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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. B A T T E R S B V & C 0., LAND SALESMEN. REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, SHAREBKOKERS. 40 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN, SHEEP RUNS. 8000 ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD; ront £81 per annum; 1800 sheep, UUVV 60 head cattle. Going concern, £3500, terms. ACRES S - G> RUN: rent £Wi ovor 700 sl,0 °P' Goin S concern, £2000. QQAA ACRES, LEASEHOLD and FREEHOLD; close to railway; all good uu\j\y lambing country; nbout 1500 sheep. Going concern, £4250; £1500 down. TOOO good tussock country; nominal rent; about 2300 sheep, and horses, i\J\jr\J entile, implements, oto Going concern, £5700; terms. FARMS. s 7O A 9 LEASEHOLD; thrco years to go, with right of renewal; 7-roomed 'y House; water laid on; cowbyre, stables, etc.; 20 cows, 3 horses; 13 acres mangels, turnips, oats, implements. Going concern, £350; terms. "|Q() ACRES LEASEHOLD, dairying property; all in grass; eight years' lease; JLOU rent 13s; 5-roomed House, outbuildings; carrying 60 head stock. Prico, £100; stock valuation. • 84- A FREEHOLD, agricultural land; grows wheat; permanent water; all f|3C in grass; 4-roomed House, dairy, cowbyro for eight cows; threo miles from railway. Tho land is in good heart, has" not been cropped for 18 years. Trico £12 10s per aero. AN EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE. GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE IN FAVOURITE SUBURB. WE have received instructions from tho Owner to offer this SUPERIOR PROPERTY at a figure CONSIDERABLY UNDER COST and VALUATION as determined by TWO OF THE LEADING CITY ARCHITECTS. PROPERTY consists of a Magnificent 9-roomcd Residence. It is three minutes from the tram, and iwmmamls an ABSOLUTELY SUPERB VIEW OF CITY. HARBOUR, and OCEAN. Tho House is built of KAURI throughout, is of very stylish nppoarnnce. and the material used in its construction was ABSOLUTELY THE BEST PROCURABLE. The ground consists of half an acre, and the site is magnificent. The whole property has a decidedly big prospective value. The rooms aro of EXCEPTIONAL size: Hall 27 x 8 ; drawing room 20 x 16, with two bay windows; dining room 16 x 15, with large lxiy window; two bedrooms each 16 x 14, with largo bays; dressing room 9x9; two small singlo bedrooms 9x9; kitchen H x 13 clear; also, commodious and well-lit room, suitable for billiard room, Timber, knu.ri throughout; ceilings, handsome fibrous plaster in hall and largo rooms, and all 12-foot high; and lining of £ T. and G. KAURI; grates, mantels, and fittings far superior to the average. BATHROOM quite a feature of the house; enamel bath, cabinet, basin, etc. Exceptional sanitary arrangements. Pantry, scullery, washhouso, copper, tubs, etc. Slate roof rendered with cement. / FINISH first-class throughout, no expense having been spared. Panelling in hall, leadlight fanlights to windows, fibrous ceilings, etc., being a feature. ARCHITECT'S VALUATION, " estimated at, a low figure" £2020, FOR SALE by „.s FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, at £1600. The Architect's reports are available to clients. Particulars will be furnished to GENUINE BUYERS ONLY, and aro obtainable AT OUR. OFFICE ONLY. GENTLEMEN'S RESIDENCES.-Wo havo some EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD PRO- ™ PERTIES of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 rooms in City, St. Clair, Musselburgh, and Anderson's Bay. includine a magnificent 8-roomed Brick BUNGALOW (tiled toof) in City. A LOVELY HOME. mO LET.