PROPERTIES FOR BAl,fi AND TO LET. gIEVWRIGHT, jgAGGITT, & £0. (LTD.), EMPIRE BUILDINGS. PR LWES STREET, DUNBDIN. (WO ACRES (549.acres freehold, balance leasehold at rental of £15 a year); 6ubiflU divided into numerous paddocks; 400 aores under cultivation, balance natural state; 60 acres in oats, 50 acres rape and grass, 20 acres of turnips; carry £00 sheep, besides crops; 4-roomed House; stable, barn, yards, etc.; orchard; alongside school and post office. Price, £3 an aero for freehold and crops (leasehold given in); £500 oash, JCJAA ACRES, SOUTHLAND; all in tussock; woll fenced; nice rolling downs; tfct) V \J carry 3000 ewes all year. £2 10s an acre;' very easy terms. OOA ACRES, SOUTHLAND; river flat land; one mile from school, telephone, OQXJ pogt office, and dairy factory; creek runs through property; 5-roomed House, byre, stable, barn, dairy, men's hut, etc.; 20 acres in turnips, balanco grass (mostly young); carries 32 cows, 100 ewes, besides crops. Only £8 10s an acre; £500 cash; a groat snip. f)AAA ACRES, NEAR GORE; subdivided into two paddocks; all in tussock; Carry /V\J\J\J 1000 ewes. £2 an acre; good terms. ORCHARD— 6 aores occupation lease, Central Otago (rent, 6s a year); 220 fruit trees (apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums., pears, and nectarines), also 2000 strawberry plants, raspberry canes, currants, etc.; 6-room-2d House, with. outside kitchen; coalnonsc, loose-boxes, stable, ohaffhouse, buggy shed, and cowbyre; ample room for extension. Only £350. SMALL GRAZING RUN (Central Otago); rent, £19 a year (14 years to run); all in natural 6tato; plenty of water; hut and yards; 2J miles from railway and township; 350 ewes and 150 lambs. As a going concern, £1000, or near offer. I Ci(\ ACRES (Inchclutha); best of soil; 4-roomed Houso and byre; £17 10s an aore; IUU £350 cash. KOAA ACRES FREEHOLD (alongside railway station, school, etc.); practically all «JOv/U in tussock; hundreds of acres are ploughable; carrying 2000 sheep and 600 lambs, cattle, and horses; good 8-roomed House; washhouse, coalhcuse, 6-stalled stable, men's hut, woolshed yards, etc. Price, as a going concern, 35s an acre. Terma STRAIGHT-OUT LEASE WITH RIGHT TO PURCHASE.-630 ACRES, Goraldine distriot; all clean flat land; carries 1000 ewes, besides crops; new 5-roomed House and full complement of outbuildings; school alongside; rent, 8s an acre. OKA A ACRES, SMALL' GRAZING RUN; rent, 3d an acre; 17 years to run; 1329 O«Jv/U sheep, 2 horses, spring-cart, etc; 4-roomed House and bathroom (furnished), 6-shear woolshed, sheep yards, etc, As a gong concern, £1900. /jO ACRES fctraight-out lease; rent, £36a„year); 4-roomed House, dairy, byre, etc,; close lo factory, school, etc. II RA ACRES, NEAR EDENDALE; 400 acres freehold, 750 acres reserve (7 years XJLuU to run at Is an acre rent); all nice downy country; Very well fenced and watered; carries 1000 owes; good 6-roomed House, large woolshed, stable, yards, dip, cowshed, and other outbuildings Price £7 10s an acre for freehold, leasehold given in, Terms £350 cash. /GENERAL STORE; 6£ acres freehold, store, bakehouso (new ov.en), stables, yards VJT and slaughterhouse; very large business; £1000; stock at valuation. PRIVATE HOTEL, in rising town; long lease; moderate rental; new brick building; fine steady business; over £500 clear profit per annum. As a going concern. ROSLYN LAND AND ESTATE AGENCY. ' Telephone 1376. (A. WASHES & CO.), Telephone 1376. Private 'Phone 2807. Opposite Roslyn Post Office. Private 'Phone 2807. "OOSLYN.-JDEAL HOME, within two minutes of two trams; in TIP-TOP LOCAIi LITY, with panoramic view; MODERN 7-ROOMED RESIDENCE; scullery, pantries, bathroom (hot and cold water); fitted with electric light; also FULL i-ACRE SECTION, laid out in flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees. £1025. OQOK WILL PURCHASE A NEW MODERN BUNGALOW OF 3 ROOMS, with washhouse, hot and cold, etc.; partly cultivated l-ACRE SECTION. Absolute bargain. ROSLYN.