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Drrily Times Office,' Saturday, July 17 ! mosey jvr» 'i rape. Hank ratM are us follows:— Buying.—Demand, 7s 0(1 per cent., discouni; oO days, 12s 6d per cent, discount; 63 day.*. 17s 6d percent, discount; <J0 days, 27s c<l per rout, discount; 120 days, 37s 6d per e-iul. discount. SclllULj.—Demand, 10s per -ent. premium; cO days, 5s per cent, premium; 60 days, par. Telegraphic Transfers to London.—l7s 6d per cent, premium, plus cable charges. Deposits. -Maul; of Australasia fixed for 12 months, Si, per cent., and 24 months, 4 per cent, per annum. Other banks, lixed lor six months, 2 per cent, per annum; 12 months, 5' z p?r cent., and 24 months, 4 per cent, per annum. The figures available for review this month are such as to afford the utmost satisfaction, assuring as they do a largelyincreased uxpori. with a diniinished import, tints materially assisting to restore the balance of sound trade. During the past IS mouths, partly as a reflex from the financial stringency and panic in the United and partly from purely local causes, the lightness of money has been very pronounced. One of tliese local causes was an exceptionally heavy import of certain lines which came under the ban of the preferential tariff of 1907, this trade for a lime largely monopolising some portion of the floating capital. Dealing first with the import figures for the year ending March 31 last, these, show a falling off of fully 6A per cent. Locally-made lines, such as caudles and cement, which were given project ion under lite tariff, show a diminution in value, while on the other hand—as was to be expected—favoured lines, such as dried fruits materially increased, llie percentage in some cases being nearly 50 per cent. Cigarettes, tobacco, clothing, and iron goods among prominent linos show greater or less decreases, the result of all linos being, as indicated, a bj, per cent, decrease. The exports for the Dominion foi", the June quarter are very striking and satisfactory, there being a total increase in value over the same period of last year of £1,379,565. Slight decreases were recorded in the case of hemp and timber, but these were quite outclassed by llie increases in the following leading linos:—Wool, £376,417; frozen mutton and lamb. £400,226; frozen beef, £13,265; skins, £83,583; tallow, £71,234; hides, £20,900; butter, £68,967; cheese, £110,721; wheat, £117,381; oats, £122,362; other grains, £15,346; and kauri gum, £21,441. The banking returns for Hie. .Tune quarter give further satisfactory indications of a return lo financial equilibrium, showing that the hanks have pursued a careful and conservative policy through the stress to which they were recently subjected, and have thus materially helped the. country. A year ago advances uijon real estale wore being greatly sought, after, and the banks, as it result, extended as much accommodation as they could, the figures lor the period showing the abnormal increase of over £3,000,000 in advances. The ligures rhis year show a decrease on last year's advance totals of £2,061,447. The liabilities are returned at £23,836,002 (last year £24,600,034), and the assets at £26,942,215 (last year £29,480,724). The assets ihus exceeded the liabilities by £3,106,213, as against last year's return of £4,880,090. Fixed deposits show a gain of £316,427, the total standing at £10,039,089, the largest figure reached during the past seven yours. b'ree deposits show a decrease of £639,616, this being accounted for by past over-importation and present comparative dullness of trade. In 1907 free deposits touched £12,213,939, and with the present total at £10,892,670 a decrease is shown over the two years of £1,321,629. The discounts have decreased by £307,588, and the excess of deposits over advances is £1,839,377. Koto circulation shows a decline of some £40,000, while coin and bullion have increased, and stand at the highest point yet touched in a mid-year— namely, £4,956,114. From these general figures it will be seen that the trade of the Dominion is well on the road to a sound position, and even allowing for the natural diminution in export usually met with in the September and December quarters the returns for the year should certainly afford very satisfactory reading. The season so far has been of a'somewhat mild nature, thus causing quiet times in one or two merchants' .lines. There is also a considerable body of unemployed in the country, but with the return of" spring and the resumption of operations a further improvement in the position should be seen. BUE.IDSIUFFS. As indicated in the quarterly figures, (he