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Tho Right Hon, Sir J. G, Ward is expected to reach Dunedin this ovening by the first express. He will proceed direct to Invercarjrill. A Prctsi Association telegram slates that tho Hon. Geo. Fowlds, who arrived in Auckland 011 Sunday, will remain there till the end of tlie week. It is quite evident. that t.he city will, at no distant, date, liavo to seriously consider the question of adding to its present water supply. Next week a visit to the Lee Stream district is to he made by the Mayor (Mr J. M'HonaM), Or Scott, (chairman of the Water Committee), and Mr Richards (city engineer). The 1 o'clock train from Oa-mavu was yesterday about 20 minutes late in reaching Dunedin. Tho engine had an exceptionally heavy Joad to haul, and it was only after about half a dozen attempts that it was a.bie to negotiate the big hill just south' of Waitati owing to t.he greasy nature of the rails. Six candidates for the position of cadet in the gas department of the City Corporation presented themselves for examination before the town elerk yesterday morning, The results will be forwarded to tho council at its next meeting, when no. doubt -fin afEOintiWMt wjll be, mag*.

The avorage daily attendajica at the Carnegie Public Library for tlio week oiided Saturday, February 27, was 430 persons. (During tho month'of February 11,684 perils visited the institution. The Fourth Battalion N.Z.R.Y. paraded at MSton on Saturday for fiokl firing and attack operations. Tho Bruce, Isaitangata, CUitha, and Popotimcxi. Rifles were represented, and a. sucoessfnl afternoon's ball practice at bidden targets, starting at 1400 yards, resulted in a good percentage of hits.

A London cablegram states that the exam'enera for the annual cra.minat.ion6 held in tho colonies under tho auspices of Trinity College of iMusio are tho samo as thos< cabled on April 10, 1903.

Tlio ordinary weekly meeting of the Otago Benowlent Trustees, hold yesterday, was attended by the chairman (Jlr W. X, Talboys), Messrs E. A. Tapper, J. Loudon and J. M. Gftllaway. The secretary reported that William M'Taggett, aged 75, had died in the institution since the lost meeting. Tbemonthly report-showed that tho outdoor relief cases for February included 39 men, 124 women, and 233<sliildren, a total of 396 persons, who wero relieved at a cost of £50 14s 6d, or 2s 6fd each. Twenty relief eases were dealt with, ltef erring to an application of a woman, whose two daughters wero employed l in a factory, the one at 18s and tlio other at 10s per week, the clkiwrmaii eaidi ho thought tlio trustees should take some exception in such, cases to giving relief, as tlio girls, if they wont to domestic service, would get the same wages, or more, and have their keep as well, and they would be able, under such conditions to givo more assistance to their parent. Consideration of Sir Tapper's motion re tho removal of tlio Hospital laundry to the Benevolent Institution was postponed for a week. In moving the adoption, of the annual report and balanco sheet of tho Standard Insurance Company yesterday, the Hon. Thomas Fergus {chairman of directors) drew attention to the fact that the income for the year had been £113,02? 2s Id, tho expenses £97,456 2s lOd, and that from tho balance of £15,565 19s 3d tho usual dividend for tho half year ending June had been; also that a payment of a further dividend for the half year ending December at the usual rate of U per cent., with a bonus of 2i per cent., lmd been recommended ; thus making a return of 10 per cent, to the shareholders for the year Telegraphing yesterday our Alexandra. South correspondent says:—"A'ory warm weather is being oxporicnced an Central Otago just now, and tho farmers are busy cutting their crops. Fruit is ripening quickly, a.nd growers ore busily engaged in picking and forwarding it to market. The f quality of the fruit this season is said to bo exceptionally good." The circumstances under which Joseph Patrick Jackson, was arrested at Alexandra on Saturday morning on a charge of forging and uttering a cheque are tlnis set out by our correspondent:—"He was arrested by Constable, and it is alleged that ho obtained a blank cheque from a local business man, and tilled in tho samo in tho name of another resident of the district, and cashed it at another house. On tho cheque being presented at tlio bank it was found that there was no account in the namo of the person whose signature was affixed to tho cheque. The amount was £9 6s, and although tho accused l got away, lie returned again, and was arrested as reported. He was brought before the justices yesterday morning, and was remanded to appear before the magistrate on Monday next."

