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Tho annual genoral meeting of tho South Dunedin Football Club (Australian rules) was held at the Fritndly Societies' Hall, King Edward road, on Monday night. The chair was taken by Mr G. i\. Wyohorlcy, who commented, in moving the adoption of tho annual report (already published), and congratulated the members of tho olub on the position they had lipid during tho pafit season, and hoped they would win tho premiership noKt season He mentioned the valuable services tendered to the club by their late secretary (Mr B. S. Boyle), who had settled in. Chiistehurch, whore ho found that very little interest was taken in Australian football. The balance 6hcet, he pointed out, was satisfactory, seeing that it was tho club's first seaeon.

Mr W. 11. Laws seconded tho motion, which was carried.

Tho balance sheet, duly audited, showed that tho receipts for the- year had been £19 Bs, and the expenditure left a credit balanco of £3 9s 3d. .

The following office-bearers woro elected: Patrons—Messrs Butcher, M. Wills, J. J. Marlow, T. Fiddis, J. Wilson, G. Race, C. F. M'Donald, and W; Esquilant; president, Mr C. F. Johnson (re-ciectod); hon. secretary pro tern., Mr H. M'lxan; committee —Messrs Lord, Laws, Southcy, Thomson, and Barwick; delegates to the O.F. League, Messrs 0. F. Johnson and W. Harvey; auditors, Messrs H. Miller and W. Harvey. Rule 2 provided for the ejection of three vice-presidents, but it was, on tho motion of Mr W. H. Laws, resolved that the election of thceo bo left over, with a recommendation to tho incoming committee to call a special general meeting to alter the rule to permit the election of as many vicepresidents as , might be desired. It was resolved that tho first meeting for practice be next Saturday.

The Secretary stated that it was proposed to call a meeting of Caversham residents for the purpose of forming a. club under Australian rules in that locality. Ho pointed out that it was very necessary in the interests of the gamo that a fourth club should bo formed. Ho said the date of the meeting would be shortly arranged. Tho Chairman mentionnod that there was a proposal Wore the league for acquiring a clubroom in a central situation where members of the clubs could meet for social intercourse.

It was resolved that tho social aspect of the club's affairs be recommended to the incoming committee's consideration.

PIRATES CLUB. The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Pirates Football Club, held in the Stopk Exchange last night, was attended by about 60 members. Tho president (Mr P. S. K. Macassoy) occupied tho chair. In its annual report the commij,tee regTcttod that the First Fifteen iu the grade competition found itself in the unfortunate pkee of being on the bottom rung of the ladder. If members had shown moro enthusiasm they would have found themselves, in a very different position. It was trusted they would assert themselves and, by infusing some enthusiasm into fchoir efforts, meet with beti»r fortune during the coming season. The Second and Third. Fifteens failed lamentably. It was hoped fliey would bo set a good example, by the seniors, arid also raise themselves to a higher place in their respective, grades. The Christchurch match had,to bo abandoned owing to players being l unablo to obtain the necessary leavo of absence. The Ohristcluirch Club had suggested the advisability oi playing this match at Eaeter. There had always boon a serious want of enthusiasm about tile training department of the club,, but never had tho evil results of this want been more clearly illustrated than in tho last season. If the club was going to go on arid try to reach a higher position, it v.ijis time that members realised: more clearly tho absolute necessity of more consistent attention to this most important department. The .membership was still satisfactory, and, in regard to finance, the club had a good balance in hand. Tho thanks of the dub were due to the Referees' Association for its valuablo assistance during the season. The club viae worthily represented by Mr A. Scott. This player had been ono of tho keenest members of tho club for a number of years, and all.members congratulated him -mi his wellearned success.

The balance sheet showed a credit balance of £21 14s Bd.

'Tho President, in moving tho adoption of the report and balance sheet, 'was sorry to say the past season, from a playing point of view, had not been a very successful cne. It was difficult to say why the team should have been so unsuccessful. There were about 170 members, and there was no reason why thev shoud not bf> enthusiastic. An informal meeting was hold some time ago, when it was decided that very energetic measures should bo taken this year for the purposo of getting members to train, and so oraise tho club to the playing position it occupied a few years ago. 'lhero were youth, weight, and ability in the club, and it should occupy a prominent place.' Mr M'Qeary had offered his services ae coach, and a hall should be obtained for training purposes. With regard to tho annual rrfaicb with Christchuroh, it Jiad been suggested that in future it should take the form of a triangular match —Wellington, Christchurch, and Pirates— during the Easter holidays, to bo played in the three cities in turn. Aβ a moans of inducing gocd young players to join the club, it had been suggested that two prizes should be given to tihe High School Club in the hope- that its best members would later on join the Pirates' teanm.— (Applause.). Mr P. J. Priest seconded the motion. In regard to training, ho thought more training should be done in the open. It was muoh better to train in the open than in a hall. Some members might cot out Iwtween 5 and 6 o'clock on two evenings in tho woek. Of course, thj-fc would not be possible when tho evenings became shorter. Several members spoko to tho motion, which was then carried.

