March. Last quarter -... 4 7.22 p.m. Now moon ... ... 12 11.42 p.m. * First quarter ... >.< 18 3.7 p.m. Full mooti ... 26 7.51 p.m. Apogco 1 11.0 a.m. Perigeo w ... >w ... 13 11.0 a.m. Apogco 28 11.0 p.m. Sun rises to-morrow 6.12; sols 6.21. lIIGH WATER. March 18— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 8.37 9.8 At Port Chalmers 9.17 9.48 At Dune-din 9.47 10.18 THE WEATHER. March 17— 8 a.m.: Wind S., moderate; ovcroast. Noon: Wind S., squally; clear. 5 p.m.: Wind S., moderate; clear. 8 Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 30.09 30.13 30.20 Thermometer ... 50 62 64 WEATHER REPORTS. • (Per United Piijfss Association.) WELLINGTON, March 17. Tho following are tho reports of tho .weather at 4 p.m.:— Capo Maria Van Diemen.—Wind S.W., strong; bar. 30.00,1 her. 68; clear; sea rough. Russell.—Wind S., breeze; bar. 29.95, thcr, 71; fair; sea moderate. Manukau Heads.—Wind S.S.W., frosh; bar. 30.00, ther. 65; cloudy; sea rough. Auckland.—'Wind S.W., fresh; bar. 29.96, ther. 71; lair. Tauiiinga.—Wind S.W., light; bar. 29.87, thjr. 75; clear; sea smooth. East Cape.—Wind S.E., strong; bar. 29.88, ':or. 70; dear; sea considerable. Napier.—Wind S.E., light; bar. 29.92, thcr. 70; fair; sea smooth. Wellington.—Wind S., breeze; bar. 30.00, ther. 61; misty. Castlepoint.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 29.99, ther. 66; overcast; sea moderate. New Plymouth.—Wind S.W., fresh; bar. 30.04, ther. 70; clear; sen. moderate. Wanganui.—'Wind S., fresh; bar. 29.97, ther. 71; fair; sea moderate. Cape Fawwell.—'Wind N., light;, bar. 30.05, I her. 68; clear; sea moderate. Cape Foulwind.—Wind .S.W., breeze; bar. 30.04, ther. 62; fair; sea modorate. Capo Campbell.—Wind S., gale; bai;. - , 30.10, l.hcr. 58; cloudy; soa. rough. Kaikoura.—Calm; bar, 39.08, ther. 62; fair; sea smooth. Nuggets.—Wind S.W., frcsb; bar. 30.03, thcr. 54; showery; sea moderate. Bluff.—Wind W.S.W., fresh; bar. 30.10, ther. 54; overcast; fea rough. Capo Egmont.—Wind S.W., fresh; bar. 30.08, ther. 67; cloudy; sea moderate. Akaroa. Lighthouse.—Wind S.W., light; bar. 30.03, ther. 56; cloudy; sea moderate. The following is llio Rev. D. C. Bates's miminary and forecast:—" Cloudy and unsettled weather has passed at times in all parts of tho country, with showery weather on the east coast and southern districts of tho South Island. Present, indications aro for a rising barometer, especially in Iho couth. Klrong southerly winds are piobabb generally, and especially about East Cape, where conditions are rathr< ominous. \ Haiti is probable on the East Coast southwards, and cool and misty weather elsewhere at times." ARRIVALS. Tarawcra, s.s., 2003 tons, Robertson, from Auckland, via East Coast ports. Union S.S. Company, agents. Passengers: Mest'jtines Wignall, Drake, llcnlc and two infants, Day, Kelly and 2 children, Hoenaut, Misses Morrison, Piper, Messrs Raw, Drake, Mijrcer, M'Gregor, Nealc, Levy, Ellison, ltogan, Pyrrell, Hay, Bennett; 17 in Iho steerage. Kotaro, s.s., 141 tons, Treurn, from Waikawa. Invurcargill Shipping Company, hgenls. ,EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—Marjory Glen, left Liverpool November 30; due, via Wellington, about May 10. From Now Sort.--Marie, barque, left Novemlw 16. From Melbourne.—Manuka, March 22. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Monowai, March 20 (connccting with Malicno at Auckland). From Sydney (via Wellington).— Moeraki, March 19. Prom Auckland.—llaurofo, March 21. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Monowai, March 22 (transhipping lo Malieuo at Auckland). For Sydnoy (via Wellington).—Manuka, ' - March 23. For Melbourne.—Moeraki, March 20. For Auckland.—Tarawcra, March 18. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCHMNII. Georgia, left New York December 31, arrived Fromantlo March 9. Den of Crombie, left New York December 31. SpitUead. left New York January 7; duo end of March. Aberlour, left Now York January 27. Niwaru, left London January 25, arrived Melbourne March 10. Ivia Orn, left London Feb- ; ruary 8. Whnkitrua, loft London February 8. Raugatira, left London February , 25. Star of Scotland, left London February 25. Indraloma, left New York March 1. Opawa, left London March 4. AT WIXMKUTUN. Rimutaka, Joft London January 22. lonic, leFt. London February 7, and Capetown February 27. _ Fifeshi'ro, left London February 7. Turakina, left London February 19. AT LTTTELTON. Drayton Grange, left London March 8. Athenic, left London March 0. AT DUNEDIN. Den of Crombie (via northern ports), left New York December 31. Georgia (via northern ports), left New York December 31. T'ainui (via northern ports), .about, March 24. Olnki, left London for Dunedin direct February 9. Cornwall, left Liverpool January 8; duo (via northern porls), about March 20. Spithead, due (via northern ports) about April 1. Aboriotir, left New York January . 27. (via northern ports), left London March 7. Drayton Grange (via northern porls), left London March 8. IIOMKWAIU) BOUND. Clan MaeFarlanc, left Napier January 16. ltakaia, left, Wellington January 25. Nairnshire, left Lyttelton January 28. Invortay, left Auckland January 29. Falls of Nitii, left llluff January 31. Swanlcy, loft Wellington Februa'y 3. Waiwera, left Wellington Februarv 8 and Monte Video March 4. Malatua, left Wellington February 8 and Mouto 'Video March 1. lluahinc, left Wellington February 10, and Rio do Janeiro March 4. Star of Canada, left Wellington February 12. Orari, left Wellington February 13, ami Monte Video March 5. Karauiea, left Auckland February 25. Morayshire, left Lyttelton February 25. Whakatanc. left Wellington February 27. Mamari, left Wellington March 2. Kaikoura, left Lyttelton March 2 Star of New 'Zealand, left Lyttelton February 17. Arawa. left Wellington February 24, and Monte Video March 15. Marere. left Wellington March 5. Ruapehu, left Wellington March 10. Wakanui, left Wellington ,March 13, IMPORTS. Per s.s. Tarawcra, from Auckland and East Coast, ports: <186 sacks sugar, 800 bags sugar, 60 bags lime, 300 cases oranges, 100 boxes soap, 68 eases meals, 160 e.r hogsheads, 103 pieces timber, 13 cases tobacco, and quantity of sundries. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, March 17.-Arrived: Hauroto, from the south.—-Sailed: Wanaka, for tho Bluff, via. Limestone Island. NAI'IER, March 17.—Sailed: Monowai, for the south. Passengers for Dunedin: Mis l ; Asliton, Mm Marshall. WELLINGTON, March IT.—Sailed: Moeraki (5.40 p.m.), for Melbourne, via southern |>orts. Passengers: For Lyttelton and Dunedin—Misses David, Latter (2). Glasgow, Tolmie, Hagitt (2), Brown, Guilds, Mcsdaones Glasgow and child, Dawson, Houston, Byrne, Johnston, Firth, Colonel Mooro, Mcera Haydcn, Coop, Heniriug, Masefiold, Asliton. Byrne, Johnston, Binning, Glasgow and boy, M'Lean, Easmor. Houson, Cartts, Cameron, Wise- ' man, Wilton, Palmer. For Bluff—Messrs Gillespie, Grange, Grant, Duthie. For Ilobart—Mr Ashbolt. For Melbourne— Mesdamos Morton, Barraud amf child, Colonel Daly. Most-rs Vance, Dalton, Barraud. Sailed: Maori (8 p.m.), for Lyttelton. Passengers: Jlissos Clark (2), Mitchell, Orwin (2), Nordan, Patterson, M'Query, Walker, Page, Handing, Mesdames Hodson. M'Keirae, Moore (2), Harding, Colonel Cresswell, Rev. Mr Harding, Messrs Mortoir, Reynolds, Learr, Chapman, Ilcndry, Gow, Olney, Chase, C'leary, Calder, Nation, Janiieeon, Ivors lake, Hodson, Tupton M'Kcnzie. LYTTELTON, 'March 17.—Arrived: Maori (7.5 a.m.), from Wellington; Star of Australia, from Dunedin. —To arrive: Jvittawa, from GreymoutJi. Sailed: Tainui, for Wellington: Rimutaka, for Timaru; Maori, for Wellington; Warrijnoo, for Sydnoy, via Wellington. BLUFF,' 17.—Sailed: Bufccshiro, for Lytteltoa.
INVERCARGILL, March 17.—Sailed: Invcroargill (5 p.m.), for Dunedin, via Stewart Island.
