PROPERTIES FOR SALS AND TO LET. I*l PATirß<?nisr -n a m E ' a PETERSON, N- PETERSON, m P A T L> Finanok Aojot J! StJBVBTOB AND ?> ' P LAND ft SWUffl NEEK DOMINION CHAMBERS, S Seokbb & 142 RATTRAY STRJCET. 0 *> , (Opposite Wood's Private Hotel). ** House & Land Agents. Lund Surveying a Specialty. ROSLYN (fine position).—Gentleman's modern Brick RESIDENCE of 7 rooms, with everything up-to-date; tilo roof,' balconies, etc., and all in perfect order, with beautiful J-acre freehold section j magnificent view over City. Hariiour, _and Peninsula! fine gurden, asphalt paths and yard; separate motor entrance. This is a really good property, and a sacrificed price. SOUTH DUNEDIN.—Modern RESIDENT'S of 6 rooms, bay window and verandah front, bathroom, hot and cold, gas, fireplace in every room, latest steel ceilings, friezes and papers, iivo built-in wardrobes; outbuildings, coalhouso, washhouse, and garage; fine freehold corner section, laid out in garden and asphalt paths. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Card to view on application. SMALL DAIRY FARM, North-East Valley (above Opoho); 50 acres freehold; irel fenced and subdivided, with good crop of oats, potatoes, and turnips; 5-roomed Dwelling, with conveniences; 13-stalled bvre. loosebox, pigstye, and all other outbuildings, together with 11 good cows, bull, 2 heifers, 3 horses, carta, plough, harrow, and all necessary farm implements; for URGENT SALE. Tho lot, as going concern, £1000. or offer. SUNNY QPOHO—Beautiful RESIDENCE of 7 rooms; commanding appearance; fine bathroom (h. nnd c); electric light, oak mantels and tilo surrounds, gag, and all necessary outbuildings; with ?-acre choice corner section, tastefully laid ou flowers, orchard, and ornamental trees; glorious view. A homo in perfect order, am one to bo proud of, and it only requires inspection for it to bo yours. Liberal termi if desired. "TfcUNOTTAR TOWNSHIP. EOSLYN (admittedly the finest township around Dun •*-' edm).—Charming New 6-roomed Modern BUNGALOW; fittings and everything the best and most modern; tilo roof; fine elevated freehold section, enjoying absolute L quietude; jrlorious view; .iico garden. Immediate possession. ITTLEBOURNE (fine position).—SEM[-BUNGALOW. 5 rooms; all conveniences; casement windows; nice freehold section; garden, flowers; asphalt paths anc yard; urgent sale; owner leaving. £100 deposit; onlv £725. ' ' '■■ QUEEN STREET.-Fino position: Splendid 7-roomed RESIDENCE (one flat), with all modern conveniences; attractive appearance; fine freehold level section, gar. den, lawn, and aspbalt paths and yard. The first to inspect will buy. Easy terms. Sacrificed. £950. L ITTLEBOURNE (close tram).—First-class HOUSE, 6 rooms; bath, ecullery, h. and c. water, gas, 2 bay windows and portico, washhouse, copper and tubs, and all other conveniences (no borer); nice sunny freehold elevated section; splendid view; 2 entrances. The property wants a littlo doing up, but is an exceptional bargain at the price. £100 deposit. Only £750. TTNION STREET.-Pretty and Substantial VILLA of 5 good rooms, in fine order; r v. r?t"' s ? u l' e ry> hot and cold water, cupboards and wardrobes; pretty appearance; freehold section; Runny w'do of street; asphalt paths and yards; owner leaving. Easy terms. £750. Will bo sold a bargain. CJT. CLAIR (on top side, close Esplanade) .