export for the past month in wheat has been very heavy, and it is said by private authorities to be even heavier than is apparent on the face of the Government statistics. According to the Government ligures the total export to the end of June was about 650,000 bushels, but private merchants are practically unanimous in condemning these ligures as being far 100 small, and place their own estimate at about 1,250,000 bushels to July 5, the latest date io which figures are available. The discrepancy is an important factor in the position; as, relying upon the supposition that export has topped the million bushels, and that the requirements for seed wheat will still further reduce the surplus, operators lmvc firmed the market till it, has now reached a level above exporters' margin. Even, however, according lo private ligures about another 500,000 bushels could be exported without unduly trenching upon supplies, but in the meantime export seems to bo declining. Holders are now very firm, and are slow of offering, being mainly content to wait for the rise thev anticipate". Hiding rates are about 4s 3d for velvet on I rucks at country stations, with a penny less for Tuscan—these rates, working out at about 4s 5d to 4s Gd f.o.b. (sacks extra). The association's tariff for flour is-— Sacks, £10 15s; 100's, £11; 50's, £11 10s; 2o's, £11 15s. The shipping p,.j co ;, .fjjg 10s f.0.b., and the Invcrcargill price is £11. The association's price for pollard stands at £4 10s. Bran is stationary at £3 15s perron. At present merchants are entirely dependent upon London for the extent of their operations. London has from time to time extended the period for which she would accept oats from the middle of June ri-dit to the present. Oats leaving the limit early next month will not arrive in England till after the harvesting of the Home crop, but that Ibis latter factor is not going to nave the effect some thought of stopping colonial shipping is now more than likely Another fortnight should be sufficient to show definitely whether or no there will bo a continued demand. It is to be noted that at the present Now Zealand has a surplus above requirements of 4,500,000 bushels of oats and it is entirely in the requirements of London that the -future of the market hes. .there appears to be a possibility that later 111 the season some demand may be experienced for shipment to Australia, as the position is said to be healthier for that consuininaliori. Closing rates are: A grade Cartons, Is'lid; R\ l s g'd to Is 10d; A grade sparrowbills, ls 10d; E's, Is 9dall f.0.b., s.i. Country offerings for B grade sparrows arc Is lid dependent on position, with other grades in ratio Feed oats ex sloro are worth from Is 3id to Is 4^d. Oatmeal stands at £9 10s, and pearl barley at £14 10s. I'ItODCCE ItEPOItT. In both butler and the season's output has been large, although the stocks held at the moment are less than those jit the same period last year. Cheese locally ha.s somewhat cased, while butter siiowa no inclination to take anv upward movement. Some comment has been made during the past month upon news received from I,o!hl'.mi that a serious objection was being made to the excess of moisture which was obtaining in colonial butters, lho'fniih cannot be denied, and is the result of a false economic policy of endeavouring to work up to Iho 16' per cent, limit imocsed by the London Chamber of Commerce, ll is to bo hoped, however, now that the warning ha .->" come in so pointed a fashion, that an improvement will be cil'a-tnd. In no lino has there been any (.'Xtiiemsnl, the month's turnover being ol fair volume upon steady price..'. Detailed (imitations are as follows:— Hull or. -Dairy pats, 9d: milled, gd lo 3id; separator pals, 10d; bulk, 10d; Taien and P-aninsiila mils. Hid (Jd rebate for cash): Taieri and Peninsula bulk, lljd. Lipf.s:.—Homo shipment, sid per lb; local lob, 6d lo 6kl per lb. Chaff.—Extra prime oaten, £2 17s 6d to £3; 111,'dumi to good, £2 7s. 6d to £2 12s W; light and inferior, £2 per ton (sacks extra). Straw.-Oaten, £1 15s; wheaten, £1 5s to £1 7s 6d (pressed, ex truck). Uiovor Iny, £2 10s to £3 per ton. Omons.-Caiusrliury, £4 10s to £5 per ton. Potatoes— D=r>.venis, £4; prime Up-lo-Dates. up to £3 la;; medium to good, £3 to £3 10s; _ inferior, £2 per ton (sacks in). hgg=—i''a;r supply; fresh, Is 7d; pre-sivv.-;i. l,i .*ui p a r dozen. l?Rr<.ii.--Rolls, Sid: fiitch.Es, 7d: hams, G;-l; bacon pig;, 43d; porkers, 4id. IV.ibrv.—lfens, 3s 6d per pair; v-vsiers, 3-. Cd to 4s; ducks. 3> to 3e 6d. I»»t 4s 6:1; turkeys—liens sd, gobblers 8d and 3d per lb, according to weight.

