Eltham intends to' go in for a substantial llew, and up-to-date town hall, library, and municipal offices, awl a srceciaL loan of £6000 is being raised for the work. nil's motor cars irom Wimpenny 8r05.... The Emperor of Japan has conferred the Order of the Rising Sun lipon Mr Frederick W, Emetit, of Renter's Agency, "in recognition of valuable services rendered to Japan." : John J'amieson and Son's Three Star Whiskey in tho wood, imported' for tho Waterloo Hotel, Cavcrsham..,. Thus the Auroa correspondent of the Hawera Star:—"A local -Maori who died' recently had about £50 in cheques buried with him." To'euro influenza noth'ing equals Waters' Remedy, 2s 6d. At Waters' Pharmacy... Improvements made possible and necessary by reason of the recent great fire will go tar towardtereating a new city of Osaka. 'Ao Japanese insurance companies have paid their losras promptly. ' For children's hacking cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d, 2s 6d Mr Murray (Premier of Victoria) told a deputation the othor'day that lis was confident that sconer or later the Saturday halfholiday would become tho rule' throughout tho .Stato. The deputation (country' storekeepers and traders) interjected dissent. The Kaiser stood as godfather to the eighth son of a German house-painter. He has undertaken to stand as godfather to all eighth children with a view to cheeking thi3 decrease in the German 'birth rate. Hecrig's Antiseptio 'Phono Caps,, prevent disease and improve sound; try one,—Dev and Stokes.... Captain. Manning, of tho Mararoa, making an approximate calculation, considers that he has' iiimde 6000 trips across Cook Strait during., the time its Has been in the maritime Now Zealand. Adelaide Corporation, having made inquiries of the general utility of Neuehatel asphalt laid in Queen street and on the wharves in Auckland has decided to pave one of its principal thoroughfares with this asphalt. Frank IT. Blakelcy,' surgeon dentist, 174 l'rmcos street South (over Kilroy and Sutherland's). Telephone 1483.... Owners >of motor launches at Gisborne have been subjected to much annoyance lately through deliberate tampering with tho engines of launches. In two cases tho boats have been so far dismantled as to have the engines taken o«t. Cracked, Uougli Hands, absolutely cured, it atois Chap-Lotion, lsj Waters' Pharmacy. Relieved to .the smallest tug boat in the- world that has ever attempted' to'cross the Atlantic, the Sogonada, a. live-ton craft, is now on its way from Glasgow to Montreal, where it is (states a recent Daily Mail) to be employed in lake touring. Fretful teething babies only require Marshall s Teething Powders to make them happy. Is, Marshall's Pharmacy.... Have you eighteenpence? Then show good common souse, and immediately subscribe to Stone's useful Monthly Guide, lost free for 12 months, Is 6d.... New York City's rubbish, collected by tho ash-carts, was sold last year for £46 800 Old bottles brought £3200, and grease £5000, whilo .1,000,000 cubic yards of ashes wero disposed of for use in flooring concrete walks and in building operations ! Residents of tho Taieri will just have the remaining days of the month to buy winter gocds at sale prices. Our sale closes on the 30th July. Take note: Woollen goods will never bo sold again at such low pnces owing to advances at Home in the raw material. ■ Now is the tirno to buy at big reductions at Christie and Co.'s Stcre of Economy, Ma?gicL.. 'It is deal*, states thd' Manchester Courier, that the Lancashire cotton trade is ap. proaching a crisis, owing to shortage ot raw material. Tho pity of it is that the shortago takes place at a time when there is evidence of a growing demand for cotton textiles.
