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A Great Curse of Modern Life. Uric Add Causes Dangerous, Torturing Troubles when the Kidneys are Sick. |tt» uno more serious | „ " URINARY TROUBLE and danger to heal* th*> the pr«ence **V ««« BACKACHE CURED. of too mnch mhj acid in the body. iW«S® Oiory llf UEic-*CJd trOQbl«B MO reCOgnued '*« V/T"^** - N Mrs L. Davidson, 45 Filloul Street, in the beginning, it i» easy to Cure / Dunedin, saya : " Donn's Backache the weakened kidney* with Doan's •», | \vL/ Kidney Pills are a fine kidney remedy. | Backache Kidney Pills, and when * bttVo P rovei * lhe y cured me °> 1 the kidneys are working right seyere backache, sleeplessness, urinary I again the urio acid will be driven / /-, \ \\ disorder, and strengthened my kidneys off as fast as it gathers in the J [ * y\ and improved my general health. I urine. The pains from uric acid fc * \ \ \ suffered agony with my back. I could attacks are characteristic: back- / j \ \ - not B *°°P or move about freely, and the ache, sciatica, muscular or articular I , \\ constant pain made me despondent an*l rheumatism, nenralgia, lumbago, I I \\ miserable. I got very little sleep, conpains through the hips and groin, > / / | \\ sequently always felt tired out Dropf , , , j-j_; I h V i\\ sical Bwellmcs developed on my legs and headache, and nerrous disorders. 1 \ J \ l\\ ~ .... ■ a i ucouoi/ui;, arvru uw,v . • mii \ I\ V ankles, and this worried me a good When sediment appears in the i L JEzf) ' '1 I deaL However » Doan ' B Backache Kidurine and you begin to feel odd V n «y PiUs cured me, and they deserve twinges of pain, the kidneys are ' ft great praise. The most pleasing part - not doing their duty, and treatment of mv cnre is that ' lt has P roved a P«» should to tog«n at ««. J.. U^.«.c te d.„„.., B h. y .„. , s , I this remedy has done tor otners n post free from Foster-McClellan Co., can strongly recommend this remedy to g will do for you. 76 Pitt Street, Sydney. all who suffer as I once did." | ' De _ WITrS-fHE~ONLY "PROOF^CURE"^FOR PAINS IN THE BACK. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Stone, Gravel, and other Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Itseemstn thoazh swat* of dsaolstkm and destruction is sweeping > they go direct to the kidneys themselves—what is more, they prove it ever the whole «f Hew Zealand. Letters have been received during inside twenty-four hours—guaranteed. And the cost is so small. - the hat week fiwn plans as far apart as Invercargill in the South ) You can obtain De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Fills at every Chemist Island sad Wabrera i» the far North, as well as ... and DrUßr store - at 8b - P er box - or Bb - P er bo* hundred* of other smaller towns and villages in A pain just containing two-and-a-half times the quantity— ■• n«w 7a*land. SSUSSzSkA * b though my a great saving. If you have any difficulty in m WHXbWwS back will obtaining De Witt's Pills, send the price of the Almost swy one of these letters asks for wBB&mMLM break means packa!?e required to Fairbairn, Wright & Co.. mfonaathm. Every one of. thsss people writes / WBSWkk/ T lhle. Christchurch. Dunedin, Wellington and Auckland asking what i* the meaning of these aches and / iroume. (address the office nearest to you) and the goods pains In various parts of the body, which every. I will De sent by return poet-paid, in plain wrapper, body aeems to be suffering from. Other people ,»''" \|V You now have a remedy at hand. If you continue are complaining of stiffness of joints and acute Ss>'jig&S%™ v v' v \| to suffer pain and misery you do so unnecessarily. backache, with a nasty taste in the mouth first /flag?? N. X C^"^X. thing In the morning, constipation, pnffiness ffli/ . I under the eyes, and a genera] feeling of weakness Iffl 'l|//vx ;// To cure kidney Trouble of any kind ■ ssscifto complaints, reeh as Bhemnatism. Gout, *&iJM\\\W/7 —the poisonous uncacid. Remember, to Lumbago, Sciatica. Cystitis (Inflammation of the do this, a real remedy must pass through IffliWflifflßlwVw'' the kidneys and the bladder, and not people Is the victim of a disease which is rapidly 'W\\\\ ]||l||l|lilliJJlfi!l|WJßß» WV \ n ffl i . . . „..