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Daily Times Office, Saturday evening, " IMPORT MAttKEl'. ■Tea Rose oil is quoted at 9jd as from Iho 20th inst., being a reduction of id on lato quotations. ' • i'he British Empiro Trading Company advises distributors of an advance of Is per 1000 on Three Castles and Vanity l'air cigarettes. Evaporated apricots are still in short sl <Ppi) - ,, and are sc-llinj at B£d. Keiller's marmalade has advaced to 7s 6d per lib tins, and 13s Sd for 21b tins. . THE NEW SEASON'S FRUIT. .Merchants are busy d.stribiltiiig the new season's fruits, part of which has been short shipped. I'lgs.-Tlio quality of the new figs is excellent, and it is not 100 much to say this fruit comes on the market in finer condition than has been (lie case for vears past. Last sea~on. eonsxisrablo quantities of figij camo on .to tho market not properly matured, and, is thcy'hqd sweated on the Voyage, they fermented when placed in store. Quotations arc as follow)— Layers' Jid to 4|d; lags, 3}d to 3£d; boxes, iVfid to 4s per dozen. -Tlio new season's curranls are aiso a fine sample, and come to market in good condition. Quotations are; Ordinary '4id; cleaned, 3 4 3 d; packs!;?, 5s Sd. •. ' Snlra.njfs,~Tho new sullanas have arrived in indifferent condition as regards size quality, and colour. Forward advicccs indicated that i}i colour and quality the new seasons crop would bo of .a higher grade than last year, but the new fruit iis distinctly, inferior to any shipments that have come to this market for many years. .Most samples that have been Opened are dark in colonic and small in size, and the fruit has a dried appearance and taste which places it little, if anything, above the quality of tho old season's supplies yet on Hand. Qiiolations range from 3d to 41d according to condition awl quality. Muscafels.-Tl,e balance of the Malaga ■muscatels Mime to hand bv the Waikare on '•way, and are being rapidly distributed, borne further supplies are expected by tomorrow's boat. ■ ' . Pruhes.-A small s l,i l)mej , t o[ . rtJ?H.,' T i . I .'""f , V'l>«t /rom Auckland, the quotation for which is 4£d for 60's-70's. NEW SEASON'S SALMON. ' ' The new season's salmon will come to hand l,y. (!l e Den of R„thven, which will « , °,n" %J CW Quotations are: Best \Z- t ,Ml Ir '^ CS are Proportionately lower for lower grade fish. * ' PEARL-SHELL SALE. ft,- ii L , ONDON ' November 20. • ihe • pearl-shell sa.le was the best for years; 4320 cases were offered and sold ««t Australian, which was' 10s dearer. . ' OAMARU MARKETS. (Prou Our Own CoimEspouDEST.) ... OAMARU, November 21. two fair-sized pircels of wheat were sold here tins week, one of 425 sacks of Tuscan brtngtng s 0(1 ( .o.b sacks in) for shipmen" to the North Island, and another of, 500 sacks of velvet and Tuscan at 4s 3d ex Store. The market is bare, and the number of lots now availablo is very small: Fowl whoa W x h t 4s 4d, f.0.b., sacks in, and 13 lid, ek store. Dimim live lots of oak have keen placed 7m -, r' [°; K ?, acks '"! but holders ore not inclined lo sell. Potatoes have, been in hotter demand, and the price has improved. Derwents have been sod for coastal shipment at £4 and £4 53, f.0.b., sacks in, and Up-to-Dates at M; but the demand is limited to freshlypicked parcels. ' • J The recent hot winds have chocked the growth of crops c . m l late-sown grain has suffered a good deal. Cooler weather anrl ram is much required. Grass has also suffered, and stock are not moving at nil the. only demand is for lambs for forward delivery, and these have been sold at up oils 4d, one lot of 2000 having brought this price for January and early February

SOUTHLAND MARKETS. (Fmm'Our Own Odhliesi>okdent ) INVERCAItGILL, November 21. iliero is still no change to report in tho local oat market, and prices to farmers still rule at Is 5Jd on trucks at country stations for B grade. Auckland merchants lave been ottering to do business at Is 9d t.0.)., sacks in, but local merchants'are not inclined to accept this price. In nil likelihood there will bo two steamer put on the ■Ijsrtli m about a fol-tnight's time, and no doubt arrangements will lie made for them to take oats for London or West of England ports on consignment. Latest reports seem to indicate that 2s f.o.b. could be obtairjad on tho London market for b»st quality. As far as can bo gathered, -practically no more oats will bo coining in from thei country until the new crop is available, ■ino chntf market is exceedingly dead, and prices rule at £2 to £2 5s at country stations for prime quality. The only demand is for local consumption. A s few buyers have been looking for potatoes to supply small orders, and prices have ruled at £2 5s on trucks. Those who Have been holding for some time arc not (lisposed to accept this price, as the picking over is mny an expensive item. No stock sales of any importance have hcen hold : and there is no change to report '" values. Shearing has started, and in mo-.t cases it should lie general on drv sheep within the next fortnight, provided jvc. have fine weather. Growers are still pi, ■ ™ r )(1 P'«« s od with (ho results of the Chrisrell ircl. wool sales, held t .„ Wednesday "as. The moicaijoiis are lint Southland ordinary wools w ill he worth, on present values, anything from 7d to 7Jd per lb Owing to the abundance of feed smim are now in a position to shear practically all the sheep tha.ll they haw, and (here ii not much likelinond of any transactions or note taking place till the sheep are off the shears , lfiere is Still a good demand for bullocks to fatten off on gra?s, and these are quoted at from £5 Is to £7. Other cla-pes of cattle ore ilegleotdd. Beef has been dull of sale, current values being 21s to 23s ner Kfllb. Holders are still firm, and some" of them think that batter 'prices will be obtainable towards the close of tbe year, but this is doubtful, as a fairly large iiumljor of fat cattle are lo be jpicked up in Southland. ) Butchers' sheep have also hcen dull of sale, and prices rule from 18s to 21s. The freezing works have now stopped, and there will he nothing to'report in this line until the first, of the lambs is put through, which will bo about, the middle or the end of January. Farmers, all seem to think