-tho small amount of .surplus power from Uaipori is being rapidly taken up. Order your motcr at once from the National Elec. and Kng. C'o. (Ltd.). Telephone 2103.. AcMiding to geologists, the sea has bean and is still , growing Salter and sajtw. If we can find out how salt it is, states Scieao2, Now York, and how much Salter it is getting annually, we shall be able to tell how long .it has taken for its saltmss to accumulate-in othor words; its age. i
What's all the fuss about? Wo aro oelo< brating the 21st t anniversary of Stone'a ABC Guide. "All Otago is called upon to support this little book, a public 'boon which owes its life and vigour to its advertisers and subscribers. Advertise! Advertise! Subscribe! Subscribe! Stono'a ABO Guide... ««?? s " 10 National Rcviow, Shanghai:-' Onina. is very rapidly waking up to the necessity for expert advice on many subjects, and it is Uglily, satisfactory to find that- what would otherwise hiv© been a vary senou« economic situation has been averted by tho wise solution of suhstituto crops m i P? ppy area -" ■the hairbrush is undoubtedly one of tie' greatest factors in carrying disease, dandliitt, etc., from one head to another. Ifc is tliereforo essential that both sexes should discriminate and patronise only those establishments where scrupulous cleanliness ia ' strictly observed. A feature of Mr Heiidy's lairdressmg rooms is a clean towol and hairbrush for every customer, ensuring perfect safety and comfort. to all. This fact, together with high-class workmanship by ' six expert assistants, is why his rooms always maintain tho premier position with ■ men of cultivated tastes.-Addrcss lot Princes street... '
~ Soma time ago a chargo was made by the Government on all tourists visiting tho thermal wonders of Whakarowarcwa Tho result was that I,hero was a con", sidernblo falling away in t.lio numbor o£ visitors. Tho toll'has now been abolished and tho altered conditions havo given goneral satisfaction.
Advertise! Advertise! in that which liovcr dies, and that which tells 110 lies, and answers all your whys: Stone's Monthly, A.B.C. Guido and Diary Price one penny All bookseller.... \
As a rosult of a recent difficulty arising out of .tho action of a school committee tho Wellington Education Board has laid down tho principle that before any structural alteration of ■ any school building, or. site alteration, or improvement is undertaken by a school oommitt&ei tho sanction of tho< board should bo obtained by tli© committee. .
Getting a patent is not so easy and safe a thing, or not invariably, as many people think. Tho man with an idea Bhould con* suit an expert. Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, Joel's Buildings, Crawford street, Dunedin, publishers of Progress—the iaventors' journal—are constantly saving people expense and trouble.... , . The Timaru Herald is informed that t J? rCso "' °f snowrcaohcd a depth of 2ft on Sawdon Station, just within the Mackenzie Country. Although the sheep were in ordinarily "eafo country" several sheep camps were found to be dead by the timo rescuers reached them with. tho snow plough. This is ons of tho runs the commissioners liavo recommended to be subdivided. - Bo prepared for the season. I have jusb to hand an assortment of choice olofcbs for . early spring, which will pay you to See, also all the latest styles for the incoming «,ason.—Shautung's Sicilians and lmena du-) early in August. Have a chat witli Jidgar Ritson (Samson's Buildings, Dowling street) bsforo ordering your' next costume.... . Tho favourite promeinado in Greymouth. just now is to visit the wreck of the Lauderdale. Every Sunday afternoon sees hundreds of peoplo of all ages wending, in that direction, and tho moonlight' evenings also cause many to stroll in the neighbourhood of tho wreck. Missed the 'train! How absurd 1 • Why don't you carry a Stone's ABC Guido ia . your poeket. Posted to you for'ls 6d pou annum..../ Inyo County, California, from which the city of Los Angeles has obtained ample! water rights, also oontains "witJtiin its borders tho famous Death Valley. That' / a initor supnly sufficient for'a city'of a million peoplo and also one of the most, dreaded and forbidding, deserts on earthshould both exist, not only .in tho same State, but in tho same county, is an illus-. tration of those strange and abrupt tran- • sitions in tha faoo or Naturo for which" California is noted. '