ALE AN'l) STOUT. I (Duty: 2s per gallon, or 4s per dozen.) Ihe following prices will be maintained I for the undermentioned brands of ate and I stout, and uiuicr no circumstances will those | rates lie departed from, and, further, no- ! thing under five cases is to bo sold at an j in-bond price, and no mixed five-caso lots | are to be sold at a five-case price: — Five. Lesser I case Quan-1 Lots lilies. Head's ale, pints ~: - . — S/6 Head's ale. quarts - .' .. a:!/ 3H/G Head's stout, pints _ 8/3 Head's stout, quarts .. 13/ ];|/;j Following is the agents' lift, of prices for other liraiKls, rhe quotations being for ordinary lots per dozen quarts, all dutv paid:~ Alo: Porter's Bull 12s 6d; "Foster's 12s; 'Pennant's. 12s. Stout: Porter's Bull Dog. 12s to IZs 6d; Burke's. 12s 6d to 12s 9(1; Hall's Boar',; Head. 12s; liter's, lis 9d; Tennant's, lls6d to 12s: Temiant's la«er beer, 7s 6tl for pints and lis 6d for quarts. Johnsons stout, (in quarts): T Five cases 12s; lesser quantities, 12s 6d; Dakar's stout, 12s 6d for quarts, 7s 9d for pints. M. B. Foster's Bugle brand ale: Five-case quart, lots, 12s; less quantities, 13s; livecase pint lots, 7s 6d; less quantities, Bs. SAGC'iXG AXll TWIXK. (Woolpacks and Cornsacks: Free.) Prices, ex store, are as follow:—4 Bin, 6s Gd; 44in, 6s. Twine—Seaming twine, Is 2jd to Is 4d; grey twine, Is 2d; medium twine, Is CAKW.ES. (Duty: Manufactured in British dominions, lid per II); foreign candles, 2id per lb.) The local manufacturers' tariff stands as follow;-.—Gold Medal and Exhibition, 6J,d; mining. GJd; Standard, 6?d; Composites (plain and fluted) and Magnet, 6d; Ducal Paraffin and superior Wax Paraffin. 6d; Brilliants, 6d; Adamants. sJkl; Prize. Medal, Electric and Rockets, sid. Theeo rates arc subject to a sliding scale of discount, according to quantity purchased. Ogslon's Aberdeen candles, 6£d to 6Jil. Price's brands — Sperm imported candles, 16oz 6|d; 15oz, 6£d. Oil CompanyPlain and fluted. 6id; carriage (B's and 10's), 7Jd; self-fitting (16's and 12's), 7id. CEMENT. (Duty: Manufactured in British dominions, 2s per barrel; foreign cement, 4s per barrel.) The tariff stands:—Under 20-cask lots, 14s; larger quantities, 13s 6d; colonial cement. 3s 6d to 4s per bag, according to quantity.. Competition is very keen between local and imported lines. DRIED FRUITS ASD JAMS. (Duty: Currants, raisins, figs, dales, and prunes, free; apples, apricots, peaches, pears, etc., n.o.e. 2d per lb. Canned fruits. 25 pe.r cent.; 37J.- per cent, if of foreign production in manufacture, Almonds and nuts, free.) Quotations uro as follow:—Figs: Layers and naturals, IJd to sd; boxes, '3s 6d to is 9d per dozen. Prunes. 3d to 3£d for 60's— 70's; packets, 5s 6d; pitied, 3Jcl for bulk and 5s 6d in lib packets. Frimlcy pie fruits: Apples, halfgallon, 10s; gallon, 19s. Peaches, halfgallon, lis; gallon, 21s 6d. Plums, halfgallon, 10s; gallon, 19s. Seeded raisins, 4s to 4s 3d. Currants: Cleaned Amalias, 3d; cartons, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; ' ordinary 2Jd; packets, 3s 9d. Sultanas—Smyrna, bulk 3d to 4d, according to quality; cartons, 4s 3d to 4s 6d; Memos, 3d; Lexias, brown, 3d; extra. 3|d. Dates, in bulk, 2sd; cartons, lib, 3s 9d to 4s; 1 Jib, 5s 3d to 5s 6d. Jordan almonds (in short supply), 26 k\ to 2s 5d per lb; Cicily almonds, Is 2d to Is 4d. Malaga muscatels—Trays lOd to Is; boxes, 9£d to 10id; Californian muscatels— in 51b trays, Ed, and in 101b trays 7d. Barcelona nuts, sjd; Brazil nuts, Bd. Evaporated apples—Bulk, 8d for 50'sj lib cartons, 8s 6d per dozen; packets, 9jd. Californian canned fruits:—Pears and peaches, second standard pears, 9s 3d; peaches, 9s; water pears, 9s; water peaches, 9s. . Jams and preserves—" K" lib tins .assorted jam, 4s 6d; 21b tins, 8s 9d; 71b tills (net weights), 4Jd; 21b glass jars, 13s 9d; lib glass jars, 8s 6d; preserved fruits, extra standards (gal assorted), 19s 6d; proserved fruits (igal assorted), lis; 21b glass jars marmalade, 15s; lib glass jars marmalade, 7s 9d; lemon cheeso, lib glass jars, 13s 6d; lemon cheese, 71b net weight tins, 10|d;' tomato puree, 2ilb tins, 9s; tomato sauco (pints), 7s; tomato sauce (quarts), 13s. Morton's strawberry conserve, 19s per dozen (glass jars); Keillor's marmaladelib 7s 6d, 21b 133 6d. Robertson's Golden SJired marmalade—lib jars 9s, 21b jars 16s, lib tins 7s, 21b tins 13s. Crosse, and Blackwell's marmalade—lib jars 8s 9d, 21b jars 16s 6d, lib tins 6s 9d. Robertson's Silvor Shred marmalade—9s doz. "K"pie fruits, ifjal; and gals assorted, lis, 19s 6d; sliced peaches, 12s 6d, 22s 6d; whole peaches, lis 6d, 21s; nectarines, lis 6d, 21s; plums, 10s, I 19s; gooseberries, lis 6d, 19s; apples, lis 