Tho charges to which insurance companies are subjected' by tho Fire Brigades Act were mentioned at the annual meeting of the Standard Insurance Company yc6tcrday. The Hon. T. Fergus (chairman of directors) stated that owing to this cause and to the exceedingly low rates ruling, tlio business in New Zeiuaml hat? resulted in. a loss. Shareholders might bo surprised to learn that under tire powers conferred by this act companies in the Dominion were called upon to. contribute to the fire brigades up to 20 per cent, in one case. In the chef cities, where levies wero made, tho charges ran from 6.20 per cent, up to 8.27 pel 1 cent. This was a sorious tax upon companies. The following iC3o!ution was carried at tho last meeting of tho Dunodin and Suburlran Labourers' Union:—"That tho members of this .union who are ratepayers pledgo themselves to vote for no future membsr of tho Drainage Board who supports the employmont of any but white labour, and will do their best to induoe other ratepayers to do tluj same."

Tho Organ Committee of tho Christchurch City Council litis decided to try tlio experiment of giving Saturday afternoon rccitals. Some little time ago those givon by Dr Brads-haw in Iho cathedral not only greatly enjoyed, but were very largely patronised, nnd the committee thinks chat with such a. magnificent organ as tho city possesses it is only right that every opportunity should bo given to the public to hear it. Two recitals by Dr Bradsliaw, the city organist, have been flxod to tnko plaoa during March. A young man on cruiohcs appeared before Mr M. Y. Widdowson, S.M., at the City Police Court yesterday charged" with ha,vi ing attempted to commit suicide at St. Ciair on November 18. Sub-inspector Norwood said the occurrence took place between 3 and >t a.m. on tho day in question; Accused had lost ono foot, and owing to his sensitive nature he suffered acutely from tho thought that he would bo useless ia this world. He had gone to tho beach and shot himself. lie then went to the Central Battery and told thorn there. A policeman was sent for, and aocu&cd told hiiu also that ho had shot himself. Ho had been in tho Hospital ever since, tlio expenses incurred being £1 19s. Ho (the Subinspector) thought that if an order were mado r.lut acoused would pay the expcueca, it would meet the caso as accused was very sorry, and had promised that 110 such tiling would occur again. Mr Payne, who represented aceuscd, said there was no cliance of such a thing happening again. Accused had at> exemplary character, and his pcoplo were quite willing to pay tho expenses. His Worship convicted accused, and ordered him to como up for scntcaieo when called upon, and made an order that the expenses 1)0 pid.

A novel oomplaint found expression at last night's meeting of the Albany Street School Committee. It eecsms that a colony of pigeons has taken possession of tJio school. Thoy come round in flocks, and their flapping and flight past the windows, to say, nothing- of the noieo they make on the roof, interfere gravely with the lessons,' and came mueli distraction among I,ho Bohofare. Mr J. A. Thomson, tho ftret Rhodes scholar from New Zealand, yesterday afternoon revisited tho Boys' High School, at which he was a pupil from 1891- to 1900, The boys wore called into tho -hall at tlia elofe of the eoliool, and tho rootor (Mi \V. J. Morrell) briefly introduced Mr Thomson, who said a fow wcras, expressing t.b» pride ho felt in his old school, and' his •sense of the good all-rouad education givw I there, both m tho da® room and plavin? held. At the Tcctor's invitation Mr G. M. Thomson, M.P., who accompanied Iris son | also addressed the school, mentioning tiuc as being; the first occasion 0 f his doirtf 9since sevormg his long connootion with tte staff in 1902. Ineidon tally Lo paid a tribute to tlto Bervices of Mir P. H Game beJl m oorniection with tho school gma, a ' tho boys to make themselves thoroughly efficient as Cadets. Tho rector thanked the spoakew for their visit, aad hearty clieera for Mt J. Atl-m Thomson | at (all 0 f fte smuot I)OJgs«SQB«t»Awf

The attention and sympathy of wayfarers Wh» evoked last, cu'iiing by the opeclaelc o[ a. man lying on liic b'l'outid n«ir the base of iho Queen's etaiiui in Lower Hi?h street. Appcar.mcci sn.ti'Ofitetl that the man was suffering liom till' clleels of a. lit, and first aid was tendered li.v sympathisers and tin: Hospital amUuiaiicc for. A countable, however, arrived on tile scene, ami his experience promptly diagnosed the wise (u one of intoxication, and the imcnsible jii.iii was l:orno to t!io watchhousc.

