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PROPERTIES tO'rt SALE AND TO LET. JOHN RE I D & SONS. JOHN HKID, HENRY WILLIAM liKfD, CHARMS RUSSELL SMITH. F.I.A.N.Z. , 4 AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE & FINANCIAL AGENTS, VALUATORS/SURVEYORS, MONEY, SHARE, & LAND BROKERS, ARBITRATORS, AUDITORS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. 'Phcne 190. LIVERPOOL & BOND STREETS (Next Star Office], 'Phone 190. TO LET—NORTH DUNEDIN (in Fino Position): Gentleman's RESIDENCE, containing 11 rooms; gas, h. and c.; sewered; £80 and rates. CITY (on Rise).—Substantial 5-roomed Plastered HOUSE; bay window, verandah, slate roof, brick wall, gas, bath, basin, high-pressure boiler, linen and clothes presses, cupboards, pantry, scullery (with plato rack), ctc.; asphalt paths and ynrd, workshop, etc.; about cighth-aore choice little garden; also 3-roomed COTTAGE, on sopanite scction, adjoining —tho lot for £830. A REAL GOOD THING, WELL WORTHY OF YOUR EARLY CONSIDERATION. We can arrange financial assistance. (1181) DALMOllE.—Practically Now 5-roomed HOUSE, verandah front; bath (hot and cold water), steel ocilings. built-in wardmotes, bookcase; kauri timber throughout; section contains over eighth-acre. A bargain at. £470. (671) MUSSELBURGH.— Superior 6-roomed VILLA; built two years; two bays, return verandah, conservatory; extra large rooms,"wide hall, electric light installed, hot ■water service throughout; solid concrete base; large section; good position. (1094) CITY (On Rise, Close lo Id Car).—Seven-roomed RESIDENCE; gas, li. and c. water, latest drainage: linen and clothes presses, pantry; largo section; fine outlook. Price, £950. Financial .assistance arranged. (989) MORNINGTON (in Good Position).—Seven-roomed HOUSE; two bays, verandah, bath, pantry, store-rooms, bookcase, washliouse; sunny position. Bargain at £385. (722) MUSSELBURGH (Corner Section, Close to Drive). —Well-built |6-roomed HOUSE, with overy convenience, including gas or electric light; also stable; £650. (1013) ST. KILDA. —New 5-roomed COTTAGE; h. and c., steel ceilings, mirror-door wardrobe, built-in bookcase, cupboards: a fine home. Only £460; £85 deposit. (1166) ST. KILDA.—Five-roomed HOUSE; two ays, portico, very large kitchen, bath, hand basin, h. and c.; asphalt paths; three fowlhouses and runs. Only £470. (1156) MORNINGTON (Glen road, Few Minutes from Id Electric Car).—Comfortable Family RESIDENCE in good order; splendid position ; £625. (1072) ST. CLAIR.—Six-roomed Modern RESIDENCE (New); riglit up todato; fine appearance; fibrous plaster ceilings, electric ligiit, art wallpapers, friezes, etc.; good position; £775. (1071) EGLINTON. —Almost New 5-roomed HOUSE; verandah, bay window, expensive mantelpieces, bath, pantry, cupboards; concrete foundations; large section; select neighbourhood. A bargain at £600. (793) ClTY'(North, Handy "to Id Car).—Six-roomed HOUSE; two bays, portico, hot water ■ service; drained to sewer; good position; £750. (456) CITY (North, Oastle street).—Comfortable Five ROOMS; box windows, portico, Venetian blinds, washliouse, etc.; sewer drained; £570. (1128) JOHN REID & SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN- ' SIEVWRIGHT, HAGGrITT, & CO., AUCTIONEERS. FARM SALESMEN. HOTEL BROKERS,PROPERTY AGENTS, AND SHAREBROKERS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS. PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ! FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. QfA ACRES; all ploughable but 100 acres; I/O acres in two-year-old grass, oft OiPv which 34 bushels of seed wore threshed to acre; had 45 bushels to acre of wheat this year; groue grain and root crops of any description; 100 acres ploughed and disced; 7 paddocks; plenty of running water; 6-ioomed House, stablo, chaffliousc, etc ; 4 miles from railway and li miles from schcol and P.O. by good road. Pricc, £3 5s an acrc; £800 down, balance 5 per cent. 8 ACRES; good Level Land; new 6-roomed House (bathroom, hot and cold water), 2 loos?