-ST. CLAIR: Six-roomed RESIDENCE, 12s. SIEVWIUGHT, HAGGITT, & CO. (LTD.). AUCTIONEERS, FARM SALESMEN. HOTEL BROKERS, PROPERTY AGENTS AND SHAREBROKERS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS. PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. A FINE LITTLE SHEEP STATION FOR SALE AS A GOING CONCERN FOR ii- £7500.-6W ACRES FREEHOLD AND 11,000 ACRES PASTORAL UKASE (10 YEARS TO RUN, RENT £75 A FEAR). THE FREEHOLD LAND HAS ALL BEEN CULTIVATED, AND IS EQUAL TO ANY IN SOUTHLAND THE WHOLE PROPERTY IS SUBDIVIDED INTO 13 PADDOCKS BY GOOD FENCES AND IS CARRYING 50C0 SHEEP AND 140 HEAD OF CATTLE. THE BUILDINGS ARE GOOD, AND COMPRISE 7-ROOMED HOUSE, WOOLSIIED FOR 5 SHEARERS, STABLES, ETC. THE PRICE FOR THE LOT AS A GOING CONCERN IS £7500; WALK IN, WALK OUT. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. 9G£ ACRES, in GORE DISTRICT; securely fenced into nine paddocks; watered <JOU by permanent creek and springs; all plough-able, rolling downs, easily worked, and lying to tho north-east; 23 acres autumn oats, 60 acres ploughed for turnips, 200 acres young grass, etc.; carrying 730 sheep; 8-roomed House, 6-sta'!od stable, ehaffihouse, nle.n's hut, implement shod, shcop yards, etc.; £-acro orchard, including peach, pear, plum, apple, and cherry trees, besides small fruits; situated' one mile from school, telephone, and post office. Price £8 an acre; terms arranosd. A bargain. TWO GOOD MIXED FARMS IN SOUTHLAND. 994. ACRES - DRUMMOND.-All rich, reclaimod swamp land; tilo and ploughArJrk. drained; well watered; subdivided into 11 paddocks; 60 acres new grass 60 acres one-year-old grass, 30 acres swedes, 16 acres soft turnips, 44 acres dun oats balanco 2 and 3-year-old grass; carrying 54 dairy cows, 45 calves, 200 sheep, and li horses. Splendid 6-roomcd house, bathroom, washhouse, storeroom, stable, trapshed, 20-stalled cowshed fitted with milking machines, etc. 108 bushels of 'oats and 60 bushels of wheat per aero have been threshed off this farm. Only one milo from factory and school. Wo have personally inspected this property, and can recommend it. Price, £20 an acre. Terms, £1000 down. *MO ACRES > SOUTHLAND.-Situated alongsido dairy factory, railway station <Jrr\J sohoo!, church, and shops. All flat land, and limed with 2 tons to acre! Tile and plough-drained. Carrying 1100 sheep. New 7-roomed house, woolshed, byrii for 24 cows, stable, windmill, men's house, ■ sheep yards, etc. Price, £20 an' acre. £2500 cash, or would exchange for .sheen run carrying 5000 to 7000 sheep 10 fiOO ACRES LEASEHOLD. SOUTHLAND; 13 years to run; three mi'cs XI/JUW.P from school; all well fenced and subdivided; 600 acres cultivated balance silver tussock; very sweet, sunny country, and easily mustered. Stock consists of 4469 «heep, of which 3300 are breeding ewes, and 20 head of cattle, dray 2 buggies, harness, wool press, 10 tons chaff, 50 bags oats, etc. As a goin" 'concern' OftAA ACRES FREEHOLD and 7500 ACRES LEASEHOLD; (ront- £86 16s per fiJ\J\f\J annum), situated near Nelson; wintering 5003 sheep; nidern 12-roomod House (brick), h. and c. water, telcphono; also, Hoiieo for tho men 3roomed Cottage, woolshed, sheep yards, dip, barns, stables, etc.; nice garden 'and a plantation of 25 acres; £12,500; terms can bo arranged. A very cheap, healthy sheep property, and within six miles of saleyards. /JO A AORES, COLLINGWOOD, four miles from township; 11 paddocks well *±/i/U watered; good 5-rcpmed House-, new shearing shed, yards, din, stable' etc • all easy hills, under splendid grass. This place winters 700' sheep and 30 haul of cattle. Prico £8 an acre; terms. AfK ACRES LEASEHOLD NEAR DUNEDIN.