PROPERTIES F(M BALB AHD TO LBT. Phone 214 L Thono 2141. , B A T T E R S B ,Y & C 0., LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, A.M.P. BUILDINGS. 25 DOW LING STREET, DUNEDIN. L „ o 3 f»l ACRES FREEHOLD (3 miles from Dunedin); i-milo from school and station; , /*3 1 ucrn oate irrass and turnips, balanco grass; good 5-roomed House (now), s allTecessaryoXuidings. UTILE PROPERTY. PRICE, I £675. * ■ ? - M i ia ACRES FREEHOLD (CLOSE DUNEDIN CITY); all in grass; well watered; l IU 1 milo station, school, and township. PRILL,-±,625. J!. „U r r»CA ACRES (450 acres Freehold, balance LLP.); 250 acros grass, balance native 3 DOU grasses; well watered; good House and all necessary outbuildings; i-acro c orchard; carrying at prosont 500 sheep; situated 4 miles from station; note <. the price asked for a quick salo,£3 15s per. acre; suit returned man. a OOA ACRES LEASEHOLD; low rent; long lease; wellwatered; all ploughable; 12 \ AA™ acres oats, 14 acres turnips, 2 acres lucerne ; 2CO ewes, 15 head young cattlo, j "2 horses; li miles station, school, etc. PRICE, £1500, AS A GOING t CONCERN THIS IS ABSOLUTELY A GIFT. 1.15 - O A ACRES FREEHOLD, Green Island; good House and outbuildings; 13 cows, 12 - 4l\J calves, 2 pigs, all implements. Price, £1250, going concern. I<. 253 J r»A ACRES LEASEHOLD, Taieri Distriot; flat .land; 26 acres oats, 2 acres turnips, i 01/ 8 acres grass; 5-roomcd House, all outbuildings; 13 cows, 2 cattlo, 3 horses, i 4 pigs, and numerous fowls. Goin K concern, £900. F. 365 c Q f\ ACRES FREEHOLD, North Line; good House, all outbuildings; 10 cows, 2 \ O\J horses, all necessary implements, including engine, saw, etc. Price, as a j going concern, £1500. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CHEAP. F. 377 a C n ACRES FREEHOLD, Milton District; flat and low ridges; 12 acres oats and r *)\) grass, 4 acres turnips, 10 acres to bo sown down ; 2 cows. 5 young cattle, 1 1 pig, 60 fowls, all implements, etc.; 5-roomed House, scullery, etc.; all good > outbuildings; 1 milo town, school, and station. Pnco, £1500. F. 37<i OKA ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASE, Catlins District; rent £10 yearly; well i4o\) watered: flat and hilly country; 60 acres grass, balanco bush; carrying at present 100 ewes, with their lambs, 2 cows, and 2 horses; 2-roomedl CottoKC eowbyre, chaffbouse; i-mile station, school, etc. Pnco, £600. vVjldJj SUITED FOR A RETURNED SOLDIER. F. 14 rVC ACRES LEASEHOLD; 12 miles from Dunedin; rent £35 per annum; Dwsllw tO ing and ail outbuildings. Price (including 5 horßes, 19 cattle, and all implements, etc.), £350, as a going concern. F. 359 2. * SMALL HOLDINGS HANDY. SMALL HOLDINGS HANDY. f*n ACRES FREEHOLD, handy to Dunedin; 6 paddocks; well watered; 5 acres D/« oats and grass, 7 acres grass, 4 acres turnips, 1 acre potatoes; 400 fruit trees; 5-roomed Houso and all necessary outbuildings; 2 miles from township, station, and school. Prioo (including 5 cows, 2 pigs, 2 horses, harness and all necessary implements), £1400, as a concern. SNIF. i. 360 Telephone 959. GE° RG K W ' KID D ' Telephon6 959 ' »., LAND SALESMAN. REAL ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENT, 40 DOWLING STREET (adjoining Princes street), DUNEDIN. Pfi ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY AND CROPPING FARM, near Mosgiel; all 01/ rich, level land; splendid running stream; 6-roomed House all outbuildings, going concern, including 14 cows, young cattle, 2 pigs, 4 horses, Ml set implements, crops includ.3 26 acres oats, 2 acres turnips, i-acro potatoes; a real lirst-class OPI?^tunity and a rare chanco to get a leasehold farm of this dsscnption. 1< urther partioiiN lars to bona fide buyers. . . I'olio 10U O/? ACRES, Lawrence district, Freehold; adjoins railway station; 4-roomed House, i/O stable, chaffshed and cowshed; 7 acres three-year-old grass, 8 acres ploughed, balance natural state; going concern, including implements, 3 horses, 70 fowls, eto. Ihe wholo lot as a going concern, £850. Dont miss this opportunity. l'olio 401 AA A ACRES LLP., subdivided into 8 paddocks; new up-to-date House,/ good Z. 4-UIF huts oowbyro for 10 cows, stablo, piggeries. This property comprises ncli io flats and gentle slopes; going concern, including 24 cows, 300 owes with lambs at foot, er young stock, breeding sows, 6 horses, and completo set implements. A real snip at £3000, going concern. x . , i,oll ° 0_? ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD; 3 acres oate, balonc© grass; good H 4lKi orchard, vegetablo garden; permanent witer supply; 7-roomctl Houso; hot and "in cold water, Wizard light in every room; numerous outbuildings Ihis bttlo property to is situate in one of tho best districts in North Otago. Rent £10. Price, £1000. A >]1 rare chance. , , „ i tt b OAA ACRES FREEHOLD, North Line; half-mUo school; 4-roomed Houso, now Z o\}\) barn, stable, and outhouses; 13 acres rape and turnips, balance grass. Price, ip £9 per acre Fol 465 id 1 £?0 ACRES FREEHOLD ; subdivided into 6 paddocks; 6-roomed House, barn, lo* stable, and cowshed; 12 acres oats, 3 acres turnips, balanco grass; handy school and factory, 5 miles road. Price, £9 per aero. Fol. 466 ■» OAA ACRES FREEHOLD, Maheno; 14 paddocks, 14 miles to rail, school, factory, o\J\) etc.- two houses (including ono new six-roomed, with scullery, bathroom), - ' washhouse and storeroom, new cowbyro (4-cow milking plant installed), stablo, implement shed, etc.; young orchard, 50 acres oats, 25 sown in cowgrass and ryegTess, 12 M acres rape, 20 acres shut cif for clover seed, balanoe gocd pasture; an ideal farm for fattening, 'oropoing, and dairying. Price, £35 psr acre. Fol. 467 OOAA ACRES LEASEHOLD, Southland (19 years to run; rent £105 per annum); 00\/lj 8 miles from rail, 4 miles to school; 4-roomcd House, 2 huts, stables, motor shed, cattle and shecpyards; 65 head cattle, 7 horses 1750 sheep, quantity of implements' furniture, etc. Price as a going concern, £7000. Fol. 452 /IIQA ACRES FREEHOLD, South Canterbury; carrying 2000 ewes and 500 ewe 4-JLO\r hoggets; lambing averages 80 to 90 per cent.; ideal grazing country. Tho cull ewes off this block havo realised from 26s to 35s and tho lambs 20s to 21s, delivery beginning March, which gives an indication of tho class of country; new 6roomed Houso (bungalow), every convenience, woolshed to hold 700 sheop, 5 Lister shearing machines, largo shecpyards, men's kitchen and quarters, all in good order; , 12 paddocks, well fenced; 1000 acres havo been cultivated, balanco tussock. Price, irl £4 tier acre. Stock at valuation. Fol. M. ?1 -1 /I A<? ACRES LEASEHOLD and 15 ACRES School and Gravel Reservo additional (rental is £145 lis lid half yearly). Tho property carries 1500 ewes and 300 ewo lambs; new 7-roomed Houso, every modern convenience, sheepyards, dip, new garage, woolshed, stable, trapshed, loosebox (all practically now); 10 miles to Ilakataramea; 16 acrss rape and grass. 16 acres oats, 40 acres turnips. As a going conbo c-rn with 1500 ewes with lambs, 2 six-horso teams, 40 hoad cattle, and all newsey sary' outbuildings. Price, £11,500. Easy terms. . Fol. M. ey FAEMS AND SHEEP RUNS FOR SALE. »ln GOOD GRAZING AND DAIRYING FARM; 44 acres freehold; well watered; post and wire fencing; 6-roomed House, dairy; li miles from station and school Price, £800. NORTH OTAGO—I64 ACRES L.1.P.; annual rent, 3s 6d; subdivided into 10 paddocks; well fenced and watered; consists of downy country suitable for mix°d J- farming; yields good crops/usually carries about 200 sheep. Buildings consist of 3W. roomed Cottage, byre, piggery, and several sheds; i-mile from rail, 1 milo from school. les Price. £2000. Terms can be arranged. F. A. p" QOUTH OTAGO—About 300 ACRES FREEHOLD; tip-top sheep country; lies well a' O to the sun, with plenty of shelter; subdivided, woll watered, and fenced; 20 ' it' acres in new gras3, balance 2 and 3-year-old grass, 60 acres ploughed;_ buildings con- ,; ' sist 01 new 4-roomed House and soullery, stable, and barn; ono milo from school J, and post office. Price £8 10s per acre; stock at valuation. This is in one of tho n best sheep districts in Otago, and is well worth inspection. E." x.\ QOUTH OTAGO.