that a fair percentage of fat lambs will be obtained off their mothers this year, and certainly the lambs are .looking exceedingly well for this season of tho year. ; A large amount of . rape, and early turnips will be available for fattening purposes. There has been a good, deal of private inquiry for fibre during tho week, and from what I can gather I think that prospects will improve in tho near future. Inquiries have been made from very good quarters for fibre, both spot and for forivard delivery, and the indications point to the opening- of several of the mills and tho efforts now made .resulting in business. Millers, however, have suffered so. severely from the past glut in the market that they are very sceptical about accepting information unless it' is in the shape of a straight-out offer, and- ihe .offers of ono or two bnvers liavo so far been disand millers do not sccni lo be supporting merchants in their endeavours .to tono up tho market. With the fine weather which we are likely to havo during the next few months there should be no difficulty in millers obtaining goodfair grade, for which the market price is going to bo a. payable one, being at. least £3 per ton over tho ruling 'price for fair. There' has also been a little inquiry for tow at about the ratee as last week.

DUNEDIN HORSE SALE YARDS. Messrs Wright, Stephertson, and Co. report as follows;—To a. fairly good attendance of buyers wo offered a moderate entry of horses on' Saturday,' the minor portion being a;<ed' arid worn-out sorts' from (own dealers and other vendors in and about Ihe city. Only a few draughts were included in the entry, and although there were saveral buyers in quest of firstclass, sound yoiing horses, unfortunately at I his sale there were, very few animals those buyers could bid for. This market is exceedingly bare of both draught and light harness horses. We have , humorous Inquiries for good draughts'for town'and country work;, also for strong'upstanding spring-vnnners ' and spring-oarters. During tho week we sold a. large number of light; dranghts and spring-carters, at ranging Up to i! 35 for the former and £25 for the latter. Quotation's: Superior young draught geldings, atfroni v £4sto£so; extra, good do (prizC-Winners'i, at from £50 to £55; superior yoUlig'dkbght.maiaS, ut from £50 to £60; medium draught marcs »ud geldings, at from £50 to £40; aged do, at from £15 to £2t); well-matched carriage pairs, at from £70 to £100;. stiwig Gpringvan horses, at front £25. (o £30 j rnilk-Mtrt and butchers' order-cart horses, at from £18 to £35; light hacks, at from £8 to £13; extra good hacks and harness horses, at from £13 to £25; weedy and good do, at from £5 to £7. I

■ OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otago Farmers' Co-Operative Association of New Zealand report:—Wo'held our usual weekly horso our horse bazaar on Saturday, when wo'offered 45 draught marcs and geldings, Spring-carters, and harness horses to a representative, gathering of town and country buyers. Tho majority of the draughts offered- were on tho aged sido,, and bidding for this class was rather slow. A few' gcod, [ fresh young draught geldings bwiright good values, as also did good' aprinaj-oaatore and upstanding cxpross horses. ' Hood cobby harness horses were keenly competed for, and country horses of this class realised high prices." We had consignments from 13alclutha, Waihola, Allantmi, Mosgiel, Walltouaili, aiwl I'almersfori. Next week we are holding our summer show horso sale, when 'we are offering, besides a number of good Clydesdales,, a shipment of lorry horses, spring-cartors, and harness horses 'from the North Island. Wo/juote: (.tood useful 1 draught mares arid gSldings (young and sound), from £35 to £45; lighter sorts and older, £23 to- £33; heavy lon-y pairs, from £60 to £100;. useful plough marcs, and geldings, £30 to £40; pedigree* dale mares, to £150; good sorts of Clydesdale marcs, suitable for si;ud purposes and general farm work, £40 to £50; carriage pairs, £80 to £100;. spring-carters (good sorts), from £20 to £32; upstanding buggy mares and geldings, • from £15 to £22; hickneve, from £12 to £15; lighter sorts, .from £7 to £12. \ ...'' : ; —T '' ■ OAMARU WOOLLEN COMPANY. ANNUAL, REPORT. Tho report and balalnco- sheet of tho Oamaru" Woollen' Factory Company • has boon circulated. It shows that during the year 3820 ordinary shares wove issued tc present shareholders at a premium of 2s 6d per share. The sum of £525 had. been spent oh new machinery. Mention is made of tho fact that trado has been - satisfactory during the year, and the profit and less account show* a balance of. £2766 available, which it is recommended shall be utilised to pay a dividend at the rale of 8 per cent, per annum, and to add £500 to tho, rcservo account, leaving £796 to' be carried forward, jo o ■ MESSRS DALGETY AND CO. .Messrs Dalgol.y arid Co. report* that the annual meeting of shareholders took place in, London on Friday, .when a dividend of 3s and-a bonus of Is per share was declared, payable to shareholders en tho colonial register on-the 26t.h inst. £35,000 from profits was put to the credit, of the rcservo; fund, which now stands at £270,000; £5000w'as placed to the staff benevolent, fund, which now stands at £15,000; "arid £30,000 was written off freehold promises. ... LONDON, November 20. Mr E. T. Doxat, speakjng at' DaJgety and Co.'c meeting,'said that" the trade of Australia, had shown such expansion that the resources of the oompany wore fully employed, and the board was considering the desirability of increasing il6 capital. o_ ■ SILVER. Silver (says tho Melbourne Argus of the 7th inst.) Ims lately taken afresh downward turn, and Wednesday's quotation of 2215-16 d per ounce standard is tho lowest this year, and the lowest since April, 190J5, while it is only 1-Jd above tho lowest price on record, Possibly tho speculation in Bombay has been followed by reaction, whilo the 'stocks in India in various forms, Government and private, are heavy. China has been a steady seller for a gcod portion of this : yeav. On the other band, as Messrs fc'amuef Montagu and Co. point out in their ciroular dated London, October 1, (ho low level to which silver has fallen must encourage Governments to look into the silver requirements .of their respective coinages, and expectslions are entertained that. " the United States Government will not hesitate to buy at the earliest moment that it may seem desirable." Shipments of silver from London to India from January 1 to Octdber 1, according to Messrs Pixlcy and Abell, amounted to £7,324,163, against £9,116,254 for the corresponding..period of last year; I China, £516,W0, against nil; and to tho Straits, £112,385, against £625,850. -«p J [The individual reports of stock agerffg, rtbol, nbbitskin, or grain brokers can be inwrkd in the Daily 'limes and Utajo Witness at special rates.] CENTRAL PRODUCE MART (LTD.). Roilly, Scott, and Gill, proprietors, report:—Supplies ot citrus and foreign fruits are exceptionally scarce. Poultry are comin.g to hand in largo numbers, and owing to to the absence ot export orders prices are lower titan those ruling for some time. We strongly advise our consignors to hold their poultry, getting eggs, until after Christmas', and then forward tho birds for export. Eggs are easier. We beg to quote the following prices we secured for our consignors :—Strawberries: Melbas Is 6|d to 2s 2d; Laxtons, Is 9d to 2s 6tl; Mnrgurite, Is 4|d to Is lOd. Cherries: Black Bcgur- : rean, Is 9d; red, Is Id to Is 4d. 'Gooseberries, 2id to 3d. Tomatoes, GJd, fid, 9d, lOd, Is, and Is 2d. Green peas, 2|d to 3d. 1 reserved ginger, 7Jd. New potatoes, 2i<l to 2jd. Bananas, 25(1, Dried currants, lid to 2a<l. Raisins, Sultanas, figs (ba«s) 3£d; layers, 4Jd per lb; boxes, AValnuts, 6d. Barcelona nuts, 6d. Peanuts, 3d. Orange Pekoe tea, Is 2d. Butter: FarIUCK pale. Bid to 9d; eeuarator, 9d to Is. Bacon: Rolls, fli<l; hams," bacon pigs, 5 4 d to M. Beeswax, Is 4d. Horsehair, Is ?c IVH 'J, A PPIe«: Oatifomiain, 13s 6d lo 15s. Sydney oranges, 12s 6d to Lemons :2s 6d to 15s. Mandarines, 13s 6d Pines, 6s to 12s 6d. Passions, Jfe 6d lo 12s oil per case. Cucumbers, 6s 6d to 9,1 acket dates, 3s M. Tinned pines. 4s 3d Lggs, lljd to Is per dozen. Rhubarb, 6s to &. Onions. 9s to 14s. Potatoes, 4 S . Oat sheaf clmlf, 4s. Desiccated cocoanut, 32s M. Haricot beans, lis. Canary seed, 14s per_cwt. Cabha.gfG, 4s. Oadiflowers, 6s 6d to 7s. Cocoanuts, Bs to 10s par sack. Wheat. 3s 6d to 4s &d. Oais, Is lOd to 2s per bushel, loultry: At our sale on Wednesday we sold 542 birds. Prices were much easier. Hens made 3s, 3s 6tl, 4s, and 4s Cd; young roisters, 6s to 7s; old cocks, 3s: 6s 2d to 6s 6d; old ducks, 3s to 4s per pair! No turkeys or gec=e on offer. Orders and consignments rcspoctfullv solicited.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14378, 23 November 1908, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14378, 23 November 1908, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14378, 23 November 1908, Page 4


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