PROPERTIES FOR SALE ANO TO LET. _ JOHN REID & SONS (LTD.) Directors: H. W. REID, C. RUSSELL SMITH, L. DEANS RITCHIE. Talcphonb 190. Telephone 3381, AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE, & FINANCIAL AGENTS, VALUATORS, SURVEYORS, MONEY, SHARK & LAND BROKERS, LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. SUPERIOR RESIDENCE of 7 rooms ;on rise); convenient to oars j modern design, with balcony, verandah, 4 bay windows; porcelain enamel bath; drained to sowar; electrio bells and lighting; gas griller; large workshop and cellar and every possible convenience; i-acre section, nicely laid out. THE HOUSE IS 'WITHOUT A DOUBT ONE OF THE BEST-BUILT HOUSES IN DUNEDIN. Built of brick, with solid concrete base, slato roof, attractive appearance. Specifications from which tha house was built may bo inspected at our office. A good spec. 2100 ON RISE (Handy to Knox Church).-Gcntleman's RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; built only 3 years; all largo rooms, and lateet modern improvements, drained to sewer, electric light; i-acre soction, well laid out. A great bargain. £1150. 2419 ST. CLAlß.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 6 rooms; spacious hall, casement windowa, fibrous ceilings, electrio light, large bathroom, enamel bath, wardrobes, presses, Jarge 60ullery,. pantry, drained to sewer; a modern and good house; section has wide frontage, and well laid out; close to car. £1225. 2401 BT. CLAIR.—THREE SECTIONS, each i-acre, in one lot; suitable for gentleman's residence; well elevated; sun all day; handy to oar; good ocean viewjoloso to golf links and bowling green; £1000 tho lot. ' 1720 BISHOPSCOURT.-Gontleman's RESIDENCE of 13 rooms (brick), with 3 acres; motor garage; carriage drives; ornamental trees, grass i plots and flower beds; electric light and septic drainage. This is really a splendid place, and should not bo missed by thoso who are looking for something distinctive; £4000; a genuine bargain. ' 2326 ST. CLAIR,—New 6 ROOMS, bungalow design; attractive appearance; reception ball 10ft 6in square; pantry, scullery, bathroom, linenpress, wardrobes; electric light; casement windows; fibrous ceilings and arohj (porcelain bath; washhouse, etc. .Ready for your occupation. £800.' Come along with your deposit; we will finance you into this. , 2108 M ACRES, PALMERSTON.-Good 7-roomed HOUSE; stables, lockbox,, trapshed, 00-wbyre, dairy, fine garden and mchard; a nice home at bargain price; £700. 2265 WAIKOUAITI DISTRICT.-Remaining FARM on Corner Bush Estate, containing about 186 aores; in several paddocks; two miles from railway; an ideal dairy farm; handy to creamery and telephono olfice. Easy terms to a suitable man. Interest at 5 per cent. GENERAL STORE. GENERAL STORE. jprtKA , £250! £25011 cW/VOv -will Purchase the stock (grocery, crockery, etc.), fixtures, safe, scales, ami trap. As the proprietor i 6 leaving for tho North Island, and desires to sell at once, ho is not asking any good-will, and has put this very low prico on it. Tho busiresa ia situated in a very prosperous town on the main line north of Dunedin. Tho shop is of brick, and close to tho middle of, the town. Tho rent is only £1 per week, and the lease has 5 years to run from last December. Further particulars on application. 2435 MONEY TO LEND. ■»a/J5 have Several Sums of Monev, from £100 to £1000, to Lend on Mortgago on " LOWEST CURRENT RATES" OF INTEREST. REIDS (LTD.).' ' B A T T E R S B Y & C 0., . A.M.P. BUILDINGS, 25 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. ,££ ACRES FREEHOLD FIRST-CLASS AGRICULTURAL LAND, practically all 'o<s flat; well watered; has grown 60 bushels wheat; carry 30 cows; 34 acres grass, balanco under cultivation; 5-roomed House, stable, barn, etc.; two mile 6 railway, school, and creamery. About £400 required M ACRES FREEHOLD, NORTH; 15 acres has been under cultivation, balance low hill land; surface sown. Buildings: Seven-roomed House, require little repair; threo miles rail, two miles creamery, school. £425; £200 required. QQAA ACRES S.G. RUN, of which 300 acres has been cultivated, balance tussock 4lO\jyJ oountry; ; good buildings; 50 acres turnips; 1400 sheep, horses, cattle, implements ; rental £70 per annum; 13 years' lease (renewable). Going concern, £3600, This property does 1100 ewes and 700 dry sheep well. 5 ACRES FREEHOLD RICH AGRICULTURAL LAND; handy Dunedin; water laid on; 4-roomed House; close rail and school. Prico £700; terms. OA ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRYING LAND; rental £40; 7 years'_ lease; 6O\J roomed House, 16-stalled cowbyre; 17 cows and horses; full set implements. Going concern, £335; terms. -J O ACRES FREEHOLD (North line) DAIRYING LAND; 4-roomed House, sheds; ■&-& carries 6 cows; closo to rail. £525; terms. OAA ACRES FREEHOLD, in 7 paddocks; 50 acres in turnips, rape, and crop, Q\J\j balance pasture; 5-roomed House, 6-stalled stable, barn, loosebox, sheepyards. The land grows good wheat and barley. Prico freehold and all stock (including 200 sheep and's head cattle), £1400; terms. A cheap property. a AAA ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD; tussock country; rental £30 per t/Vvv year; 7 miles from rail; 2 good huts, woolshed, sheep dip and yards; present stock 2700 sheep (1500 ewes). As a going concern, £5000. This property carried 3800 sheep and 100 head cattle all last year without turnips. The owner usually carries 3500 sheep. HOUSES. HOUSES. HOUSES. ' HOUSES. O-JQA-ANDERSON'SBAY: New 2-roomed HOUSE aDd good i-acre section; *ILOU water laid on; sunny, sheltered; splendid site. fMnr—MAORI HILL: Four-roomed HOUSE and i-acre ground; splendid situation; room for three other residences. OJ.AA-ROSLYN: EIGHT ACRES FREEHOLD; close to car line; suitable subcWtfcl/U' division or poultry farm.' £ry.qß-MORNINGTON (near Car): Up-to-date 5-roomed HOUSE; 3 years built; 100 washhouse, coalhole, bathroom; drained to sewer, hot and cold water, gas, wardrobes and cupboards built in, artistio papers and friezes, well fireplace, tiled hearths and grates; good j-acrc section, and flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruit trees; beautifully sunny, and lovely panoramio view of harbour and surroundings. f?KOK~ MOSGIEL (Central): Good 6-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, scullery, good <&Q<4li) range; newly renovated; one acre of ground; orchard; splendid position; and cheap. £»1 OAA-MAORI HILL: Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 8 large rooms; scullery, c&JWlfv workshop, return verandah, oleetrio bght, hot and cold water, drained to sewer; good |-acro section; only throe years built Could not be built for near the money asked; terms. OfiKA-ST. CLAIR: Attractive 5-roomed BUNGALOW; hot i and . cold, electric light, tiled hearths and grates, fibrous plaster ceilings. Easy terms arranged, TSTE HAVE SEVERAL SHEEP FARMS, THE OWNERS OF WHICH WILL ¥ V EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTIES. gIEVWRIGHT, H A GGITT. & (J). (LTD.), EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. QQ ACRES LEASEHOLD; 6-roomed House; byre, etc.; miles from creamery OV and school; rent, £60 a year; 45 cows, 300 sheep, implements, etc. As a going concern, £700. OQ ACRES FREEHOLD, North Lino; carry 24 cows; 6-roomed House; 22-stalled 00 byre, stable, etc. £1200; £400 cash. 9Rd.(\ ACRES,.SMALL GRAZING RUN; rent 8d an acre; suitably subdivided; /vOrfcU 15 acres turnips, 30 acres oats and Kraas, balance tussock; hut, woolshed, stable, and vard; 1100 sheep, horses, cattle, implement*, etc. £2000 as a going concern; £1200 cash. 99 A ACRES FREEHOLD, Mat-aura district; 8 paddocks, well fenced; level and low *<Vv ridges; all ploughable; 65 acres new grass, 25 acres heavy swamp (ploughable), 35 acres limed, 10 acres old pasture, balanco under cultivation for crops; 5loornod House; stable and loft, cowshed (with conorcto floor); all in good order and well sheltered by plantation; factory on farm, school and post office opposite. £9 10s an acre. £300 cash I WO. ACRES LEASEHOLD; 7 years to run, with right to purchase; rent £200 JLoOU a year; 300 acres flat land, balanco downs, 350 acres plo'ugted; 730 sheep, 9 horses, implements, furniture, etc.; 7-roomed House; stable shearing shed, barn, etc.; 1 mile from railway station; haiidy to Dunedin. £2 an aero, cs a going concern. />DA ACRES FREEHOLD, Clinton;' carried 2000 sheop ail summer; carrying 1500 001/ at 'present: good buildings. £910s an acre. Terms, ACRES FREEHOLD, part