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On tho fourth page of our Summary sheet to-<lay will ho found an account of the -press delegates' visit to Niagara, together with a report of Saturday's proceedings at tho l'olico Commission, and several local it-ems of interest. The Fine Brigade received a call at 6.13 p.m. yeetorday from the Hanover street incjioator, hut oil proceeding to the spot, between Hanover and St. Andrew streets, where the'lire lyas supposed to be, found : only a small crowd, .none oi the members of which could assist i-ii. tho, location of of tho fire —saiil to have been a chimney blaze. A sudden death occurred at 268 George street, a,t 1 o'clock on Saturday Jamea Gibson, it man 49 years of age, a butcher by occupation, had complained of feeling' umvetl on Saturday morning, ami reniaiuc'd! in bed. He was seen at 11.30 a.m., when he sosmed in good spirits, but when liis mother (with whom he. resided) went to his room a.t 1 o'clock she found him lying on Iris face, dead. l)r Oloss, wlio was called 'in, said that appearances indicated l an 'epileptic fit. An inquest will bo held at tho house in George (street at 11 o'clook this morning. Five patients died in the Hospital last week—Jajncs Sharkie, Lilian Aimsrs, Jessie Summers, Lucy Outrarn, and Agnes M'Olintocii. Of the 143 remaining from the previous weok 39 were (iiscliarged. Thirty, live persons were admitted during the week, and there are U2 at present in the institution. Mr Clement L. Wragge writes us as follows:—"As some people do not appear adequately to appreciate tho honour intended to prominent gentlemen by giving their patronymics to meteorological disturbances, and since we wduid not willingly wound' the susceptibilities of any man—and if we havo done so, salaam profoundly— a new plan will shortly be adopted. After ' Gibb 1 'las played his part, called in honour of the famous Jeric, and after ' Arnold' lias duly followed, timed to arrive near the end of July, i-he disturbance lliat later will affect the Dominion, will .be called by Die name of tho simple 'Nemo.' Thereafter titles will lie eullwl from the /Kneid, am! the Iliad will furnish many more. Old lather Anchfees shall pipa and sing, and immortal /Eneas occupy the'stage; while Priam in iiis sorrow shall weep from the west, and the perjured Sinon wail in remorse. It is claimed that the .method of naming storms has much to commend it. Farmers, for instance, experiencing good vain oar marl; tho event by the title of the disturbance ond enter it in their chronicles for future reference; while rather-bound vessels and ladies seasick canmot but. remember the pithy cognomen. lint if it is desired that tho system shall cease, so mote it be, good peoplo all—we would not offend you to aavo our life;—the winds shall blow and none shall name them. Then ' Gcntlo Bales' will smile again, and dear old Paulm wink tlio other eye. Pax vobiscum!" The Dutw&Sn and Suburban Danrymen's Association is considering the question of introducing- the coupon system in regard to customers, uud at tho annual meeting held on Saturday night the advantages of tho cash trading system a' applied tc the vending of mill; were set forth by Messrs Beissel and Barr. A resolution was carried that the incoming executive givo tho mutter its earnest consideration, In St. Paul's Cathedral yesterday afternoon, to a larj-e- congregation, the Very Rev. Dean Fjtchett delivered tho first o'f two looturos he has prepared on "Enstcrn I'orms of Thought: Karma or Retribution." Ihe reverend! gentleman was accorded an excellent hearing, and his statements, showing wide reading and considerable research, were received with every mark of attentionand approval.! About 5.0 young men were present at tho strangers' tea at the Young Men's Christian Association ltooms yesterday afternoon. Mr George Monetor (chairman of the Social Work Committee) presided, and extended a wclcomo to the members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew and iho St. Paul's Young Men's Bible Class, who were the guests of tho association. The Rot. Hoani 1 aiata gave an interesting account of the aims and efforts of the Young Maori party. Ho outlined tho constitution of the |a:rt;, and si>oko briefly on eomo of the inain articles. Tho educational and religious work which was being carried on was doing much toward tho amelioration Of the people The Rev. J. B. Suckling, forilieily a VM.G.A. secretary -in England J" spo . kc - f »' eoKilrimtcni as a soio rile lost clioijd," and Mr Vi 1 rlare sang "Hold thou my hand." win of tlho Haahoih licet, of Great King street, Dunod-in, tho Mowing -institutions benefit ; -Hanov„ Street Baptist Church Building Fund £ 0 m'.7<tT y - D " ncdi " Hospital', £in' n r<V R °? , or P |laM Go at Duwedin, »10j Dr Baruardo s Homes, £Iq.

