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A special meeting of tho Otago Harbour Board bold last night was attended by H. E. Moller (chairman), W. Beloher, J M. Dickßoa, M.P., J. H. F. Ilarnol, !L Q. Haxlett, J. Loudon, F. W. Platte, G. EL Ritchie, T. H. Russell, T. Scollay, H. fcT Tlapley, and J. H. Walkor. Tho purposo nf the meeting was to consider the annual reports of tho chairman, of tho engineer, the harbour master, and tho estimates {for the year. ESTIMATES FOB 1915. Th® following wore tho estimates for tho year 1915 prepared by tho secretary and engineer:— Wo hare the honour to 6ubmit tho follow, jng estimates of reoeipts and expenditure for the year ending December 31, 1915. It is needful to point out that, though tho gatiiriAtp/1 debit balance totals £7497, if tho cost of running the dredge Vulcan (£3538), previously charged to loaji account, and tho amount of the 1914 deficit (£4419) wero the debit balance would bo turned into a credit balance of £460. Tfotimatftd Receipts.—Ordinary revenue, £99645: charter of dredgo 404, £1500;— total. £94,145. Estimated Expenditure out of Revenue.— Contingencies (Public Revenues Act), £100; cranes, £439; depreciation fund, £2800; dredge 222, £10,229; dredge 404, £4s; dredge Vulcan, £3538; endowments, £350; engineer's department, £1793; harbour lighting, £900; harbourmaster's department, £3946; house# (three) at Heads, £1800; interest (loan and overdraft), £46,387; marine insurance fund, £500; receiving and delivery, £3500; secretary's departiqpnt, £3945; storage, £321; tugs, £3260; various works. £12 367 r—total, £85,223. Contribution to dock, £1000; 1914 deficit, £4419 grand total, £10UM2. Estimated debit balance, £7497. . , . Estimated Revenue.—Puotage and harbourmaster's fees, £11,500; port charges, £9500 j berthage, £2250; towage, £1500; pilotage exemptions, £25: cranage, £150; licenses, £200; electric light, £350; storage, £350; dues on goods—imports £39.000, exports £8000; rents, £13,000; receiving and delivery, £4000; harbourmaster (Government refund), £70; dredge 404 (charter), £1500; life insurance refunds, £800; miscellaneous, £1950j—'total, £84,145. Estimated Loan Expenditure, in accordance with statement submitted by the engineer in August.—Leith canal, £3000; Black Jack's wall and boat harboar, £1200; reclamation. dock endowment, £500; south endowment wall, £7000; intercepting drain (half oost), £3200; pumping station, Sunshine, £2000; pipe line, Sunshine _to Tahnna, £2000; dredge delivery pipe line, £2500; Victoria wharf breastwork, £400; — total, £21,800. Estimated loan expenditure should funds b« available (additional to preceding) : Reclamation, £1000-; street formation, £500; forming roads and allotments on reclaimed ground, £1000; extension Rattray street ■wharf, £1000; two reinforced concrete sheds, £6520; road formation, Rattray street, £1000; purchase of land, Rattray street, £5800; Manor street drain (half cost), £1200; lower harbour improvement scheme, £1000; piling for wilkie road drain (haH cost), £1200; concrete piles, mole light, £1000; New Era suction dredge, £7500; foundations new shed, Victoria wharf, £2140; Hayward Point light, £400; grand total, £53.060. The following statement shows the position of the loans on dock aocount: —Loan No. 1, £5500, expended; loan No. 2, £75,000, expended; loan No. 3, £25,000, dock aooonrrt now operating. By debentures issued, £25,000; expenditure to December 31. 1914, £21,484 0s 6d; credit balance, £3515 193 6d. The estimates of revenue and expenditure were considered in committee and adopted. A sum of £400 was provided fortfae erection of a pier master's heme at Port Chalmers. Consideration of the estimated loan expenditure (should funds be available) was held over, and the proposed expenditure out of dock loan was also bold over. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT.