A representative of the Bruce Herald uiado a tour among the district, farms on I'riday, and records bis observations. Nearly all the oats were cut in tlie (Jlarksvillo district, and a commencement was (dioiit to ba made on the wheal. All tho farmers spoken to woro highly satisfied ■with their turnips, Several farmers declared the cereal harv&st to be the best for years. One mentioned several eneighbours who expected from 70 lo CO bushels ]!or acre of oats, and up to 00 bushels of wheat. " Hut prices"—and Jte sadly shook ltis bead. "Tbs Millers' Trust can do wlnt it likes, and when it tees a gcod yield all over |.lio country it keeps price." down. Oats are not worth much at Is Oil. No, chalf won't do. There will he a poor demand there clso. lieaidww, jf yon set £3 ]5s ft lon for chalf, it costs £ 1 for cutting, carting, eommmon, and all that. 1 think farmers will Ira inclined to slack." Another farmer, who makes a careful study of colonial ami Home markets, was more optimistic. Judging by the Australian markets, he expected 43, or perhaps 4s 3d, for wheat in New Zealand. Taking tlioprira of wheat at <s, and the yield 40 bushels to the acre, this would work out at a corn value of £8' per acre, and tbaf. was not I>:i<l . He thought the average yield per acre would be 55 to 70 bu-hols for oats, and 40 to .50 tor whral. Questioned tommming oat?, he thought ii would bi inosl advisable (or fanners lo " on." There would be no local demand, Australia had a gcod harvest, and bad more than enough In supply its own requirements. The London market was excited, and there was too much uncertainly to warrant the exnenditure of the oals Home yet. Still, lit Is id a Wnel there was no trsj to the grower after Ifcj plentiful return.

A letter trom a firm of solicitors caui'jd sonic iiitl'iynaiioii ut the mealing of the L-ii Draina = '(! Hoard yesterday murning. 'Hie wi-itcm rctened to tlieir former uppuciiMoiu for payment of Ihe balance of an amount due tlio Otago irchcoi Commis-

sioners its compensation, und tiiit.w. ei. that unless the suin asked for was paid within 14 days tliey would instruct their clients to take proceedings to compel payment. The chairman reported thai lie had replied to this loiter, expressing surprise that Uifi solicitors of one public body should address (mother public body in such a way; and stating, further, that no application for payment of the amount in quest ion lia<) been reeeived by the hoard since it had been properly, constituted. The board discussed the matter, and it appeared that oven when all the rates due had collected, the sum available would be insufficient to meet the board's ordinary requirements during tho y«ar, so 'tlfcit any other (kinaniis upon its funds would have to stand over till next year, at 6 per ccnt. Thn board's engagement with tho School Commissioners could net, therefore, reccivo its immediate attention. Tho board resolved to receivo the solicitors' letter, and approvo of its chairman's roplv thereto.

A Chiiotcliurch telegram states that a general meeting of tho Canterbury Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway' Servants pussad UlO following resolutions:

that this branch reipiost. the co i.jjcration of all branches urging upon tlie .Minisier of Itviihuivn to 110 other 1 of men connected with the railway twvico othc-i tlian • tlie Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants and Railway Officers' Institute." "That this meeting of the Canterbury liraiich of the Amalgamated Sceiety 'of ltailway Servants expresses the hearty sympathy with the movement for the. universal Saturday half-holiday, and would urgo all members to support tho -proposal at the pell to be taken on April 28."