The following officers woto elected for the ensuing year :—President, Mr P. 3. K. Macassey (re-elected); vice-presidents-Messrs P. J. Priest, L. L. Kirkcaldy, J. W. Matthowson, and W. V. Kingston (reelected); captain Mr Gordon Dermiston; deputy-captain, Mr E. Wright; secretary, Mr E. P. Houghton; treasurer, Mr J. Frasor; committee—Messrs D. M. Stuart, A.' Scott, Si Sandes, and J. Miller; delegates to tlio O.R.F.U..—Messrs D. M. Rfcuart, P. J. Priest, a-nd G. Denniston; delegate ft) the Protection Society, Mt S. Sandes (re-elected); delegate and secretary accident fund. A. Caklcr. It was resolved that the Match Committee consist of tho club captain, Mr D. M. Stuart, and Mr A. Scott; Messrs Ilougliton and Park to bo associated with the committee until the teams are selected for the eponing matches; the junior teams to appoint their own selection committees of three, and submit the tea-ms to tho senior Match Comnuttce for approval. Tho eoason will bo opened on April 1 with! a practice match. It was agreed to recommend the incoming committee to offer some, inducement to school boys to join the club.

Votes (if thanks were accorded tho press, fhe Referees' Association, tho Rugbv Union, tho retiring- office-bearers, and the chairman.

SOUTHERN FOOTBALL CLUB. The annual meeting of the- Southoi-n Footuall Ulul) was held in tho Friendly Societies' Hal!, South Dunedin, last evening, and was attonded by about 50 members and intendirig members. Mr J. M. Gallaway, president of tho clitk occupied the chair. Mr T. K. Sidey, M.P. .'vice-president), was also present. In moving the adoption of the annual report ami balance, sheet (already published) the Chairman raid that that, was tho 22nd or 23k1 cecasion on which ho liiad liad the pleasure of moving tho adoption of the annual report and balance rhect of ihe club. Hi had been pleased to notice the uniform improvement shown by the team rticl thai the junior members of the ciub Iwl again eomo fo the front. It was tho junioTs they must look to help on tho first fifteen. The speaker thon referred to tile fact that training had not been indulged in as nsdidui-usly as it fhould havn been. It behoved everyone of them, if they visited to seo their !«ams tl'.o lop, to gc in for active hruinins;. Now t.hat thoy uero going to make SL-'diers of them all they would have to go in for training, and ho was sure it would .not make thorn any worse footballers. It was now seve-n years ago simp th»ir senior team hhd been at tho top, and ho (tho speaker) hoped Lhat the dub would do its level best this 6ca."on to again finish in front.—(Applause.) The Chairmaji then to the illness of the club's secretary (Mr IT. W. Alexander), and hoped that Ik , would soon br , sufficiently reeovore.l {<■■ be- with thorn aenin. Mr Sidcy seconded tlto motion. He thought only four losses out of a total of 13 games played was not a bad record. The speaker congratulated tho club on having so many of it.s representatives in tho Ofcasjo team. He did not suppose, ihat any team in Duncdin had more.— (Applaud.) Mr Sidoy then moved that, tho score , iry write to Mr Alexander expressing (he symjiathv of the club in his illness, and hoping that ho has a speedy

recovery, the motion being oarricd unani mously.

On the motion of Mr Sidey, seconded by Mr D. Stevenson, Mr Gallaway was unanimously re-elected president ol the club. The other officers woro dectacl as follows:— Vieo-prcsidents—Mptsrs Siriey, Stevenson, J. 11. Hinton, C. G. Sireaton, J. Fogarty, J. Ledgerwocd, F. W. Firkin, G. Reid, A. B. Halt, A. D. Kdgar, and G. CiaJlaway; fccretary and' treasurer, Mr L. Irvino; assistant secretary, Mr J. Fotev; General Committee—Messrs- P. Shechan, H. W. Aloxandor, V. Cavanagh. A. J. Misoa.ll, .1, Mahoney, A. Panll, A. Chambers, A. Eckhold, R. Kcrr; accident insurance delegate, J. Foloy; delegates to the O.RJF.U.— Messrs V. Cavanagh, A. J. Miscall, ami K R. Briggs. Tho delegates wero free hand in tho matter of the notices of motion forwarded from tho O.R.F.U.

Mr W. Brown was adjudicated th* best trained man in the senior team, and was presented with the medal donated by Mr Gallaway. In making (he presentation, the president remarked that ho had intended tho medal for the best trained pla-yor in any of tho fifteens, and asked the committoe to take a note of this intention.

It was decided that the opening match of tho season, be held 1 at the Carisbrook Ground on Saturday week.