Tho following are the main features of the report for the year 1914, presented by the chairman.}—

The year under review is one which has developed important national changes, and at its close we find ourselves still engaged in loyal conjunction with the Motherland and sister dominions in maintaining the prestige of the Empire. At the outbreak of hostilities we recognised that tho continuance of oar oversea trade could only be assured by the control of the trade routes by oar navy. That this ooold be done we had every confidence, but still we were necessarily compelled to recognise that the regular course of trade must, for a period at least, be dislocated. This has eventuated somewhat, but I am happy to say not to such an extent as some anticipated, and' -it girea me peculiar pleasure to be able to present to you such a favourable statement of revenue, trade, and shipping. In our calculations for the ensuing year, we are endeavouring to take a moderately optumstio outlook, and 1 am hopeful that we shall be more than warranted in this by the year's results. FINANCE. The revenue' for the year was £94,951 10s 2d, made up as follows:—Pilotage, port charges, and berthage, £22,107 4s 8d; towage, cranage, etc., £2079 Os 3d; import dues, £38,966 4s &d; export dues, £7814 9s 9d; rents, £12,981 lis 6d; receiving and delivery, £3992 15s 2d; miscellaneous receipts, £7010 4s Id. The revenue in 1912 was £96,946 2s Bd, and that in 1913 was £89,620 16s 3d. The expenditure in 1914 was £91,667 16s Bd, made up as follows:— Secretary and treasurer's department, £4139 Is; engineer's department, £1734 14s 7d; harbour master's department, £7644 6s 6d; general works, £7896 5s Id; dredging, £11,943 5s 8d; insurance (fire, accident, and life), £2969 0s lid; receiving and delivery, £3313 7s 7d; miscellaneous expenditure, £2374 17s JOd; interest loans, £43,352 17s 6d; transfers to Dock Department Depreciation Fund, etc., £6500. In 1912 the expenditure was £97,360 17s, and in 1913 it was £98,936 Is Id. The general account opened on January 1 with a credit balance of £13,246 13s 2d, and after adding the credits shown on the above return, the account closed at December 31 with a credit of £16,530 6s Bd. There has been spent out of loan (£150,000) the sum of £41,744 for the year, making a total of £112,601 16s 9d, the debit balance at December 31, after allowing for discounting debentures issued at 4£ per cent, being £21,352 18s 3d, tho possible balance, assuming the same rate' of discount as heretofore, being approximately £29,500. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS.. The following table gives full particulars of imports anA exports for the past three years:— IMPORTS.

The statement of accounts of the dock department shows a deficit of £2530 10s 2d, towards tie reduction of which tho Union Steam Ship Company ia liable for £1000, leaving' a net deficit for the year of £1530 10s- 2d. Tho accumulated deficit prior to this was £7380 17s, which, with the net deficit for 1914 (£1530 103 2d) brought tho total to £8911 7s 2d. Against this, however, the board paid during 19] 4 tho sum of £4000 (£2OOO really belongs to 3913), leaving u net deficit at December 31, 1914, of £4911 7s 2d. This amount now stands as a charge against tho harbour fund. Tho amount received from dock dues during 1914 amounted to £3681 5s lid, rents from endowments £1391 6s 6d, electric light £600 8s 4d, electric crano and sheerlegs £801 14s, slip dues and other sources £331 17s lOd. To tho total ordinary receipts amounting to £6806 12s 7d has to bo added the board's contribution of £1000. The ordinary expenditure' for salaries, wages, repairs, coal, stores, interest, sinking fund, and other charges amounted to £10,293 4s lid. During the year 28 vosscls of 102,272 tons grOE wero docked in tho Otago Dock, and 35 Tesscls of 36,870 tons gross in the Port, Chalmers Dock, while 15 vessels of 1051 tons groes were slipped, making a total of 78 vessels of 140,193 tons gross, an increase compared with the previous year of five vessels and 1368 tons gross. PERSONAL. After dealing with accident insurance, tho advertising of tho port and docking facilities, also the prospects with regard to tho Anderson Bay inlet, and matters connccted wiib tho boat harbour, tho report goes on