6d, 193; damsons, 10s fid, 193. All packed in heavy syrup. Nelson jam, (21b net), assorted, 12s 6d per dozen. rxsn. (Duty: Dried, pickled, or salted, n.0.e., 10s per cent.; 15s per cent, if of foreign production or manufacture; paste, 20 per cent, ad valorem; potted and preserved (not including sardines), British 2d per lb, foreign 3d per lb; sardines, 2d per lb, not preferential.) Quotations are:—Star brand mullet, 5s 6d to 5s 9d, according to quantity. SalmonBest flats, lis to lis 3d; best tails, 10s 3d; best Jib flats, 6s 3d. Hod and white herrings in tins: White (selected fish), 24's, 38s per dozen; 100's, 20s to 22s per case. Beds, 24's, 29s per dozen; 100's, 19s 6d per case. Sardines—i's, 6s to 6s 6d; i's, 3« 9d to 4s. Koyal—i's (smoked), 4s 9d to ss; i'sjsmoked), as 6d to 8s 9d. King Oscar— i's* 5s for 5-easo lots, 5s 3d for less; i's, 8s 6d for 5-case lots, 8s 9d for less. Herrings: Fresh, 6s 3d; in tomato | sauce, 7s 6d; and kipper, 7s 9d. Codfish, SJd in 21b blocks and bid in strips. Findon haddocks, 9s 9d to 10s; bloaters, 8s; Morton's ling, 6|d; Hay's.ling (in cases) fid, half-cases Oi<l to bjd, according to qualities. OILS. (Duty: Kerosene and other oils, free.) Prices for tho following oil spirits are:— Naphtha, Is 4tl; motor spirits; Is 4d; benzine, Is Id; turpentine, 3s 6d to 3s 9d, according to quantity, Tho WaJkune, with 35,000 oases of various oils, is now fully due, Kates are: Hid ex ship, and Hid ex store. She will be followed at intervals by the Baniiocldiiirn, which left on June 21 with 190,000 cases, and tho Bantu iintf Tweeddale. Local castor oil quotations are:—Pints, 7s; half-pints, 4s 3d. Beaton's, 7s 6d for lOoz and 4s 9d for soz. Coarse' castor oil, 3s in drums and 2s lOd in half-cases. Tho current quotation for linseed oil is: Haw 3s Id, boiled 3s 2d. Lucca oil-C and B, 54r, for quarts and 22s for pints; Morton's, 245. ( METALS. (Duty: Iron, plain, galvanised, sheet, or hoop, 30<s per ton;. 36s per ton if of foreign production or manufacture; iron, malleable, in market lengths, as iron bar, etc., free; 20 per cent, ad valorem if of foreign production; fencing wiro and barbed wire, free.) For pig and sheet lead the price is now 19s bd and 23s 6(1 respectively. Current quotations are as follow:—G C roofing iron, £22 lo £22 10s. with the usual extras for Orl of 10s. Bar iron, £11 10s for 10-ton lots, up lo £12 10s for smaller quantities. Shoeiyg bars: BB H, £15 10s; N'ctherton's, £H 10s; and ordinary brands £11 10s to £12 10s. Hoop iron, black £13 10s to £15; .galvanised, £22 to £23. Wire nails, £16; black wire, ordinary gauges' £9 15s per ton; barbed, £14 lOs" 'galvanised, £11 15s — special 'rates for quantities' in all rases. Wire netting, &2C 10s per milo for milo lots; lesser quantities, £22 10s per mile. Steel plates, £12 to £13 10s; steel angles, £12 to £13. Galvanised iron, plain, 24s to 25s 6d—with the usual concession of Is per owt for lOcwt lots. Tig iron, £5 5s to £5 10s per ton. Tee bars, £13 10s. Whito lead. 29s to 30s per cwt. Block tin: Colonial, la Sd; English, Is 6d. Club cartridges, 10s 6d to lis 6J. oiniKs'a Sloans, etc. Baking powder—Borwicks small tins 5s 6d, largo tins 10s 9d. Black-ing-Day and Martin's, 3s 3d to 3s 6d. Blues-Reckitt's, bag .blue (1 gross boxes), Us 6d; 10 boxes or over, 8s 3d; square blue. (121b boxes)) 7s 6d, 10 boxes or over 7s 3d; Keen's bag- blue 7s 6d per gross; squares 71, dto 3d. Curries-Mor-ton's, 5s 6d; capers, 5s 6d. Beans—Haricot beans, 20s; French beans—lib tins ss, 21b tins 8s 9d. Cofi'ee-Paterson's camp coffee, 12s; Symiugton'i; coll'co essence— five-case lots 12s 3d, one-ease lots 12 6d; Branson's essence, Us 6d. Cocoa-Fry's homoeopathic, 10 boxes Is 4d, lesser quantities, Is 4id; concentrated, 3s 2d; soluble, Is k\. Drugs, Chemicals, Patents, etc.—Soda orystals, £5 10s to £6 per ton; bicarbonate of soda, 10s; citric acid crycUills (Ulb tins), Is lOd to 2s per lb; tartaric acid (Mil) tins), powdered, k 3J<l; crystal, h sd; Morton's 141b cream of tartar,'isFrench, in ktffs, Did to 9Jd, accordiii" to percentage; Camphor (loz blocks), 3s 6d to _4s pe, lb: Elliman's embrocation (Universal), small 10s, medium Ms, la.-ge 21s; Royal, small Us, largo 255; Cooper's fluid disinfectant |20oz bottles'), 275, toz bottles IC*. Senior's linoleum reviver (case lots) 6s, less 8s 6tl. Medicine?, *tc.-\Vood's Peppermint Cure,, small 13s od dozen, large 22s 6d. Pennington's Irish Moss, lis. Siegol's Syrup, No. 1