— beeomlng the curse of tiie country - kidney m through the bowels as mdst Kidney diseasa. Tjf I «»l!fflßHmtt*x ■ "ffii >j s - When you see the Urine TW. fen complaint Is carrying on it. awful 'Vt AHflfil, change to a muddy bluish colour a work In every part of New Zealand to-day, and 1j / fi&~IL f eature which distinguishes De Witt S hundreds of people are dying every week who [|lj Pills from all Others—you know bevond M U BlhejmdwA if they Irfmly talm I ///,Wfc; all doubt that they have put their ordinary precautions. Surely the above is sn / J . | i_ t- u iif ■ u _ *. *i,« index as to bow wwions kidney trouble is if it is M [ llhWWmßsk I healing touch on the right spot- the neglected. Finally. It becomes too late, for I '//////inßl^^^^^I— -i\ kidneys and the bladder. A wonderfn kidney disease Is often the forerunner of deadly pill-straight to the kidneys-that is i2&&ZZS%? everyb ° dy knOWS ' ,S ' '• P^H 1 ?he reasof why De Witt's give such Thegrsatestandmoetsuccessfuikidneyremedy '« amazingly quick relief every time. A. that has over been introduced Is De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills j permanent cure follows in almost every case. Look for There is a secret to this wonderful success—the secret is that these' ... v . rn lnnr wonderful little pills go right straight to the very root of the trouble. I lnat UILC W"" 1 - ___ Ha Kidney piT IjR TTlll 3 & Bladder |r IIjIjO Sole Proprietors :-E. C. De WITT & Co., London, W., England. | iaa»«aM»»»»a«»iMMa»»»»»a»»»»»»«»»»a""»»»»»»»«ig The ' ■"^™ B ■ '""""'TI | Summer "Fair" Great Clearance of Enormous IB ! Q 1 | Stocks of the Latest Goods at B| i32U© • a Fraction of the Regular Low || C= ANOTHER LIST OF I \wMl) big BARGAINS! I mmmm Costumes, Frocks, &c, for Less than Cost of Production. I § HDMDBEDS of STBLPED ZEPHYE SHIRTS clearing STILL PLENTY OF WASHING COTTON DRESSES, § I at 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, including the fast "Duro" dye; on Cambric, Zephyr, and Crepe— 11 soft cuffs and white Knen neckbands. Clearing at 3/11, 5/6 ,6/11, 8/11. I I 20 down GENTS' SOFT FELT HATS, Greys, Greens, Every one of these was more than double the || Browns; popular ooloihb—Reduced to 2/11 each. price! 1 1 100 dozen GENTS' WIDE-END TIES, Popboe and SHEPHERD CHECK COSTUMES, in Fine Worsted, 1 Bancy Silks—Note the price: 3 lor 1/-. Sports Shape Coat, lined silk— a BOYS' 'VARSITY SUITS, in Roslyn and Kaiapoi Reduced to only 21/. each. 1 Tweeds; fit boys 9 to 12 years— PIQUE COSTUMES, in Cream, Grey, Fawn, or Saxe— I ! Usually 14/6. Sale price, 7/6. Were 27/6. Now 12/6. I | BOTS* NAVY SERGE & TWEED NORFOLK SUITS, THE MOST POPULAR LINES OF THE SEASON' 1 fit boys from 12 to 15 years— LADIES' SMART COSTUMES & DRESSES, com- 1 g Former price, 22/6. Sale price, 8/6. binations of White and Printed Voile, also White 1 I MEN'S UNTEARABLE BUCKSKIN TROUSERS, and Printed and White and Checked Crepe, and j j ; specially adapted for hard wear— Sponge Cloth— Were 27/6 to' 39/6. j E Going at 7/11 pair. Now 8/11 and 10/6. || During the "FAIR" we are making MEN'S SAC 50 Pieces MIXED LOT OF WOOL DRESS 1 I SUITS TO MEASURE for 45/-. Quality of MATERIALS, in shades cf Grey l , Saxe, Fawn, If Tweeds same as in the usual 50/- to 60/- Suits. Green, Sand and Pink—Worth 2/6 to 2/11 ' I | SOLE AGENTS FOR OTAGO, LADIES' HOME Now 1/. yard 1 § JOURNAL PATTERNS. 20 Pieces 18-inoh ALLOVER LACES, beautiful quali- j S NAVY SERGE ONE-PTECE DRESSES— ties, in Paris, Cream. White, and Oriental Colour- I i Were 37/6. Now 10/6. ings—Were 2/11 to 5/11 yard. 3 § STYLISH HIGH-WAISTED SHEPHERD CHECK Now all round 1/11 yard § SKTRTS-6/11. Worth 12/6. LADIES' AMERICAN LISLE HOSE, with pure silk I NAVY & BLACK ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT SERGE ankles; Black, White, and Tan— I § SKIRTS— Women's size, 8/11. Usually 4/11 to 5/11 pair. Sale price, 2/11. 11 Extra large sizes, 9/11. 36 to 40-inch 'WIDE TUCKED NAINSOOK for Pina- 1 1 LOCALLY-MADE BLACK CLOTH SKIRTS, waists fores and Frocks— Sale prices: 44d, SJd 6'd || from 24in to 27in, lengths 38in to 42in— TUCKED & WITH EMBROIDERY "INSERTION 1 § _ Worth 18/6. Sale price, 10/6. ditto— Now 7-Jd and B a d yard 11 WHITE PIQUE COSTUMES, best quality, local make; VELVET PILE HEARTHRUGS, sft" bv 2ft 6in~- ' | I Sh-waisted Skirts; Sports Shape Coat with Clearing at 4/6 each. 1 i t, or Coatee Shape with sash of pique or black AXMINSTER HEATHRUGS. 4ft 6in by 2ft 3in— ' H 1 silk—2l/.. Were 39/6. Clearing price, 5/11 each. 11 Drapery Supply Assocn., Ltd., 105, 107,109, 111, 113, and 115 George Street. Branch at South Dunedin. ! , ImMssslbssssMsssssTJssssssssss^^ ' SSiSaaaSSBSSSSSSkSSSBSBSSBSBSasBBSSBSSSSBSISSSSBSSjBSSSSBSB

