[Secretaries of clubs ore reminded that fixtures must be in not later than 8.30 on Thursday evening to ensure publication in Friday's issue,] FOOTBALL. ItUGIiV, First Grade. Taieri Rovers v. Southern, on Mos<uol Recreation Ground.—Taieri Roveis: Scott, Grant, Kennedy (2), Daly, Cuthill, Bathgate, M'Donald (2), M'lnh»h, Davidson, Cuthill, Edmiston, K. ■ Scott, Barnes. Southern.: i'ullartou, Road?. Gibson, Allen' Chambers, Worsdcl), Eokiiold, Casey' Lnitli, Irvine, Williams, Mitchell, Sheehan' Brown, Douglas, Zingari-Richmond v. Alha-.nbrn, on the Caledonian Ground.—Zingan'-Richmomi: Torrance, Davidson, Bond, Russell, Pellowo, Stanley, Kelkn, Stewart, Pollock, Svmonds, Abbott, Paull, Graham, Williaius," Pattereon. Alhambra: Moore, Wilson, Bennet, Perry. M'DoUffall, Williams, Thompson, Feolv, P. Williams, Frame. Johnston, M'i'aren, Ohoycc, SutJierlwul, Watson. Union v. Kaikorai, on Carisbrook No. 2.— Union: Robinson, M'l/emian, Smith, Mcaghan, Mitchell, Tiiomrecm, Frnzcr, Armour, Fogarty, Ivimey, Robson, Churchill, Newel!, Knox, Dennison, Kaikorai;. Han.naj Homer, M'Hardv, Duff, Richardson, Sinclair, DrydfMi, Ovens, Dun«m, Mowatt, Ritchie, Reid, M'Donald, Woodrow, Herd; C'amovon. Pirates v. Port Chalmers, at Port Chalmers.—Pirates: Faii-bairn, Ccoke, M'Donald, Potre. Black, Warwick, T,vome.v, Scott, M'Phce, Hunter, Dennisto.n, Black, M'KelJar, Scott, Ross. Port. Chalmers: Kelly, M'Pherson, A. Driver, Watsoni W. Dougherty- Wilson, G. Dougherty, Campbell. Hay, Woods, Johnson, Coleman, T. Driver, Perry, C. Booth. Dunedin v. University, at Carisbrook No. 1 —Dunedin : Hubble, Fortune, O'Sullivan, Worgcr, Elvidge, Welsh, Bond, Haynes, O'Kccfc, Kerr, Skinner (2), M'Taggart. Carnegie, Moir. F'xvmhl Grade, Pjrates v, Dunedin, at Montecillo.— Pirates: Brown, Pyle, Calder, M'KcJtar.
Kin?, Pyle. Dray, Houghton. Bennett, M'Cnllum, Thomson, Dcnniston, Smeaton, M'Lew, Wilkineon, Dimcdin: Graham, Duggfl,n, Roberts, jonou, Rodgers, Smith, Food, Dicks, Lockhart, CoatsworlJi, Ohapliit, Shaw, Duncan, Ellison, Urquhait. Pirates :>!ay in colours. Union v. Southern, at North Ground. — Union: Mills, Vallontinc, Russell, Findlay, Williams, Stewart, M'Dcnald, Armour, Simpson, Sutherland, M'Ahan, "Wright, T. Dryden, Stovonson, M'Millan; emergencies. Smith and Lawlor. Southern: Ilealey, Irvine. IlelTernan, Patterson, Bcmtt, Cherry, M'lntcsh, Clarke, Pearson, Brown, Carnegie, Corcoran, Smith, Borokam, Berwick. 'jiaiori Rovers v. ICaikorai, on the Mosgiel Factory Ground.—Taieri Rovers: Young, Brown, Moharry, Snell, Crook, Kecles, 1 Scott, Harper, Daly, Gibson, Magee, Scott, Duncan, Roberts, M'Kinlay; emergencies—M'Gettigan, Rankin. _,Kaikorai: Robinson, Pink, M'Leod, Wilson, Wilkinson, Webb, ,lohnston, Homer, Morrin, Hodgson, M'Kittriclc, Mason, Woodrow, Lyo, Brown, Mowatt. West Taieri v. Kavensbournc, at. East Taieri.