six-dozen lots, 16s; lesser quantities, 16s fid. v No 2, six-dozcu lots, 28s (xl; lesser quantities, 295. Pills. 13s 6d. Warner's Sato Cure, 48«, Pills lis. Kmz.e's liuid magnesia, _caso lots, 8s; smaller quantities, t'l 6d. Kcaiing's insect powder. 3s 6d for small, 6s for medium, lis 6d for largo. Epsom salts, Is 6d [or boxes. MatchesBell's Hcyals, one case 9s 3d, less 9s 6tl; plaids, one case 5s 9d. less 4s; 25P's, five cases lbs, less 16s 6d. ConiHour, etc.-Arrowroot (St. Vincent brand). Cd per lb. Macaroni, and vermicelli —Kinoldi's (lib carton*) 4id per lb Italian (410 boxes), 4jd. Xca\c's food,, six iluzen and over, 9s 3d: lesser lot;,. 9s fid. Force food, 22s fid tier case. Brown's maize. 16 boxes, 2°d; !i boxes. 25d; 1 to 4 boxes, 3d; Brown and Poison's maize: 15 boxes, 2Jd; 5 boxes, 3d; 1 to 4 boxes. 3.U1. Brown's patent: 10 boxes. 3d; 5 boxes. 3;d; 1 to 4 boxes, Sid. Brown iind Poison's Indian: 5 boxes, 5,! d; lesser quantities, sa<l. Duryca'p inaizena: 10 boxes, sd. less 5 per cent.; less than 10 boxes, sd, Challenge cornflour, 23<1 per lb:, Allan and llanbury's food, Ncs. 1 an<r2. 17s to 18s, No. 3 10s to lCs Gd: Mcllin'r food-large 25s fid. small 15s (xl. .Milk.—Swiss milk' (Milkmaid brand) is quoted at 6< 6d for five-cases an<l 6< 9d for less lots. Nestle's mill;, 6s; Ideal milk (unsweetened), ts l£d; .Murray's Highlander in half-gallon tins - (sweetened), at.4s per gallon, unsweoteiwd 3s 9tl, 20s per ca<-e; "Cowslip," lis, 18s od. Mustard—Colman's "l's 15s 6d. halves 7s Sd, quarters 4s 6d: D.S.P. 7's Is 3d to Is 3kl; Durham, 7d'j Sadler's quarters 4s 9d, halves 8s 3d. lib 16« 6d. Peas—Melbourne split peas, 18s; English split peas 22s per cwt; packet peas, less than gross, 4s; gross lots, 2j per cent, off; five-gross 10t5,.5 per cent. off. Green peas, 16s; Triniley peas (lib packets) 4s per dozen. Pickles.—Hay ward Bros., '8s 6d; • Thomson's "Purity" brand pickles, 7s i6d. Chutney: Madras—quarts 225, pints 13s 6d per dozen; Sun brand Chutney, in quarts, is quoted at 235. and in. .pints at 14s. Polishes.—Domsline stove paste (in tins, three dozen to the box), 14s 2d, 10 boxes, or over 13s 9d; Zebra pasto stovo polish (in tins, three dozen to the box), Bs, 10 boxes or over 8s 9d;' Zebra ■ grate polish, Id packets (ono gross Iwxes), 7s; 10 boxes or; over 6s 9d; Rising Sun. Stove polish, same.; Plato metal polish, 7s 3d; Cold JMedal polish, 7s to 7s 6d; Brasso, small tins, 7s 3d per dozen, ono gross or ovor 7s, largo tins 14s, half-gross or over 13s 6d. Brilliantshine— fivo gross lots 816, ono gross lots 84s, less . than ono gross 7s 6d per dozen. Field's " Blackquite," gross lots, 4s, less 4s 3d. Nixey's knife polish, Boot polishes: Everett's Jctta polishes 3s 3d for small tiize, and 6s for large. Nugget polish, small tins, 33 9d per dozen, large tins 7s per dozen, small outfits 13s od, and largo 21e per dozen; Two-ui-one, 9s 4d; Court—small 3s 6d, large 6s 6d; Kecord— small,3s 6d, large bs 3dj Everett's.6s 6d to 6s 9d for large, 3s 6d to 3s 9d for small; Abbey, 4s 6d for medium and 2s 6d for. 6mall; for Durbar 2s 3d, 4s, and Bs,, Starches—packets, 10s cases or over 355, under 10 cases 365, boxes 37s and 38s; Ecru starch (six dozen boxes in oaso) 5a lie." dozen; Kobin 6tarch (caso six dozen boxes), not less than 5s per dozen; Colman's Sid to Sid. Sauces: Flag tomato sauce, 7s; Mellor's (5 cases) 12s, ono case 12s 3d, Jess 12s od; Lea and Pwrhis—largo 24, small. 13s 9d, Spices: Nutmegs, Is 2d to lo 6d; mixed spico (loose- loz packets) Id, 41b boxes (loz packets) Is; Morton's spices (41b, boxes) Is 3d, Morton's Spanish olives-pints 21s to 21s 6d, half-pints 13s • ground ginger, 8d to lOd; white pepper,' 9d to lOd; black popper, 8d to 9d; clvratalUsed' ginger, 7id; cloves, Is 3d. Vinegars- ' Champion's brown (10 cases and upwards) 9s 3d, lesser quantities 9s 6d; crystal (10s cases) 9s 9d, lesser quantities 10s 9d. Sundries. Bathbricks, 2s per dozen; clothes pegs,. 4s Stl; lamb, 25 sr 'o] oto oysters, 8s; Taylor's Old Port Cheese 15s; Quaker oats, 22s 6d; dessicated cocoanut—chests 4d, half-chests 4jdpackets 5s 9d; packet hops, lid to Is' w-Jiiting, 5s 3d to 5s 6d; hemp seed, 22a owt, small lots, 2i<l per lb; canary seed 22s per owt; Dutch caraway seeds, 73d to 8d; linseed, 225. eick. v (Duty: Free.) . Quotations: Ono Star, £14 10s; Two Star, £15 per ton. SAGO AXD TAPIOCA. (Duty -j IW.) Current quotations are les fxl foT eago and i 14s fid for pearl tnpioca. SALT. (Duly: Free.) We append tho selling tariff arrailgcd M between the wholesale and retail houses for Otago and Southland:— Black Horse Salt. Fine. Coarse 5-ton lots, per ton 82/ 72/ 1-ton lots,, per ton -..- So/ . 75/ Lesser quantities, per cwt d/ 0 4/ jjiTcrpcot Liverpool Coarse Fine aud and Pig Coarse. CastloFino. Per Ton. Per Ton. 10-ton lots GO/ 70/ 5-ton lots •. .. ; 621 , : . . 70/ Won lots . 