PHASES OF THE M)ON. MiBCH. New moon „ _ 1 12.1 p.m. Firet quarter „ 8 12.31 a.m. Full moon _. „ ... „. 15 11.28 a.m. Last quarter 23 11.56 a.m. New moon 31 12.8 a.m. Sun rises to-day 6.18; sets 6.12. HIGH WATER. March 23— a.m. p.m At Taiaroa Heads „ „ 8.37 -9.12 At Port Chalmors „ „ 9.17 9.52 At Dunedin 9.47 10.22 THE WEATHER. March. 22.—fl Wind S.W., moderate; overcast. Noon: Wind S.W., light; clear. 5 p.m.s Wind S.W., moderate; clear.
8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer _ _ 29.76 29.80 29.82 Thermometer ... 57 74 72 FORECAST.-Mr Patilin writes as follows:—"Strong north to west winds and electrical rain showers." "WEATHER REPORTS. (Peb United Peess Association.) WELLINGTON, March 22. The following are tho reports of tho .weather at 4 p.m.: — Capo Maria Van Diemen.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 29.95, tlier. 73; drizzle; sea smooth. Russell-Wind S.E., fresh; bar. 29.94, ther. 74; showery; sea moderate. Manukau Heads.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 29.96, ther. 65; showery; sea, smooth. Auckland.—Wind N., breeze; bar. 29.94, ther. 73; showery. Tauranga.-Wind N.E., light; bar. 50.02, ther. 73; gloomy; sea rough. East Cape.—Wind N., fresh; bar. 30.07, ther. 70; cloudy; sea considerable. Gisborne.-Wind N., light; bar. 30.03, ther. 76; overcast; sea smooth. Napier—Wind N.N.W., light; bar. 29.94, ther. 74; cloudy; sea. smooth. Wellington.—Wind N.N.W., fresh; bar. 29.95, ther. 66; showery. Castlepoint.—Wind N.W., breeze; bar. 29.95, ther. 74; cloudy; sea decreasing. New Plymouth.—Wind N.W., light; bar. 30.00, ther. 73; hazy; sea smooth. Capo Egmont—Wind N., fresh; bar. 30.01, ther. 70; cloudv; sea moderate swell. Wanga.nui.-Wind " N.W., light; bar. 29.94, ther. 74; fair: sea smooth. Stephen Island.— \\incl W., fresh; bar. 30.00, ther. 63; fog and rain: sea moderate. Capo Foulwind.—Wind S.W., breeze; bar. 30.0, ther. 65: fair: sea rough. Wcstport.-Wind S.W., light; bar. 29.93, thcr. 69: fair: sea moderate swell. ' Capo Campbell—Wind N.. light; bar. 29.93, ther. 64: gloomy: sea rough. Kaikoura-Wind . S.S.W., light; bar. 29.80, thcr. 70; fair; sea moderate. Akaroa Lighthouse—Wind S.E., light; bar. 29.78, ther. 60; hazy; sea moderate. Nuggets—Wind AV.S.W., fresh; bar. 29.98, ther. 56; cloudy; sea rough. Bluff-Wind W., breeze; tor. 29.85,ther. 57; fair. The Rev. D. C. Bates's weather report and forecast are as follow:—"Rain has fallen in many parts of the country, and freshes aro reported in the rivers on the West Coast. Moderate to strong northerlywinds have prevailed northward of Westport and Kaikoura, and strong -westerlies, changing, to southorlies, elsewhere, but with decreasing force. Present indications are for cloudy and changeable weather, with rain in many parts. Moderate- to strong westerly and southerly winds will probably prevail. Barometric pressure unsteady, hut probably rising in the south and elsewhere after from 10 to 16 hours."