—West Taieri: A. Mosey, M'Leod, Hughes, Mossey, Bathgate (2), Miller, \V. Noi'll, Belcski, Noill, Clark, Duff, Lcask, Sutherland, J. Miller. Southern B v. Port Chalmers, at Asylum Ground.—Southern: O'Brien, Bruce, Ross, Hickcy, Jones, Harrison, Smith, Ingram, Hunter, Mahoncy, Bird, Garland, Campbell, Mitchell, Cooper, Healev. Port Chalmers: Hay, Colthorpo, G. Driver, Harrliy, G. Thompson, G. Hay, Hawkins, Smith, Kncwstubb, Ronnie, C. Nelson, L, Nelson, Pahi, Lyjaght, R. Thompson. Alhambra v. University, at Bishopscourt. Alhambra: Smith, Still, Glen, Haydcn, Talbot, Matheson, Colston, Kennelly, Rice, O'Sullivan, Harris, Frame (2), James, Sim; emergencies— M'Phail, Anderson, Richdale, Godding. Third Grade. Zingari-Richmond v. Southern, at Montccillo. — Zingari-Richinond: Deuchrass, Jones, Wheeler, Torrance, Ross, Smith, Cameron, Watt, Martin, Tillyshort, Collins, Smith, Thompson, Stewart, Evans. Southern: Caddie, Ryan, Scott, Guthrie, Maher, Quinn, Brown, Dray, Geary, Wright, Waddell, Cameron, Simpkins, Williams, Hazlcwood; emergencies—Rutherford, Lousley, Donaldson. Pirates v. Alhambra, on Tahuna No. I.— Pirates: Stevenson, Donaldson, Talbot, Wallace, Moore, M'Leod, Sandes, Cooke, Watson, Bennett, Haggitt, Scott, Park, Lindsay, llowitt. Alhambra: Jones, Wilson, Groon, Anderson, Bayliss, White, Connelly, Marston, liarvcy, M'Laren (2), Keith, Don, Ilely, Gillick; emergencies— Still, Mahon. Dunedin v. High School, on Tahuna No. 2.—Dunedin: Kean, Burrow, Kerr, Debasin, S'tewart, Jeifs, O'Kcetfe, Ferguson, M'Laren, Ross, Stewart, Burrow, M'Shain, Thomson, Paulin; emergency, Green, Port Chalmers v. University, at Sawyers' Bay.—Port Chalmers: Spenee, Wilson (2), Lave (2), Jones, M'Lcan, lioyd, White, 'l'ait, Mayer, Moir, Robertson, Dunn, and Chisholm. Fourth Grade. Zingari-Richmond v. Ivaikorai, on Taimna Park No. 2.—ftingari-Richmond; Hodge, Weaver, M'Arthur (2), -Whittaker, Bel!. Smith, Floury (2), Hargre-aves, Donnelly, Mailiii, Taylor, Kippenberger, Harris; emergency, O'Brien. Kaikorai: Bevan, Davie, Crossan, Hill, Boazley (2), Cameron, Newman, Kaye, M'Neil, Bonnet. Peterson, Dickinson, Taiboys, Scrivener; emergencies—Edmonds, Aitken. Pirates y. Port Chalmers, at Ravcnsbourr.e.—Pirates: Adam, Govan, Moloney, Cramnnd, Walcott, Skinner, Calder, Bell, Wilkinson, M'Donald, M'Leod, Cowie, Thomson, Sandes, Drummond. Port Chalmers: Driver, Dougherty, M'Pherson, Bosworth, Paris, Smytji, Sykes, Johnston, Woods, Briggj, Nelson, Ilerrigan, Jonei, Wilson, Harland. Union v. Alhambra. ah Opoho.—Union: Melville, Drysdale, Findlay, Bowie, HarwoC'd, Williams, Marks, Iloldaway, Aitken, Burns, Zaffer, Wells, Connell. Mount, Robertson. Alhambra: M'Arthur, Young. Williams, Smith, Jarvis, Jackson, Mcdlin, Young, Craigie, Barnctt, C. Williams, Armishaw, Wilson. Arthur: emcrger.cifG—Honeybone, Dotkls.
