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Tho mail which was despatched from Duncdin via Naples on October 28 arrived in London on tlio afternoon of the sth distant.

A special meeting of tho Charitable Aid Board was held last night, for tho purpose of explaining to the now members the matter between tho University Council and (ho board touching the Maternity Hospital in Forth street. Tho chairman (Mr .). 11. Walker) put forward his view of tlio facts leading up to the prosont position, and speeches were made- by Mr J. H. V. 'Hunel and Mr A. 11. Bridgev pointing out that if tho Charitable Aid Board was to licar the responsibility it should have a say in such an important appointment. Tho chairman remarked that tho Iward would always bo glad to meet tho council in friondly conference "even now."

In reply to a question by Mr T. 15. Taylor, the Prime Minister ttated in Par liament yesterday that it was proposed to introduce legislation this session dealing with tho question of liquor licenses iu tlio King Country.

In connection vith tho Arbitration Court's award of £250 to tho plaintiff in tho compensation caso of G. E. Martell v. 11. E. White, wo are requested to state that Iho largest sum that it was possiblo under the act to award tho plaintiff was

In addressing tlio members of (ho Dunodin Choral Society last evening on th<! proposed visit of tlio Sheffield Choir to Dunodin Dr Harriss, spoaking of New Zealand and its people, referred incidentally to the tipping evil. The domand for tips, ho said, did not ecem to bo indigenous to humankind here. " I congratulate you. I congratulate you with all my heart," he lomarked with sincerity. Then, facetiously, ho added, " Wherever else I go they connider I am made of the Bank of England, mid that I should have someone with a spado doling out money to let mc go on my way."

Two .voting Now Zealand educationists, poKcKfd of a laudable ambition, have decided lo pay n. visit (o America at their own expense- with the object of making a pcruonal acquaintance with the very latest methods of education in vogue in (hat ' country. One is Mr E. K. Lonias, M.A., M.Sc, assistant teacher at Sclwyn ColloPfiate School, Uunodiii, and the other is Mr A. G Johnson, 13.Sc, assistant master ot the Timani High School. Armed with letters of introduction from the Minister ot Education,' with a. request that they be afforded all facilities in obtaining what » desired, they will leave Dunodin for llio United States in. about a week's lime, taking their final departure from New Zealand at Auckland on the 22nd inst. They will lie absent for a period ot live months, a nd will during that timo make a through investigation ot American educational methods in primary and secondary schools and normal colleges, particularly in New York and Chicago.

A Press Association telegram from ImerMrgill elates that cases are set down tor Rearing nt Gore, on Thursday, against C. G. Thursdon and his wife, charging them with keeping for ™lo and selling liqoiir. There are also cases of a similar character sot down, for hearing at, Invcreargill, on Friday, against Frank and Rose PofF, I hero being three, informations of keeping, soiling, ajid assisting. An Invcrc.ivgill solicitor will also lx! charged with keeping liquor for salo and assisting in selling it.

That the unscientific person's opinion of hones c'iscovered in unusual places is not worth much vas tho impression convoyed by Ik Renham last evening at a in.-otiiifr of tho Otngo Institute, when a slight discussion occuiml about moa bones. A member referred tc the recent discovery at Whangcroi of bones alleged to be those of a moa and of a human being in juxtaposition, and the. deduction drawn from that that the moa ba<l existed contcmporancoiifly with humanity in 'he.* islands —a view not received with favour scientifically,—and referred the matter to the doctor. Or Renham said lie did not feel inclined to accept the eliteimnt that they were human bones -till ho had examined them, and proceedel to justify his inci-j----dutity by the citation of the following lHilo incident. He had recently been required lo Jnvcst : gato an object that he was assured was a human skull, which had boon discovered in a river. His investigations showed that tliis was nothing more than n sheep's head, will; some rough lumps of fat attached, tho whole having ken'well rolled in rner gravel. Dr Renham added humorously that in tho Museum ho sometimes received tery curious things lo investigate. A telegram from Mr 11. L. Tapley, at Wellington, was read at a special meet ins of tho Charitable Aid Board last, night. If. stated that the sender had seen the Minister with rof?.-onco to the appointment

of obstetric surgeon at the Maternity

Homo, Forfh street, and (he board bad boon given the. right to niako the ap|X>inlmcnt, : subject to the approval of the University ! Council.

Dr Charles Harriss, who is preceding the ShoffioM Choir, made a formal call- upon his Worship tlio Mayor (Mr J, 11, Walker) yesterday morning, at the Town Hall, and explained his project. His Worship assured the doctor that tlio jieoplc of this city would extend that welcome- Hint was consistent with the traditions of Dmicdiu particularly, and to which tlio undertaking was fully entitled. liy that time, no doubt, his Worship would not bo in his present position, but personally he was satisfied .that, upon the adum of the choir to this city, tho wishes of Dr Harris, would be amply met, adding that tho same weleomn would, in his opinion, be extended in. the various centres that, may be visited throughout the Dominion.