of Moa Flat Estate; 13 acres orchard, 300 aores /io\J\J good wheat land, about'7oo ."ores under cultivation, balance tussock;carries 1 sheep to acre; nice low warm country; 9-roomed House, and all necessary outbuildings. £5 10s an acre. Terms. pa A ACRES FREEHOLD, NELSON; all undulating land; chocolate soil; 19 pad--0«/lf docks; carrying capacity is two sheep to acre; half-milo from school; motor waggon calls at door for cream; 5-roomed Hou6o and all necessary outbuildings; 1 acre orchard. Price. £6 5s an aero; £1000 cash. \Or exchange for unencumbered town property or small farm. k/»a ACRES FREEHOLD, Southland; 9 paddocks; all in good order; 25 dairy cows, Ouli 300 sheep, 4-horso team, 6tacks,.etc.; good 7-roomed Houso and bathroom; byre, stable, barn, dip, yards, etc; 1 mile from school and post office, 1£ miles from creamery; £8 15s an acre as a going concern. Only £750 required for tho lot, Balance 8 years at 5 per cent. qaa ACRES; NICE DOWNS; 13 MILES OF FENCING. BOUNDARY FENCES OUU ARE WIRE-NETTED; 9 HANDY PADDOCKS; 150 ACRES NEW GRASS, 128 ACRES 1-YEAR'S GRASS, HO "ACRES 2-YEARS' GRASS, 97 ACRES 4-YEARS' GRASS, 80 ACRES TURNIPS, 80 ACRES PLOUGHED; LAND GROWS SPLENDID WHEAT, ETC.; CARRIES WOO SHEEP. BESIDES CROPS;S-ROOMED HOUSE; 9-STALLED STABLE, BARN, IMPLEMENT SHED, YARDS, SHEARING SHED, ETC.; 1 MILE FROM SCHOOL AND POST OFFICE; RENT. 9s AN ACRE ONLY EXPERIENCED MEN NEED APPLY. STOCK AT VALUATION OR AUCTION. NELSON ORCHARDS. . QQ ACRES FREEHOLD; 19 acres in bearing; splendid modern Residenco of 7 Ou rooms; motor shed, packing houses, ete. £45C0. £1500 cash. 8 ACRES FREEHOLD; U acres in full bearing; 4-roomed House; glasshouse, fowlhouses, etc.; 5 minutes' walk from railway station. £1100. £200 cash; balance at 6 per cent • rt9 ACRES; 10 acres planted in apples, laore strawberries, 1 acre raspberries, 1 acre wO blsck currants and gooseberries, balanco ploughed and ready for planting; 5roomed House and greenhouse. £1300. WE have several General Stores, Bakery, and Butchery Businesses for Sale. Good General Store for Exchange for Farm 200 to 300 acres. CALL ON US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. N. ALBION CHAMBERS, y^ •& yS \ JfV\ 11 DOWLING STREET O / \** jX (Cutting.) /C<&°/ 7? /\ Established / FINANCIAL \P^j^ AGENTS, _AGMa_ INVESTORS, AGENTS, PROPERTIES MANAGED, RENTS COLLECTED. FOR SALE. TO LET. TO LBT. PACIFIC PARK, ST. CLAIR.-MagniScnnt SOUTH DUNEDIN (Helena 6 treet).-4-BUILDING SITES, adjoining the roomed COTTAGE; washhouse, copper, beach, tho esplanade, and the tramline; tubs, drained, splendid sunny Dections; tho finest building sites in tho locality; valuablo WALKER STREET.-7 ROOMS, 2-storey, for business or residences; of great brick; all conveniences; h. and c. prospective value;' positively unique water; drained; washhouso, copper, opportunity. Tho above property has tubs; £1 week, been placed in our hands for sale on extremely easy terms: Ten per cent, de- QUEEN STREET.--7 ROOMS; conveniposit and tho balance at 5 per cent, by euccs - nic o vii-.w; largo garden, payments extending over threo years, ~_.„__„,,_,.„ ~, , Draft plan, with prices, can now be in- MOHMM/TON (Catnenno street).-7 epected at our office on application, ROOMS ! l>.p. boiler, drained, washhouso; all modern conveniences. NORTH END.-4-roomod COTTAGES, conveniences; drained, etc; cheap rent. 10 LEI. MORAY PLACE (near Princes street).- EGLINTON ROAD.-9 ROOMS (2-storey): Two Fino FLATS; all conveniences; all modl?rn convcnicnc «>; ™e garden; lift; brick building; reli lighted; good B P lcndid vlcw ' advertising front. LARGE SHOP.-Princes street, in tho best ROSLYN. — 9-roomcd modern RESI- business part; splendid position for an ' DENCE; h.p. boiler; drained; sun up-to-dato tea rooms and pastrycook. room; large section. ' This Shop is at present occupied; pos;ession by arrangement Positively a NORTH-EAST VALLEY.-5 ROOMS; unique chance. Roomy and deep, with conveniences; scullery, etc, ' basement well lighted.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15827, 28 July 1913, Page 8
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1,871Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15827, 28 July 1913, Page 8
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