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Wo understand thai a rumour Whioh Ij to tht effect ths-t a> clojrk who wm employed hv a legal fitm i« Mid to havode-catfipc-d, leaving defalcations behind, ha* no foundation. It is slated that the clerk wot on holcdiy, ind, Whilo abeeht, decided to sjver his connection With t-hb firm. There &ro no dsfalcAtionS. It is expectod that a start will shortly bo mado with tho erection of tho proposed new gyritecoloffiial ward ii th& Du tied in Hospita'. Tho piitfl for tho building have 'been referred to tho honorary medical staff, Resignations from the Staff of the Dunedin Iforpital oOrttinuO to tako placo in a rather surprising manner, and at Jrosterday's nveeting of thfe Hospital CoMtnltUe notion of retiremertt of ono sister and falit nurses were atooptcd. It has been deoidod to trrovidr hoods fdf tho tWo fotlr-ticd shelters recently completed at the Plfaiiaht Valloy Sanatorium in order to prevont tho rain from driving in, and so as to onnMo tRo window to be' left open in bad toe&lhk. The wit is Citimated at £7 10s. The Otago Art Society'* exhibition was well patronised throughout yesterday, tho patrons being well pleased with the collection of pictures hung urn) with the conditions Under which they were to bo viewed. During tho afternoon, tho committee of tho Alt Bociobr mot, and it wen resolved to purchase, at the catalogue prico of £75, Mr J. F. ScOtt's very fino.paint ; ing (Wriptivo of New South Wales fccenory, entitled " A ft.Uwl District" (No. | 62). Mr Scott is a Dunedin boy, and'this picturo hss born much admired ns one of tho 1 best cAnvarees from his brush that have been rhown in KoA- Zealand. In tho meantime il will be hang In thd Art Gallery. OthtSr pictures told yesterday were: "Nefct KtiaresiW, Ymksliirc'* (No. 4), by \\\GiocU,i£iis; a Water " (No. 7), by Walter, Wright, £5 ss; and "Thb Estuary Mouth,"'by -M. Duportal, £6 6s. The Auld Lang Byno Cltib held its annual reunion on 'Monday bvenlng. About 40 members sit down to iti at tho Waratah Tea-rooms, presided over by thp president (the Rev. Gtorfco Build, of Feilding), and spent an hour in social intercourse. Grtetingi were sent to tho professors of iho collego and to members who afo now in tho foreign field, find h touohing farewell was accordcd to Mr Ridd'.o, who 16about to leavo foe India. Members pfe#eht tor the first Umo w«ro heartily welcomed, and uijojfci tho prlvilcgfi Of B(k}ftirtlng th« Mcent fccncdicta receiving a special ovatibn. Tho treasurer mad« & stalement regitding tho tohotorsliip fur.d, whicli wni lietened to' ftnd with mingled feelings. Mention was inado of theso wlio had suffered befeAvement. during tlio year, aiid the sjmpaihy of the elab was' extended to thotn. Tlvo Rev. J. A. Asher, of Napier, was felectW ptffiident for tJio year, and tho secretary otid treasurer were re-cleelcd.

Tho Ravonsbourne Sohool Committto met oil Monday evening; present—Messrs Mullonger (chair), Milnos, Pa'Jiior, Crosbio, King, and l)unh (clerk). Tho, head fnfifitcr reported that jllo average alt<!ndiitco for tho pjat month was 189, and tho avetage roll I§4. Tho attendance shield was Won ,by Standard I, with an average of 93.1 for tho past month.. Tho amount fit credit In tho penny cavirvjs bank was £13 4i 7d. Tho Dunedin Athenteum Committeo wrote offering a member's ticket for tho pupil who gain* the highrat marks in genera! knowledge. A circular was received (and dealt with) from Kltham regarding the establishment of a greater number of agricultural scholarships for tho Dominion, and also regarding a colonial fctame of promotion for teachers and tho question of additional cfl'Wantn. It was decided to hold a concert or other ontcrtoimiwnt about tho end of tho month to augment thii prizo fund.