—Lovely 7-roomed Modern RESIDENCE, *P in fine order, with every modern convenience; rooms all large, and very attractive and commanding appearance, with lovely elevated corner section; nice garden, fine view; motor garage; asphalt paths and yards. Urgent sale to wind up deceased estate. £300 deposit. This is a genuine bargain. rf"uTY (on New 7-roomed Brick BUNGALOW; everything the best \J end latest fittings, tiled roof; motor trarage; lovely corner section; exceptionally warm and sunny situation, and jdorious view. This Property only requires inspection for you to become fascinated with it, and the price is right, Terms to suit PARK, REYNOLDS, LIMITED, AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN, MANSE STREET. DUNEDIN. AN ATTRACTIVE LITTLE FARM, 15 MINUTES PROM CAR. £)Q ACRES, divided into 4 paddocks; well fenced and watered; 15 acres in splendk ,-VO condition, the remainder rough grazing; Dwelling of 3 rooms, and ample outhouses and shelter: Price £725. WELL WORTH INSPECTION. (545) AN HOUR'S RUN FROM DUNEDIN. £*OA ACRES (484 Freehold, 150 Leasehold); handy to school and rail; tho mai OO 1 * passes the house door; REAL SPLENDID PASTURE LAND, having a mil< and a-half frontage to tho main road; handy to stockyards and market; almost al the freehold is ploughablo. and a great deal is capable of producing equal to ihe best land in the Taieri. SEE IT AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED; carrying at present 400 ewes, lambs at foot, 300 dry sheep, and 30 head cattle. The Property is ,al well watered by streams, fenced, and divided into 12 paddocks; crops at present—4( acres oats (extra good), 80 turnips and rape, and 40 gro33 (sown this year). The build ings, which are all in good order, comprise: 5-roomed House, men's hut, washhouse, dairy, 10-stalled stablo and loft, cowbvre, implement shed, motor shed, and yards. WOULD MAKE FIRST-CLASS STUD FARM, and is ONE OF THE CHOICEST PROPERTIES AT PRESENT IN THE MARKET, and well worth inspection at .the price, £14 per acre, with tho leasehold thrown in. (554) Oryfk ACRES (200 acres freehold, 170 leasehold), in Milton district (5 minutes from O t\J railway and 10 from school); 22 aoresin oats, 25 in grass and turnips, and II in turnips, balance in splendid pasture; all limed; well subdivided and fenced; carry ing 400 ewes and lambs at foot and 100 dry sheep, 5 cows, 11 horses; sound 5-roome< Dwelling and up-to-date outbuildings; property well watered, and nearly all level A BARGAIN at the price, £12 PER ACRE and LEASEHOLD GIVEN IN. -(539 ANOTHER REAL GOOD PROPOSITION. qqj[ ACRES FREEHOLD (on tho border of MILTON District); handy to rail an< OOrfc school, and only about 3 miles by main road to good stock centre. The present stock comprises: 500 owes, 100 dry sheep, 20 head of cattlc.'and 11 horses. Wil comfortably winter 800 ewes. The Property is wejl watered and fenced into 17 pad docks. Present crops: 45 acres oats and 120 in turnips, 200 acres are good heavy land, and the balance nice slopy ridges. Buildings: Comfortable 6-roomed House, men's hut, 2 six-stalled stables, workshop, implement shed, woolshed, yards, and dip. To anyone in search of real good cropping and fattening country THIS IS JUST THE THING. PRICE £7 per acre. (636 A SELECT LITTLE MIXED FARM. tf>r»K ACRES FREEHOLD, in splendid farming district south of Dunedin; handy *"J to school, rail, post office, and telephone bureau and to good stock centre and ready market; well divided and entirely rabbit-proof fenced; streams flowing through all paddocks; 14 acres in oats, 25 in turnips, and the balance in first-class pas ture. Capacity: 200 ewes, 100 dry sheep, and 8 head cattle. _ Tho House is a moderi bungalow (concrete foundations), and the outbuildings are all in tip-top order and up tc date. AT THE PRICE ASKED-£6 per acre—lT IS A SNIP. Finance arranged 01 reasonable deposit. (540 TO RETURNED SOLDIERS OR OTHERS IN SEARCH OF A BUSINESS. A GOING CONCERN—Shop and workshop, sheds, stable, and 3 good sections o) ■Tk. land; in a SOUND COUNTRY COMMERCIAL CENTRE; one of tho best pro ; positions in the market, and £900 will buy it. Coal _ and timber, ironmongery, painters' and paperhangers' requisites, and general carrying business. Stock-in-trad< averages between £500 and £600; turnover averages between £160 to £200 per month. INQUIRE into this, and RECOGNISE A GENUINE OPPORTUNITY. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN POULTRY? A SPLENDID BUSINESS for SALE, with about 370 head of good strain and first class layers; all necessary plant, in good order; Dwelling of 5 rooms (absolutely modern), with outhouses, and 10 acres freehold, with 200 fruit trees. Price £1200,' JOHN REID & gONS (LTD.), AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, FINANCIAL AGENTS, VALUATORS. SURVEYORS, SHARE, AND LAND BROKERS. Telephono 190. CORNER LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. Telephone 339 L Wo make a SPECIALTY of the MANAGEMENT OF TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES. DAIRY FARM AT BROAD BAY. "J qX ACRES; close to Broad Bay jetty and fronting main road; subdivided into A*/3 5 paddocks, with good 4-roomed) Dwelling, scullery, and pantry, also dairy, washhouse, byre (with loft) for nine cows, horse stall and feed shed. The pro perty is all in grass—a large quantity ready to cut for hay—except a fringe of bush; beautifully sheltered and sunny, and well watered. Price, £1400. jprtAA—BROAD BAY: Comfortable 3-roomed CRIB, partly furnished; on gooc ot//*l/vf Fection, with splendid harbour view. Who wouldn's have a week-end home at the seaside for £200. O/IK-BROAD BAY: Good BUH,DING ALLOTMENT, containing 22 poles; righ: beside the main road. 4475 X?QKA—MOSGIEL: GROCERY BUSINESS and Freehold, with large Brick Shot oWt/OU and storeroom, with 6-roomed Dwelling above;_ also (on another section) stables, storerooms, bacon house, smokehouse, etc. This is a business site second t< none in Mosgiel. Shop and Dwelling alone, £850. (4255 WAIHOLA: Delightful 4-roomed SEMI-BUNGALOW, in splendid order 3w-J it) and up-to-date. The situation is excellent, being nicely elevated, with good garden, and handy to station, etc. Reduced price, only £375. (4383; /jqaa-MORNINGTON: Splendid VILLA RESIDENCE of 6 rooms, in sunny SUoUU and sheltered situation; tiled hearths; gas throughout (light and cooking), bathroom (hot and cold shower and hand basin), scullery, and all necessary outbuildings. Urgent sale wanted. Owner leaving January. (4059] DONALD REID & CO. (LTD.), AUCTIONEERS, PROPERTY SALESMEN, AND COMMISSION AGENTS. r«. ryr»A ACRES PASTORAL LEASE (rent £300 per annum), also 630 ACRES «KJ S I \J\) FREEHOLD; rich land, mostly flat; grows splendid crops; situated handy to township- well fenced with natural boundaries and fenoes; 2 Dwellings, up-to-date; patent light' installed; large woolshed (shearing machines, all in good order), stablo, implement shed, men's quarters; complete set of farm implements; 10,000 sheep (half of which are owes, mostly halfbreds), 30 head of cattle. Price, £26,000, as a going concern. ff!3) OOfn ACRES RICH LAND, Otago Central; i-milo from school, post office, and *)/£\J store; 12 paddocks, mostly flat; well watered; 60 acres oate, 30 acres wheat, 56 acres turnips, balance in English grass; present stock: 630 ewea with lambs, 250 dry 35 head cattle; 7-roomed brick House; garden and orchard; stable, implement shed,'barn, shoopyards, woolshed,'and dip. Price, £10 an acre; good terms. (710) -B -t f\ ACRES FLAT DAIRY FARM, situated 10 minutes' walk from saleyaids, J.XU rail, school, and store; l£ miles from factory; well fenced and subdivided; new 6-roomed Residence, hot and