Wo understand tliat an appeal will be lodged with tho committee ot tho Diinedin Amateur Athletic Ulub to have tile final of the 120 yd,i Hurdles Handicap H;u-e of l'Viday uvenii(g'ti re-run on the ground that a competitor who was entitled lo run in that event was debarred from compiling through an alteration in the conditions governing (nullification for the final. The competitor excluded was Pitt - away, whoso running in the liual was of vast importance, us it might have ati'ecicd tho direction in which the special trophy awarded by the club to the member of the club securing most points ut the series of evening meetings would go. On tho olficial programme issued to the public it was notified that the Hint, two in each of the two preliminary heats would i|uu!ify for the final. Kcddell won the first heat, (the faster of the two), xnd was the only one in it to finish. Ot the '(liim who skirted in the second lianu.s secured first place from I'itlaway, with Williams third. On tho basis'of the programme, therefore, it was expected by almost every person on tlm ground that a piod race would .be uitnecsed between Kedclell, Itands, and l'ittaivav, but to the hitter's surprise, on his duly pro ; oii(ing himself at Ibe starting post for that event, he was informed by the secretary o! tlie cliiH thai only the first in caeh heat and the second in the faster heat were qualified to start' in the final. The explanation given by the secretary for his action io that he saw that, owing .to the failing light, it. would b.i dangerous for four competitors to compete in the'dusk, and desired therefore to reduce the number to three by making the alteration, and that, competitors were notified of (he change before) the running of the boats. While one of those engaged iu the first heat remembers having heard the intimation of the change, cf the three men enin the second heat two cf these— on® being l'ittaway—deny having heard any notice, while tho third recollects • having, when <m the mark, asked definitely as to the qualification for the final, on which an argument ensued be!ween (lie ollieials, as to the determination of which, however, h» is ignorant. In the light of thiv> farts, and ns tho management of the club as a whole do not appear to have been cognisant of f.hc alteration—many of tho cfliriaU and judges beim; ignorant of the matter till informed of tlw change after the running of tho race—it is felt by many that I'iituwav's requsst iliat the should be rerun is. to say tho least, only a reasonable one. When seen ycslerdav by a meniHr of our stalf Mr A. ,T. Sullivan, otio of tho jii'.hjo... si.ii l lie was surprised when ho saw tint only TCeddell anil Hands bad started hi the fiinl.and, on considering all the fads of Hie since, he was decidedly of the opinion thai an injustice had itnwiliinyrlv hee'i ,lonn l l iit aw;l y, an il tint (ho rare snouU be re-run. Mr W. ,T. T!urk. the timekeeper, iravo expression to similar senti""'"ls- The protest will he eonsHH-'l at a fomniiOo,. cllll) T|,,„. 5 . dav Ovejiinir. ..U ,v CT .-d< the tmphv. M'Kni'.'lit at present has a lead of two points, which would hp tinned into a m'noritv of two point; should Pittawav win. while second nl. w U y would place th" men equal.

A small boy appeared before Mr n. Y. Widdowson, S.M., at the .luvenile Court yesterday morning charged with throwing missiles lo the damrrr of persons. SubinsMctor Xomwl wiUl tly Intl had iv- n ridiii-jr behind a draff, and was put off. Ho foolishly threw a stone after it, which, unfortunately. struck a lady tinder the eve. The IW. Sir Axe! sen. pavo evidence as io tlio previous goad' olmraoter of i) l0 foci, who wae Mlmoaisbcd'ond dwhwgcd,

At. the Tokomairiro High School fire drill is practised, and the pupils on a given signal tan lis laltcn out, of the building under discipline citk! ringed up 3D yawls a'.vay ip 50 scccnu's from the time the alarm is given.

A meeting the Southern Starr "IWkel t Society was held ] ; ,s! .evening. Mr ,1. S. Myers (president) was in the chair, and there w;w a SO(K | attemlar.« of direr tons il:ul A Is, Hot was held for two appropriations of £509 each, one in the No. 1 group-and one in the No. 2 group. J ha.t in the \o. ] group was drawn by cluster No, 80, Isold by four sharrliokleii', and that i„ 1| 1( . ,\o. 2 group by cln.-ter No. ?.45, held bv o>'e slnre.hohlcr. An appropriation of £503 in No. 1 group was disposed of hy f; i,! (1 , ;il]( | ri ..,,|i f! , ( | a premium of £10 per £100.