The honorary medical sifif at the Hospital is to be asked to report on the best method of making a temporary appointini'nt of tt incdirsi officer nt tho Pleasant Volley Sanatorium pending tho permanent appointment of a resident medical officer at th'o end of the financial year J8» tho honorary medical staff ia of opitjjfl'ffliit such an appointment is advi«ib!o®p In compliance with a request mado ioffji time ago by tho Hospital and Charitabyu Aid Board, tho OtagO Education fiearfr has decided to establish ft household. School at the 'Pleasant Valley Sanatorium, and has Appointed Miss .1. Falconer as tcach&r. At the mooting of the education Brar/ j yesterday it was dockkd that the Dunedin and suburban schools be allowod to eominenco their midsummer vacatiortVwi or after Wednesday, Dcosmber 20. We have received 10s from "Sano" for tho Y.M.C.A. Free of )ici>t Fund, and 10s for Df Bdrnardo's Homes Fund. Mr C. C. Graham (district coroner) held on inquest at Waitati yesterday into the circumstances touching tho death of Patrick Goakloy, aged 90 yeans who disappeared from tho Orokdnui Homo on September 2<. Evldenco was glveh by Dr A. Crosby, Constable O. Connor, ai>d M. B:a«ley '(an attendant at tho home). From the evidence of persons it appeared that Coakloy, wtio wad a single man and a labourer by occupation, had heen transferred from Seacliff to Orokonui in 1909, having proviowly been an inmate of tho former Institution. Ho oecapcd from Orokonui Home on September 24, and the efforts of *e«ch parties to discover him proved unavailing. Hl* body was, however, discovered by a echool boy on Sunday afternoon in a water tablo at the bottom of some cliffs about thrco miles frbin the home. Ho bad evidently fallen over a precipice and boon killed, and his body, when found, was in a badly decomposed state. Tho medical evidence staled that death was due either to his fall or to exposure during the inclement weather which followed his disappearance. Tho voidiot fchlrtied oy tho corofior was to tho effect that deceased met hie death by accidentally falling over a olifT.

I*o tender :■ oif/ifeiw wtkook H&willot> for ISA (del of £2024 8s (or tho erection,,i|» brisk, oji/li cott»f« hospital at Tapanui >ifill ; bo snjftjiittod W Thursday's mooting of Ihfe HosjtiUl Wtd CWittblo Aid Board toif'.confirmation/ ' j.\

At i Sitting n» Uhn'mberd yailtrday, Mr Justice Williams grarttod tbfl folld*ltog motions (or probates :~Ro Edwiud Attwood, Into of Fortrose, settlor (Mr Inder); re William Duncan Singer, lat« of Biterton (W. Armstead).

Tho Otago Educatlort Board yestordsy decided to mako application to tho Minuter 1 of Edueitioh for Authority to tti& the flatus of tho Alexandra School to that of a dirtrfot high school.

Tho monthly mooting of tho High Street School Com mil too was held last eroniri#! Jiredettt—Messrs D. WUhart (in tho ctiAir), W. Fleming, 8. Peden, 11. 11. Wiso, W. Melvin, T. Sandors, F. G. Coi (Hon. seewtuj), and tho Rev, A. Don. The kid muter reported thai tho average atiendanoo lor tho month wa*—Boys 2ljo, girls 238 total, 518. The aver ago number on tho roll wat— Boys 291, girls 257 j—total, 648. Tho Visiting Committee (Messrs Wise and Melvin) spotted having fourtdererjlhingsbout tho school in perfect order. It Wavdecided to grant tU Defcnoo DepsJtflient tho uso of the sheds and grounds u requested, and tho Rev. A. Don was granted lcate of absence for thfee months. Tho penny bank deposits amounted to £25 lis, aix) the wlthdrawfrfe to £14 81, leaving & bdl&neo to credit of £285185. Tho prweods b( tho concert held lost mtrnth resulted in a credit bal&ftco of nearly £3 for tho school fundi. Accounts amounting to £3 14s (A were passed for plyment. Messrs Wlehart and Bahdofa were Hpfwinted a, Vislilng Cdrtmittea for tho ensuing month, ihd it was decided to have th* school break-up on Docembor 20, and re&UMe en Feb«iafjr 5, after tho annual vocation. An InVCNafgili Itlegrtht sayi that ta excellent &t&fapl4 01 the appreoialibil m Vililb 61 l&ad in ptoximity to Iflwrtirgill is afforded by the sita of i 950-dcrt fafrrt at Wallaqctown, (oven or eight milee from Am town. Four or five years ago thfe fhrnh hiilds At £10 acrej it his now beMi retold at £25, fchieh foeifin an fiieMsment of £14,250 in the tirrie tlaUd. The Mdfniil&toh Borough Ckwnoil, tl its meeting last night, acceded to the fcqueat of tho Hospital Saturday AiKxiation for free pifSOB for collectom bit tho borough trams on Hospital SsturtUy.

At a special meeting of the Methodist L'ohlenchoo C<>mtoittM> bt T«n)jx)fftft6e &bd ?üblio Morals, lie!J yfclborday, tho folding resolution wm unanimously carried, as exprtssng the 1 mind o( the MelMdisfc Church on tho <|ue*tioh of flo-lioense:— "That tho HqUoT tralllo is tho souroo of innumerable evil*, physical and moral, eociiil and domestic, a chief enemy of iho Kingdom of Gtd, - end the ttoott drcoded danper of youth. No othor traffic known to our rao« is eo wasteful of the eubstanco of its patrtr.6, to drstnictivo of character 1 snd reputation, to ihjufldus Id health 6M roaso/i, or k> fraught with aham'e and mental agony to in'.f-rwpMting relatives. .Morally it is tfc« firm illy of the seven deadly sitis. In kw it U (He teeming mothor of liee and porjury, wiiilo Motto farticiilly it i» th<6 wOrit tonrot o*pttalfira.' Wo strongly Urgo the' mem&m and adherents of tho Methodist Church to Continue to vAb all Inwtul metins fof the dwitriletioh lot thft traffic, and to striko out ihi top line in both issues at iho coming t»ll."

