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Properties *or sale /no to let. B ARB & C O.™ land Salesmen, estate and financial agents, 4 51 CRAWFORD STREET, DUNEDIN (Massey-Harris and Co.'s .Buildings). Telephones 3640 and 1644. SHEEP RUN WANTED, situated between Milton and Palmerston; about 2000 ACRES first-class tussock country; residence must be good. Full particulars, q with price as a going concern, along with list of STOCK, should bo sent immediately. Cash client waiting. qa ACRES (North Line); 40 acres flat, balance undulating; 8 acres oats, 3 acres , o" wheat, 8 acres turnips; good House 4 rooms, with conveniences; byre, stable, fowlhouse, pigsty, trapshed. Price, only £1300. Or exchange smaller place. (?KA ACRES LEASEHOLD (North Line), with purchasing clausc in three years at ODU £1800; a great bargain; rent, £90, good Dwelling-house, etc. Terms, £350 • - down on purchase. Fuller particulars on application. 1 aaa ACRES SHEEP FARM; half-share for sale owing to ill-health. Great XUvU opportunity for man with £700. 1 PENINSULA DAIRY- FARM; 80 acres leasehold; one of the best farms in tho district. Owner would consider taking partner with £300 to £400. Splendid chance. ACRES FREEHOLD (Peninsula); carry 40 cows easily. Price, £25 10s per I U acre, on very easy terms. • IK ACRES (North Lino Township); up-to-date 6-roomed Residence, h. and c. AO water; suit retired farmer. Only £800. n IOAA ACRES SHEEP RUN (handy (Dunedin); 250 acres flat, 70 acres wheat Y A.4UU and oats, balance sunny tussock faces; Homestead 7 rooms, sheepyards, ■1 stablea and capital buildings. Price, £5 lOs per acre. Easy terms. A really genuine little run. . . These are only a few of the Choice Properties on our- books. Write to us stating your requirements. ___ QOOD FARM PROPOSITIONS TiUERI.— 1760 ACRES (460 acres Freehold, 1300 acres Leasehold); lease 20 years, rental £24 per annum; 4 rooms and conveniences; sheepyards, dip, ?tc.; carrying capacity—looo ewes, 100 head of oattle: splendid feed; 30 acres turnips, 45 tv. o-year grass, balance surface sown; i-mile from school and post Office; stock can be taken over at very low valuation. Prioe £3500. Terms: £800 cash, balance can remain on mortgage. This is a good proposition. < 7\rORTH' LINE.—6SO ACRES FREEHOLD, all flat land; 10 paddocks, 170 acres young grass, 150 acres two-year grass, 33 acres oats, 30 acres rye, 180 acres turnips*and rape; 5-roomed Dwelling and all necessary farm buildings; carrying 1000 1 owes, besides cropping; some of the sweetest sheep country in New Zealand, and for .1 fattening* purposes cannot be beaten. Price £10 per* acre; easy terms can be arranged. ' SOUTHLAND.— 500 ACRES FREEHOLD; 10 paddocks; 20 acres young grass, balance good feed; 7-roomed Residence, stables, byre, and plant; situated li miles from factory. As a going concern, with 500 ewes, 6 horses, implements, eto., £14 per acre. Terms: £1000 cash, balance can remain on. This is a splendid farm, and will stand any inspection. 1 IV/f ATAURA DISTRICT.—I3S ACRES FREEHOLD, subdivided into six paddocks; ItjL 12 acres turnips, 10 acres stubble, balance good pasture; good 4-roomed House, bath, etc., 10-stall byre, 3-stall stable, and numerous outhouses. Price £15 per acre. Cash required, £650. . _■ i VSTESTERN DISTRICT.—3S4 ACRES FREEHOLD, consisting chiefly of good heavy land, well fenced, drained, and subdivided; comfortable Residence of 7 rooms and all necessary outbuildings; fine plantation and orchard; 2i miles from school, post office, and dairy factory; handy to flourishing township. Price £20 per acre; easy terms. This farm is noted for its wheat-growing capabilities. THE OTAGO FINANCE AND AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED), ' ■ 15 EMPIRE BUILDINGS, DUNEDIN. ' B A T T E R S B Y & C 0., LAND SALESMEN,, REAL ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL ! AGENTS, ifo. 25 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. FOR SALE QR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE. •a -j /? ACRES FREEHOLD; well watered; OA AAA ACRES LEASEHOLD; tus-J-JLO 60 good grass, balance good OUjUxIU sock country; lease renewbush, carrying 38 head cattle; 2-roomed able (rental id per acre); 1 mile from House, sheds; 1 mile from P.O. and rail- township. Buildings: 5-roomed House, hut, way. Price, £300 for the lot. OWNER woolshed, sheepyards, dip. Stock: 5250 WILL EXCHANGE FOR DUNEDIN sheep. Going concern, £7000; terms. AbPROPERTY, with few acres. solutely the cheapest sheep run offering. I 1 TKO ACRES (450 freehold, 1300 lease- qs* ACRES FREEHOLD (north), suitable 'hold); 4-roomed House, sheep- 00 ( dairying; close rail and school; 5- . yards and dip; 5 miles rail; will carry 1000 roomed House, outbuildings. Price, £450; sheep. Price, £2 acre; equity £1300. Will easy terms. ExchMige Farm or Hote!. ACRES FREEHOLD < and L.I.P. SI fi L.I.P' (rent 5s 6d acre), m {) I (north); good gtazing land, in 6 padPaddocks; well-watered .flate docks we ll watered Bui&ings: 6-roomed arid rolling downs; 80 acres crop, with £00 House, 4 miles Dunedin, 2 miles railway, 17 horees; 6-roomed House bath, Price, £1000 (or offe'r). 