-Three years to run, with right of renewal for further five years. Ront, £18 a year. All fenced and subdivided into 3 paddocks. Carry 12 cows. 8-roomcd house, couched, stable, barn, etc. turnips, 1 acre orchard. . D.f. plough s.f. plough, harrows, roller, dray, springcart, harness, horse (3-year-old), sledge, tools, furniture, 3 cows, 3 bullocks,'2 bulls, 2 dozen fowls, etc., etc. £100 as a going concern. AQ ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRY_ FARM.-Rent, £80 a year; long lease; 19' »/0 cows, 2 heifers, 2 horses, spring oart, harness, farming implements, oto./eto. £210 as a going conesrn. This Farm is only i-milo from creamery, and J-milo'froin school. -JO7 ACRES FREEHOLD, SOUTHLAND; subdivided into 6 paddocks, watered ±0 t by creeks and springs; 20 acres turnips, balance grass; good 5-roomed House etc.; 2J miles from railway station, dairy factory, school, otc. Price, £6 an aero; £150 down, balance on very easy terms. HANDY TO BALCLUTHA.-234 ACRES Freehold, in 8 paddocks; permanent creeks; all been ploughed except 30 acros tussock; 40 acres oats, 25' acres new grass, 40 acres two-year-old grass, '27 acres stubble, 14 acres fallow, balance old pasture; 6-roomed House, 6-stalled stable and loft, 6-stalle'd byre, barn, hut, etc.; li acres orchard, etc.; ty miles from schoo 1. £6 10s an aero and £50 for crop. Can finance a buyer with £500 cash. SQ/» ACRES Freehold, near Balclutha; 130 acres now grass, 20 acres turnips, 45 o\} acres oats, 40 acres one-year grass, 190 acres older pasture, 15 acres turnip land, balanco natural state; no buildings; carry 500 breeding ewes and 400 dry sheep £6 10s an acre. £3/400 cash required. 1100 ACRI ; :S > 9 1l i t , lm Dis 1 t I rict -5 ]1 Paddocks; all good down country; 1200 acres jLTr.VV!> ploughable; well watered; % acres turnips, 140 acres young grass, 140 acres one-year-old grass, 160 acres two-year-old grass, 191 acres three to five-year-old grass, 76 acres oats, 14 acres rye corn, 45 acres ploughed, 76 acres stubble, 62 acre' turnip land, balance tussock; carries 1J sheep to acre; 4-roomed House,' 14-stalled stable, barn, woolshed, yards, etc.; two miles from school. Price, £6 an acre. jiIOOO down. 11 /JC ACRES, Waikaka District; subdivided into 9 paddocks by good post-and JL.S.'yciJ wire fences; 450 acres are in English grass, tho balance in splendid silvor tussock; well watered by permanent streams; carries 1000 ewes and 40 head of cattle-5-roomed House, coalshed, washhouse, 8-stalled stablo with loft, shearing shed, trap shed, sheepyards and dip. Price, £4 4s an acre. Terms. ftHEAP RIVER FLAT LAND IN SOUTHLAND.-440 acres, all flat; rich river v/ flat; 100 acres been cultivated; grows excellent crops; 2 miles from railway U miles from schcol, 3i miles from factory; no buildings; splendid heavy soil. Only £4 per aore; £600 cash required, balance for term at 5 per cent CROOKSTON FLAT.-We can offer Blocks of between 300 nnd 4CO ACRES of the ■ best land around Crookston; splendid wheat-growing or fattening country • none better in (he South Island; £12 to £25 an acre Call or -write for particulars'. ' 8 OS) A ACRES Leasehold; rental, £55 3s per annum; 12 years to run; about 1800 sheep, team cf horses, implements, etc.; 6-roomed House, stable. wnolsherl. etc. Price a-, n rroins? concern. £2750; £1500 cash. OWAKA VALLEY.-FREEHOLD, £9 an acre; 206 acres, in 8 paddocks; threequarters of a mile from school, handy to creamery and lailway by metalled road; half in grass (flat) and balanco goo A milling timber; 35 acres ploughed, 10 acres turnips; never-failing creeks; good 5-roomed House, washhouse, etc.. 24-stallod cowbyro (concreted), with concrete troughs and large loft, stables, etc.; milk4ocowsexcellent dairy farm. Only £SCO cash required. ' ' CALL AMD SEE OUR LIST OF DAIRY FARMS. MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITY WE HAVE AN AMOUNT OF £1300 TO LEND (IN ONE OR MORE LOTS) ON FREEHOLD SECURITY, at 5 per cent.. ■ ' SIEVWRIGHT. HAGGITT, & CO. (LIMITED). AUCTIONEERS, -LAND AGENTS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS. JOHN RTT~D l SONS, JOHN BEID, HENP.Y WILLIAM REID, CHARLES RUSSELt SMITH. F.I.A.N.Z. AUCTIONEEUS, LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE A FINANCIAL AGENTS VALUATORS, SURVEYORS. MONEY. SHARE & LAND BROKERS, ARBITRATORS. AUDITORS. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. 'Pbeno 190 LIYEUI'UOL & BOND STREETS iNaxt Star Office). 'Phone 190. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. £50 DEPOSIT IS ALL THAT IS REQUIRED •To secure a very Superior Now BUNGALOW, situate on a main thoroughfare south, and within easy distance of Id c;rr; House contains 4 nice largo 1001ns; casement windows, fanlights, steel ceilings, tilo grates and hearths, fancy mantelpieces, electric light, hot and cold water, porcelain enamelled bath, basin, mirror door wardrobe, 1 plain wardrobe, scullery, pantry, washhouse (copper, tubs); good section; siJondid soil. This fine home at £495 is well worth immediate inspection. (14.73) ST. KILDA-Splendid Corner SECTION, 72 x 150; partly filled; would subdivido nicely; easy terms. (13771 SOUTH END.-Cornor SECTION, £95; practically your own terms. (1231! CAVERSHAM (Adjacent to Cars].--Attractive New 5-rooined HOUSE; oriel window,' verandah, fibrous ceiling, bath, h. and e. water, cupboards, waehhouse, etc.; a well-built Houso in line locality; £520. (1469) LOWER GLEN ROAD. MORNINGTON (FOUR .MINUTES FRO.M PENNY ELECTRIC CAR).—SPLENDID BuILDING SITE, ALMOST QUARTER-ACRE; NICE VIEW, SUNNY, ELEVATED; £130. (1415) MACANDREW ROAD.-New 4-roomed COTTAGE, verandah; steel ceilings, bath, basin, hot and cold water, electric light, art wall papers, friezes, tiled grates and hearths, pantry, scullery, washhouse (coper, tute). £490; £50 deposit. (1385) GEORGE STREET.-An Attractive 6-roomed VILLA; bay window, verandah; fanlight ventilators; steel ceilings; cleclrio light and expensive fittings; gas in kitchen for cooking purposes; very rich mantlepicces and grates; handsome bookcase and cupboard; mirror-door wardrobe, two plain do; art wall papers and friezes; splendid bathroom, with porcelain enamel Kith; towel cabinet; largo pantry, with nice built-in cupboards, flour bins, etc.; scullery; washhouse (cop))cr, tubs); latest sanitary drainage; neat garden. This is absolutely one of the best appointed Villas in Dunedin. An inspection will convinco you that what we state is correct. (1460) ROSLYN (Just off High street, One Minute from Car).-Beautiful CORNER SECTION, about 63ft x 82ft; fenced; gets plenty of sun; now houses all round. £275; a beauty. (874) ROYAL TERRACE.-Ninc-roomcd RESIDENCE; old, but in good condition; two bay windows, portico at side of house; five gas firos; hot and cold water; library, study, largo dining room (with French window opening on to garden); linen and clothes cupboards, pantry; copper, tubs; conservatory; darkroom; toolhouse, etc.; section contains 22 poles, and is very tastefully laid out in flowers, shrubbery, ferns, etc. A very choice spot. £875; a bargain. (1452) TO OF OFFICER (3). Strongroom, ete.; dose to P. 0.; immediate poseession; easy rental. ALSO, OFFICE in Bank of Australasia Buildings; well lighted, central; suit, accountant. JOHN REID & SONS. AUCTIONEERS AND PROPERTY SALESMEN.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15184, 1 July 1911, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15184, 1 July 1911, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15184, 1 July 1911, Page 7


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