-ALMOST TWO ACRES OF LEVEL LAND, with clear stream flowing through; FINE 6-ROOMED HOUSE, in first-class order; stables, outbuildings, etc.; fivo minutes from car. CAN BE BOUGHT FOR £500, ON TERMS to suit purchaser. / CALL AND CONSULT OUR FULL LIST OF PROPERTIES, TO LET, and FOR SALE, in all parte of this HEALTHY DISTRICT. We preparo PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS, and ARRANGE ALL FINANCING. ROSLYN.-FOUR-ROOMED ALMOST NEW COTTAGE; one minute from car; with hot and cold bath, etc.; well finished, with tiled grates and hearths; largo pantry; -j-ACRE SECTION. To be SACRIFICED at £420, as tho owner is leaving tho district. , TO LET.-Three-roomed COTTAGE, 6s 6d; 3-roomcd Furnished COTTAGE, 14s; 5-roomed HOUSES-Bs, 10s. 12s, 13s, 15s, 16s 6d. 255: 6-roomed DWELLINGS--Bs. lis.' 12s, 16s. 17s 6d, 22s 6d; 7-rcomed RESIDENCES-14s. 27s 6d; DOUBLE SHOP, with back room, 10s. gO M'E -'SOUTHLAND FARMS QAA ODD ACRES (MATAURA DISTRICT); some level, some undulating connOUv/ try; half in oats, turnips, and grass; well fenced and watered; first-class oat and turnip land; splendid 8-roomed House, extensive farm buildings (sheep yards and dip); close to school and rail. Money to be made quickly here; it is easily financed and only £6 10s an acre (next door asking £11 10s same land). . (jfo. 44) LEASEHOLD FARM, (with right of nurchase) o: 240 ACRES (KELSO DISTRICT); heavy oropping _ land (all level);'7-roomed Houso, ■ extensive farm buildings; li miles from school, rail, etc.; crops given in. Price, £1200 for lessee's interest. QQ A ACRES'SHEEP and CROPPING FARM (WAIMEA LINE); big Houw'and OtJV splendid farm buildings; 150 acresoat3, 100 turnips; also carrying 1600 sheep besides cattle and horses. Price, £11 an acre (crops in); part ofdand worth £20 acre! QAA-ACRE DAIRY FARM (near GORE), carrying 40 oows, sheep, and quantity ,4\j\j of crop; good land (mostly level); good Dwelling; all necessary buildines; i\ miles from school, near rail and factory. £14 an acre (with crops). , (No.' 33) -j -1 rv-ACRE LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM (close MATAURA); well improved. For XXU sale as a going concern, with 40 oows, horses, full set implements, milking machines, oats, and'turnips-all at £1000. Cows, Ist to 3rd'culvers; lflOOlb milk a day from 30. (No. 27)
W I L KI N S 0 N' & 0 Q., LAND AGENTS, GORE. Telephone 3036. J-f W M'C OL L Telephone 3036. Private Residence 2845. ' - w v uu > .Private Residence 2845 •j LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENT, TEMPLE COURT. 95 STUART STREET, DUNEDIN. ROSLYN: Six-roomed HOUSE, 2 oriel windows and return verandah, sft hall, eleotric light, tiled hearths and grates, bathroom, hot and cold water, washhouse (built-in tabs and copper), largo scullery; workshop, 17 x 10. also dark' room; asphalt paths; lovoly view; two minutes' walk from 'the Roslyn tram; £685. SUNSHINE, Anderson's Bay: A new up-to-date BUNGALOW; large rooms highly finished; every modern convenience; nice level section. A very natty Property. Price, £660. Easy terms can be arranged. ■ .> MILTON: 12 ACRES LEASEHOLD; rental, £6-per year; good land; all ploughable; good 5-roomed HOUSE; cowbyre, buggyshed, barn, and storeroom; land laid out in potatoes, oats, turnips, strawberries, vegetables, and good orchard Lease, 19 years to run. AS A GOING CONCERN, £470. MILTON: 77 ACRES LEASEHOLD; rental, £21 per d.nnum; all subdivided; good HOUSE and all necessary outbuildings; stables, Jowbytes. etc.; 8 acres in crop, balance downjn young grass. TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN PRICE. MILTON: Four-roomed HOUSE and all outbuildings; 2 acres of land; orchard , garden, potatoes, etc. THIS IS A REAL SNIP. Price, £250. SK ACRES (Freehold), close to Dunedin; 4 paddocks, splendid water 6updlv 6O roomed 1 House, 11-stalled byre. TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN PRISE. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF LEASEHOLD AND FREEHOLD FARMS ON OUR BOOKS.