THE DIRECT STEAMERS. MONTE VIDEO, March 15.—Sailed: Arawa, for London. The Tarawcra. readied Dunedin shortly before noon yesterday from Auckland and East. Coast ports. She left Auckland on the 12th insl., and experienced line wcatlic-r and smooth seas along the coast. She will leave to-day on the return trip. The Ennerdalo left Greyinouth at 2 p.m. yesterday with a cargo of timber and railway sleepers for Dunedin, via Wcslport. She is expected to leave Wcstport for Dunedin dircct on Saturday evening. . The Kotaro arrived yesterday morning with 54,000 ft of timber from Waikawa. She will load and sail to-day for Inrcrcargill, Rivcrton, and Callins River. The Moeraki, from Sydney, via Wellington and Ly Helton, is exncctcd at Dunedin about 10 a.m. to-morrow. Mr J. E. Page, second officer of the Moeraki, joined tho l'akanoa yesterday as chief officer. Mr J. Leonard, chief of the Rakanoa, resigned his position in the company's serv'ien to lake up the duties of assistant dredgemaster in Westport Harbour. Mr J. I'\- Couldrey and Mr J. Stewart have been promoted temporarily as second and third officers of the Moeraki. Tim Tulcapuna has been announced to make an Easier excursion 1 rip from Wellington to Marlborough Sounds should sufficient, inducement oiler. It is proposed to lcavo Wellington on Thursday, 24th inst., ami relurn on the following Tuesday, tlic excursion thus extending over five days. The fare is £5. The Cygnet, which left for Akaroa on Tuesday afternoon, picked up the John Anderson in the vicinity of Look-out Point, llio latter vessel having broken down. She was towed to Lyttelton by the Cygnet, which left again for Akaroa early on Wednesday morning. 'l'ho French barque- Jaques, wbicli arrived at Auckland on Saturday night, left New York on November 16, and was 115 days on the voyage to Auckland. The vessel passed several icebergs near tho Kerguelen Islands. 'The rariro consisted of 65.850 cases of oil, o f which 32,350 eases will be discharged at Auckland, fho remainder being destined for Wellington. It is expccted that the vessel will sail for Wellington in about a fortnight.
On leaving Wellington for London at daybreak 011 Sunday the Sow Zealand Shipping Company's Wakanui was a full ship, and a summary of hnr cavgo is ;is follows:—From Dunedin- 304 bales wool, 36 casks tallow, 3 j»leys sundries. From Oamaru—lslo carcases lamb, 2560 do mutton, 63 crates kidneys, etc., 1631 bales wool, 94 casks tallow, 12 do casings. From Lyttelton—3oo sacks oats. From Auckland— 139 bales wool, 1713 cases gum, 424 sacks gum, 430 hales !las, 135 casks tallow, etc., 10 bales leather, 88 cases honey, 4806 carcases lamb, 120 do mutton. 290 quarters beef, 108 carcases pork, 3 Iki\-(b gold. Transhipped from tho Kaipara—l4s bate wool, 908 do llax, 118 dumps low, 529 casks tallow, 140 do polis, 23 do skins, 68 bales leather, 76 sacks hides, 165 oases meats, 606 sacks oats, 402 do seed, 309 bags concentrate, 8 bales rubber, 47 sacks peas, 1 block greenstone, 1 box, 893 boxes butter, 63 casks butter. From Gisborne - 'b'.3 bales wool and skins, 145 pookcte wool. From Napi::r—437 bales wool, 40 pockets wool, 33 bags wool, 308 casks tallow, 89 do pelts, 04 casks premier jus., 125 bales flax, 26 racks bides, 14 do casings, 1971 carcases mutton, 14,421 do lamb, 131 do tegs, 294 quarters beef, 742 crates frozen pieces mutton, 89 boxes 2 bags ox tails. From Nelson—2B96 carcases mutton, 3669 carcases lamb, 236 bales wool, 42 casks tallow, 1 bale merchandise, 4 bales pelts, 3 do basils. From Wellington —3015 bales wool, 2 bags wool, 1 fa-dgc wool, 1339 bales hemp, 63 do tow, 43 casks tallow, 2983 carcases mutton, 20 bales basils, 5 do leather, 1 bale lambskins, and 10 package's sundries.
RIVALLING THE CUNARDERS. It is known (writes a jorrcspondent of Lloyd's Shipping Gazette) that the Ham-burg-American Company has lately been in tho market for two new steamers for its Atlantic servicc. and that the vessels are to be of mammoth proportions. According to advices just received from Hamburg, the contiact for one of the vessels, lias already been placed ''n Messrs Ilarland and Wolff, of Belfast, and that for the other is in clo?e negotiation with a well-known Tynesido firm, 'llio vessels arc to bo 850 ft long, 92ft beam, and 66ft depth, and will draw about 34ft of water. The engines, which are lo be of the reciprocating type, will have a horse-power of 48,000, and will develop a. speed of 21 knots. The vessels are designed to carry 4800 passengers-first, second, third, and fourth claw,—and the crews will number about 750 'hands. While designed to exceed tho present, express Cnnardcrs in size, tho nsir IlamburgAmerican liners are evidently not intended to compete with them in speed. The fact that the engines are to be of the reciprocating type is also interesting' to the advocates of its rival, the turbine, as well as to those who believe in Iho future of tho combination principle.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14785, 18 March 1910, Page 4
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1,955SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14785, 18 March 1910, Page 4
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