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' PHASES OP THE MOOS. February. ran moon „ 3 11.:3«. m. Ijut qnutcr 10 0-S P-'-"-So* moon 19 p.m. firtt qnut«r 25 c - s '' m - TUB SUS Itisci May at 5.37 a.m.; ffts at V.6 p.ta. Til K WHATIIKH. Tcbmary 21.—8 a.m.: Wintl . S .W.; jf|U.-iUy. Booh: Wind flionj; S.W.; ei]i)aJly. !• p.tii.: Wind »t»ong S.W.; tqiiaHy. ti a.m. Noon. & P-tn. Bsromotcr ... 1*0.40 vfl.'iO lticnnorocUr •>-' "• HIGH WiTKII. Fcbruiry 52— / P;" 1 - At Taiiroa Hr.i'ls At l'ort ChalmftH c ■;*' jj-^ At DoDclin i.IO WKATHKU 11KVOUTS. (PtR USITKU Pltisa ASROCUTIOSA WKIJ.I.Vin'ON', F'-bruary 21. Til follow Ins «« (tin wothi-r tf|w:!i «t I p.m..- W | Q!!i Ilir. Thtr. Wts'.her. Ctpe Uirl> „W.,Jresh tS Jlouell W., Ircih '1 Uanokio H.... W.S.W., fresh •ja.S.l c:i flondy iDckliod ... 8.W., fresh -'J.M ill I'air ... tV., (jalc -Vs) Gil Fair Enl C«p« ... W., trodi 70 Cl'.uily Oliborat ... W,., (reih •Jii.iS il Finn Xipler tt., m. (jalo L'l.r', Fjiiu CiilUpolot ... K.W., brecic "i.iU f'! Kiuii Wellington ... W., iipot Crt F:iir Hiw rijiaootb W., frtnh ;:i.SC CO l air Ctpe Bjtooot W,, -.'ii.lKl i;l Clnu'iy W»o»»niil .. W., in. ydlo "l.Hn Ci Fair ' Ftrtwall Spit W., galu , ja.BO CI Ilaiy Ctie panlwtad H.W., m. Rale :,7 Shnvcry WeJtport ... W.S.H'., m. gale i'U.Bt .'>s Sliuwcry C»i» C*mpbell .«.K.. lißlit r,a Finn Xilkoart ... W.N.W., falo '<U1 it Kmc Akiro» Light N., light -"-'-M KujcaeU ... m. R.IIO 4i MioiT W. t rn. gain to Shower; WKATIIKH FOHKCAST.S. Tbo followiiiß are (be official luminary awl fortaiflt wcalher Ims Ijccii cloudy and and in most p:»rls uf tho country fhowcry, ouptrriully on tlio West Coa?j, Tho rivers aro flowlcl ou iho Wrft fowl u! the liland. Westerly winds, ftronp In a Kale, havrt prurtilod, and tho hurotncNT ha* liFcn in the jwioih. rrwont indications arn I-r wosU-rly iirul winds, stmnK and squally iti parU, with changeablo weather ami hvatv fhowcrs in many diiUlcl*. Tlic trarnraclfr will prohalily riM flradtty oyorywhern. Il*uvy fens aro tn l« upccfrii on all tho western coasU ami i" Cook nnd Foreaiu KtraiU." Mr Paalln tclrplionwl at 3.30, last '-vcnlng:— " Sqnillj S.W. to N.W. rinilJ, .ni'l snmc rain ihovrar^." DEI'ARTUIUS. Manuka, Us., 4506 tons, Novillo, for Sydney, via Lyttelton and Wellington. Ii.S,S. Company, agents, l'wsutiiii'rs: Kor Lyttellon-Missoa Purl, Magnus, Downoa, Gruut. Mewlainoa Austin and infant, Parrcll awl two children, Messrs WilkitiMin, Austin, Oniaro. Daly, 'J'. Ilro'.vn, Dr liarwood. I'or Wollitiftton —Mis.scs Ih.-ol;, Son lor mill child, Wyatt, Miller, MM<«g, Cash■nan, iloiliv Wallace, Levi. Kerpnron, M'Oallimi, Mpsil.nnn.-i lirowu, Bock, CainpI Hill, M'Kokk, Allnn, JU'OracktMi, Votinß, JfeJtrs Montgomery, Sessions, M'Crackon, livrno, lt-ov. Wainwright, Itev. lilathwayt, ('aptain Irwin, Master Blathwayt. Kor Kvdnf v- Misses l,ittlo (3), Wolf, (lihhons, Jtesdam'is Hornby, llulchinßs and daUßhter. Jaekman, Kilgour, Andrews nnil infant. Falla, Mewrs Leech, Kilgoitv, Moonuy, ProvoM (2), Davis, Dnan O'lliivnii, Captain Kin?; and 21 in Iho steerage. Invercargill. s.s.. 224 tons, Clillies. for Invcrcariiill. Invurcargill Sliipping Company, r {touts, KXPBCTF.D AUniVALS. Prom Sydney (via Auckland) —Victoria, February 25. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Moana, l'l'liruary 24. _ From Melbourne.—Ulinmroa, rohruary27, Prom Auckland.—Mokoia, February 22. PUD.]ICCTED DKI'Am'UI!KB. For Sydney (via Wollington).—Uliniaroa, Fphnlan 28. Fr.r Sydney (via Atickland).—Vicloria, Fehniary 27. ' For Melliourno (via ItliifT and Ifotsvrt).Moana, Pohruary 25. For Auckland.—Mokoia, February 23. OVEH3EA VF,S3F.IfI TD AIIRtTE AT AQOXLAItn. Kirktlale, loft Now York December 13. Poscrie, left New York Decemlwr SO. Wokarmi, left St. John January 19. Hollo of Scotland, loft San Francisco January 12. K'i:i Orii, loft l/Hidoii Kolirunry H. Hutuliui, left Ixindon January 26. Da.n(rßhiro left Liverpool l)(\yinl>cr 21; arrival Kyd iiby J'eliriiary 21. Sussox, left Livorpoo Jamiarv 12; duo March 21. Surrey lef Livorpool February 5; due April 8. AT WKLLIMOTON Queen F.lirabrth (ship), left Now York October 17. Arawn, lot; I/ondon Novom hor 12, nnil Capetown December 3 MamaTi, left liondon December 14 arrived Auckland January 30. Crosby (JraiiKo. left London Ilccomber 23. Indra pura, left I/uidim Deoomlier 23, aim Sydney February 21. Hotnrua, lef I/ondon DwxMiiber 23. Mintim, lef London ' December 2(1. Turakina. lrfl I/indou January 22. Tndrabarah, left I.on dill January 31. ltomuera, left Phnioull February 17. AT LYTTELTOK. Kaipara. left Docembor 4 lonio. loft liondon January 9. Ranfjalira left. London January 11. ltimulaka, leii I/)ndoii February 10. , AT UtlNßlllS. Don, barquo. loft Sweden Novetnlier 5 Kaltenlurm, led Now York January 1; Kirkdalc, left New York Dwniher 13; <)im Marclt 15. Wakanui, left St. Job 1 January 1!). ' Sussex - . left I,iver|ioc Jamiiirv 12; duo April 6. liosorir loft New York Dixemlvr 50; d't March 30. liannatira. left Ixuulon ,hitman H: dun alioiil March 1. HnnflViirc lef Liverpool I)coiMnl>er 21; due .March IE Fall* of Orchy, left New Yuri; Novemhe IB; duo February 22. Waimana, left Livei l>ool December 23; dun March 6. Wa wera, left. St John Iwoiiilxm- 2!1; arrive Moll)oiirne February 15 Whakarua, lei London January 5. Rimul.aka, lei Tiandott February 8. ltoswrie, loft York December 30, duo March 30. Angii Holiviali, left New York I'ubruarv 5. OHTWAnn lUHINH Kaikoura, loft Wellington Dcccmbor 21 Corinthie, left Wellington Deceinher tfl, an Montflvidoo January 18. Pakeln. left. Lytic ton December 31, and Montevideo ,Imiliar 20. Norfolk, left Wellington January • Ktuuam, left Wellington January 11. Hu; hino, left Wellington January 11. Pap; roR, left Tokoniaru Hay January 16. Dpawi left Wollington January 27; arrived Monti video February 17. Arawa, left. Woll-ndo January 28, anil Hio do Janeiro on Febn ury 17. .Monivshire, left Lyttelton o February 3. Delphi;, left' Aurkl;ui> February 5. Huapehu, left Wellinirtc I'ebniary 8. Star of India, left I.vtlelto February 10. '/.wihiitlie, left Awklan February 13. Tongariro, left Napier Febri ary 16 PHOJECTF.O DEPARTURES. FROII iIXKUNI). Mamari, February 23. molt WKLLINdTOX. Tainui, February 22. Rotorus, March FIJOVI I.VTTKLTON, Malaltia, February 21. SHIPPING TELEOKAMS. AUCKLAND, February 21.