Tho proposal to raise the firo insurance rates is not, apparently, to reach the practical stage, at anyrate, in lie meantime, the conference of Underwriters' Associations, now Bitting in Wellington; havingdecided that no increase, in rates its to bo njndo at present. It may l>o that, the proposal is merely delayed l for a time. . The following applications have licen granted by Mr Justice Williams:—For prq. bat;!: In re Hugh Patcreon, of Owaka, painter (Mr Adams); James Oasey, of Dunt'Jin, contractor (Mr (Man); Alexander Weir, of Mosgiel, labourer (Mr Callaway); Jane White, of Merlon (Mo- Cook); Jano Co'e, of Diaiodin (Mr Uilkison); John Thomas W-hitakcr, of Dunedin, gold miner (Mr A. ]). Haggitt); Oaileb Dungev, of Cambrians, farmer (Mr 31'Neil); William Ram-ay, of KaiUtngata, miner (Mr K. It. Stewart); Gcorgo Anderson, of Dunedin, retired farmer (Mr Dohunorc). In re Peter Aitehison (deceased): Petition for appointment of new administrators (Mr Stephens); order in terns of prayer. The handgag, containing money and documents, wliich Miss Bailies, a passenger for Port Chalmers by the steamer Athenic, dropped overboard as the vessel was coming alongside tho Wellington wharf on Tuesday, was recovered yesterday by Diver Dixon. It is now in charge of tho' secrolary of the Wellington Harbour Board. Tho following resolution was carried at tlio annual meeting of tho Dunedin and Suburban Dairymen's Association on Saturday night:—''That this association tenders ils hearty congratulations to the Hon. T. Mackenzie on his appointment to tho position of Minister of Agriculture, and wishes him a very long and successful term of oflicc." Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning a fira broko out in a building, consisting of two fi!io]fs and a dwelling, in John street, Balclutha. Tho building was the property of Mr- John Duthie. One shop was occupied by Messrs Bell and Lcedcr, bicycle vendors, and the other by Mr Duthie, fruiterer. The building was totally destroyed. The content* of the bicycle shop were saved, but Mr Duthie lost everything. Tiio last of dm debates in the first round of the. tournament organised by the Otago Debating Societies' Union was hold in tho Walker Street Mission Hall on Saturday ovem'ng. Tho subject of discussion was "That the Taste for Art, Music, and Literature is on. tho Decline in this Dominion," the affirmative being supported by the representatives of St. Andrew's, Messis D. N. MacDiarmid, JO. K., and P. Shaw. The law Society, upholding the negative, was represented by Messrs A. L. Weir, C-. A. Hall, amtF. B. Adams.' All tho spseches gave evidence of much intelligent study and careful original investigation of tho question. A largo number of opinions, obtained from leaders of the artistic, musical, and dramatic world of (lie Dominion, were quoted,chiefly to show tlmt tho Kstlietio taste of tho people- is not on the decline. The work of judging was entrusted to Messrs 11. D. Bedford (rcmotenting tho union', J. Itoid (St. Andrew's), and .7. C. L. Hewitt (law). In announcing a verdict in favour of St. Andrew's, MiBedford explained that the iuifies had not been unanimous, ono giving more points to the Law Society, but the totals awarded showed 569 points for the winners as against 547. In their opinion the debate had been of a very high quality. Very hearty votes of thanks wens accorded to the judges, and to the chairman (Mr J. G. Patterson) for presiding. Tho lawyers' Bay Hall was filled on Friday evening, when the locaJ league of Service held its fortnightly meeting. A deputation eouaistiiiig of members of the lndepsndeut Order of Kechabte from Duncdiin and Port Chalmers was present, and addressed the meeting in connection with a tent which that body intends to form in Port Chalmers. During tho evening songs were sung by Misses Cook and (tlenville, and recitations were given by several of tho younger members. In addition, there were two dialogues—one by li little girls, who each had something" to cay on tho words "' Sign the pledge," and the other an amusing one, in which tho parts were taken by Misses Glenvillo (2) and Cook, and Messrs Kay and Downss. Itwas iii-timutcd that the Rev. Mr Ward, Port Chalmers, woidd adwra-a the next meeting. • The i|U3irtevly meeting of the Methodist Central Minion was held on Wednesday evening in tha Stafford Streci Hall. Tho Kev. W. Siade presided, and there was a Knifes; illative gathering of mission officials. The circuit steward (Mr JBewloy) presented t>he Wilance sheet, c.