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President. Mr Wm. Snow; vice-president sMcssrs John Neil, F. G. Hartley, E. M'Leod, J. Millei, and liobeit Nidd; Committee of Management—Mrs John Dow (Xev.-ton), M:-s Kotnpshell. Miss (Taurima). Messrs C. Low, li. XitW, T, A. White, G. M'Leod, \V. Bcuttic, J. Thomson, Chas. Mills, Fred. Parson?, and Tlios. B. Grant; lion, auditor, Mr I'. G. Hartley; secretary and treasurer. Mr C. Mills, Outran..

'l'he West Taieri Horticultural Society's ituitimn show was held at Outram on Saturday. The Jit-play was one of the best in the history of the society, a profusion of oho ice blooms, with a wealth of colour, making a' most attractive c.\hiitiosi. It is only about, u couple of months since the society held its summer show, and it. might bo thought that the autumn show would have suffered on that account. Such, however, was far from beint; the case, for the display was <roocl ami the public came to see it in large numbers, arid were evidently woll pleased. At iinvrate, it would ha vc been unwise to have held the show later, as the season is closing, and, as it was, some of the blooms —notably /in the rose sect ions -wore just a little past the best condition. Kntries all round were large, and the finality left nothing to lie desired. The cut llower sections brought, forward some splendid blooms, and it was a diliioult mailer at times for the judge (Mr I'' Senton) to distinguish l.vrweoii the nioritsof the various exiiiits. The two s:ands of cut llowers, the best of which was shown by Mrs .las. Dow who was a. largo oxiii!>i:<n- in this mid other departments, were a credit In the district. As already plated, the approaching fillMt of I lie SI-.1-OM had i'-s cll.'-i upon till- rose exhibits. Some were on I lie full side, but tlfre were others that weiv quite up to the mark. Sw;ot peas were likewise affected .-lightly by tie leceul of the w<-alhcr. ami did not. c-omu up lo tlio standard of lihl year's exliioit. Pot. planks were much in evidence, the exhibit iK-iug atxivc that of previous sho'.vs. The first pmo for foliage 1 hints fell lo tin aspidistra, t-liov.u by All's .0. 1 human, while a palm, the property of the same exhibitor, sccured the livst ticket in the class for specimen plants. 'J he second prize-laker was an uncommonly pretty exhibit, being a Bottgan villia, tbe (rrceit foliage making a nic-e. setting for the rink flower. The exhibition of vetreUbke. was such as any district rnighf be : roud of, the quality' all through being rarrk-»ii:n-ly gootl. Koine model potatoes IDaimiiey Beatify) were shown by Mr M. Wright in the class for six vhiro potalcc=, this entry securing prize against seven other exhibits. The class for six onions brought out il exhibits, anil those sliowti by Mr F. Parsons, a specially firm, uniform lot, gained the judge's verdict. Iho class fur heaviest cabbi.go t■vod>tooil gcuil competition, and sewed tins purpose of showing what Taieri soil is capable of gro'.'