'J lie following Touomaii'iii) I[i s |, Strhool Ik-.vs <|ii«.lifie,l ..n Friday last ft.i- proficiency m swiimniiiir cerfifj.-atM, |, y |) 1C Duncdm CVntio to Iwa v.i:o e:m ?uim 440 yard; IIal"s Walkor, "■ il'dill, I'.. Kni-lU, inn) A. (ioul, All "use hoys swam 500 yards ami over in good siyb.

'i""'' considerable I)( .|tuili:.tion in lh<, Jla-liM ilki'ict t-ii ( . doings ( >f ;m (.wsnlrii; ill,'in ivilii revolver. It is sliito-.l (wiys Ilia y-.'.tilti.'aiKl Tillies) that tlie litem lil'fd tlnw siloil-:, mum of uiii.-li tool; effect, ill Will" p><i,|eMts as they ivrrf at work, and tlio.u mii-ilo away. 'Srarfli is being limit;-for liini by some residents and Uic Mire, lull, al l»f.-4 reports no rapture •>«< l lioni made, liion-li a discarded pair of lioots and II jacket, conlaiiiitig |ii TO > ra'«;« and ;,o:nc revolver cartridges were discovered. A flute hand is being organised at the •I'cliOinairiro &Jicol, and .Staff Bugler Coliu l' r «snr will ,ut as instriielor. Tlio •ncccsvary fund to 'purchase tlio instru-nx-nts was easily raised, and Iho hand will 1» 20 il 10113. D. A. Do Mans and J. Watson, J.l'.'s, prcskKl at the Port Chalmers Police Court yrsfPi(ki>, when ; i prohibition order was granted' a man upon the application of nifi son. We have received 10s from "11. P." jn aid of the Kustace Fund.

The nnrauilt of the United Insurance Coijipanys n?k on Mt Bovcird's furniture in the (no at Kwlyn on Thursday was £100, not -500, us pinfrd in our paragraph. Thcs.s. Maiariki will run a moonlight j excursion "to-niorro'.v evening. On view for a few rtjyn, Smilwam car Kiiragcu at Mr J. Clicyne's, Castle street; ."pcciiil oil feed, splendidly sprung, cluiins crn-.ns:;! i„ cii-lmtl, case.-Xcw Zealand agents Ifers Meson Bros., lUrting^-Advi. A: \ .Mar in, rupture specialist, has returned from the s=iUh. ami can ho consulted at his Olliu-s. Slobs' 3 Buildings, !Hu> f rincc-s street, Dimedin. During Mr Unrtms visit to Balclutha. Gore, and Invercargj.l he rcc-cived the thanks of many sraloftil patients for successful treatment. Cases of from G to 2!) years' Mai-.tliiij: were effectually i cured, nnd f)w?p riil] suffering will br-st appreciate what (he relief from pain and tho ccm/crl. 01 Mr.;? ab'e tn Vliscenra from the use of In,s-es means to Martin's late patients. Mr Mnv'm invites t< lc attention ' all sufferers. uml tlic olis-V, smiiinv of Ilic nicmrnl to M« of treatment. Soud for two free !>:oklrf s ." Consultation fres. Iburs. dr.ily H) a.m. to 12, 2 ,i ; qx t ra hr.nrs Friday evening. 7' to 8; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon.-.Ulvt. Special attention is directed | 0 the choice assortment of nrw autumn and winter millinery Winch is now |,„j ng „| 1(nvll n{ sons I,id.—Advt. Tourists will find a speeiallv choice collecting of greenstone jewellerv at Mes=rs fi and T Young's show rooms, RS Princes street. J lie greenstones aro all picked specimens, and marked at very reasonable prices.—Advt. For these Jiorrid nimples and skill eruptions try Kii.farilla Tnb'cts. The safest and simp.est blood purifier. They cure a!i di=cn«es arising from impurity of the bloctl; Is 11 box.—Advt. We recommend fnr watch, clock, and jewellery repairs A. J. Shaw, 111 Mtrav street. Absolutely the best in Dnnedin.Advt. Who is Pktkr Hick ?~Tlie most reliable Watchmaker ami Jeweller, opposite Cotleo Palace, Moray place, Dunecliu. Charges 'urictly moderate.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14461, 2 March 1909, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14461, 2 March 1909, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14461, 2 March 1909, Page 4


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