—Arrivei Ilenrik Ibsen, from San Fraiicisftj; Falls Murass. fiMm t.'aleulUi; N'avun. fron. Sy iH'y; \Vlinng,i|v, tiom Weslp<rt, WELLINGTON, February 21.—Arrive Moaiut (8.20 tun.), from Sydney.—Sailci Maori (S p.m.), for Lytteltcii, with 230 pi M'lip'rs. LYTt'IvI.TOX. February 21.—Arrivts Mararou (3.45 p.m.), from WellitiKlon.— Sailed; Koionio, for lllutT; 'Paviuui. f Wcllilijtlon; llte<'/:o (4.30 p.m.). for Du rtfin; Mtiritai, for Napier; llolmdale. f l'ietou atxl OnehunKa; Maraiw,. for W lijißion. wiih 13'} I'yfrnct, f . Kaikoura; Tarawi-rti, for Wcllinu'tr Napier, liisborno, and Aucklanil; Mok< (11 p.m.), lor Dunedin. I'.issenfjors— M< ilaiius llilib. Hooper, Hay, M.>s«rs tlil Thomas. I'ollcy. Stewart, Turn .Montague, Tunson, Grierson, lheiitold. a John Holvrts. MKLHDI'RNK. February 21.-ss.ile I'limarcvi. for llolvin ami lllulT. SYDNKY, Jamwrv 21.—Sailed: Mahe (LoO p.m.), (or Auckland. TiiK niHKrr steamers. S\ PNKY, February 21.—Arrived: Pat (hire, from Liverpool.-—S-iileil: lnd ptirm for Wolliiwon, MARMORA'S PASSF.NT,EUS. MKLIUH'UNT., Febr.iary 21 The following are tho Marmora's Rers for New Zcalaml;—Misses Forn M'l/vtn, Ijildell, lVirton, lni;inm, S peant, HocJcon, XlcMiiimes Ncachor ;i three children, Liddell. The Invereargill sailed last evenini; Invoroaruill. Tno Flora is to Mil to day for New 1 mouth, via ooasial ports. Tho Tiniaru drodgo adjusl<vl hor c* j«*scs ycfttorday, but to the bci kouth-woit gala sho was unable to leave har homo port. Th« Mokoia is expeetcd to arrive < cTdninj from- Ancklind, via C< porU,

The Breezo loft Lyttelton last evening for this port, and is due this afternoon. The Manuka sailed yi-slerday afternoon for Sydney, via Cook Strait. Tim Kot;iro is (hit! this morning with a cargo of timber from Slowau Island The Tails of Orchy is due to morrow morning from Timarti with balance of caso oil cargo for tins port. Captain Irwin proceeded to Wellington yesterday by llio Manuka, and Captain King is a passenger liy the same vessel for Sydney. Owing (o ilii* jieavy south-west gale yesterday, the trawlers had to coafo trawling outside the Heads, and returned to Port in the afternoon. Tlk« smaller filling cr.-.ft had to remain at their moorings. The Wathor.i. is to load produce at Tiinaru and'm this week for Sydney. Present indications point to a good deal of activity in product; shipments to the Comlliojiwuallh during the next few months. The Wanaka is to leave Auckland on Monday with a cargo of scrap iron for Huncdin, an<l will afterwards load produce at Blulft Oainani, anil Timaru, lor Napior, Ghhorne, and Auckland. .After being laid up at Port. Chalmers for some weeks pint, the Te Annu was taken over lo 'he sheerlcgs yesterday, and