ARRIVALS. Ruahtne, t.s.s., 6323 tons, Grccnstrect, from London, via northern ports. New Zealand Shipping Company, agents. Tarawcra, s.s., 2003 tons, M'Lcan, from "Wellington direct., Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers: Misses Northey, Watson, Moir, Jona, Mesdames Cocker}-, Jones, Messrs Cookery, Tobitt, Coutts, Andrews, Dowling; 17 steerage. DEPARTURES
Joseph Sims, schooner, 87 tons, Moiion, for Whangape. Kotare, s.s., 141 tons, Treurn, for In■ycrcargill. Keith Ramsay, agent. Moeraki, t.s.s., 4392 tons, Rolls, for Sydney, via Lyttclton and Wollingtoit. Union S.S. Company, agents. Passengers: For Lytteiton—Mrs Home, Messrs Thccmin, Hallonstein, Horsby. For Wellington— Misses Eglin, Wheeler, Walker, Mirams, Fisher, Donne, Wilkinson, Mesdames Norris, Wheeler, Reimcr, Lambert, Mitchell, Domic, Hunter and two children, Boch and infant, Barraud, Nurse Hungerford, Messrs Hunter. Fox, Norris, Rose, Lambert, Prydc, Bischopp, Hunter, Wateon, Barraud, Dr Herbert. For SydneyMisses Strang (2), Ronnie, Heycock, Paalin, Mesdames Strang. Ralston, jamicBon, Mr Strang, Rev. Jamieson.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Marseilles.—Erminia, barque, left January 28.
From Liverpool.—Ariel, barque, left November 19.
From Melbourne.—Marama, March 28. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Victoria, March 26.
From Sydney (via Wellington).—Manuka, March 25.
From Auckland.—Hauroto, March 50. I'UO.JEOTED DKPAIITUKKS.
For Bydndy (v.ia Auckland).—Victoria, March 22.
For Sydney (via Wellington).—Marama, March 29. For Melbourne.—Manuka, March 26. For Auckland.—Tarawera, March 26. THE OVERSEA STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKLAND.
Indraghiri, left New York December 26. Krada, left London December 23. Gerty, left St. John January 22. Whakatane, left St. John .January 21; and Sydney March 22. Harpagus, left New York Jannnry 25. Invertay, left St. John February 16; duo April 24. Paparoa, left Condon March 6; duo April 26. Delphic, to have left Liverpool March 18; duo May 2. Kia Ora left London February 10, and Capetown March 6; due March 23. Indrabarah, left London February 14 Norfolk, left London February 4; due April 6. Swanley (via Australia), left New York February 5. AVaknnui. to leave St. John March 15; clue May 19.
AT WELLINGTON. Tainui, left London March 7;* duo April 18. Ruapehu. left London February 18, and Capetown March 11; due April 4. ltotorua, left London March 21. Opawa, left London March 21. Niwaru, left London March 13. Star of Australia, left London March 13. AT rHJKEDIX.
Rakaia, left London February 12; due April 4. Harpagns. left New York January 25; duo May 1 (via northern ports). Tokomaru. left London March 10; due end of Aprii. Delphic, to have left Liverpool March 13; due Dunedin end of May. Otaki, to leave London April 4; due May 19. HOMEWARD ROUND.
Star of Scotland, left Wellington January 22. Nairnshire, lefb Picton for Avonmouth February 4. Marere, left Wellington Febiuary 8. Turakina, left Wellington February 9; arrived Montevideo February 28. Waimate. left Wellington February 11. Roseric, left Auckland February 16. Matatua, left Gisborno February 16, and Rio do Janeiro on March 13. Clan Shaw, left Auckland February 19. Afghanistan, left Wellington February 21. Athcnie, left Wellington February 23. and Rio do Janeiro March 19. Star of India, left Wellington February 23. Sussex, left Lyttclton February 28. Mamari, left Auckland March 4. Kaipara. loft Wellington March 7. Tongariro, left. Wellington March 9. Waiwera, left Wellington March 11. Rimutaka, left Lyttelion March 17. Clan Monzic.s, left Auckland March 21. Everton Grange, left Lvttelton March 22.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. FROM AUCKLAND. Karamea, March 25. FROM WEI.MNOTON. Kumara, March 25. Ruahine, April 6. Oorinthic, March 23. Arawa, April 20. FROM LTTTELTON. Irari, March 29. IJangatira, April 8. FROM MUFF. Durham, March 29.