At laH night's meeting of tho Bt. fef.da Borough Oauncil consi&ntlon wftk givett to a number of tohdett which bad bottt received for tho Wedttott of'» 6oroh«tiofi Hall in the bafough. th* atohitect's fastiinato of tho ctei had been about £1250, but to ail tho amounts in tho tenders woro largely in otct& of this it was' decided that the Hall Cottmrtfee should go into tho matter with the architect to endeavour to Me ho# tho expOtiM could bo rcduc«d. A sptxiil fncetiog of the whole council will bo hold on Thrtrtday week to consider the report Of this committee.

At a meeting of tho OoMfrtllfM 6f thft Horticultural Society, held lafct tvottlftg, It was decided thai owing Id thft jobfedule <hta of tho Summer ShOVr falling oh the day before the gonetal election, the date bo altered lo Friday, December 15. Mr Grant, of the d*hri»trtiUra]l NtlWerJ Company, 3 to lie tdqufclwl Id judgo thti rotw, and Mt H. iMrtoti, 6f kwreiwe, tlw Meet pci«.

About halt'pwt 6 one eViftirig laM Wtek one of tho wsidnhts ftt the National' Batik at Bulclutha, frho wis in tlio kitsch *t the time, kM farmed by. Mcaivuig & shbWor o! pottdirfd Ijliu on Hbr face. Sid at first thought th&l thori hid bceh 6orabjtsWble mititf in esriio bf th<s bottlW trt tho kitchen. b\it oil o <9c?arch bslng fn&dd a small hole, identical With that Whith ttbltld be Wiidoiby- a flfl6 bullet, itil fouhd in one of this kltthcn vflndowte, and it ll thought (s&re tho■ CiUtha Lcsdefl that a riflo hid ton discharged in ihe neighbourhood and that tho' bullet had toiftid its bi'.let in tho kitchen.

Tho Kirnslaw, the steamer which Merars J. M'Gwgor and Co. are building for tho Wokatipu ferry 'service, is now being diemantled from tho stocks, and tho Various parts fent forward by train lo Kingston. They will bo roafecinbW there by solno SO or 60 workmen with all despatch, but the firm is not in a position to say definitely when tho new boat will bo ready to takt tho water. A Chrialohtirch telegmm 6taUs that a conference was held yesterday between del#gates from tho New Zealand Woolbr&klS^» , Association'and representative* of lh<> Now Zealand Wool lluyers' Association, when tho matters in dispute in connection with the local sales, which came to a head at tho recent salo in Wellington, wero di«euseoi Tho whale position waa ful'.y gone iiito, awl an nmicftbl* agroemertt upon all points arrived at. Th : « Mrangcment will bo adhered to at tho different wk» that will bo lieid at tho valrioui eehtrM during this fea'on, cornmetielnj *iih tlia flrtt Ul« to be held in ChfidWhttirch tO-dSy. Theto only a small efttty, dome 3000 bales, j 'the broken weather baring delayed shear- • inff somewhat, and tho doubt os lo whellkct the sale would tik« plioe kept ieftre! iota ?bick.

A c«6 of wife dmtion on which tho presldics magwtrato commented strongly vtas disposed of in tlio Auckland Magistrate's' Court y«rterday (says » Proas Association telegram). . Complaint thai hor husband (Jotoph tlottfy BaffiCtt) had detected her wm iiuda by Boatrioo Mat)*! Barn«tt. Hi* Worship Stated that aincu tho oharpo was laid against the defendant, ovct 12 mcnths Ago, "Tho Destitute Persons Ac!, 1910/' had boon paaaed. Tho complainant had therefore liid fresh informations under that act, and tho order on tho old information had to be cancelled.. The defendant, eaid Mf Kettle, had utlerlj (ailed to justify his conduct. Tho order of the court was that tho dofendant should contribute 20» per trfcok towards tho support of hia wife, 5a pep week towards the support of his child, pay the polico oipcnsea of hi* attwt, etc., and bo imprisoned for three months, with, hard labour. Tho complete returns for the Vincent County elections dijclcwo tho following results:— Howea Riding, Mr P, J. M'Carthy; Clutha Biding, Mr Heaney; J,indi> Hiding, Mr J. Jameson; Carriok Riding* Mr J. Ritchie, jun.; Dunstan Riding, Mr S. T. Spain; M&truborikia Riding, Mr' J, M'Kmght; Matakanui Riding, Mr J. Sheppwd; Kartwoteugb Riding, Mr C. Weaver. Tho elections to tho Vi'noent Ifoipitel and CharjUibie Aid Board tv suited as follows Mosmis Si, Hotoey, John Jamoaon, James, Ritchie, jun., Chala. Ray, John Siniait, tUisric* Weaver, Will Laidkj*, and "E. Mantis. ,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15301, 15 November 1911, Page 12

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15301, 15 November 1911, Page 12

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15301, 15 November 1911, Page 12


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