had her old funnel removed ami a. new one plaoixl ill position. The Clan Ogilvy is expected to ho clear of her Port Chalmers cargo to-morrow, and will come up to town to-morrow evening or Saturday morning to di-xharge simi timl)er. -Mr F. (J. Kendal, who has been for some tuno chief ollicer on tlic Manapouri, has been appointed aeiing master of Iho Kakapo, vice Captain liuxlcy, who has resigned to tal:e up the position of pilot at l-iunrcstoii. Mr A. il.' Winslow, chief officer of the Wabtipu, Ims been appointed chief officer of (lie Mannpoiiri. It i.i reported that, two large twin-screw cargo steamers for the New Zealand trade have been ordered liv flic Tvser line, and will I™ built by Messrs Workman, Clark, and Co.. at Belfast. 'Pliny will each !k> alionl £000 lons rej(ißtnr, aiid will bo fast vessels. It is understood that on« (which is now on 'the stocks) will lx> named Makinni, thi' Maori equivalent for M'Lcan, as a compliment to Mr Douglas , M'Lcan, of Hawko's llay. The Koromiko relurned to Wellington on Saturday, after a trip to Western Australia with navy coal. At Kremuntle. the Koromiko discharged 1800 tons of coal from her holds to 11..U5. I'owerftll in eight hours. A strike of wharf labourers at thai port was in progress, and no fewer limn 27 steamers were held tip. 'llio Koromiko next loaded timber for Melbourne, and had a. K°" ; J !'»ssaso to that port. At Newcastle, she coal and timber for Picton, Wellington, and Napier. ■» HIVAI, NATTU'SIIIPS. The new kiltie cruiser Lion, which is the largest warship in commission and also tlio longest cruiser in Iho world, has tied in tliu speed record for armoured ships will* the lluiiiiaii !>:iit|„ cruiser Moltke, maintaining M.7 knots in her eight-hour trial, I his is precisely the speed of the Moltko as given bv tl m latest German authorities. I lie; Lmn left Plymouth on Mondnv morning (.January 8) for her eight-hour fullpower I rial, mid concluded it at. 7 iho same evening with perfectly satisfaelorv results. The contract horse-nowcr of 70,000 iinijs wus maintaiii.'d throughout bv lier tiirbmo engines. He,- desalted spcril was 28 luiols. but she was expected bv all to exceed il—anil she did. Owing to thick ■»isl, .which prev.nled throughout the (lav, il was impossible to test nor speed on tlio measured mile olf the wast of Cornwall, as lii> marks could not. I*. seen. The log however, gave her a moan speed of 29.7 knots for Iho ,-un. Tlio maximum speed reached was 31.7 knnU 1„ her 21-hour trial at three-quarter power her mean tpeod was 24] knots. The following is a comparison of Ihe main features of Die Lion and Mollkc: — Broadside. Tonnage. Power, lb. Speed. Lion ... 26.500 70.000 10.120 29.7 Molike ... 23,000 60,000 8,400 29.7 On (he measured mile the Mnllke attained M knots in a number of runs.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 6

Word Count

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15384, 22 February 1912, Page 6


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