-boxes, 2 buggy-sheds, washliouse, etc.; .water laid on by pressure pipes all over the land; buildings cost £830; railway, station and school adjoining; suit ■poultry-farmer or retired gentleman. Prire, £550. Easy terni6. ° ACRES L.1.P., WAIMATE; rent 156 an acre less 10 per cent.; rich agricultural land; well subdivided and watered; nearly all flat; six acres in strawberries, four acres in oats and tares; half-acre potatoes, seven acres swedes, three acres hay, one acre pigrun, garden, and orchard; balance grass; 5-roomed! House, stable, chatf- ■ house, cowshed,'piggeries, etc.; ono mile and a-half from Waimato on Main road. Prioe, £500. ACRES and 6-roomed HOUSE, Mosgiel. £270; terms arranged. QOA ACRES LEASEHOLD, 6 years to run, with right to purchase; 6 paddocks; 520 Ewes (in lamb), 9 Rams, Horse, gig, and harness; 35 acres youni<* grass, 28 acres ploughed; 9-roomcd House, wool shed, barn, yards, etc., nice orchard"; threequarters of a mile to school, handy to railway. As a going concern, £300; terms easy. IT'S ft Gore District; 280 acres flat, 1400 acres undulating, 100 acres hilly; grows wheat, oats, barley, turnips, and grass to perfection; subsoil sandy and opsii; stock thrive exceptionally well on this place, and it can easily carry 2 sheep to the aoro. Tho land is practically all ploughable; 330 acres in young grass, 150 acres 1-year-old grass, 100 acres 2-year-old grass, 546 acres ploughed, balance in good pasture. This is one of the best blocks pf land loft in Southland for sale, and is suitablo for cutting up for dairying, being sweet clovcr country; 15 paddocks; abundance of "water; 5-roonicd House, b«ivn, stable, find men's hutj handy to school, township, creamery, and railway. Price only £8 an acre. Good terms can be arranged. IQK ACRES, L.1.P., SOUTH CANTERBURY; rent, £54 a year; 6 paddocks; well watered; good' fences; grows excellent crops of wheat, oats, rape, etc.; carrying 2 sheep to acre; 50 acres flat, balanco downs; good 6-roomcd Hou=c and neecssary farm buildings. Price, £1250; £750 down. This Property is only li miles from rail, school, salevards, etc. Q A ACRES 'DAIRY FARM; 6 miles from Dunedin; carry 25 «ows; 12 paddocks; uu . 6-roomed House, 4-stalled stable, and loosebox, 20-stalled cowshed, etc.; alongside school. Price, £1150; £300 down; stock and implements at valuation if desired." IQI ACRES, NEAR GORE; 10 paddooks: all limed and drained; .'63 acres JL<JJL ploughed, balance in young grass; school, post office, and dairy factory within 2 mile; 4-roomed House, stable, byre, and large barn. Pricc, £8 5s an aero; Reasonable terms arranged. ACRES, PALMERSTON DISTRICT; Freehold; all practically flat; 5 acres i wheat, 6 acres rye, 7 acres oats, balance good.gra6s; 4-roomcd House, byre, barn, etc.; alongside school, creamery, railway, etc. Price as a going conccrn (includingll cows, 3 .heifers, 2 mares in foal, 1 yearling, all farming implements, crops, oats, chaffy etc.), £1200. Terms. . 4-Ofi J \CRES; 2£ miles from Gpre; part river flat, Ijalance terrace; good buildmgs; a splendid mixed Farm; £10 an acrc; £1500 down. '1 90 ACRES, NORTH OF DUNEDIN; Freehold; all fine level land; splendid soil; capable of growing anything; 10 acres in wheat, 12 acres in oats; splendid 8-rooined House (new), 30-stall«d cowbyrc, barn, stable, ctc.; alongside school and railway station. half-mile to creamery; a tip-top dairy Farm; £20 an acre. /|[Al ACRES, MORVEN- (Leasehold); rent 10s air acre, 3£ ye are to run; 130 aores tltl/i. wheat (well up), 45 acres green feed (oats); Cottage and Goodwill,. Price £500. i 1 1 S) AA ACRES FREEHOLD AND 1700 ACRES SMALL GRAZING RUN (18 A/WU I years to run; rent, 6d an acre); 17 paddocks; carry 2000 sheep; 5roomed House, 6-stalled stable and loft, woolshed, dip, cowshed, barn, men's hut'oto Price, £3624. Easy terms arranged. ( ' £Ofk ACRES, L.1.P.; rent, 3s9d; 5 paddocks; rabbit-proof fencing; soil consists of UOV deep loam, with free sandy subsoil; grows excellent wheat; permanent creek running through Property; creamery within li miles; school handv: Hou«o and stable. Price, £500; terms. 1 9K A ACRES.—SmaII Grazing Run, Mutral Otago. Rent, 4d an acre; 18 years X/VIJU to run, aird renewable; 500 sheep, 7 head cattle, 7 horses, implements etc.; good 4-roomed House, woolshed, barn, stable, sheep yards, etc.; 1 mile from school. Price, £1500 as a going concern; £750 down. OA AAA ACRES (4000 Acres Freehold, balanco Government Leasehold, lons lease)Oujl/l/U 12,000 6heep, 150 head cattle, 20 horses, etc.; splfendid buildings'. For Sale as a going concern. Price on application. 