-hich was read a,nd adopted. Encouraging reports were received from the Sunday school mid the various jtlier institutions connected with tho Mission. The members of the Mission aro looking forward with much anticipation to tho forthcoming evangelistic mission (o be conducted by University students. Tile dates finally fixed are from August 22 to August 29, inclusive. Messrs Todd and Tyson were appointed representatives to the Council of Churches. The important question cf nn vndepeaident Conference was then introduced, anil, after nn interesting discussion, the principle was nflirined by •rino votes to s.ix, wbilo three took a neutral attitude. Lepens on Quail Island have a reasonably good time of It, but tho monotony of their isolation must pall at timca (says an exchange!. However, they have the joy of knowing that on the mainland they have somo friends. In a letter from one of them to a lady, thanking her for*'an offer of j books, one of the lepers writes that read-Mi-g master and games arc always welcome. Draughts, ludo, and cards they have, also a gramophone and a phonograph, but now records will lie welcome, although tho writer does not say tho make of tti-a machine.). " Wo are very comfortable," ho j .'rites, " and we each have a one-roomed cottage, and get everything we want supplied to us. Our meals wo get from the caretaker, 60 wo do. not have to do nay .cooking; hut we do everything else ourselves." A person in Suva (Fiji), writing to a friend in Ohristehurch, •> nays:—" Suva is at present in the throes of uncertainty and expectancy in regard to mining. Prospecting for gold, copper, and oilier minerals is going on. Savtaal syndicates have betm formed, but so far no definite information is available. If gold is found and proves payable-well, there will be no holdin-; tho tropical isle. Several s okl ores have already bxn procured, but as to whether the. quantity is there remains to be proved by tho preceding parties who tire now out." A writer in the Auckland Star complains of tho decision of tiio Auckland Acclimatisation Soniely in introducing the red-legs, or i'reuch partridges, lie says that they are not sporting birds; they arc fast runnws and aro very diflicult birds to make rise, mid spoil oven tho very best-trained ibjis. These who havo large shooting in Kngland will not allow these partridges to livo, and if any aro heard ol—they sometimes go over from Franco, probably being blown across by a galo of wind—steps aro at once taken to exterminate them. Tho red-leg partridges, ho believe*, would be no better for sport than tho kiwi or wcka, and he, hopes that the Government will jrot allow the French partridge to bolaJided) in Now Zealand. The Hungarian partridge lie describes as a strong bird on tho wing, very hardy, and able to take, care of itself better than the English partridge, and for this reason, together with tho fact that it is an inexpensive bird to rear, it is a most suitalble bird for the arable lands of New Zealand. Some of these birds have already been imported, and aro doing well iri the Auckland province. They can be purchased at reasonable rate in any quantities in England, where they are doing exceedingly well. Lecturing to tho Aquajiuxu Society at Sydney, Mr C. Coles said that tho Dooming ol'tho bittern often gswo rise to n belief that a Inmyiip existed in certain marshes in Australia. Ho regarded the

bunyip as a mythical creature. Tim remark aroused two or three members who held oppor.ito views regarding" the bunyip. Messrs D. and A. S. Lc Souef stated that the bunyip had teen fully accounted) for. It was a seal which mads its way up tho rivers, from Ba?s Strait, and not a myth at. all. At certain times female seals journeyed up the rivers, and made their way into fhfl marshes, where they gave utterance to tho sounds that go alarmed the original inhabitants. Since, however, the«flls had largely disappeared from Bass Strait the occurrence of the .so-called bunyip had become rare. We have received 2s od from Miss Smith, Roslyn, in aid of the Calvin Boole Fund. Space will not permit us to do more than mention Hint the cheapest blouse flannelette at tho prico is to be obtained at Mollisons'— 25 picres fancy blouse flannelettes, 32(1 per yard.—Advt. We recommend for watch, clock, and jewellery repairs A. J. Shaw, 13 Rattray street. Absolutely the best in Dunediu.Advt. Tho saving of a penny or twopence in some instances is, no doubt, worth considering, but wc are convinced that the woman ol average intellect, particularly those with refined and cultured tastes, would not think of buying a hair pad stuffed with dyed wool and various rubbish because it was 2d cheaper than a. real genuine hair pad thronghoul. The "Belgravnj" (registered) pad is manufactured by A. M, fiondy, hair specialist, and is guaranteed pure hair throughout, obtainable in all colours; la. Every pad iB branded " Bclgravin" ; take no others. It your draper doesn't stock it send for it direct, post free anywhere.—Advt, To cope with the growing demand tor highclass jewellery, Messrs G. and T. Young, ol 88 Princes street, arc specialising in making up articles to customers' own requirements, using only tho finest quality atones, and guaranteeing the host workmanship. Designs prepared if required—Advt. For Influenza take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Never fails. Is Gd and 2s (id — Advt. For 6:1 it is now possible to buy a bottle of "K.P. Fluid "-(he reliable disinfectant used in public hospitals, etc. Guard against prevailing fevers by a plentiful use of K.P. l'luid in your kitchen, bedrooms, and outhouses.—Advt. Wao is I'etkii Dick?—Tiio most roliablo natcliinaker and Jeweller, opposite Coffee Palace, Moray place, Uuucdiu. CUuriieF rtnetly moderate.—Advt

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 4


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