PETER BOYD, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, 186 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. 3.1 ACRES FREEHOLD, 10 minutes' walk from electrio oar; nice warm, sunny land; 2 4-roomed House, dairy, byre, etc.; |-acre orchard. This is a fine.little Property. Will carry 3 cows. Price, with fowls, cow, hay, inoubator, and brooders sivcn in, £750. VERY HANDY TO TOWN. -1 A ACRES LEASEHOLD, TAIERI; tho choicest of land, and good situation; 4J-" roomed House, coal shed, cart shed, dairy, byre, etc. AS A GOING CONCERN, with 6 cows, 1 horse, fowls, imxrlomonts, hay, 2 acres turnips, £600. A SNIP. 6 ACRES LEASEHOLD, exceptionally handy to suburban railway station; fine Residence of 9 rooms, electric light; fowls, with 6 large fowl, houses and runs; 43 hives bees, cows (2). implements etc.. etc. As a. GOING CONCERN,' £950. Pl'easo Note: This Property is just the thing for a oity man who wants to spend his cveninss and holidays in the country. VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. ka ACRES FREEHOLD, TAIEJ.U PLAIN; no buildings. SEE ABOUT THIS OU Only £26 per acre QAA ACRES FREEHOLD, CLUTHA; 6-roomed Dwelling and all farm buildings; 01/U handy to railway, school, etc. £9 an acre; or would exchange- for Dunedin Property. Owner retiring. A QrYA ACRES S.G.R; ONE OF THE BEST PIECES OF EWE COUNTRY IN 48 I\f CENTRAL OTAGO; WILL CARRY 2000 sheep. £1100. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Write for further particulars. |"On ACRES FREEHOLD, 4 miles from P. 0., Dunedin; all ploughablc; good 6uOVJ roomed Dwelling, stable, byre, etc., etc.; 21 cows, 5 draught horses, full =et implements, crops, etc. AS A GOING CONCERN. £2000. Would take oity Property up to £750 in part payment. . \ S s. ALBION OHAMBBBB, ,/ <& S X. 1> S \ ,«1 BOWLING STREET Si O>^ \<y />\ . (Cutting.) y^PZr \" k Established ✓< Vs& financial X-? 1 X. 1881, y\\ ' ' —— INVESTORS, AGENTS, PROPERTIES MANAGED, REMITS COLLECTED.
ffOR SALE. A REAL BARGAIN.-WOODHAUGH: A First-class 6-roomed RESIDENCE; nice appearance, in good.order; bathroom, gas; garden; freehold section; very warm locality; not ifnr from tram. Owner has left Dunedin, and will sell on easy terms. £580 M.VCLAGGAN STREET.-8-roomed Two- * * storey Wooden RESIDENCE; bay windows; good appearance; bathroom, h.p. boiler; drained; freehold section; a few minutes from Post Office; no trams required; a great bargain; exceptional terms—£so deposit, balance by easy payments. . £?25 TOWN BELT. ROSLYN.-Attractive 6roomnd RESIDENCE; bathroom; two b.iy windows: in perfect ordor; just finished painting; nil drained under new system; lovely view; sunny; on tram-, lino; freehold section. £700. ' j MORNINGTON. — Superior 9-roomed RESIDENCE; close to tromsheds; p'astcred; bathroom; h.p. boiler; drained; in first-class order; good garden; terms; £900. ClTY.—Very Central FREEHOLD PROPERTY, in centre of tho business part of the town, over 50 feet frontago; nearly quarti'r-acro of land, together with substantial throo-storoy brick Building! n fine business premises CITY (in main streot).— Splendid FREEHOLD 38 feet by 165 feet, w:th briek Shops and Dwellings; all well let TO LET. DOWLING STREET.-Large ROOM; well lighted; lavatory. }
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15708, 10 March 1913, Page 8
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1,707Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15708, 10 March 1913, Page 8
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