AUCKLAND. March 22.-Arrivotl: Atua (8 a.m.). from Nukualofa. WELLINGTON, March 22— Arrived: Manuka (7.40 a.m.), from Sydney. Pas-, sengors for Lyttclton: Messrs Sizer, Hook, Mvnc, Lawrence. Granger, Douglas, Snel- • son, Taylor, Williams.—Sailed: Maori (8 p.m.), for Lyttelion, with 161 passengers. LYTTELTOX, March 22.-Arrived: Miiraron. (8.50 a.m.), from Wellington; Eliza Firth, schooner, from Kaipara.; Kittawa, from Groymotith. Sailed : Annio Hill, schooner, for Grcymouth, Rangat.ira, for Napier; Holmdale, for Grcymouth; Mararoa, for Wellington, with 180 nasscmpiera; .Monowai, for Wclling- * ton, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland; Wootton, for Kaiapoi; Cygnet, for Kaikoura; Kumara, for Wellington and London. OAMARU, March 22—Arrived; Breeze (6.30 a.m.), froin Dunedin,
INYERCARGILL, March 22.—Soflctl Invereargill (5.30 p.m.), for Dunedin.
LYTTELTON, March 22.—Sailed-: Evcrtcai Grange, for Avcmniouth, Livornco), and Glasgow, via Las Palmas, with a full cargo. LONDON, March 21.—Sailed: Rotorua and Opawa, for Wellington. SYDNEY, March 22.—Sailed..: Wakatanc, for New Zealand
The Now Zealand Shipping Company's fine steamer Ruahinc arrived at Port Chalmers at 1.30 p.m. yesterday, and !was berthed at the Goorgo street wharf, where she started Home-loading shortly after berthing. Her cargo from this port will include, a largo number of bales of wool, frozen moat, caste of tallow, etc. She will lcavo to-morrow for Timaru, and afterwards calls at L-yttelton and Wellington, leaving the latter port for Homo: on April 6. Captain Greoiistrect, who is in command, wril, it is understood, leave the steamer on hor arrival at Home, whero ho will remain until tho new steamor Remucra is ready to sail. Tho Eede'ral-Houlder-ShiTO steamer Kent, from Liverpool, via Melbourne and Sydney, which arrived at Auckland yesterday, is duo hero about April 6 with about 1200 tons of cairgo. The Union Company's training ship Dartford has l>ecn fixed to leave Lyttcltoa at tho end of next week for Newcastle, where she will load coal for San Francisco.
Tho Waitomata, which left. Bombay on Monday for Calcutta, will take up tho March loading at tho latter port for New Zealand.'
Tho Everton Grange, time-tabled to leave Lyttelton for Avonmouth yesterday, IcaAxl 2d,000 saoks of grain and- between* 40,000 and 50,000 carcases of frozen meat at Lyttelton. Tho Moera-ki wont down to the lower Harbour early yesterday morning, and left at 5 p.m. for' Sydney, via Lyttelton and Wellington.
The Pukaki came up to Dunedin at an early hour yesterday morning to complete discharge. She will leave to-day for Westport and Grnymouth, via Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Picton.
Tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion steamer Kumara took about 17,000 carcases of frozen meat, 600 casks of tallow, etc., and 700 bales of wool, from Lyttelton. _ Sihe sailed at 6 p.m. yesterday for Wellington to complete loading and coaling, and will leave that port on Saturday for London. Tho schooner Joseph Sims took advantage of tho south-west wind yesterday morning, and got away fcr Whangapo. The Tarawcra, from Wellington direct, arrived at Dunedin about 8.15 last evening, and berthed at the cross wharf. She worked cargo all night, and is to leave early this morning for Port to doclc. Leaving Wellington at 2.50 p.m. on Tuesday fair winds arid moderate skis were experienced until about 8 a.m. yesterday, after which head winds prevailed until arrival. The Tarawcra will resume running on the 26th inst.
Owing to the shortage of railway trucks, the Shaw, Savill, and Albion steamer Rangatira. was unable to finish discharging at Lyttelton oir Tuesday, and consequently her departure for Napier, Gisborne,, Port. Chalmers, and Timaru was postponed until 4 p.m. yesterday.