Universal 'Acetylene Gas Generators ai Manufacturers' Prioee.—J. and T. Christie, Georgo street, Dunodin, havo manufactured over 2000' " Universal Generators" in,ernstajit use in New Zealand. Special .adety* lent fittings, burners, etc., on hand., Esti«. mates supplied for house and town lighting Country school playgrounds, according to Mr A. W, Hogg, M.P., havo sometimes to serve a twofold purposed At tho last, meeting of the Wellington Education Board {says tho Post) Mr Hogg road from a tetter by a Mbkuri settlor that on'.the half-aero of tho local school pla.ygrouh<l there was erected a a-placard bearing the following inscription:—"A paddock for /stock. Key next door. Sneep is per 100." The opinion was expressed that the paddock should be reserved for th? horses of pupils. Mr Hogs did not think it wouldi carry many, sheep.' Tho sohoo! conrmitteo is to be communicated with. A well-known Government official of Dun-edin-whose business - takes him on jouriioys into the country, on returning from a tripi down - south last 'winter, remarked:, "My word 1 These ore grand 'boots. \ I have waded through show up to tho ankles, and been quite dry. I thought snow- would go through any .boots, . but it didn't got through, these," This statement had refer, eneo to, the pair'of "Teaser" Cookham boots ho was wearing. Tlwse splendid boot? are tho oelebrated " Vera, Vedj, Vici" brand, mado of brown storm , calf, : vory strongly built, and with full ivatertighi' tongne, soft; leather 1 lining, doublo'. thick welted soles. Piico 2& 6d.—Obtainable at Cookliam House, Depot for Higli-grada Footwear, Princes street Black swans occasionally make their homo on tho Molyneux Rivor (says tho dutha Leader), but - generally they seem to prefer tho still water lakes, such as Waihola and Tu&kitoto. Gulls'atr times airo fairly numerous between Beggs' and Blackclough, and breed on, the rocky islands on the river. t The first natiyo ovening newßjwper known in China made its initial appearsnoo recently. It was printed throughout in red for good luck, red being tho auspicious colour in China. The Messenger, as tho now venture is called, marks •a, notable! dc]wrture. It will fco distributed gratis !oi one month. ' ,
How is this for bargains? 75 ladies' flimclla blouses, all this winter's / goods— wore 3s 6d to 5s 6d, now Is lid; -29 ladieaf' tweed coafe, very newest patterns, iirw ported direct—were 2k to 255, now 8s lid; 35 lovely ooats ill naivy, green, grey, and brown tweed mixtures, elegant designs— were 35s to 425, now all' at lfls 6d J' ami a grand range of all tho latest fur. stnlea. with mulTsto mateih, at half regular prices.. At T. Koss's gejiuirro sale, 130 . Princes street. Dimedifi....
I3rifon Ferry, in Glamorganshire, claims to hold the record' for juvenility in marriage. Quito recently a man of i 4 ye&re married a .woman of leas than 13, ami now, a youth of 26 has married a wife of ;12£. Sho went on l her honeymoon in a sWti Crock and travelled at half faro!
The Whito Plague—Professor WootThcad, Cambridge, states .that the majority of eases arose through- . inhalation. Tho ordinary telophone mouthpiece is a hotbed of microbes. . Uso Hecrig's Antiseptio 'Phone Caps, 33 6d each,' and provont con-' tagion.—Dey and Stokes, retail ageute.... Fifty-two million ladybirds, reared in the State Inseetary, Sacramento, and weighing over a ton, are being transported frco o£ charge in.special railway carriages to; tho melon fields in Imperial Valley, California. Thoir mission is to browse upon tha aphides jind other pests, that aro destroying the melon crops.
If'you require a headstond for any 6! your friends that have departed, try* Thomson and Co., Moray plaoe (opposite First Church). Duncdin.
On Wednesday an auxiliary whale boat, built by Messrs Millar Bros., of Port Chili mere, was launched for the foiling industry, at Tautuku. The boat ,is fitted with a fourhonsc engine. There is good fishing ground at Tautuku, but tho distance from a railway and bad roads retard tho full dcvoloproont of it. 'Sou don't have to look far for bargains at ' our great dissolution sale. Tho following are four of our specials Men's overcoats, 24s 6d, worth 35e; men's sac suite, 27s 6d, wero 39s 6d; men's striped denims, Ss lid. worth 4s lid; and a very special lino or heavy-ribbed Roslyn underpants at 3s Ud, ' worth 5i 6d.—Gheync and Co., .Mosgiel.... Colds and chest complaints aro vory prevalent in Balclutlui. ju.M aiotv. Many children and' adults aro laid up. The cold,' dpmp weather, and .absenoo of froat is sakl by many to be the cause.' Though thero has been littlo frost this winter and practically no snoiv, tho Olutha Loader is told by old residents ihat they have felt , tha cold much more this winter than in previous years. * ' ) Electrio heating; and cooking apparatus solves the domestio servant question. Call on the National E!eo. .and Eng Co '(]j£|T Agricultural Buildings. Telephone 2108...'.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14899, 30 July 1910, Page 16
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2,134OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14899, 30 July 1910, Page 16
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