.'ing. ill' Jas. littii<!!o cavi'i"il (II uio prize with a splendid sample. The prize for the best collection of vegetables ako fell to Mr llundic. but the i-coml exhibit., by Jliss Bessie M'T-wl, w«s a very worthy on.?. The fruit section accounted for one c,f the liiiest dispays of apples that one could wish TO sea. It was an exhibit that would l»;i diflieult lo bud, soma of the fruit b"iug truly remarkable for size, lirmn<-ss. a.nd smootiin-ss ot skin. 11l the classes for cake, bread, honey, etc., competition was keen, and the judge (Miss Charters) had at times a. difficult task to single out the prize-wimi -vs. The prize list, wa.s as icHo-.vs: —■ C'UT Ii'LOWKP.S'. Jucr-c: Mr I'. S:aton i,Mo?gicl). Thro; a=t:rs, quilled. One entry-Mrs P. Dow 1. Three iin!er.-hima;is, three spikes. Three eJilrics—J. Miller 1 mid 2. 'ihre-2 {isior.--, other lhan (inillecL 'Jhrcc Jas. Dow 1, J. H. Mchol 2. £ix annuals, one bunch en each. Two cuirics—K 1, J. Miller 2. \h-w\)k One entry—Miss K, Kaupf!:CH 1. 'i'hr.n; ciitn?.tion«. Three onirics—J. S. Xichoi 1 :u:<l 2. Sim.!'; duliliiK-. Three varieties. One entrv 1. Crv.n.i t;«three varicijes. Two entries— Mi-'- KempsMl 1. A. Cnrnillievs 2. one : r pii:e ci Two en-trie?--.Vl.vs I). }•!. 0 runt 1, 'Mr.-: ,1a?. Dtr.v 2. Holh biennis. Two enlrias—Mrs J). K. Grv.r.i ]. Two ciiiiM-.hus. two bloom* cf each. Five enliiv'.-: -Mr; Ja-. Dow 1 ;uul 2. j2 othov ili'in annuals, one tru-s ('\ <,-».•!». Two enuk.-:—Mlvs Kcmt-vhi-ll 1, J - .:h. t)i;w 2. Tiirc.> g.-.anuims. one irtiss of earh. Two entries—i. A. "White 1, .Mrs G. it'Deuald 2. Three gladioli, one spike of each. One en-1 try—jlrs Jas. 1)0v.- 1. Three lilies, one spike of each. Two en-tries-Miss E. Xicltol l, A. Carrulliers (2. 'three nuirif;;)lcl=, Afrieiui variety. Two cntrles—llisj j a:r,if'-nn (equal) 1. Three pitunias, double. One entry—Hiss A. Carrnihers 1. Three i;e'dtnias single. One entry—Miss A. Ciinmliers 1. ■ 'litres |>eistomons. two spikes of each. Two entries—Miss A. Cdrrothcrs 1, Mrs Jas. Dow 2. Three pelargonituris, one truss of each—T. A. White 1. Six plilc;: drnmmondi, one truss of each. Two entries—Mrs Jas. Dow 1, Jas. lliller '1. Throe phlox herbacious, two spikes oi eacii. One entry—lii=s Ivempshell 1. Three tea roses. Two entries—Mrs D. K. Oraiit 1, J. S. Kichol 2. One 10-.e. imv varietv. Six entries—Mrs D. E. ("ii-ant 1," T. A. White 2. Four stocks, spikes. One entry—J. S. Nichol 1. .Six hunches sweet peas. Six entries-Mrs Jas. Dow 1, Mis A. Carruthers 2, iti-s Des-ie M'Leod 3. 'three verbena, one truss of each. Three entries—Jas. Miller 1. J. S. Xichol 2. Three zinnias, varieties, uvo entries-Mrs Jas. Dow 1. Urictnl hotitpier. Three entries—Miss J. C Day J. Miss 11 Kcmpshell 1. Ceni's butionhoie. iileven entries—Miss J C. Hay 1 and 2. Hand bouquet. Five cntries-JJjss J. C. Hr.y 1 a::d 2. Table bouciuet. Two entries-Mrs D. E. Grant J, Miss Kcmpshell 2. Dress spray. Six entries-Miss Kempshcll 1, Miss J. C. Iky 2. 1 Floral wreath. Five entries-Miss J. C. Hay 1. Mrs D. li. Grant 2 Gent's buttonhole, children under 14 years. Eleven entries—D. M'Oonald 1, W. M'Dona'd and E. M'Donald (equal} 2. .L'.isket. cut flowers, ehiklre.t! under Hvears. Seven i-nfries-B. M'DoiKim 1, Until White Basket cut (lowers, collection. Four entries —Miss Kcmpshell 1. Mrs Stewart 2. Two spikes, herbaceous or hull ous plants. Three entries—Miss A. Carruthers 1, Mrs Jas Dow 2.