to refer to the personnel of tho board, including th 9 death of Mr T. Fidelia, and the appointment of Mr J. H. I l '. llamel, the departure of Mr G. I>. Bulloolc, and appointment of Mr G. R. Ritchie, and tho resignation of Mr A. 11. Bridger, whoso placo has not yet been filled. DDES AND BATING AREA. Tho nexi, matter dealt with is the approaching of the board by tho Chamber of Commorco with regard to the question of and ratiDg area, and other matters aifccting tho board's policy, which had been incorporated in tho chamber's report. Tho conferenco, proposed by tho chamber, was not viewed with favour, the chamber boinp advised that a deputation would bo received. Tho chamber was of opinion, however, that no good purposo would bo served by meetine tho board merely as a deputation. As nothing could be done in tho way of arranging a conference, the chamber asked that a reply- should bo sent to the suggestions made in tho report forwarded, but as tho proposals would materially affbet the board's revenue, it was decided to tako no further action in tho matter. DEEI"WATEIt BERTH. In March, 1913, tho board decided forthwith to proceed to deepen, by dredging, tho approach to the Port Chalmers wharves, and to urgo the Railway Department to extend tho present Georgo street wharf accommodation. The board, at tho same tunc, gave the undertaking to deepen the proposed new berthage to 33 feet at low water. Eventually tho General Manager of Railways advised that the work of widening tho wharf would bo put in hand as soon as funds wero available. A further inquiry elicited tho information that instructions had been given for the necessary timber and piles to bo ordered, and delivery to bo made as soon as possible after March 31, 1915. DBAUGHTB. The dock wharf and drainage in connection with the southern endowment having been touched upon, tho report goes on:— The past year has witnessed a marked advance in ' the draught of steamers entering and leaving the port. On March 27 the Waimate (5610 tons) arrived at Dunedin, and was berthed at the Victoria wharf drawing 22ft—a record for the Victoria Channel. On November 23, however, tho Tongariro (8073 tons) created a fresh record, negotiating the channel on a draught of 22ft 3in. In May, the engineer reported that the navigable channel at tho entrance of the harbour carried 40ft at low water, that at tho bend south of Harrington Point thero was a depth of 32ft at low water, and that the depths at tho entrance and in the channel as far as Deborah Bay were now greater than tho entrance depths of the other main ports of the dominion. Such an improved condition cannot but be a cause of satisfaction to members, and especially to tho engineer. In connection with the departure of the troopships, the board's official draught was 26ft at the wharf and 30ft in the stream. It was found, however, that tho Hawke's Bay would bo drawing considerably more than tho official depth when fully loaded. To ensure the required depth dredgo 222 worked continuously, and the Hawko's Bay left drawing 27ft lin at tho wharf (a record), and when -under way in tho channel 28ft, and the Ruapehu 25ft 6in at the wharf. Since the departure of the troopships, special attention has been given to tho dredging of the berths at Port Chalmers, there now being 33ft at the George street pier and 27ft at the Bowen pier. On October 29 the record made by the Hawke's Bay was exceeded by the Pakeha, leaving Port Chalmers drawing 27ft Sin at the wharf. fibe kbotection. The position in regard to fire protection at tho wharves is next set out. As the result of a conference between the board's committee and the Water Committee of the City Council, the latter recommended to the council that tho mains in Rattray and Wharf streets be increased to 6in mains (estimated cost £1300), provided the board paid halfcost. The board is now awaiting further particulars from the City Council as to tho work included in tho estimate before considering the matter further. GOVERNMENT OAEGO. The question of the exemption of Government cargo from wharfage dues is one that has given cause for considerable discussion and dissatisfaction, particularly at the various Harbours' Association conferences. Commencing with tho »beginning of the year a register has been kept, and for your information I give tho figures:— Total Imports— Tons. Tons. Dues. General 4,019 Coal 30,619 Timber (2,111,840 a ft) 4,400 39,038 £5,021 ExportsGeneral 3,250 Timber (32,909 s. ft) ... 66 3,316 164

Grand Total ... 42,354 £6,085 INBTJBANCE, ETC.