Tho meeting of the- Benevolent Trustees was hold yesterday afternoon, mid was attended I))' Messrs W. T. Talboys (chairman), E. A. Topper, J. M. Callaway, ]). Earinch, H. E. Holler, and J. London. The f-tatement for outdoor relief for liie inon'.li of November showed that a (olid of 371 poisons—inon, women, and children- had participated in the distribution of £53 Is, .an average of 2s 10 2-3 d, a.i against 2s 9Jd.' the avoraw for October. Tlie wolury ro|)orteu Hint an inmate of tho Homo, named John Walsh, aged "0, had died ha

Our Wellington correspondent informs us t-liat, in response to Mr Davey's represcntafcionp, tho Prime Minister ha.- decided to place- £400 on the Supplementary Es|.imatcH as compensation to the relatives of Captain Pavitt, who was killed in a motor ear accident at Chnslchnrch on Labour .Hay. The Outlook, in iU Methodist section, plates that the Synod vote on the question of an .'nde[)cndent Conference for New Zea land has boen counted, and it totals 156 for, and 72 against. Five out of the six Synod* cast a. majority in favour. The Question will now come before Conference. Jiiid be remitted tlionce to the General v-onfe-rence -U a meeting of tho Council of the New Z t:i!lllld Mc . rAlll} T ai!orcssos' b ,"' o "- ««■ following motion was adopted:-"That wo pro , K j. against •my furtber , a | 0 of Cr(wn ]~„<,, aml approve .|,« „,,;,„ of ~| o lrafchol(|cre "« the house in u >i,i V cvorv moans in their power.»o prevent th; l.nml'l!il|, now before Iho lo* „f Repfwniativw. („>,„ booming law. Abo that a cony of the above resolution lie sent to each of tl, o City end eub.irlwn n.cmbns m \ t i lc llc>u j %f^'' V ' """ "I

A Chrislchurch telegram states that the SDOcnd co.ich from Otira for Broken River on Monday wan delayed half an hour under exceptional circumstances. While the conch una at tlio top of Arthur's Pass, 3000 ft above sea level, a passenger gave birth to a male infant. The other passengers did all f licy could for the mother. She and her infant wcro conveyed to tlio Boaley Hotel

"Drawing the colour line"—a procedure much in favour in some of the United Stales of America—appears to have reached Now Zealand, but in this country the drawing is being done by tlio coloured man. Tlio occurrence tool; place in Ihe Forty Milo Bush, near Dannavirko, last month, whvn a (rang of Maori shearers struck work because a white man had been given a stand in the shed. The result was that tho white man was dismi«ied. Ik sued the runhoMor for £23 damages for breach of contract, hut the magistrate (Mr M'Cartby, S.M.), held that as plaint'fF could have obtained shearing work elsewhere two days later, ho was entitled only to tho £5 which defendant had paid into court.

In tho City Police Court there has just been placed, after the Australian method and by permission of the Minister of Juslice, a collecting-box for the Patients and Prisoners' Aid Society. This is tho first of its kind in the Dominion, and is expected by the agent of the society (Mr F. G-. Gumming) to yield a not inconsider able sum in tho year from the donations of those persons who come into contact with and appreciate the work being done in connection with court cases.

_ As the Homo steamer Kajpara was leaving (ho George street pier at 1 p.m. on Monday a fracas occurred on board among a number of semi-drunken firemen. Thosa engaged in the meleo wcro Germans and a big Swede. Tho Germans were quarrelling among themselves prior to the Swede arriving on the seme, and there wore about a dozen mixed up one way or another in the brawl. Some of tlio muddled combatants exchanged blows, hit they were " round-arm " instead of straight from tho shoulder, and few of ll.em reached thoir mark, and these that did were not particularly severe. Oailis and curccs in bad 'English were loud and frequent, and if threats counted for anything, tho main deck was to bo transformed into a shambles. The Swede, like some of tlio others, was escorted to his ship by tho local police, and lis signalled bis contempt for all and sundry when he was put on the gangway by kicking a notice-board overboard. Then he, too, look a hand in the noisy fracas, and became the centre of attention for four unsteady brawlers, who each aimed blows at him, a number of which ho succeeded in returning. The Swede, ho.vevcr, finding himself unequal against supr.rj or numbers, drew his sheathknife. The chief officer, with a strong assistant, arrived at this opiwrtuno moment, and the two, rapidly closing with the Swede, throw him on his back, whipped the knife out of his.hand, put the handcuffs upon him, and tied him to a rail. Tho other combatants then shuffled off, and tho Swede, after freeing himself, made an attempt to rid himself of the handcuffs by striking then) upon a rail, but as the operation was apparently a painful one, ho soon desisted, He was then taken and locket in a deckhouse, where ho probably remained until he slept off some of his irritability. Some of those engaged in the melee were, stoker-like, stripped to the waist, and others who took part in it wore loose singlets.