Collection of dahlias. One entry—Miss A. CnrnUhcts 1. Collection cut (lowers. Two entries-Mrs Jas. Low 1, Mrs C. tow C. Collection geraniums, blooms. Four ontdies—T. A. White 1, Mrs G. M'Donald 2. Collection of lilies. On* entry-Miss E. Xicliol 1. Collection of sweet, peas, not exceeding 12 varieties. Two entries—Mrs Jas. Dow 1, Miss E. Kempshell 2. Collection annuals. T«o eniries—Mrs Jas. Dew 1, Mii-s H. Ivenipsholl 2. Collection roses, not less than four varieties. Four entries—Mrs D. i£ Grant 1, Mrs Jas. Dow 1. TOT PLASTS. Judge: Mr F. Soalon. Ore plant fuchsia, dark, double. One entry—Mrs Cattail 1. One fuchsia, l'-ght. double. One enlrv— Mrs G. M'D.enald 1. Ore fuchsia. sirgle. Three entriesMrs G. M'usmild 1. One (uehsia, any variety. Two entries—Jas. Miller 1. One abnte'on. One entry—Jflmps Miller 1. One begonia, foliage. One entry—Mrs G. M'Donald 1. One iKgcnia, tuber. Two eniries—Jas. Jli|. ler 1 and 2. One cactus. Two entries—Miss lvjinpshcll 1. Ja«. Miller 2. Ore geranium, double. .Five entries—Mrs G. IPDonald I and 2. One geranium, single. Seven eniries—Mrs G. M'Donald 1, .Ins. Miller 2. One geranium, Iri-coloiir. One entry—Mrs 0. M'uonald 1. One cer inmm. auv variety. Three entriesMrs <:'. M'Donald 1. One fern plant, maidenhair. One entryJas. Miller 1. One hydrangea. Two ei'tri?s—Mrs G. M'Donald 1. Pelargonium, ivy leaf, double. One entryMis G. M'DonnM 1. Pelargonium, show. Three entries—Mis G. M'Donald 1 and 2. IViatgoniimis. ivv leaf, single. One entry— Miss k. Kempshell 1. any variety. Ore entry—Mrs Jus, Dow 1. Foliage plant. Three entries—Mrs 1). Hannah 1. Jas. Miller 2. One petunia, double. Olio entry—Mrs 0. M'Donald 1. One musli plant. Oils entry—Miss Kempshell 1. Specimen plant. Six entries—Mrs D. Hannah 1. Mr R. Scott 2.' Pot plant., grown in open by bov or girl attending school in Tuieri. Six o»lries-Jti»s A. Miiligan I, F. Parsons 2. Utilising plant. Two entries—T. A. White 1, Jas. Wyllie 2. Colleetxn ierns, four varieties. One cntTy— Jas. Miller 1. Collection pot plants, four distinct genera. Three entries—Miss Kempshell 1, Jas. Miller VEGETABLES. Judge: ilr F. Scaton. Beans, long, 12 pads. One entry—l!. B. Nciil 1. Kreu-di beans, dwarf. 12 peds. Two eniries -li. Nidd 1. Beans, runner, 12 pods. Three entries— F. Parsons 1. Cabbage fit for table. Two entries—Jas. ltundlc 1. Cabbage, red. One entry—C. Twelftreo 1. Garrets, three, fit for t«b!e. Eight entries— K. M'Leod 1. C. Low 2. Carrots, three int.-rinediaie. Five entries— K. Cieveland 1. C. Twc'r.rec 2. Best, Irng. Four cntrrcs-Mijs B. Jl'kDd 1, A. Grant 2. Twelve e.-challots, giants. Two entries—F. Parsons 1. Kscbalio!..?. nests, one crown. Five entries —Jir. Ilni:d>. 1. F. Parsons 2. T-.vcivo etchallots. other than giants. Four cnirier—F. Parseiis 1 and 2. Kfehalotts, giants, one crown. Three entries—]■). Cieve'and 1 and 2. Two cucumbers, grown ir open. One entry—,lns. Bundle 1. Three leeks. Five entries—A. Grant 1, •Tohn I>v:: 2. ■Six white potatoes. Eight entries—F. M. V-.'right 1, J. Blair 2. Potatoes, Dcrwcnts. One entry—F. Docker fy 1. Two l.'cet, round. .Two entries—F. Parsons 1. Sis onions. Eleven entries-]?. Parsons 1, Mrs C. M'Donald 2. One pint onions, pickling. One entry—Jas. Bundle ]. Three parsnins. Ten cntries-J. Low 1, Miss 1!. M'Leod 2. Four sprigs parsley. Four entries—Mrs G. M'Donald I. I!. B. X e ill 2. Twelve peds peas. Nine entries—E. M'Leod 1. Mi-s Xemos'r.ell l>. Pumpkin. Occ entry—,7ns. Tiin:dle 1. Two lettuce. Three entries-Miss E. Nicol 1. Green kale. Five entries—F. B. Grant 1, ■la:-. Kuiiilie 2. One pint shelled peas. Six enirics-Ja?, Vtr.v 1. Jus. Jiund'e 2. f'.'voy. Five entries—T. B. Grant 1. A. Grant 2. Three warden turnips, while. Two enirie?