NORTHERN CLUB. The annual report of the committee says, inter alia, that theFiret Eleven played 10 matches, won 8, lost 1, and drow 1; goals for 26, against 6. The Second Elevon was not so successful as tho Seniors. Played 11, won 6, lost 5; goals for 34, against 27. The Third Eleven A team' was not eo successful as it might have boon. Play<xi 11, won 2, lost 5. drawn 4; goals lor 12, against 19. This team also contains some good players whoso play is not of much use ar-.iongst a. few untrained oolleacuos. The B team is to be oroditod with a littlo more favourable condition. Played 11, won 5, lost 4, drawn 2; goals for 19, against 17. The 0 (Fourth Grade) team is to bo complimented on tho meritorious manner in which it won its competition. Played 11, won 9, lost 0, drawn 2; goak for 43, against 6. The D team. was not so fortunate. Played 11, won 2, lost 8, drawn 1; goals for 9, against 33. Seven players wero asked to play in the Senior trials. Messrs R. M. Chadwick and J. V. Evans wore chosen to represent Otago at Wellington in the Brown Shield competition on August 13, 1910. Owing to Mr Chadwick's inability to make tho trip, Mr J. C. Cameron was chosen in his stead. Messrs'Chadwick, Donald, and Robertson -weTU selected to play against Kaitangata on Culling Park. Otago No. 1 v. Southland; Messrs J. V. and W. Evans and R. M. (Jhadwick. The club is to bo credited with the wiping off of the debt standing on tho pavilion. The pavilion proves of groat advantage to visiting teams. Training was curried out in a satisfactory manner, but the committee urges tho necessity of all players making gcod use of the liavilion and ground at least twice a week. The standard of play shown by the club generally can only be retained by consistent training. Special attention should bo noted by intending players for this season that the New South Wales team is going to play two matches in Dunedin. From a financial standpoint the condition of the club is healthy, and there is every prospect of its continuing to gain strength in this respect.


The annual meeting of delegates to tho Footballers' Accident Reserve Fund was held in Mr E. S. Wilson's office last evening. • Mr J. King presided, and six other delegates were present. The Chairman, in, moving tJbe adoption of the report (already publishedj and balance sheet, said ho desired to impress upon members of. the fund tho necessity for having any injuries sustained while playing reported immediately to the secretary ol the fund. In some instances oases were not reported within the time allowance-, which was 92 hours, and, in tho ©vent of any subsequent development of an injury, a hardship was inflicted on the player.- He also wished to draw attention to the amount of time devoted to tho interests of the fund by their secretary (Mr E. S. Wilson), to whose oftorte was largely due the fact that they had to call upon the OJt.F.U. for such a small amount. Mr A. Low seconded tho motion, and also paid a tribute to the very considerable amount of work performed by Mr Wilson as secretary of the fund. Tho report and balance sheet were unanimously adopted. Tlio following committee was elected for the ensuing year:—Messrs J. King, A. Low, 0. J. Reid, p. Eckhoff, J. Kennedy, and 11. C. Sinclair. In accordance with notice of motion, Mr A. Low moved that the following bo added to Rule 3:—"No payment shall be mado for a period of less than one week." In speaking to the motion, Mr Low said, while not wishing to suggest tihat anyone had been living on the fund, he did not think ifc the proper thing that playens should bo drawing on the fund for one or two days' pay. Ho did not think that footballers in general desired that it should bo so. The ftfnd was not selE-supporting, which was another reason why injured players should ■ refrain from claiming payment from it for the loss of one day's work. Mr E. S. Wilson stated that in Invereargill a similar clause was inserted in the rules of the Accident Reserve Fund, the. opinion being that the fund was established for serious accidents, and not for trivial ones.

The Chairman said tsie clause, if inserted, would not debar an., injured player from receiving medical attention, oven if ho was unable to attend work fov only a. day cr two. ■ Mt D. Eckhoff said that if t.he motion was carnal and the rules so altered there might bo a tendency for players to remain ofV duty for a full week to ensure their reosiving payment from the fund. The motion was put to the mooting and carried, there being one dissentient.

•Mr 6. J. Eoid (University Club delegate) osked for an explanation of the iiosition of University students who, while members of tho fund, were injured while playing football. He wished to explain that tho fact of so. few subscriptions being received from University players last year was owing to the conditions not having been understood. Tho Secretary said their auditors had pointed out to them that a University student was not m receipt of remuneration, and if any money was paid out of the fund to a student injured wliilo playing football he would' be a professional. It was agresd by the auditors that any medical expenses incurred could bo met by tho fund.

The Chairman remarked that tho fund was not liable for any dental expenses incurred.

The meeting terminated without further discussion.



Press Association—By Tolegraph—Copyright. SYDNEY, March 21.

At tho Rugby League meeting speakers strongly urged footballers to keep the gambling spirit out of the game. They wore not! afraid of professionalism or of paying princely saila-ncs, but wero afrakl of the bookmaker creeping in. There was jio nowl for gambling in tho sport, which could stand oa its merits.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 15098, 22 March 1911, Page 10

Word Count

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15098, 22 March 1911, Page 10

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15098, 22 March 1911, Page 10


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