65/ ■, 75/ Per-Cwt. Per Cwt, Lesser quantities 3/9 .. ~, .1/3 Parcels may be mado of mixed lots. Quotations include cartage to any point within Duncdin or suburbs. Tho Salt Company has undertaken not to supply any wholesale firm which does not abide by a tariff agreed upon by the majority. It is also understood that tho imports of Liverpool salt, will bo kept within a certain < limit, so that proportionate quantities of Liverpool and Adelaide may lie sold in tho Dominion. t SOAP. (Duty: Yellow soap, 5s per cwt; 7s 6d- per, cwt if of foreign production, or manufacture; fancy soaps, 25s per cent, ad valorem; 37 J- per cent, if of. foreign'production or manufacture.) The local manufacturers' tariff stands as follows:—Laundrine, Elaino, and Blue Mottled, £24; Queen, £23.; Prize PaJe, Prize Medal, and Golden Dawn £22; Laundry, £21; Milling and Four Crown, £20; Three Heart, £19Three Crown No. 1, £16; Household, £15'; Plireo Crown No. 2, £15; Magic, 17s 6dVictory, 14s; 1.X.L., 12s. Swan floating soap, 14s per box; Lover's dry soap, 11a 6d for 10-box lo(«, Us 9d for lesser quantities. Lover Bros.' Vim, lis for singlo cases, (three dozen) and 10s 6d lor 5-caso lots. Lever Bros.' coal-tar and glycerine soap, 5s per box 0 f ono dozen tablets, or at 4s 6d as part of 10 boxes; and Yc Gocdo Brown Windsor at. 10s and 10s 6d per box of 72 tablets; Lover's Divan soap, 7s 6d for 10-oaso lots, and 8s for .lesser quantities; Lover's oatmeal soap, 5s 6d for 10-ease lots and 5s 9d for lessor quantities. Sunlight soap, 10 boxes, 21s 3d, less 2Ls 6d. Lover Bros.' skin soap, lis 6d for singlo boxes a.nd lis as part of 1Q cases. Barilla soap (Christie's) is quoted at from 3s to 3s 6d per dozen- tablets, according to quantity. Lily washing tablets (three dozen), 8o Mid upwards; Ss 6d smaller lots. Pumicine -five cases, 9s; ono to four cases, 10s. Hudson's extract, 38s per cwt; boxes, ss. SPIRITS. (Duty: Bulk, 16s per gallon; proof, bottled, 16s per gallon.) Tho following prices will bo maintained for the undermentioned brands of spirits, and tinder no circumstances will these rates bo departed from, and, further, nothing under fivo cases is to bo sold at an in-bond price, and no mixed five-case lots arc to bo sold at a five-case prico:— i'ive-caso Lesser Lota. Quaniiiies. Hennessy's X brandy .. :!7/6 C 7/0 Hcnnessy's XXX brandy 50/0 82/0 Denis Mounie brandy.., 33/9 C2/G Wolfe's schnapps .. 21/0 uijO J.D.K.Z. 2ga! Geneva . 10/G 40/0 J.D.K.Z. 3gal Geneva . 14/0 67/G J.D.K.Z. 4gal Geneva .. IG/0 ■ ,75/0 Sir It. Burnett's Old Tom gin .... . - GO/0 o o ci o t, 'Z V» i■/ S3 § 0 .'s 0 t, ?. H-4 mC? Bp.axdv— Boomerang 21/ 22/2 55/ BiEqiut du Boucho . 22/ 22/2 53/ Arboitin Marclt's - 31/ 02/ Martell's - - 3G/t037/ Gi.v~ Gilbey's dry gin , 11/ 15/ 45/ Wiuskv— Mitchell's Healhcrden 10/ 20/ 40/ A. & \i. ilaclrny's whisky 19/ 20/ Jf/ Dawson'a v:hisky . 20/ 21/ 50/ Haig & Hoig's il-star — 20/ 48/ Crai7ford's whisky . — 21/ 52/ Walker's Red Collar .. — 55/ Buchanan's Black and White .... - - 53/ Burke's 3-slar IG/ — .10/ Burke's Irish . . ]G/ — ,]C/ Boll's Perth whisky .. 20/ 21/ — The tariff for Dewar's Special Usher's 0.V.G., White Horse, D.C.L..' Walker's" W.W., Gaelic, Old Smuggler, Buchanan's House of Commons, Watson's No. 10, and Whito and Maekay's is: Ten case-:, 21s (in bond); fivo ca»cs, 22s (in Ixind); lessor quantities, 52s (duty paid). Whiskies at per gallon: Thorn and Cameron's Old Highland i's, 7s 3d; octaves, 7s 6d; Brown's" Four Crown, 7s to 7s 6d; Lochicl, 7s 6d; Ben MacDhui, Js, Case whiskies: Usher's

Special Reserve, 22s 6d; fcindorson's, ;>(>;• Dunvillc's, lCs Gil: Burke's, 17s. Other quotations: Geneva's Key whisky— two [ralloiifl fJ3 6d, three gallons lis 6d, four gallons 13s 6d; Gilbcy's sclmaaps, 15s to 15s 6d; Lemon Hart's rum, 4s to 4s 3d per pillon; Lamb's Imperial rum, 4s to 4s fcd per gallon; Lamb's Golden Grove, rum. fe to 6s 3d. Silvers!ream sohmiaps, 4P.s per case. Sparrow echimps —livo-caao lots. to. per caie (in bond); less quantity, <4s per case (duty paid), o/jcordinjr to quality. O.T. punch, 47s 6d per case. SVJGAII. (Duty: Free.) Price* are: Finest whites (Xo. 1 and No. la), £16 5s per ton for three-ton parcels; £16 10s for one-ton parcels, and £16 15s for smaller quantities, with proportionate rates for ciilh}, icing, castor, and ration; browers' crystals, £1 per ton extra. Syrup and treacle: Svrup—2V. 5s to 5s 3d; 4's, 9s to 9s 3d; 7's 21s 6d to 2?,5; 56's. 17s to 17s fid. Treacle: 2's, 4s 61 to 4s 9:1: 4's, 7s 6d to 7s 9d; 7's, 18s to 18s 6d: 56's, 14s to 14b 6d. TOHACCO. (Duty: 3s 6d per lb.) The agents for all the tobaccos controlled by tho llritisli Empiro Trading Company liavo agreed in future to strictly adhere to tho company's tariff, and concessions hitherto given to retailors in the shape of mixed cases will bo withdrawn. Brands of equal value will, however, bo allowed to 'bo included in tho ea-mo package- (for cut tolaccos only). Wille's Golden Poppy is quoted at 2s 5d for 51b or less, at £s 4d for 501b, and at 2s 3d for 1001b or more, all in bond. Tho T. C. Williams tarilf. stands at follows:— One Leaser Caso Box QuanBrand. Lots. Lots, tities. Victory (aromatic) fif 2/2 5)1(1 Diadem : ~«•'!!