Pills speedily bring «Jxrot marked i improvement. Tho work of digestion is 1 always greatly facilitated by a course of j that highly successful modicine, BEECHAM'S PILLS. 5 f < Sold everywhere < in boxes, labelled, price—10£ d (36 pills) ' la (56 pills), and 2s 9d (168 pills).
Villi La ire. ' MEDICAL. J\n J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Acts like a Charm in J DIARRHCBA, , and ia tho ONLY SPECIFIC in CHOLERA and DYSENTERY. Checks ind arrests FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. Tho Best Remedy known for COUGHS. COLDS. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. A true palliative in NEURALGIA and RHEUMATISM. ConviacisK Medical Testimony with each bottle. j Of All Chemists. Priccs in England: la 3d, &, ss. Always ask for a "DR COLLIS BROWNE." — Human hair is said to liave been tho most profitablo "crop" known. 'Hiirty years ago even fivo tons or moro were annually imported into London, while tho "harvest" in Paris at that timo yielded ££o,oofi yeariy. NO PUNY CALVES. The natural food for calves is full cream cows' milk, but tho high prico butter fat is fotelling makes cows' milk too valuable to feed to calves. "CIjREMILJC" takes tho plaoo of cows' milk —it contains high percentage of nutriment which builds puny calvos into robust cows and bullocks. " CERKMILK" ir mads from tho finest New Zaalandi cereals, ajid never causes indigestion or scour—it is an all-digeetiblo food, that is keenly relished by young Btock. "CEREMILK" -will make young calv<M thrive and grow strong- and hft&Jthy. Sold by ol! factories and stores in 200, 100, 50, and 251b bags. If youk dcalar cannot supply you write to FJ/iming and Co. {Limited), Box 24, I Gkwe.—Advt. |
— They have straphangin# in Japan, and a Japanese municipality, realising that a i street car will hold moro people standing ' than sitting, has removed tho seats and c put in moro straps. "NAZOL" is tho "handy" oough ' remedy. Keep a bottlo in your vest pocket. A dose in time saves nine. Small bottlo— ' big results. — Hay is being sold for as much as £16 a ton in tho north of "England. Tho avsrago pro-war price waa £4 per ton, but now even the poorer quality is easily sold at £12. That tickling, irritating oough oan bo promptly sreliovod by a few drops of "NAZOL" taken on lump sugar. Get "NA/SOL" to-aighi. Sixty, doses 1a £&
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17838, 21 January 1920, Page 10
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2,490Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17838, 21 January 1920, Page 10
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