9 AAA ACRESI'-Sniall Grazing Run; rent, £39 5« half-yearly; 10 years to run and rt/VUU renewable; carrying capacity 1800 sheep; good 6-roomed House (bathroom), stables, chaffhouse, sheep yards, etc.; 800 ewes. 6 cows, number of pigs, etc. Price as a going concern, £2900 ; £1500 down. This run is only 2| miles from school and creamery. 1 A AA ACRES, SMALL GRAZING RUN, NORTH OTAGO, rent BJd an acre, It"" 7- years to run and renewable; a good portion of the land is ploughable; hut, woolshed, dip, and yards; 20 head mixed oaltle, 2 .hacks, 1160 sheep, implements', etc. Pricc, as a going concern, £2500. Terms arranged. ' BUSINESSES. BLACKSMITH'S BUSINESS (Leasehold).—Shop, sevon-roomed house, stable and yard; rent, £1 por week. Average • tur/iovor £10 per week. Two forges, two anvils, two vyces, tyre shrinkcr, tyre bander. Large quantity, of iron and steel tools, etc. Close to Dunedin. Pricc, £250 as a going concern. BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY: got.d country town; weekly output, 110 C loaves; £15 in small goods, £5 in confectionery and tearooms; largo catering connection; r.>nt 17s for shop, bakehouse, and tearooms. Owing to 111-health the owner is selling right out. Pricc ns a going concern (including 3 carts, 3 horses 2 large marquees, crcckcry, cutlery, etc., etc., AND A SPLENDID BUSINESS)' £230 Flour stock at valuation. ' SEASIDE SECTIONS, Wickeliffe Bay; subdivision into 45 good building. sites; lovely quiet spot; plenty of fishing, shooting, boating; handy to Portobello' come in and tako your pick. ALL ONE PRICE—£IO. jj-ROOMF.D CHIIi, PUKETER-'. KI; furnished and replete with overy eonceivabltarticle necessary for tho comfort of 4 PERSONS; now stove, spring bunks', blankets, rugs. etc.,. pots, crockery, etc. (inventory at our olTice). Tho whole thing as it stands for £40. NOW is the time to secure this! iOENEUAL STORE and.6-roonicd HOUSE to LET; no goodwill; rent 25s a. weekstcck at valuation; turnover £50 a week. ' WANTED. , We have inquiries for Small LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARMS. FINANCE. If you fancy any of the above Farms come and sea us. Don't hesitate, and tliink that your capital is insufficient. We can arrango finance on a moderate deposit. CATALOGUE NOW READY. CALL OR WRITE FOR ONE MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITY. SIEVWRIGHT, I-lAGGITT, & CO., AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS. \ V. JLL BION chahbeeb, S* • \ \ 41 ROWLING STOEKT O v (Cutting.) /4vy mAKCIAL EsUbli^hed — — - \ / qN. \ x estate X j, y \./ INVESTORS' AGUNTS. PROPERTIES MANAGED, RENTS COLLECTED. TO LET, TO LET. QUEEN STREET.—TweIve ROOMS (two- BOf}D STREET. storey); all conveniences. BRICK PREMISES and I/AND, recently occupied by the Mftssey-Harris Company, MUSShLBURGH. — Six-roomed RESI- having frontages to Bond afreet, CrawDENCE; 3 bay windows; all conveni* j or( j street, Manor street. Lease arranged cnces. for term. Full particulars obtained on ROSLYN- (Ann street).—Six ROOMS; hot tt PP !lcallon ' ai_d cold water, gas, etc., eighth-acre. . CENTRAIj smXE of EOOMS; board HOPE STREET. - Seven-rcomed RESI- rooms ' lavatories; good arvprtising DENCE; bathroom, h.p. boiler, gas, space; suitable for offices, dentists, e j c '. professional gentlemen. ** nm-n r. , CAVERSIIAM (Main* road) — Caversham GLEN ROAD. — Seven-roomed RESI- . , HALL, with lavatories, etc.; good acDENCE; attractive appearance; sunny commodiltioil . suiubls for Sunday aer . position; fine view;' garden; all coir- viceSi factoryi etc . veniences. PRINCES STREET (Just Ofi).—Ceniral WAREHOUSE PREMISES in central situa- Ground Floor PREMISES; fronting tion on street front; three-storey, large street; well lighted; large cellar; lift, floor epacc, well lighted, with all necessary fittings, offices, lilt, lavatories, etc BELLEKNOWES—Six ROOMS; bathPossession at early date. Inspection room, h.p. boiler; large corner section; I arranged for m any tim«, sunny; fine vie®.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14924, 29 August 1910, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14924, 29 August 1910, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14924, 29 August 1910, Page 8


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