■ Tired! ™! Sick K /A H When exertion "playa you out" ( /Y3fc//V H —when your head throbs and V/ YjXf ll\ ■ toot hands ate feverish —it ■( // I H nigh time to take lI J t I I Stevens* I m^tQU 0 !; males a fizzy, refreabing, I\\ \ palatable drink—at once a A V I \.^~sf' : ■• J^tnedicine ««da beverage— I* \A *=s( •*' '"nV ..-T/\ the blood, and \* M v fffiWjj that headachy feeling, ' - ItTilJiml Better and nicer than im- /£^"*^j^J I -Sji- bottle at much let* ptice, s? \ \ or — \n r The Pride e! the Bride! 1 The young wife recognises in her ORION RANGE the greatest house- I keeping help she possesses! Its ( beauty gratifies her aesthetic taste, its rapid action gives her more leisure, its wonderful efficiency makes her cooking a success, and its remarkable fuel economy keeps her coal bills down. Ask your Ironmonger to show iyon an " ORION " I B. E. SHACKJOCK, LTD.. ; L Dtmedin, Wellington, & Auckland. UU, AJ OTAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS JUJB PIUNUNCi DJiPAKTMENT. —Job Printing of every description iono with Despatch and M the Lowest Current Raiev

I "VULCANS." The Fourth Order for Vulcan Cars has just been received from His Majesty's War Office. Can lot the War Office are required for strenuous work, and am •sleeted by experts after exhaustive trials. 10-15 h.p. (15*9 RAG Rating), 4-Seater Mode*, £395. Wimpenny Bros. & Reid, Ltd. ■ - MORAY PLACE. - 1

OTAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS JOB PRINTING DEPAKTMEN'i'.- ' Job Printijg of every description done with Deipfttch, and At the Lowest Current iiktea, I

npHE FAiiiiiiJ&S' PAtJSB.—Th» igricuiX turai Department ol ibe (\ : its«ua as tcknowledged to be unequalled by thai I si am oiiet WmkXj in Um Daatuum*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16295, 30 January 1915, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16295, 30 January 1915, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 16295, 30 January 1915, Page 6


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