7 stable, woolshed, byre, etc. Price, £6000, aprttc! m WunTn • i<v j going concern, clear title. Will Exchange 1 V . -FREEHOLD, in 12 padfor Grazing Run xuuu . docks, watered by creeks; 26 KAA ACRES FREEHOLD; well < be,n £, fed off) 700 acres SUU watered; 11 paddocks; good 5- ® »n' tuEsock "' a " d » atl .y®. S^ca roomed House, byre, bathroom, washhouse, L rim r ) bush). Buildings : 4stable, etc.; carry 500 sheep; has yielded rp .5 , - e stables, loose-box, barn. 65 bushel oats; i-mile from rail, school, ™ requirM. Price, £4 etc. Price, £3 per acre. Will exchange, •ac e -. A ™{'8' e amount of the money can equity of £2012, for Sheep Run in Clinton rema,n at A per cent. district A ACRES FREEHOLD (north), in r/| A ACRES L.I.P. (rental £90); 10 pad- V ' several, paddocks, well watered; 4 Dtv docks; 600 sheep, 8 horses, 9 cattle, miles railway; 6-roomed House, yards, etc.; all implements; with 4-roomed House, scul- carry 500_ ewes, with turnips. Only £200 lery; washhouse, dairy, hut, stable,, etc. balance arranged. AN EXPrice, £3500, going concern. Will Ex- OiiPTIONAL CHANCE. change for Property, handy Dunedin. *70 A ACRES FREEHOLD; , tussock iwA ACRES FREEHOLD. (Taieri); v/itb l«y country, rolling downs; 7 padis" 7-roomed House, all outbuildings; docks, well watered; 20, acres oats, 30 acres 45 acres wheat, 28 acres oats; 300 sheep, turnips; carrying 700 sheep (500 ewes); has 7 horses. Price, £35 per acre. WILL grown 102 bushels oats; 6 miles rail. Price EXCHANGE FOR LARGER PROPERTY. £3 per acre; £400 to £500 cash. rtwo ACRES (Taieri) FREEHOLD; well, oi AA CASH, balance on terms, purwatered, flat; with 70 head cattle; chases 16 ACRES (near Dun 4-roomed House, stable, byre sheds; handy edin), with good 5-roomed House, cowbvre" station, school, etc. Price, £12 per acre, fowl runs; stables; all land can be culticjear title. Will Exchange,for North Farm rated crops; 1 acre- oats. Price £825 slightly encumbered ' ■ HOUSE BUYERS, ATTENTION! ppA DEPOSlT—Stylish Six-roomed SEMI-BUNGALOW; Marseilles tiled roof, dwO" electric light, hot water, wide welcome hall, panelled in oak, wide cross hall, beautiful' papers (Empire style), tiled grates and hearths, pantry, presses, wardrobes; lovely lawn, drying green, garden; tram st ops at door; porcelain bath. This is a beautifully situated and splendidly built residence. Total purchase money, £775; very easy terms for balance. - ■ BATTERSBY & CO., LAND SALESMEN. J) ON AL D RE ID & C 0., (L T Dj., LAND, STOCK, AND STATION AGEN TS, DUNEDIN. fIAAA ACRES S.G. RUN; 7 miles from rail by good.road, 2 from school; land /VUUU mostly, level, with northern aspect; almost half can be cultivated; four hundred acres have been ploughed, and grow good white and green crops, balance in sweet tussock;, not an acre scrub' or waste on the property; rent £J3O per annum (term 16 years); subdivided into 5 paddocks; good fences; 26 acres sown in oats," 30 acres being at present worked for grass and turnips, 40 ploughed , for turnips; new 6-roomed House,- with bathroom, scullery, washhouse, coalhouse, stable, woolshed, men's hut, implement shed, sheepyards; house well furnished with up-to-date furniture, in eluding piano (which cost 85gs); 850- crossbred sheep (including 530 ewes), 5 good sound draught, horses, 2 harness horses, 13 cattle, complete set implements, harness, etc. Price, £3400 as a going concern. We can thoroughly recommend this property 'as being well worth inspection. 1 257 Q/i A ACRES FREEHOLD; about 100 acres in English grass, balance in good native <CrX\J bush; 1£ miles from cheese factory, 3 miles from rail, post office, and school; four paddocks, well watered; land lies well to the sun, with gentle slope; new 6-roomed House, cowbyre, 2 huts, piggery, fowlhouse; good garden, orchard. Price, £2 10s per. acre. 1 ■ . 