cold water; cowbyre, stable, etc. Price, £30 an acre; good terms if necossary. (691) Ciiffl ACRES RIVER FLAT; liandy to post office, school, and factory; rioh alluvial Ai U land suitable for dairying or fattening; would carry over 100 cows and aE6w fo- crooning-' 7-roomed, garden, and orchard; 8-stallcd; stable, very large oqwb.vro (milking plant installed), barn, implement shed, piggery. Price, £30 an acre. £800 cash would bo accepted from practical farmer. (679) p/rt/vA ACRES FREEHOLD; 6 miles from rail, saleyard, etc.; fenced into 20 pad*M)UU docks and 3 large blocks; more than half tho property ploughablo; large area surface sown; 1100 acres has been cultivated; 2 Dwellings, 6 and 7 rooms; plantation- large"stable, woolshed (new), cowbyre. implement shod, sheepyards and dip; carrying 5000 sheep (nearly 4000 being ewes), balance hoggets and wethers, 70 head cattle • no winter feed grown. Property worked by one man and a boy. Price, £4 7s 6 J an acrs; terms £5000 cash, balance fivo years at 5i per cent. Stock may be taken at valuation. < (""" 'Phone 842. SHL E Y W. COOPER •*!"»» 842 LAND SALESMAN, 10 DOWLING STREET (NEXT DOOR G.P.0.). .. NO SCRUB, NO TIMBER, NO RAB-r n/»KA-WAVERLEY: Good 6-rooafe< BITS.-380 ACRES FREEHOLD, *OOU HOUSE, with bathroom, ecul South Otago; every foot of boundary lery, outhouses; 1 acre ground; good gar fenco rabbit-proof netted; 8 paddocks; all den: a littlo nativo bush. There's a mag fences seven wires and sheep-proof; well nificent view of town and harbour. Wottli watered by two creeks; 5-roomed House, 8- suit retired farmer or business man. stalled stable, barn, men's hut, sheepyards, «-. CONCERN (Sbutl concret3 and brick dip; 1 mile to post and 3t/J_ iOU Otago): 300 ACRES Govern 'phone, 13 miles to school. Great valuo at mcn t; t a , mo (26 yearß to run at £28 16 £10 10s. _ _ . half-vearly rent); 5 paddocks, well watered TO EXCHANGE for any Decent Bus- 30 acros oau, 40 acres turnips, 30 acre ness Proposition: A Good 600-acro [ a ]l ow , balance grass; 2roomed House an< FARM in 11 paddocks, situated at South- hut, new 5-stalled stable; 166 two-tootl land, 50 acres burnt bush (surface sown), ewo] vrith lambs, 20 two-tooth wethers, I 100 acres of rich flat. 200 acres flat, re- raraSi 12 head young cattle, 1 milk cow, - mainder low ridges; 550 acres being piough- draught horsos; gig and harness, stack o ablu. CROPS: 20 acros oats, 2 acres pota- sheaf, good range of implements, hat toes. 125 cres turnips, balastte in grass; ne& , an( j gundriss. So. school on the property; handy to shed and shipyards, dip, etc.; budding! ni S§ factory. See us for further par- «* »" ancf exceptionally good; 40« reu ami j. . sheep, 2000 being ewes, balance weth^fc M r"NiCE SHEEP PROPERTY in South ftnd hoggets £15,500 for fine plfe A Canterbury: 2112 ACRES; well sub- r> s n c? Ql7 G - r il?^ oonCe i?k Z & f I ™ IDIA TB dtHded wd well watered; nearly all plough- ro&SR&SiON; or £14 000 for the proportj Sv MTeres in oats, 100 acres ploughed o(T 6hears - Practically all safe owe for taraips, 1700 acres in English grasses; country. _,_.„„ mod ?-to»med House, h. and a, 0-stalied jt»l APA-VALLBY (sunny side): COB--sabK wUago, shed, woolshed, yards, dip. »AUt»l/ NER SITE with Lovely 6TW* awxao owner lambed 1900 owes and roomed 2-itcrey Semi-Bungalow, replete curte'l SOO ewe boggete. Price, £9 10s. with ■ all modern conveniences, inckdiag IV* a -vsir(xrnapd property. motor garage.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17823, 3 January 1920, Page 11
Word Count
2,270Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 17823, 3 January 1920, Page 11
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