Matters in connection with the war, harbour lighting (held in abeyance, as the engineer is considering the question of lighting by electricity), houses at the Heads, insurance of plant, etc., are set out, the last-named as follows: —On the commissioning of the new tug Duuedin inquiries were made as to the cost of insuring that vessel and the other floating plant. The terms quoted by the insurance companies, though being fixed at the lowest minimum, were considered somewhat high, and, as we have some £4400 to the credit of the marine insurance fund, it was decided to carry our own insurance on the floating equipment, and that, in any year when the finances permitted, the sum of £1000 should be set aside for the fund, instead of £500 per annum as at present. LEASES. The result of the sale of the leases was an increase in the rent roll of some £159, equal to 31 per cent on the previous rentals. Should this continue with other allotments, and an increasing number be leased, it is not difficult to see the important part that tho endowments will play in the future in enabling the board to reduce its imposts on goods and shipping. Negotiations have resulted in the Public Works Department leasing some 2i acres in block LXXIV for a term of 50 years, on which il is proposed to erect extensive buildings. Special provision was made in the Reserves and Other Lands Disposal and ' Public Bodies' Empowering Act for this engagement to be entered into. It is hoped that this will be the forerunner of business enterprises in this particular area, tho position being so advantageously accessible to the wharves and the proposed diversion of the railway service. OTHEB MATTERS. A lui'ge number of other matters are also dealt with. Special reference is made to the Hon. J. A. Millar and tho debt of gratitude that tho board and public are under to him, particularly with regard to the placing of the Otago Harbour Board Lands Vesting Act on tlio Statute Book in 1910, and so securing what will in time be a most valuable asset. Among the remaining clauses are the following:— At the March meeting a deputation was • appointed to wait on the general manager of railways (Mr Ililey) to ask a reduction in the charges for tho carriage of goods (especially wool) on the Dunedtn-Port Chalmers railway; also, to urge that goods railed from the country direct to the wharf for shipment be put on a special tariff. Tho deputation duly waited on Mr Hiley, tho Minister of Railways (the Hon. W. 11. Herries) also being present. The fullest consideration of the board's representations was promised. Repeated efforts have been made by those directly interested to securo an alteration of the differential scale between and Port Chalmers, and in June last Mr Ililey acceded to the request. This will affect our Port Chalmers trade somewhat, I fear. In last year's annual report reference was made to the conference convened by the Primo Minister in respect; to waterside workers. Further correspondence has passed, but, in consequenco of the war, all action is indefinitely deferred. In accordance with resolution, tho engineer submitted a report to the January meeting relative to the proposal to erect a wool f-tore and dumping plant at Dunedin. As tho matter involved a considerable monetary expenditure, further consideration has been postponed. a ENGINEER'S REPORT. The engineer's report states that tho work don<j by dredge 222 during tho year has consisted mainly of deepening and widening tho Victoria Channel, maintenance of steamers' basin and berthage at Dunedin, and tho deepening of tho berthage at Port Chalmers. The places whero the material ■was dredged, together with the quantities, are as follow: —Victoria wharf 88,298 yards, Cross wharf 8350, Kitchener street wharf 60,809, Rattmy street wharf 27,489, Birch street wharf 9163, steamers' basin 1666, Vulcan's pit 9163, a total of 204,918 from the vicinity of Dunedin wharves. Victoria channel 144,942 yards, Victoria Channel entrance 23,324, a total of 168.266. Bowen pier 24,157, George street pier 106,624, Deborah Bay 9996, Otago dock 7497, a total of 148,274 yards. No. 11 red beacon 12,495 yards, making a grand total for the year of 533,953 cubic yards. Of this material 365.637 cubic yards were deposited at the Vulcan; and 168,266 at the bend south of Harrington Point. During the year tho dredge consumed 2099 tons of coal, and steamed 4715 miles. The cost per cubic yard works out at 5.2 d. During the year dredge 404 has been under charter to the Victorian Government at a rental of £125 jif-r month. During the larger part of the year tho Vulcan was engaged in pumping into Lake Logan material received from

dredgo 222. In September the dredgo was shifted to tho boat harbour for tho purpouo of deepening tho enclosed urea, the material dredged being deposited ou tho boat sheds site. On completion of this Work in December tho dredgo took up its original position abreast of the cement works, and continued to pump material received from dredge 222 on to tho boat shed sites. The total quantity of material handled during tho year amounted to 457,967 yards, ot which 566,520 yards were received l'roin dredgo 222, and 91,447 oubio yards were dredged from the boat harbour. The material deposited on Lake Logan amounted to 363,188 yards, and on the boat shod sites to 94,779 yards, 'Itio co6t of the year's operations works out at 1.82(1.

Black Jack's Wall.—Good progress has been made at this work, and tho wall is now Hearing completion. During tho year tho waJl has been extended a distance of 2823 ft,' making a total distance of 5235 ft, and leaving 360 ft of wall still to complete.

Formation of Roads and Levelling- of Sections. —The lands lying between Mason and Frederick streets, in the Ward street reclamation area, have been levelled. A plan has been prepared showing tho subdivision of tho area between Mason and Panama streets, and is now in tho hands of the solioitora for registration under tho Land Transfer Act.