-For Immediate Sale, 11_ ACRES PARTICULARLY FINE O LAND, with comfortable 6-roomed Dwelling and outhouses, etc., largo building suitable for stablo or blacksmith's shop; all in good heart, and suitable for pouP try farming or fruit or potato growing; all level land, and lies well to the sun; ithe mile from railway station and post office; school just opposite. Would make a very nd superior home for anyono who wishes to take up poultry farming or fruit growing. Ms Price, £650. Easy terms arranged. s ite by lck qouth OTAGO.—We have in our hands for immsdiate disposal a handy FARM £3 of about 220 acres; close to railway station and school; subdivided into 8 paddocks; 50 acres plbughed, 20 in one-year grass; 45 acres is good flat land, suitable for dairying; the balanco of the farm is in grass and would carry about 200 sheep; buildings consist of comfsrtable 9-roomed House, stablo, barn, ohaffhouse, oto. Price, £9 10s per acre; £700 cash required; terms can be arranged., Great chanco for a man with family. WATERS, RITCHIE, & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS, IRCRAWFORD STREET. *~ 'Phone 1880. DUNEDIN. 'Phone 1880. Mr BARGAINS : BARGAINS on j 1 GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE of 12 large and lofty rooms, with grounds nlcelv laid out and sheltered, and every convenience, including electric light and g\% ' porcelain baths and basins, hot and cold water all over, range and gas cooker' ponds, fountains, concrete and iron vinories, tomato houses ana conservatories brick lily an d concrete garage and driver's room. Present owner will sell at a low figure and 27d purchaser can have from 2to 10 acres, as desired. This property is very suitable for " a Convalescent Home or Public Institution, as it is sunny, sheltered, command» an ideal view, and is withm a few minutes of the 2d section. Price according to land -— rpatiired by purchaser. D CiT. CLAIR PARK.—About 5 ACRES perfectly flat Freehold land, with an m, J_> surpassed view of the ocean and harbour. This land is a square block ami overv inch can be cultivated. Price, £750. ' TTPPER KEW.—Full l-AORE SECTIONS, fenced and cultivated; perfectly flat. U fronting irood street and commanding lovely view. Price, £300. * KING STREET.—lnvestment Brick and Concrete PROPERTY; well leased an.l bringing in 7 per cent, net on price fixed. ' aaa atto iTIENTIiEMAN'S RESIDENCE of 8 rooms and gronnds, having an area of aboi«f —•d \JT 21 acres; 6 minntos from 2d section; sunny, sheltered, and good view s. worth £1500; house cost £1250. Price for the lot, £1250. ' Jand M HIGH STREET.—Gentleman's RESID ENCE of 16 rooms (new); every convenience; 3 minutes from post office; good view. Price, £3500. Easy terms. T. E. SHIEL ft CO., r Telephone 3083. 299 PRINCES STREET. cb FARMS FOR SALE : FARMS FOR SALE « TTfcALMERSTON-1876 ACRES FREEHOLD: 1517 acres tussock, surface sown, Jl balance river flat; carrying 1000 ewes, 300 hoggets, 200 wethers, 120 head cattle, besides crop; 6-roomed Hov_e and all outbuildings. PRICE, £7 5s per acre. Terms. tI3 -g AAA ACRES LEASEHOLD; 11 years to run; rent £150; carrying 1400 shocp, 40 red XUv" hoad cattlo, 20 horses; good steadings; fences in order; well watered; has ise - »m«m 60 bushels of wheat and 85 of onts per acre; glows gooti turnips, and holds bo thTgrass well. INQUIRE ABOUT THIS. BEST-ON MARKET. wr , AA ACRES FREEHOLD. 1400 ACRES LEASEHOLD; carrying 3000 owes, 800 '• 751)U horgete, 70 rams, 75 head cattle; good buildings. PRICE FOR FREEtho HOLD, £3 10s per acre. LEASEHOLD, £42 per annum. EASY TERMS. - )D " TIuVLMERSTON.—IS4O ACRES FREEHOLD; 600 acres ploughable; balance silver „h. ; JL tussock- carrying 1600 sheep, 50 head cattle, 10 horses; 8-roomed House, all oT.tbuildfngs in fair order. PRICE, £9 PER ACRE. TERMS. TZ. Knw ACRES L.1.P.; rent £90 per annum; carrying 1000 shoep, besides cattlo and g 537 crops. This is the cheapest place on tho market. GET PARTICULARS AT i„ ONCE, .ing T OTAGO FINANCE AND AGENCY COMPANY (LTD.), if« 1S EMPIRE BUILDINGS, , Box 523. Princes street, Dunedin. 'Phone 3542.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17823, 3 January 1920, Page 14
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1,991Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17823, 3 January 1920, Page 14
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