/ 2/2 5/10 Nosegay ... « ...'3/ 2/2 5/10 Jtojal Colours .. „, 2/ 2/2 5/10 Golden Eagle .. „, % 2/2 5/10 Lucy Hinton „ _ 2/3 2/3 6/ Ruby , .. 277 2/8 6/4 Welcome Kuggot ~. 2/7 2/8 (itf In Bond Prices. 01b. 50lb. 1001b. Victory .. ~ ~, « 8/i a/3 3/1 Dißdom «.,«'. BM W '3H Lucy Hinton ~ .. 3/7 3/0 3/1 Wolcomo Nugget .. 3/10 3/9 3/7 (Tho last four quoted lines are in 2oz dec. tins, with hinged lids.) Tho T. C. Williams Company Golden Eagle-Cut Gold liars-is quoted at ts 9d for 2oz tins, ltoyal Salute, tobacco, light and dark, in 2oz tins, in quoted at 33 3d per lb in bond. Current quotations for other brands are as follow:-Dorby, Is 9d to Is lOd; Harlequin, Is Sid per caso lota, Is 4Jd for box lots; ss, duty paid, for lesser quantities. Dorby mild tobacco, in 2oz tine, is quoted at 6s 9d, duty paid. First Water Aromatic, Is 9d to 2s: Triumph (dark), Is 2xl to ls-4d. White Rose tobacco-Caso lots, 2s 2d; box lota, 2s 4d. Tbo tariff of tho British-Australasian Tobacco Company 6lands as follows:— Less thou Five One One one Cases. Case. Box. Box. H&vclock— Dark plug . 1/81 1/9 1/W 1/105 Aromatic plug .. 1/11 1/11 2/1 213 Havclock.—Dark, 2oz and 4oz tins, hinged lids, from 3/ to 3/3. Havclock.—Mixture, 2oz and 'ioz tins, hinged lids, from 3/ to 3/3. Havclock.—Mixture, 2oz air-tight tins, from 3/3 to 3/6. Juno tobacco:—Five cases, Is HA; one, case, Is 6d; ono box, Is 6d; lesser quantities, lo bid Red Jacket: Cases, 2s lid (in bond); 251b lots, 53 2d (in bond); and la 3d for smaller lots. Weber's Swiss cigars in packets of 250, 17s per box. WILLIAM E. HBYKOLuS & CO.'S DUXEDIN MONTTILt' ItEI'OKT. AVo repc-rt ar, follows for the mouth, ending July 17, 1903:—Gocd winter weather has been experienced during tho last few weeks. For Iho last fortnight there hive been fir.e, bright days, with hard irosts at night, which should prove ber.otieia! 1» the ploughed ground, and put it in splendid order forjircparing for the ppriiig sowing. Export trade ba.s heeir brisk iii alt lines of produce and grain, and with ninro freight available and; a good douuim.t merchants hr.vo had a busy month. This is reflected in the export -xcturns, showing an inoroaso of one million and a-balt for the Jnv.c quarter compared witli last year. Wheat.—June exports wero the honvicst,lor a long time psist, bo much eo that tho question arose as to whether tho export surplus for i-he scisoii had been already shipped or not. Tliia Ins xcsiiltod! in a, tinner nir.rket, both Ir-Jiu the fact Unit growers showed less disposition to foil, and rlso that local millers liavo recently shown more readiness to buy. Tho position at the moment is that local values arc inclined to rulo above export parity, and consequently shipping business is to-day- praoticiilly nil beyond contracts already fixed, and it remains to bo scon whether ,tho inrraors and local buyers can hold the market ajiinst tho export merchants. Personally wo are of opinion, that n, fair quantity is still aiM-iloblo for siiipment, and that pricc3 wilt sooner or Inoex again conio to export valuo. Wo quoto values to-day :—L<mg■berricd <s 7d, short-berried is (id, fowl wheat its pox bushel of- GOlb, sacks weighed in, net MSii, i.o.b. Oats.—Tho Juno shipments to the United IGugdoun wero exceptionally heavy, bringing up tho-total for tho three months to 1.603.0U0 bnshols. By the ornl- of (his month the season's shipments will- probably reach 2,400,000 'bushels. Tho export surplus -for the season is estimated at six to seven million, bushels, so that there is still a largo quantity to be disposed of. English merchants displayed some hesitation for a time- to buy for later •shipment than June, tho reason probably Turing that any after this time would arrive just as 'Jio harvest in tho Northern Homisphero wa3 available. Their llrisgivmgs luu'O now-ovidontly- b«a>ovcrcoine, and ooneidcrablo buying lias bocu done tor ,Juiy and August shipment. Freight is now eoßu»«hat moro plentiful, unl-a goal volume of business could bo done, but another diffi- , cully.