The Hobart Mercury of March 14, referring to the work of transforming the U.S.S. Company's s.s. Flora into a collier, now proceeding at Port Chalmeri, says: — "Tlie Flora was originally built in England in 1882 for (he purpose of currying cattle from Hull to Hampton. lir the same year a cablegram was recoived from .the Tasmanian_Stcam Navigation Co., asking for a vessel suitable to replace the s.s. Tasman, which had been wrecked. Tho Flora was requisitioned, and converted into a passongej-earrying vessel, and despatched to Tasmania, where she. arrived in 1883. She was then engaged in' the Sydirey-Hobart trade, and when the E.S.N. Co. amalgamated with the U.S.S. Co. of New Zealand, tlio vessel, with others, was made over to the latter company. After leaving the service between Hobart and Sydney, tho steamer was put on to the New Zealand coastal trade, and. since then has been used in practically all of the company's services." Tho Liverpool passenger and cargo steamer Kaisow, owned by tho China Mutual Navigation Company (Limited), has teen sold to Japanese owners. Built and enginod in Glasgow in 1895, she is of 3921 tons gross, and 2529 tons net register. Her dimensions are 370 ft by 46ft by 26ft 3in. Japanese buyers have also ncquirod tho steamer Loyal, of Cologne, built, at Kiel in 1892. She is of 1583 tons gross. 1237 tons net register. Her dimensions arc 240 ft by 35ft sin by 20ft 4in. . The price paid for tho Loyal is stated to be about £6500.
The oil-engined vessel Toiler, built by Messrs Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Wallsond-on-Tyne, i 6, it appears, intended for service- on the, Canadian carals. She was designod by Messrs John Kcid and Co., Montreal, and the introduction of oil engines lias effected such v a Riving of spaco and dead-weght that the'vessel will carry about 97,000 bushels of grain, an incroaso of about 15,000 bushels over the largest canal carriers littod with steam engines.
The propelling machinery consists of two sets ol oil engines, driving twin screws. Tho engines are directly connected, without clutches, Uo tho propeller shafts, and are a modification of the Diesel type. There is no injection system of any kind. The starting and reversing gears are simple, and are operated by means of compressed air, the same power being also used to drive tho steoring engine and other auxiliaries. Tlio fuel is cmdo petroleum, which is injected into tho cylinder without budng vapourised, and is ignited and burned in a charge of hot air. The new vessel will bo the linst gas or oil-propelled ship to cross the Atlantic.
Surrey.—Loading at 'Timaru for West C'cast ports; 6ails finally from Lyttelton March 30.
Kent.—from West of England ports; arrived Auckland March 21; duo Wellington March 27, Lyttelton April 1, Dunedin April 6; loads in New Zealand lor W.C.U.K., and tails about April %'(. Norfolk.—Left Liverpool February ty for New Zealand ports; due lloburt March 'it, Auckland April 3, Wellington April 9, Lyttoiton April J. 3, Dunedin April IT, Bluff April 20; loads in New Zealand, and sails finally about May 20, 1911. Kvvrtou Grange.—To sail for Avomnouth from Lyttelton VSlst inst. Drayton Grunge.--Loading ' W.C.U.K., and sails from Liverpool April 1 for Wellington, Auckland, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Timaru; due Dunedin middlo of June.
Sussex—Left Lyttelton for West of England ports February 28; due Avonmoutli about April 16. _ Durham.—Loading for London; sails finally from BliuT March 29. Morayshire.—Left Liverpool for hew Zealand on March' 4; due Sydney April 26, Auckland May 5, Wellington May 12, Lyttelton May 17, Dunedin May 21; loads in New Zealand and sails in June lor W.C.U.K. Nairnshire.—Left Picton for Avonmoutli February 4; diuo about March 23; loads at West Coast ports, and sails for New Zealand April 2'f.
Har|>agus.—Left Now York for Mclboutiic, isydiicy, and New Zealand ports January 25; due Duncdin about end of April. ' Swanlcy.—Loft New York for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand Febiuary 10; due Duncdin middle of May. Mimiro.—To leave New York about April 10 for Melbourne, Sydney, and Mew Zealand.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15099, 23 March 1911, Page 6
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2,260SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15099, 23 March 1911, Page 6
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