— A. Grant 1. Vegetable morrow. Six entries—Kohl, Sen 11 1, Jus. Ifciiiilis 2. Four stalks rhubarb, red. Four eniries— E. MT.ccd 1. F. M. Wright 2. Ileavic=t r.ibbj'fe. Five entries—, Tits. Hmid.'e 1. Miss P,es=ie Jl'Lecd 2. Six heaviest onion-'. Five entries—A. Grant 1. Mrs John Dow 2. Heaviest pump!i:t;~.W Hundle 1. Four stalks hr:vi"st rhubarb. Three ontries—l'. M. V.'ri.eht 1 and 2. Heaviest vegetable marrow. One entrvE. I. Best basket vegetables. Four entries—A. Gr.uit 1. I3o:t collcclion of vcgoiable?. «rov;n by pxhibitor. ■ Two entries-Jas. Handle 1, Jfiss Bsssie M'Leod 2. Collection pots'oes. 'our varictiss. Tw.i entries—Clws. Low 1. Miss Bessie M'Leod 2. FRUIT. Judge: Mr F. Seatcn. Six cooking apples, one variety. Seven entries—Wm. Thomson 1. F. M. Wright 2. Six dessert apple-, one variety." Eight entries-F. M. Wright l, J. Toting 2. Twelve cocking plums, one variety. One entry—Miss Bessie il'Lecd 1. Twelve de=sert plinns, one variety. Four entries—Miss lu'inpshell 1. Win. Thomson 2. Bunch of grapes, dark. One entry—Xo award. Six pears, one variety. Two eniries—Mrs D. Hannah 1. J. Young 2. Six peaches. One cniry—,T. Young 1. Six tomatoes, grown in open. Five entries —I''. 21. Wright l,.J{. il. .\eill 2. Collection dessert apple?. Three entries— J. Young 1. Wm. Thomson 2 Collection cot,king apples. Four entricsF. M. Wright 1. \?|„. Thomson 2. Co!!ecli;>n of fruit on fray, grown by exhibilor. One entry-Mrs Jas. Fulton 1. Six honvicst ccraking apples. Four entries -Win. Thomson 1, F. M. Wright 2. Heaviest bunch of grapes. One cntrv— Mrs G. M'Donald 1. Six heaviest pears. Two entries—Miss Bessie M'Lcrd 1. Six heaviest tomatoes. One entry—F. M. Wright 1. PHKSEIIVBI) FRUIT. KTC. Judge: Miss Charters. Best honcycoui'i, one frame. One entry— Mrs I'rasur 1. •ffSSJJST • t "'" r " I J j)o,v" re:l ' 1 ' 21b ° r OVCT ' 0,10 c,lir> '~ JIr3 Yeast bread. 2ih >r over. Tv.-o entriesMrs Docherty 1 mid 2. . Plate pototo scones. Four entries-Miss l'j. Michol 1, Mrs J. Dow 2. Plate of girdle scones. Five entries-Miss Marion Thomson 1, -Miss T. M'l.cod 2. Plate of oven scones. Six entries-Miss 15. Xicliol 1 and 2. ■ fruit cake. Six entries—Mrs Ktanaway ] Mrs J. Littie 2. (linger cake. Nine entries-Mrs Mills 1, Miss K. Xienol 2. Plate of oat cake. Four entries—Mi=a Kempshell 1 add 2. Seed cake. Four entries-Mrs White 1, Mrs Stanaway 2. Five entries—Mrs Parsons Plate of pancakes. Three entries—Miss J. Kempshell l. iliss T. M'Leod 2. Fruit cake, amateurs. 1 Orce entries—Mrs Miiligan 1, Miss T. M'Leod 2. Plate ol shortbread. Four entries-Mrs S. M'Leod 1, Miss Nichol 2. One dozen liens' eggs. Two entries-Mrs J. Dow 1. Sponge sandwich. Two cnlries-Mrs Stanaway 1, Mrs Parsons 2. aKTA,;."" Collection tea. cakes. Four entries—Miss E. Xicliol 1, Mrs I ])ow 2. flection hotnc-mad» pastry-lliss. E. D' Si U'y||ie f 0 ' 0 "' 6 ' 1 fruit ' onc c»try—lvlrs Six >rs jam. One entry-Mrs Stanaway 1.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14472, 15 March 1909, Page 2

Word Count

WEST TAIERI SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14472, 15 March 1909, Page 2

WEST TAIERI SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14472, 15 March 1909, Page 2


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