-has.ariscut This .is-a tendency on tho a>art of growers to hold back their offerings jn-tho-liopes of higheii.pricos ruling] la-tcd on. The -London demand cannol last for evej. and as wo "liavc such » largo surplus still .to honu"-it will bo a lmsforinao-if merchants 4avo- to,-uri39 t-lic-opportiuuiji oftsliipping tho oats a\ray triroTie;li tho action o! -tho larmcra. 'Wc-fttil to oeo hmy prices can bo-oiiicoted to ,go,.nruoh'lrigbcr, as»tho prcaeiriKlemiwid from Ujandoui is>)mi>rocctlonlcd ! in, the history of the trade, and) tho value* riitiDg in London are conaidxsrahly abovo tho Jionoat, mid sooner ■or later will oomo back. Wo quote values ito-day,r—A. grndo Gartons, Is lid to 2s; 13 fe'rado, CWtons,'ls Hkt; A.,gradc, Is lojd to Is ll<fi B giiKlo, ls-iKd lOd per bushel of 401b, Backw-weighed' in,oiot caah, f.o.b. Barlay—Tliis grairi.hus met -,yith a pooror domand _ ihia soason than for many years ipast, owing to tbe-aroa..uown bomg large and tho--yickl.goc<l. it almost ■all Uunr own tvay, anct ha,vo in oonscquonco 'bouglit only beat quality, lcaaaug a largo quantity of good and ordonaiy aval ting still ttvaaltble. Prices all roimd-are-so much lower tlia-n gTOwers have beon-cal-lcdiupon to accept of icocnt years that they- sooin slow to realise tho position mi conio down in value sulH«j°|itlj- to-allow export busmess to bo done. Trus. however, wo Uiink tho growers will yet 'bavo to face. Mcantimo wo quota .borf inafting, 3,>) ■&>, Root!, 3s; ordinary, 2s 9d f.0.b., ]w bushel of 40lb, sacks woighcd in. Peed and milling qualities arc in i»or demand at !o,wa- prices, Butler.—This is quito tho ctli-seasou as fur us export business ls concomod, and thcro is little -wo can add of intorost to onr last report. Tho winter is fino and open so iar. and Btoclrs of butter on hand ample. At tlio same timo no excess supplies come upon the market sufficient to cause any serious disturbance, in local price. Theio is still some business doing with Africa, but on tho aggregate it is small. We quote: First giudo factory up to l'id per lb, und in nonie eases R shado more for special brands. Cheese—The weaker tone in this market in London as reported by c.iblo recently has had an effect upon the local market to «, rather marked degree, owing chiefly to the lac! that too muoh medium size has been held in hand, for local uw.' The present setback ill price locally is i:o doubt only temporary, tor tho bulk of factories are now closed down for the winter, and we do not consider that there is any too much on hand with which to meet the douiaud from now on until new season's make, is again on tho market. Trice to-day 1,1115 be given at up to s,'d f.o.b. i'eeds—Tho inquiry is not so brisk as it usually is at this time, and it is perfectly evident that- retailers roe holding back j'rem ordering till tho las! mamont. A'ext month should sco the trade in full swing, and from what wc can gather ot this stage the sowing will bo somewhat above tho average. Itycjjrass — The inquiry lias been renewed, and a slight hardoning in prices ca-n- bo recorded. A fair amount of seed has changed hands during tho last few waeks, in addition to which, considerable bookings for export have been made. All things considered, the y.iai'.ict is in a mo.-o healthy condition than il has been for some time past, and holders lecit forward to the future with everv conii(.eiice. Wo quote to-day's values: 3211) :>eed •As Ctl; Mb. 3s 2d to 3s 3d; 2Sib. 3s; 21)1 b, 2s lOd per -bushel of 2olb, sacks extra. Cocksico;.—Tho market is stiil dragging, with a tendency to still lowor prices. Very little business is passing. Wo quote: 10-17lb machine-dressed seed at Gd lo CJd per lb, 1.0.b., sacks extra. Clovers.—The only trade doing is in cowgross. There is a fair domand for imported—cvid;ntly. a spcculnt-ivo one—caused by the low

ra-rge of prices ruling. There is also somo inquiry for colonial-grown, which is now offering moro freely. Imported white clover .-ind Alsikc are very quiet and slow ot sale. Finest quality colonial white is scarce, and commanding a, high price. Flour.—lhe tariff prices are still ;m----changed. There is a very lair demand, buyers realising that or.y change in values will prolmbly be upwa'rfk We repeal our last quotations: 2W», £10 Ks; lOJ's, £11iO's, i'll ss-; 23's. £U 10s, net cash, f.o.b. Oatmeal.—There is no alteration in (no price, bulk being quoted at £3 10s por {on of 22101b, with n tendency to a, higher price in the near future. Bran.—Tho price hss been reduced 10s per ton during Die month, and the tariff rate f.w stands at 70s, t.o.b. Pollard.—This has also Ijcen reduced, and is quoted at £4 10;, f.o.b.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)


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