1 Southern v.' High School.—Southern: Fitzpatrick, Henley, Whitty, Irving, Wcodhome, Cameron, But'or, Mahonoy. M'FarHishley, GalFney, Ghetwin, Roy. Slight, M'L?od; emergency, Coatre. Fifth Grade. Zinsari-Riehmond v. Kaikorai. on tho Asylum Giouml.-Zmjiri-Iliclimond: FindAndrews, Poimroy, Nelson, O'Connor, WaMi, Logan, Sutherland, Dorc, Colston, Watt, Edgar, Seoular, Ed'.'nond. Kaikorai: Ireland, -Gibb, Duncan, Crossan, OlydcsX<|le (2), l>;igg, Armstrong, Bevin, Giikrist (2), Ivor nan, Forrest, Gain, Robinson. Alhambra v. Schanl, at Opoho.— Alhambra: M'Großor, Brookes, Bringle, GoodMlow, Walsh, Speeding, AVilliaars,' Dcvine, Robertson, Crawford. Valentine. Thompion, Pearson Frame, Marston; emergencies—Bayliss, Ranger. Port Chalmers v. Green Island, on Tali urn. No. 3. Port Chalmers: Glengarry (2), Va.rne.v, M'Gr ogor, La Feuvro, Simnionds, Hay. Percy, Crawford, Carey, Baleman, I'l-tris, Boyd. Nelson, Perry, Campbell. Union v. Southern, at Cnrisbrook.— Union: Marks, Dowries, Stiglish, Ronnie, M'Kay, Criehton, Jep-on. Patterson, Muirheiui, Douglas, Callen, Simpson, Don, Jones, Robinson; emergencies—Buriiskle, Hislop,' Williams, Brown, Freeman. Association. Otago Brown Shield Representative Team v. Selected Eleven, on Culling Park at 2.30 p.m. ' Second Grade. Roslyn-Wakari v. Northern, at Mornin o "- tun.—Roslyn-Wakari: Tily, Millar, Chapman, Wright, M'Leod, Davies, Davis, French, Wilson, Johnstone, Duff. NorthLeckie. Black, Moore. Simpson, M'Naughton, Miller, Qinieron. Restieaux Paterscn, Abernoth.y, Roberts, Potter.'' Maori Hill v. Christian Brothers, at the Gardens.—Maori Ilill: Leslie. Beebv Day (2), Bow-den, Grant, Robertson (2)' Smith; Adamson, Reynolds. Christian Brothers: Stapleton, Tarleton, Hunxotford Murphj, logarty, Breiinan, O'Co'inoll Spiers, Fitzpatrick, Moynihan, F. P.unkett: emergency, Deans" r, o ! d n,7 S All |a.nce. at Corinthian Park-Old Boys: Martin, Fasticr, R Allen, Roe, Stephens, Provost, Watkins Hogg, Lochuad, J Allen, Hoy. Alliance' Lawsan, Cas,idy, Mason, Cole, Howie Brcwn, Robertson. Ogilvie, Thorn, T'avlor' fctubbs, Byiord. Third Grade. Roslyn-Wakari v. Northern B, on Oval jy. l, . 2.— Farquha-ison, Higgins, Millar, Dixon, Cook. M'Leod Waiißli, Ban-o-.v. Vtafeon, Freeman. Iviav. Ivoitheiii: Scctt, Barnes, Guy, Kennedy, Green, Miller. Gal'land. Smith w). Northern A v. Mornington, at Mornin"Dowio. Field, Ansell, Scott, Olarrell, Abernethy, Dawes, Is'apior, Wheeler, Patterson, Edwards Mormng-ton: Nicol, 13ooK*cr, Simon, Baillie, Ilickey. Hall, Morrison! Diokison, M'Farlane; emergcncios—Richardson, Pat^-rsc-n. Maori Hill \\_ Christian Brothers, a-t tho Gardens.—Maori Ilill: Maplo, Ivirkwood Lattimer (3), Bathgate, R a | 6t on Vlincombe, Dey, W. Reynolds, Christian Brothers: Plunkott, Power, Bevis (2) Fiv Docherty, O'Sullivan, Keligher, Del'arirev' Fitzgerakl, O'Connell. by ' P°! J JvFn'- AUi^ C 0; at Corinthian Park. Old Boys: Blackwood, Rhodes, lonng, Ferens, Jack, Sneddon, Gunn S ovenson, lumer Nugent, M'Lbnnan.' Alliance: Smith, Mann, Athfield, Russell, Burgess, Jvelly, Millow, Limb, Wood, Barnes, and another. Fourth Grade. Northern D v. Ravensbourno, at tho Cleivr.-NoPtliern: Wilclon, Nicliolls Wilson, Dryden Dyor. Saul, Crawford, Duff, Smith, Mitchell, Wild; emergency Rcneril, Northern v. Maori Hill, at tho Clcar.Northern: Simpson, Andrews, Girdan, J. Dryden, lyno (2), Brown, Turnbull, Hogg, bimtii, Williamson j em-ergency, Borrow Maori Hill: Frame (2), Oman'd, Ralston', S'i l 1"?' Ciibson, Scott, M'Lonnan, Chettleburgh, Sandford. Roslyn-Wakari v. Christian Brothers, at Oval.—Roslyn-Wakari: Farquharson (2), Walker, Crawford, Carey, Hollows, Holloway, M'Dougall, Beasley (2), Wakoliu, ReoveiS. , Christijin Brothers: O'Brien, M'Kcnzie, Brndy. Fogarty, Keyes, Cantwcll, Salmon (2), Walsh, Powell, Burke. Okl Boys v. High. School, 011 the Asylum Ground-Old Boys: Brown, M'Lonnan. Prain, C. Stevenson. M'Kcnzie, Ritchie, Jliiithews, Smith, Alloo, Aitclieson, It. Stovonson, Gregory.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15183, 30 June 1911, Page 8
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1,203TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15183, 30 June 1911, Page 8
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