259 iOfjA ACRES S.G. RUN; rent £105 per annum; term 16 years, with right of 4toO*" renewal; eight paddocks, good fences; 1000 acres ploughable, and- grows splendid crops; all necesary buildings; 2300 crossbred sheep, all'well bred and in fino condition (1200 are ewes), 15 horses; complete set good implements. £7500, going concern. , . 261 11 a a ACRES LEASEHOLD; rent £93 per annum (term 13 years); land grows UUU good wheat; all necessary buildings; 775 sheep (including 500 ewes), 20 head cattle, 13 draught and light harness horses; full set farm implements, crops, etc £3000, going concern. - 1 ' "I KAA ACRES.FREEHOLD- 7900 LEASEHOLD; rent 6d an acre (term 14 years, XO" *" with right of renewal); 1000 acres /have been cultivated, balance in natural state; large Dwelling, men's huts, woolshed, Ibarn, stable, 2 sets sheepyards; 4000 crossbred sheep, 32 head cattle, 5 horses, implements,' etc. Price, £51*4,000 as a going concern. QCVYO ACRES; 2£ miles from rail, 1 mile from school, more than half ploughable; ,4)*J t/V part splendid limestone land, capable of growing heavy crops wheat; 14 paddocks; 600 acres have been cultivated, balance in tussock, good part limed; large Dwelling-house, men's hut, 2 stables, woolshed, cowbyre, barn (with loft), concrete sheep dip, sheepyards, etc.; orchard; 1200 sheep (including 800 ewes), 16 horses, 34 cattle; complete; set implements (almost new). Price, £4 5s per acre, as a going concorn. 249 A QA ACRES L.I.P. ;, mostly level, strong wheat-growing land; rent 5s 6d an acre; TrOU fourteen good fences, boundary rabbit-proof; 40 acres wheat and oats. 40 acres young grass, balance English grass, 150 acres limed; five-roomed House, scullery, dairy, ■ implement shed, stable (with 1 oft)g cowbyre, barn, men's hut, woolshed, sheepyards, concrete dip; orchard; six hundred crossbred cheep, 7 draught horses, 2 hacks, 6 colts and fillips, 19 head cattle; three stacks oaten sheaves. Price, £2700, as a going concern. . 224 \ ALBION C H AMBEBS, /"A N. 41 DOWLING STREET O (Cutting.) v Established "w N. \ , 1861. /V \ / FINANCIAL < /X ESTATE ' ' AOKNTB. AGENTS. TELEPHONE 380. TELEPHONE 380. INVESTORS, AGENTS, PROPERTIES MANAGED. RENTS COLLECTED - . o FRUIT FARM. FRUIT FARM. A GREAT CHANCE. Trees in full bearing, just coming into the new season, buyer getting full benefit of coming crops. The Farm is situated in Otago Central, 2 miles from Alexandra, and consists of nearly, 35 acres of first-class land for fruit farming; 21 acres are at present planted, being mostly apples and pears. The land carries the right to 2 heads of water. Buildings consist- of 4-roomed House, with conveniences, fruit' room,, men's hut, etc. The land is a Government occupation lease, but the rental is exceedingly low. This is. a tried orchard, with high references, and a sure thing with an immediate return. Family reasons for selling. 62 1 ST. CLAIR! ST. CLAIR! ST. CLAIR! , f Situated within 2 minutes' walk of the beach. RESIDENCE of 8 rooms (two-storey), built of wood; electric light, washhouse (copper, tubs), and everything modern and up to date; fibrous plaster ceilings, artistic wallpapers. The House has just been done up throughout, and is in tip-top order. The section is a freehold containing 20 poles; asphalt paths. The House is also a most convenient- place, all the outhouses being under same roof as the house. To buyers seeking property in this favourite suburb this, should strongly appeal, and we can recommend it as a first-class home. Price, £750. ' 94 TO LET. • ' ' TO LET. i GENTLEMAN'S Furnished RESIDENCE, containing 11 rooms; every modern con- ! venience, electric light, all well furnished throughout: beautiful sunny situation • fino view; situated in best part of the city, within easy walking distance of the Post Office; tram at door. To let for term of two years. STREET.—Four ROOMS; washhouse (tubs), drained; 12s per week. : ■yORK PLACE.—Eight-roomed HOUSE, two-storey; £1 per week. USSELL STREET.—Nine ROOMS; washhouse (copper, tubs). j Jj£"EW (Handy to the Tram).—Eight ROOMS, briok; all conveniences. STREET.—4 ROOMS; washhouse, drained, h. and c. water; 13s per week. A LVA STREET.—9 ROOMS (two-storey); every modern convenience. | BURTON & PATTERSON, - 41 DOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN. • J

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16508, 7 October 1915, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16508, 7 October 1915, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16508, 7 October 1915, Page 10


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