His Worship the Afayor has convened a public meeting of citizens, to bo hold in tho Town Hall on Monday nest, at 8 p.m., for (ho purpose of considering tho proposal to hold a band contest in Dunedin.

A meeting of the George Street School Committee was held last night, when there were pt'3>pnl-Me*rs f'hadwick (chairman), Brownloe, Hopkins, Wallaec, Farra, Knox, Fiddcs, Williams and Ferguson (secretary). Tho Head Master reported that the number of pupils on the roll was 552, and the average attendance 479. It was reported that the proceeds of the two concerts just held were £23 9s 3d, and a letter oH-hanks was authorised to be sent to the teachers for the interest which they hud displayed. It was decided to close' the school for'the summer holidays on Dc-eember 22, and reopen on February 7.

Tha monthly meeting of the High Street School Committee was held last evening, llicrc being present—Messrs D. Wishort (chairtnan), A J. Sullivan, W. Taylor, W, Molvin.aud.U. A. Ewing (secretary). Tito Chairman reported that tlio head master (Mr J. W. Smitli) was confined to his lioiiso with illness, aad at present the school was baing carried on by the first assistant (Mr Roberta n). No rc|>cit was, therefore, available The balance sheet of the recent bazaar showed a ciedit balance of £100. The children had collected £17 on account of the prize fund. It was resolved that the break-up should tako place on Friday, 17th inst., and that the school reopen on February 1. Tiie Athensum's offer of a year's ticket to the pupil securing first place in general knoWedge vas acknowledged with thanks.

There was no business before the Caver sham Licensing Committee yesterday.

At the City Polico Court yesterday morning, M- It. Y. Widdowion, S.M., presiding, l'crcival Leonard Daubney was charged villi stealiru' a carponter's brace, plane, oilstone, razor, scissors, and fountain-pou, vnliied at £1. the properly o! Edward Godso. lie «;k i-eii-ianded till Monday nest, bail being fixed at £25 and one surety of £25.

Our Wellington correspondent says that in his telegram, published yesterday mornill?, lio mentioned that Mr K. A.'Tapjwr and Mr Paul had interviewed Mr l'Wlds regarding tho clause in the Hospital Jjill affecting maternity hotpitals. He should havo slated that it was Mr H. L. Taplcy. His Worship the Mayor convenes a public meeting for Monday evening next, to consider tho proposal to hold a band contest in Dunedin.

Mr C R, Allen and Mr H. A. Row have written phyx f or the All Saints' sale of work entertainments (his and to-morrow evening. Several of our best-known amateurs will appear in these plays. We recommend for watch, clock, and jewellery repairs A. J. Shaw, ]:! -Rattray street. Absolutely tho best in Dunedin.Aclrt.

Just off the boat, 101) duelled sets. set lias two small niitl one lnrso mat and one runner prettily trimmed with torchon 'we. December prices, Is -Id, Is Gd, Is Ed j* lid. 2s 3d, and 2s lid the sct.-lfollisons l/iinited.—Advt. Novelties in jewellers' and silverware for tno Xmas season aro now beim; opened up at Messrs G. and T. Young's showrooms, RS Princes street. The public arc cordially invited to pay a visit of inspection.—Advt." Beware of constipation! Liver complaint, dyspepsia, headache, vertigo, iwd that tormenting disease piles are onlv some of the direct results of constipation. '• Wahoo" acts as a gentle laxative, stimulating activity, and restoring tone and normal " C 1 U " 11, " Wall 0°"; 2s Gd, all chemistsWho is P KIEII r>icK?-The most reliable \\ atclimaker and Jeweller, opposite Coffee Palace, iloray place. Dunedin. Cbarpes Mnclly moderate— Advt.

ABOUT THE PARCELS YOU INTEND SENDING HOME. May we rcMiiniend vou to set us to forward them? Our system of delivery is admirable. Wo pack all our parcels in strong cases and fend them by steamer direct. So you can depend 'on vour friends getting them speedily, safely. Give us a ring and we'll call.—The X.Z.Express Company (Limited). Crawford street.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14701, 8 December 1909, Page 5

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14701, 8 December 1909, Page 5

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14701, 8 December 1909, Page 5


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