Leith Canal. —During tho'year the north wall of the Leith Canal, between Harbour terraco and tho railway line, was extended a further 320 ft, making a total of 1120 ft of the wall in position, and leaving a <ustane& of 464 ft to complete the portion of the canal proposed to be enclosed within gravity walls. The invert of tho oanal lias been laid down in reinforced concrete between Harbour terrace and tho present end of tho gravity walls. Until the boat shed site adjacent to tho boat harbour is reclaimed, and the Otago Yacht and Motor Boat Club is provided with anew site, the driving of concreto sheet piles and the timber stay piles cannot be completed.

Reclamations.—'Tho reclamation of Lake Logan has been proceeded with during the year, and considerable progress has been made. As tho reclamation works will ultimately lead to submerging the road round tho shore of the lako from Palmer's quarry to the head of the lake, a traffic bridge was constructed over tho Opoho Creek, and a road form?d from the end of Dundas street to tho south boundary of tho hospital property. South Endowment. —During the year the construction of tho south endowment wall has been pushed forward, and tho viaduct is now nearing completion. Tho piles have been driven through a length of 3231 ft, making a total distance of 4831 ft. Tho superstructure of tho viaduct has been laid down over a distance of 3868 ft, making a total length of 4682 ft of completed viaduct in position. As slow settlement is taking place over tho whole length, no portion of tho wall constructed during tho year can bo considered as complete. Plans and estimates of the suction pum-p and of tho pipe line from the reclamation area to Tahuna Park sower, and a new suction dredgo have been prepared, and a contract accepted for tho shore pump.

Victoria Wharf Breastwork.—The whole of the reinforced concrete piles required for this work have been driven and tied ba<Sc to a reinforced concreto beam running parallel to the breastwork. Also, 128 reinforced concrete slabs have been manufactured, some l of which have been placed in position at the back of the piles. HARBOURMASTER'S REPORT. The harbourmaster's report states that 114 vessels, of a _ net tonnage of 411,350 tons, were piloted inwards, 107 vessels, of 399,566 tons, piloted outwards, and 46 vessels, of 177,335, tons, removed. The arrivals for the year were Coastal, 437 vessels of 438,561 tons net; intercolonial, 99 vessels of 270,836 tons; foreign, 77 vessels of 268,905 tons; — total, 613 vessels of 978,302 tons, an increase of 13 vessels but a decrease of 9893 tons. There were 18 sailing vessels of 9644 tons, and 587 steamers of 962,160 tons, six Government vessels of 1860 tons, and two war vessels of 4638 tons. COMPLIMENTARY.

Mr Dickson moved that the reports of tho chairman, tho engineer, and tho harbour master be received. Ho complimented tho secretary on tho very explicit way in which ho had placed all tho accounts before tho board. Mr Loudon seconded the motion, and oomplimentcd the chairman on his statement, which was full of information. Tho motion was carried.

Then Chairman paid a compliment to Mr Bardsley for tho manner in which ho had placed the affairs of tho board before him during the year. . The Secretary _ thanted members of the board for their kindly expressions of opinion. Mr Scollay referred to the way in which the dock facilities of the port had been advertised throughout tho world. He was sure the 'board appreciated the action of tho officer who had done this service to it.

Mr Tapley said that the engineer (Mr Mason) was to be congratulated on tho work he had carried out There was! no doubt that they would bo a credit .to him, and an immense benefit to this port. Ho was sure they would have good results, and only hoped that in the future they would have more money with which to carry out tho balance of the scheme ho had in hand.

1912. 1913. 1914. Tons. Tons. Tons, Intercolonial and coastal — 210,067 171,075 177,297 Oversea ~ ... 99,652 93,753 100,248 HXPOBTS. Intercolonial and coastal 136,398 103,390 102,037 Oversea ... 29,363 31,638 34,246 I would have liked to give the value of our trade, bat so far the Customs returns are not available. SHXPPINO. The shipping for the samo periods has been as follows.— 1912. 1913. 1914. Coastal—Vessels ... 427 389 437 Net registered - tonnage 400,055 347,286 438,561 Intercolonial —Vessels 155 137 99 Net registered tonnage _ 387,077 368,151 270,836 Foreign—Vessels 80 74 77 Net registered tonnage _ 299,459 272,758 268,905 Total vessels ... 622 600 613 Total net registered tonnage _ _. 1,086,591 988,195 978,302 DOCKS.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16307, 13 February 1915, Page 5

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OTAGO HARBOUR BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16307, 13 February 1915, Page 5

OTAGO HARBOUR BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16307, 13 February 1915, Page 5


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